"~~~;,:;:·············~'(.WH;r.$I.··~»'~»':::O· :::O-':mc~~ I· ·'N ~iHE ~iws j JUDeI,II7Z ....j I ... CIty. I ........ :~ .): SWI .._ .... ~ - .....,. ~ :.:a'.' ::~ riefly ~ :~~ i~: .~: :~: TV and drugs ~ Bid for votes ~l WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal Com­ ~:: IIUlications Commissioner NichOlas Johnson ...ued drug commercials Monday and said ''television is the pusher. " i\.... "Every Indicator of drug use-from cigarette • :::~.•.. sales to aspirin sales, from the use of alcohol to $$ the use 01 vitamins, from sleeping pills to stay­ ~~~~ In California awake pills--is Increasing annually," Johnson ~~l;.... .said. "And televlon is intimately involved in selling these drugs." Johnson said, however, he does not think "television executives have made a conscious decision to sell drugs 81 opposed to other commodities. , "And I don't think television is wholly respon- countdown sible for creating a society that craves drugs." LOS ANGELES (AP) - Sen. George But moments before he set out on his Monday ~)~ McGovern. confident of victory in California's campaign schedule, McGovern announced he presidential primary Tuesday, wound up his was going to Houston, Tex., to spend the night, t Defense costs campaign Monday with a delegate-hunting trip and confer with Democrats at the National to New Mexico. Governors Conference. WASHINGTON (API - Secretary of Defense He also decided to fly to Houston late at night No problems Melvin R. Laird told Congress Monday Hanoi's to meet with skeptical Democratic governors. I;::: offensive could cost the United States an extra $5 Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, meanwhile, stayed He said he wanted to demonstrate that the billion if it had to maintain its pre 5 e n t in California, trying to overcome the big lead the governors would have communication with him military response through 1972. pollsters grant to McGovern. He spoke to aero­ as the nominee, and "easy access" if he becomes Earlier in the day, Laird had told a Senate sub­ space workers in Los Angeles and then flew nor­ president. committee that if Congress approved a th for a traditional tour through San Francisco's Southerners among them said they feared I:::: $3O-billion cut in defense funds proposed by Chinatown. a ticket led by McGovern would fare poorly in presidential aspirant George McGovern it should McGovern , the smiling. confident senator from their region in the Nov. 7 primary. But there was ....~~ provide "at least $1 billion for white nags .. , South Dakota, also addressed a factory crowd. no evidence of a real stop-McGovern effort; Gov. •...:!:: because it means surrender ... At Chula Vista. near San Diego. he got perhaps Robert W. Scott of North Carolina said it was a The secretary said also that if Congress his most enthusiastic welcome from plant little late for that. doesn't approve funds for new weapons systems workers. McGovern evidently hoped to allay the concer­ ~~: it would be jeoparidizing further U.S.-Soviet ns of governors who believe his personal plat­ ~;~ arms-limitation agreements because he said Yorty endorsement form is too liberal for the liking of Southerners m; they must be negotiated from a position of and Democrats elsewhere. Humphrey got the last-minute endorsement of ;~ strength. Humphrey planned to go to Houston Wed­ :::: Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty , one of the eight nesday, after the pivotal primary in California. :::: Democrats on the preSidential ballot in Califor­ The man who wins California will get 271 vofes Strange demonstration .•.•::~ nia. Yorty called on his backers to vote for Hum­ ....'.', for the Democratic presidential nomination . .... phrey in an effort to stop McGovern from the Eighteen votes are at stake in New Mexico . Coast Guard officials In Norfolk, Va. came to the aalUng of the aircraft carrier America for :::: Campaign tactic? the rescue of chagrined antiwar demon trators VI tnarn. AP Photo ',0,'.', nomination . which is also holding a primary Tuesday. :-:. "Our Democratic party is threatened with after their canoe eapslted. They were protesnng ::::.:. MOSCOW (AP)-A Soviet newspaper suggests suicidal radicalization by Sen. George Picks up delegates :::; this year's presidential election was a major fac­ McGovern's . lavishly financed campaign of McGovern pushed his Democratic National tor behind President Nixon's summit meeting deception and demagoguery," Yorty said. He Convention delegate total to 5371,2 on the eve of His campaign workers: with Soviet leaders. called McGovern a captive of the "radical left." the big California primary on the strength of new ',"!l~ But the newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda. As Humphrey flew north of San ~·rancisco . he delegates picked up over the past weekend. praised the American side for "sober-minded­ again challenged McGovern to one more The South Dakota senator added delegates ~~~~: ness" and obedience to the "dictates of reality" televised "debate" before Tuesday's primary, from Oklahoma, Kentucky, Connecticul, ',', in signing agreements which "have placed the ~:. but that was precluded by McGovern's trip to the Colorado and Illinois in caucuses and conven­ 'Dinner can wait, relations between our two countries on a more governors' conference in Houston , with a stop in tions at the state level. He also gained a couple solic foundation." New Mexico which also has its primary Tuesday. from the official canvas in Nebraska. The paper, organ of the Young Communist "I'll do my damndest," Humphrey said as he Wallace remains the secondplace Democrat in i.:.: League, said in its Sunday edition that the Soviet began his election eve drive. terms of votes lined up for the July 10 convention, side was gu\ded in last month's summit talks by ~:: His earlier challenge for an encore debate with with 318 delegates. Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of but not McGovern' the "peace program" outlined by the Communist McGovern came during a nationally telev~ed Minnesot<l is third with 2991 ~ and Sen. Edmund S. party. LOS ANGELES (AP) - An to go to the polls. That means about 31" millfon i.*1 interview Sunday. He called for McGovern to Muskie of Maine has 166. There are 4491f.z uncom­ :::: meet him head-on election eve, sharing the cost mitted delegates. army of canvassers for Sen. "!t's a closing oCf of our can­ voters, allowing 1.5 votel'8 per '.', of the TV time so they would not have to share It takes 1.509 delegate votes to win the George McGovern turned into vass operations. We've been household. wit h min 0 r candidates. McGovern said he'd Democratic presidential nomination at the an attack force of get-out-the­ working Cor weeks to set this Each voter was scored on a 1~! Illegal entry try to work it out. Miami Beach convention. vote troops on the eve of Cali­ up," explained Max Factor Ill, rating system from one to four : ;::: fornia's presidential primary 26, a Los Angeles attorney on ~me meant the voter was a .;: :~: COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa (AP)-More than election . leave to coordinate the state­ strong supporter, two meant fa­ .:.: 650 Mexican workers who entered the United wide Get Out The Vote drive. vorable, three meant uncom­ ;::: ~ States illegally have been apprended in Armed with polite speeches mitted, four meant negative . .):.. Factor, a grandson of the Nebraska and Iowa during the last 11 months, and doorknob signs reading, founder of the cosmetics con­ "Every single one and two ~~: more than twice the number of three years ago, Iowa Citians fight "Your dinner can wait. Amer­ will be contacted," explained •... cern bearing his name, has vol­ .:.:.:.: according to a federal official . ica can't. Vote McGovern," unteered his services at the California campaign manager :::: R. C. Williams, director of the U.S. they hit the streets and the carton-strewn McGovern cam­ Eli Segal. "That will total some Immigration and Naturalization Service, telephone lines as the sun start­ paign headquarters for the past 700,000 people. ~~i~ speculated that the increase was primarily ed to sink Monday afternoon. month. "It's a way to build up that :::: caused by "economics." 'unjust' flood plan Their goal: to try to remind the The campaign staff claims extra five percentage-point ad­ .,~~; Williams said Interstate 80 has become a state's five million registered that volunteers already have vantage," he said. "In termlof :::: major route for the immigrants into the country. By LARRY HI'IT specifically in the flood plain proportions which would Democrats who have expressed knOCked on 70 per cent of the people walking, California baa ..•.•..• support for the South Dakotan registered Democrats' doors . .never seen anything like it." ...• Daily Iowan Staff Writer areas around the Iowa River theoretically occur no more '.' Meeting in informal session and Ralston Creek. than one time out of 100. ~jl New car delay Monday, the Iowa City Council Flood ways, as defined by the Most of Monday's discussion Radio Hanoi reports ~~~ listened to a number of citizens ordinance and the Iowa Natural centered on the effect of the DETROIT f AP I - Ford Motor Co. announced object to what they tem xl "an Resources Cou.lciI , are those ordinance on those property ::::•... .v Monday that because of stringent government . unjust" flood plain ordinance. portions of the channel and owners near Ralston Creek . i!i: The proposed ordinance The ordinance as it now stan­ ~ antipollution regulations the company will delay surrounding land that are AInerican bonilis the start-up production dates for its 1973 models. would prohibit any new develop­ necessary to carry the flow of a ds. would ban any new construc­ ~ In a joint statement issued in Detroit, Board ment in those areas that are "IOO-year flood ", which tion in the flood way and calls I Chairman Henry Ford II and President Lee la­ designated "flood ways," generally is a £I00d of major for the demolition and amor­ take serious toll ::~ cocca said the firm was extending its production tization within 25 years of some ~ period Cor 1972 models in North America.
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