- The Preserver 3D MODEL ONLY

Scan Hindu Heritage


updated 4. 12. 2020 | published 15. 11. 2020


Vishnu is the one of the three principal deities of Hinduism - the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the destroyer. Vishnu is the god of Preservation, the great maintainer who often appears in various incarnations () to provide salvation for humanity. Hindu tradition describes Vishnu as the all-pervading essence of all beings, one who supports, preserves, sustains and governs the universe and originates and develops all elements within. Vishnu is also venerated as the Supreme God who is the giver of moksha (liberation from the cycle of rebirths) to his devotees, the worthy ones who deserve salvation from the material world. Vishnu can be identifed by the attributes he holds in his four hands. The historic identifers of his icon is a conch shell between frst two fngers of one hand (left back), a chakra – war discus named Sudarshana – in another (right back). The conch shell is spiral and symbolises all of interconnected spiralling cyclic existence, while the discus symbolises him as that which restores dharma with war if necessary when cosmic equilibrium is overwhelmed by evil.One of his arms sometimes carries a (club, mace named Kaumodaki) which symbolises authority and power of knowledge. In the fourth arm, he holds a lotus fower (padma) which symbolises purity and transcendence. As a kingly fgure, Vishnu is adorned with an elaborate crown and jewellery, including a necklace, earrings, armbands and a girdle.

Source: Wikipedia - Vishnu

ScanHinduHeritage.org - a mission to document Hindu sculptural traditions. Art & Design > Sculptures

vishnu sculpture indian india idol hindu god brass

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