Genealogy of the Jenkins Family of Maryland, from 1664-1895
Ap. Thomas Jenkins, was born, 1645; married, 1670; died, 1727. He was buried at Saint Thomas’ Church. His wife died two years after, and was placed in the family lot, both greatly lamented. Issue are as follows: Edward, William, George, Mary, Elizabeth and Ann. Among those who came, in company with Thomas Jenkins (original), were: Charles Ballard, Robert Cornich, Francis Tench, Thomas Batchelor. Jane Tench, John Austin, Winifred James, John Grand, Rice Jones, John Toy, Auther Norwood, Mary Sparks, John Simpson, John Lewis, Christopher Berry, George Hart, Edward Mattingly. John Hart, John Clotman, Thomas Parson, John Pasey, William Philips. William West, All these settled and received land grants of one hundred acres each. Some few located in Kent afterwards, but, not finding a proper welcome, and for their welfare, returned to St. Mary’s. Among these were: John Jenkins, Thomas Thompson Henry Jenkins, Peter Robinson. Thomas Edelin, [14 “Austin Jenkins, second son of Edward Jenkins, was born in Baltimore, 1806; married Margaret Jenkins, of Charles County, 1839. He died 1888. He was one of the most esteemed members of his name, and of the community in which he moved. Was a man of singular integrity and keen judgment in affairs of business matters, and made an honorable record among the progressive men of Baltimore. He was a man of clear judgment, and of unimpeach¬ able integrity of life. The children of Austin Jenkins were: — Edward Austin, Isabel, Harriet, Mary Plowden, Thomas Mere¬ dith, and Francis De Sales.” “Alfred Jenkins, son of Edward Jenkins, born in 1810. Mar¬ ried Elizabeth Hickley in 18—; died 1875.
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