
Deer resistant

hese plants will usually not be disturbed by deer, but please note that there are no deer proof plants. Deer vary from location to location and herd to herd. Very hungry deer and fawns may cause damage to any of Tthese plants. Juvenile foliage, and newly planted landscapes are most at risk. It is advisable to treat new plantings (even deer resistant plants) with a repellant such as Liquid Fence according to the directions.

PERENNIALS Achillea ‘Coronation Gold’ and ‘Moonshine’ Lantana sp.- may eat the flowers Aconitum- Monkshood Lamium maculatum- Dead Nettle Agastache- Hyssop Lavandula sp.- Lavender Amaryllis belladonna- Naked Lady Liriope sp.- Lily Turf Anemone hybrida- Japanese Anemone Lychnis coronaria Argyranthemum- Marguerite Daisy Nepeta sp.- Catmint Armeria maritima- Sea Thrift Omphalodes cappadocica- Navelwort Artemesia spp. Ophiopogon sp.- Mondo Grass Astilbe sp.- Meadow Sweet Origanum sp.- Ceratostigma plumbaginoides- Leadwort Osteospermum hybrids Chrysanthemum superbum- Shasta Daisy Perovskia- Russian Sage Daffodils and Narcissus Phlomis sp.- Jerusalem Sage Dicentra sp.- Bleeding Heart Phygelius sp.- Cape Fuchsia Digitalis sp.- Foxglove Romneya coulteri- Matilija Poppy Echinacea sp.- Cone Rosmarinus- Erigeron sp. Rudbeckia sp.- Black Eyed Susan Erysimum sp.- Wallflower Salvia-most (Sage) Euphorbia sp.- Spurge Santolina sp. Euryops pectinatus- Winter Daisy Senecio cineraria- Dusty Miller Ferns-most Stachys byzantina- Lamb’s Ears Gaillardia sp.- Blanket Flower Tagetes lemmonii- Mexican Bush Marigold Grasses- most Tanacetum- Feverfew Helleborus sp.- Christmas Rose Thymus sp.- -most except , and Cilantro Tulbaghia violacea- Society Iris- most Verbena sp.- may eat flowers Kniphofia uvaria- Red Hot Poker Zantedeschia- Calla Lily

ANNUALS Begonia (fibrous or waxleaf) Lobularia maritime- Sweet Alyssum Nicotiana Chrysanthemum paludosum Mirabilis- Four O Clock Vinca rosea (Catharanthes) Cleome- Spider Flower Myosotis- Forget Me Not Zinnia

(continues on other side)

We'll help you grow the plants you love!

www.sloatgardens.com TREES Agonis flexuosa- Tree Koelreutia Pistacia chinensis- Chinese Pistache Cedrus- Cedar Lagerstroemia- Crape Myrtle Quercus- Oak, protect when young Eucalyptus spp. Magnolia spp. Pinus- Pine Grevillea robusta- Silk Oak Melaleuca spp.


Adenanthos Drummondi-Wooly Correa pulchella- new growth eaten Myoporum laetum Bush Daphne odora Myrtus communis- Myrtle Azalea Southern indica-can be Dietes sp.- Fortnight Lily Nerium oleander- Oleander “tipped” Echium – Pride of Madeira Olea europa- Olive Baccharis pilularis- Coyote Bush Eleagnus sp.- Silverberry Ozothamnus Berberis sp.- Barberry Erica sp.- Heather Pieris- Lily of the Valley Shrub Buxus sp. – Boxwood Fremontodendron- Flannel Bush Podocarpus- Yew Pine Callistemon sp.- Bottlebrush Grevillea sp. Prunus laurocerasus- English Laurel Calluna- Scotch Heather Hakea suaveolens Rhododendron Choisya ternata- Mexican Orange Ilex sp.- Holly Rubus pentalobus (R. calycinoides) Clivia miniata - Sweet Bay Sarcococca Coleonema pulchrum- Breath of Leonothus- Lion Tail Strelitzia- Bird of Paradise Heaven Leptospermum- Tea Tree Syzygium – Brush Cherry Conifers- (including Junipers) most Mahonia sp.- Oregon Grape Westringia sp Cordyline Michelia figo- Banana Shrub Yucca

VINES Clematis armandii Gelsemium sempervirens Solanum jasminoides- Potato Vine Clematis hybrids Hardenbergia Wisteria Ficus pumila- Creeping Fig Jasminum polyanthemum


Ajuga- Carpet Bugle Hypericum-St. Johns Wort Potentilla neumanniana- Cinquefoil Blue Star Creeper Ice Plants Rosmarinus- Rosemary Cerastium tomentosum spp.- Creeping Mints Soleirolia soleirolii- Baby Tears Chamaemelum nobile- Chamomile Myoporum parvifolium Thymus sp.- Thyme odoratum- Sweet Woodruff Osteospermum fruticosum Vinca sp.-Periwinkle Gazania Polygonum- Knotweed
