Area #1 REALE CENTRO STORICO COMPOUND Pictures: Archive of Pictures: Archive Città Torino di

Produced by CITTÀ DI TORINO > Head of Central Unit for Environment, Development,Territory and Labour > Head of Central Unit for International Activities PIEMONTE AGENCY FOR INVESTMENTS, EXPORT AND TOURISM URBAN CENTER METROPOLITANO Concept and Design powered by Giulio Palmieri / Printing: Tipografia Ianni / Torino 0 Km 1 Km 2 Km




VIA n. 5/9 CENTRAL AREA CENTRO STORICO Type of project AREA #1 Urban renovation, in the heart of the city, of a historical compound with noteworthy architectural relevance. The historical center of Torino develops around Mixed use: Land Area around 20,000 sq.m. a grid of axes and baroque squares that from the The surface held by the city is estimated at about 14,500 sq.m. river Po and Piazza Vittorio Veneto (one of Europe’s THE SURROUNDING AREA: PIAZZA CARIGNANO Description largest squares) stretches to Piazza Castello and B The City Urban Plan designate the compound as “Area to be transformed” Piazza Carlo Alberto to finally reach Piazza Carlo in the historical city centre, and it is regulated with a specific law in Felice overlooked by Porta Nuova railway station. order to rule the detailed transformations. The aim is to renovate the entire compound and to foresee a different use for the space: museum, At the end of the 1990s a renovation process of • Urban Landmarks of the Area: exhibition area, cultural centre, space for the university, residential area, the city center began including not only a few • Royal Palace • Royal Gardens accommodations, services and common interests infrastructures; these of the most important historic buildings but also • Palazzo Madama functions can be integrated with Service Activities for People and and especially the system of public spaces. • Enterprises, which comprise commercial and public activities. • The realization could be also done in different shares (minimal unit of Plans were made to pedestrianize squares and • intervention), further to the draft of a “Global Requalification Project”. a few streets, resulting in a complex project that • • Università degli Studi Project progress has become one of the major requalification works • Stazione Porta Nuova Today the officially changing of City Plan is in force and has modified realized in the central area. Moreover policies and • Museo del Cinema the P.R.G. Therefore it is necessary to prepare a “Global Requalification measures have been taken to reaffirm the Project” and to acquire the authorization titles afterwards, also for the singles lots. importance of the historical area both as a Proximity to public transport cultural hub, thanks to the presence of museums, CAVALLERIZZA REALE AREA theatres and libraries, and a knowledge centre The compound is located between the railway stations Porta Nuova and Porta Susa, Metro Line 1 (closest metro stop Porta Nuova), buses and with the premises of the Università di Torino. trams (inner-city buses n.13, etc.). It is already foreseen the realization of Metro Line 2 with metro stop in Piazza Castello. Palazzo della Prefettura Royal Gardens Infrastructural connections CAVALLERIZZA REALE, AERIAL VIEW Ring road 7 Km, Porta Susa Station (High speed railway) 2.5 Km, 1.1 Palazzo Madama Torino Caselle Airport 18 Km. Archivio di Stato di Torino Property Teatro Regio City of Torino, Demanio dello Stato.

The real estate market RAI Auditorium Pertinent area (mass frequency values)

Industrial buildings Prices (Euro/sq.m.) n.a. Cavallerizza Reale Area Rent (Euro/sq.m./yr) n.a. 1.1 Offices Prices (Euro/sq.m.) 4,100 Rent (Euro/sq.m./yr) 275 Retail Prices (Euro/sq.m.) 5,700 Università di Torino Rent (Euro/sq.m./yr) 455 Palazzo del Rettorato Residences Prices (Euro/sq.m.) 4,500 Rent (Euro/sq.m./yr) 190

Source: Scenari Immobiliari / February 2012