Patents for Inventions
il (il il ULTIMHEÀT® VIRTUAL MUSEU PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS ABRIDGMENTS OF SPECIFICATIONS CLASS 64 (ii) HEATING SYSTEMS AND APPARATUS [oiher than HEATING LIQUIDS AND GASES and SURFACE APPARATUS FOR EFFECTING TRANSFER OF HE AT] Period-A .D . 1926-30 [244,801—340,200] LONDON PRINTED UNDER THE ÀUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE B y the COURIER PRESS, B edford Street , L eamington S’pa PüBLISHED AT THE PA TE N T OFFICE, 25, SOOTHAMPTON BUILDINGS, Chancery L ane , L ondon, W .C .2. 1933 Price 2 s . 0 d. [ inland]. Postage abroad extra. A & 1 im p u n i ULTIMHEAT® Crown copyright reservcd. Permission to reproduce extracts must be obtainedVIRTUAL MUSEUM from the Controllcr of H .M . Stationery Office. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS VBRIDGMENTS OF SPECIFICATIONS CLASS «4 ( ü) HEATING SYSTEMS AND APPARATUS [othcr than HEATING I.IQUIDS AND GASES and SURFACE APPARATUS FOR EFFECTING TRANSFER OF HEAT] PERIOD—A.D. 1926-30 [244,801—340,200] LONDON PRINTED UNDER THE AUTI10RITY OF IIIS MAJESTYS STATIONERY OFFICE Bï the COURIER PRESS, B edford Street , L eajiixgton S'pa P ü bu sh ed AT th e PATENT OFFICE, 2 5 , Socthampton Bu ild in g s, Chancery L anb , L ondon, W .C.2. 193a * EXPLANATORY NOTE The contents of tliis Abridgment Class may be seen from its Subject-matter Index, which includes ail index headings, subheadings, and subdivisions allotted to tins Class, as well as cross- references under them, alfchough there may be no cases affected within the period covered by this volume. For furthèr 'information as to the classification of the subject matter of inventions, reference 6hould be made to the Abridgment-Class and Index Key (Vol.
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