2013 LOCAL CONTENT NEW ZEALAND TELEVISION SUPPORTING LOCAL CONTENT Level 2 119 Ghuznee Street PO Box 9744 Wellington New Zealand T: 04 382 9524 E:
[email protected] W: www.nzonair.govt.nz CONTENTS 2013: At a Glance 2 Executive Summary 2013 4 Part 1: Local Content by Channel 8 Part 2: Prime Time Local Content 16 Part 3: First Run Local Content 22 Part 4: Repeated Local Content 34 Part 5: Trends by Genre 36 Appendix 1: Notes on Methodology 55 Appendix 2: 2013 Totals 57 Appendix 3: NZ On Air Funded Programmes Broadcast in 2013 59 Appendix 4: List of NZ On Air Funded Programmes Broadcast in 2013 63 Appendix 5: List of all Local Content Broadcast in 2013 68 2 LOCAL CONTENT 2013 2013: At a glance This report Local content increased 12,145 measures local HOURS content on of local content screened 0.8% TV One, TV2, from 2012, on New Zealand’s six an additional 94 hours major free-to-air TV3, FOUR, caused mainly by TV channels Prime & Māori extended Māori Television (6am – midnight, up from 12,051 transmission hours in 2012, see Fig.3) Television News, Current Cancellation or First run Affairs and reformatting of a Sport comprise number of programming News/Current decreased by Affairs and 11% (mostly 43% Information off-peak) of total programmes caused a TV One and Prime local hours decrease in local content recorded the biggest (See Fig. 26) hours on TV One decrease TV One screened the most first run 35% 32% local content and of prime time hours of hours broadcast during the Māori Television (6pm-10pm) 18-hour day played the most were local content (6am – midnight) local content in (The same level as 2012) were local content prime time (The same level as 2012) (See Figs.