ww ww VOL. j h / NO. 10 TISHREI 5771/SEPTEMBER 2010 YOMIM NORAIM EDITION s xc THEDaf a K ashrus A MONTHLYH NEWSLETTER FOR TH E O U RABBINIC FIELD REPRESENTATIVE HARRY H. BEREN ASK OU TRAINING SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT Participants in the three-week ASK OU Internship Program pose in front of the Hampton Inn in Hanover, PA where they stayed overnight during their two-day tour of OU facilities in PA. They visited Empire Poultry, Hanover Foods and Pos’tiv Produce. Published by the Orthodox Union, Eleven Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Please direct your comments to RABBI YOSEF GROSSMAN, EDITOR at 212-613-8212 or
[email protected] DAF NOTES The three week ASK OU internship program is a very unique program covering all areas of today’s working kashrus. During the three weeks For the first time, the recently concluded Harry H. Beren ASK OU Intern- of this intensive program, we covered the following areas of kashrus ship Program had an educator in its midst. Dr. Neal received a Masters degree from University of LaVerne in school administration and a PhD via classroom format, hands-on approach, and “field trips” around the in education from Common Wealth University. For over 35 years, tri-state area of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The areas Dr. Neal has taught preschool through college in a variety of subjects of study included: The Art of Excellent Hashgocho, Current Dairy including math, science, reading, writing, mechanical drawing, and performing arts. He has presented on the district, county, state, and Issues, Akum, Fowl, Beef, Food Service, Fish, Vegetables, Chemicals national levels in the areas of math and science.