Cuad. herpetol., 2323 (2):(2): 9393–96,–96, 20092009 93 N OTA loured juvenile female C. annulatus (270 mm TL / 180 mm SVL) was dis- PREDATION BY CORALLUS covered in the roofing rafters at Caño ANNULATUS (BOIDAE) ON Palma’s boat dock (Fig. 1.0). Rhyncho- RHYNCHONYCTERIS NASO nycteris naso were regularly observed (EMBALLONURIDAE) IN A roosting beneath the dock in groups of LOWLAND TROPICAL WET between three and eight individuals (Fig FOREST, COSTA RICA 1.1) several nights before we found the snake. We discovered, without the need for regurgitation by palpation, typical TODD R. LEWIS shapes of bat morphology and deduced Westfield, 4 Worgret Road, Wareham, Dorset, that it was possible that the snake had BH20 4PJ, United Kingdom. eaten a R. naso. On the second occa-
[email protected] sion we observed an orange / taupe co- loured adult male C. annulatus (584 DARRYN J. NASH mm TL / 512 mm SVL) swallowing a 60 West Road, Spondon, Derby DE21 7AB. Unit- R. naso in the crown of a Manicaria ed Kingdom. saccifera palm, approximately 200 m
[email protected] along a riparian section of the Biologi- cal Station’s forest. Rhynchonycteris PAUL B. C. GRANT naso are an abundant insectivorous bat 4901 Cherry Tree Bend, Victoria, British Colom- found throughout most tropical lowlands bia, V8Y 1S1, Canada. from southern Mexico through to the northern half of South America (Sorin, Corallus annulatus (Northern Annu- 1999). They are a small bat ranging lated Tree-boa) is a little-studied tropical from 35 to 41 mm in forearm length Boid occurring disjunctively throughout and typically weigh around 4 g.