Breeding Livestock Adapted to Unfavorable Environments
FAO LIBRARY AN: 058828 M#71,4,00 BREEDING LIVESTOCK adapted to UFFAVORABLE ENVIEZO MENTS Washington, U.S.A. August 1949 OTHER FAO AGRICULTURAL STUDIES No. 2 Preservation of Grains in Storage: Papers Presented at the International Meet- ing on Infestation of Foodstuffs, London, 5-12 August 1947(February1948) With maps, charts, tables, references and an index, iv + 174 pages. Price $1.50. Available alsoinFrench and Spanish. No. 3 Using Salty Land (February 1948) With tables, charts, and references, iv + 49 pages.Price 50 cents. Out of print.French edition available. No. 4 Soil Conservation: An International Study (March 1948) With a folding map, charts,references,96 halftoneillustrations,viii + 192pages. Price$2.00. Available also in French and Spanish. No. 5 Nutritional Deficiencies in Livestock( May 1948.Reprinted August 1949 )With tables,map,chart,references, 47halftoneillustrations,iv + 102pages. Price $1.00. No. 6 Storing and Drying GraininCanada, in theUnitedStites,inthe United Kingdom (December1948.Reprinted August1949) With tables,references, 9 illustrations, V + 41pages.Price 50 cents.French and Spanish editions in preparation. No. 7 Better Utilizationof Milk (March1949.Reprinted August 1949)With tables and references, 76 pages.Price75cents. French and Spanisheditionsin preparation. No. 8 Ri,nderpest Vaccines, TheirProduction and UseintheField(March1949) With tables, references, 2illustrations,viii-1- 71 pages.Price $1.00.French editioninpreparation. No. 9 Efficient Use of Fertilizers.English edition in press.French and Spanish editions in preparation. ' . ,....0.4, t , ..4,0, 4 't tAtt ,'t.," 4e ',-U,' ...,. <.. 4 t-,..1, ", , ' . ,,:i). ..,,,i,:it,,,.,,,,,,- .,,,,,,. <...:' ,:",,11.3*.*:.?..,:j::... ,:i.., : 0:: i-' ,- \ -' I, ft4,,..f,,, '''';i: 1 ' ' ,i4 \1,14.1147 e 7% '" ''''''1.."14,14,,,t,'..0'.-'1"4'N' ' , e, , ., .., ,,.,,,,,,.
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