 A brief introduction  A short history lesson  A show-and-tell overview  Some resources  A philosophical discussion INTRODUCTION ABOUT ME

• BA in CS • Work for UEN • Started using in 1982 • I’ve used many operating systems… • I am not a salesman for ! WHAT IS HAIKU?

 A free, open source, operating system  Designed specifically for personal computing  Based on the now discontinued BeOS ANYONE?

 Has anyone here ever used BeOS or Haiku? A HISTORY LESSON A HISTORY OF BEOS

 Jean-Louis Gassée  An executive at Apple in the 1980s  Ousted from Apple in 1990  Started Be Inc. in 1991 BE, INC.

 Built BeBox hardware and BeOS to run on it  First release was in 1995  Only about 2,000 sold from late 1995 to early 1997  Stopped making hardware, and focused on BeOS APPLE & BE

 Apple tried to buy BeOS in 1996, as a replacement for MacOS  But Be held out for more money...  ...So Apple purchased Steve Job's NeXT instead! THE END OF BEOS

 BeOS was then ported to some clones and the architecture…  …But never really gained much traction on either platform  Last release of BeOS was R5 in 2000  Then the company was bought by Palm BEOS WAS LOVED! (BY SOME)

 It gained a small following of loyal fans  Like science fiction author Neal Stephenson  In the Beginning was the Command Line - his article about operating systems  You can read it for free at http://www.cryptonomicon.com/begi nning.html OPENBEOS

 OpenBeOS project started in 2001  Goals:  Support the BeOS user community by creating an open-source, backward- compatible replacement for BeOS  To be source and binary compatible with BeOS HAIKU

 In 2004 OpenBeOS changed its name to Haiku, after receiving a trademark infringement notification from Palm  September 2009: Haiku R1 Alpha 1 is released  Latest version: R1/Alpha 4.1, released in November 2012 WHY DO RELEASES TAKE SO LONG?

 Raise money and hire some programmers  Strict about their coding and interface guidelines  Careful attention makes for slow progress…  …But relatively stable and bug free releases WHY IS IT CALLED HAIKU?

Because of NetPositive's haiku error messages:

"These three are certain: "Login incorrect. Death, taxes, and site not found. Only perfect spellers may You, victim of one." Enter this system.

See them all at http://8325.org/haiku/ AN OVERVIEW OF HAIKU SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS

 Haiku currently only works on x86 systems  32 bit version only - no 64 bit system  Minimum memory required: 128 MB  CPU: Pentium II 400 MHz  Drive space: 700 MB A HAIKU DEMO

 A VirtualBox Demonstration… UNDER THE HOOD FEATURES

 Specific focus on personal computing (not multi-user)  Custom kernel designed for responsiveness  Fully threaded design for great efficiency with multi-processor/core CPUs  Rich OO API for faster development  Database-like (BFS) with support for indexed metadata  Unified, cohesive interface IF YOU ARE INTERESTED

Resources for Haiku THE WEBSITE www.haiku-os.org

 Download the OS  Learn about the project  Keep up on the latest news  Blogs, forums, articles, tickets, etc. LEARNING AND GETTING HELP

 Included documentation  Welcome: get you started using the OS, and points you to other resources  Haiku User Guide: Details the GUI, the file system, the , the Deskbar, shortcuts, etc.  The BeBook: Details the programming API for BeOS/Haiku  The website  Community > Help and Support GETTING INVOLVED

 Community > Getting Involved  Developing for Haiku (in C++)  Books:  Two programming books by Jon Yoder  Can download them for free on the Haiku website, under Development  Donating money WHY? WHY SHOULD WE CARE ABOUT (OR USE) OLD OPERATING SYSTEMS?

 What do you think?  How many of you are not using the absolute latest version of your OS right now?  So, technically, you are using an old Operating System!  Why haven't you updated?  Money, time, hassle, hardware, bandwidth… WHY WE SHOULD CARE ABOUT OLD OPERATING SYSTEMS

An OS for older computers  Run legacy applications and older games  Collectors / historical reasons  Useful computers = less landfill! WHY WE SHOULD CARE ABOUT OLD OPERATING SYSTEMS

Stop the Rat Race  Do we really need all the "features" of newer Operating Systems?  If it ain't broke, don't fix it!  Privacy and tracking concerns  Fewer hassles WHY WE SHOULD CARE ABOUT OLD OPERATING SYSTEMS

To provide variety in the world  Fun!  Learn about Operating Systems  Get involved developing an OS (with less people than !)  Provide alternatives to the major Operating Systems  Haiku version 1.0 could lead to development for newer machines THE END

[email protected]  Slides at c64sets.com/slides  Questions or comments?