OPEN TYPE OF Altitude Plays Queer Pranks BUYS LAFAYETTE Franklin Sedans Auto News and Notes GREAT SHIPYARD on Engine of Motor Cars Prove Popular Reports from the R. V. Law Motor standard equipment. The disc wheel Company, N. Meridian St., local is not confined to the larger cars as Motorists who have returned from The engine overheated more easily. 1219 i distributors for many lighter cars are using a summer touring trip to the moun- And the car was not so good on hill With Auto Public Hudson and Essex of the MOTOR CABSARE tains are still wondering over the work. AND BANG! GOES motor cars indicate that the new them with excellent success. Most IS AIM GONE prices on Hudson Essex has acted prominent among the lighter cars is queer performance of their cars. On returning home, however, the cld and SYRACUSE, N. Y., Oct. 6—The as a wonderful stimulant on both the Maxyvell, which has been using The boat was running well as the pep came back. The engine performed Island, Costing Sum, popularity of the type is strik- new car sales, oisc Hog Huge motor party left home. But somehow j as well as ever and the car climbed the and used wheels as standard equipment BEING OISCAIIDED she lost pep when touring the heights. hills with ease. OLD TRADITION ingly evidenced by figures just pre- Charles E. Stutz Sales Company, for about a year. Making Way for Factory pared by officials of the Au- The answer to this mystery is al- Franklin 848 N. Meridian St., announce new tomobile Company, showing that dur- immediately The Lathrop Locations. Cos. Head titude. The higher the car climbs the Hon. H. C. Wallace First Secre- prices effective on all McFarland Company, Lexington Motor ing year ending Sept. 1, of the Capitol Ave., and Detroit rarer atmosphere the Jordan closed models. The new prices 424 N. The United Press is the and the more of cars shipped, aggre- Company, 963 N. By Models Will difficult becomes engine's ability tary of Agriculture to Use total number certainly' place the Jordan in the class Electric Sales Says Closed the gating in were sedans. Meridian report the new prices on PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Oct. perform. 7,359 all, 37.7% with the best automotive buy's in the St., to shipped during Eventually Be Universal. FAULTY SPIRE a Motor Car. Over half of the cars country. motor cars has created an Hog Island, the great shipyard where Air Pressure that period—s2.7% to be exact —were unusual large demand for both open j As the car goes higher, the pres- In official Washington, a tradition the Government spent some $270,000,- The open motor ear will go the way closed cars, consisting of sedans, and closed models. Both salesrooms ! sure of air is reduced. Normal air more than thirty years' standing Company 000, today summer street car and the of touring and The C. H. Wallencli is is almost demobilized. of Ahe pressure at sea level Is fifteen pounds , have been open every' evening this I has just been shattered. now comfortably located in their new Where once an army of 36,000 men early passenger PLUGS COMMON broughams. week order to accomodate type of railroad jto the square inch. But at Denver, The secretary of agriculture, Hon. headquarters at 833 N. Meridian St. in the The sedan, however, continues to many* prospects who do not have a labored frantically to build ships and coach, in the opinion of Harry W. ; for example, which is a mile above sea Henry C. Wallace, now rides up and The new' location will afford Dodge b* the leader, as it was the during day. Missing of Engine Often Due to level, the air pressure Is only twelve Ave. In a motor owners better chan® to call the more ships, wrecking crews are now Gaston, president of the Lexington j down Pennsylvania among Franklin closed cars, 70.4% of service at a minimum pounds. car—a vestibule sedan that bears the charge. at wofk with acetylene torches and Motor Company of New York, who is Simple Align- S cars shipped during the past Now is the time buy a Cause—Test This in pressure LaFayette on its front. all closed to used car. vice chairman ihe great closed car j reduction air has cerneo radiator year being sedans. During the two- instruments destruction. of power Most of the larger new car dealers other of Pal- ment of Car. Ia material effect on the pro- If you are ignorant of precedents, Sept. The Franklin-Indianapolls Company show to be held in Grand Central year period ending Ia total of are now putting on used car sales The Government decided to dispose | duced by the gasoline engine. The the latter statements is not at all as- in ace in New York City the latter part 7.030 sedans have been shipped from reports the new Franklin as one of Missing of th© engine is due often to ! compression of the engine is reduced, tonishing ant' vou might rightfully order to dispose of the many cars of the great shipyard piecemeal after September. the Franklin factory. he sensations of row. The of and this directly affects the power it/ i automobile taken In trade recently’. The prices attempt to dispose it as an entity plugs. are inquire: \Y ~ what about of Startling as it may seem, Mr. Gas- faulty spark Here three | new Franklin is truly a yvonderful j behind the piston stroke. all Washington, like all Ko- are right. had evoked only very low bids. Nearly ton predicts the car chief causes for missing. First, the Doesn't automobile has features and re- that closed will The reduced weight the air and every day are held to ex- of also komo or all Oskaloosa, motor?'' MENU IN NINE TONGUES auction sales eventually be used to the absolute spark may jump from shell to terminal finements a year or two ahead of Many' higher | affects the combustion in the cylin- The facts in the case, however, ere dealers predict prices dispose of things ranging from house- clusion of the open car. because of a short shank and a wide some of the other automobile en- ders. Besides lower compression, these: Jap Restaurateur Takes No Chances on new cars next year. Automobile hold furniture to steel in 100,000 ton j Coming from an automobile man of gap. Second, the points may touch, gineers. theerfore, there is also a reduction in Never before in the history of the prices are now lower than they have lots. It is estimated that some $25,- f Mr. Gaston's experience, his conclu- due to screwing the plug too tightly of .Missing Trade. the amount of air needed for complete department of agriculture—lt was es- ever been. 000.000 will be realized on steel and on a careful study of into the cylinder. Third, may j sions. based wire combustion means in near close SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. 6.—Al- The Kanouse Auto Company newly equipment by the time industry over a long i of the fuel. This tablished 1889 the of the sale closes statistics of the have become loose from terminal. must though there many restaurants appointed distributor for the H. C. S. The Equipment Company some- | that the supply of fuel be cut President Cleveland's first term—has are Auto December. teriod of years, are regarded as When the car is still new a couple along water here, one en- Stephens down proportionately to maintain the of this particular portfolio the front motor cars and Salient Six formerly of 72 W. New York St. is But the 946 acres of Hog Island thing more a mere bid for sen- may cut holder than of metal templates be to fit proper combustion in the engine. All patronize a gasoline terprising Japanese case manager is has moved into new salesrooms at now In new building at were swamp war will In a special statement on had occasion to located their which before the sationalism. less power. horse- taking no on missing pos- 846 St., larger Meridian Gaston this means filling station. In fact, the chances N. Meridian w'here and 1023 N. St. not be useless, for Government en- the closed car situation, Mr. sible customers, foreign or native, be- are To make up for this loss In power it drawn carriage in the first sec- better facilities available. gineers made it habitable. It is says: which any have is best to open up the air intake, of agriculture, Norman J. Col- cause of their ignorance of other expected some large factory “My best judgment tells me the retary Our Picture Brides that will that down language but own. In nine dif- used to rather than cut on the needle man, rode, was accepted as the official their Disc wheels are becoming more Every time a movie star marries. It l,e erected there after the shipyards closed car will eventually be languages he has signs painted and valve of the carburetor. vehicle of the department by all of his ferent more popular with motor car owners. seems to be all over but the shoot- have been removed, as it is idealily the practical exclusion of the open on case front, advertising choice At higher altitudes, the boiling successors, and during the administra- the Many cars noyv carry disc wheels as ing.—Life. located for such purposes. car. chops, fish and oysters. point of water falls off. Which means tions of Presidents Harrison. Clove Equal Percent is there is a greater danger of overheat- land, McKinley. Roosevelt, Taft and “Ten years ago ninety-eight per ing the engine at such heights. There- Wilson, the Secretary of Agriculture cent of all motor cars marketed were fore. it is well to replenish the water looked to a team of spanking bays or open figure with bodies. This 2 3 more often than at lower levels. prancing blacks for motive power. had dropped five years ago to seventy- 2. When the motorist comes down Traditions Die Hard five per cent, and today the closed car from the highlands he finds he has in Washington, obvious- “Traditions TIRES - the axle and wheel joints at front and s holding its own with the open car. to readjust his carburetor to heavier ly. die hard,” said Mr. R. H. Losey, jadL, DOWN TODAY They In another five years. I believe that rear for testing in the future. atmosphere, if he happened to do the IjaFayette, in LONG WEAR are permanent on local distributor of eighty per cent of all cars sold will be convenient checks this before he went up. commenting upon Secretary Wallace s equipped with closed bodies, and in the alignment of the steering knuckles precedent-smashing switch. 'lnas- ;en years' time the open car will be and axles. much as it took thirty-three years and a thing past. Alignment Tester of the ten million automobiles $Q.93 $525 approximately naturally Average Driver "In the old days people to one. gained impressions a kill this their of motor “The fact the secretary of 30x3V2 —NEW PRICES—- car riding in a car owned by that from His Gears agriculture has citing so long to the * Shifts someone else. Naturally, too. th s OVERLAND WILLYS-KNIGHT I horse-drawn carriage as his official was an open car very few 1 because Improperly is all the more surprising Touring was $550; now $525 Touring was ...$1375; n0w... 51235 closed cars were in service. It fol- vehicle Fabric

class of $*7.50 . eventually when you consider that the was ...$550; n0w.... $525 Roadster was ..$1375; now. .$1235 lowed that the first-time = citizen tie represents—th*- farmer—is ; purchaser bought an open car because The average motorist does not know 30x3y the very backbone of the automobile 2 Sedan was $805; now $875 Sedan was $2095; n0w... 51950 he knew nothing at all about the how to shift gears! car. has taken more advantage was $1875; closed This Is the conclusion reached after market and First Coupe was $850; n0w....5795 n0w...51795 of power than any other Grade. Guaranteed. Gradual Evolution a series of tests recently conducted automotive by Colege cooperal-1 productive group.'' “During this early period. whn n the the lowa State in < open car predominated to an over- tion with the National Research oun j cil. Especially he a hill whelming extent, the public in its when takes LILLY South Side Overland Sales Cos. effort to offset the disadvantages of the average motorist shifts his gears Authorized Overland and Dealers improperly, find these • xperts. MOTOR OUST Willys-Knight the open car ran the gamut of ex- waits too long 7tH Virginia Ave. DR exel 6240. periments and accessories not realiz- The motorist to shift Hardware to hill, Cos. ing apparently that all of these d.s- from high second on a say the Keep emerger brake adjusted. Frank Rosner, Prop. Excellent Values in Used Cars J. W. Miller, Manager. observers. Thus they lose speed, over- 114-118 E. Washington St. advantages could be eliminated in- A gasoline or kerosene spray’, act- 1 Three hundreu ,-iesnow have tax engines and consume more stanter by the closed body. For in- ing under air pressure, will quickly their sites. gasoline. Tin general admonition, not stance. the first cars sold were not remove dirt and grease from the en- .Motorcycle outpi ’ in the last fivei equipped with windshields or tops: to slow down to less than 8.5 miles years has fallen oft’ 5 per cent. then came the windshield and later on an hour, they found, is rarely fed- Salt has been tried as carbon re the top. Then the storm curtain was lowed. mover. devised, the tonneau windshield, the The tests also showed that, in de- Ten per eent of the motor cars pro- cheaper winged windshileds. each of these be- scending a hill It is to re- duced this year tire trucks. ng intended to overcome some cf the tard the speed with the brake than laimp black forms a good polish for drawbacks to the open car. by leaving the clutch in. the headlight reflectors. But estimated, IS Important “With the closed car we have shel- Price the I’nlted The Don’t Let Uy 1 y3. It is ter from the sun overhead, protection The Test I States will have motor ears from rain. cold, wind and every other Alice—Do you really think that on its highways. disagreeable element, whether the clothes make the man? Cover for a roadster’s rear seat is liassenger be riding in the front seat gine or chassis. This form of spray’ Virginia—Of course not. It’s the I made so that when opened It serves seat. easily at of he drives.—Life. Quality •he rear can be made home. kind car j as the windshield. It Overshadow

==—=* f mason cords wt Special Friday and Saturday M7TI United States

Removal Sale Cut% Prices _four fabrics Chain lires We are abandoning this storeroom, which is too small to carry a complete stock of Auto Supplies, and will move to larger quarters, November Ist, located at 126-128 East Now York Street, four doors West, where we will have more door space, and will carry a very complete line of “Quality” Tires, Tubes and Auto Sup- plies. Everything at CUT PRICES during our Removal Sale, now going on. We invite comparison of Quality. Fabrics Guaranteed 6,000 Miles—Cords Guaranteed 8,000 Miles Removal

KrK ,T \ qc __ 0 , *a 10-Lb. cans 600 W. Trans- N...... $11.90w'U 6.95 3ta3% S-Vuleaii 8 mission oil $2.00 -78 -uk JOx-B/j X. S. Quaker 12.95 Folding Buckets, holds either I -1 I HR numerous tires ot cord construction that 30x3(4 N. S. Gillette 12.15 7.55 gas OP water, with fun- tel quality. All fresh stock. Wonderful - ■■ i) -33x4 Plain Goodrich 21.15 12.85 nel 1.25 -49 vs-- are now gutting the market. Mason values. Cords are used on some of the highest o o*7 Qfl * * * N. 1 1 16.75 10.35 Shalcr Headlight Lens 3.50 * ’ 30x314 8. Leto Cord IXo .99 H 1 priced cars in the country. Motorists l i l J 31x4 18.75 Never Slip . N. S. Columbus 10.35 Valve able to buy the best select them. . . Fabric rianay opoualiip who are 30x372 ... t x...,. $8.75 32x4 N. S. Quaker Fabric 21.50 14.75 Lifters 75 .21 They deliver the service no matter whSt 32x3l/> * * t "‘***'" $1 j4O 33x5 N. S. Inland Cord 46.95 21.65 Spot Lights 5.50 2.85 JuL the road conditions arc. Kvery tire __ - . listed here is to be first. qual- i. . . 33x4 N. S. Quaker Cord 30.15 19.75 Bar Caps (for all cars) 2.50 1.45 guaranteed $14.75 The 30x3V2 Maxi-Mile can he run 32x31/2 Goodyear Cord, N. S 22.95 1 7.35 Bar Caps, Fords 1.00 .49 jjfi'iimk ity. !| 33x4 $15.25 || 1 32x3 /J N. S. Gillette Cord 21.90 1 4.25 Sterling Jack (1 ton). 3.50 1,85 y Maxi-Mile Cord $10.25 32x4 32x4 N. S. Gillette Cord 28.95 18.85 2-Cyl. Pump 2.50 .89 2 $lO *7C Ms 30x31/2 Cl. Cord $12.50 USCO Ifcs# I D 33x4 N. S. Gillette Cord 29.90 19.95 Stop-A-Lcak 50 .14 S. S. Cord $13.50 JtfWWI 30x31/2 004 -t pmr* 34x4 N. S. India Cord 30.70 19.35 Lyknu Polish 1.00 .48 8. S. J TIT'WvSJ 32x9* Cord 816.75 USCO 1xU.i3 75%J Sizes Not Listed Sold in Proportion. Cord. Trans. Lining. . 1.50 .85 gjg 31x4 s. S. Cord $19.75 TUBES Flash Cleaner -50 .15

_ , First Quality—Extra Heavy. , $21.75 Remover.r> m A high grade spot- 33x4 S. S. Cord sprrini Special Johnson's Carbon 1 cord $22.50 2.00 ‘ , s. and $1.29 32x4 $1.99 Quarts &mL S SHE? 32x4(4 S.g. S. $25.00 SimomzKleaner Polisher 30x3i/o pearnnce. Has con- Cord We know of n0 bett,r _ ~ Tlllir 33x414 $2.34 Johnson’s Carbon Remover. Q , 32x31/2 ..$1.44 feyr -33x4(4 S. S. Cord $29.25 c Mner and polisher for 1.25 •* In* i„oh d!m.’ 31x4 $1.79 34x41/ 2 $2.39 Pints eter. Lamp * run- 34x414 S. S. Cord $30.00 your car than Simonis. Listed In Proportion. Other Sizes Not Sold Ass’t- Wrenches, all trolled by switch qc-di” C C (-ar( l $32.00 One can contains the In ( handle. an also - P 7 B Kleaner nnd another Ny r- 1 ®oo \ n •> Qu V .09 be used trouble lamp. Body of lamp black J()X4 o. ortl P*o. 4•> „ DENHAM’S PURE OIL sizes and kinds 35\50 as a 1 o. ol,sner- enamel finish, other fittings nickel-plated. Fur- qq- o OO Highest grade engine oil made or sold, Pennsylvania Par- Ford nisbed complete, with cord, bulb, etc., ready to ’ • 1 Both Transmissions , . . . /° L/ Af Kleaner 45c AA § crude base. pieces 1.00 .39 attach. 35x5 S. b. Lord ipub.UU _ Cans Vi| ■/ affine Sets, 3 bulh 37x5 Polisher ...45c for postpaid .... $3.75 postpaid :s3.Bs s! s! Cord $37.00

•• Five-Gallon can $3.95 1 7-. 00 ,rs! T.To "‘ ” 1 s Watch the Papers Each Week for Special Prices. x ’ 2 1 Mail Orders Prepaid to Any Address 30x3 51.35 31*4 TOeL'sdjustahle": i M il9 (Tong DISTANCE TUBES Jacks, Spark Plugs, Auto Chairs, Service Units, Tool Boxes, Tire Covers, Ford gasoline gauges, which ten the These tubes are of heavy, laminated that ” °r “" construction; Is. built ' Bht ' “ l - ..$1.50 perfectly 30x3 V? ow • cow Articles Too Numerous to Mention at up many sheets of thin rubber, welded together. . JOX4 tfipp-.p • Tow Lines, Chains and Other of are They are made under our own brand name and guaranteed __ aa A A S2 00 Prices Effective at Both Stores “QUALITY CONSIDERED, WE SELL IT FOR LESS” Wholesale— Open Saturday Evening Till 9:00 O’Clock —Retail 2, 3 Company, Inc. ,5C GUARANTEE ’"W*’ Auto Supply mile* of Citizens Every thin pnsre will ho sent postpaid to any addrefls within 300 dust North Just North of item on upon receipt of check money order. Union Station. -acht.tt^Avenur nnd 2 STORES 128 E. NeW \Ork Street Union Station. of Indianapolis or