Social Events Are Featuredinjunior Artis Given Here A.J.Potter
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WALTERSPRUNT WILL SPRING HOLIDAYS LEAD Y.M. C. A. 3tf)e Batribdoman BEGIN TOMORROW glenba Uux WLbi <&rta Htbertasi Vol. XXI DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON,N. C, MARCH 28, 1934 No. 23 A.J.Potter Heads Athletic Deputation From Social Events Are Sprunt Elected Y President Association InComing Year Seminary Speaks FeaturedInJunior By Students On ThirdBallot Henry Cathey and Coley Wind- At Services Here SpeakingWeekEnd HeadsY.M.C.A. Marsh and Pumell Are Elected ham Are Selected Vice- AthleticLeader | Vice-Presidents for the Presidents Group Present Consisted of Joe Johnny Long's Collegians Play Coming Year Clower,"Jas. A." Jones and Before Large Number in GRACEY IS SECRETARY FredV.Poag Charlotte COITIS RUNNER-UP Wingfield Eliminated by Potter MAKES ANNUAL VISIT MASKS ARE POPULAR Boardand Cabinet Officers to Be onFinal Ballot Elected Three Students Speak at Various Unique DecorationsAdd Color to Potter, of Barium Springs, was Religious Services Dance Program In the student body elections held A. J. week, Sprunt, Wilming- elected president of the Athletic As- last Walter of ton, was chosen president of the Y. M. sociation for the coming year,as a re- Last week-end the Union Theological The Speaking dances, featur- Junior C. A. coming year, sult of the student body voting held Seminary sent a deputation to David- ing Johnny Long and his Duke Col- for the school be- ing selected Thursday on the third bal- Tuesday morning during the chapelpe- son consisting of three men,Joe Clow- legians, held in the Charlotte Armory- lot from a group of eight nominees riod. Potter was elected over Joe er, J. A. Jones, and Fred V. Poag. Auditorium this past week-end,proved of the Junior class. Wingfield, of Reidsville, on the final Jones graduated from Davidson in to be a success. There was a formal ballot. 1931, and Poag in 1930. dance Friday night, with an informal Walter Sprunt, of Wilmington, S. F. Marsh, of Newport News, Va., and Treadway Pumell, of Spartanburg, Henry Cathey, of Charlotte, and Poag spoke at the regular church tea dance Saturday afternoon, and an- has been chosen to lead the Y. M. S. C, both members of the Sophomore Coley Windham, of Gastonia, were service Sunday morning,March25, and otfier Saturday night. All of the fra- C. A. work at Davidson for the class, were vice-presidents elected first and second vice-presidents, at the vesper service that night, ternities had house parties, and the ensuing year. He won the election elected in Jones the same balloting. respectively. Hugh Gracey, of Frank- and also in chapel '"Monday morning. following girls attended the dances : over Bob Coit on the third ballot. lin, Tenn., was chosen secretary-treas- Clower preached at the eveningchurch Beta TheU Pi: Misses Joyce Sayrc, Nominations for president, made by urer, defeating Dick Johnson of Char- service. Ashevillc; Elizabeth Motsingcr, Win- the Y. M. C. A. Cabinet nominating committee, placed lotte on the final ballot. The vesper service Sunday night was ston-Salem; Ruth Scttlemyer, Helen and before the stu- Exhibit of German 16, The Athletic Council nominated the led by Bob Smith of the Junior class. Nicely, Kings Mountain; Betsy Sykes, dent body I-rijJat March were: Don ; Coil, following juniors for president: F. L. After an organ prelude by Kenneth Converse College;Sarah Mectze, Char- Kraudnu.S^ftnapolis Bob Richmond, Va.;WM. Phifer, Bumgarner, W. Dillon, D. B. El- Scott and a hymn, the scripture was lotte. Art Is Given Here Colum- V. ««""/ Porr&z.- Quito bia, S. C; Bob Snffth, Mobile, Ala.; very, C. T. Fort, D. M. Glasgow, read, which consisted of selections Kappa Alpha: Pi Misses Blanche Sprunt. following George Gullette, C. H. Hand, C. C. A. J. Potter, of Barium Springs, from the Psalms. Another hymn and Turner, Wilmington; Marion Town- Most Popular Picture Will Be and Walter The were from Harris, D. M. Hutchins, J. B. Lee, J. a »tar guard on the football eleven a violin duet by W. J. Robinson and send, Red Springs;Lucile Alderidge, Given to College nominated the floor: W. B. wrestling, Ravenel, Charleston, S. C. ; A. B. Mackorell, R. Morgan, E. F. Mc- and alto a letter man in H. Ross followed, after which Mack Logan. ; Dougie Long, Beverly C. J. J. W. Va. Rhodes, Rocky Point; Rog- Phail, McFayden, A. Potter, who won out over Joe Winjfield Holland led the assembly in prayer. Burgess, Greensboro; Margaret The exhibit of German art, brought and Teal A. A. J. Gil- ers, Bonncttsvillc, S. C. Ross, W. P. Sprunt, D. Sicw- for the presidency of the Athletic liam, Charlotte; Moore, to Davidson College under the auspices C. B. J. The speaker, better known as "Jas. Martha At- the Schurs ers, Joe Wingfield, Hugh Yelverton, Association. A." Jones, opened his sermon by say- lanta, Ga. of Carl Memorial Founda- On the first ballot, Phifer, Ravenel, tion, which has been on display during Rhodes and Rogers were eliminated. and L. E. Quartcrman. The juniors ing that we arc living in a changing Kappa Alpha: Misses Catherine the past week, closed today. The pic- who have made varsity letters were world. Philosophers, preachers, teach- Crowell, May D. Marion, Kleanor Brandon was eliminated on the second ture which received the votes ballot, Sprunt was elected over eligible for nomination. Davidson Debaters ers, business men,economists, and psy- Hayes, Charlotte; Grace Carpenter, most and during this time will he presented to Coit on the third. This list was narrowed down to five chologists arc perplexed with changing Statesvillc. the college this summer, it was an- For vice-president, nominations candidates at the end of the first bal- conditions, and ?re constantly trying to Sigma Alpha Epsilon: End Eastern Tour Misses Jane nounced. by were: lot, leaving Charlie Harris, of Welch, adjust themselves to new trends of Hashagen, Gastonia ; made the committee Bill Carrie Marshall During the week-end, this exhibit Bowman, Aberdeen; Chap- W. Va.;Dewey Hutchins, of Lexing- Davidson TeamDebates & L., thought. Young, Betty Sluill, Mary Mickley, Carleton W. was taken for the second time to Ra- man, Talladega, Ala.; Harvey Glass, ton; A. J. Potter; J. D. Siewers, of Rutgers, The changes arc found even in relig- Landingham, and Bucknell Norma Van Toi Mon- leigh at the request of the State De- Richmond, Va.; S. F, Marsh and Winston-Salem, andJoe Wingfield still ion, but there are three fundamental roe, Margaret Vaughn, Frances Ann partment of Education. Tin* reason for Treadway Pumell. Bob Lindsay was in the running. On the next ballot, debating team, repre- truths that are essential if our lives Cannon, Charlotte; Mary The Davidson Banks Mc- this was the three-thiy teachers' con- nominated from the floor. two men were dropped from the list, sented by E. J. Humphrey and J. H. prosper. Pherson, Durham ;Rlizabeth Morton, Wingfield vention hold there. and Potter, Siewers, and led Fitzgerald, won one debate, lost one (Continued on page 2) Lynchburg, Va.;Florinc Ellis, Green- Marsh was elected on the first bal- displayed the field. Potter and Wingfield sur- and tied one on their eastern tour. ville, S. C.;Virginia Moore, BennettS- The collection was for two lot. Chapman and Lindsay being elim- vived the next ballot, and on the final ville, ; Alexius, days at the Carolina Hotel and at the inated. On the second ballot, Bowman Leaving here March 14th, the team S. C. Katherine Wil- — School, vote, position. The liu.fli Motion-High wli>rr. wime^TysHHteri ;!re.d Purnell was elected Potter won the to Lexington, Va., to debate Chemistry Students mington; nieahcTr Cely, Greenville,' "X throughout. traveled most of the meetings took place. It over Glass on . voting was close Washington and Lee that night. The C. ;Eleanor Nunn, New Bern; Eliza- ti '^"rd. served as the basis of an illustrative Sprunt, the president, is a member Henry Cathey and Coley Windham by the judges was See McClaren Plant (Continued on page 2) " decision rendered lecture, given by Mrs. princi- of the Y" of Control, Student won out over a field of five candidates given to L., but Johnsen Hoard W. & the audience de- pally teachers, Council, manager on the second ballot for the vice-presi- LeavingLex- Manager of PlantExplainsProc- to the art on German assistant of the Da- cision went to Davidson. Art and Etchings. These works of vidsoniau, assistant circulation man- dency of the Athletic Council. The ington Thursday morning, the debaters esses toClass Hood Speak Dr. Will art had formerly been shown in Ra- ager of Quips and Cranks, wrestling following were nominated by the coun- went to New Brunswick, N. J., where i " Wednesday, March 21, Professor leigh for two weeks during January. team, D" Club, and member of cil: L. J. Blackweldcr, of Davidson; they met Rutgers University. The de- On At Decatur Georgia .a Arbuckle's chemistry 6 class en- The purpose of the exhibit is to en- Kappa Alpha social fraternity. Henry Cathey, of Charlotte; Earle cision of one judge lost the debate for H. B. Verblc, courage appreciation of art among stu- The Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, composed Frazier, of Charlotte; I.E. of the home team. joyed a visit to the McClaren Rubber Psychology Professor Will De- Concord, and Coley Windham, of Gas- Company's plant in Charlotte. Smyth Lectures dents and to stimulate interest in Ger- of men who have been outstanding in On Friday the team went to Bucknell liver it activities, tonia. Mr. Miller, manager of the plant, man culture. While is taken to the religious will be selected at Lcwisburg, Pa., where a debate, majority big soon, Hugh Gracey, of Franklin, Tenn., personally explained to the class the Dr.