Farm' Will by SS Damages NANCY LOUGHLIN No
Mabel R. 0. 1 Librarian California S ate Library Sacramento 9, California #2 t the bay Ly in Skin 'Golden Boy' Opens Run men d Al itrib- nake ts part - igh the was Rich 1850 snge Pay 'Farm' Will By SS Damages NANCY LOUGHLIN No. The exciting setting of the iter's prizefighting arena will transport Guilty Parties tonight's "Golden Boy" audience Spartan Dail to the intrigues and loves of Joe, Moody, and Lorna, played by Richard Risso, Bill Furnell, and Still Unidentified 411110).35 ' SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Betsy Smith, respectively, in Clif- An offer to pay all expenses for damages inflicted on the Stan- ford Odets' popular drama of tia- Vol. XXXIX San Jose, Calif., Thursday, Dec. 7, 1950 No, 49 gedy. The curtain will rise at 8:15 ford campus by unknown culprits was extended yesterday by ASB o'clock tonight and tomorrow, president Dave Down. Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday "I do not fee4-that San Jose State students were the guilty par- nights. One month in preparatico, ties," exclaimed Down yesterday. "To assure smooth relations, we will "Golden Boy" will incorporate the pay for the damage, however." talents of some 20 student actors. Director of Athletics at Stan- Mr. John R. Kerr, veteran direct& ford Al Masters also went along LP ROUNDUP of Little Theattr productions, will with Down in laying the blame on direct this offering. Harold Will- high school students. Stanford's ard will be ,stage manager. ' 1 Dean of Students H. D. Winbi- Robert Taft, Stagecraft innovations, differ- ler. however, in a telephone call ent from any seen previously on to Dean Joe West, expressed th-e Republicans the Little Theater stage, will be opinion that it was Spartan root- a feature of the production.
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