United States Patent Office Patented Aug
y 2,847,481 United States Patent Office Patented Aug. 12, 1958 2 invention produces a mixture of these isomers from which the desired CsCl isomer may be separately re 2,847,481 covered in substantially pure form. Apparently, the PRODUCTION OF OCTACHELOROMETHYLENE preparation of octachloromethylenecyclopentene has CYCLOPENTENE been of only academic interest as no attempt has been made to obtain the material by an economic process Aylmer H. Maude and David S. Rosenberg, Niagara suitable for commercial manufacture. Falls, N.Y., assignors to Hooker Electrochemical Com Octachloromethylenecyclopentene is a valuable chem pany, Niagara Falls, N.Y., a corporation of New York ical intermediate, useful in the synthesis of various other No Drawing. Application August 9, 1954 0 chemicals having diverse uses in the commercial arts. Serial No. 448,736 For example, it may be used as the starting material for making perchlorofulvene by reacting it with aluminum 5 Claims. (CI. 260-648) shavings in the presence of freshly sublimed aluminum chloride in ether solution for a period of about 12 hours This invention is concerned with the production of 5 (see Roedig, Ann. 569, 161-183, (1950)). Also, various unsaturated cyclic chlorocarbons having the empirical ketones may be made from octachloromethylenecyclo formula CsCl and more particularly to the production pentene by reaction with sulfuric acid. of octachloromethylenecyclopentene. The process of It is the object of this invention to provide a method the present invention involves introducing a mixture for the production of octachloromethylenecyclopentene of a C chlorohydrocarbon containing at least three 20 by an economic process which has a direct and simple chlorine atoms and chlorine into a reaction Zone con procedure and which is readily adaptable to commercial taining a porous surface active catalyst maintained at operation.
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