Welcome to Banstead In f o r m a t i o n o n B a n s t e a d Ch u r c h e s , l o c a l s e r v i c e s , c l u b s and ac t i v i t i e s CONTENTS United Reformed Church Woodmansterne Lane, Banstead, SM7 3EX http://www.bansteadurc.org.uk 1. Doctors, Dentists and Hospitals Minister—Revd John Gordon 01737 351188 2. Chemists
[email protected] Sunday services 3. Vets Sunday Worship at 10.30am including Junior Church 4. Community Services 5. Clubs and Activities 6. Banstead Five Churches Banstead Methodist Church The Drive Banstead Surrey SM7 1DA http://www.bansteadmethodist.org.uk 01737 359269 (answerphone) Welcome to Banstead
[email protected] Minister - Rosemary Richter 0208 647 1550 Welcome to Banstead! We hope that you will find the in-
[email protected] formation in this booklet useful. As well as information about Banstead Churches and Sunday services services, you will find details of local doctors, dentists, Holy Communion—1st Sunday of the month at 8.30 am hospitals, chemists, vets, and community services including Morning Worship every Sunday at 10.30am clubs and activities and other useful contact information. St Ann’s Catholic Church 4 Brighton Rd, Banstead, SM7 1BS http://www.stannsbanstead.org.uk 01737 353 724
[email protected] Priest: Fr John Inglis Deacon: Revd Kevin O'Brien Mass Monday 9:30am Tuesday 9:30am Wednesday 9:30am Thursday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 10am - 8pm (during term time).