Farm' Will by SS Damages NANCY LOUGHLIN No
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Mabel R. 0. 1 Librarian California S ate Library Sacramento 9, California #2 t the bay Ly in Skin 'Golden Boy' Opens Run men d Al itrib- nake ts part - igh the was Rich 1850 snge Pay 'Farm' Will By SS Damages NANCY LOUGHLIN No. The exciting setting of the iter's prizefighting arena will transport Guilty Parties tonight's "Golden Boy" audience Spartan Dail to the intrigues and loves of Joe, Moody, and Lorna, played by Richard Risso, Bill Furnell, and Still Unidentified 411110).35 ' SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Betsy Smith, respectively, in Clif- An offer to pay all expenses for damages inflicted on the Stan- ford Odets' popular drama of tia- Vol. XXXIX San Jose, Calif., Thursday, Dec. 7, 1950 No, 49 gedy. The curtain will rise at 8:15 ford campus by unknown culprits was extended yesterday by ASB o'clock tonight and tomorrow, president Dave Down. Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday "I do not fee4-that San Jose State students were the guilty par- nights. One month in preparatico, ties," exclaimed Down yesterday. "To assure smooth relations, we will "Golden Boy" will incorporate the pay for the damage, however." talents of some 20 student actors. Director of Athletics at Stan- Mr. John R. Kerr, veteran direct& ford Al Masters also went along LP ROUNDUP of Little Theattr productions, will with Down in laying the blame on direct this offering. Harold Will- high school students. Stanford's ard will be ,stage manager. ' 1 Dean of Students H. D. Winbi- Robert Taft, Stagecraft innovations, differ- ler. however, in a telephone call ent from any seen previously on to Dean Joe West, expressed th-e Republicans the Little Theater stage, will be opinion that it was Spartan root- a feature of the production. Mr. ers who painted the Hoover War J. Wendell Johnson's stage crew Memorial. Blast Acheson will change scenery before the Later developments pointed to WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 -Rob- eyes of the audience. Wearing people living in the Palo Alto ert A. Taft, chairman, said today black ballet -type costumes, the area, according to Director of the Senate Republican Policy com- crew's actions will be performci Athletics Glenn S. Hartranft. This mittee is considering whether to in darkness. According to Mr. was the fourth raid in the last recommend a demand that Secre- Johnson, it should create a weiA Iwo months on the Stanford farm. tary of State Dean Acheson be effect. All raids used the same type of fired. In order to simplify the var- :.eflow paint, according to Sam Taft told a reporter that the ied scene changes, movable wa- MacDonald, superintendent of matter had been discussed at a gon stages il be used. These buildings and grounds. policy session yesterday. Ile stages are backed with a brick- Th paint was so heavy and called another meeting for to- all type eoering to be used consistent that It is almost im- morrow to talk it over again for background. The reverse possible to remove from the . and to consider the general to- side of them provides box -like sandstone construction of the pic of U.S. foreign policy. settings to be used for interiors. War Memorial. -It may take It was the first indication of Richard Risso heads the cast as blasting to remove the traces," concentrated GOP action seeking Joe, Bill Furnell is Moody. an] commented !MacDonald. to force the embattled secretary's Betsy Smith is Lorna. Betsy Smith as Lorna, and Richard Risso as Joe. the youthful Down is planning to meet with resignation. Others in the cast are as fel- prizefighter of "Golden Boy", express their ustrated emotions In Stanford's student body president lows: Warren Womseth, Tokio; ARMY HALTS thia scene from flaffprd (Meta' tragedy of th ra Pr4711111141111 Stanley and council this week to arrange roxYo, Dec. 6 The U.S. 8th world which starts tonight at 8:15 o'clock in he Little eater. ShwImmer, Mr. Carp: Do- for closer cooperation between the Army halted its headlong flight photo by Zimmerman lores Ceraso, Anna; Harry Sanii, two schools. just north ef the 38th Parallel to- Siggie; Thomas Patterson, Frana; day and began striking back at Edwin Klein, Mr. Bonaparte; Joe Chinese Communists who have Juliano, Rosy; William Kenney, eased at least temporarily their Student Court Penalizes Fuseli; William Coleman, Pepper Students and 10-day offensive. White; Peter Hartman, Mickey; Twenty thousand Marine and Harold Willard, call boy; Jack Faculty Give army troops trapped in two pock- Delinquent SJS Clubs Byers, Sam; Bert Graf, Lewis; ets south of the Chosin Reservoir Robert Collins, Drake; Bryan reported that the fury of attacks A series of penalties ranging from a $1 fine to the revoking of Rose. Barker; and James Jensen', by 65,000 Chinese Communists Driscoll. 210 Pints Blood all ASB privileges was levied against delinquent campus organizations there had slackened to small arms Spartan students and faculty at a fire. meeting of the Student Court yesterday afternoon. members 210 strong waded Meanwhile, some indications Appearing before the Student Court were 13 groups through, the rains yesterday to who had Student Group Communist willing- the Student Union to donate their of Chinese failed to turn in their list of ASB members by Nov. 22. The verdicts ness to discuss Korean truce blood in the "Blood for Korea" were rendered as follows, accord- terms were reported today as drive. Ong to Bob King, Chief Justice: OK's Charging British Prime Minister Clement Over a hundred other students Attlee pledged Britain to stand . Not guilty: Tau Gamma, Foren- and faculty members had already Announcement by the United States in duty sics, Kappa Alpha Theta. Of donated at the 440 No. First street Admissions and friendship. Guilty: Psi Chi center. Deadline Friday (inactixe until An admission of 25 cents will be A flurry of peace feelers to Pei- list rejected is turned in); Engineers So- charged student body card hold- Several others were ping caused one foreign diplomatic yesterday because they did not ciety ($1 fine); Mu Phi Epsilon ers for the SJS-Washington State official to report that the Chin- December graduates have on- ($1 boxing match, Jan. 18, according bring release slips from their par- wil- ly until tomorrow to order gra- fine, must resubmit list by cse Reds have indicated some to Student Council action Tuesday ents. Appointments were made for duation announcements, Ed Jan. 91; Pi Omega Pi (must re- lingness to halt their troops at afternoon. future blood donations. The entire Gasper, senior class president, the 38th Parallel. ' submit list); Phi Mu Alpha 1$1 The council explained that the amount will be credited to the warns. Orders may be placed at college drive. fine, must resubmit list); Sigma charge was necessary to obtain Proescher, head of the Blood Cen- Victor La Mar's Printers at 82 Delta Pi ($1 fine); LaTorre and competition with the Washington "It was a splendid turnout." ter. "The whole proceeding went Second street. S. Lycurgus (sentence suspended State team. complimented Mr. Frederick without a hitch." To keep the team pending invest igat ion). from "going in the red" on the All ASB privileges were revoked guarantee of $1000, the Physical for 13 other groups who did not Education department requested bother to appear in defense against the additional charge. the charges. They were considered It was suggested by council 13 guilty said King. These clubs are: members that the additional Inn Academic Scholars, Der Deutsche charge should be placed on gen- Verein, Epsilon Mi Pi, Epsilon Nu eral admission tickets, but the, Gamma, Forestry Club, Key Club, opinion of the group was that this Pan-American Club, Pi Sigma Chi, would cut off -campus attendance. Pre-Legal Club, Radio Amateurs The idea was abandoned be- Club, and State Flying Club. cause the council felt it would cause displeasure among the stu- a dents. fr Cop Not SJS Grad William Douglass, ex-San Jose State college student, who went Well, gals, berserk with a pistol while on you might as wt II duty with the San Francisco sleep in your Drizzle -Boots as drizzles and police depa rt ment yesterday, maybe an honest-to- gawd rain was not a graduate of the SJS will he with us for a Police school, declared Willard day or two. But don't let it int( r- fere E. Schmidt, school head. with your Wintermist plans Schmidt said that Douglass as we unequivocally guarantee only Atended saii one (pflirter, that it won't rain between nine (luring which time he WA% en- and one on Saturday night, Yo3 can have that bit of practical info Jose State college campus left the Student Union yiitterday rolled in the police course, but The Mobile Blood unit visiting San free just like the admission to donated by the students and faculty here. Students lined up during the lunch left college following a TPCOM- with 210 pints of blood aforesaid Shindig. period and later In the afternoon to make an unprecedented showing in the college's history. No rnenda Hon that he change his P.S. Dear Jupe, don't rain Cl 'casualties" N%ere, reported although several students got dizzy. Coffee and pastry; were served by objective. Sat. eve. Tans, W.M. the canteen corp folloaing donations. 2 SPARTAN DAILY Thursday, December 7, 1950 Miss Hinze Defense Group To Meet Today A meeting of the Defense and Members of the SJS committee Disaster committee for San Jose are Bill Hubbard, chairman; By- State college will meet this after- ron Bollinger, Willard Scpmidt, Daily to Lowell Pratt, Miss Margaret Spartan Gets Post noon at 3:30 o'clock, according Dave Down.