"~~~;,:;:·············~'(.WH;r.$I.··~»'~»':::O· :::O-':mc~~ I· ·'N ~iHE ~iws j JUDeI,II7Z ....j I ... CIty. I ...... :~ .): SWI .._ .... ~ - .....,. ~ :.:a'.' ::~ riefly ~ :~~ i~: .~: :~: TV and drugs ~ Bid for votes ~l WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal Com­ ~:: IIUlications Commissioner NichOlas Johnson ...ued drug commercials Monday and said ''television is the pusher. " i\.... "Every Indicator of drug use-from cigarette • :::~.•.. sales to aspirin sales, from the use of alcohol to $$ the use 01 vitamins, from sleeping pills to stay­ ~~~~ In awake pills--is Increasing annually," Johnson ~~l;.... .said. "And televlon is intimately involved in selling these drugs." Johnson said, however, he does not think "television executives have made a conscious decision to sell drugs 81 opposed to other commodities. . . , "And I don't think television is wholly respon- countdown sible for creating a society that craves drugs." (AP) - Sen. George But moments before he set out on his Monday ~)~ McGovern. confident of victory in California's campaign schedule, McGovern announced he presidential primary Tuesday, wound up his was going to Houston, Tex., to spend the night, t Defense costs campaign Monday with a delegate-hunting trip and confer with Democrats at the National to New Mexico. Governors Conference. WASHINGTON (API - Secretary of Defense He also decided to fly to Houston late at night No problems Melvin R. Laird told Congress Monday Hanoi's to meet with skeptical Democratic governors. I;::: offensive could cost the United States an extra $5 Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, meanwhile, stayed He said he wanted to demonstrate that the billion if it had to maintain its pre 5 e n t in California, trying to overcome the big lead the governors would have communication with him military response through 1972. pollsters grant to McGovern. He spoke to aero­ as the nominee, and "easy access" if he becomes Earlier in the day, Laird had told a Senate sub­ space workers in Los Angeles and then flew nor­ president. committee that if Congress approved a th for a traditional tour through San Francisco's Southerners among them said they feared I:::: $3O-billion cut in defense funds proposed by Chinatown. a ticket led by McGovern would fare poorly in presidential aspirant George McGovern it should McGovern , the smiling. confident senator from their region in the Nov. 7 primary. But there was ....~~ provide "at least $1 billion for white nags .. , South Dakota, also addressed a factory crowd. no evidence of a real stop-McGovern effort; Gov. •...:!:: because it means surrender ... At Chula Vista. near San Diego. he got perhaps Robert W. Scott of North Carolina said it was a The secretary said also that if Congress his most enthusiastic welcome from plant little late for that. doesn't approve funds for new weapons systems workers. McGovern evidently hoped to allay the concer­ ~~: it would be jeoparidizing further U.S.-Soviet ns of governors who believe his personal plat­ ~;~ arms-limitation agreements because he said Yorty endorsement form is too liberal for the liking of Southerners m; they must be negotiated from a position of and Democrats elsewhere. Humphrey got the last-minute endorsement of ;~ strength. Humphrey planned to go to Houston Wed­ :::: Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty , one of the eight nesday, after the pivotal primary in California. :::: Democrats on the preSidential ballot in Califor­ The man who wins California will get 271 vofes Strange demonstration .•.•::~ nia. Yorty called on his backers to vote for Hum­ ....'.', for the Democratic presidential nomination . .... phrey in an effort to stop McGovern from the Eighteen votes are at stake in New Mexico . Coast Guard officials In Norfolk, Va. came to the aalUng of the aircraft carrier America for :::: Campaign tactic? the rescue of chagrined antiwar demon trators VI tnarn. AP Photo ',0,'.', nomination . which is also holding a primary Tuesday. :-:. "Our Democratic party is threatened with after their canoe eapslted. They were protesnng ::::.:. MOSCOW (AP)-A Soviet newspaper suggests suicidal radicalization by Sen. George Picks up delegates :::; this year's presidential election was a major fac­ McGovern's . lavishly financed campaign of McGovern pushed his Democratic National tor behind President Nixon's summit meeting deception and demagoguery," Yorty said. He Convention delegate total to 5371,2 on the eve of His campaign workers: with Soviet leaders. called McGovern a captive of the "radical left." the big California primary on the strength of new ',"!l~ But the newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda. As Humphrey flew north of San ~·rancisco . he delegates picked up over the past weekend. praised the American side for "sober-minded­ again challenged McGovern to one more The South Dakota senator added delegates ~~~~: ness" and obedience to the "dictates of reality" televised "debate" before Tuesday's primary, from Oklahoma, Kentucky, Connecticul, ',', in signing agreements which "have placed the ~:. but that was precluded by McGovern's trip to the Colorado and Illinois in caucuses and conven­ 'Dinner can wait, relations between our two countries on a more governors' conference in Houston , with a stop in tions at the state level. He also gained a couple solic foundation." New Mexico which also has its primary Tuesday. from the official canvas in Nebraska. The paper, organ of the Young Communist "I'll do my damndest," Humphrey said as he Wallace remains the secondplace Democrat in i.:.: League, said in its Sunday edition that the Soviet began his election eve drive. terms of votes lined up for the July 10 convention, side was gu\ded in last month's summit talks by ~:: His earlier challenge for an encore debate with with 318 delegates. Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of but not McGovern' the "peace program" outlined by the Communist McGovern came during a nationally telev~ed Minnesot

Meg Eginton, 17, has been physicist and a student have available that could be used In Anthony Armstrong Jones and blacks need now to accentuate awarded The Dally Iowan DI delivery developed a computer system to this type of system. the Memphis Beats. the positive aspects of their Newspaper Scholarship for The simplify flute playing. lives. University of Iowa's Jour­ Several Iowa City non·student f nalism Workshop according to residents wlll be receiving The Prof. Edwin Norbeck, one of Fair shows A black's concern Area girl the developers, says that use of John Butler. Director of Jour­ Daily IOW8D for the next two The Guess Who, Canada's top Electric rates nalism Workshops. weeks according to Jim Conlin the idea with other woodwind rock and roll band, will appear William Hargrave, candidate The award will cover all costs Circulation Manager. instruments could lead to at the Iowa State Fair Sunday, for the Democratic nomlnatlon DES MOINES. Iowa (AP)­ of the newspaper workshop Starting today ten ran­ eas.ler-to-play and better-soun­ There's no way the Iowa Com· vi awarded August 27, according to Kenneth for state representative for the fo June 11-16. domly-selected residents on ding instruments. Norbeck and Fulk, Iowa State Fair Board 74th District, told a group of merce Commission (ICC) can Eginton is a junior at West Robert "Charlie" Grimm , who render a just and competent pr each of the OI's regular routes Secretary. black women Sunday that cr High School. In the fall. she will will receive the student paper. worked on the flute project as Comedians Bob Hope and Bill blacks must involve themselves decision on an Iowa Electric be copy editor for the yearbook. After two weeks a questionnaire part of a physics class, are Light and Power Co. rate in­ m DI journalism Cosby and Singer-Songwriter more in the polltics of Iowa City bE the Trojan Epic, and editorial will appear in the paper for the applying for a patent on the Paul Anka will be featured. and John County. creaSe request based on infor­ page editor for the school paper. system through the UI patent mation the firm has provided, m selectees to answer. Included in the plans are Sonny "We have inherited the sil West Side Story. Deli very today will include committee. and Cher and impreSSionist problems of all community an ICC attorney told the com· She was also awarded a cer­ addresses scheduled for mission Monday. The computer system sub­ George Kirby . members, not just those of is scholarship tificate for excellence in writing delivery last semester. If In accord with the fair's blacks alone," he said. "Dif­ James Merrlt, an assistant stitutes a mere eight buttons for VE by the Iowa High School Press students are not getting enough theme, "Discover Canada," ficulties that are caused by our counsel to the commission. sub­ Association this year. the difficult task of covering 15 mitted a motion to dIamias the wi papers, or are getting too many, several other Canadian groups being a minority group can't be TI According to Butler, this is they should call the Circulation holes with just the fingers and Cedar Rapids utility's request one thumb as required in will appear, including The solved any faster by ignoring R: the first time the DI has spon­ office (353-6203) between 9 a.m. Bells, and Billy Thunderkloud the overall needs and problems for rate increases amounting to sored a scholarship for the ordinary fluting. $4.5 million annually. M and4:30p.m. and the Chief tones. an ail-In­ of the community at large.II he workshop. While a bulky computer may dian quartet. Hargrave urged the women, It's the contention of the com· Eginton is the daughter of mission legal staff that Iowa fa Computer flute seem an unlikely "attachment Also on the billing are several members of the Ebony bE William Eginton, managing for a musical instrument" Nor· country-western stars: Jerry Sisterhood, an association of Electric didn't present evidence [ editor of the Iowa City Press beck says that pocket-sized Lee Lewis, Conway Twitty and wives of black professional men ,that substantiates the rate in­ Citizen. A University of Iowa nuclear compu ters will soon be The Twitty Birds, Loretta Lynn, and graduate students, that crease request t,o the ICC. : ~ Security surprised Summer Dane. Cia •••• Angela views law Junt 5 - Jlly 29 by Solon drug haul Ag •• 3 thrtugh adult s~~ as possible career By ROGER UNEHAN before. but there was no Daily Iowan Staff Writer extreme urgency because it Rllistration - Women,' Gym m SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) - apartment, Miss Davis said her University Security wasn't going anywhere." s~ Angela Davis, free for the first mind wasn't made up about the officers and Johnson Coun­ During the course of the raid, June 5-6 ' :00-5:00 time in 22 months, started plan­ future . She may take a vacation ty sheriff's deputies today three of the residents returned & Fieldhouse during """trati'" Phone JSJ..US4 ning a future Monday that may before making any permanent reported that they made a sur­ and were placed under arrest. 3 include a law career. decisions. prise haul last Wednesday, The other was arrested later. cd She slept late and .spent the when they confiscated a quan­ Arrested were Roberta td rest of the day relaxing after tity of drugs during a raid for DePoule, 19, charged with her acquittal Sunday of murder, Personal security stolen furniture in a farmhouse possession of a controlled sub­ Banet - Kay KIHman kidnap and conspiracy charges. northwest of here. Four residen­ stance ; Terrance J. O'Hearn, h~ ts of the house were arrested in Modem - Lynn Wlchtrn si Friends said they were urging Associates appeared concer­ 22 , and Steven Singer, 20, Ms. Davis. 28. a black scholar connection with the incident. .arb"rry · a ned about 'Ms. Davis' future charged with possession of a and former UCLA philosophy Acting on a tip and armed controlled substance and w instructor. to attend law school. personal security, and she con­ with a search warrant, the Cr.atlvt-Barb Haecker 10 ceded, " It will be a problem. " receiving stolen property; and Davis had been charged ' in Prepared officers entered the house at 10 Barb"rry CO She said there had been nu­ Thomas McCurnin, 21 , charged connection with an Aug. 7. 1970, Just In case of rain. Heidi Jo Leaman and William Meeker of a.m. Wednesday. No one was merous threats against her in with possession of prescription Tap-.ruce Fun ... Marin County courthouse shoot­ Mason City planned their June 3 outdoor wedding near this home when officers recovered drugs, posseSSion of a con­ the final weeks of her trial. But 10 chairs allegedly stolen from out which resulted in fol,U' she added, "I'm not going to al­ covered bridge at Roek F.lls, Iowa . The weatherm.n cooperated. trolled substance and deaths. and the bridge only provided setting for ceremony. UI and found a quantity of drugs possession of stolen property. Jan - Sheryl Sedlecek low that to prevent me from in.plain view on a table. The tall. articulate becoming active in the liber­ Davis had acted as cocounsel at ation struggle." Connally sent on world tour The sheriff's office indicated thatArea thmediae raid have wasreported the .:======::: her trial and delivered her OWl) One of her first · plans. she that along with the furniture. culmination of a lengthy opening statement to the jury. said, is to vote in Tuesday's President Nixon is sending war as was suggested by Sen. two to three pounds of investigation on the part of California primary election. outgoing Treasury Secretary Hubert H. Humphrey, D-Minn. marijuana, hashish. and small University Security and John­ John B. Connally on a IS-nation. in the Democratic presidential quantities of unknown drugs son County officers, and took Tutored in law Ms. Davis was granted bail month-long tour beginning candidates' debate Sunday in were confiscated. "The bulk of shortly before her trial began place on Saturday. However, Tuesday to discuss inter- California. it was in plain view." sheriff's both departments reported that A Season Defense attorney Howard last February. But she had al­ Of national economic matters and Connally. the Demo­ deputies explained. "If it hadn 't it was in response to the Moore Jr .• who tutored her in ready spent 16 months in jail. "any subject which his hosts crat who many believe may be­ been. we could have done After the verdict was announ­ anonymous tip last week. There law during her months as a wi sh to raise." the White House come NixOl)'s ~hoice of a run­ nothing about it since the search prisoner, said during the trial: ced. Ms. Davis declared it a also was no connection with the announced Monday. ning mate later this year, will warrant only covered the fur­ drug raid made near Swisher by "I think she's the best lawyer "people 's victory," and vowed Connally, however. will not go travel to South America, the niture." , I in the courtroom. " to devote her time to helping the Linn and Johnson County offi­ to North Vietnam to negotiate Far East. South Asia and Eu­ Lt. Kenneth Saylor of cers last Friday in which five Relaxing at her San Jose imprisoned. for the release of prisoners of rope. Security said "1 heard about it (the furniture) the Friday persons were arrested. VI staff unhappy SCAPIN-A hilarious farce ------, June 15, 16, 17, 23, 28, July 5, 1 about pay: survey I Hassled? Or just wondering? I Non-academic employees of according to the survey is over­ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WANDA JUNE The University of Iowa are time pay and compensatory I I unhappy with pay levels, time. Of the 290 employees If you're like most people in Iowa City, you'll find A madcap satire working conditions, and fringe responding to the survey. 83 .4 I benefits according to a recent per cent indicated that univer­ I yourself embroiled in some problem sometime. June 21, 22, 24, 29, July 7, 14, 11 survey conducted by the Uni­ sity policy is inadequate in this versity of Iowa Employee's area. Association (UIEA). Other concerns are : I Maybe a mail order house that cashes checks and I According to Alvin Logan. inadequate transfer and PRIVATE UVES- co-director of UlEA and senior promotion policy (80.6 per I doesn't del iver. Or red tape at the university. Or even a I lab technician in radiation cent). inadequate salary street that needs repairing. A comedy of mannen! protection. the survey stemmed increases for staff (80 per cent), I I from complaints heard over a maximum pay in job category June 26, 27, 30, July 8, 10, 15, 20 number of years. too low (78.7 per cent). UlEA was organized in May inadequate in-service traiOing Or maybe you're just wondering why a certain policy is I as a collective bargaining agent programs for maintaining and I the way it is. for staff members for dealing improving skills (78.4 per cent), I IIIMIJIA-A ~!;.., ",., with the administration. and lack of recognition for job Well, you've got a friend. The number one problem experience (77.2per cent) . I J,,, " I, " ,,, ,,, It, n I So far SURVIVAL LINE has become the area's largest I pair of scissors. We know how to cut red tape, investigate I , complaints, answer questions. We've dealt with over 700 SEASON TICKET S~ I S I reader queries in the past year. Some involved hundreds of I (includes BERTHA AND OTHER stiJ tor dollars, some just a point. PLAYS, July 12, 13.) bra I Ku I In fact, we're so pleased with our reader service that I we're developing a whole range of "Survival Services." I SEND CHECK TO: Things like Direct Contact, which lets you talk personally to I University Box Office I somebody who can answer questions you have .... from the I I mayor to employment experts. Iowa Memorial Union I Keep tuned because you're gOing to learn something, I University of Iowa I something from both your own questions and other com· I ·1 munity members. Indicate number of tickets and You might think surviving in Iowa City is rough, but it's I I dates desired; enclose stamped, .' I not impossible. I self-addressed envelope " Call 353·6210 Tuesday nights from 7 p.m,-9 p.m., and you'll get I , , I help. (starting tonight!) First visit I I: Uni~ersify of lo~a I SURVIVAL LINE · · · I Jacqal1lDe 0...... made lIer ftnt vIIH to llIe Joim F. Ken­ nedy Center lor tbe Performln, ArtI Moad.y nl'ht 'I11e Center. SUMMER REPERTOR1 n.med .lter tile lormer Mn, Keanedy·. .laln IIn.b.nd. w•• reepenJaf eem,.er Leonanl Berute.. •... m ...... On ..... lI.d I the largest pair of scissors in town 11 THEATRE deeUned attend", tbe ftne opening bee.ute 01 JIOIIBlblfi emotional .\Cit " , reaeUoD by lIIe llIClieDce. Pictured with IIw ... RGIIert &eYeu, cllatrmu oIlile _nI 01 trustee. of th"KeDlledy Ceoter. ------~ , I Don't expect another 'Godfather' Country star gets to hankerin' Pi • • m;w~ t d Jim8& concept that g« tDtal.ly screwed The premise ri ne NJPt­ up, and not think much more CGIMI'I is provacative enouch : about But 8rando is 01 their backwards Review it. one extrapolate from the best actors we've got. Uthat Henry James' gixlststory, "The "*... ' nK111W1'l'j '~~%, sounds possessive, well, it is. for a shingle at tiInes Turn of the Screw," using stantial value in the way of characters from that classic to Whoever appears on that screen By MICHAEL ROSS revealing Quint's character. gives tbemselve! over to the Special to The Dally Iowan a job with The Theater Guild and, in contrive a narrative 01 events But these are only brief m0men­ that couJd result in the events 01 audience, in smaI1 degrees if These days lives in Nasb­ 1931, he landed a featured role in Green ts, not nearly enougbt to support they're not wry good and ville, Tennessee. Tex's career is in its Grow The U1acs, the forerunner to James' work. Casting Marlon or even suggest any kind of Brando as Peter Quint, alive sometime! totally if they're fourth decade, and he is a happy man, Rodgers and Hammerstein's interpretation. great. Everytirne an act« of proud of the heritage he has helped Oklahoma. The next year, Tex played and breathing insteIId 01 the At time! Sando seems to ghoetly presence created by Marlon Brando's stature and create, proud of his family; an honest in another western play, called The actually take inttrest In what he worth appears on the screen he man, who sometimes still wishes he had Roundup. His last Broadway role was James, makes ne NIJ.', is dolng_Then he give! US some c:emen seem doubly promIaini. is playing out a promise to the become a lawyer rather than one of the as Red Dog in the play, Mother Lode. of the fire, some 01 the range audience. Brande has a respon­ most beloved country and western "Now we don't want to emphasize Unfortunately, the reMJlts are and versatility we know he is singers of the century. those last two," Tex chuckles. "Just ludicrous. sibility, to himseIllf to no one capable of. But these iMtances try He speaks slowly. His familiar voice say, they were good experience." His If TIle N~ claims else, not to to pass shit like come oIf as tittle acting coups this off on us. is low and gruff. At first, it sounds car­ voice brightens, and he adds confiden­ any interest at all, it II as a that finally don't add up to ved out of rock, as he reminisces about tially. "Heck, they were flops ." curiosity, an oddity, a anyt/1iJl8 . -Tedlllcb what it was like to grow up in east Along the way, Tex picked up more freakishly mishapen child with U anybody but Texas. Christened Maurice Woodward Brando were experience as New York's pioneer a kinky mind that doesn't make involved I probabJy would just DIAPER Ritter, he was born January 12, 1907, in radio star. He starred on WOR's famed any sense at all. The center 01 write this oIf as an_~ing SERVICE Murvaul, Panola County, on a 400-acre The Lone Star Ranger show. "Not the the film is CClnIAD'ned by a IS Doz. per WttIl) homestead settled by his great-grand­ Lone Ranger," Tex emphasizes. sweaty, sa.muochistIc love -$12 PER MONTH­ rather four score and seven years Now, a t this time, Gene Autry had hit touch . It is American music_ The kind affair, which jars crudely in the Fret pickup & dellv.ry before while the land was still part of Hollywood with a loud twang. The of music I was brought up with. The SW'I'ounding Victorian setting. DUAL SALE! twice a wtell. EverytIIlng Mexico. But Tex spent most of his movies called Tex and he answered, kind of music my family enjoyed The tension which ariaes from tifurnlllttd: Oil".,., c boyhood in Carthage, near Beaumont. appearing in nearly 60 films. Even singing. It is music with emotion and this conflict of content lIainst WOODBURN 'alntrs, deodorants. "It was a different kind of life for a today, they still adorn late-night great feeling." the form and style In which it is HEW'ROCESS boy then," says Tex. "He had things to television. Whether the title is Song of Just as his "Little Westerns" made seen is a tension that speaks of 211 E. C.llt,1 PlIo. 337""" do. And every day could be an adven­ the Gringo (Tex's first) or Sundown On the Old West come alive for a badly fitting parts, tomething ture. Life seemed to have unlimited generation of kids, his records give poorly done, instead ria tension possibilities.' , body and soul to a half-forgotten, cats and dogs around. And I made sure that could have Indicated Tex remembers the time as being far·simpler America. Tex has sung they learned to hunt and fish . I wanted powerfully the truth of the perhaps the last best flickering of the religious hymns, drinking songs, them to care about the land . And I wan­ motivating force that drives 19th century-a time of church sings children's playtunes. patriotic music, ted them to grow." this love affair. and good hard work, a time when beef cowboy ballads. Tex has two boys. Tom is 25. He The character of Peter Quint was scarce and a family would buy it to And what songs they are : "Jingle, graduated from law school at Berkeley, is seen as a kind ri pawn ri an share with the entire community. It Jangle, Jingle," "I'm Wastin' My and now works for the Justice Depart­ elemental evil, an evil that tur­ was a different kind of world. A trip to Tears on You," "Daddy's Last Letter," ment in Tennessee. John is 23. He's an ns a dirty, deceiving mirror in the library, a visit from a traveling The Prairie or Roaring Frontiers, Tex "The Wayward Wind," "I Dreamed of actor, and has appeared in TIle feelings and the actions that singing teacher, a picture show, or time was right there, riding his horse, a Hillbilly Heaven," "Jealous Heart," Barefoot Executive and Scaadaloul express those feelings. As spent crouching next to the wireless "White Flash," ferreting out evil, or "There 's a New Moon over my John, among others. "But you should played by Brando, Quint is a was an experience-to, well, remem­ singing and strumming a western Shoulder," and on and on. When asked talk to Dorothy about them •., says Tex. tongue wagging, droollnl, ber. "You lived then, and you felt you ballad like "Rye Whiskey _" Tex made about his favorite, Tex glowers, "My The former Dorothy Fay Southworth of lecherous creep, albeit char­ could make of life whatever you wanted films for Monogram, Universal, favorite. How can you expect me to pick Prescott, , starred in several of ming and attractively raffish at to ... Producers Releasing Corporation, and one and say it's my favorite . That Tex 's westerns. They've been married times, but a creep nonetheless. He became a top-notch debater in Columbia-and seven times he was wouldn't be fair to all the rest." over 30 years. There are moments when Bran­ South Park High, and graduated with ranked among Hollywood's top ten He is a man with a million stories. Or, When asked if there's anything he da suggests something of sub- honors in 1922. Tex attended the Univer­ money-making stars. perhaps, just one. Tex talks about his would have done differently, Tex says sity or Texas, majoring in law. He was In 1923, Tex signed with Columbia land with unabashed pride. He wants it he often wishes he had become a an expert in the history of the South­ Records. Throughout the 30s and early to be a good place. "What makes me lawyer. "I think that maybe I could west. But mostly, his heart was split a 405, he was a familiar name on the saddest of all," he says, "is when I have done more to change things. After c...... lot of ways : between the law and country charts with such titles as travel to the small towns, and see kids all , everything changes. But you have cowboy music. He spent a lot of his "Goodbye Old Paint." In 1942 , he was standing around with nothing to do. to keep the best pieces of the world FOLKDANCE extra-curricular hours mooniighting in the first artist signed to the fledgling They seem to have lost their capacity to together. " The Folk Dance Club invites a country quartet. and by 1929 had Capitol Records. dream. Their lives are built around Tex ran for political office in 1970. :'1 everyone to learn international taken a job as a radio balladeer on Tex has lost count of how many songs Coca-Cola stands. They never go to the don 't think I'll ever do that again. dancing, Wednesday, June 7 at station KPRC in Houston. he has recorded. They probably num­ library or to concerts. They never hunt. Maybe , if I was 20 years younger ..... 7:30 in the Lucas-Dodge Room, Tex then joined a touring western ber close to a thousand. But he sees a They don't have pets. They don't seem His voice trails off. There's so much IMU . ForinfocalJ337~. band. "everal months later he found common theme running through all of to care about anything any more. " to do. Tours to go on. Records to cut. SAIUNG himsel : 3tranded in New York City. He them. "They all have the folk touch. "My kids always had pets even when Speeches to make. A legend still has to Special meeting of the Sailing There are only a limited number of had $30 and amazing optimism. He got And a lot of them have the inspirational we lived in the city. There were always move along. Club, Wednesday. 7 p.m. In the Rolex jewellers because Rolex hand­ Hawkeye Room, IMU. picks them. Therefore you can CRISIS CENTER be sure that Ginsberg's has the An unavoidable impression of "There is an almost feverish If you 're interested in a world gone awry seems to be tempo ( although not knowledge of fine watches and becoming a Crisis Center volun­ the integrity one would expect. conveyed by two large abstract necessarily greater intensity I teer come to Center East, 7:30 paintings by major American to the clash or forms and motifs Wednesday , June 7 for a rap artists which are on loan to The on these field .... session about the Center. University of Iowa Museum of The Rauschenberg combine IPlease send your Campu. Art for the next three months. painting on loan to the U of I is Notes to !Ol Communications " Land's End," by Jasper one of his "red" paintings, in Center. Deadline I. IlOOII the d.y Johns , and an untitled combine which red is the dominant tone . before they're published.) painting by Robert Rauschen­ Pages from comic sections of berg went on exhibition May 24 newspapers form part of the Ginsberg's Two new at the UI Museum. They are on ground for the painting, which loan from the San Francisco also incorporates photographic Museum of Art, which has just images, wood and pieces of r,i,;, received them as gifts from Mr. gauze. and Mrs . Harry W. Anderson of Edmund O'Brien pI.yed I abstract Johns was strongly influenced San Francisco crimlaalliwyer .e~~t::"~r Atherton, Calif. city, by Rauschenberg, who is five In a short-lived NBC serles_ Iowa iowa Until recently, the Rauschen­ years his senior. J berg painting was part of a And, while we're at It, Pit private collection in Paris. The two artists met in New O'Brien w•• an Irish American works at York City in the mid 19505, Described by Max KozloH in lawyer In a dlfferent ABC his biography of Johns as collaborating to earn money by series. Name the h'8 show. "tumultuously churning up in a creating window displays at Tif­ with "O'Brlen .. l.wye.... gallery conceptual and chromatic fany's and other stores. Sentence is pronounced in the spray" the experiences which Kozloff says that Johns and personals. the viewer brings to Johns' Rauschenberg were closest to painting, "Land's End" each other in their style of pain­ capitalizes on letter motifs and ting during 1960-62. Johns pain­ the image of a hand with out­ ted "Land's End" in 1963. It is ~6·N'~J~'O·N·C; .. :AILORS ~ stretched fingers. 67 by 48 inches in size. The In discussing a group of pain­ Rauschenberg combine pain­ 20 tings including "Land's End," ting, 75 by 96 inches in size, was ~ IOWA CITY 1l]l~ completed in 1953-54. custom Designer Mr. 5. fllmesh of Hong Kong f!~' a Kozloff wrote: "Despite their \ wUI be In Iowa City for 2 days, June 5 & 6. meatier surfaces, their often ~~ I~ optically brilliant facades, and Now il an DON'T MISS T"'SOPPORTUN'TYl HONG KONG ADDRESS their Iyr ic overtones, these \If Get Custom mIIuurtd for your tailored Men's Suits, P. O. l OX K.' ''0 works tend to convey an omen. SlTISrAI:nO. CUAIAMm. Sport Coats. SIIlrts-L~I.s Suits, Dresses, Formalswear, Coats. KOWl~g~OC 'K~N~ "Land's End" by Jasper Johns SELECT FROM OVER 7,000 IMPORTED SAMPLES underlying desperation. Tomorrow Is a reflec­ rtren's tion of now. Which Is KNIT $60.00 Men's SlIk-Worsttd Suits •.. . .• ·$4t·50 Ladles Silk SuIts ...... _.. _.. $45.00 another way of saying SUITS Cashm.re Sports JIC_ets . _.... $35.00 L~les Silk Plntsults .•.••.•..• $45.00 you've got to plan for '";:::;;::;:;::::::~ Men's Clshmere T~t5 ••.• ssa.OO L~les Cashmere Top-Coats .. _. $58.00 r: SIIlrt (Monoorammtd) -...... $ 4.50 EmbrOidered Sweaters ..••..• ,SlO.50 'Silent Running':Plastic earth,plastic men good tomorrows. PACKAGE D~: . \L FOR APPOINTMENT: (Excluding Duty and Mailing) We're offering you a 1 Suit Silent Runniag is slow going, but it may Eager to get home, they set about planting The film's plea for nature is obvious, 1 Sport COlt Mr. S. flame ... a. the Ho';day Inn, I.. & US. 21. still prove to be a popular film. Its direc­ nuclear devices in the forests. Freeman is secure financial future. even painfully so. Yet, Silent RunaJng We have a program 1 rair Slacks T.,. Ja.f771 tor, Douglas Trumbull, is the man who eventually forced to obliterate the men to 1 Shirt $110 TELEPHONE ANYTIME : IF NOT IN, LEAVE YOUR NAME & PHONE NUMBEk. depends almost entirely on gadgets and specifically designed for brought you the special effects in sa ve the trees. He escapes from the rest of technology to fascinate its audience. U.S. ADDRESS .. P.O. BOX 6006 RICHMOND VA. 23222 Kubrick's 2001. Several million people the fleet by steering his freighter through you . By Investing in It I Nature is never really shown to be of much while you're stili In school seemed to like all that space machinery, the rings of Saturn, and in the darkness value. The forest that Lowell fought to and for them, here is more. behind that planet, he hides with the one It costs a lot less. _.and save is never a soothing consolation to your future gains a lot 1 In this effort, however, Trumbull follows remaining environment. him . Feeling loneliness and remorse, After 2001, however, no space survivor more_ more the tradition of another sci-fi suc­ Lowell ignores his garden and spends his Sow now and reap cess, "easy-writer" Kurt Vonnegut. In his flys alone. Hiding with Lowell are three time playing mechanized pool and novels, Vonnegut presents such nice guys cuddly robots called "drones." Essential security later. Can our whizzing around in a little car. Instead of campus Offlce_ Or stop standing up for such agreeable ideas that to Lowell's scheme, they are also vital to turning to the forest animals, Lowell looks criticism of him must often seem like car­ the film's appeal. About three feet tall, to the mechanical drones for companion­ ping. In Trumbull's film, the good guy is a each drone waddles around as if there ship. Eventually, man is dispensed with THE CRISIS CENTER subversive for ecology, and what could be were a legless man inside, walking on his and a robot with a watering can is left to nicer than that? If "nice" is enough to care for the pl8llts. arouse the loyalty of an audience, who DJ review Trumbull seems merely pandering to the NEEDS VOLUNTEERS needs competent acting and a well,written, hands. If you read last September's ecological fervor that has arisen since the plausible script? If "nice" is enough, then Esquire, you know that that is precisely making of z001. Instead of a sound track of SlIest! RIIIUIiaJ will be a hit. the case. Richard Strauss and graceful waltzes, this The premise of thi~ movie Is that a paved Lowell reprograms the drones to become film has Joan Baez singing about green FOR THIS SUMMER and plasticized Earth has sent its last increasingly human. He names them plants. And the pandering is nowhere more natural environments into space. Sealed in Huey , Dewey , and Louie, and they obvious than in the dialogue. Rather than huge domes and mounted on space respond . There is many a maudlin scene emerging through the action of the film, AND NEXT FALL. , freighters, these habitats are kept aloft in showing the extent to which Lowell has the "message" is clumsily stated at the hopes of an eventual regreening of the adopted them as children, and they are beginning. Lowell is a mouthpiece, blur­ planet. A budget cut dooms whatever rather amazing kids as they perform ting incredible speeches about fresh fruits Ftdtral $avlnll & chance the p~. ect had, and the astronauts surgery on their anestesized master. and vegetables and the character building LNn Bulldln, are ordered t troy the domes. The film reaches its height of suspense potential of outdoor recreation. The script ~1... &Cllnton Wouldn't y know there would be a guy when the forest plants begin to wither. never gave Bruce Oem a chance in his por­ 331-3631 named Low on board to speak up for Mter many an anguished moment, a com­ trayal of Lowell. Nonetheless, in his Erwin L. Rtdmllft HVing things. is first name turns out to be Anyone interested plex scientific insight (Le., that plants impassioned pleas for ecology, Dem's Agency Manattr Freeman, but he Is cast in allegory even need sunlight) saves Lowell from despair. efforts are embarrassing. before that revelation. The fUm opens with Richard I. Kay. in applying-there It is brought to his attention that he is gar­ In the Vonnegut tradition, one is tempted Campul Supervisor u,well swimming In a clear blue .tr~am In dening in total darkness. Voila! He breaks to excuse a great many flaws because the will be a public , I the green forest under the dome. He dons a out some solar lamps and spring returns to man's heart seems so very much In the Gerlld E. Ltllman monkishly hooded white bathrobe and the dome. But that's not all. The film goes right place. With Trumbull's work we Can Gary K. Han .... informational meeting plays with buMy rabbits and birck. Also, on to a finish that is about as plausible as resist that temptation and wonder inltead JahnConntn he has a nice head of hair for an astrOnaut. its middle. Along the way, though, director If he Is really all that concerned about con­ Robert IucIrtI on Wed., June 7th at 7 :30 Lowell's fellow crew members are Trumbull engages 8ClI1le rather glaring servation. JahnW.Kr.... technocrats of the "good ole boy" vilrlety. contradicitons. -WUllam Patrick at Center East Pile '-The Dally Iowau-Iowa City, Iowa-'heI., JaM 111m Angela is free, , , Dally low.8\ but trial wasn't 8am ..er 81.11 Memben Slen B.ker ...... , .... , ... " ...... ElIlt.r WI/I Ntrloa ...... M••• "., Edlt.r The Angela Davis case is finally over, and the observers Nuey Talnll ...... AIII.la.1 Mau,'a. Edlt,r ~:Vlew OlD DIVe Hell ...... AII.clale Edllor who say that American justice is finally being achieved for M.aln B.yer ...... New. Edllor blacks had better think twice. MIlle We,.er ...... New. Edl!.r Sure, you can get justice like Davis if you're a dissident Clady C.rr ...... Feature Edlllr Toby H"pe ...... Sport. Ed"., black, too. All it takes is hundreds of thousands oJ B.rl R Ipp ...... Sport. EdU.r dollars ... Fania Davis Jordan, Angela's sister, said legal DIVe Maxwell ...... Phto DIrector costs would go above $500,000, and that's something that Ger.ld T.. eher " .. 8arvlvaIServlcti DIrector could build a heckuva lot of alternative institutions and Pabll.lled by Sladelt Plbllealloll, lie., COli· 5 mallull... Center, Iowa City, I.w. nut dally m feed a lot of hungry children and provide daycare and bail exc.,,1 Satlrday., Suad.y., Holiday.; Le.al m money for the not-so-publicized victims of "frame-ups" Halld.y., d.y ••Iler lelal Holiday. ud day ••, C VIlnulty Veeall,a. Eatend ,1 Itcold eI ... which the Davis case may very well go down in history as. m.ller .t th p•• t .fllee at 10 .. City uader tbe That's quite a chunk of movement money, and California Adt a' COI,rell a' Mlrcb Z, la, •. officials at least have that resource drain to smile about, Fraak F. HIIII, Pabll.ber ~~ Joh L. Hallm .., Advertl.'II Dlredtr co even if it took taxpayers over a million dollars to finance Jerry Btlt, Retail Adverll.III M ...,er Jam tI COllIl, ClrcII.II.. MaUler 3 their part of the Davis case. The Dally Iowan Is written and edited by In fact, that tax money could have given nearly 200 students o! The University of Iowa . Opinions A expressed in the editorial columns o! the paper b families a guaranteed adequate income this year, but you are those of the writers . A can bet California Gov. Ronald Reagan and the Marin Tlte Alloclated Prell Is entitled to the C County officials anxious to find a political scapegoat for exclusive use for republication all local as well as all AP news and dispatches . m the courthouse shootout won't be losing any sleep over 32 that. Let 'em starve. There's still subversives to get, and SablcrlptioD Ratu: By carrier In Iowa City , that's where priorities should be-right, Ron? $15 per year In advance ; six months, .-; three s months , " .50. All mall subscriptions , '20 per So while Reagan and gang are still looking for lurking year ; six months , U2; three months, $6 .50 . r 01.1 13'-4111 from noon to midnight 10 report leftists in the aftermath of their failure to silence Davis for news Items and announcements in The Dally good, California residents ought to be seeing red, too .. .in Iowan . Editorial offices are in the Com· total anger over public officials whose incompetance has . ~;;...,rf'. mun lcalions Cenler. eaten a good share of the little person's tax check to try a Dial 253.,,.2 if you do not receive your paper ca by 7: 30 a.m. Every e!!ort will be made to correct slipshod, flimsy caSE) for publicity purposes. . the error with the next Issue. Clrculatlon office E Reagan is supposed to be for fiscal integrity. It appears, ' iA~L t EVER GET IS!!! - WHY IS THAT, KISSINGER?' hours are 8:30 to II a.m. Monday through at however, he prefers bankrupting witchhunts instead. Friday. m Maybe it makes better movie scripts. o -Steve Baker ni Editor Pot, abortion, the war ... an' 'busin' N 2 California or bust; 172 Wallace speaks on the issues anyone for Miami?

1l1li I · ;; ~___ .I iiiilm_ •• · 11lII11_1I ______Today's California presidential primary will most likely cps: You are considered a populist can­ determine who will win the Democratic nomination at didate by many. Could you give your (Editor's Note: Call him what you to a misdemeanor. I though the punish· definition of populism? will, but Alabama Gov. George Corley ment was too severe and we got it changed. Miami Beach in July. Campaigning hard in the California WALLACE : I've been told that I sound But I am not for the legalization of sunshine are Hubert Humphrey and George McGovern. populist. I don't exactly know what they Wallace is saying something-or at marijuana. We've got enough drunks with The third big name in Democratic politics, Edward Ken­ mean by the term myself. If it means a least standing for something-a lot of alcohol much less legalizing marijuana. nedy, has sai~ the California winner "can very easily movement of the people, then I subscribe people want to hear. Yet a lot of people I'm just not for that. develop the kind of momentum which will pave the way to to it. are just supporting him out of an Although alcohol is legal and will be You'll have to draw your own definition . f . bl' h t legal I think we ought to have a policy of the nomination." of what you mean by populist but I think it Image 0 an anh-esta IS men discouragement of its use. 1 think II's a big An independent poll released last week rated McGovern is a movement that pays some attention to politician who likes to step on the toes national problem. at 46 per cent, Humphrey at 26, and Alabama Gov. George the great mass of citizens of our country. of reg ul ar Democr a t s and CPS: How do you feel about legalizing C. Wallace, a write-in contender not on the ballot, third at 8 CPS: Governor, in 1963 you made tbe Republicans. And a lot of people abortion? per cent. McGovern and Humphrey have described the statement "Segregation now, tomorrow, aren 't really listening to what he's WALLACE : I'm not for legalized abor- forever" ...... tion. Just when the health of the mother is poll as "hard to believe" to totally inaccurate. McGovern WALLACE : That was in the context of saying. involved. But Just legalized abortion, you (orces are concerned about overconfidence. Humphrey led the times and that had been allowed by But this College Press Service inter- know , come and get it and all-uh uh. the poll a month earlier, 35-31. law. I don't have any apologies to make on view, done prior to the Maryland CPS: If you were President how would Both candidates are going full swing in the San Fran­ any statement I made at any time that sup­ shooting and Wallace'S subsequent you regain faIl employment Ia this ports a system that had been approved by primary wins in Mayland and eouatry? How would you bring the cisco bay area. The McGovern campaign has seen a list of the courts and by the people and by the . . . h economy bit) to /ull produclJOft? per.formers are doing benefits. Included are Barbra Supreme Court of the United States. Michigan, at least gIVes some IDSlg t WALLACE : I think the first way is to &th!isand, Paul Simon, the Everly Brothers, Carly Simon, That system is gone now and we have into the 1972 Wallace ideology.) give general tax relief to the mass of the James Taylor, Carole King, Country Joe MacDonald, Don-discrimination as it's called and its . IR · Jli!! I ! : Iil.'rw~ 1111 ; r _1 I citizenry and plug up tax loOp holes. Shor· Dionne Warwick, Sonny and Cher, Kris Kristofferson, been accepted and we've accepted constitutional question. That decision in war in Vietnam? Uy stated, I think this would boost the freedom of choice. Let the people go to the 1954 was the law of the case and not the law WALLACE: Wen , there's no way to end morale of every businessman, working Three Dog Night, Joni Mitchell .. .and the list goes on . If school of their chOice. They broke that of the land, and we were trying to raise the the war, it doesn't look like, in Vietnam . It man and farmer in the country and I think songs mean votes, McGovern will win big. down with arbitrary rulings of closing question , a constitutional question, with should have been ended years ago, with it would increase production which would Humphrey has concentrated his campaign with the schools, busing students, and setting the Governor involved, really who can run conventional weapons. help cut inflation-many economists say blacks, the elderly, and aerospace and other blue collar quotas and percentages which we slightly the school system. It would have been far more merciful to this. workers who are worried about unemployment. With these object to . That school system eventually was going have done it then with far less lives lost on I believe this would create more con· We believe in equal oportunities for all to allow people-all citizens-in it anyway, both sides. In the first place we shouldn't sumer spending which, in turn. would groups, he traditionally has political strength. In L.A. children , and I never have believed but they did object very vigorously to the have been i~volv~ in a land w~ in Asia. create a demand for employment and I where the audience at a rally was mostly black and opposite to that and nexer did consider any government's take-over of the public If the natIOnal mterest reqwred the use believe that this morale boost which would elderly, Humphrey told them the Nixon administration "is school system OKed by the courts the schools. of air power, wel1 , all right, but once we got. increase production in thls country would insensitive to human needs." Murmurs of "Amen" and antithesis of that. CPS: Could you consider that same involved in a land war in Asia we should aid us in the matter of balance of trade "That's right" came from the audience. But when the courts came in and question from a non-legal viewpoint, from have won it with conventional weapons and deficits. That's a first start. changed what they had OKed as being law, a moral viewpoint. Should segregation if we had determined we couldn't win it In those areas that have high chronic McGovern has announced the endorsements of two top there was more resentment by the people exist as a moral issue? years ago we should have gotten out then. unemployment I would use some of the New York City regular Democratic leaders and said they of a great number of states at the type of WALLACE: Moral matters emanate I do feel that regarding the offensive now foreign aid money that is unallocated for were an "elegant rebuttal" to claims that he can't unite systems refered to. from the heart-and nothing is immoral in in Vietnam that we should take what ever public work projects in those particular o the party. Meanwhile, Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty, also The government's takeover end result is this respect, if the person that feels what action that is necessary with conventional areas. m~ OO~ in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, that we now have non-discrimination in he has done and the system he has firepower to protect the remaining d . the school system, but we do object to the provided is then, as it was in those days, in American servicemen who are there so Goo treatment.n store labeled McGovern is a "fellow traveler." Which is what government now coming along and setting the best interests of everybody. So that's they can safely withdraw. :e~ you'd expect Yorty to say by this point. CPS: J( you dOD 'e receive til, fr ~ percentages ~d quotas, busing children not a question any longer-that's over. I want us to continue our withdrawal but Democratic Party's DOIIIlDation In Miami The and the great mass of people object to that There is more integration now in the school I don't want us to conclude the matter with two frontrunners have included television debates what do you hope to acbleve by the SIC' too. system in the south than there is in out successfully negotiating-I want the On as part of their day-and-night campaigning. Generally eeneS of your campaign? V~tio Humphrey is considered to have won the first one and Raising a question Chicago. prisoners of war and MIA's successfully WALLACE : We 've already achieved one bal cPS: What Is your opinion of President negotiated back. thlng-aIl of the candidates on eight out of re~ McGovern the second. Sunday's was a toss-up. Nixon's trip to China? CPS: Do you agree with Presldeat LeI The victor of the California primary will take all of that CPS: You said in Pbnadelphia recently ten Issues are saying what I've been saying S WALLACE: I thought the trip was iIl-ad- Nixon's policy of withdrawing troop. wblle since'68 and even before then but I feel I'm fa state's 271 delegates to Miami, city of swift justice for any that forced segregation was wrong just as vised in view of the fact that they were still continuing tbe bombing? 20 forced IntegratiOil was wrong. Nearly goillf to get good treatment in Miami 338 demonstrators. Right now it appears the winner will be killing American servicemen in Southeast WALLACE: I would have hoped they seven years after tbe Supreme Court Asia, exporting heroin. and the trip was could have been withdrawn quicker but I because they can't win the election without Fi] George S. McGovern. As singer Merry Clayton says, "He's deCIded segregatiOil was against tbe law, the folks that support us-supporl me . made without prior consultation for any hope that any President, Humphrey or CPS; At y.. IlIDCbeoa earUer today fo a baaad motherf+cker." you stood In the schoolbouse door of tbe length of time with our allies in the Far Nixon, either .one, would be successful In Ph -Stan Rowe University of Alabama ... WUllam Chuey, the Grllld DralOll of tile ~ East. their withdrawal program but it looks like Indiana Ka K1u: KI8II called you "bit klDd WALLACE: We were testing the I thought it was a mistake, but since he they

.Edllor Edit., Editor Editor Editor Railer Edllor IOWAN Editor Editor Apt•• 'or ••nl Api•• for R.n! Api•• for R... , MI.c. for lal. Roo•• for R•• t Api. for lal. _ SUBLEASE two bedroom apart· (Coa't) (Co .. 't) LIGHT hauling ane! aparlment- . A t sized moving lobs. Dial 338·1497. EXCELLENT U,OOO BTU, 220v ment, partla II I' furnIshed . par · .... UMMER b ' I (Co.'t) FOR sale - condominium apart- WANT AD UTES ... argaln. newer, arne, 6-19 -Ir conditioner SIlO 351 ment 116. V a I ley Forge. SI38 . FOUR girls can rent a two two bedroom, carpeted. air, laun. p, . '--<..H' AIR conditioned, unapproved, ment at 228 S. Summit. Larew' Oneto Contact Manager of Valley Forge. bedroom apartment at Seville for dry. 337.1818. 6.21 6-8 lurnlshed, single rooms lOt' men, Realty 3372841 7-11 6.12 $50 . each per month. Phone WE repair all makes of TVs, across street from campus_ Cook· ,-' Three Diy• .... :.2Ic. w..I Ing facilities. SS5. JackSOn's China Flv. D.y• ...... Uc. Word 338·1175. 6·21 CURRIER coeds - Summer $pe. stereos. radios and tape Players. "UPHILLI"s tape recorder. $35. &GIIt, II E. Washington, 337-9041. C,cl...... - THE Loft Apartments-New, one SUBLEASE new, one bedroom , ~::'tt.h~ ~~:~~rB~~~~~ai~lu~r~; Helble and Rocca Electronics, 319 Dial 3S1 · 757~ . 6-12 6-29 Ten OIYI .•....•• 2tc. ~ bedroom. furnished, carpeted, air lir conditioned. lurnlshed, close Village . 7.7 S. Gilbert St., phone 351-0250. AP I04CC Sears. 2'''; years old. 3,000 OMMOftth ...... ~.Wwd PROVED, men. lor summer. II SI4S 01 I 3379364 conditioned. No pets. Coralville. n. $155. 351 ·9595. 6·7 7-19 THE Nut Shell, 331 S. Gilbert. close to University Hospitals. m es. . a . . 6-12 351·0164; 351 .7085 ; 338·3130. 6·12 BACHELOR units. $60. Inquire New in town? You must see Iowa 353-5268 ; 338·8859. 6·9 521 S. Van Buren after 6p.m. 7.13 CUST city's most unusual ShOp Close STARK'S Honda : New Models. Mlnlmom Ad 1.... OM SEW I NG, bridal gowns. . . ATTRACTIVEL Y furnished one WEITWooD - WESTS I DE SLEEPING - Study. employed No e)(tra charges. CBSOO Honda, Sorry,,,,,,,,,,,, "QUIET location" - Unfurnlsh · Call 626·2540. 6·10 Jewelery. pottery. paintings, male-graduate. Air Conditioned. $1298. 3SOK4 Honda $729 . 175 bedroom apartment. No pets. 1015 o.~C""t Street ed, two bedroom, air. parking, much more. Everything hand· 338 · 99~ before 3 p.m. 6.9 Honda SS89 . ATC Honda SoU9. Available July 15. 338·8IY7. 7·19 near bus. No pets 683·2445 . 7.13 LIGHT hauling and moving . Rea· made by 36S local people All at CORONET ______~- sonable rates. 338·1895. p.m. 6·6 • CT70K $289 . Z50K 5245 . Immedi· Phone 353·6201 ROOMS lOt' girls, close to camp· ate delivery. Stark's Sport Shop, to the 1...... dw.y· ...JIt eo KlNrt , I Ie Ie very reasonable prlcts. 337 .5884 . CLEAN, qu iet. furn ished apart· Ultr.luKury, tffIcllnclH, _ us, single and doubles. Some with Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin . as well ,p nl FLU"IKING math or basiC statls. 7·19 kitchen privilegts. 351 .89().4 . 6.7 Phone 326·2331 . 7·7 ment. Adults, no pets. Dial 337· MdnMlftl, two btCIroom .net rv.. lies? Call Janet, 338 .9306. 7.6 3265. 7·19 ELECTRIC - CarbOn ribbon. tllr.. 1I ••r_, IIIItn .1Id Experienced. Reasonable. Mrs. SHERWOOD S8800A receiver. 80 MEN-Single and double rooms HONDAS - New 1972 models. TEPEE EMPTY? ToWIIIlouItS. Harney, 655·2630, toillree. 7·18 FATHER'S Day Gilt - Artist's watts, rms, originally S4OO ; now for summer. Double rooms lor CBSOO now 51298. New 350 Hondas ' RENT FURNITURE SUMMER--tall option. One bed· FI'Wft 5135 PDrtralts-<:hlldren, adults. Char. 5165 . 351 ·5200. 6· U lall. 683.2666 . 1·10 $699. New 175 Hondas $.589. Newl room, large apartment. Fur· FERRY Nyall Tyrlng Service - coal, 55 . Pastels, 520 . 011, from CT70K now 5289. New ZSOK now Ilavenport, chairs, dlnet· I BM electriC. Dla 338·1330. 7·18 $85 . 338 ·0260 . 6-16 MAN'S watch-Bulova 30 lewels, ROOMS for rent- Summer and $m. No e)(lra ~hargts . ~o walt. tes, dress,er, beds, allac· nished, rent negotiable. Close. sel'·winding. calendar, e)(cellent, lall. Three or lour adults togelher. Ing . Dally servIce. S.'ark s Sport 354.1261 after 5 p.m. 6·19 FURNISHED~------, two bedroom , air GENERAL typing - Notary Pub· , C t T lIor 124 value appraised, $35. 354-2685.6-6 Air conditioned. TV room, kitchen SlIOp . Prairie du ChIen, Wiscon. cessorl.~ for summer oc­ conditioned. close to hospitals and lic. Mary V. Surns, 416 Iowa State CHIPPER S us om a 5'1 29 privileges 331.2958 7.10 sin. Phone 326·2331. 7·7 fall 1/. E. Washington. Dial 351 · 2 . DAWNING waterbeds, $21 . Assor · . . tupancy or reser· REDUCED summer rates lor campus, three.four people. 354· Bank Building. 337·2656. 7·17 vatlons . apartments four blocks from 2637. 5·30 . ______-:-_-:-_ 6-_23 ted slzts and colors . After 5 p.m., MEN _ Two doubles completely 1966 Norton 7SOcc-New tires, ELECTRIC typing carbOn flb­ HAND tailored hemline attenl. 351 -8788. 6-27 remodeled with kitchen. Summer· lenders, battery, wiring. S6S0 . TEPEE RENTALS • campus. 351 ·4246. 6·12 DOWNTOWN. large, furnished bon, editing, e)(perrenced. Dial SALES apartment. summer only, SI6O . 338·4647 . 7·13 tions. Lady's garments onlY:' USED vacuums, 510 and up. lall. 331 ·5652 . 7·7 354 ·1598 ; 354-1761. 6·6 Phone 338·1747. 6· 5 Guaranteed . Dial 337·9060. 6·26 SUMMER special _ Rooms with MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - Call 337-5977 EFFICIENCY P rlment located 3532334 or 353 ·2325. 6·13 . a a IBM Executive - Carbon nbbon. NG Albe t A cooking, $50. Black's GlIslight E)(cttlng low cost coverllges de· '------. at 413 low.a Avenue. Call Apart· ONE bedroom furnished, close in . Iheses and short papers. Experi. WINO\?W WA S HI - r . KALONA . Kountry Krelltions - Village. 7.1 signed especially for you. Irvin ment I to be shown. 6·12 References, damage deposit. 338. enced. 338·99A7 . 7· 11 Eht. DIal 644·2329. 6·15 The place with the handmades, Pfab Insurance, call 351 .7333 any· 8226. 6-7 Kalona. Iowa . 6·9 DOUBLE room for girls, fall, time. ask for Shirley. 6-26 CHRISTUSHOUSE NEW IBM carbon ribbOn, symbol R oo... a t • cooking privileges, clOSe In. 338· DELUXE one bedroom, air, fur. ball, lormer University secret· NEW radio and television tubes. A647 . 7.5 1971 Honda 11Scc Scrambler, per· COMMUNITY nished, $145 ; unlurnished, S135. SUMMER sublet - Furnished, ary . 338.8996 . 7.7 two bedroom, two bathroom. air Wanl.d Below Retail cost. Will also check fect condition, $465, Dr oHer . Ecumenical Living Near UniverSity Hospitals. 351 · lubes In your set. Call 338-0151 . tin FALL or June : Single, double : 354·2653. 6-12 conditioned, on bus route . Avail. FAST, experienced. reasonable . ExPtrlence 2008. 7·19 able June 1. 354·2514. 6·13 ------IShllre kitchen, bath, living room ,------Dissertations, term papers. Eng · MALE to share furnished apart. Anll with four ; unusual furniture; near Is taking applIcations -'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiilii.. IIiSh, foreign languages. 338·6509 . menl. Air conditioned. 565 month...... campus: 337·9759 . 7·5 I ...tructlo .. for thefall . • 6·13 Iy . 354·2040 . 6.12 New, Luxurious OLD-NEw-and the unusual at MALES - Singles, doubles" dup. Call 338-7868 for mont ELECTRIC------Fast, accurate, "Alleytlques" (across Irom Re. lex, some kitchens. Wtst of ~hem · PI~NO-Organ lessons , Has Mas: Information One Bedroom and Efficiencies experienced. reasonable. Call ONE-two females share close creation center on Burlington Istry. 337·2405 . 5·30 ter s Degree In organ. Call 338].6 or stop by 124 E. Church Jane Snow, 338·6472. 6.8 apartment. Fall option. Dial 354 · street). Something for everyone. 4579. ------2100. 6·19 Try us-you'lI like our prlcesl JUNE I- Single, furniShed rooms S-A- I-L-I-N-G---S- w-Im- m-I-ng--Ie-S-s-o-ns ....____ S.. t_r .. H... t..... ___- Clo18 In. From $120 . ELECTRIC typing - All types, Open 10-5 and Monday evening . with cooking facilities, lounge wanted. Dial 351 .4.445 6-6 thirteen year's experience. PhOne FEMALE roommates - CIOM to 6.27 with COlor TV, for women . Un- • " _------. 337·3843 . 6.9 campus . Reason prlcts. Fire. approved. $60.$65. Phone 337 ·9041 . punish- place. Fall option. 338·9510. 6-5 Auto.-Do••• tlc 6-29 special:h:::rRates TYPING-Theses, term papers, AUTHORIZED FIAT INSUR.ANCE @#t. etc. ISM electriC. carbOn ribbon. FEMALE to share three bedroom P.r.onal. AC""'.M" 338·8075 . 6.7 Sales. ServIce and Parts apartment, air cond itioned, own FORD Econollne Van - Rebuilt M.",I. "_ . room. 338·6865. 6·14 engine. new shocks, exhaust sysl. TRIVIA- Pal1erned after Melvin Town's Edge i.A ...'c'CI. t't " . • •. ELECTRICnewmachme- Thes- em , battery. carburelor lind Toyota ..... FJat .luI.. I...... , ~ 337·2534 & eS,short papers, etc . Fast reason· FEMALE-Share large furnished paint. Automatic. $600. 338.2025. Selli's career. Sam Senedlct was East end of Marlon on able. 338·3716. 5·30 a~artment, close In. fall option. 6-8 the series that Edmund O' Brien ..... @ Hwy.151 fall 337--4851 l"• . ~ ..t' .,...... t...... 351·3736 3 7·2319 . 6·6 1963 DODGE _ 4.door, spacious, was in . Pat O'Brlen was the star H ou.. f or R .nt very good condition. Iowa Safely 01 Harrigan and Son . IRVIN "FAa INIUItANCI SUMMER-Furnished efficiency. ALL UNDER ONE ROOF - FURNISHED h F' HoU.lnl inspected . $300. Riley, 338·3343 .6-6 Low rent. References required . Furnished single suites and mar. ouse - !replace, Wanl.d VOTE for Lorada E. Cllek for WE RENT Larew Realty, 337·2841. 6·12 rled arartments. All utilities paid CfaamrPI.elytinogr' dstISuhdwenaStsh,ert'wdoiSbPDatshasl,. A I • I.. Johnson County Supervisor on Washers, Dryers & excep phone . Air conditioned . 338.8226 ; 337 .5726. 7.18 PHARMACY student and working U 0.- or. I - your absentee ballot. (Pollttcal )NE bedroom unfurnished apart. Indoor pool. Garages, library· wile looking lor small house to . t Advertisement). Ol5hwasher$ nent. June 1. near University study room. Snack bar and gro· WANTED _ Responsible family rent or buy In Iowa City area . por. ------SpecIal Summer '.blic Lands IIICfItII -Iospital. 679·2436 ; 679·2572 . 6 ·2~ cery mart. Indoor parking avail· torenttargeseml.lurnlshedfarm. Have two.year·old cat, no Child · Mobil. Ho ..... Rates- able. plngPDng and pool tables, house, September I .March 1. 683. ren .• Relerences. Call Dr write : 1911 VOLKSWAGEN- Yellow, ;.==::======. laundry rooms on each floor . Now 2822 66 DaVId Schwartz, Route 3, center· lactory warranty. Excellent con· 10)(55 MARLETTE A' dl Foster May1lg,lnc. in accepting summer and fall leas· . . ville, Iowa 525«, care of Jack dltlon, $1,875. Call 354·1643. 6·6 - !r con I" Call 338-~ . es . Single suites from $85, mar· FARMHOUSE near MarK IV Mehrhofl. Phone 515.856·3829 .6·16 tioned, fully carpeted, skirted, J rled apartments, $150 . Model APartments. Rooms available, 1968 Volkswagen Fastback - nice location. 351 ·8051. 6·16 .i ..• J Apartment. The May Flower male·female . No lease. 351 .2733 . TWO law students want to rent a Must sell, make me an offer. STATE OF FLORIDA ~~~~~~N.~7oJ~10 N. Dubu'r~ 6·5 ~:~g~~~~~~rr~~~~gns~~rOi:~~~ 351 ·1097 . 6·9 EUREKA: 196812x47 HOmetleon PARKING FOR e". e SUMME R SCHOOL Y.. , ,.m.,I""nmlnlloncll, SUMMER sublet-Five bedroom, starting this summer. Call 338 · CONVERTIBLE _ 1966 Corvalr large. new 101. Porch, shed, noW bllnl .".r.... "r y.ur S ART MEN. TS FALL Dr June; huge rooj'TIs , furnished, opposite Music Build· 7535 Dr 351.0765 , ask for Steve. 7·7 Corsa . Very rare. Good condl. semi·furnlshed. 351 ·6388. 6.19 Two blocks south opportunity to .wn .lIit .. ,.,. A P i1 striking furnishings in old house Ing. Negotiable price. Pets. 338 · . , tlon. $850. 337 ·9786 . 6.28 Library Untversitv ... I••• i. ,•• 1 bor,illn, ::!.! ~i;{' campus; tor four·flve . 3~~5 9519. 7·6 Hel Want... FUR"IISHED 10)(50 - W~shl)r . Notional PvWic Land, 1!If See our .new 1 & 2 1970 Opel GT Sports. 351 .2958 dryer, sk irted. New hlde·a·bed . George Dane, bedroom units un· SUMMER sublet- Five bedroom P 5:30-7:30 p.m. or 763 PRC day: Porch. Well kept. Ask ing $2,600. 337-9267 liln Servlc., ".0. In 141", SUMMER sublet - One bedroom, furnished , opposite Music Build· In accordance with Ihe provisions of time. 6.20351.9695. 6. 16 ..______.. Wa ..... D.C. 20044. der completion, furnished apartmenl, air condl · ing, garages. 338·9519 . 6·23 Chapter I of the Iowa Civil Rights 900 West Benton floned, Coralville, one year old . Commisslon's ruling on sex CONVERTIBLE 1968 Flat Slata COMFORTABLE, well cared lor & $.130 monthly . Call . 338·5590, day· P.t. discrimination in advertiSing, the Spring . 12.000 miles. Good shape, by notoriOUS Red Beard and Model Office open tIme; 354·2608 at nIght. 7·5 advertising department of the Daily white. $750. 619·2358 . 6.15 9· 5:30or Mary. Sut we gotta go . 3313310. daily . Iowan will require advertisers in the 7·14 Phone 338- tt7S SUMMER sublet-June I, air I'R EE kittens bOx tramed, gray Help Wanted section 10 file an af· ______~ _____ conditioned, one bedroom . fur· Open your !natant Interat tabby and black, some flufly. fldavlt 'to the Commission, If, in our Roo .... for R... t It nlshed, TV. laundry, bus, Coral · 351 .1773. 6·12 opinion. such advertising. ,.ould CUSTOM built comlorlable IOx<40, or check!n, account todIy. COLONIAL M~lnor - LuxurY,!l"e ville. 354·2432, evenIngs; 338.5598, possibly violate the Commlsslon's furnished, carpeled, skirted, with Jedroom lurnlshed or unfurnrsh· days !d, air conditioned, carpeted, __.______PROFESSIONAL dog grooming ruling. All advertising that directly WOMEN- Single or double for unique eKlras. 331 ·3310. 7-1" CALL ROSSCASTER. _ Puppies. kittens. tropical fiSh, or Ind.lrectlY excludes persons fror,n summer. Double for fall. Kitchen, 351-6619 Opef\ 6 days I week. jrapes, on bus line. Towncrest FALL or June; bright, cheerful ; 10x4' Rltz .Crall - Two bedroom, _ _ "ea. June and fall leases from near campus; unusual furnish· pet supplies. Srenneman Seed applYIng for ~ poSItIon on the baSIS laundry, parking. Walking dis. furnished, air conditioned. Well ,..______-. 1120. Phone 338·5363 or 337 ·5202. ings for two·three. 337·9759 . Store. 401 S. Gilbert. 338 .8501. 6·23 of sex wlillall II1to this categ~y_._ tance. 351 .7865. 6.12 6·16 cared for. Good buy. 338.9074 after RESEARCH on data coding - 54 2 p.m. 6-12 THREE bedroom, three bath, CARRIE ~nn Grooming Salon- lor two hours need 80 more EXTRA nice single or beautiful TWO bedroom luxury apartmen' modern apartment. 5260 unlurn· PEGASUS, INC. lor summer sublease - No dam Ished. Air conditioned , bus route. ~~Ys3~reClal, Schnauzers, S16~~.j women. 353 .5945. 6·16 :louble with kitchen facilities. 1966 Skyline IOKe - Partially ,gedeposit. Your August rent wll' Available July 1. possible fall S to work for rooms Summer or fall. 337·9786. 7·19 furnished, air, shed, Skirts. 337 · Th. PholO9r.phy PHplt and North oe paid by us. Three months 01 option. 351 ·6315 aller 5 p.m . 6·9 EFFICIENCY. one bedrOOm, t wo STUDENT. . , . 4089 . 6-12 Coralville Liberir :omfortable living for the price ot bedroom , lurnished apartments. w!th cooking . Black s GaSlight SLEEPING room _ Linens fur. Coli 338·6969 two . Call 337 ·7962. 6·1/ SUMMER sublet - Furnished Garages and I?arklng lots. Close to VIllage. 7·14 nlshed parking space. Dial 338. 10le5' . Parkwood. - Air. new Member F.O.l .C. ------efficiency, air cond itioned, big campus, avaIlable June 1. Call 9023 ' 7.18 carpetIng, beauhfully furnished, ONE bedroom furn ished apart. enough lor Iwo. $125 monthly. 337·9041. 6-29 WANTED College junior or . Bon Alre. 351 ·5565 . 6·9 ~------"" I '-______J ment. Air conditIoned . Call 351 · 338·5094 . 6·8 senior. ten to twenty hours pe~ SLEEPING room - 549 plus 0073 ; 337·2958. 6·7 week . Salary $150 10 $300 per deposit. Mercy Hospital area. EXCELLENT condition - Park FREE damage deposit, sublet Rid. or Rld.r month to learn Insurance busl· Dial 351 · 9A7~ . . 7.17 Estate IOx55. Air conditioned. Bon REDUCED renl - New, one new, one bedroom furnished. air. ness . Career opportunity for stud. Aire. 338·1774. 6·9 bedroom. furnished . Three blocks disposal, shag carpeling, bus . ent after gradUation. send details SINGLE rooms - Furnished. STU DENTS I Irom campus. Girls. 338 ·9922 . 6·14 5142 .50, available May 25 . 354 · RIDERSwanted to San FranciSCO of personal data to James E. color TV, kltcher and washing 1965 Two bedroom IOx50-Fur· 1788. 6·8 June 12 . Oial 353.5164. 6·9 Luhrs, CLU, 307 Prolesslonar facilities . S40 per month . 351 · nlshed , air, utility Shed . 351 ·6650, S~mmer Storage ProbleN? VALLEY Forge Apartments­ Park Suilding , Cedar Rapids, A367 . 6·13 evenings; 351 .S450 , days . 6·6 One and two bedroom, air condl· Iowa. • 7-19 WHY TAKE EVERYTHING HOME THIS tloned, pool. playground, basket. MEN - Sleeping rooms In clean, 1967 Elcona 12K55 - Furnished. ball , barbecues and more. Low quiet home across from Field air conditioned, washer and dry. SUMMER WHEN STORAGE IS SAPI rent includes heat, water, gas. WANTED - Reliable person to House . 338.1865 . 6-13 er, skirted . 182 Bon Alre. 351 · Leas ing now for summer and fall . sell "Head Supplies" lor New 6958 . 7-S AND ECONOMICAL. CALL TODAY '011 Special deal offered students, York dlstrl~ ·Jter . CommiSSion . " MEN-Singles lor summer or fall faculty, staff. In Coralville at interested, call Barry, 338-4791 . 338 .6A30 after 5 p.m. or 337.714i LOW cost Insurance for your MORE INFORMATI0N-3S1 ~US2. 2048·91h Street. Model open today. 6-7 anytime. 6.8 mObile home - The linest selec· 338·0980. ------tlon of rates and coverages avail· Dupl.x for R.nt SUMMER- Singles, furnished, able designed especially lor you. SAFLEY MOVING & STOUGE FURNISHED, air cOnditioned, ' 565 monthly, opposite MUSic Irvin Plab Insurance, call 351 ·1333 two bedroom apartment. Three on I Building. Kitchen, pets. 338·9519 . eny" me. 6·22 four adults, no pets. 715 Iowa . HIGH on a hili - Nine blocks 7.6 220 10th St,.t EI.t-Corjlvlllt Phone 3S1 ·0073 Dr 337 ·2958. 7·10 fromhome needsCivic aCenter very reliable. A Vic tenanttorian SINGLES and doubles, summer. conditionedCOMPLETELY Iraller, furnished IOK42. Financ - Air· I~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'i FOR June and Fall - spacious for a second lloor, thr~ bedroom, fall, close In, kitchen privileges. Ing available. 351 ·0310 Dr 337 ·4188 , . lurnlshed apartment. Ample two color bath, beautifully lurn· 337.2573. 6.23 ask for Ralph . 6-15 room for live persons . Three Ished duplex. Privacy and seclu· blOCks from campus . 5300 a sl on provide the JOYS of suburban ROOMS with cooking in exchange 1966 American IOx50-Furnlshed. month. No pets. Phone 338·0920 living. Only three blocks from for work Black's Gaslight VII . elr conditioned. carpeled, skirted. elter 3:30 p.m. 6·28 U.nlverslty bus line. 679·2307, mor· lage. . 7.14 Bon Alre. 351 ·8042 . 6·12 nlngs. 7-18 ••• HEAVY CLOSE In - Brand new, two TWO"bedroom furnished duplex BIG. cheap rooms with great 1965 Rollohome IOxS5 - FurniSh· bedroom, furnished apartment. I with garage. 61A .. th Avenue, cooking lacillties right downtown. ed,. carpeted, air conditioned. 5170. June to August 15 . 338·9922 Dr Coralville. 338.5905. 6·27 Hurry! 338·0470. 6-12 avaIlable May 26. 338·9091. 5·30 We've put some pretty heavy thinking into 151 ·0602. 7·18 what it takes to live right this summer CLOSE to downtown - Four locations, new. two bedroom, session. Check out a few of the reasons why. cleluxe. furnished apartments. Entertainment? Four bOys or lour girls. 338·9922 Dr 351 ·0602. 7·18 _ Apartments are air-conditioned, carpeted NEAR campus - Two bedroom, Chtclc the entertainment and furnished. lurnished. Air conditioning, avali· able. 351 ·5686, days ; 338·3345, MARANATHA -Indoor pool. lounges. study rooms. evenings. 6.15 1 JectIon. of your Iowan ' HCh - Laundry facilities on each floor. AVAILABLE Immedletely -Indoor bicycle racks and optional indoor Furnished, one bedroom, carpet· BAPTIST STUDENT UNION ed, walking distance. 351 .7214; 1 My. Th ... II an acftInl ..~on. parking. 351 ·2298. 7· 18 Sponsored by University Baptist Church - Bus service right to our door. AVAILABLE June - Furnished,' 1850 west Benton Street, Iowa City one and two bedroom, cerpeted, walking distance, parking . 351 · DOUBLE OCCUPANCY $85 per month nUl 351 ·2298. 7·18, . REVIVAL lIT SUfIJAY IIRflfI SINGLE $125 per month FEMALE - Share luxury apart­ MARRIEDS $150 per month rnent with tt:l ~ee, close In. 338·8536" evenings. 6·91 EYERYBODY IS WELCOIIE. (sorry-no elll ...... or,.tll I ONE bedroom furnished apart· If you want to ride one of our beautiful blue 2 Month (June-July) or Longer Leases rnent, utilities paid. $90 . Avall -' able now 338·8833 7·18 buses to church on Sunday mornings, call or write to one of the following people. IMMEDIITE OCCUPANCY DELUXE air conditioned, elt etc . Reduced~ ublet . 338·5590, days . Apartment 8. 6·16 JOHI I. YAUCH ..; PASTOI, • WAY IE AYEIUE 351-3758 MAY .LOW•• Aparb.1IMtJ EFFlel ENCY apartment for 1110 N. DtIINIqw It. lummer, $75. Olel 679·2358. 7·18 MOdel apartment­ , DAVID WILLIS, FACULTY ADYOSOI, 2487 CIESTVIEW 351-3572 Receptionist available amo ,IUMMER sublet - Two bedroom from 8 A.M. to 12 P.M. fur!llshed apar'iment, partie I car­ --- -. ::;- . ~- --=----.---:=-.-:.:=-- - - . .=: petlng . Fall option . Parking . - _ _ - - _ -r::::--==-~--- --====-==-=~-==--- ~ CLEI L. JAClSal, CHAIIIAI, 121 RIEIOW II 353-0752 151 .0906 . 6·16 Page &-Tbe Dally lowu-Iowl City, 10WI-Tues., JUDd, 1172 • Miami, Condors out, Hawks prep for Series~ The Daily Iowan Denver in ABA limbo The Greensboro Dally News Cougars, has been meeting with said Monday the American NBA Commissioner Walt« Basketball Association would Kennedy and they have reached Play at Norway tonight cease to exist after the NBA an agreement to allow six IJl ~l])®ill1J~ meeting JuneS-16. seven ABA clubs to Join the :~!:: :: :::: : : :: : : : : ::::: : ::: : ; : ;: :: ; :;:; : ; : ; : ; :;:.:;: ~:;:;: ; : ;:;: : :;: ;: ::::~::;: ::;:;:;:;:;:;:;::: ;:;:;: ;:::;:::::::.:;:~:.:.:.:=~:: ~ : : ::: : : = :.:.:.:;: ; :; :: !::. Citing an unidentified source, NBA . I By TOWNSEND HOOPES, III club before being traded to lowa-ASU contest will get under the Daily News said Ted The agreement is expected III Dally Iowan Sports Edltor Houston . He subsequently wayat8p.m. Munchak, owner of the Carolina be ratified by NBA owners when In a nutshell , Iowa has drawn developed arm trouble and is no they meet in White Sulphur Sold out! Springs, West Virginia, the the pick of the Jitter for its longer active in professional Grid ducats opening NCAA World Series baseball. Ticket sales for the NCAA paper said. confrontation in Omaha this World Series have been The Dally News added that Saturday night. The Sun Devils In their first experience under impreSSive. now on sale the Pittsburgh and Miami of Arizona State are currently the lights, Iowa batsmen had lit­ Francis I. "Buzz" Graham, U University students can get a franchises will be dropped and ranked No. 1 in the nation and tle, if any, trouble as they of I Associate Director of high priority by ordering season the Denver franchise will be sport a healthy 60-4 record for collected five runs in 12 innings Athletics, yesterday advised the football tickets this summer, placed in limbo for several the current campaign. against the Ottwnwa Royals of Daily Iowan that Series tickets and the earlier the better. years until a new arena is But the Hawks may well have the Iowa State League. Ottum­ have been sold out at the Iowa Hawkeye season tickets are constructed. received a blessing in disguise. wa failed to score. Fieldhouse ticket offi ce. priced at Sll for students. During a light workout in the " I don't honestly think that Graham stated that the Univer­ Spouse and date tickets are also , tHE CRISIS CENTER Iowa Recreation Center yester­ playing under the lights will be sity was furnished 20 books of available. a major factor in our opener," Series tickets approximately day afternoon, Iowa Head Five games are scheduled for Somebody CI'". Coach Duane Banks commen­ says Banks. "What we have to 240 individual seats, and that all Iowa Stadium this fall ; Oregon ted, "To win the World Series, do is concentrate on playing the have been sold. State Sept. 23 , Purdue Oct. 7, Eve,y d.y 2 p.m. to 2 I.m, we've got to play them (ASU) kind of baseball we're capable In Omaha, Iowa ticket coor­ Michigan State Oct. 28 , sometime. We're a good Duane Banks of playing. I think these kids are dinator and former Hawkeye Michigan Nov. 11 and Illinois 351.0140 pressure ball club. When we just now beginning to get baseball vet Dick Weatherly Nov . 25. have to play to win, we get the lights tonight: excited about the Series. advised the DI that. "there's a job done. We're ready." "We may not even playa full They 're going to be a fine great deal of interest being game up there, " says Banks. representative for their con­ generated here for Saturday SKYLARK RESTAURANT night's game. Iowa is playing 33.year drought "What we really need is a good ference ." ROAST BEEF LOBSTER workout against some good pit­ On Wednesday, the Hawkeyes the Series favorite in the best The Hawks have been ready, ching. I'm hoping they 'll throw will have their final workout in session, on the best night. STEAKS SHRIMP and waiting, for a long time. Not (Dick) 'lIcVay at us for a few Iowa City before departing for Weather permitting, I think it'll CHICKEN CATFICH since 1939 has an Iowa baseball innings." Omaha Thursday morning at 9 be a sellout." HAMBURGERS, PIZZA, ONION RINGSAND team won a Big Ten title McVay is a product of Nor­ a.m. Weatherly continued, "two BOTTLED BEER years ago Iowa State was here outright, though they have way high school and led his Mississippi (28-14) will face SPECIAL PORTIONS-SPECIAL PRICES shared four others along the team to three Iowa State Cham­ defending champion Southern in the World Series and half of way. pionships before joining the St. Cal (45-12 ) in the opening game, Council Bluffs was on hand. The Breakfast Served Anytime Series preparations for the Louis Cardinals' minor league while Connecticut (19-5) meets Cyclones took on Florida State 12 Minutes West of Iowa City on 'remainder of the week call for a club in Cedar Rapids. He was Texas (38-7 ) in the nightcap of in the opener, and it was a Interstate 80 at light workout this morning, subsequently transferred to the Friday's doubleheader. sellou t. Iowa teams ha ve Nabbed Oxford Exit No. 56 after which Banks will take the Modesto (Cal.) Cards and pit­ In a preview to Saturday's received tremendous fan sup­ Minesota's Eric Soderholm , right, is about to be tagged out in a Hawks to Norway, Iowa, for an ched three exhibition innings main event, Oklahoma (34-14 ) port here in the past. " run down by Oriole third baseman Brooks Robinson, The action Dial 1-628-4448 for Group Reservations ~' exhibition game under the with the parent major league meets Temple (31-13) . The Tic/£els took place in the fourth Inning of Monday night's game won by Adrian Panther, Mgr.-Big 10 Inn & Hamburg. Inns, inc, Minnesota, 3-2. ' 1 Though tickets are no longer available locally, Hawkeye fans ~------~~~~~~ Allen pulls up Sox, may still purchase seats at the Personal, marriage, gate on opening day-Friday, family struggles? Talk to :. June 9. Box seats are available a qualified counselor. :. :. at $2.50 (sold out for Iowa-AS U Open to all, non-profit, :. game Saturday nigh t); reserve pay according to ability. Chi has South Side too seats at $2.00 ; and general Confidential. Call CHICAGO (A-P) - The baffled, intrigued and now awed the Philadelphia Phils, St. Louis admiSSion seats at $1.50 . Lutheran Social service. mighty swing of Dick Allen's the White Sox since he signed Cardinals and Los Angeles All Series games will be played at Omaha's Rosenbl att J51-4880 Dodgers missed the entire V'n bat, along with a hot home for a reported $135 ,000 last April '{:', ~""":'" .~:: .~, ... :. surge, may be fanning the Chi­ 1. spring training period. He came Stadium, which seats, 14,000. cago White Sox into their first The former troubled star of to terms just as the player climb over the one-million at­ strike derailed the start of the tendance mark since 1965. p 1972 season. .' The sixth largest paid crowd But since then, everything Al­ .: Ien has done for the White Sox SPECIAL! " in Chicago baseball history , 51 .. ~ 904, watched the White Sox trim Top has been with class and clout. , the New York Yankees 61 , 5-4 He has been charming with the Tues., Wed., Thurs. :. Sunday. Allen's dramatic, nin­ news media and is the club th-inning, three-run pinch leader for a surprising team homer won the nightcap. which is second in the American June 6-7-8 That boosted the White Sox ' League West with a 25-17 home record to 19-3 and their record . home attendance for 20 dates to ('Muf",ifRe 331,948, compared with 195,486 for the same period last year. Cats DRIVE·IN THEATRE 1/4 lb. of 100% Pure Beef and The Works! Allen, American League lead­ er in runs batted in with 37, has Cheeseburgers RleH IE ALLEN OPEN 8: lS·SHOW 9:00 ENDS TUES. A ground beef hamburger topped with DR in 10th American League tangy melted cheese, crunchy pickles and THE ALL AMERICAN Batt ing-Pinie ll a, KC, .333; D. catsup, all tucked into a toasty bun. Allen. Chi., .33 1; Rudi, Oak., .329 You'll love it! trips Tribe Runs-Ha rpe r, Bos. 30; Tova r. Minn ., 30 ; Piniella. KC, 28 Reg. 69' C CLEVELAND (AP) - Bert Runs Batted In- D. All en, Chi., 31; Campaneris slammed a two-out R. J ac kso n, Oak.• 28 ; Darwin , home run in the 10th inning Minn ., 26 49 Hits- Piniella. KC , 56: Rudi. Oak ., Monday night to power Oakland 53 ; D. All en. Chi. . 50 to its fourth straight victory as Doubl es-Rud i. Oak .. 11; Harper, I • TUES., WED., THURS. the A's beat the Cleveland In­ Bost .. 10 ; R. Jackson, Oak.. 10 ~ I Reg. 28c dians 3-2. Triples-McCraw. Cle., 4; Fisk, Bost .. 3; Rudi, Oak .. 3 June 6, 7, 8 : mpaneris' homer off Cleve­ Home Run s-Dun can, Oak ., R. '. lan J starter Gaylord Perry, 9-4 , PLUS :0 Jackson , Oak.. 10 ; D. Allen. Chi. , N. "Sicilian Clan" saddled the Indians with their Cash , Det. , 9 A t Both 10th loss in 12 games and ex­ Stolen Bases-D. Nelson. Te x., 18 ; locations tended Oakland's lead over Chi­ P. Kelly , Chi. , 12 cago in the American League National League CINEMA I ACROSS FROM THE PENT ACREST West to four games. Ba ttin g- Stennett, Pitt. , .371 ; SanguiJlen, Pitt., 350 ; M. Alou , St. NOW . .. ENDSWED. Lou ., .342 . HWy. 6 W. I CORALVILLE Dar~ 'n hits Runs-M organ. Cin ., 44 ; Bonds, SF, 38 ; Watson , Hou ., 36 Bin . .S-2 Runs Batted In- Kingman, SF, 38 ; Starge Jl. Pitl. , 35 ; Bench . Cin .. 35 BAL ' .MORE (AP) - Bob Hits-Brock, St. Lou .. Bonds. SF . 58 ; Darwin, who singled to launch a Sanguillen, A. Oliver, Pitt.. 51 COLOR Doubles. Agee, NY . Fuentes. SF. GP ----CELEBRATE two-run Minnesota rally in the Bonds. SF . Speier . SF, 12 fourth inning, doubled home the TripleS- Stennett, Pill., Tolan . Cin .. tie-breaking run in the sixth as 4 CINEMA II the Twins edged the slumping Home RunS- Kin gman, SF , 14 ; Ben· I HENRY'S 8th ANNIVERSARY Baltimore Orioles 3-2 Monday ch, Cin .• 13 ; Stargell, Pitl., II NOW ... ENDSWED. Stolen Ba ses-Morgan. Cin .. 19 ; WEEKDAYS 1:25& 9;45 night. Brock , SI. Lou , 16 TRISH VAN DEY ERE HWy. 6 W., CORALVILLE IN "ONE ISA LONEL'l'l Register For FREE BICYCLE II .. a...... :(.( NUMBER" ~ .tandlng. ~~.~.' From Dan's Bicycle Shop, Coralville ENGLERT And MORE PRIZES! American League National League NOW ... ENDS WED. Ellt East W. L. PU. G.B. w. L. Pet. G.B. TWO 3,SPEED Detroit 24 17 .585- New York 31 13 .705 - UZPG" PG Baltimore 21 21 .500 3'h Pittsburgh 27 16 .628 3'/' Cleveland 20 20 .500 3!h Chicago 24 18 .571 6 OLlYERREED TRIUMPH Boston 11 22 .436 8 Montreal 19 24 .442 II', . EAALDINE CHAPLIN New York IS 24 .429 6!h St. Louis 17 28 .378 14'/'. 1:30-3 ; 21-5:26 Milwaukte 15 23 .395 7!h Philadelphia 16 28 .364 15 1:24·9:22 D Welt West BIKES Oakland 29 13 .690 - Los Ang eles 28 18 .609 - rOWings on Minnesota 24 16 .800 4 Cincinnati 27 18 .600 , ~ ASTRD Chicago 25 17 .595 4 Houston 26 19 .578 I It I California 20 24 .455 10 Atlanta 20 23 .465 6'k NOW ... ENDS WED. • Texas 18 26 .409 12 San Diego 16 29 .356 II'/' Kansas City 17 25 .405 12 San ~ ' rancisco 17 34 .333 13', USILENT RUNNING" Meaday's Ruults A NEW TWIST Oakland 3. Cleveland 2, 10 Inn . Minnesota 3, Baltimore 2 Meaday's RenUs Pittsburgh at San Diego, ppd . G COLOR Warm Soft Pretzels Only games scheduled Only game scheduled 1:40-3:33-5:26 'IHAPPY H~ TUE8DA V'S PITCHERS 1:24-9:22 Milwaukee (Brett 2-5 ) at TUESDA V '8 PITCHERS Kansas City (Murphy 1·11 , Atlanta t Reed H) at Mon· Th C" "'R~II night treal (McAnally 1·5). night IOWA Availahle in the e IOWn . New York (Peterson 3·7) at Cincinnati INolan 1-1) at New -4 " , Texas (Bosman 3·5), night York (M cA ndrew HI. night California (Wright 4·2 and Houston (Roberts 3-3) at MARLON BRANDO ppeoring all Rose \-0 ) at Detro(t (Lolich 8-3 Philadelphia IFryman 2·31 , and Coleman 7-4), 2, twl·night night Oakland (Blue 0·2 ) at Cleve­ Chicago (Hands H) at Los liTHE NIGHTeOMERS" WHEEL ROOM rhlJrsdoy doy land (Colbert 0·31. night Angeles (Downing 2·21 . night Minnesota (WoodlOll 3-31 at PllIsburgh (Moose 3·2 ) at San A COLOA Baltimore (Palmer 6·3), nl,ht Diego (Kirby 3-6), night \ :35-3:3\-5:27 Iowa Memorial Union BOlton (Siebert 4-2) .t Chi­ St . Louis (Wise 4·5) at San 7:23-':19 cago (Wood '·31 , night Francisro (Stone H ). night 1