The views and opinions expressed here reflect the authors’ point of view and not necessarily those of CASE Network. The report was prepared within a project on Economic and Social Conse- quences of Industrial Restructuring in Russia and Ukraine (ESCIRRU) carried out under the FP6 (Sixth Framework Program) and financed by DG Research. The project was led by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin – German Institute for Economic Research) and partners from across the EU as well as Russia and the Ukraine. The report summarizes the results of the Workpackage WP8 – DP1on Social security, labour market and restructuring: Current situation and expected outcomes of reforms coordinated by CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or any other institutions the authors may be affiliated to. Keywords: Social safety net, labour market, transitional economies JEL: E24, H55, J31, J21, J23, P2 © CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research, Warsaw, 2009 Graphic Design: Agnieszka Natalia Bury EAN 9788371785030 Publisher: CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research on behalf of CASE Network 12 Sienkiewicza, 00-010 Warsaw, Poland tel.: (48 22) 622 66 27, fax: (48 22) 828 60 69 e-mail:
[email protected] The CASE Network is a group of economic and social research centers in Po- land, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Belarus. Organizations in the network regularly conduct joint research and advisory projects. The research cov- ers a wide spectrum of economic and social issues, including economic effects of the European integration process, economic relations between the EU and CIS, monetary policy and euro-accession, innovation and competitiveness, and labour markets and social policy.