Ministry of Foreign Affairs of

Fact Sheets Fact Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary Text and Photos: Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development , Text: Márton Bodó, Preliminary work: Andorás Rakovszky Edited by: Zsuzsanna Patkó, Gyula Somogyi || Graphic design: Árpád Fákó, Zoltán Vass || Printed by: Pharma Press || , 2012 on Hungary oSn Hhuengeary ts O R S F K I D Do you know where the Hungarians BUSÓJÁRÁS: THE BUSÓ FESTIVITIES AT MOHÁCS living in the middle of came from? The Hungarian nation emerged as a mixture of several peoples during its history. The map shows that the Hungarians probably had their original E L

homeland outside Europe, somewhere east of the Ural Mountains. P

At about 4000 B.C., they probably lived by Hungarians, who already practiced eques - with these peoples. King Saint Stephen O fishing and hunting between the Ural trian tactics, easily subjugated the peoples (997–1038), who founded the state by mak - E Mountains and the River Ob. ey gradu - in the region. e majority of present-day ing Western Christianity the official reli - P

ally moved westwards and merged with Hungarians are descendants of the 500,000 gion, referred to the mixed composition of N other peoples living in tribal confedera - “conquering Hungarians” who moved in the nation in his Admonitions written to his A

tions. At that time, the Moravian Empire the Carpathian Basin in 895. e previous son, Prince Emery: “A country with one lan - I

collapsed in the Carpathian Basin, so the settlers of the Carpathian Basin mixed guage and one custom is weak and fallible.” R A G N U H



N I The Mohács busójárás is an end-of-winter procession ing the masks. This widely known festivity of the Šokci val season in Mohács, the centre of the old folk habit,

and ritual masquerade ball at the end of the Carnival of Mohács was held from the morning of Shrove Sun - in Kóló tér, a place where the disguised busós gather. G season, which the UNESCO included in the Represen - day to the evening of Shrove Tuesday. The busójárás As the old Busó cannon goes off, various groups I

tative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Hu - belongs to the family of festivities, also found among march along the main street as far as the main square R manity in 2009. The six-day mummery developed into the beliefs of other peoples, which bid farewell to to celebrate Carnival by making a tremendous noise a public celebration of national fame, accompanied by winter, welcome spring, secure protection and prac - on the banks of the Danube and in neighbouring O

dance and music, where the participants are the in - tice magic for fertility. It is akin to the Rio and Venice streets. At dusk they return to the main square to habitants of the town, groups of busó, the accompa - Carnivals as well as to African folk customs. The dance and play pranks on people around a huge burn - E

nying musicians and dancers, and the artisans mak - busójárás still starts on the last Sunday of the Carni - ing bonfire where they symbolically incinerate winter. H T

1 What is the Do you know how someone could meaning of “magyar” become king in Hungary? and “hungarus ”, As a unique Hungarian tradition, any person who wanted to be king of the country had to be crowned with the crown two names of the of Saint Stephen, the first Hungarian king, by the country’s first prelate, the Archbishop of Esztergom, in the then capital Székesfehérvár. Hungarian people? e Holy Crown consists of two parts. moved and bent to fit the other crown. clude the crown, the orb, the sceptre,

e Magyars, who appeared in Europe isation. e ethnonym Magyar as the (895). e drawing shows a 9 th century e upper one is called Latin and the Probably, this copy was Saint Stephen’s the sword and the robe. e crown, the s in the 800s, had an unknown origin, nation’s own name appeared relatively Hungarian male outfit as imagined lower one is called the Greek hoop Bible and secured a link with the her - sceptre and the robe were made in the l so the historians who wrote in differ - late in written records. It means men creatively by a famous Hungarian crown. e lower part shows Géza I itage of the State Founder. Since the first century of the Kingdom of Hun - o

ent languages referred to the Hungar - of Hungarian nationality. archaeologist based on metal orna - (1074–1077), king of Hungary, who main proof of inheritance was that gary. Nowadays, the coronation in - b ians by various names in addition to According to another tradition, ments found in graves and in writ- received the crown as a gift together someone declared himself the succes - signia are kept in the Parliament build -

Ma - m

their own. e name onogur → ungar gyar goes back to the name of the ten sources. A reason why it is hard with his enamel portrait after an east - sor of Saint Stephen, it is hard to imag - ing. e Fundamental Law, which was y → hungarus comes from onogur ‘ten Megyer tribe, which gave a prince to to remember the past is that the ern campaign. e upper crown could ine that any element of the crown was adopted in 2011, declares that the s

riders’, i.e. a people of ten tribes, and the Hungarian tribal confederation at graves preserved only metal and bone have originally been an ornament on unrelated to Hungary’s first king. e crown is one of the Hungarian na - refers to the Hungarians’ tribal organ - the time of the Hungarian Conquest objects. the Bible of King Béla III, later re - coronation insignia which survived in - tional symbols. l s a l n o What is the Hungarian flag like? Do you know whom the Hungarians call the State Founder and why? o b i The Hungarian flag consists of three bands of equal Prince Árpád realised that he should estab - 1301. In other words, while the Hungarian

width in red, white and green. These colours became lish a state to survive in the long run. state was founded by Árpád, the name T m so popular in the 1848 revolution that they were In about 893, he founded a princi - State Founder usually refers to King a

y made the Hungarian nation’s symbol by a law in April pality to rule a tribal confedera - Saint Stephen. Succeeding his fa -

1848. These colours were first used in the flags of the tion in the territory of present- ther as a prince in 997, he n s medieval Kingdom of Hungary and in the Hungarian day Hungary, and he is cred - turned the principality which royal family’s red and white coat of arms. ited for the Hungarian Con - emerged from the Hungarian

l The colours of the Hungarian flag are the same as the quest, i.e. the settlement of tribal confederation into the Italian tricolour, only their order and arrangement his people in the Carpathian united Christian Kingdom of a are different. When the Italian air force flies in the Basin. His successors, Hungary in 1000. To sym - right angle at parades, they paint the sky with the Prince Géza and his son, bolise this, he asked for a n Hungarian colours. Saint Stephen, adopted crown from the Pope. In the

o Christianity and consolidated depictions, the dual cross in

i Hungary as a state in Chris - Saint Stephen’s hand is a sym -

T tian Europe. The descendants bol of the founder of the Chris - of Árpád were the members of tian state and 10 bishoprics. The a the Hungarian royal family known sword shows that it took a lot of as the Árpád Dynasty, which ruled until struggles to establish a united kingdom. n

2 3 and lingui ical stic origin ca erent? g n be diff s e lo What animals do Hungarian myths trace d g o Hungarian has been the official language n yo e a o u

p of Hungary since 1844. It is the mother tongue the people’s descent from? g

u D k



n l r of the animal and couldn’t kill it de - Hungarians sent a white horse, a gilded g of roughly 15 million people and as such the


h nd spite a long quest. While chasing the saddle and a halter to the Moravian n t d

w 62 language in the world. Hungarian is

n stag, they wandered over the Maeotian Prince, who was reigning alongside the a n a t h t a marshes (Sea of Azov) until they found Danube, and asked for soil, grass and

thought to be related with the Finno-Ugric a l

a suitable pasture for their animals and water in return. “Take as much as you

branch of the Uralic language family. s

n settled down there. At some point, want for this gift”, the unsuspicious e closest relatives of Hungarian are h a

Hungarian origin myths and legends they discovered the wives and children prince answered. Árpád occupied Pan - T

i the Ob-Ugric languages, Ostyak and have recurring motifs, including the of an unknown people, who lived in nonia (Hungary) and drove away the y

r Vogul. While the Finns and the Hun -

world tree, the magic stag, the saker tents without their men and were prince on the grounds of this cunning m

a garians do not understand each other, falcon and the white mare. e world holding a feast. e two brothers gift and answer. It is generally held n g their ancestral words reveal the affin - tree links the sky and the earth as a quickly abducted them together with that the myth is based on an old legal a

ity. Just like Finnish, the Hungarian i n passage for heroes to get from one to their livestock and took them to the custom of acquiring land, which the

language is also agglutinating. Every r

u the other. e story of the magic stag Maeotian marshes. Two of the kid - Hungarians practiced against strangers

word stem receives a suffix. e simi - a

h is a legendary explanation of the com - napped young women happened to be who did not suspect a thing. is g

larity between the two languages was mon origin of the Hungarians and the the daughters of the Alan Prince. One way of symbolic acquisition of prop - n

e more apparent in prehistoric times.

Huns. One day two brothers, Hunor married Hunor and the other one erty was also used by the Persians. u e Finno-Ugric affinity of the Hun - h

and Magor, decided to go out hunting Magor. Later, these women gave birth e custom is based on the belief h

T garian language is like a former cathe -

without their father. In the puszta , to the Hun and Magyar nations. In that soil or any object removed from dral which an archaeologist must re - d

f they caught sight of a young stag and other legends, the Hungarian kings de - a country, village or house passes the construct out of a few stones ( käsi = n o

chased it all the way to a swampy area. scend from the saker falcon or turul. country or region to the recipient of a kéz ‘hand’, kala = hal ‘fish’).

Once there, they completely lost sight According to yet another myth, the the donation.

In anthropological terms, the Hungar - g y a

T ians come from the east, which is con - mains uncertain what the an - T i firmed by early grave findings. It re - thropological history of the What Hungarian loan words do you Do you know of any Hungarian cartoons? s n Hungarians has to do with Hungarian cartoon director The Mézga Family was a Hungarian take his family for space trips. i think there are in world languages? their language. e drawings Marcell Jankovics created animated TV series in the 1970s However, his family members c i f of Gyula László represent Hungarian vocabulary includes an estimated 60–100 thousand graphic works which unite and 1980s which has re - can rarely cope with his in - g

f words but the number of all word forms may easily amount to one various tales and mythol - mained popular ever since. ventions and get entangled

a group of eastern type bald million. As with other languages, an educated speaker uses no ogy, zodiac signs and the It was also broadcasted in sticky situations, which is a

a more than 25–30,000 words. Some vocabulary items found their veneration of animals. and became a success in why Aladár must always get

Hungarians and the features way to world languages via other languages. For example, the These include Son of Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, them out of the fix. The m

e of an armed equestrian no - words gulyás, kocsi, huszár, paprika, puszta come from Hungarian the White Mare (1982), France, the Czech Republic funny lines were written by madic people showing west - and are still shared by several languages. Despite its Slavic origin, which received the award and Slovakia. The protago - József Romhányi, a word ma - e h

the word huszár became famous and spread across Europe as the “Best Cartoon of All Time” nist is 12-year-old Aladár, a gician, who was also famous h

T Hungarian army’s equestrian unit achieved military successes. in Los Angeles in 1984. child prodigy who makes a device to for other tale scripts. ern influence. T

4 5 Why do bells Do you know who János Hunyadi toll at noon and King Mathias were? worldwide? John Hunyadi was history. During King Mathias’ reign, an outstanding hero the castle of was rebuilt in the Renaissance style and remained one of the battles against of the most wonderful palaces in Eu - the Turks and the rope until the Turkish period. It also housed the famous library of King father of the later Mathias. Mathias Hunyadi led sev- king Mathias. eral successful campaigns against the Turks. He defended his country and The Siege of Nándorfehérvár, today’s Legend has it that the Hunyadis’ coat King Mathias (1458–1490) was an tried to build a Central European em - of arms displays a raven with a ring in outstanding figure in Renaissance pire which could efficiently repel the Belgrade was a major event of the Hungarian- the bill because the father of John Hungary. His flourishing court gath - increasingly powerful Turkish attacks. Turkish wars, where Christians, Hungarians Hunyadi was allegedly King Sigis - ered several famous poets, historians To this end, he obtained the title King mund, who had donated a ring to a and artists. ey included Italian poly - of Bohemia and occupied and Serbs, led by János Hunyadi, heroically young peasant girl with whom he fell math Galeotto Marzio, who wrote his in 1485. He centralised royal power defended the castle of Nándorfehérvár in love. e girl gave birth to a boy and famous medical work in Buda, and with a military basis, Hungary’s first let the king know about the good news historian Antonio Bonfini, who was permanent mercenary army, the Black between 4 –21 July 1456 against Sultan by sending him a raven with a ring. hired by Mathias to study Hungarian Army. s

i Mehmed II’s Ottoman army, ten times d superior in numbers. Do you know that one of the largest libraries a T

y in Renaissance Europe was located in Hungary? i On 22 July, the Turks were defeated in e noon bell ritual commemorates King Mathias had a famous library called Bibliotheca Mathias’ fondness of books gave rise to the second n the battle next to the castle. Hungar - the Belgrade victory all over the Chris - Corviniana, which contained codices called corvinæ. largest library in the world at that time after the d

u The word corvus means ’raven’ in Latin and is the Vatican Library, with approximately 2,000 volumes. ian military history considers the tian world. e Pope ordered the bells name of the heraldic animal of the Hunyadi family. By today a total of 212 volumes have survived, of a h event as one of the most significant to toll at noon to remind the peoples There is not only a story about his father John which 53 are found in Hungary. y Hunyadi and the raven but also an anecdote about Ten years ago, the European Union gave support to n

e Hungarian victories in terms of long- of Europe to thank Hungary, “the bas - Mathias and the heraldic animal. When young Math - a digitisation program called Bibliotheca Corviniana ias was kept prisoner in , he used a raven to to virtually restore the former library of King Mathias term consequences and international tion of Europe”, for saving them from u h exchange letters with his mother. The bird flew with digital means, collecting and making the exist -

T significance. the Turks. unnoticed as it carried the letters between them. ing volumes available to everybody. h

6 7 Do you know w Do you know where the ho One of the most influen - is first nursery school in tial figures in the history of ca was opened? th l ? 19 century Hungary, Count le n d ia The first nursery school in Central Europe was established István Széchenyi was the founder Th ar of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. e ng in 1828 by Countess Teréz Brunszvik in her own home in Buda Great t Hu m From 1809 he fought in the Napoleonic es for children aged 2 to 6. Today, Hungarian children go to nursery school e wars, where he repeatedly proved his aptitude with his courage and between the ages of 3 and 6. Before that, they may go to crèche if their T s

heroism as a lieutenant of the imperial troops against the French. parents so decide. Education is compulsory in Hungary from age 6 to 16. y s

He performed several dangerous courier pension bridge in the world. Széchenyi e Hungarians have attached key im - number of unique initiatives. In the periments in the 1790 deed of founda - services: on one occasion, he carried is also credited for ship building in portance to education since the Middle 18 th century, Hungary became the first tion of the later world famous - l

important news from one unit to an - Hungary, launching steamship serv - Ages as culture was only mediated by country in the world to train mining based École Polytechnique. Also, Hun - o

other rowing along the Danube; in the ices on Lake Balaton and for the plans schools in certain critical periods in engineers in Selmecbánya. e institu - gary was the first country to train agri - o

battle of Leipzig he lost his horse shot to build the Tunnel in Buda. He worked the storms of history, such as the 150- tion’s experimental instruments were so cultural engineers by founding the h c i dead under him. hard to promote horse breeding in year Turkish domination. e history excellent that they came to be a model Georgikon (a school of economics) in s y István Széchenyi worked hard to im - Hungary and supported the spread of of Hungarian education boasts of a for the basic principles of student ex - Keszthely.

n prove Hungary’s scientific life and in the country. Also, he is n

e technology. In 1825, he offered the an - credited for introducing silkworm

Do you know of the school a

h nual income of his estates for the cul - breeding, modernising viniculture and i tivation of the Hungarian language by building steam mills. His practical ac - c traditions of grading and r

é (what is now called) the Hungarian tivity went hand in hand with theoret - a

z Academy of Sciences, which has re - ical work, a number of books where he graduation in Hungary? g

s mained the central institution for sci - systematically set out tasks for society In Hungary, a five-point scale is used for academic grading. Grade 1 means fail

entific research ever since. He pro - and the country to develop a middle and the repetition of the year. Grade 5 means excellent: the student fully mas - n tered the curriculum. “Honours” mean an excellent grade, or grade 5, in each u n posed and supported a series of plans class. He was called e Greatest Hun - subject. h á to control the two biggest rivers in garian by his political opponents in Nursery, primary and secondary school are each finished with a farewell cere - mony: students wearing their Sunday best carry bouquets of flowers and a satchel v Hungary, the Danube and the Tisza, tween Buda and Pest. Inaugurated in recognition of his achievements in the on their shoulders and sing goodbye to their school building and teachers. The e T and became a leading figure of the 1849, the 380 m long 14.5 m wide bridge modernisation of public life and cul - event is also attended by relatives who give presents to the students. On the eve

of the high school farewell ceremony, graduating students visit their popular h s teachers in their homes to sing them a serenade and receive an informal treat. i

movement to build Chain Bridge be - was long considered as the largest sus - ture in Hungary. T

8 9 Do you know that 90% of f Hungarian s ult o creati s r res vity r e nuclear plants in the world are ? e e In the past hundred years n th n n operated according to a model s alone 220,000 Hungarian n i i i inventions have been registered. w

h w

c n yo devised by Hungarian scientists? i a u e C n A number of inventions and discoveries have e z ree Hungarian scientists, Leo h z i

Nuclear physics received a become an organic part of our everyday life. i m

r Szilárd, Edward Teller and Eugene

r w

p major contributions from Wigner, demonstrated excellence in p e

this field. Eugene Wigner was the the - n




a number of Hungarian a


e n e oretical calculator and designer of the t

y n i n v b e scientists. Curiously, the reactor’s world’s first nuclear reactor. He built b o design was not based on experiences or experi - the first water cooled nuclear reactors. o n Today, 90% of the world’s nuclear n

ments but on a theory. It was like someone plan - plants are operated according to the One of them was a novel means of d d principles developed by him. His transport equipped with springs, made n ning the first train while planning the first wheel n achievements earned him the Nobel in the village of Kocs in the 15 th cen - a a

at a time when people do not know the wheel. Prize in 1963. tury, the coach. e match was in - s vented by the 19 th century Hungarian s T T chemist János Irinyi. Lead peroxide as s s i Do you know that a high number of Hungarian scientists a component of the phosphorous i T match head had the novelty of igniting T

n contributed to the advancement of medicine? n A high number of Hungarian scientists contributed to erating vitamin C and discovering its role, he studied the former activity in 1937. He discovered that the in silence and not like an explosion. dynamo developed by Ányos Jedlik basic elements of his principle include e e i the scientific development of the world. In the field the background of muscle movement in terms of pro - Szeged ground paprika contained a much higher Another Hungarian invention is the (1861). e use of the telephone was the application of the binary numeral i of medicine, Ignác Semmelweis, Róbert Bárány and tein chemistry. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for amount of vitamin C than citrus fruits, so he used it c Albert Szent-Györgyi excelled in understanding the to produce a large quantity. Instead of merely a gram revolutionised by the telephone ex - system, memory, program storage and c s world and healing. (0.035 oz), he now had a kilo (2.2 pounds) at his dis - s

The Hungarian physician Ignác Semmelweis reduced posal. His achievements improved the treatment of change, developed by the Hungarian the command system. He acted as an

n the mortality of childbed fever to less than 1% at his scurvy, which was previously believed to be an incur - engineer Tivadar Puskás. e ball advisor for planning the first computer n maternity ward in the latter half of the 19 th century able disease. a by obliging his doctors to wash their hands in an an - It was a simple everyday experience which drew the point pen (1931) was created by the which stored the program in its mem - a i i tiseptic solution between two examinations. He re - attention of Róbert Bárány to the system of balance journalist László Bíró, whose inven - ory. is machine was operated from r alised that several instances of childbed fever were within the inner ears. As he irrigated the ears of his r tion is known as Biro pen around the 1952. In designing it, he developed the a caused by doctors and medical students who had patients, many of them became dizzy. He discovered a failed to sterilise their hands before examining preg - a physiological reflex which is now called the Bárány

g world. e logical design of electronic theory of the internal organisation of nant women. caloric reaction and is linked to the phenomenon of g th

n One of the greatest polymaths of the 20 century was sea sickness. György Békésy continued the work of computers received outstanding con - electronic computers (Neumann Prin - n Albert Szent-Györgyi, to whom the UN dedicated his compatriot. In 1961 he received the Nobel Prize u

tributions from the mathematician ciple), which came to be a model for u a memorial year in 2012. Albert Szent-Györgyi made in physiology for discovering the physical mecha - h his mark as a scholar in two fields. In addition to gen - nisms of stimuli generated in the cochlea. John von Neumann (1903–1957). e modern computers. h

10 11 Have you heard that motoring by road and air Do you know y s wh r r Hungary lies in er a e is linked to Hungarian inventors? e g n the middle of Europe. H n n Hungary has witnessed important inventions

i Its capital changed several u besides the coach. In 1894 Donát Bánki invented n ? u w times in history. During the g s h

a i e the internal combustion engine, which was more Turkish domination, it was l r n z y a i i efficient than previous ones. Car designers Bánki Pressburg (now ), a it

r i and János Csonka jointly invented the petrol engine s p s p town near the Austrian territories. s a r i c t e l and the carburettor. At other times, it was Fehérvár, the u

s T e at it e a

b t The first electric car was developed by Hungarian scientists have Albert Fonó created the centre of the western counties, as well d an ha w w o Hungarian born Dezső Korda, who also played a key role in the jet engine (1928–1932), d

as the towns of Esztergom and Visegrád,

n designed the lifts of the Eiffel Tower. As development of avia - and József Gera made l both beside the Danube. The current capital and

a member of the expert team at Ford tion. e helicopter was the US lunar module Established in 1873 by the merger of a d

Motor Company, József Galamb had invented by Oszkár As - which was first used at several towns, Budapest is now inhab - n

n largest city of Hungary is Budapest, located along designed the world famous Model T, bóth: he designed the the 1969 moon landing. ited by nearly two million i a c

the banks of the Danube.

which became one of the most popular first vertical takeoff ro - He brought back the people. While Budapest i s

cars in the world, selling 25 million torcraft which completed its Apollo 13 spaceship when is often called a city d T

units. First deployed in 1877, the tor - first flight in 1928. e designer the Moon expedition failed, sav - of spas, the entire e s i

pedo was invented by the Hungarian team of the first military helicopter in - ing the lives of astronauts, and had country is rich in m T János Luppis, one of the most renowned cluded eodore von Kármán, who a key role in developing the Grumman thermal waters. n figures of modern naval tactics. was also a pioneer in rocket research. F-14 “TomCat” fighter aircraft. Located next to d e n i Gellért Hill in a c

the centre of the

s Can you solve Rubik’s Cube? s capital, Rudas

Rubik’s Cube, also known as the Magic Cube, is an in - e n Spa was built in

vention of Ernő Rubik patented in 1976. The inventor p a the Turkish period

i first wanted to use it as an illustration of space move - a ment and then he developed his idea into a popular and its 10 m diameter r toy. The first international speedcubing competition Turkish dome is still intact. c a

was held in Budapest in 1982, and annual competi - s With a nearly 80ºC water temperature, g tions have followed suit ever since. The world record d of the classic (3x3x3 sticker) Rubik’s Cube was bro - Széchenyi Spa is one of the hottest n

ken at the Melbourne Winter Open 2011 in Australia. n

u The new record was set by an Australian student of springs and largest bathing facilities a Lithuanian descent with 6.24 seconds. h

in Europe. l

12 13 Where is Europe’s largest Do you know what Bakonydraco y y r r a alkaline plain and what special and Hungarosaurus, Iharkutosuchus a g g n birds is it home to? and Ajkaceratops are? n u u h h

Hortobágy is Hungary’s first national park In the late 1990s, a 17-year-old Hungar - isolated, and the coherent species, unlike other n n i ian secondary school student wrote a skeletons, of which there crocodiles, was capable of i

(1973), the largest grassy and alkaline plain letter to the renowned US palaeontolo - were fewer, has by now ex - moving its jaws sideways s s r in Europe. This is where flocks of cranes land for gist Michael Novacek, saying that he ceeded 10,000. e findings and hence chewing food r e a rest as they migrate from the north. On one also wanted to study dinosaurs in the helped researchers identify with its plain conic molars. e T Gobi Desert. ey ended up meeting more than 30 different species, in - Fossils of more than 50 individuals T a occasion, 55 thousand individuals were counted. seven years later in New York. By that cluding vertebrates, from fish through of the Bakonydraco, a flying reptile a w time, the former enthusiastic student, amphibians, turtles, lizards, crocodiles discovered in Iharkút, suggest that this w

l Hortobágy is home to the largest os - and sea ecosys - Attila Ősi, had become a well-known and dinosaurs to birds. A number of species was very numerous in this flood l a prey population in Europe and the tems. Hortobágy palaeontologist specialised in dinosaurs. species, such as the Hungarosaurus, plain crisscrossed by river branches and a n bustard. e latter one is a cautious, is both a na - With his research team, the Hungarian Bakonydraco, Ajkaceratops and Iharku - forests. Today, we have a description of n i hiding, rare bird which takes shelter in tional park and a Dinosaur Research Expedition, he discov - tosuchus, are only known from the the latest flying reptile finding, consid - i c c i wheat and corn strips and grassy reserve. is is ered several fossils at the site called Ihar - Iharkút site. One of the best known an - erably contributing to information i d plains. e number of individuals now the location of the kút, located in Hungary’s Bakony Hills. imals from Iharkút is a small-stature, about this group, which has been docu - d e living in Europe is estimated at 15,000. longest stone bridge in e project in Iharkút revealed a set of one meter long omnivorous crocodile: mented on the basis of rare and frag - e m e bustard is roughly the size of Hungary, the Nine-Hole Bridge, where findings which turned out to be unique the Iharkutosuchus. A detailed exami - mentary findings. e Iharkút explo - m

a turkey but is capable of a steady an open market of handmade products by international standards. e number nation of what remained of the skull, rations helped describe the Hun - d flight and its strong cursorial feet has been held every year since 1832. of bones and teeth, which were mostly jaws and teeth revealed that this garosaurus, a hard-shell dinosaur, and d n make it a typical terrestrial bird in the Iharkutosuchus, an ancestor of n a a

open areas. e main characteristic of her nice words, she was punished a world famous tourist destination modern crocodiles, 30 and nearly 40 How big do you think Hungary’s largest lake, the “Hungarian Sea” is? to echo the words of anyone who and resort. Stretching into the s s its appearance is a greyish-brown speaks: this is the legendary lake, the Tihany Peninsula is million years younger than their closest e plumage with an off-white breast. Located in the middle of Hungary, Balaton or the Five million years earlier, the location of the lake was origin of the famous Tihany the location of the Benedic - relatives, respectively. e skull findings e p “Hungarian Sea” is the largest lake in Central Europe occupied by the Pannonian Sea as a habitat for echo. If you shout from one tine Abbey, known for the p Hungary has ten national parks, in - (592 km2). masses of a shell species, some pieces of which are end of the lakeside Tihany, oldest record of the Hun - of the recently discovered Ajkaceratops a cluding three World Heritage sites and Its average depth is 3–5 meters. Hungarian lore in - still washed out of clay by water. It is called goat claw the place will return your garian language, the Tihany are the first fossils in Europe which cer - a c cludes various legends about the emergence of Bala - due to its shape. Legend has it that the son of the King sound. As the area is heav - Deed of Foundation from c two Biosphere Reserves. In order to ton. According to one of them, the area was once inhab - of the Lake fell in love with a beautiful princess who ily built in, this phenome - 1055. In 2012, a group of stu - tainly belonged to Ceratopsia dinosaurs. s s present the diversity of the ecological ited by two giant families, whose heads clashed so tended a flock of gold-blond goats, but she only prom - non is now hard to observe. dents and researchers filled is disproved the former hypothesis d fiercely one day that both were killed. Allegedly, the ised to return his love and then rejected him. The King Balaton was already popu - a balloon with hydrogen and d system and the balanced coexistence lake was made of the tears of their wives. From a schol - of the Lake cast a curse on her for her arrogance, lar at the time of the Roman used it to send a scientific that this group of horned and collared n n of man and nature, the reserves in - arly perspective, the area was filled with water from the upon which her flock was drowned in the water: that’s Empire in Antiquity. Several probe equipped with a camera dinosaurs had lived only in Asia and a late Ice Age, some 15,000 years ago, and Balaton took the origin of the goat claws. The princess is kept pris - Roman emperors spent some to a height of 30 km. This is the a its original form approximately 5,000 years ago. oner in a cave forever and because she had abused time at the place and it is now Pannonian Near Space Project. l clude areas of the terrestrial, waterside North America. l

14 15 What do you think the Have you heard about s

Hungarians mean by “sitting” the most successful l a m

a celebration? racehorse of all times? i n

A characteristic of Hungarian eating and cultural Sports achievements reflect an intimate relationship between Hungarian a

habits is that the Hungarians “sit” their celebrations horses and their riders, which existed for millennia. Kincsem c i

and not “dance” them as the Spaniards do. (“My Treasure”) was the most successful “miraculous mare” of all times. T

Every Hungarian celebration is built the Presidency of the European Union. galica and a selection of excellent wines During her life, from age 2 to 5, she en - the history of full blood breeding. Her s e around a meal, to which you must sit e group of European Ministers of Fi - and brandies in an equestrian park. tered 54 races in Europe throughout performance was never matched by

at a table. e picture was taken of a nance and Economy had goose liver, Before the dinner started, they watched four entire seasons until 1879 and won any racehorse, by which she made m

dinner served to Ministers of Finance soup of young green peas, catfish stew, a dance show which offered them each against the world’s best horses. Hungarian racehorse breeding world o

in 2011, when Hungary was holding noodles with cottage cheese, roast man - a glimpse of Hungarian folk dances. is made her a legendary figure in famous. d

n by the Tisza first has a base to which fish is added,

Do you know where whereas the one by the Danube incorporates every - Have you heard about the Hungarian grey cattle, a

thing at the same time by rubbing through a sieve. i the word paprika in most In the region of Baja, it is made with noodles. horse herders or Hungarian sheepdogs? r e

European languages without the herds of disciplined horses which accom - mesticated in the Carpathian Basin at some point in a panied them. By today, horses, herds and herders history. In the 1960s they nearly became extinct but n comes from? g

i have become an integral part of Hungary’s romantic have now regained their popularity. The highland racka landscape, the plains, also for tourists. Since the 19 th comes from Asia Minor and found its way to the n

s Ground red pepper is one of the most typical ingre - century, the plains have been home to herds of grey Carpathian Basin via the Balkans in the Middle Ages.

i dients of the flavourful and rich Hungarian cuisine.

cattle and innumerable flocks of racka sheep to - This variety spread over the entire Carpathian Basin u The most famous paprika is made in three Hungarian gether with their shepherds and dogs. This cliché ap - from the territory of Transylvania. Its wool is highly u towns: Makó, Kalocsa and Szeged. A number of pears in the famous film Sissy (starring Romy suitable for making sweaters, socks and stockings h

dishes are made by first browning onions in fat and c Schneider), where Queen Elisabeth drives past herds but it is primarily used for making carpets and blan -

seasoning them with paprika. While the plant comes and flocks in the plains en route from Vienna to Bu - kets these days. The meat of racka lambs is also pop - l from America, paprika became such a typical ingre - Why do you think goulash dapest, when in fact the road does not cross the Hun - ular abroad and their highly nutritious milk is made n dient of Hungarian cuisine that its name found its way a garian plains between the two capitals. into cheese. to several languages.

a While its origin remains unclear, Hungarian grey cat - The mangalica is a lard pig which evolved in the

and fish soup are so popu - n th i The tactics of the Hungarian light cavalry, which kept tle certainly descends from a species which was do - Carpathian Basin in the 19 century. Until the 1950s,

lar dishes in Hungary? Have you ever eaten Europe frightened with its speed and logistic feats, it was the most common swine variety in Hungary. Its o r became famous in the 9th and 10th centuries. Hun - fat, bacon and the salami made from them were also i garian warriors covered nearly 2,000 kilometres by A typical Hungarian starter, soup is made of vegeta - much sought after in European markets. A six-month T a a flame cake?

bles in a wide range of ways, but cold fruit soups are exchanging horses but without reserves all the way fattening period can result in up to 300 kg of weight. i

g also popular. Other well-known Hungarian soups in - Flame cake, or lángos , is made of soft yeast dough to the ocean. The stratagem of escaping and shooting Among Hungarian dog breeds, special mention must clude goulash and fish soup. Goulash is a dish made and is usually rubbed with garlic, sour cream and arrows backwards, and the high number of powerful be made of the Hungarian setter, the Hungarian grey - d

n of small cubes of beef or pork (sometimes mutton) grated cheese. Its name comes from the word láng hits of the rebounding bows, which were so precise hound, the puli and the komondor. Best known of all a and potato cooked together in a stew with paprika ‘flame’: previously, it was baked in ovens on hot even from horseback that they were able to penetrate worldwide, the puli probably found its way to the u

and onions. Hungary has two big rivers, so there are coals, now it is fried in oil. Hot, filling and easy to eat, armour from 200 meters, could not have brought Carpathian Basin with the herdsmen forebears, just r two schools of making the “real” fish soup. The one it is a much-loved dish on beaches. about successes for the marauding Hungarian troops h

like the komondor and the kuvasz. T

16 17 Do you know how many countries Do you know who “the lads of Pest” were made the Hungarian novel and for what goals they shed their blood? In 1945, Soviet troops liberated Hun - Treaty (a military organisation of com - of the insurgents wrote about the lads The Paul Street Boys available to garian territories from German inva - munist states) and declared that Hun - of Pest along the following lines: sion. Afterwards, however, a Soviet gary would be like Austria, a country “Maléter (commander in chief of the children in their mother tongues? type dictatorship evolved just like in independent from the political blocks. people fighting against the uprising) other communist countries. On 4 November 1956, the Soviet Red also saw weapons in the hands of chil - The famous Hungarian playwright On 23 October 1956, the Hungarian Army abused the international atten - dren. ey had not received military nation took arms against this regime, tion taken up by the Suez crisis and training. It was dangerous so he asked Ferenc Molnár wrote the novel demolishing a symbol of the period, again invaded the country with tanks. us to disarm them. I said that more The Paul Street Boys at the request the Stalin Statue, and Imre Nagy, Afterwards, a new puppet government than eighty per cent of the Corvinists a politician, who looked for new ways, ruthlessly ordered the execution and (people fighting in Corvin köz) were of his former teacher and consid- formed a government under the pres - incarceration of all people who had under age twenty. ese children ered it his favourite work until sure of the revolution. e Soviet army participated in the revolution and war fought for the victory of the revolution started to withdraw from the country. of independence. e young genera - and became the heroes of the nation,

s the end of his life. For some days, the union of forces and tions of 1956, which had been so - and we will not take weapons out of

y e youth novel came out in instal - the fate of his heroes, who lose their school. is Hungarian novel has been the hope of freedom forged the popu - cialised after the communist takeover, the hands of children”. o

ments from 1905, in the columns of protective childhood as they come translated into more than 30 lan - lation, violently atomised in the were more ready to take arms than the x i

b a Budapest student magazine. It was of age. guages and is taught as a required or 1950s, into a nation again. Imre Nagy, older generations, according to several

written by the author at age 27, quite e Paul Street Boys is one of the most recommended reading in several coun - who became Prime Minister by means remembrances. ey became symbols s T some time after but still close enough read and popular novels in Hungary, a tries, including Finland, Russia, Poland of the popular uprising, announced of the revolution, “the lads of Pest”. - e to his childhood to identify with set reading for fifth graders in primary and Japan. the withdrawal from the In his memoirs, a military commander y e T r f i T Nemecsek is a symbol of the selfless and heroic as the events unfolded, Have you ever heard what symbol - f s Which character of the courage of the average man who assumes responsi - the holed flag came to bility for his homeland; his companions never under - ises for the Hungarians the national be a symbol of sym - Do you know how many years n l novel would you choose stand him and he only gets satisfaction at the end of flag with a hole in the middle? pathy with the the story. The book has remained an international demonstrators, in - Soviet soldiers were stationed e u as a friend? success, which demonstrates that readers can iden - In 1956, the Hungarian state flag displayed a coat of surgents and free - “temporarily” in Hungary after the Set in Budapest in March 1889, the novel describes a tify with its heroes and appreciate this set of stories arms which symbolised the dictatorship. As the rev - dom fighters. At the e a series of wars between the troops of the Paul Street about eternal situations in life, which can occur at any olutionists cut out the coat of arms, the holed flag be - 23 October 1989 cere - revolution had been repressed? T p boys and the “redshirts”, where secondary school place or time. The protagonists, including Ernő Neme- came the main symbol of the 1956 Hungarian revo - mony outside the Par -

students defend their playground with the help of the csek (the bravest boy), Boka (the leader of the Paul lution. The revolution started with a demonstration liament building, where The Third Republic of Hungary was only proclaimed e

e little Ernő Nemecsek, who sacrifices his life for the Street boys), Geréb (the traitor), Feri Áts (the leader of university students in Budapest, to which an in - the Republic of Hungary was in 1989, when communism collapsed. 23 October, the “grund” (a vacant plot between tenements) in the of the botanical garden troop), show such character - creasingly populous mass joined in the streets. It was proclaimed, a number of holed flags were flown to day when the revolution and uprising broke out, has n i h fight against the redshirts. Nemecsek boldly chal - istic patterns of human behaviour which can be the first time someone had cut out the communist symbolise that the democratic tradition of the repub - been a national holiday ever since. Finally, the last

T state coat of arms of the Hungarian tricolour. Later, Soviet soldier left Hungary on 30 June 1991. lenges a group of older and stronger boys for his troop. evoked by simply mentioning any of these names. lic was rooted in the 1956 revolution. n

18 19


Do you know any l

bra e the n c c Hungarian

The youngest Hungarian female h x winning team Olympic champion is Krisztina o e at the 1936 f s Olympics. Egerszegi. She holds five Olympic e s Fencing is another p t gold medals. No other woman in the A member of the Hungarian water polo One year later, he already participated highly successful branch of sport in o e l team which won the gold medal at the at swimming and polo training ses - Hungary. Hungarian athletes have ob - world has won more individual Olympic r h t t 1932 Los Angeles Olympics is worth sions. Initially, it was hard for him but tained the majority of gold medals swimming championships than she did. in a special mention. You can only notice at he surprised everyone by winning the in fencing. Specifically, 57 gold medal - She became champion on the 200 m back w n a second glance that 23-year-old Olivér river swimming championship at age lists won the Olympic Games 36 times. ia Halassy, standing at the end of the row, 17. e tradition of excellence by One of the greatest figures in Hungar - stroke at age 14 at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. hi ar ch Hung has no left leg below the knee. He was achievements of athletes with disabili - ian sabre fencing is Aladár Gerevich, Her 1991 world record was only broken in 2008. a two-time Olympic champion, a three- ties represented by Olivér Halassy has who participated at six Olympics and time European champion Hungarian survived in Hungary as part of the Par - obtained seven gold medals. At the Swimming in Hungary is still a success - ful national team sports for roughly water polo player, a European cham - alympics. Young Tamás Sors, a world 2012 Olympics, Áron Szilágyi ful sport. At the 2012 European Swim - a century. e first European champi - pion speed swimmer, and a multiple na - record holder and multiple world and obtained the 13th individual gold ming Championship held in , onship held in 1926 was won by the tional champion in both branches of European champion, won his second medal in sabre fencing for Hungary. Hungary became first in the medal Hungarian water polo team. e most sport. ere were no Paralympic Games gold medal in the butterfly stroke at the Female epeeist Tímea Nagy outper -

s table with 9 gold, 10 silver and 7 bronze famous match in water polo history, the at the time, yet he was among the first 2012 London Paralympic Games. formed all female fencers in the world s e medals, the best ever performance. At “Melbourne Bloodbath” was held be - disabled Olympic champions in the e world’s oldest living Olympic cham - at two consecutive Olympic Games in e T the 2012 London Olympics, Dániel tween the national teams of Hungary world. At age 8, as he was trying to pion is Hungarian water polo player 2000 and 2004, while giving birth to T e Gyurta became an individual Olympic and the Soviet Union at the Melbourne jump on a moving tram, he slid off the Sándor Tarics, who celebrated his 99th a child in the four years between the e l l champion in the 200 m breast stroke Olympics, barely a month after the re - steps. His left leg had to be amputated. birthday in 2012 and was a member of gold medals. h with a world record. pression of the 1956 revolution. Spec - h T T Hungarian competitors can also boast tators all over the world viewed the a a

of extraordinary achievements in Hungarian team as the heroes of a re - Do you know who the best known Hungarian in the world is? One of the most famous Hungarians in the world is time winner of the European Champion Clubs’ Cup n other branches of sport. Péter Lékó, pressed war of independence, especially Ferenc Puskás, who is called “Puskás, the Kid” by his and scored four goals at the 1960 Eintracht versus n

a the youngest ever chess grand master, when a Hungarian player was injured nickname in his native country. He is the best ever Frankfurt ECCC final (7–3), which was not achieved by a

i Hungarian forward, a Hungarian Olympic champion anyone else before or after. Subsequently, he worked i became a master at age 14. He is a per - in the swimming pool because of and a world championship silver medallist football as a coach in several countries. His unique play style r manent participant of super tourna - the movement of a Soviet water polo player and coach, captain of the Golden Team. As consisted of extraordinary explosiveness, perfect ball r a member of the Hungarian national team, he scored control, impenetrable feints, witty solutions, passes a a ments. e best female player in chess feat the world famous chess player player. is gave rise to the expression 84 goals at 85 matches. Between 1950 and 1954, the precise almost to the centimetre, an unusual evalua -

g history is Judit Polgár, the only woman Kasparov. “bloodbath”. At the 2008 Beijing Hungarian national team remained undefeated at 32 tion of situations and a brilliant shooting skill. His g matches in a row. The Golden Team won the 1952 name was included in the FIFA’s list of the world’s best

n among super grand masters. She be - In addition to modern pentathlon and Olympics, the Hungarian team won its Olympics and beat England 6–3 at Wembley football players and he is rightly considered to be one n Stadium in 1953. In 1956, after the revolution was re - of the best players in the world. As well as the now u came an international grand master flat water kayaking & canoeing, water third-in-a-row championship in men’s u pressed, Puskás became a forward of Real Madrid and largest stadium in Budapest, the locations of a number

h at age 15. In 2002, she managed to de - polo has been one of the most success - water polo. played there until 1966. At Real Madrid, he was three- of sports and musical events were named after him. h

20 21 Do you know that Hungarians Have you heard about the Kalocsa have achieved much greater motif, a typical decoration m l sports successes than expected of a Hungarian region? i f

s in terms of population number? Located near the Danube south of Budapest, d e n

T Kalocsa is famous for its paprika and embroidery. a

e A nation’s self esteem receives just as In the history of modern summer and winter e Kalocsa motif is increasingly pop - motif during an air trip. Hungarian ern cut. e l much contribution from sports suc - ular. At the 2011 Brazilian Grand Prix, folk costumes have a renaissance with Katti Zoób is Olympic Games from 1896, including r h cesses as from outstanding economic, Formula One driver Jenson Button the spread of dresses which combine a world famous u T the 2012 London Games, Hungary won cultural or scientific achievements. e wore overalls with the Kalocsa motif, the features of rock and Transdanu - Hungarian fashion T a

number of Hungary’s gold medals l a total of 481 medals, of which 167 are gold, but also Hungarian athletes like wear - bian folk costumes, skirts made by designer whose creations

largely exceeds the average number u

n ing such outfits. e actress Nicole folk art sewing techniques, and collec - harmonically merge elements of world

146 silver and 168 bronze. of gold medals calculated by the num - c

a Kidman wore a dress with the Kalocsa tions which revive folk motifs by a mod - fashion and Hungarian motifs.

i ber of inhabitants. Hungary ranks k r

84th in Wikipedia’s list in terms of l a global population. At the 2012 London Do you know any Hungarian composer? o

th f g Olympics, Hungary won 8 gold, 4 sil - One of the best known figures of classical music is cant composers and pianists of the 20 century. Franz Liszt (1811–1886), whose 200th birth anniver - As a collector of folk music, he studied the folk music ,

n ver and 5 bronze medals and secured sary was celebrated worldwide. He was one of the of both the Hungarians and neighbouring peoples. In

greatest pianists, composers, conductors and addition to orchestral, chamber music and stage c i u the elegant 9th place in the official music teachers of all times. In 1875 he be - works, he composed a number of piano

medal table. came the founder and president of the pieces. He used Hungarian and Slova - s h Academy of Music in Budapest, which kian folk tunes to compose the piano was later named after him. series For Children especially for u In the early 20 th century, the science young people and Mikrokosmos , of Hungarian folk music was where the pieces progress from m horse tack which fixes the harness lower than the Have you ever heard about earlier collar and hames design) and cross-country, founded by two excellent com - beginner etudes to the most ad -

which is now conducted in many other countries, posers, Béla Bartók and Zoltán vanced level. n world famous. The key to successful horse driving is Kodály. In collecting folk songs, Zoltán Kodály (1882–1967) was the sport of horse driving? a

training from a very young age. Horse driving has they were greatly assisted by the a folk music researcher who re - i Chariot racing was an Olympic event in ancient been successful in Hungary since 1930. The country sound recording device of their age, vealed the roots of related peoples Greece. The first professional account of a race is boasts of a number of talented and successful driv - the phonograph. The researchers and history. He composed in a variety of r

found in the works of Homer. At the same time, mod - ers, including Tibor Pettkó-Szandtner, the author of recognised that folk music, just like lan - genres but his choral works are particu - a ern horse driving has a history of barely more than a primer of horse driving, Imre Abonyi, the “King of guage, preserved a number of ancestral ele - larly important. A music teaching method 100 years. Horse Driving”, who was continuously the world’s ments. Some of them link Hungarian tradition to dis - which is used in several countries was named after g It became an official branch of sport in 1970 and the tant Asian peoples and others to the Finno-Ugric lan - him. The basic principles of the “Kodály method” in -

best driver between 1966 and 1976, and Zoltán n first European Four-in-Hand Driving Championship Lázár, one of the most successful competitors of the guage family. Many of the oldest Hungarian folk clude teaching valuable music to children from the ear -

was held in Budapest in 1971. It was the Hungarian sport, who won four two-in-hand and two four-in- songs use the five-note scale without half tones. liest age: first folk songs then the treasures of inter - u horse drivers who made the breastplate (a piece of hand world championships. Béla Bartók (1881–1945) was one of the most signifi - national music; musical education is based on singing. h

22 23 Do you know that a number of world famous film stars and directors are

m of Hungarian descent? l

i Mihály Kertész, the and e Persuaders!, but he also müller, and

f later Oscar awardee di - demonstrated his talent in serious lieutenant

rector, escaped with a circus at age roles (Spartacus). e two-time Golden Colombo by d 17 and started to work as an actor. Globe film legend answered the ques - Peter Falk, and n He graduated in 1906 and made his tions of Hungarian journalists in Hun - the film industry a first film in 1912. He left Hungary garian as he was fluent in the lan - received major contributions from e for the US in 1926 and adopted the guage. He was proud of his Hungarian such talented professionals as director r name Michael Curtiz. During his long origin. Until his death in 2010, he of photography Zsigmond Vilmos and u career he directed more than 100 films. visited Hungary several times and producer Andy Vajna. T

l He was nominated several times until supported culture. One of his daugh - In the world of business, special men -

u he won the Oscar for his 1944 film ters, Jamie Lee Curtis, also became tion must be made of Estée Lauder, fa -

c Casablanca. a renowned actress. mous for her self-made cosmetic prod -

Tony Curtis was born in New York, but A number of other world famous ac - ucts, and Charles Simonyi, a former k

l his family was from the Hungarian tors are also of Hungarian origin. leading developer of Microsoft Word

o town of Mátészalka. He mainly acted Tarzan was played by former Olympic and Excel, and also famous as the only

f in comedies, such as Some Like It Hot champion swimmer Johnny Weis - civilian to have made two space trips.

, c

i What do you think the best known Hungarian dance is? Have you ever been s As with folk songs, Hungarian dances Haiduk’s dance, peasant traditions to a dance house? u have an old and a new style. and written music. The latest type In addition to (Hungarian and ethnic) folk dances, the The ancestral dances include of paired dances was the dance house movement greatly contributed to the m line, round, pastoral and jump - czardas, or csárdás, from the renaissance of folk music and folk instruments in

ing dances. Among them, the latter half of the 19 th century. Hungary. The first dance house was organised in

n most special are the Haiduk’s It started from peasant cul - 1972 in Budapest. It became a form of entertainment dance, a popular dance in ture to spread and become for the urban youth, assisted by renowned folk dance In 2005 Dániel Rátai won six first prizes at the “Olympics” of scientists under 21 in Phoenix, Arizona, US. His invention is capable of turning a simple personal computer a

i the 16th and 17th centuries a national dance of roman - and folk music researchers. Dance houses set out to a 3D device to facilitate the work of cartoon makers, applied artists, industrial designers and physicians. The mechanism which offers the experience of spatiality was named after the foot sol - ticism and a symbol of am - not only to teach dances with the help of bands play - used to develop a device and program called Leonar3Do under the direction of the young inventor. r diers of the time, the re - bitions of nationhood and ing authentic folk music and by popularising live

a cruitment dance, and the independence by 1848. The music but offer to teach folk songs as well. Tourists lads’ dance. The most repre - basic steps of the czardas are well advised to visit a dance house in Hungary.

g Sources of images: Cantemus, Cartographia, Árpád Fákó, Klára Kaposi, András Kovács, successors of Gyula László, Kecskemétfilm, Vilmos Lázár, Madarchív, Hungarian sentative new dances which are easy to learn but it takes The joint learning and practicing of music, folk Museum of Natural Science, Hungarian Institute for Science History, Hungarian Water Polo Association, MANDA, Hungarian National Bank, Hungarian National Museum,

n appeared approximately in the a lot of practice to do well the dresses and traditional dances make for an unforget - 19th century included the recruit - dance. Today, the czardas is the table experience. In 2011, the UNESCO Best Prac - Hungarian Olympic Committee, Hungarian Telegraphic Bureau, Hungarian Television Archives,, National Széchenyi Library, Paks Nuclear Plant, u ing dance and the czardas. The re - most popular Hungarian dance tices List came to include the Hungarian dance house Pannonian Near Space Project, Puskás Academy, University of Szeged, Antal Széll, Mihály Tímár, Csaba Tökölyi,, Wikipedia

h cruiting dance was inspired by the worldwide. method in recognition of the movement. Details of image data: