c. S. GUPTA OF THB INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE Superintendent of CensU$ Operations. Printed by Maratla] Z. Gandhi. at Nayan Printing Press. Ahmedabad-I. FOREWORD

The Census data has always been considered as indispensable for day to day administration. It is increasingly being considered now as the foundation stone of all regional planning. The publication of this series of District Census Handbooks wherein census - statistics is made available for smaller territorial units is, therefore, a significant occasion for it fills many existing gaps in statistics at the lower levels. Many interesting details have been revealed by the Census 1961 and I hope persons engaged in the administration of the State and public in general will appreciate the value and the effort that has gone into the production of such a standard book of reference.

I congratulate the Superintendent of Census Operations, Rajasthan, Shri C. S. Gupta I. A. S. and his colleagu,es who have done a good job with skill and perseverence.

B. MEHTA , Chief Secretary 1st Alarch. 1966. to the -


The District Census Handbooks, to which series the present volume belongs, are the gifts of the Census of India and were first introduced in 1951. The 1961 series of District Census Handbooks are more elaborate than their counter-part in 1951 and present all important census data alongwith such other basic information as is very z:elevant for an understanding of the district. A wide variety of information which the Census 1961 collected has already been released in several parts as mentioned elsewhere in this book. The information contained in the present volume will be found useful by the Government, the district administration, persons engaged in regional planning, social workers and scholars in the field of humanities. Unfortunately these Handbooks became available to the users rather late in the decade. This was due to difficulties in printing. The Government Press , to whom this work was assigned by the State Government, had a heavy back­ log of printing and found it impossible to print all the books in the series itself. Arrangements had therefore to be made to get these printed through a private press. I trust a more expeditious method for printing of such valuable matter in time will be devised in future.

I am grateful to Sllri Asok Mitra, Registrar Gcaeral, India for his guidance in this work from time to time. I am greatly beholden to the State Government for their kindly agreeing, as they also did in 1951, to get this series published at their cost. I Dr. U. B. Mathur, Dy. Superintendent Census Operations, Rajasthan assisted me in editing this series. Tabulation Officer Shri S. R. Luhadia assiduously worked for compilation of the information presented in the book and has seen it through the press. Many of the facts and figures incorporated in the book were built up after scrutiny of II. lot of raw material and by personal contacts. This task was admirably done by Shri Ram Autar Gupta, Statistical Assistant. Without their sincere cooperation and the assistance rendered by various members of the staff, mentioned overleaf, who were associated with this work, it would have been hardly possible to present the information which is the subject matter of tbis book. I tbank tbem a11.

C. S. GUPTA JAIPUR. Superintendent. 15th August, 1966. Census OperatiOns, Rajasthan. OTHER MEMBERS OF 'THE STAFF ASSOCIATED WITH THIS WORK

Shri Wali Haider CompuTor Shri R. N. Verma Computor Shri T. C. Patni Compiler Shri B. B. Dave Compiler Shri D. L. Badiwal Compiler Shri M. L. Kumawat Draftsman Shri D. L. Verma Asstt. Draftsman

Shri M. M. Goyal .oM Proof Reader Shri O. P. Avasthy ... Proof Reader CONTENTS PAGE FOREWORD iii


SECI10N I (i)


SECI'lON n 1




Ramgarh TehsiI 12 , , ..Nachna Tehsil 12 laisalmer Tehsil 14 Pokaran Tehsil 18 Sam Tehsil 22 Fatehgarh Tehsil 28





TARLE A-I Area, Houses and Population 41

APPENDIX-I Statement showing 1951 territorial units constituting the present set-up of the district ••• 42

ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX-I: List of villages affected in the transfers 43'

APPENDIX-II Villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns with a population under 5,000 45

APPENDIX-Ill Houseless and Institutional Population 46

vii TABLE A-II Variation in population during sixty years (1901-1961) 46 APPENDIX Statement showing 1951 population according to their territorial jurisdiction in 1951, changes itt area and the population involved in those changes 47 TABLE A-III Villages classified by population 48 TABLE A-IV Towns classified by population jn 1961 with variation since 1901 ._ 50 B-,SERIES-ECONOMIC TABLES NOTE 51 APPENDIX Standard Industrial Classification 55 TABLE B-1 Workers and non-workers classified by sex and broad age-groups 64 TABLE B-III­ PART A Industrial classification of workers and non-workers by educational levels in urban areas on]y 68 PART B Industrial classification of workers and non-workers by educational levels in rural areas only 70 TABLE B-IV­ PART A Industrial classification by sex and class of worker of persons at w&-k at household industry PART B Industrial classification by sex and class of worker of persons at work in non-household industry, trade, business, profession or service PART C Industrial classification by sex and divisions, major groups and minor groups of persons at work other than cultivation ApPENDIX TO TABLE B-IV PART C so SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE TO TABLE B-IV PART C : Tehsilwise industrial classification by sex and divisions of persons at work other than cultivation in rural areas only 81 TABLE B-V Occupational classification by sex of persons at work other than cultivation 83 APPENDIX 102 FLY LEAF 103 TABLE 8·VI Occupational divisions of persons at work other than cultivation classified by sex, broad agewgroups and educational levels in urban areas only .•. 104

viii TABLE B-VII­ PART A Persons working principally (i) As cultivators (ii) As agricultural labourers or (iii) At household industry classified by sex and by secondary work (i) At household industry (ii) As cultivator or (iii) As agricultural labourer 108 PART B Industrial classification by sex of persons working in Don­ household industry, trade" business, profession or service who are also engaged in household industry 110 TABLE B-VIII­ PART A Persons unemployed aged 15 and above by sex, broad age­ groups and educational levels in urban areas only 111 PART B Persons unemployed aged 15 and above by sex, and educational levels in rural areas only 113 TABLE B-IX Persons not at work classified by sex, broad age-groups and type of activity 114 TABl E B-X Sample households (i) engaged neither in cultivation nor house­ hold industry (ii) engaged either in cultivation or household in­ dustry but not in both and (iii) engaged both in cultivation and household industry for all areas 116 Sample households engaged in cultivation classified by interest in land and size of land cultivated in rural and urban areas separately 117 )LE B-XII Sample households engaged in cultivation only classified by size of land cultivated and number of family workers and hired workers in rural and urban areas separately 118 3LE B-XIII Sample households engaged both in cultivation and household industry showing size of land cultivated classified by principal household industry in rural and urban areas separately 125 (iii) ., ;\BLE B-XIV- Sample households engaged only in household industry classified by principal household industry in all areas 126 PART A Households classified by major groups of principal household industry and number of persons engaged 126 PART B Households classjfied by minor groups of principal household industry 127 TABLE B-XV Sample households engaged both in cultivation and household industry classified by size of land in rural and urban areas sepa­ rately 128 TABLE B-XVI Sample principal household industry classified by period of working and total number of workers engaged in household industry in all areas 130 APPENDIX 13S TABLE la-XVII Sample households classified by (i) number of male and female members by size of households and (ii) engagement (a) neither in cultivation nor in industry (b) in household industry only and (c) in' cultivation sub-classified by size of land cultivated 136


TABLE C-J Composition or sampk households by reJationshipe to head of family classified by size of land cultivated 140 TABLE C-Il Age and Marital Status 141 TABLE C-III­ PART A Age. Sex and Education in aU areas 144 PART B Age, Sex and Education in urban areas on1y 145 PART C Age, Sex and Education in rural areas only 146 TABLE CIV Single year Age returns 149 TABLE C-v Mother Tongue ISO TABLE C-VII Religion IS3 TABLE C-VIU Classification by literacy and indus.trial category of workers and non-workers PART A (Among Scheduled Castes) ]54 PART n (Among Scheduled Tribes) 155


NOTE 156 TABLE E-I Census houses' and the uses to which: they are put 158 TABLE E-1I Tenure status of sample census households living in census houses used as dwe1Jings 159

TABLE E-IV Distribution of sample househo~9s living in .census houses used wholly or partly as dwellings by predominant material of wall and predominant material of roof 160

TABLE E-V Sample househo!ds classified by Dumber of members and by' number of rooms occupied 162


NOTE 166 TABLE SCT-I Injustrial classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex PART A (For Scbeduled Castes) ]68 PART B (For Scheduled Tribes) 170 FLY LEAF 171 TABLE SCf-II Age and Marital Slatus PART A (For Scheduled Castes) 172 PARTB (For Scheduled Tribes) 174 TABLE SCf-nI Education PART A (i) (For Scheduled Castes in urban areas only) 176 PART A (ii) (For Scheduled Tribes in urban areas only)· 176 PART B (i) (For Scheduled Castes in rural areas only) 171 PART B (ii) (For Scheduled Tribes in rural areas only) 177 TABLE SCT-IV Religion PART A (For Scheduled Castes) 178 PART B -iFor Scheduled Tribes) 178 TABLE SCT-V Sample households engaged in cultivation classified by interest in land and size of land cultivated in rural areas only PART A . (For Scheduled Castes) J79 PART B (For Scheduled Tribes) 179 TABLE SC-I Persons not at work classified by sex, type of activity and educational levels for Scheduled Castes 180 TABLE ST-I Mother Tongue and Bi-lingualism for Scheduled Tribes 183 TABLE ST-I1 Persons not at work classified by sex and type of activity for Scheduled Tribes ••• 184 SECTION HI 185 VILLAGE DIRECTORY 187 SOME OFFICIAL STATISTICS 203 SECTION IV 215 DISTRICT" TEHSIL MAPS 217

Jaisaimer. 1961 CENSUS PUBLICA-nONS' for Rajasthan State

The Rajasthan 1961 Census Publications, which will have Volume No. XIV in All India Census Series, wjl} be published in the following parts :-

PART I-A General Report

PART I-B Subsidiary Tables PART II-A General Population Tables (A-Series) and Primary Census Abstract

PART n-BCi) Economic Tables (B-Series, Tables I-IV)

PART II-B(ii) Economic Tables (B-Series, Tables V-IX) PART II-C(i) Social and Cultural Tables (C-Series)

PART Il-C(ii) Migration Tables (D-Series)

PART m Household Economic Tables CB-Series, Tables x..X.VU) PART IV-A Report on Housing and Establiihments PART IV-B Housing and Establishment Tabies (E-Series)

PART V-A Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

PART V-B Ethnographic notes on Saheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes PART VI-A to F Survey of Selected Villages

PART VU-A Survey of Selected Crafts

PART VII-B Notes on Selected Fairs and Festivals

PART VID-A ·Census Administration Report (Enumeration)

PART VIII-B *Census Administration Report (Tabulation)

PART IX-A & B Census Atlas

A separate District Census Handbook prepared by this office is being issued 'by the Government of Rajasthan for each of the 26 districts.

• NOlfor .... - SECI10N I



The territory, now known as district Jaisalmer. villages were also transferred from 'Jaisalmer tehsil to used to be a princely State which merged into the Fatehgarh (Vinjorai) tehsil. United States of Greater Rajasthan in the year 1949. A separate district was formed in October, 1949 but in Topography 1953 it was reduced to the status of a sub-division of Jodhpur district. In 1954 it was again made a separate 5. The district is composed of the dreary and district which continues up-to-date. desolate arid region known as the Thar-The great Indian desert, The general condition of the district is of an Location and Formation interminable sea of sand hills of different shapes varying from 20 ft. to 200 ft. in height and at sometimes 2. District Jaisalmer is situated in the western two or three miles in length. However, near Jaisalmer portion of Rajasthan and lies between 26°4' and 28°8' town and within a oircuit of about 40 miles, the soil north latitudes and 69°30' and 72°20' east longitudes. is very stony and various low rocky ridges and hard It is bounded on the north and west by , on undulating plains occur which are covered in places the south and east by Jodhpur and Barmer districts and to the south with smooth pebbles. Shifting sands, on the north-east by district. which are given a local name 'Dhrians', are common especially in the west near village Shahgarh (Sam tehsil) 3. The area of the district as reported by the where their surface is continuously changing and as such Surveyor General of India is 14,847 Sq. miles and these are very difficult to cross. There are small hills according to village papers it is 14,994.7 Sq. miles or within a circuit of 40 miles of Jaisalmer town from 38,836.3 Sq. Kms. The district Covers 11.4 % of the total where the water accumulates at various low lying places area of the State and is the largest in area amongst the during the rainy season which are locally called 'Kharins'. other districts of the State. Kakni Nala rises in the district near the village Kotri (Fatehgarh tehsil) seventeen miles south of Jaisalmer 4. The district is composed of six tehsils viz. town. Water is found at about 250 ft. deep or even Ramgarb, Jaisalmer, Sam, Fatehgarb, Pokaran and more. Most of the area of the district is covered by Nachna. The first four of these tehsils continue their sandy soil and some parts of tehsil Pokaran is rocky. name and form ever since the formation of the district while the last two tehsils were newly constituted during Climate the inter-censal period. The Pokaran tehsiI was constituted with 47 villages and Pokaran town transferred from 6. The climate of the district is dry and extreme. tehsH and 17 villages from Shergarh tehsil of Humidity is very low. The weather is dominated by bot Jodhpur district and 9 villages from Jaisalmer tehsil and winds and saQd; storms in summer. The district lies in the 8 villages taken out from Fatebgarb tehsil of this belt having an average minimum temperature ranging from district. Nacbna tehsil was constituted with the help of 12°.5C to 15°.0C and 15°.0C to 17°.5C and an average 42 villages from the former Bap tehsil of this district and maximum temperature of 32°.5C. The normal annual 4 villages from Jaisalmer tehsil. Some inter-district rainfall of the district is only 17.91 ems. and occurs transfers of territories also took place in the district from July to September. during the inter-censal period. 43 villages and 3 hamlets of this district were transferred to Kolayat tehsil of Geology and Minerals and 33 villages to of Jodhpur district. All these villages belonged to the 7. The surface of th,e district is mostly covered former Bap tehsil. During the inter-ceosal period 12 with sand dunes of transverse type. Rocks of Jurassic age (iv)

are found which have been divided into several groups. Name of Sub-division Name of Tehsil Limestone. sand stone and marble are found near 1 Jaisalmer laisalmer town. The lime stone has been famous for a 1 Jaisalmer 2 Fatehgarh long period and is said to have been used in the inlay 3 Ramgarh work at the Taj Mahat. Gypsum is found at tire surface 4 Sam near Lakha in Fatehgarh tebsil and at Mobangarb and 2' Pokaran 1 POkaran Hamir-ki-Nadi in Jaisalmer tehsil. Lignite is taken out 2 Nachna from the earth near village Lakha (Fatebgarb tmsil). 11. The Collector is the administrative chief of There are deposits of fuller's earth at Modha (Fatehgarh the district who is also tbe District Magistrate. Each tehsil). Bentonite is also found in Jaisalmer tehsil. Sub-division is under the charge of a SUb-divisional Magistrate who is vested with 1st Class magisterial Forest, Flora and Fauna powers while each tehsil is under the charge and super­ vision of a Tehsildar, who is vested with 2nd or 3rd 8. During 1960-61 only 0.5% of the total area Class magisterial powers as the case may be. Besides was under forests according to village papers. Due to Collector. Sub-divisional Officers and Tehsildars who the desert conditions prevailing in the district. vegetation exercise criminal powers, there is a court of Muosif is very scarce. Bis trees are rare and even dwarf trees Magistrate at Jaisalmer. A court of District & Sessions ~ are few and far between. The various trees found in Judge functions at Jodhpur for this district also. the district are Kbejra (Prospis spicigera). Rohera (Teco­ meUa uodulata), Ker (Cappa-ris decidua), Phog (Calligo­ 12. With the advent of democratic decentralisa­ num polygonoides), Ak (Calotropis procera), Jal or Pilu tion, 3 Paochayat Samities have been formed out of (Salvadora perllica and Oleoides). Ber (Zizyphus jujuba). which 2 are Community Development Blocks. The Pan~ Bardia (Zizyphus totundifolia) etc. These trees provide chayat Samities are guided by the Zita Parishad under mainly fuel aDd fodder, however. the tree of Rohera the Chairmanship of the Pramukh and supervised 'by (Tecomelta undulata) also provides the wood for making the Collector of the district who is also the District doors and furniture. Some other trees lik.e the Nim Development Officer. The Rajasthan Panchayat Samities (Azadirachta indica). Pipal (Ficus religiosa) and Farasb and Zila Parishads Act. 1959 devolves on these Panchayat (Tamrix articulata) are found growing on the banki of Samities the complete charge of the administration of the village ponds. Among the shrubs and grasses found the Block including the implementation of the Community in the region, the important ones are Dhaman (Pemisetum Development Programmes. For imparting the technical oenchroices), Bharut (Cenchrus catharticus) and Lomp - gUidance to the villagers the Government has deputed (Aristida depressa). Sewan (Elionurus hirsutus) grass alllO its representatives from various departments to the grows in abundance. A large number of 'Chinkara' the Blocks, so tbat an all round progress may be achieved. Indian gazelle are found in the forest area. Other wild The ultimate aim of the Government is to make these animals such as jackal, wild dog, desert fox, antelope Panchayat Samities the sole agency of all developmental etc. are alllO found in the district. activities at the Block level. 13. There ia a _b-jail at Jail8lrner which is under 9. There are Forest Guards in addition to a the supervision of the Sub-divisional Magistrate. Tile Forester in the district which are wader the jurisdiction office of the Superintendent of Police is located at of Range Forest Officer; Jodhpur. Jaisa1mer while that of Deputy Superintendent of Police at laisalmer and Pokaran. 9 Police stations and 18 out­ General Administration posts functioned in the district during tbe year 1960-61. LaDd Use 10. For the purposes of administration, the district )s divided into two sub-divisions and six tehsils as 14. The classification of the land use in tbe mentioned below:- district during 1960-61 was as follows :- (v)

Classification of land Percent tion in the district was over 988 thousand heads accor­ ding to the Livestock Census of 1961 as compared to I, Forests 0.5 around 850 thousand in 1956. Out of the total livestock 2 Land put to non-agricultural use 1.2 during 1961, 47.2% were sheep, 29.7% cattle, 18.8% 3 Barren and uncultivated land 42.1 goats, 2.9% camels and the rest comprised of donkeys, 4 Other uncultivated land excluding buffaloes, horses, ponies and mules. The total poultry fallow land 2.6 in the district during 1961 was a little over 1.3 thousand 5 CulturabJe waste 41.9 which mostly consisted of fowls'- 6 Fallow land 8.0 7 Net area sown 3.7 19. There are veterinary hospitals at laisalmer and Pokaran and dispensaries at Ramgarh and Nachila. A Total 100.0 mobile unit also functions at laisalmer and a sheep breed­ ing farm runs at Pokaran. Sheep and Wool Extension Centres are run at laisalmer, Nachna, Ramgarh, Sam, Crop Pattern Lathi (Pokaran tehsil), Mohangarh (J aisalmer tebsil) and Devikot (Fatehgarh tehsil). One such centre also func­ 15. Out of the total area under crops during tions at Pokaran under Community Development Block. 1960-61, over 90.8% was utilised for cereals and the A sum of Rs. 1.18 lakhs was spent over the develop­ rest for growing pulses, oil seeds and other crops. Bajra ment of animal husbandry in the district during the is the main agricultural produce of the district. The second five year plan. district ranked 13th in tbe production of bajra of the State and contributed 1.9% of the total production of Agricultural Implements bajra in the State during 1960-61. 20. Tbere wer~ about 23.6 thousand ploughs, 2.7 Irrigation thousand bullock-carts, 28 persian wheels, 26 'Gbanies', 3 tractors and 2 electric pumps in the district accordinl 16. Water is found at very low levels. However, to the Livestock Ce~sus of 1961. wells are the only source of irrigation in the district. Rainfall is always scanty. In case where the soil is harder Agricultural Improvements and the surroundings hilly and rocky, especially near laisalmer town, irrigation is possible from 'Kharins' or 21. During the second five year plan a sum of shallow depressions into wbich the rain water accumu­ Rs. 8.56 lakhs was spent in the district on agriculture lates. 'Kharin' is the typical mode of agriculture in the sector. During this period over 7 hundred Mds. of dlstnct. It is a method of dry cultivation. improved seeds, one ton of fertilizers and about 2.6 thousand improved agricultural implements were distri­ 17. During 1960-61, about two hundred acres of buted to the farmers under various schemes of tbe area was irrigated in the district of whicQ nearly 66% Agriculture Department. Besides, 17 manure pits were dug. was irrigated in Pokaran tehsil alone. All the irrigated area of the district was utilised for food crops. In Sam, Industries and Labour Fatehgarh and: Ramgarh tehsils not a single acre of area was irrigated during the year. 22. In the year 1961 there was only one registered factory in the district viz. Rajasthan State Electricity Animal Husbandry Board, Power House at JaisaJmer. It provided employ­ ment to 22 persons during the year. 18. Animal husbandry is the main occupation of the people living in the district. Tbarparkar breed of 23. The main small-scale and cottage industries cows is found in the district. The total livestock popula- of the district are 'Ghee' making, rope and carpet (vi) making, weaving of woollen -and eotton oloth, w.ool 3.0. The State Bank of ,:Bibner \Ltd. bas got its grading, dyeing and printing, manufacturing of tbe branch at Jaisalmer town. articles from -sheep hair t and making of articles from marble -and stone. There is a Khadi -Oramodyoga 61. There were 4 shops deailiog in :country liquor Parishad in the distrrct functioning since the year 1961 and 3 in hemp drugs at the various ,places in the which has opened several centres for dyeing, .soap district during 1960-61. making and preparing articles from leather. 32. There was one temporary cinema 'house at 24. The District Industries Officer posted at Jaisalmer town in the district during 1960. Barmer looks after the development of industries in this district. The Industries Department has started a Education scheme of aiding small-scale industries by advancing loans to the parties. It granted a loan of Rs. 26 thousand 33. During 1956-57 there was one High School. to 32 parties during the year 1959-60 and 1960-61. 5 Middle Schools, 51 Primary Schools and 6 Schools for Special education. The number increased to 2 Highl 25. A sum of Rs. 24 thousand was spent on Higher Secondary Schools, 11 Middle Schools, 82 Primary industrial development during the second five year plan Schools and 9 Schools were for Special education in comprising of loans to Co-operative Societies, subsidies, 1960-61. Besides, 16 Junior Basic Schools were also rlfba tes etc. functioning in the district. The total number of scholars in all type of institutions during 1960-61 was about 5.4 26. The district has no separate employment thousand. A sum of Rs. 4.97 lakhs was spent on exchange but the work is looked after by the Employ­ educational facilities in the district during the second ment Officer, Jodhpur. five year plan.

, Power Medical and Public Health

27. There is a power house at Jaisalmer town in 34. During 1950-51, there was one allopathic the district which was established in the year 19~9 with 82 bospital at laisalmer with 6 beds. By the end of the year Kwb. Two new sets were added during the years 1948 1960 there were 6 Government Public Hospitals and and 1958 with 62 Kwh. and 32 Kwh. respectively. dispensaries with J 2 beds. During the second five year plan a sum of Rs. 34 thousand was spent on the development of power 35. Out of 5 small pox vaccination centres in the resources in this district. district, one is under Government control and the rest are under the ·Panchayat Samities. Two Primary Health Trade and Commerce Centres also function at Pokaran and Nachna.

28. The articles that are exported out of this 36. There were 13 Government Ayurvedic and district consist of wool, woollen articles, 'Ghee', camels, Vnani dispensaries in the district during 1960-61 as cattle, sheep, hides, fuller's earth etc. while grain, cotton, compared to only one during 1950-51. Rs. 1.92 lakhs and sugar, tobacco, oil, electric goods, medicines and other Rs. 53 thousand were spent on Medical and Public articles of general merchandise are imported into the Health and Ayurvedic facilities in the district respectively district. during the second plan period.

29. Jaisalmer, Pokaran, -Ramgarh are the important Drinking Water Facilities commercial places in the district. Facilities of local markets exist in certain villages which have been shown 37. A water supply scheme started in the year in the Primary Census Abstract elsewhere in this book. 1948 was not able to cope with the requirements of the (vii) town as its capacity was only 12 thollsaod -gallons .per tbe Munidpalities are fees, fairs, taxes, sale of landand .day. People had to supplement their supplies ftom the grants provided by the Government. Gharsisar tank for their drinking water ,requirements. A scheme for drinking water supply was completed during 43. There is a Zila Parishad comprising of 3 the second five year plan over which about Rs.93 thousand Panchayat Samities and 100 Gram Pancbayats in the were spent. Under this scheme, wells have been dqg near district. village Dabla of 1aisalmer tehsil and connected with 44. In June, 1961 there were 132 Co_:operative 1aisalmer town by a pipe ,line 9 miles in length. Societies of various categories in the district with a total membership of about 4.9 thousand. The working capital Housing of these societies was around Rs. 4.83 lakh and the share capital was Rs. 1.53 lakh. A loan of Rs. 1.22lakh 38. The Low Income Group Housing Scheme was approximately was advanced by the Government. The depe~ initially introduced in the district during 1958-59. During sits and borrowings during the period was around Rs. 15 the second five year plan a sum of Rs. 16 thousand thousand and Rs. 314 'thousand respectively white the was disbursed to the public under this scheme for the total liabilities amounted to Rs. 564 thousand approxima.: construction of houses in Jaisalmer town as a result of tely. In all 67 societies were functioning at profit, 17 at which 6 houses were constructed. loss and 48 societies were functioning on no profit no loss basis. During the second five year plan a sum of Rs. 96 Transport and COIIIIIWnicatioD thousand was spent on Co-operation in the district.

39. In March 1961 the district had 380 miles of COIIIlIDOnity .Development roads. 51.8% of the roads in the district were fair weather and dressed up tracks, 27.1% gravelled and the rest 45. The Community Development programme was consisted of painted, metalled and cement concrete. started in the district .during 1954-55 by establishing a 3 roads were completed and a sum of Rs. 17.29 lakhs block at Sakea (Pokaran tehsil). Another block was also was spent on road development works in the district established at Jaisalmer during 1959-60. Thus by the end dunng the second plan period. of the year 1961, there were two blocks functioning in the district. 40. There were 126 motor vehicles on road in 46. During the year 1961, over 1.5 thousand Mds. 1954 which increased to 181 in 1-961. of seeds and around 2 hundred agricultural implements 41. The district is connected by the Metre-gauge were distributed to the farmers and 26 agricultural branch line (10dhpur-Pokaran) of the Northern ,Railway. demonstrations were held in the various Panchayat There is a metalled road connecting 1aisalmer town with Samities of the district. 4 wells were constructed for Pokaran town the length of which is about 65 miles. irrigation and another 22 for drinking purposes. 75 adult Regular bus services ply between these two places. The literacy centres were opened and over one hundred total length of the railway line in the district duriQg persons were I¥ade literate. 8 Youth Clubs were started 1961 was about 31 kilometres. There are Dak Bungalows and one reading room was opened. at 1aisalmer and P.okaran towns and a . rest house at Social Welfare village Lathi (Pokaran tehsil). During 1960-61 there ,were 11 Post Offices, 2 Telegraph Offices, 2 Ielt;phone Exch­ 47. An Inspector of Social Welfare Department anges and one Public Call Office in the district. posted at Barmer also looks after the welfare activities connected with the uplift of the backward classes in the Local Bodies and Co-operatioD district.

42. There are Municipal Boards in the district at 48. There is a Government hostel at laiialmer laisalmer and Pokaran. The main sources of revenue of and a training-cum-production centre at Pokaran where (viii)

training is imparted in the art of shoe-making. Scholar­ Rajputs. This fair takes place twice in a year on ships are also awarded to the students belonging to the Bhadrapada Sudi 6 (Aug.-Sept.) and Magha Sudi 6 Scheduled Castes. (Jan.-Feb.). About 1,000 people congregate in each of the fairs. 49. The Government has also opened a 'Sanskar Kendra' at Jaisalmer town for the development of cultural (iv) Gangaur and religious activities of the Scheduled Castes. Rs. 24 thousand were spent for social welfare and welfare of This fair is held at Gharsisar tank near Jaisalmer backward classes in the district during the second five town on Chaitra Sudi 4 (March-April) every year. About year plan. 12,000 people assemble in the fair.

Fairs and Festivals (v) Gandhi Mela

50. Some of the important fairs held in the A fair is held at village Sakra (Pokaran tehsil) which district are as foHows ;- was started only a few years ago in order to persuade the people to lead an ideal life. It is held on the (i) Shri Ram Deora-ka-Mela auspicious occasion of the birthday of Mahatama Gandhi and is called 'Gandhi Mela'. It lasts for two days. A fair is held at village Ram Deora in Pokaran Pokaran is the nearest railway station from where the tehsil twice a year viz. on Bhadra Pada Sudi 2 to village is connected by a kachha road of about 32 Bhadra Pada Sudi 14 (Aug.-Sept.) and Magba Sudi 2 miles. to Magha Sudi 14 (Jan.-Feb.). The main attraction . is the shrine of Ramdeoji. The Samadhi is located in 51. The main festivals among are Holi, a big hall where replica of the horse, which was a favou­ Deewali. Raksha-Bandhan, Dashera, Ram Navmi, rite of the warrior saint, are offered to the deity. A life Makar Sakranti and Ganesh Chaturthi while size image of that horse stands in the hall. Behind observe Moharrum, Idulfitre, Idul Zuha and Barawafat. the Samadhi there are some l't sepulchres. About 2 lakhs of people (both Hindus & Muslims) assemble in Places of Historical " Archaeological Importance the fair from far and near places to pay homage to the deity. The people offer sweets, coconuts etc. as prasad. 52. Following places are of great interest in the Ram Deora is a railway station. It is also connected district. by a metalled road with Jodhpl!r town. Jaisalmer (ii) Vaisakhi-ka-Mela Jaisalmer town has a population of about 8.4 This fair is held near village Varamsar in Jaisalmer thousand which constitutes 61.3% of the district's urban tehsil which is located at a distance of about 10 miles population. It is situated at 260 65' north latitude and from Jaisalmer town. There are certain kunds (reser­ 700 55' east longitude. The town, 113 Kms. (70 miles) voirs) where water percolates throughout the year. by road from Pokaran, is the terminus of the Jodhpur­ About 20,000 people congregate in the fair and take a Pokaran line of the Northern Railway, and 158 Kms. dip in these holy 'Kunds'. (98 miles) from Barmer town. The town stands at the sourthern end of a low range of hills and is surrounded (iii) Swangiyoji Fair by a stone wall about three miles long, ten to fifteen ft. high, five to seven ft. thick having many bastions A fair of some significance is held at Bhadariya and corner towers. The town has two main entrances near village Lathi ( Pokaran tehsil). There is a temple viz; Amarsagar gate on the west and the Gharsisar gate dedicated to Swangiyoji, the main Goddess of the Bhati on the east. Between these two gates is tbe principal (b) thorough fare on which the main market is located. of some of the oldest manuscripts known in the countr.~ Other streets of the town are narrow. The Mandir It contains over one thousand palm-leaf manuscripts anq Palace which is the residence of the former ruler has around 2 thousand paper mllnuscripts, a few dating some exquisite stone carvings and a beautiful canopy back to the early twelfth century. This shows that over it. The Patwa's HaveJi containing beautiful and calligraphy was prevalent at that time. The' longest rare carvings and Deewan Salam Singh's House having and .but preserved palm-leaf manuscript, which is six storeys and much ornamentation are attractions in written in black ink, is O.9m. (38.S inches) long. The the town. painted wooden covers in which the manuscripts are preserved are also of great interest. B~ides ,\he Jai~ The Fort religious texts, this Bhandar also has manuscripts on varioUi!I branches of Indian philosophy, works of poetry, To the south, on a hill overlooking the town, is the drama and rhetoric. Fragments of a commentary on fort, perhaps the oldest fort after Chitorgarh in Rajasthan. Kautilya's Arthashastra, belonging probably to the Its foundation was laid by Rawal Jaisal in 1156 A. D. fourteenth century, is a valuable document. All these The Maharawal's Palace which is 957 ft. above the sea books are of great antiquity and have been classified. surmounts the main entrance and has an imposing pile crowned by huge umbrella of metal mounted on a stone Gardens shaft regarded as a solid emblem of dignity by the Bhati Chiefs. The hill on which the fort stands is entirely The important gardens in the district are Bada covered by buildings and defences and the base is surr­ Bagh, Amarsagar and Moolsagar. Of these, the first is ounded by a buttress wall of solid blocks of stone above about 6 miles from Jaisalmer town and contains the which the hill projects and supports the ramparts. The cenotaphs of the former rulers. There is a dam called view from the ramparts is not attractive as the foreground Jait Bund near this garden which was constructed in presents a succession of sterile, ridges and bushes. the time of Maharawal Jet Singh. In the other gardens fruits and vegetables are grown. These gardens contain The Temples buildings having some beautiful stone carvings.

Witbin tbe fort there are several Vaishnav and Jain Tanot temples. Of the former mention may be made of Ad Narain's or Teekamji's temple which is said to have been It is a small village in Ramgarh tehsil which lies built by Rawal Jaisal in the 12th century. The other is in the north-west corner at a distance of about 75 Laxmi Nathji temple ascribed to Rawal Lakhan which is miles from J aisalmer town and has a fortress and a remarkable for possessing gold and silver plated shutters. temple dating the eighth century. The place is famous The impressive Jain temples are decorated with sculptures for it was the first desert capital of the Bhatis. of gods and goddesses, dancing figures and mythological scenes. Of the Jain temples, those dedicated to Parasnath Laudrava have exquisite stone carvings. It is beHeved that the oldest of tbese was built 'about 1332 A.D. Other temples It is located at about 16 Kms. (10 miles) north-west in the fort are of Sambhavnath, Sheetlanath, Shantinatb. of laisalmer town and was the Bhati capital from the Ashatpad, Rikhabdeo, Mahavir Swami and Chandra end of the tenth to the middle of the twelfth century. Prabbu Swami. Besides, Gaj Mandir near Gbarsisar It is said to have been taken by Rawal Deoraj from tank and the temple of Adlshwar at Amarsagar, are the Lodhra Rajputs. It has the ruins of a few lain also places of great attraction. temples.

Gyan Bhandar or Store oj Knowledge Electoral Participation and Preferences

Established as a part of the Jain temples, the Jin 53. During the first general elections in the year Bhadra Suri Gyan Bhandar has an invaluable collection 1952, the district formed only one constituency with a (x) voting population of about S4 thousand persons and one constituency with a voting population over 60 thousand seat in the State Vidhan Sabba. 27.7 percent voters per~ons, had one seat in tbe State Vidhan Sabba. 34.4% exercised their right of franchise. The seat was captured voters (45.1 % of men and 21.3% of women) exercised by an independent candidate. No separate seat was their right of franchise. At this time too, the seat waS allotted to tbe district in the House of the People for won by a candidate who was an independent. The it was combined with Jodhpur district for tbis purpose. district bad no separate seat in the House of tbe People and it was combined with , and Phalodi, 54. During the second general elections in the Shergarh tebsils and parts of Osian tehsil of Jodhpur year 1957 the district which constituted one assembly district to form a parliamentary constituency. SECTION n





The Primary Census Abstract furnishes the population here for want of space. This information, however, i. figures for 1961 Census and is presented in three parts available in the office of the Superint,;ndent, Census viz. District, Rural and Urban Primary Census Abstracts. Operations, Rajasthan. The data for non-municipal &reM These abstracts contain the data in respect of area, attached to a town has been shown just after number of occupied residential houses and households, the wards while for special charges the figures have total population and its break up by sex, literacy, generally been included in the respective wards. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, workers and non-workers. The workers have further been classified 5. A special column (2a) in the Rural Primary Census into following nine industrial categories:- Abstract has boon provided for showing some of the basic amenities which existed in the villages. These I As Cultivator, amenities have been shown by means ofsymbols as under:... II As Agricultural Labourer, lIT In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards P-Primary School and allied activities, M-Middle School IV At Household Industry, H-HighJHigber Secondary School V In Manufaoturing other than Household C-College Industry, D-Dispensary VI In Construction, Hos-Hospital VII In Trade and Commerce, Tmw-Trained Midwife VIII In Transport, Storage and Communioat.ions and V-Veterinary Hospital) Dispensary IX In Other Services. Pw-Pucca well Kw-Kutcha well 2. The Distriot Primary Census Abstract furnishes Tk-Tank the data fol' the district total, rural and urban areas, B-Baori (stcpped well) each rural tehsil and for each town separately. The Rly-Railway Station Rural Primary Census Abstract presents the data for Po-Post Office the villages while Urban Primary Census Abstract furni­ To-Telegraph Office shes information for the municipal wards of all the towns Lm-Local Market in the district. 6. Village marked with an asterisk (*). indicates the 3. A Revenue Mauza (including its hamlets) is treated location of a Gram Panchayat. as a village while a town is a place having either a Munici. pality or Cantonment or satisfying the following factors:- 7. The area figures shown in column (3) of the Rural Primary Census Abstract are coll'~cted from the Revenue (a) having a minimum population of 5,000 and Authorities while this column of the Urban Primary (b) having three.fourth of its male adul~ population Census AbstI;act has been left blank as area figures for the engaged in non-agricultural pursuits, or wards are not available. (c) having a density of approximately 1,000 persons per sq. mile. 8. Column (4) of the Abstract includos houses used as dwellings or partly us dwellings. Hamlets falling into the revenue areas of the towns but not administered by the municipality are treated as 9. Column (5) shows the number of households. A the non-municipal area of the town. The villages in the "household" has been defined as a group of persons who Rural Primary Census Abstract are presented tehsilwise commonly live together in the same house and take their and within a tahsil in order of their Census location code meals from a common kitchen. A servant, friend or a numbers. guest (related or unrelated) residing and eating with the household during the census period has been treated &8 4. In the Urban Primary Census Abstract, the data has a member of the household. On the other hand, a SOD been presented for each municipal ward of the towns. or a daughter residing in a hostel is not treated as a The blockwiBe figures for towns could not be presented member of the household. 6

10. Columns (6) to (8) of the Abstract show the total unless they also work in cultivation, industry, trade, prof. population a.nd. its sex-wise breakup. This also includes ession. business or commerce. A publio or social service houselMS and institutional population. Houseless person worker who is engaged in public service aotively or ha.s heen defined as (i) a person who might be a political worker who is actively engaged in furthering doing domestic service or some other work with one the political activity of his party is regarded as a worker. or more households but who does not reside in any house a.nd sleeps in the corridors, verandahs or passages The population classified as workers here is the econo­ in buildings or on the streets; (ii) wandering or nomadic mically active population including family workers tribes found to be staying in temporary huts, etc. or resi­ but not including unemployed persons. ding without any such huts just on the open ground; and (iii) beggar, vagrant, tramp, sadhu, fakir, etc. who 14. Columns (17) to (34) furnishes the sex-wise is found in the foot-paths, streets, in places like parks, distribution of workers into nine industrial categories. gardens, railway yards, etc. Institutional population The explanations for these categories are given below:- includes persons enumerated. in penal, charitable or mental institutions, hostels, hotels, hospitals, boarding houses, Oategory I etc. This category includes both the owner cultivators and 11. Columns (9) to (12) of the Abstract show the tenant cultivators. Along with workers personally doing population of Scheduled Castes and S0hed.uled Tribes and work in land are also included persons who are engaged in their sex-wise breakups. The further breakups of supervision or direction of cultivation. The term 'culti. individual Scheduled Castes/Tribes are dven in Table vation'involves ploughing, sowing and harvesting and SOT-I. does not include fruit growing or keeping orchards or gro­ ves or working for plantations. 12. Columns (13) & (14) of the Abstract give the number of literate and educated persons. A "literate" Oategory n is defined as a person who knows both reading and writing. This also includes the persons having All other persons working on land as labourers on wages higher education. Detailed information on educational without exercising any supervision or direction and with­ levels has been given in Table B~III and O-III. out holding any right upon the land are classified as agricultural labourers and are included in this category. 13. Columns (15) & (16) give the total number of male and female workers. A perdon is classified as "worker" Category m if in case of seasonal work like cultivation, livestock, dairying, household industry, etc. he has had some Workers in mining, quarrying, livestock, forestry, fish­ regular work of more than one hour a day throughout the ing, hunting, plantations, orchards and allied activities greater part of the working season. In the case of regular are included in this category. employment in any trade. profession, service, business or commerce, he was employed during any of the fifteen Category IV days preceding the day of the enumerator's visit to the household. A person who waB working but was absent A "Household Industry" is an industry conducted by from his work during the fifteen days preceding the the head of the household himself and/or mainly by the day on which enumerated or even exceeding the period of members of the household at home or within the village fifteen days due to illness or other causes has been treated in rural areas and only at home in urban areas. The a.s a worker. A person who had been offered work but industry should not be run on the scale of a registered had not actually joined has been treated as non-worker. factory but may use machinery and employ power like "Work" includes not only actual work but effective super­ steam engine or oil engine or electricity to drive the vision and direction of work also. machinery. Thus, in a rural area, the household industry oan be located either at home or within the village but in Persons under training as apprentices with or without urban area the household industry or at lea.st the major stipend or wages are regarded. as workers. An adult part of its work must be located at home. A household woman who was engaged in household duties but doing industry relates to prod~ction, processing, servicing or no other productive work to augment the family's repairing and includes making and selling of goods bu'" resourc;,s has not been considered as working. If, however, should not be confined simply to buying and selling. in addition to her household work she engaged herself It does not include profession such as pleader, doctor, in work such as rice pounding for sale or wages, or in barber, waterman or astrologer, etc. Persons working in domf"'Jtic services for wages for others, in minding cattle other person's household industry as paid employees or selling firewood or making and selling cowdung cakes, are also treated as workers in household industry. or grass, or any such work she has been treated as 8 worker. Similarly persons like begga.rs, pensioners, Category V agricultural or non-agricultural royalty, rent or dividend receivflrs, who earn un income but who are not partici­ 'Manufacturing'includes all t.ypes of production, procee­ pating in any productive work are not treated as workers sing, servicing or repairing of goods which does not '1

:include production or processing under oategory IV. oJa.If'jed as non.workere:- 1. Full.time student or child attending school .categOry Vl who does no other work. Baoh as make articles at home for sale, nor even help part.time in This category includes workers engaged in construotion his own family oultivation, Industry, trade or and maintenance of buildings, roads, railways, bridges. business. telegraph, telephones, water-ways, reservoirs, etc. 2. Person engaged in unpaid home duties (like house­ wife or other adult female) who does no other Category vn work, such as make articles at home for sMe or wages, nor help regularly even part-time in This category includes workers engaged in any capacity family cultivation, industry, trade or busineee. in wholesale or retail trading activity and commeroial transactions relating to imports and exports, real 3. Dependant, including an infant or child not estates and properties, stoclT Il.n.-l qb ares, insurance, money attending school, a person permanently disabled lending banking, etc. from work because of illness or old age.

-CategOry vm 4. Retired person who is not employed again, rentier, person living on agricultural or non-agri. This category includes workers engaged in trans~ort cultural royalty, rent or dividend or any other activities by air, rail, road or water and in servIces person of independent means for securing which incidental to transport such as packing, carting, loading he does not have to work and who does no other unI9ading, etc. Workers engaged in storage, warehousing work. and communication services such as posts, telegraph, telephones, wireless signalling, information and broad­ O. Beggar, vagrant or independent woman without castin.e: are also included in this category. indication of source of income and others of unspecified source of income.

·categOry IX 6. Convict in JaiJ (an under-trial prisoner has been shown as a worker if he used to work before he This category includes (i) Public utility services like was apprehended) or an inmate of a penal, mental ~tricity or gas or water supply, sanitary services; (li) or charitable institution. 'Central, State or Municipal employees; (iii) Professional services; (iv) Trade or labour associations, recreation 7. Person who has not been employed before but services, etc. is seeking employment for the first tim~.

16. Columns (35) & (36) give the tota.l number of male S. Person employed before but now out of employ­ .'8nd female non· workers. The following person~ have been ment and seeking employment. 8


Area in Co6o Square Occupied No. Distrlct/TebsU{fown miles Houses Households Total Population

~ ,....--A----. ~ ,--~ Persons Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 12 JAlBALMBll Total 14,994'7 24,116 24,790 140,338 Tl,871 62,467

Rural 14,855·2 21,332 21,818 126,692 70,590 56,102

UrllaD 139'5 2,784 2,972 13,646 7,281 6,365

lEHSILS (Rural) 1 Ramgarh 2,800'0 888 947 10,489 5,963 4,526,

2 Nachna 1,392'5 1,719 1,903 10,535 5,757 4,778

3 Jaisalmer 2,946-9 3,585 3,731 19,935 11,122 8,813

4. Pokaran 1,993'8 8,485 8,578 50,145 27,574 22,571

5 Sam 4,100'0 2,922 2,987 15,379 8,875 6,504

6 Fatehgarh 1,622'0 3,733 3,672 20,209 11,299 8,910'

TOWNS I Jaisalmer 53'12 1,631 1,737 8,362 4,524

II Pokaran 86'43 1,153 1,235 2,757 2,5ST 9


Sobeduled Tribelt Literate &; edlloated persons DilIViotl'!'ehsi1jTown Oode Sobeduled Castes No. ,--__..A.~-"""'\ -.A.--~ ~ '1"": .A._---. ,------~-:"""t lIales Females Males Females Malee Females (.2) (1) (9) (10) (11) (1.2) (13) (14) JAISALMER 12 Total 10,169 8,770 2,524 2.042 10,156 1,227

Rural 9,702 8,346 2.385 1.925 6,654 406

821 UrbeD 467 424 139 117 3,502

TEHSILS (R ural) Ramgarh 131 719 129 89 443 24

656 Nachna 2 1.010 907 115 103 652

Jaisalmer 3 1,725 1,440 622 506 976 51

196 Pokran 4 3,577 3,098 897 715 2,903

30 Sam 5 1,072 923 223 ]S2 584

49 Fatehgarb 6 \.(,487 1,259 399 330 1,096

TOWNS 595 Jaisalmer I .295 270 87 75 2,431

226 Pokaran 11 .172 154 52 42 1,(171 10

DIaT_-12-JAISALMER (Ooncld.)

WORKERII .A- ..... I II III IV In Mining, Quar- rying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, HuntinJI: & Planta- Code Dietrict/Tehsil/ Total Workers As Agricultural tions, Orchards and At Hon_bold N •• Town (I-IX) As Cultivator La.bourer Allied activities Industry ~ ,---.A..~ r::--~-' ,..-----A---, -"----, r----J...-_~ Males Femalea Males Female. Ma.Jes Females Males Females Males F.JDa1ee

(1. (2) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (240) 12 JAISALMER

Total 48,961 19,175 24,094 10,650 197 153 6,569 1,892 12,227 5,997

Rural 45,194 18,752 23,880 10,503 191 151 6,448 1,870 11,962 5,95f

Urbu 3,767 423 214 147 6 2 121 22 265 43

TEHSILS ( Rural)

1 Ramprb 3,694 788 911 394 6 4 2,406 381

2 Nachna 3,686 1,713 1,781 800 5 4 1,439 689 156 21S

3 Jaisalmer 7,091 2,905 1,078 451 12 9 181 8Z 5,223 2,249

4 Pokaran 17,353 9,130 15,283 7,635 108 76 1,045 7Z1 293 634

S Sam 5,894 666 1,425 193 12 1 3,570 358 522 91

6 Fateh"arb 7,476 3,550 3,402 1,030 54 61 207 16 3,362 2,381-

TOWNS I Jaisalmer 2,327 141 31 4 6 87 8 102 T

II Pokaran 1,440 282 183 143 14 163 6l: II


WOB]UBS r_------"-- V VI VII vm IX x

In manufactur- inj!; other than In Transport. Household In Trade a.nd Storalle Elnd In Other District!Tebsil/ Cod. Communications Services NOllil-WORK.8JRI> Industry In Construction Commerce , __Town.A.. __ -. No. A.._ __, ,-~ ,-_-"-__, ,-";;"-"----, r----.A.---, ,--";---~ ,...... __ r .. Males Females Males Femalee Males Females Males Females Males Fema~ Males Females

(2lS) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34,) (35) (36) (2) (1) JAISALMER 12 349 15 226 24 1,306 43 322 3,671 401 28,910 43,2.92 Total

19 71 11 597 16 45 1,981 247 25,396 37,350 Rural

330 15 155 13 709 27 277 1,690 154 3,514 5,942 Urban

TEHSILS (Rural) 3 98 4 269 5 2,269 3.738 Ramgarh 1

6 54 244 2 2,071 3,065 Nachna 2

3 41 11 78 1 13 461 102 4,031 5,908 Jaisalmer 3

, 151 10 25 443 54 lQ,221 13,441 Pokaran 4

UO 2 253 22 2,981 5,838 Sam S

16 IS 106 3 311 62 3,823 5,3(1) Fatehgarh ,


10 83 to 458 12 163 1,151 88 2.[97 3,697 Jaisalmer i

5 12 3 251 IS 114 539 66 1,317 2,245 Pokarao 11 l~


Literate 8che- Sche- and Code Area in Occupied House- duled duled educated No. Village A 'llenities acres Houses holds Total Population Cadtes Tribes persons

,...... r------"----""' r-_A~ ,--..A--" f-_"\._~ r----_)'----, ,_.A.-, ,-_.A.._, ,_.A..-""'r I P M F M .F M F M F

(1) 12) (~a) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14} 1 Tanot* p, p\v 99,500 19 20 536 327 209 48 39 45 2 * Pw 145,000 22 22 455 263 192 50 42 6 3 33 3 Godhuwala Pw 46,000 159 89 70 4 3 4 Deetowala Pw 15,000 9 9 67 42 25 5 BhootJnwala* Pw 25,000 19 19 200 119 81 3 6 Buili Pw 99,000 49 49 578 337 241 14 8 7 Bada 15.000 22 28 115 66 49 5 6 8 Naga 25;500 35 35 148 72 76 46 38 6 9 Tejpal* P,Pw 72.500 19 19 178 110 68 38 27 6 10 Kakab Pw 13,000 8 9 40 22 18 I 11 Naga-ki-Dhani 14,000 13 13 68 46 22 12 Raimal Pw 50,500 167 92 75 13 Sad han l'w.Lm 35,500 28 43 223 124 99 22 23 2 4 14 Hada Kw 22,000 50 32 18 15 Seuwa 30,000 33 48 414 239 175 46 37 5 16 Reghwa* 22,000 205 111 94 17 Ramgarh* M.D,V,Kw,Po,Lm 208.000 254 254 1,577 857 720 150 144 33 21 191 22 18 Koloo* Pw 48,000 195 119 76 10 5 19 Gamnawala p", 20,0.00 109 62 47 20 Kalibhar Pw 25,000 71 37 34 21 Sadhawala Pw 65,000 1 I 215 111 104 22 Langwala* Pw 80,000 1 1 310 181 129 3 23 Hingolawala Pw 26,000 171 92 79 24 Hasoowala fw 15,000 165 101 64 25 Asoowala Tmw,Pw 30,000 339 200 139

26 . Meerwala Tmw,Pw 24,000 92 53 39 27 Bandha Kw 82,000 40 40 356 200 156 53 52 42 27 9 28 Darbala* Kw 24,000 6 6 150 81 69 11 12 29 Ekal Kw 21,000 199 103 96 30 Biprasar Kw 25.000 ]91 105 86 31 Hema 20,000 1 1 32 18 14 32 Joga Pw 20,000 17 17 106 66 40 5 4 33 Kheeya P,Kw 45,000 46 46 173 101 72 24 34 80noo* P,P\\', Lm 25,000 58 71 375 182 ]93 36 41 15 35 Serwa 15,000 9 9 42 26 16 2 36 Haboor* P, p\\ 75,000 56 56 296 173 123 33 24 21 37 KhUlyala* P, Tmw, Pw 95,000 102 102 737 431 300 209 167 7 9 68 38 8iyabhar Kw 50,000 10 18 422 236 ]86 58 45 3 39 Kuchhdi Kw 65,000 10 10 563 337 226 32 30 3 TEHSIL:-2-NACHNA 1 Dadura Pw 1,900 )9 20 118 69 49 2 Bharewala* Kw 25,000 101 102 538 275 263 16 16 3 Khariya Pw 36,200 S S 33 19 14 4 Malasar Kw 12,200 18 18 104 61 43 5 Mohronwal Tk 28,200 33 33 212 121 91 27 24 3 2 6 Akal-ka-Tala Kw 24,000 22 22 132 77 55 7 Norangwala 20,000 Unpopu lated 8 Ramchand @ Pw 1,700 14 14 106 62 44 9 Dholewala 1,600 Unpopulated to Kharakhu 200 Unpopulated

@ Alias Chandesarwala 13


,.-____- ______--- ______WORICBBS-A __ - ______NON- ~ WORKERS Total workers Code (I_IX) I II In IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

,-_.A.__ r--...A.._, ,..._.A.._~ ,_.A._-. ,-_.A._~ ,--A.._~ ,---A._ ..., r--"---.. ,--"---., ,.-.-A-, ,._.A.--, ,.A., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (1) 200 2 163 1 2 35 127 207 1 175 16 2 129 16 44 88 176 2 40 1 40 1 49 69 3 19 19 23 25 4 73 29 44 46 81 5 219 17 21 12 157 5 2 38 118 224 6 44 27 17 1 22 48 7 36 10 14 20 10 2 36 66 8 70 3 65 2 40 68 9 16 8 8 6 17 10 32 2 5 2 27 14 20 11 71 19 51 1 20 18 21 56 ]2 67 6 7 1 55 5 4 57 93 13 22 5 17 10 18 14 131 3 27 104 3 108 172 15 48 1 48 1 63 93 16 470 164 74 35 268 121 59 4 69 4 387 556 ]7 74 2 74 2 45 74 18 46 46 16 47 19 26 5 26 5 II 29 20 78 1 75 1 3 33 103 21 118 7 4 117 3 63 ]22 22 66 34 15 10 51 24 26 45 23 61 2 60 2 40 62 24 121 41 7 114 41 79 98 25 32 2 32 2 21 37 26 118 28 11 98 28 9 82 128 27 51 9 2 51 7 30 60 28 71 29 71 29 32 67 29 75 21 4 3 70 18 30 65 30 12 7 5 6 14 31 44 5 33 6 22 40 32 60 2 20 35 2 2 41 70 33 118 2 8 100 2 8 64 191 34 16 10 6 10 16 35 96 2 46 2 44 1 5 77 121 36 290 157 201 ]26 18 31 15 56 141 ]49 37 129 73 104 72 25 1 107 113 38 259 128 :200 126 5 54 2 78 98 39

5S 9 55 9 a 40 I 229 124 24 17 203 107 2 46 139 2 17 2 17 2 2 12 3 40 3 21 19 2 21 40 4 85 10 51 34 10 36 81 5 49 3 25 24 2 28 52 6 U"populat~d 7 35 17 18 27 43 8 Unpopulated 9 Unpopulated 10 14:


Literate Sche- 8che- and Code Area in Occupied House. duled duled oducated~ No. Village AmenJtJes. Mrcs houses holds Total Population Castes Tribes persons "...... ,_, r - ~ r--A--. r--A-. r----"----I ~ t u , p M F M F M F M F

(I) (2) (2a) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) 11 Jatonwala 1,500 Unpopulated 12 Kheruwala Kw 3,400 24 26 152 88 64 3 J3 Sahwala Kw 1,500 7 10 60 30 30 2 14 Karnewala Pw 4,800 2 4 17 9 8 15 Jaluwala Kw 5,093 10 11 98 51 47 16 Bikasar Pw 400 10 11 58 34 24 17 Panna Pw 22,500 28 ]9 ]46 17 69 30 26 ] 18 Tawariwala* Pw 27,700 52 53 295 170 125 36 19 16 12 3 2 19 Khara Pw 21,600 46 46 236 128 108 24 17 3 20 Rohidawala 200 Unpopulated 21 Panche-ka-Tala Pw 36,000 33 61 310 167 143 22 Bharamsar Pw 15,300 32 36 216 III 105 10 10 6 23 Madasar P,Pw 28,800 58 59 370 196 174 8 14 51 24 Sekhon-ka-Tala 35,808 Unpopulated 2S Sankriya Pw 24,000 33 31 170 93 77 9 12 26 Satyaya'" P,PW 41,000 107 131 649 352 297 64 66 25 3 21 Hariyar Pw 6,000 12 13 60 31 29 28 Ghantiyali Kw 6,500 27 32 134 76 58 2 2 4 29 Ajasar p.Pw 20,000 63 68 376 213 163 40 33 13 11 30 30 Tota 34,400 32 31 147 78 69 32 21 2 31 Didhu P,Pw,Lm 32,000 91 89 524 269 255 106 113 12 8 9 32 Askanda* P.Pw,Lm 38,700 128 133 758 393 365 163 159 11 13 31 33 Nachna'" M.D,Pw,Po 80,292 117 214 1.159 664 495 152 131 17 9 175 20 34 Bhadriya Pw 24,000 17 17 96 61 35 3 3S Away'" P,Pw 14,000 92 92 523 266 257 57 55 33· 38 38 6 36 Chinnoo* Pw 22,400 93 92 494 277 217 36 27 4 37 Bodava P,Pw 12,000 103 104 540 300 240 58 42 12 11 16 38 Dhaleri Tk 15,000 12 12 73 37 36 3 39 Bithe-ka-gaon Tk 8,600 14 14 H2 60 52 12 10 9 40 Nokh* M, D, Pw, Po, Lm 156,700 264 270 1,519 842 677 127 108 1 231 22.

TEHSIL:-3-JAISALMER 1 Bahala'" Pw 45,295 101 ]25 599 352 247 1 19 2 Mohangarh'" P,Pw,Lm 71,504 158 209 1,424 ' 784 640 112 75 23 10 9-t U 3 Mandhau Tk: 50,949 10 16 131 73 58 1 4 Sadrau Pw 26,607 16 29 161 88 73 2 S Sankhla Pw 41,615 13 38 187 91 96 2 6 Diggha Kw 8,915 40 40 200 III 89 9 9 28 26 7 Arjan 9,020 46 47 241 131 110 24 26 ·s ... 8 Nehdai P, Pw 13,099 45 46 223 125 98 58 53 38 1 9 Sultana· P 11,055 103 99 479 293 186 25 17 46 10 Khiyawas !)eva P,PW 13,611 43 42 J83 98 85 24 IS 36 35 18 5 11 Porwar'" P,Pw, 12,000 77 111 514 30t 213 129 86 2 2 21 2' 12 Selat 14,190 6 6 26 17 9 1 13 Gogade 22,825 28 28 99 52 47 14 Mandha 35,992 51 51 200 114 95 71 61 12 15 Voba 16,730 53 51 311 180 131 18 9 26 20 2 15


NON- , ______-_- ____---A-WOBKEBS ------. WORKERS Cod. Tot8.1 'Worket'll VII VIII (I-IX) I II In IV V VI IX X No. ,-_.A._--.. ,_A_--.. ,-_..A..---., ,-_-"----.. ,__..)--~ ,_..A..---., ,.--..A.._, ~ ,--'--, ~,,--"--, ,..A.., F 1\1 F III F 1\1 F M F 14 F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (1) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) Unpopulated 11 23 10 37 38 28 16 12 60 48 9 21 19 9 1 11 18 1 11 13 9 8 9 8 14 31 34 20 11 11 23 20 13 15 14 20 10 6 14 10 14 16 19 2 29 23 29 44 17 48 25 1 67 103 58 8S 16 17 42 67 18 62 21 20 39 2 44 48 19 84 60 Unpopulated 20 63 141 .04 2 30 1 74 1 21 70 43 2 36 59 22 7~ 46 S 1 107 109 106 3 1 2 28 54 67 23 142 UnpopuZated 24 36 57 16 39 2 77 2S 187 19 28 170 1 39 158 7 3 114 110 26 238 7 4 6 13 27 25 16 18 12 1 5S 47 29 23 2S 17 7 21 11 28 68 46 2 2 86 49 29 127 114 122 20 58 42 50 38 7 1 4 27 30 1 162 142 148 ,139 13 3 107 113 31 198 1 9 2 3 3 I 134 155 32 259 210 252 23 81 1 256 408 7 154 4 84 65 2 1 488 33 18 1 1 2 20 17 '" 22 15 34 39 20 5 1 110 156 124 102 28 2 2 42 93 5 133 35 106 171 51 118 45 53 6 ... 166 36 21 8 140 102 12 8 3 1 123 122 37 177 118 12 31 25 5 2 1 24 3 38 21 1 6 5 3 3 26 47 39 34 5 15 ... 116 354 621 488 56 161 10 168 33 2S 13 2 40

35 105 247 126 2 212 124 121 390 105 12 13 51 309 518 2 475 122 8 ~6 30 43 28 3 40 28 30 3 52 38 36 3S 4 52 38 29 62 54 17 11 45 43 42 5 53 65 58 24 11 47 24 6 63 25 54 85 7 77 2S 14 6 4 58 67 15 12 .. 3 42 15 83 8 77 5 40 95 184 9 198 2 76 2 13 2 38 60 2 18 27 1 83 10 3 5 139 162 7 31 .5 123 2 206 II 13 4 9 12 13 1 28 24 5 18 47 13 3 1.5 26 4 1 39 64 14 75 31 56 58 122 69 19 46 103 23 62 IS 16


Literate Sche- Selle- and Code Area in Occupie& House- duled duled educated Total Population Castes Tribes persons No. Village Amenities acres houses bolds ,..-..J--., ..---"----",...-A---, ,------A----..., ~ r- .. ~ ~ P :rd F M F M F M F

(2a) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) 0) (~) 17,715 23 15 76 36 40 1 16 Lakha 269 96 79 7 19 Deva* P,Pw 15,170 78 73 490 221 8 11 19,075 Unpopulated 18 Chaoda ]84 8] 25 ]5 Katodi* P 13,730 46 19 103 26 19 13,880 28 16 78 50 28 6 3 20 Chaudhariy~\ ]],945 157 143 39 35 9 7 6 Hadha Tk 64 66 300 21 ]6,264 39 ~S 212 121 91 21 18 1 2 3 22 Kallodh* Veermo-ki-I{anodh 22,860 28 26 140 72 68 29 33 23 47 24 23 Deuga Pw 25,160 9 10 24 Kw 20,395 30 43 201 107 94 2 25 Khardi P,pw 21,865 123 127 696 419 277 70 72 4 2 26 26 Balana'" 254 211 66 64 5 Tadana Pw 23,006 100 101 465 27 Pw 30,965 76 77 410 215 195 16 16 6 28 Kairu 61 39 21 17 Chandsar Pw 14,000 22 23 100 29 Pw 27,920 41 45 190 106 84 20 23 2 30 Orita 179 103 76 19 14 Malingda 24,978 19 19 31 201 110 91 3 Jesurana Pw 26,773 22 24 32 25,605 40 22 18 2 1 Chahdoo P,w 8 10 33 3,000 Unpopulated Rana 34 3,000 5 6 25 14 H 35 Joshi 17,690 24 26 140 81 59 62 49 36 Jethwai 56 33 23 pohar 16,070 11 37 P, Pw 16,825 61 62 234 127 107 29 24 15 12 30 4 38 Varamsar 5 3 2 2 RaDlkunda Pw 17,485 1 1 39 Kw 43,018 53 49 234 132 102 Ss 44 17 15 9 40 Lanela P, Kw 10,000 35 34 121 65 56 17 41 Bh"dasar* 22,490 83 78 353 210 143 37 21 7 Moleal Pw 42 Pw 13,130 7 7 33 16 17 43 Tejoo 116 93 53 41 3 Chhatrel South 48 25 209 44 20,755 33 32 136 67 69 20 24 45 Chhatrel North P,Pw 21,610 96 SO 520 269 251 99 95 42 39 81 6 46 Roopsi* 10,330 8 13 56 26 30 17 15 4 Lidbrawa Pw 47 Pw 19,230 18 19 19 10 9 4 5 1 48 Moolraj Sagar 61 51 6 5 14 2 Amar Saga.r'" Pw 11,000 23 26 112 49 Pw 11.150 36 36 305 165 140 32 28 19 50 Bada Bag 1 1 Gajroop Sagar Tk 6,970 1 1 51 11,650 17 16 71 39 32 Kishanghat Pw 52 Pw 18,335 7 12 51 29 22 19 19 1 53 Kalyanghat 238 168 33 31 21 18 30 eera P 30,865 65 80 406 54 Ham '" 14,365 21 17 80 49 31 6 2 5 55 Bbojasar Pw 24,930 11 12 91 59 32 8 1 56 Sagra 35,615 52 300 182 118 3 5 6 36 7 Chandhan* P, Pw,Lm SO 57 Pw 30,386 99 101 605 314 291 16 24 10 11 13 1 58 sojiya pw 47,851 23 28 151 80 7I 4 1 59 Mengi Pw 30,565 31 32 161 101 60 3 60 Tawarki 22.93& 15 22 1\2 61 51 61 Arjnar 332 180 152 35 30 42 Sodha Kanwar* P,Pw 40.250 51 52 62 P,Pw 14,900 85 8.J. 320 172 148 53 42 17 63 Delasar 29 16 3 Kanna-ki-Dbani 8 8 4S 64 27,125 14 15 136 78 58 4 4 3 65 Sanwla Pw :j: Included in Code 57 tTncludeJ lU Code No. 45 1'10.- l7


- _____WOltKERS.A. ______------, l'\ON- ,------WORRJ:R.~ Tot.i workers lode VIn (t-IXl I II III IV V VI VII IX x No_ r-.A..-, ,_.A.._, r-A.--, r- - _--'---, -_..Iy_----, ,...--"----., ,-A_--v-_.A.-, r-.A.-, r--A --.. ,---'--- \ r.A., F F M F M F M F M F H F !iii F M F ?of M M F M F (29) (:30) (15) (16) (17) (18) (UI) (20) (21 ) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (:l6) (I) 26 22 17 1S 5 -" 10 18 15 171 120 63 95 lOS 25 2 98 WI 17 Unpopulated 18 61 29 52 28 8 42 52 1~ 35 14 35 14 15 14 2() 91 S 67 7 18 1 ... 2 3 66 135 21 84 1 35 2 42 2 2 2 2 3 37 84 22 41 2 41 2 31 66 23 11 12 10 11 13 II 24 66 S8 66 58 41 36 25

262 198 5 5 247 193 2 8 157 79 26 180 35 22 18 2 2 149 15 4 3 74 176 21 141 48 4 2 I 138 43 1 74 147 28 52 19 3 10 49 9 .. , 9 20 29 76 40 1 9 68 31 t 6 30 44 30 75 20 8 67 19 28 56 31 66 33 3 63 32 44 58 32 16 3 6 9 .3 6 15 33 Unpopulated 34 (; 6 1 S 10 35 39 '3 29 8 3 2 42 56 :>6 21 13 17 13 4 12 10 37 85 57 5 2 10 3 64 SO 2 4 2 42 SO 38 2 1 2 1 I I 39 68 7 4S 1 19 7 64 95 40- 30 9 19 35 56 41 129 69 60 81 143 42 7 7 9 17 4.1 76 49 4 55 45 17 4 4Q 44 44- 46 31 1 1 42 31 2 2f 38 45 166 146 2 2 2 124 III 8 9 30 24 103 105 46- 17 12 6 11 12 9 18 41 7 5 7 5 3 4 4S 37 24 10 14 16 9 2 8 1 24 27 49 113 65 1 49 39 57 25 2 4 1 52 75 5() 1 51 22 1& 2 2 17 32 52 17 4 3 5 9 4 12 J8 53 149 14 8 4 116 4 .3 18 10 89 154 54 '}9 1 4 25 t 20 30 55 46 12 15 12 J1 13 20 56 132 45 3 6 89 44 4 8 ... 22 50 73 57 248 191 6 9 229 176 2 11 6 66 100 58 55 47 3 8 52 39 25 24 S9 8) 39 81 39 20 21 60 45 21 45 21 16 30 61 111 59 100 58 7 3 69 93 62 96 4 2.5 16 47 4 7 76 144 63 13 1 3 10 16 15 64 32 24 9 19 26 58 65 )8


Literate Sche- Sche- and Code Area in Occupied House- duled duled educated No. Village Amenities acres houses holds Total Population Castes Tribes persons

r----A--__ ,..-.-A----, ")-"-__ .A ,--A---. ~ ,.---A---., ,--.A.--, P M F M F M F M F (2) (2a) (3) (4) (6) (I) (5) 17) (8) (9) (10) (1I) (12) (13) (14) 66 Jetha 23,130 19 20 124 69 55 31 27 24 16 12 67 Jhabr.l Pw 2,415 15 19 293 164 129 33 33 17 68 Thaiyat Pw 17,750 22 25 124 68 56 1 2 27 19 4 69 Moklat Kw 1,305 2 2 9 5 4 70 Basanpeer Pw 28,730 47 42 208 110 98 41 32 2

71 Jairat Kw 14,645 11 12 50 31 19 17 14 1 72 Dhanua Pw 12,723 15 14 81 41 40 I 73 Dhauwa Pw 13,376 25 25 142 73 69 6 74 Jiyai 17,070 16 13 63 37 26 20 10 1 75 KaMa B 22,270 18 18 82 42 40 25 23 I 4 8 76 Khanderon-ki-Dhani B 1,330 10 10 37 19 18 1 77 Kuldhar (Manpiya) Pw 34,145 4 5 36 17 19 13 16 78 Moondri Kw 16,477 18 3 22 11 II 79 Sata Pw 12,770 29 33 175 100 75 9 7 5 80 Dahri Pw 15,495 15 14 75 42 33 2 81 Hansuwa Kw 13,401 52 30 138 86 52 5 18 10 7 82 Bhiyan 4,700 17 17 60 29 31 2 1 19 24 83 Dabla· P,Pw 12,871 41 38 174 104 70 61 34 36 84 Bhagu-ka-Gram 10,000 38 43 186 101 85 pw 85 Bhojka 14,856 3 3 11 6 5 2 86 Bhairwa 26,215 40 42 213 118 95 16 19 10 7 2 87 Dhaysar Pw 16,264 47 48 279 156 123 40 23 7 88 Jawad Nai 16,015 36 34 206 110 96 26 28 3 89 Jawad Jooni Pw 20,630 33 45 201 109 92 Badoda Gaon· P,Pw,Lm 18,931 179 90 185 971 558 413 70 58 109 6 91 Ashaycha Pw 1l,965 ]9 15 81 43 38 92 Akal Pw t 10 40 281 ISS 126 2 1 93 Jodha Pw 28,185 27 37 85 50 35 3 94 Keeta Pw 14,871 36 54 290 166 124 S 5 53 34 3 95 Bhopa Kw 12,877 43 47 216 115 101 9 9 3 2 4 96 Pithorai Pw 13,311 24 24 132 75 57 3 1 97 Bhoo Kw 11,830 36 34 125 70 55 12 Jl 2 98 Gorera Pw 12,336 10 10 48 30 18 5 4 P, Pw 99 Pith'a* 14,870 40 43 243 134 109 .s 2 38 100 Padhaharon-ki-Dhani t 13 13 58 32 26


1 Bhadariya Pw,Lm 51,823 7S 75 434 237 197 28 26 12 P,Pw,Lm 8 20 1 2 Nawatala 11,614 138 137 742 411 331 56 52 1 2 33 1 3 Eta Pw 31,348 92 92 429 221 208 55 55 2 4 Loharki* P, Pw, Lm 18,345 119 119 650 343 307 67 58 3 S Bardana Pw 6,925 82 16 5 28 28 233 129 104 14 18 2 1 (j Chhe.yan· P, lm 31,686 79 79 427 226 201 12 13 43 2 7 Sada Kw 5,967 23 24 191 ]04 87 15 14 19 8 Rathora Tk 6,929 29 29 158 86 71. 28 30 P,Pw 11 9 2 9 Dudhlya 18,379 78 63 305 170 135 23 21 32 10 Galar 4,368 2 2 9 4 5 f Included in Code No. 93 :j: Included in-Code No. 78. 19


WORKl!RS NON- WORKERS "Total workers Code (I-IX) I n III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. __ .A..---. ,---"----. ,--"----- ,-_' ,--"------.. ,--.A._, r-"---. ,---"---.. ,-....._, ~ ,-"----, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F {I'> (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) ( 1) 35 2 ... 4 27 2 34 5S 66 103 23 28 1 2 66 21 7 I 61 106 67 40 9 20 1 19 9 28 47 68 S 5 4 69 60 7 29 3 1 31 3 SO 91 70 19 6 14 6 5 12 13 71 2S 21 2S 21 16 19 72 48 26 7 12 "31 19 1 4 2S 43 73 24 14 ... 3 3 20 H I 13 12 74 33 19 1 32 19 9 21 75' 17 8 7 1 10 7 2 ]0 76 14 9 2 3 12 6 3 10 77 9 4 9 4 2 7 78 76 56 "s 14 64 40 2 5 2 24 19 79 30 19 3 1 27 18 12 14 80 60 31 46 31 13 26 21 81 17 12 1 17 11 ..... 12 19 82 77 33 58 26 3 3 9 4 I 3 3 27 37 ,83 ,-61 32 57 31 4 1 4(} S3 84 5 2 2 3 2 1 3 85 73 34 6 1 3S 14 32 19 45 61 86 90 59 S 7 83 52 2 66 64 87 68 43 5 14 61 29 2 42 53 88 S9 40 2 1 58 38 ... SO 52 89 326 28 6 1 280 16 2 4 1 33 11 232 38S 90 24 6 17 1 19 38 91 104 64 8 7 95 57 1 51 62 92 34 16 34 16 16 19 93 '118 52 52 18 6S 34 48 72 94 82 58 10 82 48 33 43 9S 48 15 1 46 2S 27 32 96 4S 27 7 34 27 4 25 28 97 19 13 3 18 9 1 1 11 5 98 84 36 3 1 66 35 3 3 9 SO 73 99 24 16 24 16 8 10 100

181 129 173 129 8 S6 68 1 .2.50 141 207 131 36 16 ...... 4 3 161 184 2 149 119 121 87 4 7 2 1 22 24 72 89 3 202 155 189 ISS -.. 12 141 152 4 88 36 86 36 2 41 68 5 126 71 121 71 5 100 130 t'\ 83 70 83 70 21 17 7 SO 43 50 43 3fl 29 8 105 74 102 74 3 65 61 9 4 5 4 5 10 20

Literate SchOo Sche- and 'Code Area in Occupied House- duled duled educatect No. VUlap Amenities acres houses holds Total Population castes Tribes persons

,-A-, r--"--\ r .. --, ...-.-. -, .....--'---.~, P M F M F M F M F (I j (2) ,2a) ,(3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9) ( 10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

11 Sarnayat 2,666 10 18 199 109 90 21 11 1 12 Eka Pw 9,440 33 33 132 70 62 4 3 1 13 Biram Deora Pw 5,423 37 39 198 112 86 21 18 J9 14 Ram Deora- M, D, V, Pw, Rly, Po 18,744 2SO 309 1,458 789 669 129 108 87 70 241 46 IS Mawa Pw 22,696 20 20 112 57 5S 7 6 6 16 Kalan P,PW 26,969 125 125 662 342 320 S9 51 17 10 33 17 MaIka TIc 4,126 15 IS 84 ,47 37 18 Khetolai· Tk,Lm 24,026 63 61 448 244 204 3 7 1S 7' 19 Dholiya P,PW 13,906 87 95 537 282 2S5 43 20 ~thi* P, Pw,Lm 9,059 156 156 865 456 400 86 76 28 24 69 g

21 Lotha Tk 2,900 S 5 23 14 9 22 Rlltan-ki-Bassl Pw 2,826 10 10 SO 26 24 2 2l Chananij Pw 16,483 59 59 331 177 154 9 5 3 24 Mahesha-ki-Dhaol Pw I1,698 34 34 176 105 71 10 7 3 2S Odhaniya P,Pw 12,158 87 87 470 235 235 48 52 81 6 26 Chacha P,Tk 6,466 57 58 339 175 164 17 16 23 3 27 Gomat P,Pw 51,918 135 134 740 371 369 98 96 91 6 28 Lawa· P,D, V,Pw 23,237 284 281 1,298 677 621 63 50 34 27 80 6 29 Rawad 598 Unpopulated 30 Dhudsar Tk 19,585 48 48 224 ]24 100 9 9 32 31 Ujla'" M, D,V, Tk, Po 7,414 119 119 577 196 281 81 76 21 14 (i4 13 32 Barli Charan P,Pw 7,652 93 93 497 261 236 64 51 29 33 Barli Moda P, Pw 3,616 26 26 132 77 55 9 3 1 34 Biliya 4,054 II 11 71 41 30 9 35 ,Kelawa" P,PW 9,956 73 72 377 204 173 11 13 39 .. 36 Tbat'" fw 4,846 46 46 275 144 131 46 45 I 5 37 Nananiyai Tk 1l,245 33 33 183 95 88 7 6 1 9 38 Modardi P,Pw 14,311 33 33 184 III 73 25 14 18 9 3 39 Cbok* Pw 17,268 75 75 433 248 185 58 50 17 17 3 40 Sanawara P,Pw 35,756 161 161 840 480 360 114 87 15 17 35 41 Karaliya Pw 8,909 48 48 271 155 116 7 6 4 3 26 1 42 Nedan* Pw,Lm 15,465 65 65 972 518 454 81 79 95 tl, 43 Madasar PvI- 9,527 55 55 897 531 366 88 75 4 '5 24 44 Lakhasar Pw 5,08 ( 14 14 89 53 36 8 5 1 2 45 Kbuhra Pw 7,886 44 44 282 165 117 3 3 39 35 46 Sakra .. M,Pw,Po, Lm 50,941 290 ?-27 1,889 1,130 759 141 104 17 21 123 2 47 Gudi Pw 22,916 44 44 267 145 122 18 17 48 Madwa'" t',Pw 24,723 156 156 1,259 708 551 71 77 7 4 47 49 Jhalariya P,PW 15,492 108 149 797 436 361 78 75 64 51 13 SO Bhakri Saosan I,Pw 5,006 S9 59 324 177 147 19 ' 21 28 26 18 51 Padroda P, Pw 9,699 109 121 650 372 278 92 73 9 4 34 52 Medwa P,P ],04] 19 20 ]09 56 53 18 14 2 53 Barat-ka-gaon· p. Tk 3,686 64 96 297 161 136 5 3 14 13 49 .;, 54 Uchpadra Pw 1,796 29 11 108 59 49 22 15 1 55 Balusingh-ki-Dhani P,Pw 2,780 2S 25 172 93 79 9 56 · M, D, V, Pw, Po 62,565 595 571 3,460 1,864 1,596 138 ltO 40 30 178 .. 57 Dudiya Pw 7,518 32 26 128 76 52 20 15 23 16 58 Jaimala Pw 41,180 100 92 611 339 2'72 I 25 17 39 S9 Luna Khurd* P,Pw, Lm 17,318 99 106 658 379 279 46 40 82 tiO lkteena P,Tmw 6,384 50 50 317 184 133 27 19 .. .' 21


Wonus NON- WORKllRS Total workers COde (I-IX) I II m IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

,-A---,. r-~ ,-:--A----. ~ ~ ,~ r-::--"-... ,--"---. ,---'--~ ,-~ ,---"----..,~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ( IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) ( 1) 86 59 57 27 17 2 30 10 1 23 31 11 46 14 44 13 1 1 1 24 48 12 60 39 53 39 1 1 ... 5 52 47 13 46S 140 310 lOS 4 1 55 24 2 29 2 9 56 8 324 529 14 27 31 24 29 2 3 30 24 15 191 165 178 154 7 4 1 6 151 155 16 36 24 26 1 1 10 22 11 13 17 liS 119 109 119 1 8 126 8S 18 166 114 114 77 17 35 2 2 ... 1 32 116 141 19 261 ISO 34 57 1 25 123 63 46 4 5 24 28 1 195 250 20

11 3 10 1 1 2 ." 3 6 21 20 4 16 1 3 3 6 20 22 107 79 105 7S 2 1 3 70 75 23 66 46 63 44 3 1 1 39 25 24 136 121 130 116 3 5 3 99 114 2S lOS 101 105 101 70 63 26 217 221 199 218 3 1 4 10 2 154 148 27 352 194 322 171 8 13 5 4 3 2 11 325 427 28 29 73 46 60 46 8 ~.~ po 1u l ~.' e d ••• 5 51 54 30 153 143 143 141 9 2 143 138 31 138 127 137 127 1 123 109 32 36 35 33 32 2 3 1 41 20 33 27 1 2S 1 1 1 14 29 34 126 H8 123 116 I 2 2 '" 78 55 35 82 83 78 80 ... 4 3 62 48 36 61 54 60 53 1 1 34 34 37 70 70 41 73 3& 165 1 164 I 1 83 184 39 331 12 329 12 2 149 348 40 142 69 129 69 1 12 13 47 41 300 134 261 132 5 3 11 1 8 12 218 320 42 340 5S 274 53 53 2 2 10 191 311 43 29 1 29 1 •• j 24 29 44 90 39 90 3S 4 75 78 45 700 56 635 50 4 22 4 14 2 25 430 703 46 94 I 23 59 1 8 4 51 121 47 441 174 441 114 ... 267 377 48 303 239 301 185 ~ 54 133 122 49 110 SO 107 SO 3 67 97 SO 228 152 215 140 I 10 9 2 144 126 51 30 29 29 29 1 26 24 52 77 84 70 25 1 59 5 84 52 .n 37 29 30 25 1 6 3 1 ... 22 20 S4- 47 37 38 33 6 I 3 3 46 42 55 1,166 624 927 52 7 3 184 268 20 296 3 5 25 698 972 56 SO 50 26 16 57 236 182* 236 182* ...... 103 90 58: 231 178 228 175 1 1 I 1 2 148 101 59' 123 40 123 40 61 93 60> 22


Literate ache- ache- and Code Area in Occupied House- duJed duled educated ·No. Village AmenitiCi acres houses holds Total Population Castes Tribes pefSOllI

~ -A.. ,.--A---,. t \ r--"--. ... ~ ~ P M F M ,F M F M F (1) (2) (2a) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (J3) (14) 61 Bhesra* P,Pw,Lm 23,477 214 214 1,012 584 428 42 43 70 5 62 Sangramsingh-ki.Dhani PW,Lm 1,624 17 17 85 57 28 3 63 Khelana P,PW 17,120 74 73 402 233 169 8 5 8 8 6 17,096 169 53 40 64 Luna Kalan* Pw,Lm 68 66 3f 221 4 65 Jhadola Pokaran P,PW 12,323 99 100 54 342 242 3 4 13 7 15 66 Ratdiya* P,Pw 21,224 Zl7 283 1,630 887 743 79 63 6 3 67 67 Sakdiya Pw 2,180 33 36 225 123 102 12 7 14 68 Jhaora" P, Pw 14,718 182 175 940 492 448 SO 52 2 3 98 6 69 Phulasar P,Pw 6,247 69 60 420 232 190 56 46 17 70 Dantala" P,Pw 17,005 149 126 642 378 264 32 24 17 18 28 :; 71 Jhalora Bbatiya Pw 11,899 64 64 328 182 146 23 28 1 72 Rajmathai* P,D,Pw 65,690 383 380 2,129 1,164 965 171 168 53 43 83 2 73 Rampuriya Pw 2,414 9 9 37 21 Ui 4 74 Bonara P,Pw 15,537 SO 80 468 267 201 57 47 42 75 Rajgarh* P,PW 7,132 71 71 335 200 135 8 8 3 5 76 Ola P,Pw,Lm 8,957 102 103 553 300 253 42 42 4 2 42 4 77 Badhewa* P,Pw 16,247 242 24t 1,464 782 682 45 28 73 78 Kesula-ka-Pana Kw 7,302 40 40 559 307 252 24 28 4 4 7 79 Bhikhorai Nai* Pw 6,516 43 43 238 145 93 3 80 Balar Pw, Lm 17,370 153 152 846 483 363 22 22 65 51 41 81 Bbikhorai Jooni'" P, PW,Lm 16,252 193 197 1,169 629 540 118 lOS 62 82 Sarni-ki-Dhani Kw 13,908 93 91 531 282 249 IS 6 28 24 8 83 Kajai Pw 5,032 46 46 250 129 121 47 31 1 84 PhalSoond* V, Pw, Lm 75,305 961 912 5,867 3,235 2,632 526 433 115 94 217 19

TEHSIL:- 5-SAM 1 Birrali sabarwali Kw t 1 1 13 8 5 2 Jantpa 15,000 8 8 45 27 18 3 Pbootawali 15,000 Unpopulated 4 Gadesiya Kw 15,000 3 4 18 10 8 5 Lauhar Kw 15,000 8 8 53 31 22 6 Ratrau Kw 15,000 2 2 76 38 38 7 Buranwali Kw 5,000 4 4 13 6 7 8 Ganesiya Kot Kw 5,000 3 3 25 10 15 9 Deogarh Kw 67,000 57 57 274 161 113 24 22 10 Pirau Kw 15,000 3 4 15 8 7 11 Maba Kw 15,000 5 10 75 49 26 12 Langtala Kw 15,000 1 1 I1 7 4 13 Chandrau Kw 5,000 8 S 25 14 11 3 14 Bachhiya Chhor Kw 1,000 2 2 12 5 7 ]5 Mamdau Kw 1,000 4 6 35 20 15 ]6 Jhalariya Kw 10,000 4 4 29 15 14 17 Meetha Tala Kw 20,000 5 6 36 17 ]9 18 Khui Khandujan wayi Kw 5,000 5 5 34 18 16 19 Khui Fetujan wali tt Unpopulated 20 Chakrau Kw 1,000 292 146 146 2 13 12 21 Tharoi Kw 15,000 3 4 19 11 8 2 22 Bariyari Kw 11,000 3 3 10 6 4 23 Bagnau Kw 1,000 4 4 18 9 9 24 Mithrau Kharawala 5,000 Unpopulated 25 Lalewali Kw 15,000 3 3 14 8 6 t Includeii in Code No~2_ -i--, [neluded in Code NO.2 RURAL PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


,.--"---. ~ ,-~ ,~--"-----. ,---A----, ~---, ,.-_.A._, ~.Jo-..... r-J--, ,---"-,,.-_A..._-v-.A.-.., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

(IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2j) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (1) 3S9 7S 307 74 28 7 17 225 353 61 34 4 34 2 2 23 24 62 156 106 152 105 3 77 63 63 164 S 164 5 57 164 64 239 177 237 167 10 103 65 65 560 443 S13 427 1 39 13 2 2 5 327 300 66 80 60 71 59 1 1 7 43 42 67 265 158 264 158 1 227 290 68 121 88 117 88 4 109 102 69 264 153 250 108 13 15 30 1 114 III 70 124 71 110 14 71 58 75 71 737 316 670 315 11 46 1 2 7 427 649 72 20 5 19 5 1 1 II 73 156 75 149 67 4 6 2 2 1 111 126 74 110 54 88 8 20 46 2 90 81 75 192 57 149 43 15 1 14 6 2 6 11 108 196 76 480 350 450 341 1 30 8 302 332 77 217 120 196 55 18 65 3 90 132 78 103 51 83 ... 20 50 ... 42 42 79 305 164 263 161 5 2 25 1 1 10 178 199 80 397 329 361 303 1 3 15 25 13 1 4 232 211 81 177 114 177 114 105 J35 82 92 47 92 47 37 74 83 2,257 800 1,874 727 39 25 188 32 77 16 47 32 978 1,832 84

6 6 2 5 1 19 19 8 17 2 Unpopulated 3 7 2 5 1 1 2 3 6 4 20 2 20 2 11 20 5 23 5 23 5 15 33 6 5 5 I 7 7 9 9 1 15 8 125 7 107 11 36 113 9 8 8 7 10

26 8 26 8 23 18 11 5 5 2 4 12 9 9 1 5 10 13 2 2 ... 3 7 14 10 10 1 JO 14 15 13 13 ? ]4 16 14 2 14 2 3 17 17 14 3 14 3 4 13 18 Unpopulated 19 84 15 1 83 15 02 131 20 10 10 1 7 21 5 5 I 4 22 6 2 4 3 9 23 Unpo pulated 24 5 5 3 6 2S TBHSJL:-S-SAM

Llterato Sche- Sche- and Code Area tn Occupied House- duled duled educated'- No. Village AmcnlUea acres houses holds Total PopuJation Castes Tribes persons

,--"--, ~ r---'---. ,-J'-, -. ,--~ ~~ P M F M F M F M F

(1) (2) (2a) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9). (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) 26 Vadhon 5,000 2 2 7 4 3 ... 27 Khadipo Kw 15,000 2 2 7 3 4 .. - 28 Khara 5,000 14 IS 48 31 17 ... 29 Mehna Kw 10,000 6 6 27 12 15 30 Mithrau Mochiyon wala Kw 14,000 7 7 33 20 13

31 Mithrau MangliYon wall Kw 15,000 4 4 18 13 5 32 Birma Kw 1,000 2 2 11 5 6 33 Dorau Kw 5,000 4 4 21 10 II 34 Murajan wala Kw 2,000 10 10 40 26 14 35 Bitoi Rakhal waH 1,000 3 3 12 8 4

36 Bichau Kw 1,000 1 4 3 1 37 Babori Kw 1,000 1 2 6 4 2 38 Sager 10,000 Unpopulated 39 Sodhrau 15,000 3 3 14 12 2 40 Jhanda Madhojan wala Kw 10,000 5 5 34 14 20

41 Thooar Kw 15,000 3 3 16 9 7 42 Hakra Kw 5,000 9 9 50 23 27 43 Mukne-ka-Tala Kw 24,000 2S 25 155 82 73 44 Shahgarh Kw 34,000 24 24 120 74 46 10 8 13 45 Bhinda Mangaliya wala Kw 8,500 9 9 49 30 19

4.6 Geraja Kw 5,000 1 1 11 8 3 47 Bhinda Khara @ Kw 10,000 1 1 6 2 4 48 Bhinda Deshlon wala Kw 10,000 10 10 50 24 26 49 Adkiya Kw 5,000 ]3 13 46 30 ]6 50 Kulka Kw 15,000 5 5 25 13 12 51 Nawatala Kw 10,000 26 26 129 70 S9 52 Rabhlau FakiroD wala Kw 15,000 28 28 114 63 51 53 Mehnau Kw 10,000 6 6 25 12 13 54 Dhamiya 5,000 4 4 25 15 10 S5 Nijau Kw 10,000 2 3 7 3 4

56 Shahra Kw 15,000 6 6 29 15 14 57 Bitoi Rahim wall Kw 1,000 3 S 19 13 6 2 58 Bitoi Jiwan waH Kw 1,000 6 6 23 12 11 S9 Phadal wali 15,000 1 1 3 2 1 60 Patal wali Kw 4,000 6 6 18 10 8

61 Harda Kw 5,000 11 II 45 2S 20 4 3 62 Gejau Kw 5,000 3 3 12 6 6 63 Harnau* Kw 50,000 13 13 52 26 26 64 ReIna 15,000 Unpopulated 65 Khariya Kw ]5,000 1 3 2

66 Bhiloi Kw 5,000 2 2 6 4 2 67 Dhaloo waH 5,000 1 1 6 5 1 68 Babuali Kw 10,000 1 1 3 2 t 69 Kangoor Kw 5,000 2 2 8 5 3 70 lnde wali 15,000 1 1 S 3 2

'/1 Mahdo Kw 5,000 1 1 7 3 4 72 Madhlo Kw 15,000 6 10 35 20 15 73 Madhal waH Kw 15,000 2 2 16 10 6 74 Rato 15,000 Unpopulated 7S Kutado Kw 5,000 2 2 9 3 6 @ AUlIs Bapli Khari 25



~~ ~ ,.-..-A---, ~ ,..---"--""" ~~, .. , ,...... A...-..; ,...... _.A...-. ~ M P M P M F M P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (74) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (1)

3 1 3 1 ,~, 2 26 3 1 3 l' ~ . 3 27 23 S 15 8 .4 8 12 28 11 3 .. ' 11 1 12 29 4 , 9 30 11 3 1 1 Ii "-.II .. ' .. 10 6 6 '.' 7 5 31 4 1 4 'i: ... , 1 5 32 5 3 5 "-' 5 8 33 20 2 20 ~ 6 12 34 5 2 ;;} t~ 3 2 35 1 1 2 t 36 4 2 2 2 37 'Unpopulated 38 7· 1 7 1 5 1 39 '13 4 13 4 1 16 40 6 6 , .. 3 7 41 18 10 18 10 S 17 42 57 2 57 2 ... 25 71 43 47 S 29 6 1 6 27 46 44 .22 8 22 8 8 11 4S

4 4 4 2 46 1 1 1 4 47 IS 9 15 9 9 17 48 21 , 21 7 9 9 49 8 8 5 12 50 '56 1 5 50 14 58 51 S4 18 36 9 51 52 8 8 4 13 53 6 1 5 9 10 54 3 1 3 1 3 55 11 11 4 14 56 8 4 4 5 6 57 5 S 7 11 58 2 2 1 59 7 7 3 8 60 .18 16 2 7 20 61 5 5 1 6 62 18 1 18 8 25 63 Unp ~'pu la';ed 64 2 2 65 4 4 ... 2 66 4 4 I 1 67 2 2 ... 1 68 4 4 1 3 69 3 3 2 70

3 3 '" 4 71 16 15 1 1 4 14 72 7 7 3 6 73 Unpopulated 74 2 2 6 7S 26


Literate Scbe- Sche- and Code Area in Occupied House- duled duled educated No. Village Amenities acres housc:a bolds Total Population Castes Tribes persons

,,.)~, ,J..., ,-.A.--, r--"---.. ,- ,--..1-.-, ,--"---., ~. P M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (2a) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (81 (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

76 lamau Kw 5,000 2 2 2 2 77 lasiya 5,000 Unpopula ted 78 Hsudha Kw 11,000 1 1 954 79 Karta Kw 5,000 4 4 20 10 10 80 Basno 10,000 2 2 16 10 6 81 MithiKhui Kw 10,000 9 9 37 23 14 82 Kalau Kw 5,000 4 4 15 8 7 83 KiradwaU Kw 5,000 2 2 11 6 5 84 Akanwali Kw 5,000 3 3 10 8 2 85 Mugel Mataljanwali 5,000 Unpopulated 86 Soma Kw 15,000 7 7 20 14 6 87 Bhoon Kw 1,000 2 1 38 25 13 88 Nichuwali 10,000 Unpopulated 89 Sumrau Kw 25,000 3 3 12 6 6 90 Khabdela Kw 5,000 6 6 36 24 12 91 Ihanda Mitha Kw 20,000 2 2 9 6 3 92 Ihanda Khara Kw 20,000 7 9 56 29 27 93 Kudhau Kw 15,000 4 4 12 7 5 3 94 Karamwala Kw 5,000 12 12 69 43 26 95 Murar Kw 10,000 15 17 79 46 33 96 Gabol Kw 15,000 1 1 2 2 97 Soowar Kw 7,500 19 19 83 43 40 98 Rabhlau Rajronwala Kw 25,000 7 7 44 27 17 99 Bhuwana Pw 25,800 52 52 293 164 129 4 100 Sipalon-ki-Basti 25,200 Unpopu fated 101 Hamiron-ki-Basti Pw 27,000 14 14 75 43 32 102 Lugon-ki-Basti Pw 26,200 6 6 50 30 20 103 Turkon-ki-Basti 24,200 1 1 1 1 104 SapIa Kw 25,500 42 42 222 120 102 6 5 48 42 2 105 Keshua Pw 25,600 56 56 254 153 101 106 SaIkha* Kw 15,320 48 48 212 117 95 35 29 2 107 Dujasar Kw 14,310 10 to 71 39 32 ... 108 Damodar Kw 19,700 32 32 146 85 61 8 7 24 17 4 109 Megwalon-ki-Dhani Kw 3,500 21 21 113 60 53 23 27 6 3 2 110 Jajiya Pw 10,200 4 4 21 13 8 1 111 Detha* Pw 17,200 16 16 57 33 24 8 2 112 Pataliya 10,830 Unpopulated 113 Dhooliya 22,500 56 59 341 195 146 1 114 Khabha Kw 19,400 48 49 227 127 100 51 46 24 23 4 115 Bida* Pw 25,900 30 30 176 III 65 22 11 1 116 Nimba Kw 22,600 25 25 129 70 59 10 8 1 117 Ganga Kw 25,300 14 14 91 51 40 1I8 Kanoi* P,Kw 5,000 99 99 494 258 236 24 22 4 4 SO 2 119 Ukrala Mahaivau Kw 20,000 8 8 37 19 18 ... 120 Sam· P,D, Pw, Po, Lm 11,100 tI5 115 452 265 187 157 144 81 6- 121 Chaganiyon-ki-Basti 23,200 Un popuiatPd 122 Sagron-ki-Basti Pw 25,000 3 39 200 102 98 123 Matu-ki -Basti Pw 25,600 8 8 47 31 16 124 Ukrala Kw 10,000 2 3 21 14 7 125 Samejan-ka-Par Kw 20.500 15 15 62 32 30 .- 27


WORKERS NON- WORKERS Code 'Iota} workers VIII IX X No. (I-IX) I II III IV V VI VII ~r-~~ r--"----I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (1) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) 1 76 Unpopulated 77 2 4 78 3 3 10 2 8 79 10 2 2 6 80 8 8 8 14 81 15 15 6 4 2 3 82 6 4 2 5 83 4 4 6 2 2 84 6 Unpopulated 85 4 6 86 10 10 14 11 13 87 14 Unpopuiat ed 88 5 1 6 89 5 8 9 90 16 3 16 3 3 3 91 3 1 2 18 10 27 92 19 1 3 3 93 4 2 4 2 26 14 26 94 29 3 15 33 9$ 31 31 2 2 96 14 19 10 40 97 33 8 17 19 12 7 98 108 48 56 81 99 108 48 Unpopulated 100

6 18 32 101 25 19 16 14 7 7 20 102 1 1 103 10 43 9 1 56 102 104 64 73 99 80 2 1 79 2 lOS 65 17 14 28 80 106 89 15 7 10 29 29 32 107 3 2 8 II 57 108 74 4 64 17 43 37 43 36 16 109 7 7 6 8 110 7 28 20 1 5 24 111 Unpopulated 112 103 2 2 90 2 11 92 144 113 41 4 18 1 1 56 94 114 11 6 12 2 70 14 44 , 41 65 liS 42 2 36 4 28 59 116 2 28 ... 21 40 117 30 1 7 6 114 144 6 32 5 13 86 230 118 10 9 17 119 10 1 24 2 44 166 30 7 4 8 81 23 2 99 157 120 Unpopulated 121 68 2 66 34 97 122 19 1 18 12 16 123 5 5 9 7 124 JS I 15 1 17 29 125 28


Literate Sche. Sche- and Code Area in Occupied House- duled duled educated No. Village Amenities acres houses holds Total Population Castes Tribes persons

,...-'--, r-~ r--'-----. r-"--> ~ ~. r--""----, P M F M F M F M F

(1) (2) (2a) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) 126 Rahu-ka-par Kw 25,600 19 19 114 69 45 127 Dhanana Pw 25,400 119 119 761 423 338 14 128 Loonar P,Pw 28,300 91 91 447 277 170 37 18 29 129 Lakhmanon-ki-Basti Pw 26,000 7 7 45 26 19 130 Dabri Kw 38,700 58 58 365 197 168 49 44 131 Karda* Pw 14,300 71 71 326 201 125 132 Pochhina P,Pw 24,632 100 100 496 351 145 30 15 24 133 Hatar Pw 20,400 38 38 204 115 89 61 56 134 Koriya Pw 28,000 44 44 274 164 110 135 Lomba 27,600 8 12 47 26 21 136 Phaleri Pw 25,300 70 70 387 231 156 14 8 137 MaJigara Pw 46,900 26 26 150 81 69 10 14 138 Jamra Kw 12,300 5 5 22 15 7 139 Kumar Kotha Pw 13,250 14 14 64 35 29 9 5 4 140 Varan Kw 15,550 29 29 113 70 43 141 Phoba Kw 22,500 87 87 397 221 176 31 29 19 142 J{huhri* P,Pw 1,46,400 114 114 609 350 259 55 63 97 20 143 Tejsi Pw 12,350 18 18 79 48 31 1 144 Dav Pw 20,312 79 79 385 219 166 28 24 41 27 11 145 Phaneli Pw 19,230 40 40 191 118 73 53 42 146 Bhersiwala* Pw 20,200 68 68 212 170 102 16 5 18 147 rhooliya Pw 18,511 58 58 267 156 111 7 10 2 148 Keda Pw 68,774 15 15 50 31 19 7 6 2 149 Myajlar* P,Pw 68,875 135 135 526 338 188 104 61 62 150 sato* P,Pw 82,674 195 195 1,041 557 484 126 149 38 28 93 151 Tejrawa* Pw 67,873 24 24 140 86 54 3 2 152 .Atiya Pw 52,675 7 7 39 23 16 153 Khariya Pw 7,260 24 24 134 87 47 1 154 Seerhar P,Pw 67,974 67 67 411 240 171 51 41 18 155 Katha 10,500 21 21 100 60 40 28 22


1 Senag 2,240 Unpopulated 2 Kotri* P Pw, Lm 21,120 94 92 430 235 195 54 46 30 32 22 3 Badban 9,600 Unpopulated 4 Narsingh-ki-Dhani* 10.880 33 30 168 102 66 20 12 3 3 5 Ugawa Kw 11,520 36 35 176 88 88 15 15 4 5 Q Cheecha 5,120 Unpopulated 7 Sirwa Kw 11,520 12 12 5S 27 28 11 12 1 8 Bola 3,200 Unpopulated 9 Chhod Kw 12,800 39 38 177 113 64 5 2 19 14 7 10 Sangana Pw 16,000 4 4 22 12 10 2 11 Mulana* Pw,Lm 10,240 64 62 324 162 162 14 10 3 Duwara Pw 7,680 30 33 150 85 6S 2 12 138 38 13 Jtasla* Pw,Lm 6,960 51 46 278 140 32 7 14 Achla Pw 12,160 20 19 116 60 56 1 15 Bhopa Pw 6,400 9 9 50 32 18 29



~ r---"'----. ~ ~ ~ r----'--, r--"------. ,~~~~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (1) 29 29 40 45 126 300 126 286 126 14 123 212 127 185 6 164 2 13 92 170 128 15 1 1 14 11 18 129 160 136 24 37 168 130 142 142 59 125 131 253 19 20 3 202 16 3 1 27 98 126 132 84 4 43 37 31 89 J33 131 ... 2 129 33 110 134 11 I 11 15 20 135 163 5 150 7 1 68 ]56 136 48 16 48 16 33 53 137 9 2 9 2 6 5 138 16 3 11 2 19 29 139 47 29 18 23 42 140 137 14 66 52 ]4 4 15 84 162 141 228 15 77 50 13 46 20 35 122 244 142 31 3 11 20 2 17 28 143 151 6 1 2 135 2 6 9 2 68 160 144 73 17 49 17 17 7 45 56 145 114 37 104 35 7 1 2 2 56 65 146 110 37 65 38 33 3 1 3 3 46 74 147 25 2 2 20 I 3 6 17 148 267 35 27 147 33 45 2 13 35 71 153 149 327 5 327 5 230 479 150 51 12 32 13 12 4 2 35 42 151 13 11 2 10 16 152 68 13 66 1 12 2 19 34 153 135 23 75 3 10 6 8 27 17 11 105 148 154 40 9 34 2 6 7 20 31 155

Unpopulated 1 _132 45 90 7 34 38 3 5 103 150 2 U~ p 0 p~ I a i··e d 3 83 42 74 38 9 4 19 24 4 68 4S 68 45 20 43 5 Unpopulated 6 17 8 8 2 9 6 10 20 7 Unpopulated 8 7S 8 39 8 36 38 56 9 6 2 1 5 2 6 8 10 97 90 90 S 7 85 65 72 II 62 35 57 S 3S 23 30 12 93 SO 58 33 50 2 47 88 13 41 21 32 2 9 19 19 35 14 14 10 19 5 10 8 8 15 30


Literate Scbe- I5che- and Code Area in Occupied House- doled duled educated No. Village Amenities acres houses holds Total Population Castes Tribes persons

~ ,.------'---, ~r-'-t r---"---. ~~,. P M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (2a) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) 16 Devikot'" P,PW 23,040 118 ]22 670 352 3]8 11 12 49 4 ]7 Sanwata 16,000 43 42 280 156 124 32 39 5 18 Modha Ganeshpura Pw 10,240 ]4 15 73 39 34 1 19 Kathoda 10,240 14 20 89 46 43 27 33 20 Sitodai Pw 12,800 32 39 ]92 ]05 87 8 5 21 Koruwa Kw 10,880 21 8 104 58 46 14 10 22 Sobh Pw 14,080 47 46 260 143 117 84 77 23 Soda Kw 9,600 22 22 125 67 58 24 28 6 24 Mada Kw 12,160 14 ]3 50 26 24 3 2 25 Asloi Kw 11,520 32 50 148 85 63 9 8 26 Jama'" Pw,Lm 12,800 54 54 298 162 136 11 10 1 27 MuUya Kw 5,760 ]6 14 42 23 ]9 2 28 Geraja Kw 5,]20 20 23 97 48 49 1 29 Megba Pw 4,480 32 21 144 87 57 7 5 19 17 2 30 Rama* P,PW 9,600 87 58 390 207 183 46 48 15 15 69 6 31 Somlyai Pw 6,960 34 28 168 77 91 3 2 13 32 Bhakhrani Pw 6,960 42 38 165 93 72 33 26 13 12 2 33 Jasba 5,120 Unpopul ate d 34 Poonasar 5,120 Unpopulated 35 Merajot Pw 7.680 33 35 150 85 65 1 2 3 36 Karada Pw 7,680 12 9 60 33 27 3 2 1 37 Lakhmana Pw 12,800 9 9 49 30 19 4 3 I 38 Kodba Pw 15,360 54 45 200 96 104 5 39 Unda 9,600 36 36 190 101 89 28 25 8 40 Kbyala Pw 7,680 21 24 141 85 56 41 Beejhota Kw 5,120 24 21 100 SO 50 5 4 42 Hanpa Kalan Kw 3,200 5 5 28 14 14 4 43 Hanpa Khurd Kw 3,840 10 11 48 31 17 2 44 Chelak* P,Pw 9,600 109 101 475 263 212 93 65 9 4 53 I 45 Kapuriya'" P,Pw 19,200 71 61 331 182 149 39 37 4 3 19 1 46 Sangad'" M,D,Pw 5,760 78 95 496 267 229 7 6 11 1 47 Bhelani Pw 16,000 36 36 153 85 68 13 13 20 19 5 48 Chhodiya 16,000 14 13 73 49 24 22 12 49 Lala 6,400 5 5 27 15 ]2 50 Dangri- P,Pw 22,400 192 185 945 512 433 37 42 60 50 49 4 51 Fatehgarh PW,Po 9,600 48 45 211 130 81 26 5 52 Rewri- Pw 12,160 60 59 348 194 154 32 26 3 5 8 2 S3 Nada Kw 3,200 9 7 33 19 14 12 9 1 S4 Paneha Kw 5,120 9 8 46 27 19 55 Champa 5,760 6 6 37 21 16 1 56 Nagraja Pw 19,840 58 110 289 157 132 9 8 8 57 Adwala* Kw 21,760 51 100 279 170 109 25 15 6 58 Ala Kw 5,120 16 16 87 45 42 3 '9 Jodha Kw 3,200 14 14 72 47 25 I 60 Chhatangarh· P,Kw 19,200 53 53 275 161 114 17 11 28 3 61 Bambhara Pw 14.080 82 87 4S3 256 197 11 9 12 62 Magra Tk 9,600 ., ., 47 34 1l 63 Genhoo Pw 7,680 33 33 159 95 64 17 13 8 3 64 Baiya* P,Pw 16,000 HI 110 702 428 274 61 54 29 1 65 Basda Pw 13,440 13 13 66 38 28 81


WOBltUI --.A. No•• WORkERS 'l'or... lo WOKJDltll IV V VI Code (I-IX) [ II m VJI VIII IX X .No. ,---J'-, ,.--~ ,-.A.--., ~-.. ,.--~ r---A---. ,--J--., r-J--.. r-J.,_-, ~ ....--A -,,..-A-, F M F M F F F M F M .F M P M M M M F M F M F (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (OO} (16) (16) (17) (18) (81) (82) (33) (34) (35, (86) (1) 3 176 116 2 9 241 121 28 '2. 21 5 III 197 1& 54 92 S 17 49 109 5 2 15 47 70 11 2S '2. S J4 32 18 36 25 34 2S 2 JO 4 3 1 J8 19 78 56 71 55 27 3{ 20 45 33 45 33 13 13 21 105 77 lOS 75 2 ... 38 5 2 9 4 1 40 22 40 6 23 2 27 52 23 19 '2. 12 7 2 8 4 7 22 14 50 4 40 35 59 2S


Literate Scho- Scho- and Code Area in Occupied House- duled duled educated No. Village AmenitiCll acres houses holds Total POpulation Castes Tribes persons

_;. ,..._....._, - _\ ,--'-, r-~ ,-"---, r-- ~ ~ ,--~ P M F M F M F M F

(1 ) (2) (2a) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (ll) (12) (13) (14) 66 Deora P,Kw 21,120 73 84 500 286 214 57 52 73 67 Kotha Pw 19,840 48 48 250 131 119 11 68 Harbha 7,680 37 40 194 108 86 16 16 69 Bhiyasar Pw 6,960 26 26 126 78 48 19 17 6 70 Sanjeet Pw 19,200 23 23 124 60 64 71 Neemba Kw 6,400 45 41 182 107 75 17 7 35 25 1 72 Toga Pw 7,040 32 36 213 112 101 6 1 73 Tejmalta* P,Pw 19,200 113 118 631 380 251 34 24 63 14 Sodhat Kw 6,400 26 1S 198 131 67 15 Gajsingh-ka-gaon Pw 12,800 47 50 250 145 105 29 23 64 45 76 Guhra Pw 9,600 57 56 314 156 158 74 71 7 77 JhinjhinyaU· P,Pw 19,200 132 171 896 504 392 102 3 18 Neembli Tk 9,600 24 29 159 89 70 3S 28 19 Kunda* P, Pw 14,080 44 52 281 168 113 2 26 SO Mehron-ki-Dbani 6,400 22 39 224 124 100 Bhadli* P, Pw 17,280 102 106 528 30l 227 93 62 6 7 7S 17 ~ Lakha P, Pw 23,040 132 135 824 438 386 12 11 16 8 59 83 Randha* P,Pw 9,600 65 64 448 258 190 13 10 51 84 Kobra Pw 11,520 41 49 287 152 135 57 49 IS Jogidas-ka-gaon Pw 9,600 26 34 163 103 60 7 3 86 Birmani 9,600 8 7 59 36 23 25 18 B7 Modha* P,Pw 10,240 72 77 516 313 203 27 29 2 60 88 Boganyai Pw 10,240 6 3 20 11 9 89 Mandai Pw 22,400 IS 62 281 149 132 75 58 90 Sadhuwa 6,400 12 6 26 14 12 9l Kodiyasar Pw 11,520 35 51 224 129 9S 7 6 2 92 Mahreri Kw 12,800 47 41 231 133 98 2S 27 2 93 Sandha Pw 5,120 26 31 150 71 79 14 15 14 94 Pabnasar 19,200 14 16 99 62 37 5 3 1 33


WORKJ!llS NON- WORKERS Totat ~~tkers eM& a-I 1 II III IV V VI VII VIJI IX X NO • r---"--> ,----'--...... ----'--.~ r--"----, ~ ~ r--"---. ~ ~~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) t31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (I)

147 81 3 3 144 78 139 133 66 80 53 19 8 59 45 2 51 66 67 81 52 5 3 76 49 27 34 68 54 13 30 3 24 10 24 35 69 37 1 26 11 1 23 63 70 67 2 67 2 40 73 71 77 2 64 2 13 35 99 72 256 130 24 24 38 187 100 3 4 6 124 121 73 86 33 41 12 10 25 33 .,. ... 43 34 74 104 43 28 20 18 52 21 2 4 2 41 62 75 86 33 40 27 21 6 15 70 125 76 332 169 12 6 2 297 161 11 10 2 172 223 77 63 34 63 34 .. , 26 36 78 104 60 5 21 69 19 1 29 20 64 53 79 85 49 10 6 75 43 39 51 80 179 77 63 14 98 63 16 2 122 150 81 219 92 150 35 57 57 3 9 219 2M 82 170 103 147 91 8 12 15 88 87 83 97 70 43 26 54 44 ... 55 6S 84 89 25 3 72 7 25 7 14 j~ 85 22 19 12 19 10 14 4 86 217 92 132 68 6 24 79 96 III 87 10 6 10 6 1 3 88 87 6 61 4 26 2 62 126 89 10 9 10 1 8 4 3 90 88 49 7 81 49 41 46 91 93 35 59 30 35 4 40 6] 92 48 42 4 2 41 40 3 23 37 93 44 25 6 36 25 2 18 12 94 34


Literate & Code Town! Occupied House- Scheduled Scheduled educated No. Ward Area Houses holds Total Population Castes Tribes persons

,__..__, ~,-~ r--"---.~ ~ r----"----. r---"-----, P M F M F M F M F (1) (21 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) I JAISALMER

Wa.rd 123 126 607 321 286 187 81

Wa.rd 2 -233 279 1,154 605 549 16 18 21 12 193 28

Ward 3 110 112 526 268 258 54 54 8 7 85 5

Ward 4 187 189 919 471 448 302 71

Ward ') 158 159 778 415 363 312 121 249 249 1,623 1,008 615 191 161 13 5 529 25 Ward 6 • Ward 7 116 120 583 300 283 212 129

Ward 8 191 206 866 465 401 280 40

Ward 9 264 297 1,306 671 635 33 37 44 51 331 95


Ward 188 191 784 382 402 238 115

Ward 2 150 151 685 341 344 191 36

Ward 3 118 121 523 265 258 163 29

Ward 4 89 93 374 196 178 5 1 103 13

Ward 5 155 160 648 330 318 27 25 146 12

Ward 6 194 250 1,026 586 440 108 97 42 34 145 20

Ward 7 116 116 498 268 230 31

Ward 8 143 153 746 389 357 32 31 10 8 54

* Includes Special charge of R. A. C. having 328 persons (326 Males and 2 Females) 35



~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r--"'----, ,...---'--., ~ r---A----,,...... _, M F M F M F Nt. F M F M F M FM F MFMF M F (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) 32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (1) I

122 5 4 2 10 24 77 199 286

325 33 19 6 39 7 90 5 13 9 50 7 23 85 S 280 516

131 34 2 4 29 10 10 1 15 62 31 137 224

217 6 3 44 53 66 9 41 S 254 442

187 IS 2 4 5 4 85 17 75 11 228 345

648 14 6 2 50 31 3 34 103 4 ..• 418 10 360 601

133 3 3 5 2 58 10 .•. 5S 3 167 280

221 15 5 17 6 29 27 •.• 137 13 244 386

343 18 4 25 4 21 11 47 2 34 ... 201 10 328 617


162 16 13 8 6 5 43 15 78 6 220 386

171 43 17 24 20 10 16 3 59 4 12 44 5 170 301

128 29 9 17 19 4 39 3 6 50 9 137 229

108 26 3 20 3 5 15 35 13 34 6 88 152

176 16 2 45 2 22 2 2 24 19 62 12 154 302

326 37 6 4 12 17 9 5 37 3 48 2 39... 162 19 260 403

144 7 63 7 3 2 3 73 124 223

~2S JOS 70 70 17 6 77 15 11 2 4 3 6 7 36 9 164 249


Jais. 1


(No¥! Oil A-Series)

There are four Tables and five Appendices in this 7. For the purpose of 1961 Census. a 'House' is a series. These tables, being the basic population tables, structure o.r part of a structure inhabited or vacant, or a furnish information about area, sexwise population and' dwelling, a shop, a shop-cum.dwelling or a place of its variation during sixty years, classification of villages business, workshop, school etc., giving out on the road and towns by population and the trends of urbanisation or a common staircase or a common courtyard leading in the district. to a main gate or enjoying a separate entrance. 'Occupied residential houses' are those houses which are used Table A-I wholly or partly for the purpose of residence by one or more households. . 2. This is the basic population table showing area, density, number of villages and towns, occupied residential 8. In addition to this main table, there are three. houses and population by persons, males and females. appendices which were not prepared in the last censuses. The data has been presented for the district as well as for each tehsil for total, rural and urban areas separately. Appendix 1 The town figures have been shown immediately after the 9. This appendix is helpful in finding out the growth entries of the tehsil in which they are situated. The of the district to the present area since the last census. abbrev~ation just after the name of the town has been The appendix shows the territorial changes that have taken used t~ denote that the particular town has a Municipality place during the last decade. A brief description of gain or a Cantonment. and loss of territory in those tehsils which had changes in area during the period is also shown in this appendix. 3. It may be noted that in the previous censuses the A list of Such transferred areas has been given in the density of population and other urban break-ups upto tho annexure to this appendix. town level were not mentioned in this table which have been shown separately now for 1961 Census besides Appendix II furnishing the number of inhabited and uninhabited 10. One of the criteria for a place to be .declared villages in each tehsil. as town is that it should normally have a popUlation of 5,000 and above. For various reasons, several places 4. The area figures both for rural and municipai with a population of 5,000 and over have not been towns have been obtained from the State revenue authorities. recognised as towns. This appendix gives the tehsilwise Though the area figures have been collected originally in number of such places with their population. Further, it acres yet these figures have been shown in Sq. miles and also shows the percentage contribution of total rural Sq. Km. in columns 3 (a) and 3 (b) respectively after population of the district of such places. converting them into the respective units. Further, the area figures have been given upto one decimal place in Appendix /II case of the district as well as for each tehsil but such. 11. This appendix shows the sexwise figures .for presentation is made upto two decimal places in ease· houseless and institutional population for the district and of towns. each tehsil for total, rural and urban areas separately. Houseless and Institutional popUlation has already been 5. The density of persons has been worked out defined in para 10 of the note on Primary Census Abstract. according to the area shown under column 3 (a) and has been presented separately for the district and for TabJe A-II each of the tehsils and towns under column 4. 12. This table compares population figures of the 6. A village and a town has already been defined district as ascertained at the 1961 Census with the in para 3 of the note on Primary Census Abstract. corresponding figures for the six previous censuses. The

his. I-A 40 figures presented for the six previous cenSuses in the of this table aU the towns have been classified into the table, have been adjusted after taking into consideration following six classes according to population:- the territorial changes taken place in the district so as Class I 1,00,000 and above to afford a correct basis for comparison. This is an Class II 50,000 - 99,999 important table as it gives the growth of population Class III 20,000 - 49,999 from decade to decade. It further provides a basis for Class IV 10,000 - 19,999 estimating the population especially in the absence of Class V 5,000 - 9,999 reliable data for vital statistics. The main change in this Class VI Less than 5,000 table over 1951 Census is that the percentage variation 17. The district totals for II class have been given has also been mentioned from decade to decade. followed by the various towns in that particular Class. 13. The appendix attached to this table shows the Column No. 2 of the table presents the name of the population for the district as well as for each tehsil town and just under it the area of that town has been according to their territorial jurisdiction in 1951 given both in Sq. miles and Sq. Km. The status of the besides furnishing the changes in area and the population town is separately shown in column No. 3 in an involved in those changes that have taken place during abbieviated form. the last decade. The details of transfers of areas and 18. The main object of this table as indicated above population in every case have been given in the footnote is to show the growth of towns as towns and not how separately. certain places have been converted into towns from Table A-ill villages as such the figures against towns have been 14. This table furnishes the sexwise total rural shown for those decades only in which they were population together with the number of inhabited villages recognised as towns. The district population for all classes for the district as well as for each tehsil arranged into dlllring the previous decades has been arrived at after seven population size groups viz., less than 200, 200-499, adding the population of those places which were treated 500-999, 1,000-1,999, 2,000-4,999, 5,000-9,999 and 10,900 as towns in the corresponding decade but now declassified. and above. As such if a town had not been treated as town in all the previous censuses, it is indicated as declassified in 15. The main changes in this table over 1951 Census those particular censuses. Towns treated for the first time are (i) the group less than 500 has now been split up iu 1951 Census have been asterisked*. into two groups viz., less than 200 and 200-499 and (ii) it relates only to villages while in 1951 Census it related 19. The change in this table over 1951 Census is that to villages and towns both. the areas of towns as well as the percentage of decade variations of total population of the towns have been Table A-IV additionally shown in the present census. 16. This table shows the growth of each town in 20. A separate volume-Part II-A incorporating the the district since 1901 together with its sexwise population. General Population Tables for the State and the districts It further furnishes the information regarding decade I:l.ave been issued in which the concepts used have also variation in popUlation and its percentage. For the purpose bBen discussed. 41·


No. of villages Area in Popu- No. of Total lation Un- occupied Population Rural Sq. Sq. per Sq. Inha- inha- No. of residential DistrictjTeshil/Town Urban miles Km. mile bited bited towns houses Persons Males Females 2 3(a) 3(b) 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

DISTRICT T 14,994.7 38,836.3 9 485 27 2 24,116 140,338 77,871 62,467 R 14,855.2 38,474.9 9 485 27 21,332 126,692 70,590 56,102 U 139.5 361.4 98 2 2,784 13,646 7,281 6,365 Ramgarh Tehsil* R 2,800.0 7,252.0 4 39 888 10,489 5,963 4,526 Nachna Tehsil* R 1,392.5 3,606.6 8 34 6 1,719 10,535 5,757 4,778 laisalmer Tehsil T 3.000.0 7,770.0 9 98 :! 1 5,216 28,297 15,646 12,651 R 2,946.9 7,632.4 7 98 2 3,585 19,935 11,122 8,813 U 53.1 137.6 157 1,631 8,362 4,524 3,838 laisalrner Town (M) U 53.12 137.58 157 1,631 8,362 4,524 3,838 Pokam Tehsil T 2,080.2 5,387.7 27 83 1 9,638 55,429 30,331 25,098 R 1,993.8 5.163.9 25 83 1 8,485 50,145 27,574 22,571 U 86.4 223.8 61 1,153 5,284 2,757 2,527 Pokaran Town (M) U 86.43 223.85 61 1 1,153 5,284 2,757 2,527 Sam Tehsil* R 4,100.0 10,619.0 4 143 12 2,922 15,379 8,875 6,504 Fatehgarh Tehsil* R 1,612.0 4,201.0 12 88 6 3,733 20,209 11,299 8,910

Note : - 1. The Sq. Km. and density figures of urban areas of Tehsll{Dlstrict are worked out using the area figures corrected upto 2 places of decimals obtained by adding the area of towns in the respective units and not using the area figures given in the table. In addition to this the area figures relating to Sq. K.m. are further adjusted to make the Tehsil/District totals tally. 2. The following abbreviation has been used for the Status of a town e. g. (M)= Municipality *Eratirely Rural 42

APPENDIX I TO TABLE A-I Statement showing 1951 territorial IlDits eGllStitoting the present set QP of the district ( Only those names/areas which have u.mlergone changes since 1951, have been shown below) • Details of gain in territories Details of loss in territories

Area Area (+) Gain 1951 Symbol Symbol Net area (-) LoIS District/ Territorial No. Brief Des- Sq. Sq. No. Brief Des­ Sq. Sq. Tehsil Units cription miles Km. cription miles Km. Sq. miles Sq.Km. 2 3 3(a) 4 5 6 6(a) 7 8 9 10

1,214.3 3,145.1 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. DISTRIC'P laisalmer 1 (i) 41 villages aDd 1 ·841.8 2,180.3 2 (I) 43 villages and 3 ·N.A. N.A, District town Pokaran tran- hamlets viz. Akal­ ferred from Phalodi wala, Gulamwala Tehsil of Jodhpur and Maganwala of District former Bap Tehsil transferred to Kola­ yat Tehsil of Bib­ ner District Oi) 17 villages trans- ·372.5 964.8 (ii) 33 villages of *N.A N,A. ferred from Shergarh former Bap Tehsil Tehsil of Jodhpur transferred to Pha.l­ District odi TehsiJ of Jodh­ pur District Nachna Newly constituted N.A. N.A. +N.A. +N.A. Tehsil with the following:- 3 (i) 42 villages trans- M.A. M.A. lerred from formu Bap Tehsil (ii) 4 villages trans- N.A. N.A. ferred from Jaisalmer Tehsil N.A. W.A - N.A. - N,A. Jaisalmer Jaisalmer 4 (i) 9 villages trans· N.A. N.A. Tehsil Tehsil ferred to newly con­ stituted Pokaran Tehsil (ii) 4 villages trans­ N.A. N.A. ferred to newly COD­ atituted Nachna Tehsil (iii) 12 villages tran­ N.A. N.A. sferred to Fatehgarb Tehsil Pokarau Newly constituted N.A. N.A. +N.A. + N.A. Tebsil with the following :- 5 (i) 47 villages and 1 841.8 2.180.3 town Pokaran trans- ferred from Phalodi Tehsil of Jodhpur District Oi) 17 vi11ages trans- 372.5 964,8 ferred from Shergarb Tehsil of Jodhpur District (iii) 9 villages trans- N.A. NA ferred from Jaisal- mer Tehsil (iv) 8 villages trans- N.A. N.A. ferred from Fateh- garh Tebsil Fatehgarb ViDjoria 6 12 villages transf~ N.A. N.A. 7 8 villages trat1sferred N.A. N.A. N.A. Tehsil Tehsil rred from laisalmer to newly constituted Tehsil Pokaran Tehsil

* "The reasoos for the marked difference between 1951 and 1961 arta figurC$ have not fully been assigned!' 43


(List of villages affected in the transfers) Local code Area Loca} code Area in Symbol No. of 1951 Symbol No. of 1951 in Census acrea No. Name of village Census acres No. Name of village 3 4 t 2 3 4 1 2 15 11,196 I(i) 1 Balusingb ki Dhani 34 4,560 17 Sami ki Dhani 2 Bardana 1 960 N.A. 2(i) 1 Akhusar 40 3 Barli @ Bhiniana 35 3,270 N.A. 2 Baju 20 4 Barli Charnana 46 11,880 21 NA. Barli Madan 45 3,840 3 Bangarsar 5 4 Barsalpur 39 N.A. 6 Barthon ka Gaon 42 1,250 19 N.A. Bhakri Sasan 91 22,400 5 Bera Dedavaton 7 6 BadIa 77 N.A. 8 Biliya 18 6,480 50 N.A. 9 Biram Deora 15 5,120 7 Bhation wala N.A. 8 Bhuraj 79 10 Chonchan 9 5,120 44 N.A. II Channi 24 3,200 9 Bhurasar 10 8hikampura 60 N.A. 12 Chhayana 2 21,120 65 N.A. 13 Chok 26 18.560 1 t Bhikandri 12 Charanwala 66 N.A. 14 Dudiya 12 17,280 6 N.A. 15 Ekan 16 9.600 13 Dadu ka Gaon NA. 14,720 14 Dehria 49 16 Gomat ]0 30 N.A. 17 Gudi 32 22,400 15 Gajewala 16 Girandbi 17 N.A. 18 Gular 13 4,480 16 N.A. 19 Jalria 43 20,480 17 Girajsar N.A. lS Godu 28 20 lemala 31 44,160 61 NA. 21 Jhabra 37 10,780 19 Gogdiyala N.A. 25,600 20 Jagasar 5S 22 Kalan 7 41 N.A. 23 Kelawa 19 7,680 21 Kabar wala N.A. 3,400 22 Karnisar 51 24 Khetolai @ Uchapadar ., 8 43 N.A. 24 Lawan 50 27,480 23 Kayam wala 24 Kolasar 63 N.A. 26 Luna Khurd 30 16,640 23 N.A. 27 Madwa 33 1,050 25 Manaksar N.A. 10,240 26 Miran wala 46 28 Maheso ki Dhani 23 25 N.A. 29 Mawa 5 1,760 27 Mithardiya N.A. 1,050 28 Modhyat 24 30 Merwa 41 14 N.A. 31 Modordi 27 20,480 29 Modia 30 Muse wala 47 N.A. 32 Nana Niyai 21 13,520 N.A. 11,520 31 Nagrajsar 18 33 Odaniya 22 15 NA. 34 Padrora 39 3,840 32 Nokbda NA. 18,560 33 Pabusar 62 35 Ramdeora 11 26 NA. 36 Ratariya 36 3,540 34 Phulasar N A. 9,400 35 Punwar wala 22 37 Rathoran 4 29 N.A. 38 Sada 3 8,400 36 Ranjeetpura 3,200 37 Sachu 31 N.A. 39 Sakriya 38 7 NA. 40 Sankra 28 44.160 38 Seora 39 Sem wala 58 NA 41 Sanawara 58 25,149 N.A. ]4 3,560 40 Taori wala 68 42 Samayat 80 N.A. 43 That 20 4,480 41 Puranwala N.A. 1,289 42 Warasar 27 44 Uchpadara 40 54 NA. 45 Ujla 47 7,040 43 Nasuma 3,840 46 Mandla Maika 6 48 N.A. 47 Rayad 49 7,680 1 Akalwala 2 Gulamwala IHamlets ..•• 69 N.A 45 N.A. Pokaran Town 17 2,560 3 Maganwala •• •• 15/9 N.A. 1(ii) 1 Balar 8 ]7,458 2(ii) I Akhadhana 2 Badhaura .. 15/12 N.A . 2 Bandewa 9 15,680 N.A. 12 15,512 3 Baori .• 15/3 3 Bhikorai Juni •. 15/1 N.A. 4 Bhikorai Navi 11 4,672 4 Bap 16,640 5 Bari Sirad •• 16/8 N.A. 5 Dantal 13 15/25 N.A. 6 Dudiya 5 6,336 6 Baru 7 9,472 7 Bhimji ka Gaon 15/8 N.A. 7 Jaloda Bhatiyan .. 15/14 N.A. Il Jalora Pokhanan 6 11,392 8 Bhoja ka Sap N.A. 9 Kajoi 16 3,328 9 Cbayan " 15/24 10 9,832 10 Dedasari •• 15/18 N.A . 10 Kesulaka Pana .. 15/2 N.A. II Khilona 2 ]6,064 11 Gadna 12 Gudha .• 16/9 N.A. 12 Luna Kalan 1 16.769 N.A. J7 2,720 13 Jaimala 15/15 13 Phalsund 16/11 N.A. 14 Phulasar 14 5,976 14 Jodhsingh ki Sirad 4 72,490 15 Kalyansingh ki Sirad 16/12 N.A. 15 Rajmathai 15/21 N.A. 16 Rampura J 2,888 16 Kanasar 44


(List of vilhlges affected in the transfers)

Local code Area Local code Area Symbol No. of 1951 in Symbol No. of 1951 in No. Name of village Census acres No. Name of village Census acres 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

17 Khakhuri 15/19 N.A. 36 Inawala 16/38 N.A. 18 Kherwa 15/13 N.A. 37 Bhesituk 16/42 N.A. 19 Malamsingh ji ki Sirad •• 16/13 N.A. 38 Jarkhadi 16/52 N.A. 20 Manchitiya •• 1515 N.A. 39 Modhio 16/56 N.A. 21 Modkia 15/17 N.A. 40 Narainsar 16/64 N.A. 22 Mondli 16/4 NA. 41 Vixkasar 16/65 N.A. 23 Nayagaon 15/4 N.A. 42 Anayat wala 16/71 N.A. 24 Padamsingh ki Sirad 16/10 N.A. 25 Raneri ]5/20 N.A. 3(ii) 1 Ajasar 24 NA. 26 Raora 15/7 N.A. 1. Askandra 22 N.A. 27 Sanguri J5/1O N,A. 3 Oidhoo 23 N.A. 28 Sanwaragaon 16/5 N.A. 4 Tota 25 N.A. 29 Sekbasar 15/11 N.A. 30 Sihado 15/22 N.A. 4(i) 1 Bhadaria 21 N.A. 31 Tekra Bhari Bbak 15/23 N.A. 2 Oholia 2 N.A. 32 Tepu 15/16 N.A. 3 Eta 32 N.A. 33 Lubhani 15/6 N.A. 4 Keralia 5 N.A. 5 Lathi 1 N.A. 3(i) 1 Akal ka Bera 15/34 N.A. 6 Loharki 20 N.A. 2 Avai 15/38 N.A. 7 Loheta 3 N.A. 3 Bera Oadura 15/30 NA. 8 Nawa Tala 18 N.A. 4 Bhandariya 15/37 NA. 9 Ratan ki Basti 4 N.A. 5 Bharamsar 16/73 NA. 6 Bhera wala 15/28 N.A. 4(ii) As against 3(ii) 7 Bodana 16/74 N.A. 8 Chandesar wala 16/35 N.A. 4(iii)1 Asloi 49 N.A. 9 Chinu 16/76 N.A. 2 Janro 48 N.A. IO Dhaleri 16/2 N.A. :3 Koruwa 46 N.A. H Ghatiyali 15/36 N.A. 4 Kotri 53 N.A. 12 Kampu wala 16/70 N.A. 5 Mada 51 N.A. 13 Khara 16/69 N.A. 6 Narsingh ki Dhani 44 N.A. 14 Kharakhu 16/33 N.A. 7 Sangana 22 N.A. 15 Khariya 15/40 N.A. 8 Sobh 47 N.A. 16 Kheru wala 1/72 N.A. 9 Soda 50 N.A. 17 Madasar 16/75 N.A. 10 Ugawa 32 N.A. 18 Malasar ]5/39 NA. 11 Wadhan 45 N.A. 19 Mohar wala 15/32 N.A. 12 Senang 37 N.A. 20 Nachana 15/26 N.A. 21 Nokh 16/1 N.A. 5(i) As against 1(i) 22 Norang wala 16/34 N.A. 5(ii) Ai against 1 (ii) 23 Panche ka Tala 15/33 N.A. 5(iii) As against 4(i) 24 Panna 16/67 N.A. 25 Sakari 15/27 N.A. S(iv) 1 Betina 15 N.A. 26 Satiyaya 15/35 N.A. 1. Bhesada 13 N.A. 27 Sekhon ka Tala 15/31 N.A. :3 Donara 17 N.A. 28 Tuwero wala 16/53 N.A. 4 Lakhasar 20 N.A. 22 Vitaka Gaon 16/3 N.A. 5 Madasar 21 N.A. 30 Hariyar 15{29 N.A. 6 Nedan 22 N.A. 31 Rohidon wala 15/41 N.A. 7 Ola 38 N.A. 32 Kalron wala 16/32 N.A. 8 Rajgarh 17 N.A. 33 Baradhola 16/33 N.A. 34 Jalu wala 16/36 N.A. 6 As against 4(iii) 35 Kama wala 16/37 N.A. 7 As against S(iv) 45


Villages witb a populatifJn of 5,000 and over and towns witb a population under 5,000 ( Units of territory which have nothing ttJ show for tllis s(afelnent have been excluded)

Villages with a population of 5,000 and over Towns with a population of under 5,000 ---- Percentage to Percentage to total R.ural total Urban Population of Population of District/Tehsil Village Population the district TOWQ Population tbe district 2 3 .. 5 6 7 DISTRICT 5,867 4.63 Pokran Tehail Phalsoond 5,867 4.63

Jais.2 46

APPENDIX III TO TABLE A-I Houseless and Institutional Population

Total-. Houseless Population Institutional Population Rural District/Tehsil Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DISTRICT T 7,103 4,042 3,061 660 658 :2 R 7,101 4,040 3,061 307 307 U :2 :2 353 351 :2 Ramgarh Tehsil* R 5,327 3,032 2,295 68 68 Nachna Tehsil* R 44 32 12 70 70 Jaisalmer Tehsil T 1,244 723 521 374 372 2 R 1.244 723 521 21 21 U 353 351 2 Pokaran Tehsil T 88 51 37 66 66 R 86 49 37 66 66 U 2 2 Sam Tebsil* R 391 198 193 82 82 Fatebgarh Tehsil* R 9 6 3

* Entirely Rural


Percentage De~ade decade District Year Persons variation variation Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 JAISALMER 1901 75,207 40,227 34,980 1911 86,810 + 11,603 + 15.43 47,252 39,558 1921 68.914 17,896 20.62 38,120 30,794 1931 78,287 + 9.373 + 13.60 42,304 35,983 1941 96,506 + 18,219 + 23.27 52,769 43,737 1951 109,114 + 12,608 + 13.06 60,058 49,056 1961 140,338 + 31,224 + 28.62 77,871 62,467 47


Statement showing 1951 population aecording to their territorial jurisdiction in 1951, changes in area and the population involved in those changes Area in 1961 Area in 19S1 19S1 Population Population in .Net increase according to Juris- 1951 adjusted or decrease Sq. Sq. 1961 Sq. Sq. diction prevailing to Jurisdiction between col- District/Tehsil miles Km. Population miles Km. in 1951 of 1961 umns7&8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

DISTRICT· 1 14,994.7 38,836.3 140,338 16,062.0 41,600.6 102,743 109,114 - + 6.371 (-1,067.3) (-2,764.3) (-J-(;,371)

Ramgarh Tehsil 2,800.0 7,252.0 10,489 2,800.0 7,2520 10,760 10,760

Nachoa Tebsil * 2 1,392.5 3.606.6 10,535 .. .. 7,042 8,386 + 1,344 (+1,39i!.5) (+3,606.6) (+1,344)

Jaisalmer Tehsil· 3 3,000.0 7,770.0 28,297 3,620.0 9,375.8 27,897 22,529 + 5.368 (-620.0) (-1,605.8) (-5,368)

Pokrao Tebsil * 4 2,080.2 5,387.7 55,429 38,274 + 38,174 <+2,080.2) <+5,387.7)

Sam TehsiI 4,100.0 10,619.0 15,379 4,100.0 10,619.0 13.482 13.482

Fatehgarh Tehsil * 5 1,622.0 4,201.0 20,209 1,622.0 4,201.0 17.718 15.683 - 2,035 (-2,035)

Note :- (I) The figures given in brackets in columns 5 & 6 represent the difference in area between 1951 & 1961 and the figures in brackets in column 7 show the difference in population between the area as per jurisdiction in 1951 and the present jurisdiction. (2) The area figures shown under columns 2, 3, 5 and 6 relate to area figures supplied by the State Revenue Authorities. *1 (i) The figures against the distt. in cols. 5, 6, 7 & 9 reflect the substraction of former Bap tehsil of this district. (ii) 43 Villages and 3 hamlets viz. Akalwala, Gulamwala and Maganwala (area not available) and population 12,762 of former Bap tehsil of this district transferred to Kolayat tehsil of Bikaner district vide Govt. Notification No. F.2(46) GA(A)/53 dated 31-5-54 and 47 villages and 1 town Pokran of Phalodi tehsil withanarea of 841.8 Sq miles and 17 villages of Shergarh tehsil of Jodhpur district with an area of 372.5 Sq. miles and total population 32,215 transferred to Pokran tehsil of this district. (iii) 33 Villages (area not available) with population of 13,082 of former Bap tehsil of this district transferred to Phalodi tehsil of Jodhpur district. *2 (i) 42 Villages with an area (not available) and population of 7,042 transferred from former Bap tehsil of to this tehsil. (ii) 4 Villages (area not available) and with population of 1.344 transferred from Jaisalmer tehsil of Jaisalmer district to this tehsil. ·3 (i) 9 Villages with an area of (not available) and population 2,832 transferred from this tehsil to newly constituted Pokran tehsil of Jaisalmer· district. (ii) Changes enumerated as against footnote symbol * 2 (ii). (iii) 12 Villages (area not available) and with population of 1.192 transferred to Fatehgarh tehsil of Jaisalmer district from this tehsil. *4 (i) 47 Villages and 1 town Pokran with an area of 841.8 Sq. miles and population 20,672 of Phalodi tehsil of Jodhpur district and 17 Villages with an area of 372.5 Sq. miles of Shergarh tehsil of Jodhpur district with a population of 11,543 transferred to this tehsiI. (ii) Changes enumerated as against footnote symbol *3 (i) and (iii) above. (iii) 8 Villages with an area of (not available) and population 3,227 of Fatehgarh' tehsil of Jaisalmer district transferred it this tehsil. ·5 (i) Changes enumerated as against footnote symbol *3 (iii) Changes eouILeratcd as against footnote symbol *4 (iii) Jais.2-A '48


I-Villages with less Less thaD 200 200-499 Total No. of Total Rural Population Population Population inhabited No. No. District/Tehsi I villages Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

DISTRICT 485 126,692 70,590 56,102 288 13,OM 9,998 132 23,168 18,364

Ramgarh Tehsil 39 J0,489 5,963 4,526 22 1,535 1,153 12 2,139 1,671

Nachna Tehsil 34 10,535 5,757 4,778 18 J,013 803 8 1,383 1,126

Jaisalmer Tehsil 98 19.935 1 ],122 8,813 S9 3,079 2,462 32 5,046 4.019

Pokran Tehsi1 83 50,145 27,574 22,571 22 1,473 1,157 29 5,512 4,524

Sam Tehsil 143 15,379 8,87S 6,504 116 2,857 2,093 23 4,350 3,142

Fatehgarh Tehsi] 88 20,209 1l.299 8,910 51 3,047 2.330 28 4.73R 3,882 49

CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION JII-ViJlages with a Population of 10,000 than 2,000 Population II-Villages with a Population of 2,000-9,999 & above 500-999 1,000-1,999 2,000-4,999 5,000-9,999 10,000 and ~bove Population Population Population Population Population No. No. No. No. No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

49 18,265 14,538 13 9,890 8,009 2 3,028 2,561 1 3,235 2,632

4 1,432 982 1 857 720

6 1,855 1,677 2 1,506 J,172

6 2,213 1,692 1 784 640

21 8,140 6,704 8 6,186 4,993 2 3,028 2,561 3,235 2,632

3 1,111 78S 1 557 484

9 3,514 2,698 50


Percentage Status of Decade decade Districtrrchsil Name of Town Town Year Persons variation variation Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 ALL CLASSES

DISTRICT 1901 14,262 7,0t4 7,168 1911 13,l34 1,018 7.l1 6,530 6,704 1921 9,268 3,966 - 29.97 4,630 4,638 1931 11,636 + 2,368 + 25.55 5,935 5,701 1941 11,668 + 32 + 0.28 6,040 5,628 1951 13,143 + 1,475 + 12.64 7,330 5,813 1961 13,646 + 503 + 3.83 7,281 6,365 V CLASS ( 5,000--9,999 )

DISTRlCJ' 190] ]4,262 7,094 7,168 1911 13,234 1,Q28 7.21 6,530 6,704 1921 1931 7,120 6,114 46.20 3,706 3.414 1941 7,340 + 220 + 3.09 3,891 3.449 1951 13,143 + 5.803 + 79.06 7,330 5,813 1961 13.646 + 503 + 3.83 7,281 6,365

Jaisalmcr Tebsil Jaisalmer (M) 1901 7.137 3,575 3,562 53.12 Sq. miles 1911 7,420 + 283 + 3.97 3,667 3,753 137.58 Sq. Km. 1921 4,835 2,585 34.84 2,433 2,402 1931 7,120 + 2,285 + 47.26 3,706 3,414 1941 7,340 + 220 + 3.09 3,891 3.449 1951 8,026 + 686 + 9.35 4.462 3.~64 1961 8,362 + 336 + 4.19 4,524 3,838

Pokaran Tebsil Pokaran (M) 1 7.125 3,519 3,606 86.43 Sq. miles 1911 5,814 1,311 18.40 2,863 . 2,951 223.85 Sq. Km. 1921 4,433 1,381 23.75 2,197 2,236 1931 4,516 + 83 + 1.87 2,229 2.287 1941 4.328 1118 4·16 2,149 2.179 1951 5.117 + 789 + 18.23 2,868 2,249 1961 5.284 + 167 + 326 2.757 2.527 VI CLASS ( Less than 5,000) DISTRICT 1921 9.268 4,630 4,638 1931 4,516 4,752 51.27 2,229 2,287 1941 4,328 188 4.16 2,149 2,179 1951 1961

Note :- The district totals for each class of town relating to the years 190\ to 195\ do not correspond with the totals that would be arrived at by adding of the population figures of various towns relating to each census year. This is because that tte district figures relating to the past census years also contained the population of those places which were classified as towns in the various censuses. M = Municipality. Sl


(Note on B-Series)

In 1951 Census Reports, the population was Table B-m classified on the concept of 'dependency' which has been changed to that of 'workers' and 'non-workers' at 6. This table has been compiled into two parts. the current Census. The change in the concept will be Part A deals with urban population of the district helpful in finding out the realistic picture of the classified into nine industrial categories of workers economic activity of those important sections of house­ and a separate category of non-workers cross tabula­ hold workers who otherwise have been left out of ted by literacy and various educational levels. Part B account in the past censuses. refers to rural popUlation of the district as well as for each tehsil where educational levels have been confined 2. This series has been divided into two parts viz., only to two categories viz., Prima ry or Junior (i) General Economic Tables and (ii) Household Basic and Matriculation and above. It is an important Economic Tables. table indicating employment of persons of diffe­ rent educational standards amongst the various (i) GENERAL ECONOMIC TABLES categories of workers. The educational qualifications of available man-power can be assessed with the help 3. There are 9 General Economic Tables in this of this table. series. The first 3 tables distribute the working and non-working population by economic activity correlated Table B-IV with sex, age and educational levels. A more elaborate classification of workers by industry according 7. This table has been presented in three parts. to the Standard Industrial Classification is presented Part A deals with the industrial classification of worker in Table B-IV while it has been shown by occupation of persons at work at household industry separately for in Table B-V. Table B-VI provides information total, rural and urban parts of the district, showing about those occupations of National CI assification the figures for divisions and major groups of Indian which attract educated personnel in urban areas. Standard Industrial Classification. Divisionwise figures Another Table B-VII shows the classification of for each tehsil in case of its rural areas are also workers by secondary work and the last two tables shown. distribute the non-workers by sex, age and eight broad classes according to the activities pursued 8. Part B of this table provides the data regarding by them. imlustrial classification by sex and class of worker of persons at work in non-household industry, trade, Table B-1 business, profession or service for total and urban areas of the district by divisions and major groups. 4. This is a basic economic table prepared on the basis of Primary Census Abstract. In this table the 9. In Part C of this table the data has been fur­ population has been divided into nine industrial catego­ nished for industrial classification by sex and divisions, ries of workers based on Indian Standard Industrial major and minor groups of persons at work other Classification and a separate category of non-workers than cultivation for total and urban areas of the (detailed classification of which are available in Table district. Such data for rural part of each tehsil is also B-IX in Part II-B (ii) of State Census Report) further presented in the supplementry table to B-IV Part-C classified into sex and broad age-groups viz. 0-14, 15-34, by divisions only. 35-59 and 60 +. The classification of workers and 10. This table is quite important as it furnishes non-workers by specific age-groups, is a special feature employment position in respect of various sectors of of 1961 Census. The age-groups correspond to the economy not only indicating the class of the workers different stages of life which have special significance l1iz., employer, employee, single worker, family worker with reference to capacity to work viz., children, young but also by different branches of industry according to persons, middle aged and elderly persons. Detailed divisions and major groups is Parts A and B and also classification of non-workers is, however, given in by minor groups of Indian Standard Industrial Classifi­ Table B-IX. cation in Part C. 5. This table presents data separately for total, rural 11. As the information included in Pa rt C of this and urban popUlation of the district while those table is quite voluminous, the minor groups having for tehsils for rural areas only. Another Table B-Il figures less than 1% of the total workers of the respec­ showing such information for each town is not repro­ tive division (less than 0.5% in case of division 2&3) duced in this book and has been given in Part H-B (i) of have been excluded and relegated to the A ppendix atta­ State Cens\ls Report. ched to this part of the table. 52

12. The Standard Industrial Classification, repro­ 17. In case a worker is engaged in two or more duced as an appendix at the end of note on this series kind~ of work, the work cons~ming. th~ larger portion describes in detail the various codes used for divisions, of hme has b~en treated hiS prIncipal work while major and minor groups. another consumIng larger portion of his time considered his secondary work. Table B-V 18. Part B of this table presents the industrial 13. This is a new table and has been compiled for aIassiflcation by sex of persons working in non-house­ total and urban population by sex in order to provide hold industry, trade, business, profession or service who information regarding occupational classification in the are also engaged in household industry. Such data has district engaged in production other than cultivation, been presented in this part of the table by principal further classified into divisions and groups on the basis work and additional work based on divisions and major of the National Classification of Occupations. Under groups for the district as a whole while it has been shown each grouP the detailed occupational families are shown. by divisions only in case of each tehsil for its rural areas. Families having less than 1% of workers of the respec­ tive division (less than 0.5% in case of families under division 7-8) are not given in this table but are shown Table B-VIII in an appendix. attach~d at .the en~ of this table .. A fly leaf showing appropnate Industnal category lS also 19. This is a new table prepared for the first time given in place of industrial category appearing in the in the current Census. This table presents the distribu­ table dud to insufficient description given in the enume­ tion of un~mployed persons aged 15 and above by sex ration slip for industry or coding mistake. The occupa­ and educatIOnal levels. It bas been compiled into two tional classification of persons engaged in non-agricultural parts. Pa~t ~ relates to urban areas and is presented pursui,s has been further detailed according to various for the dIstnct as a whole. Part B relates to rural areas categories of workers. The categories of workers are and is presented upto tehsil level. same as adopted for Primary Census Abstract. 20. The num ber of unemployed in Part A of this 14. In this table cross tabulation of industry table have been further split up by (i) persons seeking and occupation has been made for the first time employment for the first time and (ij) persons employed while s~ch information was combined in the previous before but now .out of employment and seeking work. censuseS. The age-groups III the first case are 15-19,20-24 25-29 30-34 and 35+ which are modified in the second case a~ Table B-VI 15-19, 20-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-59 and 60+.

IS. This is a new table prepared for the first time 21. The break-up of educational levels is much in 1961 Census and provides information about those elaborate in Part A which is the same as given in Table occupations which attract educated personnel. It has been prepared only for urban areas of the district B-III Part A while such educational levels are confined only to (i) Primary or Junior Basic and (ii) Matricula­ upto divisional level of the National Classification of tion and above, in Part B of this Table. Occupations. The workers under each occlapaticnal division have been classified by broad age-groups viz., Table 8-1X 0-14, 15-34, 35·59 and 60 and above. The age-groups have been further classified according to edtlcational levels as adopted in Economic Table B-Ill Part A. However, 22. This table presents the distribution of non­ the figures for total workers under each occupational working population by broad age-groups and eight division have been provided for total only and not for classes of non-workers based on the recommendation of thli United Nations Organisation. In this table data has different age-groups. It may be noted ~hat total work­ ers for each occupational division in this table corres­ been shown for total, rural and urban areas of the ponds to the total workers of urban areas in Table B-Y. district separately and upto tehsil level for rural areas only. Such information on the non-working population Table B-VII had never been compiled before. 16. This table has been compiled into two parts. (ii) HOUSEHOLD ECONOMIC TABLES Part A presents persons working principally (i) as cultivators (ii) as agricultural labourers or (iii) at 23. There are 8 Household Economic Tables in this household industry classified by sex and by the nature ,eries compiled in the current Census which is a first of their secondary work (0 at household industry (ii) attempt for collecting economic data On the basis of as cultivator or (iii) as agricultural labourer. Such data households in addition to what is collected for each has been presented in this part by divisions and major individual. In a predominantly agricultural State Where groups separately for the total, rural and urban parts most of the population is in rural areas and where of the district and by divisions only in case of rural much of the goods produced are consumed by the part of each tehsil. population itself, collection of information purely on the 53 basis of individuals tends to go slightly out of focus (b) entirely held from private persons or unless such information is supplemented by information institutions for payment in money, kind on economic activities of the household as an entity. A or share, and decision was, therefore, taken that the information rela­ ting to the economIc activities of the majority of house­ (c) partly held from Government and partly holds viz., cultivation activities and .household industry from private persons for payment in should be collected at the current Census. money, kind or share.

24. A household Schedule was used at the Census 30. Abbreviations (a), (b) and (c) have been used 1961 for this purpose. In the Part I of this Schedule, in place of legends for interest in land cultivated under information on the extent of land cultivated by the column 1 of the table and the same have been spelt household, either owned or held from Government or held out at the bottom of the table. from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or share, and extent of land given to Table B-XII private persons for cultivation for payment in money, kind or share was collected. Besides, nature of souse­ 31. In this table the data has been shown for the hold industry conducted by the household and the district total, rural and urban areas separately and duration of the industry in a year a10ngwith Plumber of also up to tehsil level for rural areas only. The table family workers and hired workers engaged in cultivation will facilitate a further study of households which are or household industry or in both was also collected. engaged only in cultivation, as each household having a particular size of holding mentioned in Table B-XI 25. All these tables have been prepared on the has been crolis tabulated with reference to the number basis of 20% sample of households. of persons working in cultivation. The holding has been grouped into the following size ranges ( in Table B-X acres); less than 1, 1.0-2.4, 2.5-4.9, 5.0-7.4, 7.5-9.9. 10.0-12.4, 12.5-14.9, 15.0-29.9, 30.0-49.9 and 50+ and 26. This table is prepared on a 20% sample of \HlsplCified. households and is presented for the district total, rural and urban areas separately and upto tehsil level for 32. In case of household where more than one rural areas only. The sample households have b.oen person is working, the number of family workers and classified into four categories viz., (i) households engaged hired workers have been separated. Family workers have neither in Cultivation nor Household Industry, (ii) house­ also been separately tabulated by sex. holds engaged in Cultivation only, (iii) households engaged in Household Industry only and (iv) households engaged Table B-XIII both in Cultivation and Household Industry. Thus, the table divides all the households in three important sectors 33. This table is presented separately for rural and of economic activity. urban areas of the district. The table shows the distri­ bution of sample households engaged both in Cultivation 27. Cultivation includes ownership, tenancy cu1tiva­ and Household Industry classified by size of land til)n and agricultural labour. The Household Industry cultivated and by size of Household Industry. The rdu les to production, processing, servicing or repairing Household Industries have been classified according to and includes making and selling of goods. the code numbers of divisions 0, 1, 2 & 3 and their major groups of Indian Standard Industrial Classification Table B-Xl (for detailed delicription see Appendix at the end of the note on this series). It throws light on Household 28. This table presents data for the district total, Industries which are carried on as an ancillary to culti­ rural and urban areas separately and upto tehsil level vation in different parts of the district. for rural areas only. In this table a more detailed examination of the cultivating households, which have :rll'ble B-XIV been separated in the previous table, has been made. Such households have been classified according to the size 34. In this table the data has been presented for the of i

29. The interest in land cultivated has geen classi­ Part A:-It relates to households classified by major fied into the following three categories :- groups of principal Household Industry and number of l'ersons engaged in each, grouped under 1, 2, 3-5, 6-10 (a) entirely owned or held from GovernRlent, and more tban 10 persons. The Household Industries Jais. 3 54 have been classified according to the code number of year and under each category number of households divisions 0, I, 2 & 3 and their major groups of Indian number of family workers and number of hired workers Standard Industrial Classification (for detailed description are given. This table thus, furnishes important data of code numbers see Appendix at the end of the note on the seasonality of various household industries and on this series). yields inferences on the seasonality of Household Indus­ try wkh seasonality of Cultivation. Part B:-It relates to households classified by minor groups of principal Household Industry. In cases where 37. The major groups of Household Industry having there are more than one Household Industry under a less than 10% of the figures of the respective division minor group, sub-minor group numbers in four digits which have been omitted from the table are shown in have been given. the Appendix at the end of the table. For detailed description of divisions and major groups of Household Table B·XV Industry see Appendix at the end of the note on this set:'ies. 35. This table has been prepared for households engaged both in Cultivation and Household Industry. TabJe B-XVII The data has been shown separately for total, rural and urban areas of the district. Tehsilwise break-ups for 38. The data in this table has been presented sepa­ rural areas only could not be given here due to short rately for the district total, rural and urban areas. The of space, however, the same is available in Part III of family sizes of sample households have been classified State Census Report. In this table, an analysis has been according to single member, 2-3 members, 4-6 members, made of persons working in these households with 7-9 members and to members and over. It may be reference to size of holding. In cases where more than noted that although the 'Census Household' is not exactly one person is employed, the number of family workers the same as

APPENDIX STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION Major Minor Major Minor Group Group Group Group (Code) Description (CodeJ (Code) Description (Code) 2 3 1 2 3 Division V-Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting

00 Field Produce and Plantation Crops 02 Forestry and Loggint-OODcld. Production of cereal crops (including Bengal Ptoduction of gums, resins. lae. barks, herbs. gram) such as rice. wheat, jowar, bajra maize 000 wildfruits and leaves by the exploitation of forests •. •• .• •. 025 Production of pulses. such as arhar. moong. masur, urd. khesari, other gram 001 Production and gathering of other forest pro­ ducts not covered above 026 Production of raw jute and kindred fibre crops 002 03 Fishing Production of raw cotton and kindred Production of fish by timing in sea •• 030 fibre crops 003 Production of fish by fishing in inland waters Production of oilseeds, sugarcane and other including the operation of fish farms and cash crops 004 fish hatcheries OJI Production of other crops (including vegeta·b· Production of pearls. conch. shells, sponges les) not covered above 005 by gathering or lifting from sea, river, pond 032 Production of fruits and nuts in plantation, 04 Livestock and Hunting vines and orchards 006 Ptoduction and rearing of livestock (large Production of wood, bamboo, cane reeds, heads only) mainly for milk and animal thatching grass. etc. 007 power such as cow, buffalo, goat 040 Production of juice by tapping palms 008 Rearing of sheep and production of wool 041 Production of other agricultural produce (in­ Rearing and production of other animals cluding fruits and nuts not covered by code (mainly fOl' slaughter) such as pig .. 042 number 006 and flowers) not covered above 009 Production of ducks, hens and other small 01 Plantation Crops birds. eggs by rearing and poultry farming 043 Production of tea in plantation 010 Rearing of bees for the production of honey, wax and collection of honey • . . . 044 Production of coffee in plantation 011 Rearing of silk worm and production of Production of rubber in plantation Ot2 cocoons and raw silk 045 Production of tobacco in plantation 013 Rearing of other small animals and insects 046 Production of ganja, cinchona, opium 014 Trapping of animals or games propagation 047 Production of other p1antation crops not covered above 015 Production of other animal husbandry prod- !Jcts such as skin. bone, ivory and teeth 048 02 Forestry and LOflging Division I-Mining and Quarrying Plantmg replantmg and conservation of for­ e<;ts 020 JO Mining and Quarrying Felling and cutting of trees and transporta- Mining of coal 100 tion of logs 021 Mining of iron ores 101 Preparation of timber. . 022 Mining of gold and silver ores 102 Production of fuel including ~harcoal byex- ploitation of forest U23 Mining of manganese 103 Production of fodder by exploitation of forests 024 Mining of mica 104

Jais.3-A APPENDIX-Contd. Major Minor Major Minor Group Group Group Group (Code) Description (Code) (Code) DescriptioD (Code) I 2 3 1 2 3

Division l-Mi"ing and QUQ"YinMoncld. 21 Beverages-concld.

10 Mining and Quarrying-concld. Production of aerated and mineral water •• 214 Mining of other Don-ferrous metallic ores lOS Production of ice 21S Mining of crude petroleum and natural gas 106 Production of ice cream 216 Quarrying of stone (including slate), clay. sand, Processing of tea in factories 217 gravel, limestone 101 Processing of coffee in curing works 218 Mining of chemical earth such as soda ash •• 108 Production of other beverages 219 Mining and quarrying of non-metallic produ­ cts not classified above such as precious and 22 Tobocco Products semi-precious stones, asbestos, gypsum, sulphUr, asphalt 109 Manufacture of bidi 220 Division 2&J-ManuJactllring Manufacture of cigars and cheroots 221 20 Foodstuffs Manufacture of cigarette and cigarette toba­ cco .• 222 Production of rice, atta, flour etc. by mining dehusking and processing of crops and food Manufacture of hookah tobacco 223 grains .. zoo Manufacture of snuff 224 Production of sugar and syrup from sugar­ 201 Manufacture of jerda and other chewing cane in mills .• tobacco 225 PrOduction of indigenous sugar, gur from Manufacture of other tobacco products 226 sugar cane or palm juice and production of candy .. 202 23 Textile-Cotton Production of fruit products such as jam, jelly. sauce and canning and preservation of fruits 203 Cotton ginning, cleaning, pressing and baling 230 Slaughtering, preservation of meat and fish Cotton spinning (other than in mills) 231 and canning of fish 204 Cotton spinning and weaving in mills 232 Production of bread, biscuits, cake and other Cotton dyeing, bleaching bakery products 20S 233 Cotton weaving in powerlooms 234 Production of butter, ghee, cheese and other dairy products .. 206 Cotton weaving in handlooms 235 Production of edible fats and oils (other than Manufacturing of khadi textile in hand looms 236 hydrogenated oil) 207 Printing of cotton textile 237 Production of hydrogenated oils (Vanaspali) 208 Manufacturing of cotton nets 238 Production of other food products such as Manufacturing of cotton, cordage, rope and sweetmeat and condiments, muri, murki, twine 239 chira, khoi. cocoa, chocolate, toffee, lozenge 209 24 Textile-Jute 2] Beverages Jute pressing and baling 240 Production of distilled spirits, wines. liquor from alcoholic malt, fruits and malts in Jute spinning and weaving 241 distillery and brewery 210 Dyeing and bleaching of jute 242 Production of country liquor 211 Printing of jute textile .. Production of indigenous liquor such as toddy, 243 liquor from mabua, palm juice 212 Manufacture of other products like rope, cordage from jute and similar fibre such as Production of other liquors not covered above 213 hemp, mesta .• 244 57

APPENDJ.X-Contd. Major Minor Major Minor Group Group Group Group (Code) Description (Code) (Code) Description (Code) 1 2 3 1 2 3

25 Textile-Wool 28 Manufacture of Wood and Wooden Products-condd. Wool baling and pressing 250 Manufacture of structural wooden goods (incl- uding treated, timber) such as beams, posts Wool cleaning and processing (scouring) 251 doors, windows 282 Wool spinning and weaving in mill 252 Manufacture of wooden industrial goods other than transport equipment such as bobbin and Woo) spinning other than in mills 253 similar equipment and fixtures .. 283 Wool weaving in powerloom 254 Manufacture of otber wooden products such as utensils, toys, artwares 284 Wool weaving in handloom 255 Manufacture of veneer and plywood 28S Embroidery and art work in woollen textile .• 256 Manufacture of plywood products such as tea chest 286 26 Textile-Silk Manufacture of boxes and packing cases other Spinning and weaving of silk textile in mill 260 than plywood 287 Dyeing and bleaching of silk 261 Manufacture of materials from cork, bamboo, Spinning of silk other than in mills 262 cane, leaves and other allied products .' 288 Weaving of silk textile by powerloom 263 Manufacture of other wood and allied products not covered above .• 289 Weaving of silk textile by handloom 264 Printing of silk textile 265 29 Paper and Paper Products Manufacture of pulp from wood, rags, waste Manufacture of silk cordage, rope and twine 266 paper and other fibres and the conversion of such pulp into any kind of paper and paper 27 Textile-Miscellaneous board in mill 290 Manufacture of carpet and all other similar type of textile products 270 Manufacture of pulp from wood, rags, waste­ paper and other fibres and the conversion of such pulp into any kind of paper and paper Manufacture of hosiery and other knitted board handmade .. 291 fabrics and garments .. 271 Embroidery and making of crepe lace and fringes 272 Manufacture of products, such a~ paper bags, boxes, cards, envelopes and moulded pulp goods from paper, paper board and pulp 292 Making of textile garments including raincoats and headgear 273 30 Printing and Publishing Manufacture of made up textile goods except wearing apparel such as curtains, pillow cases, Printing and publishing of newspapers and peri- bedding materials, mattres, textile bags •• 274 odicals 300

Manufacture of waterproof textile products Printing and publishing of books .. 301 such as oil cloth, tarpaulin 275 All other types of printing including lithography, Manufacture and recovery of all types of fibres engravlDg, etching, block making and other for pu rlloses of padding, wadding and upho- work connected with printing industry .. 302 lstery filling • • • • . • • • 276 All types of binding, stitching, sizing and other Manufacture of coir and coir products 277 allied work connected with binding industry 303

Manufacture of umbrellas .. 278 3t Leather and Leather Products Processing and manufacture of textile products Currying, tanning and finishing of hides and not covered above 279 skins and preparation of finished leather •• 310 28 Manufacture of Wood and Wooden Products Manufacture of shoes and other leather foot­ wear ., 311 Sawing and planing of wood 280 Manufacture of clothing aoel wearing apparel Manufacture of woodell furniture and fixtures 281 (except footwear) made of leather and fur 312 58

APPENDIX-Contd. Major Minor Major Minor Group Group Group Group (Code) Description (Code) (Code) Description (Code) 1 2 3 1 2 3

~1 Leather and Leather Prodrtcl8-eOflCld. 34 NtHI-metallic Mineral Products other than Petroleum anti Coal Manufacture ofleather products (except those covered by code Nos. 311, 312), such as Manufacture of structural clay products such leather upholstery. suitcases, pocket books, as blicks. tiles • • • • • • 340 cigarette and key cases, purses, saddlery, whip and other articles •• 3J3 Manufacture of Cement aJld cement products 341 R.epair of shoes aDd other leather footwear 314 Manufacture of lime 342 Repair of all other leather products ex.cept Manufacture of structural stone goods, stone footwear •• •• •• •• 315 dressing and stone crushing 343 32 Rubber, Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacture of stonewares, other than images 344 Manufacture of tyres and tubes 320 Manufacture of stone images 34S Manufacture of rubber footwear 321 Manufacture of plaster of paris and its products 346 Manufacture of rubber goods used for Manufacture of asbestos products 347 industrial purpose •• 322 Manufacture of mica products 348 Manufacture of all kinds of other rubber products from natural or synthetic rubber 35 Manufacture of earthenware and earthen including rubber raincoat .. 323 pottery 350 Productions of petroleam, kerosene and Manufacturc of chinaware and crockery 3S1 other petroleum products in petroleum refineries ...... • 324 Manufacture of porcelain and its products 352 Production of coaItar and coke in cole oven 325 Manufacture ef glass bangles and beads 353

Manufacture of other coal and roahar Manufacture of glass apparatus 354 products not covered elsewhere 316 Manufacture of earthen image, busts and 33 Chemicals and Chemical Products statues 355 Manufacture of basic industria1 chemicals Manufacture of earthen toys and artwares such as acids, alkalis and their salts not except those coverd by cede No. 355 356 elsewhere specified 330 Manufacture of glass and glass products Manufacture of dyes. paints. colours and except optical and photographic lenses and varnishes 331 glass products covered above . . 357 Manufacture ef fertilizers 332 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products not elsewhere speclfied 359 Manufacture of ammunition, explosives and fire works 333 36 Basic Metals and their Products excepl Mac- hinery and Transport Equipment Manufacture of matches 334 Manufacture of iron and s eel including smel- Manufacture of medicines, pharmacc1ltica I ting, refining, rolling, ct>nversion mto basic preparations, perfumes. cosmetics and other forms such as billets, blooms, tubes, rods 360 toilet preparations except soap 335 Manufacture including smelting, refining of Manufacture ef soap and other washmg non-ferrous metals and alloys in basic forms 361 and cleaning compounds .. 336 Manufacture of armaments 362 Manufacture of turpentine, synthetic, resin and plastic products and materials (including Manufacture of structural steel products synthetic rubber) . . . . • . • . 337 such as joist, rail. loheet, plate .. 363 Manufacture ef common salt 338 Manufacture of iron and steel furniture 364 Manufacture of other chemicals and chemical Manufacture of brass and bell metal products 365 products not covered above (including inedible oils and fats) 339 Manufacture of aluminium products 366 S9

APPENDIX-Con/d. Major MinOl' Major Minor Group Grpup Group Group (Code) Description (Coe1e) (i!ode) Description (Code) 1 2 3 2 3 36 Basic Metals and their Products except Mac­ 38 Transport Equ;pment-concld. hinery and Transport EqUipment-concld. Manufacture of bicycles and tricycles and Manufacture of metal products (other than accessories such as saddle, seat frame, gear 385 of iron brass, bell metal and aluminium) Building and repairing of water transport such as tin can 367 equipment such as ships, boats and manu­ facture of marine engines 386 Enamelling, galvanising, plating (including electroplating) polishing and -welding of Manufacture and repair of air transport eq­ metal products 368 uipment including aeroplanes, aeroengines 387 Manufacture of sundry hardwares such as Repairing of bicycles and tricycles 388 G.1_ pipe, wire net, bolt, screw. bucket, cu­ Manufacture of other transport equipment tlery (This will also include the manufacture not covered above such as animal drawn of sundry ferrous engineering products done and hand drawn vehicles by jobbing engi.neering concerns which can 389 not be classified in major groups 36, 37, 38 39 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries and 39) 369 Manufacture of optica1 instruments and len­ 37 Machinery ( All kinds other than Transport) ses, opthalmic goods and photographic and Electrical Equipment equipment and supplies 390 Manufacture and assembling of machinery Manufacture of scientific, medical and surgi­ (other than electrical) except textile mach­ cal instruments and equipment and supplies 391 inery 370 Assembling and repairing of watches and Manufacture and assembling of prime mover clocks 392 and boilers, other than electrical equipment, such as diesel engines, road rollers, tractors Manufacture of jewellery, silverware and 371 wares using gold and other precious metals 393 Manufacture of machine tools 312 Manufacture and tuning of musical instru­ ments 394 Manufacture of textile mechinery and acc­ essories 373 Manufacture of stationery articles not cov­ ered elsewhere such as pencil, penholder, Manufacture of heavy electrical machin~ fountainpen 395 and equipment such as motors. generators, transformers 374 Manufacture of sports goods 396 Manufacture and repair work of goods not Manufacture of electric lamps and fans .. 375 assignable to any other group 399 Manufacture of insulated wires aod cables 376 Division 4-Construction Manufacture of all kinds of battery 377 40 Construction Manufacture of electronic equipment such Contruction and maintenance of buildings as radio, microphone .. 378 including erection, flooring, decorative constructions, electrical & sanitary install­ Manufacture of electric maChinery and app­ ations 400 aratus, appliances not specified aboye 379 Coostruction and maintenance of roads, 38 Transport Equipment railways, bridges, tunnels 401 Manufacture, assembly and repairing of Construction and maintenance of telegraph locomotives 380 and telephone lines 402 Manufacture of wagons, coaches, tramways Construction and maintenance of water ways and other rail road equipment other than and water reservoirs such as bund, embank­ that covered by code No. 363 381 ments, dam, canal, tank, tubewells. wells 403 Manufacture and assembling of motor vehic­ Division 5-Electricity, Gas, Water and les of all types (excepting motor engines) 382 Savitary Services Manufacture of motor vehicles engines parts S8 Electricity and Gas and accessories 383 Generation and transmission electric Repairing and servicing of motor vehicles 384 energy 60

APPENDIX-Contd. Malor Minor Majo,r Minor Group Group Group Group (Code) Description (Code) (Code) Description (Code)

2 ~ 1 2 3

50 Electricity ond Gas-concld. Wholesale Trade-concld. Distribution of electric energy 501 Wholesale trading in tyres, tubes and allied rubber products 616 Manufacture of gas in gas works and dis­ tribution to domestic and industrial con­ Wholesale trading in petrol, mobil oil and sumers 502 allied products 617 51 Water Supply and Sanitary Services Wholesale trading in other household equipment not covered above 618 Collection, purification and distribution of water to

61 Wholesale trading in medicines and chemi~ 64 Re tail Trade cals 610 Retail trading in cereals, pulses, vegetables, Wholesale trading in fuel and lighting pro­ fruits, sugar, spices, oil, fish, dairy produc­ ducts such as coke, coal, kerosene, candle 611 cts, eggs, poultry 640 Retail trading in beverages sqch as tea (leaf). Wholesale trading in toilets, perfumery and coffee (Seed and powder); aerated water •. 641 cosmetics .• 612 Retail trading in intoxicants such as wines, Wholesale trading in metal, porcelain and liquors 642 glass utensils, crockery, chinaware 613 Retail trading in other intoxicants such as Wholesale trading in wooden, steel and opium, gallja etc. 643 other metallic furniture and fittings ~14 Retail trading in tobacco, bidi, cigarettes and Wbolesale trading in footwear 615 other tobacco producJs 644 61

APPENDIX-Contd. Major Minor Major Minor Group Group Group Group (Code) Description (Code) (Code) Description (Code) 1 2 3 1 2 3

Retail Trade--concld. Retail Trade-concld. Retail trading in fuel such as coke, coal, fire­ Retail trading in clock and watcb, eye glass, wood and kerosene 64S frame .• 684 Retail trading in food stuffs like sweetmeat Retail trading in scientific, medical and condiments, cakes, biscuits, etc. 646 surgical instruments 68S Retail trading in animals 647 Retail trading in precious stones and jewellery ~86 Retail trading in straw and fodder 648 Retail trading, in musical instruments, gramo­ 65 Retail trading in fi~res, yams, dhoti, saree, phone record, pictures and paintings inclu­ readymade garments of cotton, wool, silk ding curio dealing • • • • • • 687 and other textiles and hosiery products, (this includes retail trading in piecegoods Book-selliBg 6S8 of cotton, wool, silk and other textiles) •• 650 Retail trading in toilet goods, perfumes and Retail trading io goods unspecified 689 cosmetics 651 Retail trading in medicines and chemicals •• 652 ,69 Trade and Commerce Miscellaneous Retail trading in footwear, head-gear such Importing and exporting of goods and as hat, umbrella, shoes and cbappals 653 commodities 690 Real estate and properties 691 Retail trading in tyres, tubes and allied rubber products 654 Stocks, shares and futures 692 Retail trading in petrol, mobiloil and allied Providents and insurances 693 products 6SS Money lending (indigenous) 694 66 Retail trading in wooden, steel and other metallic furniture and fittings 660 Banking and similar type of financial operation 695 Retail trading in stationery goods and paper 661 Auctioneering 696 Retail trading in metal, porcelain and glass utensils 662 Dtstribution of motion pictures 697 Retail trading in earthenware and earthen All other activities connected with trade and toys 663 commerce not covered above, including biring out of durable goods such as electric Retail trading in other housebold equipment fan, microphone, rickshaw, etc. 699 not covered above 664 67 Retail trading in bricks, tiles and other Division 7-Transport, Storage and Communication building materials 670 70 Transport Retail trading in hardware and sanitary Transporting by railways •• 700 equipment 671 Transporting by tramway and bus service 70J Retail trading in wood, bamboo cane, bark and thlltches 672 Transporting by motor vehicles (other than omnibus) 702 Retail trading in other building materials •• 673 Transporting by road through other means of 68 Retail trading in agricultural and industrial tran!'port such as hackney carriage, bullock­ machinery equipment, tools and appliances 680 cart, ekka 703 Retail trading in transport and storage Animal transporting by animals such as horses, equipments 681 elephant, mule, camel •• 704 Retail trading in electrical goods like elec­ Transporting by man such as carrying of lugg­ tric fan, bulb, etc. 682 age, handcart driving, rickshaw pulling, cycle rickshaw driving 70S Retail trading in skins, leather and furs and their products excluding footwear and Transporting by boat. steamer, ferry. etc. by headgear 683 river canal 706 62

APPENDIX--contd. Major Minor Major Minor Group Group Group Group (Code) Description (Code) (Code) Description (Code) 1 2 3 2 3

70 Transporl-concld. 81 Educational and Scientific Services-coneld. Transporting by boat, steamer, ship, cargo boat Scientific services and research institutions by sea or ocean 707 not capable of classification under any in­ dividual group .• 812 Transporting by air 708 Transporting by other means not covered 82 Medical and Health Services above .. 709 Public health and medical services rendered 71 Services incidental to transport such as packing, by organisations and individuals such as by carting travel agency 710 hospitals, sanatoria, nursing homes, mater­ nity and child welfare clinic as also by hakimi, 72 Storage and Ware Housing unani, ayurvedic, allopathic and homeopathic practitioners 820 Operation of storage such as ware-houses 720 Operation of storage such as cold storage 721 Veterinary services rendered by organisations and individuals .. 821 Operation of storage of other type 722 83 Religious and Welfare Services 73 Communication Religious services rendered by religious orga­ Postal, telegraphic, wireless and signal comm- nisations and their establishments maintain­ unications 730 ed for worship or promotion of religious, activities, this includes missions, a!'hrams Telephone communication 731 and other allied organisations 830 Information and broadcasting 732 Religious and allied services rendered by Division 8-Services pandit, priest, preceptor, fakir, monk 831 80 Public Sprvices (This does not include Govt , Quasi·Govt. or local body activities, other Welfare services rendered by organisations than administrative, in such fields as transport, operating on a non-profit basis for the communication, information and broad­ promotIon of welfare of the community such casting, education and scientific services, as relief societies, red-cross organisation for health. industries, production, construction, the collection and allocation of contributions marketing and operation of financial instit­ for charity 832 ution each of which is classiried in the appropriate industry groups) 84 Legal Services

Public Services in Union and State army inclu- Legal services rendered by barrister, advocate, ding territorial corps and volunteer corps 800 solicitor, mukteer, pleader, mukurie, munshi 840 Public service in Navy 801 Matrimonial services rendered by organisa­ Public service in Air Force 802 tions and individuals 841

Public service in Police 803 85 Business Services Public service in administrative departments and offices of Central Government 804 Engineering services rendered by professional organisations or individuals 850 Public service in administrative departments and offices of quasi-government organisation, municipalities, local boards, etc. .. 80S Business services rendered by organisations of accountants, auditors, book-keepers or Public ~ervices in administrative departments like individuals 8S1 ar,d offices of State Governments 809 Business services rendered by professional 81 Educational and Scientiftc Services organisations or in(lividuals FUch as those 852 Educational services such as those rendered of advertisina and pubhcity agencies by technical colleges, technical schools and similar technical and vocational institutions 810 Bu"iness services rendered by professional organisations or individuals such as of those Educational services such as those rendered rendered by news-agency, newspaper corres­ b~ colleges, schools and similar other insti­ pondent, columnist, journalists, editors, tutions of non-technical type 811 authors 853 63

APPENDIX-Concld. Major Minor Major Migor Group Group Group Group (Code) Description (Code) (Code) Description (Code) 2 3 1 2 3

86 Community Services and Trade and Labour 88 Personal Services---concld. Associations Services rendered to households such as those Services rendered by trade associations, by governess, tutor, private secretary 881 chambers of commerce, trade unions and similar other organisations 860 Services rendered by hotels, boarding houses. eating houses, cafes, restaurants and similar other organisations to provide lodging alld Services rendered by civic, social, cultural, 882 political and fraternal organisations such as boarding facilities rate payers association, club, library 861 Laundry services rendered by organisations Community services such as those rendered and individuals, this includes all types of by public libraries, museums, botanical and cleaning, dyeing bleaching, dry cleaning, zoological gardens etc. 862 services 883 87 Recreation Services Hair dresSing, other services rendered by organisation and individuals, such as those by Production of motion picture and allied barber, hairdressing saloon and beauty shops 884 services such as processing editing, etc. • • 870 Services rendered by portrait and commercial Recreation services rendered by cinema houses photographic studios 885 by exhibition of motion pictures .• • • 871 89 Services (not elsewhere classi,fted) Recreation services rendered by organisations and mdividuals such as those of theatres, Services rendered by organisations or indivi­ opera companies, ballet and dancing parties, duals not elsewhere classified 890 musicians, exhibitions, circus, carnivals 872 Division 9-Activities not adequately descr/~d Recreation services rendered by indoor and outdoor sports by organisations and indivi­ 90 Activities unspecified and not adequately duals including horse, motor, etc, racing •• 873 described including activities of such indivi­ duals who fail to provide sufficient informa­ 88 Personal Services tion about their industrial affiliation to enable them to be classified Services rendered to households such as those by domestic servants. cooks &80 Fresh entrants to the Labour Market 999 M


WORKERS I II III In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, As Plantations, As Agricultural Orchards and Total Total population Total workers Cultivator Labourer Allied activities Rural Age- »istrict/Tehsil Urban group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DISTRICT Total Total 140,338 77,871 62,467 48,961 19,175 24,094 10,650 197 153 6,569 1.892 0-14 58,418 32,225 26,193 6,072 2,209 2,580 1,326 39 15 1,441 296 15-34 47,924 26,473 21,451 25,310 10,590 12,265 5,950 106 94 3,148 967 35-59 26,791 15,281 11,510 14,824 5,733 7,661 3,033 43 40 1,582 S58 60+ 7,151 3,846 3,305 2,745 638 1,583 337 9 4 395 71 Age not 54 46 8 10 5 5 4 3 Slated

Rural Total 126,692 70,590 56,102 45,194 18,752 2.'3,880 10,503 191 151 6,448 1,870 0-14 52,786 29,242 23,544 5,968 2,175 2,557 1,302 36 14 1,426 296 15-34 43,229 23,978 19,251 23,144 10,372 12,169 5,874 106 93 3,088 956 35-59 24,084 13,763 10,321 13,458 5,589 7,591 2,993 41 40 1,546 551 60+ 6,539 3,561 2,978 2,614 611 1,558 330 8 4 385 67 Age not 54 46 8 10 5 5 4 3 stated

Urban Total 13,646 7,281 ',365 3,767 423 214 147 6 2 121 22 0-14 5,632 2,983 2,649 104 34 23 24 3 1 ]5 15-34 4,695 2,495 2.200 2,166 218 96 76 1 60 11 35-59 2.707 1,518 1,189 1,366 144 70 40 2 36 7 60+ 612 285 327 131 27 25 7 10 4 Age not stated

Ramgarh Tehsil Rural Total 10,489 5,963 4,526 3,694 788 911 394 6 4 0-14 4,395 2,391 2,004 391 64 64 45 2 2 15-34 3,559 2,060 1,499 1,970 442 422 227 3 1 35-59 1,995 1,202 793 1,139 259 343 109 1 1 60+ 52() 293 227 193 22 82 12 Age not 20 17 3 1 1 stated

Nachna Tehail Rural Total 10,535 5,7S7 4,778 3,686 1,713 1,781 800 5 4 1,439 689 0-14 4,467 2,418 2,049 512 235 169 99 325 115 15-34 3,681 2,006 1,675 1,941 962 953 470 1 3 704 378 35-59 1,903 1,065 818 1,064 465 569 210 4 1 338 178 60+ 481 245 236 168 51 90 21 71 18 Age Dot 3 3 stated 65



In Manufacturing IQ At other than In Transport. Household Household In Trade and Storage and In other Industry Industry Construction Commerce Communications Services Non-workers Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females District/Tehsil 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 1 12,227 5,997 349 15 226 24 1,306 43 322 3,671 401 28,910 43,292 DlSTRlcr 1,878 542 14 9 14 2 1 96 28 26,153 23,984 6,206 3,326 188 9 148 18 676 19 190 2,383 207 1,163 10,861 3,529 1,920 131 5. 66 6 552 20 129 1,131 151 457 5,777 612 208 16 1 3 64 2 2 61 15 1,101 2,667 2 1 36 3

11,962 5,954 19 .. 71 11 597 16 45 1,981 247 25,396 37,350 Rural 1,872 535 2 I 4 1 70 27 23,274 2l,369 6,046 3,299 14 51 8 305 8 18 1,347 134 834 8,879 3,436 1,914 2 18 3 253 7 27 544 81 30S 4,732 606 205 1 35 20 5 947 2,367 2 1 36 3

265 43 330 15 155 13 709 27 277 1,690 154 3,514 5,942 Urban 6 7 12 8 10 26 1 2,879 2,615 160 27 174 9 97 10 371 11 172 1,036 73 329 1,982 93 6 129 5 48 3 299 13 102 587 70 152 1,045 6 3 15 1 2 29 2 2 41 10 154 300

2,406 381 3 98 4 1 269 5 2,269 3,738 Ramgarh Tehsil 321 17 1 3 2,000 1,940 1,307 210 2 64 3 1 171 1 90 1,057 668 145 33 93 3 63 534 109 9 2 1 100 205 1 16 2

156 218 6 54 1 244 2 2,071 3,065 Nachna Tehail 16 21 2 1,906 1,814 85 III 6 22 1 169 65 713 50 74 3Q 73 2 21 353 5 12 2 77 18S '}. ·e6



I II III In Mining, QUarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, As Plantations, As Agricultural Orchards and Total Total population Total workers Cultivator LabOurer Allied activities Rural Age- District/Teh$il Urban group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .' Jaisalmer Tehsil Rural Total 19,935 11,122 8,813 7,091 2,905 1,078 451 12 9 181 82 0-14 8,432 4,687 3,745 931 296 104 42 9 21 7 15-34 6,765 3,723 3,042 3,601 1,679 542 252 3 9 99 53 35-59 3,820 2,221 1,599 2,182 8S2 345 148 54 20 60+ 917 491 426 377 77 87 9 7 2 Age not 1 stated

Pokaran Tehsil Rural Total 10,145 27,574 22,571 17,353 9,130 15,283 7,635 108 76 1,045 721 0-14 21,267 11,713 9,554 2,308 1,151 1,750 958 12 10 482 139 15-34 16,897 9,167 7,730 8,833 5,051 7,783 4,254 70 43 440 347 35-59 9,360 5,299 4,061 ,,5,203 2.617 4,792 2,183 21 20 103 204 60+ 2,S94 1,372 1,222 1,004 308 954 237 5 3 20 31 Age not 27 23 4 5 3 4 3 stated

Sam Tehsil Rural Total 15,379 8,875 6,504 5,894 666 1,425 193 12 1 3,570 358 0-14 5,964 3,418 2,546 719 52 162 20 ~ 514 23 15-34 5,437 3,IS4 2,283 3,039 333 730 107 8 .. 1,774 176 35-59 3,075 1,755 1,320 1,718 254 425 60 3 1 1,014 145 60+ 901 546 35S 416 27 108 6 266 14 Age not 2 2 2 2 stated

~ Fatehgarh Tehsil Rural Total 20,209 11,299 8,910 7,476 3,550 3,402 1,030 54 61 207 16 0-14 8,261 4,615 3,646 ],107 377 308 138 14 4 82 10 15-34 6,890 3,868 3,022 3,760 1,905 1,739 564 24 38 68 1 35-59 3,931 2,201 1,730 2,152 1,142 1,117 283 13 18 36 3 60+ 1,126 614 512 456 126 237 45 3 1 21 2 Age not 1 1 1 1 stated 67



In Manufacturing In At other than Tn Transport, Household Household In Trade and Storage and In other Industry Industry Construction Commerce Communications Services Non-workers ------~------~---~~- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females District/Tehsll 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 1 5,223 2,249 3 42 11 78 1 13 461 102 4,031 5,908 Jaisalmer Tehsil 769 231 1 27 16 3,756 3,449 2,580 1,297 2 31 8 39 305 59 122 1,363 1,605 655 10 3 35 13 120 26 39 747 269 65 I 4 9 114 349 1

293 634 S 151 10 2S 443 54 10,221 13,441 Pokaran Tebsil 51 41 I 1 12 2 9,405 8,403 134 370 2 75 4 11 318 33 334 2,679 93 187 3 66 5 14 III 18 96 1,444 14 36 9 2 1 368 914 18

522 91 110 1 2 253 22 2,981 5,838 Sam Tehsil 30 5 2 10 4 2,699 2,494 299 40 49 2 177 10 115 1,950 166 41 46 64 6 37 1,066 27 5 13 2 2 130 328

3,362 2,381 16 IS 106 3 311 62 3,823 5,3(;0 Fatehgarh Tehsil 685 220 1 I 16 5 3,508 3,269 1.641 1,271 12 10 56 3 207 31 108 1,117 854 812 2 4 43 83 26 49 588 182 78 1 7 S 15R 386 6S


WORKERS 1 n III In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Total Population of Workers As As Agricultural Plantations, Orchards and Non-workers Cultivator Labourer and Allied activities Educational levels Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DISTRICt Total 13,646 7,2.81 6,365 214 147 6 2 121 22

Illiterate 9,323 3.779 5,544 174 142 6 2 94 19

Literate (without edu- 3.628 2,863 765 35 4 21 3 cational level)

Primary or Junior Basic 278 246 32 5 6

Matriculation or Higher 335 317 18 Secondary

Technical diploma not 1 equal to.degree

Non-technical diploma 15 10 5 not equal to degree

University degree or 24 23 post~graduate degree other than technical degree Technical degree or dip- 42 42 loma equal to degree or post-graduate degree

Engineering 1 1 Medicine 7 7 Agriculture 3 3 Veterinary and dairying Technology Teaching 9 9 Others 22 22 69


WORKERS IV V VI VII VIII IX X In Manufacturing other than In Transport, At Household Household In In Trade and Storage and In other Industry Industry Construction Commerce Communications Services Non-workers Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Educational levels 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 DISTRICT 265 43 330 15 155 13 709 27 277 1,690 154 3,514 5,942 Total

185 39 167 13 107 13 167 24 110 614 132 2,155 5,160 Illiterate

78 4 152 2 43 473 3 149 670 10 1,242 739 Literate (without edu- cational level)

7 2 31 6 94 3 101 28 Primary Or Junior Basic

2 4 2 37 11 242 7 13 11 Matriculation or Higher Secondary

Technical diploma not equal to degree

9 2 3 Non-technical diploma not equal to degree

1 20 2 1 University degree or post-graduate degree other than technical degree

1 40 Technical degree or dip- loma equal to degree or post-graduate degree

1 Engineering 1 6 Medicine 3 Agriculture Veterinary and dairying Technology 9 Teaching 22 Others

Iais. S 70


WORKERS I II III In Mining, QuarrYing, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Total Population of Workers and As' As Agricultural Plantations, Orchards Non-workers Cultivator Labourer and Allied activities

Educational levels Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to DISTRICT Total 126,692 70,590 56,102 23,880 10,503 191 151 6,448 1,870 Illiterate 119,632 63,936 55,696 22,121 10,475 184 151 6,305 1,858 Literate (without educational level) 6,507 6,107 400 1,705 28 6 139 12 Primary or Junior Basic 295 291 4 47 I 4 Matriculation and above 258 256 2 7 RAMGARH Total 10.489 5,963 4,526 911 394 6 4 llliterate 10,022 5,520 4,502 882 394 6 4 Literate (without educational level) 421 397 24 29 Primary or Junior Basic 8 8 Matriculation and above 38 38 NACHNA Total 10,535 5,757 4,778 1,781 800 5 4 1,439 689 Illiterate 9,827 5,105 4,722 1,665 799 5 4 1,385 684 Literate (without educational level) 651 591 54 114 1 54 5 Prixnary or Junior Basic 22 2(} 2 2 Matriculation and above 35 35 JAISALMER Total 19,935 11,122 8,813 1,078 451 12 9 181 82 Illiterate 18,908 10,146 8,762 1,010 451 11 9 173 82 Literate (without educational level) 951 901 50 64 1 7 Primary or Junior Basic 41 41 4 1 Matriculation and above 35 34 1

POKARAN Total 50,145 27,574 22,571 15,283 7,635 108 76 1.045 721 llliterate 47,046 24,671 22,375 14,079 7,610 103 76 1.015 714 Literate (without educational level) 2,920 2,726 194 1,166 25 5 29 7 Primary or Junior Basic 90 89 1 32 1 Matriculation and above 89 88 1 6

SAM Total 15,379 8,875 6,504 1,425 193 12 1 3,570 358 Illiterate 14,765 8,291 6,474 1,328 192 12 t 3,519 358 Literate (without educational level) 558 528 30 90 1 49 Primary or Junior Basic 32 32 6 2 Matriculation and above 24 24 1

FATEHGARH Total 20,209 11,299 8,910 3,402 1,030 54 61 207 16 Illiterate 19.064 10,203 8.861 3.157 1,029 53 61 207 16 Literate (without educational level) 1,006 958 48 242 1 Primary or Junior Basic 102 101 1 3 1 Matriculation and above 37 37 71


WORKERS IV V VI vn VIII IX X In Manufacturing other than In Transport, At Household Household In In Trade and Storage and In other Industry Industry Construction Commerce Communications Services Non-workers Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Educational levels II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DISTRICT 11,962 5,954 19 71 II 597 16 45 1,981 247 25,396 37,350 Total 11,219 5,923 18 64 11 87 13 26 1,033 246 22,879 37,019 Illiterate Literate (without 704 30 7 475 3 16 645 2,409 327 educational level) 32 24 2 95 86 4 Primary or Junior Basic 7 11 1 208 22 Matriculation and above

TEHSIL 2,406 381 3 98 4 1 269 5 2,269 3,738 Total 2,356 381 3 13 4 125 5 2,135 3,714 Illiterate Literate (without 49 81 104 133 24 educational level) 1 ., 1 6 Primary or Junior Basic 3 34 Matriculation and above

TEHSlL 156 218 6 54 1 244 2 2,071 3,065 Total 142 214 5 IO 57 2 1,836 3,019 Illiterate Literate (without 13 4 1 44 139 231 44 educational level) 17 1 2 Primary or Junior Basic 31 3 Matriculation and above

TEHSIL 5,223 2,249 3 42 11 78 1 13 461 102 4,031 5,908 Total 4,900 2,238 3 36 11 12 5 312 102 3,684 5,868 Illiterate Literate (without 317 10 6 66 8 100 332 40 educational level) 2 2Z IZ Primary or Junior Basic 4 27 3 Matriculation and above

TEHSIL 293 634 5 151 10 2S 443 54 10,221 13,441 Total 280 633 5 20 7 20 194 53 8,955 ·13,282 Illiterate Literate (without 13 119 3 4 J54 1,236 158 educational level) 7 27 22 1 Primary or Junior Basic 5 68 8 Matriculation and above TEHSIL 522 91 110 1 2 253 22 2,981 5,838 Total 490 91 19 131 22 2.792 5,809 Illiterate Literate (without 31 88 95 175 29 educational level) 2 2 9 11 Primary or Junior Basic 1 1 18 3 Matriculation and above TEHSIL 3,362 2,381 16 15 106 3 311 62 3,823 5,360 Total 3,051 2,366 15 15 13 1 214 62 3,477 5,327 Illiterate Literate (without 281 IS 77 2 53 302 32 educational level) 29 14 14 40 1 Primary or Junior BasiC 1 2 30 4 Matriculation and above .Jais. S-A 72


Branch of Industry Tota} Total Employee Others Division and Major Group Rural of I. S. I. C. Urban Males Females Males Female. Males Females Ij 2 3 4 5 6 7 DISTRICT ALL DIVISIONS T 12,227 5,997 1St 20 12,076 5,977 R 11,962 5,954 49 13 11,913 5,941 V 265 43 102 7 163 36 Dfvinon 0 T 9.890 2,769 34 13 9,856 2,756 R 9,888 2,769 34 13 9,854 2,756 U 2 Z Major GrQUp ()() R 1 1 OZ R 4 1 4 04 T 9,885 2,768 34 13 9,851 2,755 R 9,883 2,768 34 13 9,849 2,755 U 2 2 Dmsi"" 2&3 T 2,337 3,228 117 7 2.220 3,221 R 2,074 3,185 15 2,059 3,185 U 263 43 102 7 161 36 Major Group 20 T 33 2,278 33 2,278 R 26 2,278 26 2,278 U 7 7 21 U 16 16 23 T 166 538 4 4 162 534 R 159 532 159 532 U 7 6 4 4 3 2

25 T 241 243 7 234 243 R 234 243 234 243 U 7 7 27 T 258 26 16 242 26 R 254 26 12 242 26 U 4 4 28 T 295 22 295 22 It 283 22 283 22 U 12 12 31 T 916 52 34 1 882 51 R 847 42 .. 847 42 U 69 10 34 J 35 9 34-35 T 233 35 10 223 3S R ]64 20 ]64 20 U 69 15 10 59 lS T 54 6 3 1 51 5 R 45 5 2 43 S U 9 1 1 1 8

38 T 1 1 1 1 R 1 1 U 1 39 T 140 11 43 1 97 10 R. 61 1 1 60 1 U 79 10 42 1 37 9 1:}·


Branch of Industry Total EmploYQe Others ------~-~- Total Rural ------~ - Division and Major Group Males F~rna}cs of I. S. I. C. Urban Males Females Males Females 7 II 2 3 4 5 6 TehsiIwise by Divisions onl)

RAMGARH TEHSIL 2,406 381 All Dhisions R 2,406 381 2,044 101 Division 0 2,044 tOl 362 280 2 &: 3 36Z 280

NACHNA TEHSIL 1 1 155 211 All Divisions R 156 218 1 180 Division 0 181 ISS 37 2 & 3 156 37 1


3 5,194 2~ ,..11 Divisions R 5,223 2,249 29 3 4,544 1,992 Division 0 4,571 1,995 27 650 254 2&3 652 254 2

POKARAN TEHSIL 281 634 An DivisiOllll R 293 634 12 81 217 Division 0 81 217 200 417 2 & 3 212 417 12 SAM TEHSIL

R 52Z 91 522 91 All Divisions 110 43 0 110 43 Division 412 48 2&3 412 48 FATEHGARH TEHSIL 7 9 3,355 2,372 All Diflsious R 3,362 2,381 7 9 3,075 223 Division 0 3.082 232 280 2,149 2&3 280 2,149 74


Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single worker Family worker Division and Major Total Group of I. S. I. C. Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DISTRICf ALL DIVISIONS T 12,443 2,375 251 4 3,641 174 1,454 192 7,097 2,005 U 3,282 231 149 4 1,983 114 942 93 208 20 Division 0 T 6.526 1.866 75 156 11 78 15 6.217 1.840 U 93 22 1 64 6 14 8 14 8 Major Group 00 T 83 57 7 4 4 72 53 U 10 2 1 10 1 01 T 11 4 7 U 11 4 7 0'2 T 97 10 10 S9 2 28 9 U 8 3 2 3 3 3 04 T 6,335 1.799 68 142 11 15 9 6,110 1,779 U 75 17 1 62 6 Jl 7 J 4 DiYisitm I T 43 26 18 26 24 1 U 28 4 24 Major Group 10 T 43 26 18 26 24 1 U 28 4 24 Division 2&3 T 349 IS 12 137 9 /39 4 61 2 V 330 15 12 137 9 135 4 46 2 Major Group 20 T 31 2 6 12 I I 12 1 U ~l 2 6 12 1 1 12 1 23 T 31 2 25 2 6 U 31 2 25 2 6 25 T 1 I U 1 1 27 T 113 7 31 2 64 4 18 U 113 7 31 2 64 4 18 28 T 22 9 13 U 22 9 13 3) T 5 2 2 4 1 U 5 2 2 4 1 32 T 3 1 1 1 U 3 1 1 1 33 T 5 2 3 U 2 2 34-35 T 24 2 1 4 2 19 V 24 2 I 4 2 19 36 T 26 1 5 2 18 U It 1 5 2 3 37 T 9 9 U 9 9 38 T 8 1 1 6 U 8 1 1 6 39 T 71 1 39 20 11 U 70 1 39 19 11 Division 4 T 226 24 2 lI8 13 92 11 14 U 155 /3 2 94 12 59 1 Major Group 40 T 226 24 2 118 1) 92 11 14 V 155 13 2 94 12 59 1 Division 5 T 17 1 17 1 U 15 15 75


Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single worker Family worker Division and Major Total Group of I. S. 1. C. Urban Males Females Males _Felllaies Males Females Males Females Males Femalea 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 QISTRICT-Conc1d.

Major Group SO T 14 14 U 14 14 51 T 3 3 U 1 1 Division 6 T 1,306 43 134 3 222 6 431 15 519 19 U 709 27 107 3 199 5 263 11 14(J IJ Major Group 60-63 T 145 31 70 26 18 U 88 11 68 5 4 E4--68 T 1,13S 43 100 3 142 6 392 15 SOl 19 . U 601 27 93 3 121 5 251 11 136 8 69 T 26 3 10 13 U 20 3 10 7 Division 7 T 322 12 275 34 1 U 277 12 234 31 Major Group 70-71 T 305 12 269 34 U 261 12 218 31 72 T 1 1 U 1 1 73 T 16 16 U 16 16 Divis;()n 8 T 3.647 397 16 J 2,694 107 653 145 284 IN U 1,669 151 15 1 1,233 81 413 67 8 2 Major Group 80 T 2,044 29 2,044 29 U 907 27 907 27 81 T 252 IS 244 15 6 2 U 111 13 106 13 5 82 T 70 S 1 63 4 2 \ 4 tJ 48 S 44 4 2 1 2 83 T 65 1 24 1 29 12 U 46 1 14 1 29 3 84 T 14 7 7 U 13 6 7 85 T 29 1 28 U 16 1 IS 86 T 6 3 3 U 4 1 3 81 T 218 7S 1 S 66 12 J46 63 U 8 2 1 4 3 2 88 T 273 46 11 1 115 24 104 4 43 17 U 135 12 11 I 61 5 60 4 3 2 89 T 676 226 2 161 34 436 128 77 64 U 381 91 2 .. 7S 31 304 60 .. Division 9 T 7 3 J 3 2 U 6 3 "3 1 3 2 Major Group 90 T 7 3 4 1 3 2 -•• U 6 3 3 1 3 2 .. TABLE B·IV PART C 76

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'" . . 79 TABLE 8-IV PART C



Jall.6-A 80


The following abbreviations have been used:­ HI = Household Industry M = Males NHI = Non-Household Industry P = Females 005 Total HI(MI) NHI(M21,F3) Urban NHI(MI0,F2), 006 NHl(M3) Urban NIII(M3), 388 Total NHI(MI) Urban NHI(MI), Total NHI(M58,F53), 007 rotal NHI(M4.Fl), 015 Total NHI 389 Total HI(MI). 392 Total NHI(MI8), Urban NHI(MI8), 399 (Mll), 020 Total NRI(MIO) Urban NHI(M2), 021 Total NHI Total HI(MI4,F8) NHI(MS) Urban HI(MlO,F8) NHJ(M5), 600 (M23), 022 Total NHI(MI7), 023 Total NHI(MI4,F5) Urban Total NHI(MII) Urban NHI(M4). 601 Total NHI(MI) Urban NHl(M6,F3), 024 Total Hl(M3), 025 Total Hl(Ml,Fl) NHI NHI(MI), 602 Total NHI(M7) Urban NHI(M7), 604 Total NHI (M33,F5), 047 Total NHl(M2). 048 Total NHI(FIO), 200 Total (M3) (Jrban NHI(M3). 611 Total NHI(MI) Urban NH!(MI), Hl(MI,F5) NHI(MI7,Fl) Urban NHI(MI7,Fl), 207 Total HI 635 Total NHI(M5) Urban NHI(M5), 645 Total NHJ(MIO,FI) (M8) NHI(M6,FI) Urban HI.(M7) NHI(M6.Fl). 209 Total NHI Urban NHI(M9), 64& Total NHI(M6) Urban NHI(M6), 653 (M8) Urban NHI(M8), 213 Total HI(FI6), 230 Total Hl(F6) Total NHI(M4) Urban NHI(M4), 655 Total NHI(MI3) Urban NHI(MS) Urban Hl(F6) NRl(MS). 233 Total HI(M9,F3) NHI NHI(MI3), 660 Total NHl(M5,Fl) Urban NHI(Fl), 662 Total (MI6,FI) Urban HI(M5) NHl(MI6,FI). 234 Total Hl(M7,Fl), NHI(M3,FI) Urban NHI(M3,FI). 664 Total NHJ(F5). 671 Total 237 Total HI(MIO), 239 Total HI(MI3), 254 Total HI(Fl), 271 NHI(M2) Urban NHI(M2), 672 Total NHI(M8) Urban NHI(M8). Total HI(Ml,Fl), 274 Total HI(M3,F5). 279 Total HI(M3,F3). 681 Total NHr(M11) Urban NHI(Mll), 682 Total NHf(MI) 280 Total HI(MI) NHI(MI2) Urban NHI(M12), 281 Total HI Urban NHI(Ml), 683 Total NHI(MJI) Urban NHI(M7). 688 (MI5) NHl(Ml) Urban RI(M3) NHl(Ml), 313 Total HI(M22,F5), Total NHI(MI2) Urban NHI(M12), 693 Total NHI(M2) Urban 314 Total Hl(MlO) NRI(M3) Urban NHI(M3). 315 Total NHI(M2). 695 Total NHI(M2) Urban NHI(M2), 696 Total NHI NHI(Ml) Urban NHI(Ml). 320 Total NHI(M2) Urban NHllM2). (M2) Urban NHI(M2), 699 Total NHI(M5) Urban NHJ(M5) 707 324 Total NHI(MI) Urban NHI(Ml). 331 Total NHI(MI) Urban Total NHI(MI) Urban NHI(MI), 709 Total NHl(M2) Urban NHI(Ml), 338 Total NHI(M3), 339 Total NHI(MI) Urban NHI NHI(MZ), 722 Total NHI(MI}. 732 Tota) NHI(MI) Urban NHI (MI), 340 Total RI(MI), 341 Total NHI(M2) Urban NHl(M2), (MI), 810 Total NHI(MI2) Urban NHl(M12), 812 Total NHt 342 Total NHI(FI) Urban NHI(FI), 343 Total NHI(M5) Urban (MlS). 821 Total NHI(M2) Urban NHI(M2), 830 Total NHI NHI(M5), 344 Total HI(MI3) NHI(MIO) Urban NHl(MIO), 345 (M25) Urban NHI(MI5). 840 Total NHI(MI4) Urban NH1(MI3), Total NHI(M6) Urban NHI(M6), 356 Total HI(Fl), 362 Total 851 Total NHI(M27) Urban NHI(MI6), 853 Total NHI(M2), 860 HI(M21), 364 Total HI(M1), 369 Total HI(M8) NHI(MI9) Urban Total NHI(M2) Urban NHI(M I), 861 Total NHI(M4) Urban HleM8) NHI(M4), 371 Total NHI(M4) Urban NHI(M4), 374 NHI(M3), 870 Total NHI(Ml,F2) Urban NHl{Ml,F2), 871 Total Total NHI(Ml) Urban NHI(Ml), 376 Total NHI(MI) Urban NHI(M2) Urban NHl(M2), 873 Total NHI(MI2,FI2). 881 Total NHl(MI), 379 Total NHI(M3) Urban NHl(M3), 382 Total NHI NHI(M19) Urban NHI(MI5), 883 Total NHI(M9,FJ) Urban NHI (M4) Urban NHI(M4), 383 Total HI(FI) Urban HI(FJ), 384 To~1 (M9), 885 Total NHI(M7) Urban NHI(M7). 8'1


TebUlwise Industrial cla~ificatioa by sex aDd divisions of persons at work other than cultivation in rural areas onJy Workers at Workers in Non- Branch of Industry Total Workers Household Tndustry Household Industry etc. Division of I.S.I.C. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


AU Divisions Total 3,177 2,783 394 2,406 381 377 13 Division 0 2.155 2,050 105 2,044 101 6 4 2&3 642 362 280 362 280 4 3 3 3 6 102 98 4 98 4 7 1 I I 8 274 269 5 269 5


All Divisions 'lotal 2,809 1,900 909 156 218 1,744 691 Division 0 2.309 1,4~ 870 181 1,439 689 2&3 193 156 37 1% 37 4 6 6 6 5 1 6 54 54 54- 7 1 1 1 8 245 244 244


All Divisions Total 8,446 6,001 2,445 5,223 2,249 778 196 Division 0 6,788 4,737 2,051 4,571 1,995 166 S6 1 41 IS 26 15 26 2&3 909 655 254 ~52 254 3 4 53 -42 11 42 11 5 2 2 2 6 79 78 78 1 7 13 13 13 3 560 458 102 458 102 9 1


AU Dhisions Total 3,381 1,962 1,419 293 634 1,669 785 Division 0 2,064 1,126 938 81 217 1,045 721 2&3 629 212 417 212 411 4 5 5 5 6 161 151 10 lSI 10 7 25 25 25 8 497 443 54 443 54 82

SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE TO TABLE B-IV PART-CC·oncld. Tehsilwise Industrial classification by sex and divisions or persons at work other than cultivation in rural areas only

Workers at Workers in Non- Branch of Industry Total Workers Household Industry Household Industry etc. DivisioQ of I.S.I.C. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SAM TEHSIL All Divisions Total 4,92.9 4.457 472 522 91 3,93S 381 Division 0 4,081 3,680 401 110 43 3,570 358 2&3 460 412 48 412 48 6 111 110 1 110 1 7 2 2 2 8 275 253 22 253 22

FATEHGARH TEHSIL AU Divisions Total 6,411) 4,020 2,451) 3,362 2,381 658 78 Division 0 3,537 3,289 248 3,082 232 207 16 2&3 2,445 296 2,149 280 2,149 16 <4 15 15 15 6 106 106 106 7 3 3 3 8 373 311 62 311 62 83 .

TABLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTIVATION Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

DISTRICT All Divisions

Total 33,042 24.670 8,372 3,821 3,547 274 III 8,461 6,569 1,892 143 121 22 IV 18,224 12,227 5,997 308 265 43 V 364 349 15 345 330 15 VI 250 226 24 168 155 13 VII 1.349 1,306 43 736 709 27 VIII 322 322 277 277 IX 4,072 3,671 401 1,844 1,690 154

'" Division 0 Professional, Technical and Related Workers

Total 556 465 91 233 214 19 VI 3 3 3 3 IX 553 462 91 230 211 19

Group 00 Architects, Engineers and Surveyors

Total JO JO 6 6 VI 3 3 3 3 IX 7 7 3 3

Group 01 Physicists, Chemists. Geologists and Other Physical Scientists

Total 2 2 IX 2 2

Group 02 Biologist~. Veterinarians, Agronomists and Related Scientists

Total 11 11 8 8 IX 11 II 8 8

Family 029 Biologists, Veterinarians, Agronomists and Related Scientists, n. e. c.

Total 6 6 6 6 I~ 6 6 6 6

Group 03 Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists

Total 19 19 14 14 lX 19 '~9 14 14

Family 031 Physicians, Ayurvedic

Total 12 12 7 7 IX 12 12 7 7 84

TABLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTIVATION-Contd. Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

Group 04 Nurses, PharmaCists and Other Medical and Health Technicians

Total 50 45 5 29 24 5 IX 50 4S S 29 24 S Family 043 Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Teclmicians

Total 8 8 8 8 IX 8 8 8 8

Family 046 Sanitation Teehnicians

Total 6 6 6 6 IX 6 , 6 6

Family 049 Medical and Health Technician., n.e.c. (excluding Laboratory Assistants) Total 21 21 IX 21 21

Group 05 Teachers

Total 232 219 13 99 88 11 IX 232 219 13 99 81 11

Family 051 Teachers, Secondary Sckools Total 15 15 15 15 IX 15 15 15 15

Family 052 Teachers, Middle and Primary Schools

Total 186 177 9 55 48 7 IX 186 177 9 55 48 7

Family 059 Teachers, D. e. c. Total 29 2S 4 27 23 4 IX 29 2S 4 27 23 4 Group 06 Jurists Total 14 14 13 13 IX 14 14 13 13 Family 061 Legal Practition ers and Advisers

Total 8 8 8 8 IX 8 8 8 8

Group 07 Social Scientists and Related Workers

Total 3 3 2 ·2 IX 3 3 2 2 85

TABLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTIVATION-Contd. Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Category Persons Male~ Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 Group 08 Artists, Writers and Related Worlters, n. e. c.

Total 1 88 72 14 12 2 IX 160 88 72 14 12 2 Family 080 Authors Total 6 6 6 6 IX 6 6 6 6 Family 086 Musicians and Related Workers

Total 151 81 70 S 5 IX 151 81 70 S S

Group 09 Draughtsmen aod Science and Engineering Technicians. D. e. c.

Total 1 1 1 IX 1 1 1 Group OX Other Professional. Technical an4 Related Workers

Total S4 53 47 46 1 IX S4 S3 47 46 Family OXO Ordained Religious Workers

Total 31 30 1 25 24 1 IX 31 30 1 25 24 1 Family OXl Non-ordained Religious Workers

Total 15 15 15 15 IX 15 15 15 15 Family OX2 Astrologers, Palmists and Related Workers

Total 7 7 6 6 IX 7 7 6 6 -Division 1 Administrative, Executive and Milnagerial Workers

Total 286 281 5 184 179 5 III 1 1 1 1 YI 3 3 3 3 YII 12 12 12 12 Ylll 20 20 20 20 IX 250 245 5 148 143 5 Group 10 Administrators and Executive Officials, Government

Total 188 188 93 93 IX 188 188 93 93 Jais. 7 TABLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX. OF· PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTIVATION-Contd. Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 100 Administrators and Executive Ofiicials. Central Government

Total 36 36 8 8 IX 36 36 8 8

Family 101 Administrators and Executive Officials, State Government

Total 95 95 51 51 IX 95 95 51 51

Fami1y 104 Village Officials

Total 33 33 31 31 IX 33 33 31 31

Family 109 Administrators and Executive 6Bieials, Government, n. e. c.

Total 22 22 1 IX 22 22 1 1

Group 11 Directors and Managers, Wholesale and Retail Trade

Total 8 8 1 VII 1 1 1 IX 7 7

Family 111 Directors and Managers, Retail Tra4e

Total 7 7 IX 7 7

Group 12 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, Financial Institutions

Total 3 3 3 3 Vll 3 3 3 3

Group t3 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, others

Total 87 82 5 87 82 5 III 1 1 1 1 VI 3 3 3 3 VII 8 8 8 8 VII1 20 20 20 20 IX 55 50 5 55 50 5

Family 131 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, Construction

Total 3 3 3 3 VI 3 3 3 3 87

TABLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTIVATION~Contd. , Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 134 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, Transport and Communications

Total 26 26 26 26 VII 7 7 7 7 VIl1 19 19 19 19

Family 136 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, Other Services

Total 7 7 7 7 IX 7 7 7 7

Family 139 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, n. e. c.

Total 49 44 5 49 44 5 VII J 1 1 VIII 1 1 1 IX 47 42 5 47 42 5

• Division 2 Clerical and Related Workers Total 585 578 ., 338 332 6 III 3 3 3 3 V 3 3 3 3 VI 11 11 11 11 Vll 15 15 15 15 Vlll 4 4 4 4 [X 549 542 ., 302 296 6

Group 20 Book~Keepers and Cashiers

Total 61 61 47 47 VII 12 12 12 12 VIII 2 2 2 2 IX 47 47 33 33

Family 200 Book·Keepers, Book-Keeping and Accounts Clerks

Total SI 51 38 38 VB 12 12 12 12 VIII 1 1 1 1 IX 38 38 25 25

Family 201 Cashiers Total 10 10 9 9 VllI 1 1 1 1 IX 9 9 8 8

Group 21 Stenographers and Typists

.Total 9 9 9 9 IX 9 9 9 9 Jais.7-A 88

TABLE lJ..V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTlV ATION-Contd. Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Females category Persons Males Females Persons Males 7 I 2 3 4 5 6

Group 22 Office Machine Operators

Total 1 IX 1 1

Group 28 Clerical Workers, Miscellaneous

Total 240 238 2 165 J63 2 111 2 2 2 2 V 3 3 3 3 VI 5 5 5 5 VIl 2 2 2 2 VIII 2 2 2 2 2 IX 226 224 2 151 149

Family 28& General and Other Ministerial Assistants and Clerks Z Total 200 198 2 141 139 III 2 2 2 2 V 2 2 2 2 VI 4 4 4 4 'flU 2 2 2 2 IX 190 188 2 131 129 2

Family 289 Miscellaneous Office Workers including Record Keepers, Muharrers, Despatchers, Packers and Binders of Office Papers

Total 40 40 24 24 V 1 1 VI 1 1 1 vn 2 2 2 2 IX 36 36 20 20

Group 29 Unskilled Office Workers

4 Total 274 269 5 117 113 III 1 1 1 1 VI 6 6 6 6 VII I 1 1 1 IX 266 261 5 109 105 4

Family 290 Office Attendants, UShers, Hall Porters etc., n. e. c. 4 Total 274 269 5 117 113 III 1 1 1 1 VI 6 6 6 6 VII 1 1 1 1 IX 266 261 5 109 105 4 89


Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

• Division 3 Sales Workers

Total 1,328 1,235 93 665 639 26 1Il 53 53 Vll 1,273 1,233 40 663 637 26 Vlll 2 2 2 2

Group 30 Working Proprietors, Wholesale and Retail Trade

Total 1.165 1,143 22 567 553 14 VII 1,165 1,143 22 567 553 14

Family 300 Working Proprietors. Wholesale Trade

Total 182 182 82 82 vn 182 ]82 82 82

Family 30] Working Proprietors. Retail Trade

Total 983 961 22 485 471 14 VII 983 961 22 485 471 14

Group 31 Insurance and Real Estate Salesmen, Salesmen of Securities and Services and Auctioneers

Total 6 6 6 6 VII 4 4 4 4 VIII 2 2 2 2

Group 33 Salesmen, Shop Assistants and Related Workers

Total 140 69 71 81 69 12 III 53 53 VII 87 69 18 81 69 12

Family 330 Salesmen and Shop Assistants, Wholesale and Retail Trade

Total 45 37 8 45 37 8 VII 45 37 8 45 37 8

Family 331 Hawkers, Pedlars and Street Venders

Total 90 32 58 36 32 4 III S3 53 VII 37 32 S 36 32 4

Group 34 Money-Lenders and Pawn-Brokers

Total 17 17 11 11 VII 17 17 11 11 90

TABLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTIVATION-Contd. Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 340 Money Lenders (including Indigenous Bankers)

Total 17 17 11 11 VII 17 17 11 11

·Division 4 Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Loggers and Related Workers

Total 18,839 15,713 3,126 112 90 22 III 7,078 5,844 1,234 no 88 22 IV 11,760 9.869 1,891 2 2 VI1 1 1

Group 40 Farmers and Farm Managers

Total 15,202 ]2,444 2,758 12 ]0 2 III 5,847 4,644 1,203 12 10 2 IV 9,355 7,800 1,555

Family 404 Farmers and Farm Managers, Animals, Birds and Insects Rearing

Total 15,143 12,385 2,758 12 ]0 2 III 5,789 4,586 1,203 12 10 2 IV 9,354 7,799 ],555

Group 41 Farm Workers Total 3,530 3,176 354 90 73 17 III ],125 ],108 17 88 71 17 IV 2,404 2,068 336 2 2 VII 1 1

Family 411 Farm Workers, Animals, Birds and Insects Rearing

Total 3,499 3,146 353 90 73 17 . III 1,095 1,078 17 88 71 17 IV 2,404 2,068 336 2 2

Group 42 Hunters and Related Workers

Total 1 III 1 1

Group 44 Loggers and Other Forestry Workers

Total 106 93 13 10 7 3 III 105 92 13 10 7 3 IV 1 1 91

TASLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTIV ATION-Contd. Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Category Persons Males- Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 *Division 5 Miners. Quarrymen and Related Workers

Total 66 40 26 4 4 III 48 ,'22 26 4 4 VI 5 5 rx 13 13

Group 50 Mincrs and Quarrymen

Total S S 3 3 III 3 3 3 3 VI 2 2 Family 501 Quarrymen

Total 2 2 VI 2 2

Family 509 Miners and Quarrymen, n, c. C.

Total 3 3 3 3 III 3 3 3 3

Group 51 Well Drillers and Related Warkers

Total 14 14 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 IX 13 13

Family 510 Well Drillers. Petroleum aRd Gas

Total 1 1 I 1 III 1 I Family 511 Well Drillers, Other than Petroleum and Gas

Total 13 13 IX 13 13

Group 59 Miners, Quarrymen and Related Workers. n. e. c.

Total 47 21 26 III 44 18 26 VI 3 3

Family 590 Miners, Quarrymen and Related Workers. n. e. c. Total 47 21 26 III 44- 18 26 VI 3 3 92

TABLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN tULTIVATION-Contd. Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 S 6 7

• Division 6 Workers in Transport and Communication Occupations

Total 324 324 251 251 VI 1 1 I 1 Vll 1 1 J 1 VllI 254 254 210 210 IX 68 68 39 39 Group 63 Drivers, and Firemen, Railway Engine

Total S S S 5 VIII 2 2 2 2 IX 3 3 3 3

Family 630 Drivers

Total 4 4 4 4 VIII 1 1 1 1 IX 3 3 3 3

Group 64 Drivers, Road Transport Total 194 194 159 159 VI 1 1 1 1 VII 1 1 1 1 VIII 156 156 137 137 IX 36 36 20 20

Family 641 Motor Vehicle and Motor Cycle Drivers Total 167 167 145 14S V 1 1 1 1 VlI 1 1 1 1 VIII 142 142 125 125 IX 23 23 18 18

Family 643 Animal Drawn Vehicle Drivers

Total 21 21 9 9 VIlI 9 9 8 8 IX 12 12 1 1 Family 649 Drivers, Road Transport, n. e. c. (including Palki and Doli Bearers) Total 6 6 5 5 VIII 5 5 4 4 IX 1 1 1 1 Group 66 Inspectors, Supervisors, Traffie Controllers and Despatchers, Transport Total 51 51 16 16 VIn 38 38 16 16 IX 13 13 93

TABLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION" BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTlVATJON-Contd. Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 S 6 7

Family 660 Inspectors, Supervisors, Station Masters and PerrraDent Way Inspectors

Total 15 15 4 4 VIII 4 4 4 4 IX 11 11

Family 662 Signalman and Pointsmen

Total 36 36 12 12 VIII 34 34 12 12 IX 2 2

Group 67 Telephone, Telegraph and Related Telecommunication Operators

Total 5 5 5 5 VIII 3 3 3 3 IX 2 2 2 2

Group 68 Postmen and Messengers

Total 34 34 32 32 VIII 20 20 III 18 IX 14 14 14 14

Family 6~0 Postmen

Total 12 12 10 10 VIII 12 12 10 10

Family 681 Messengers (including Dak Peons)

Total 22 22 22 22 VIII 8 8 8 8 IX 14 14 14 ]4

Group 69 Workers in Transport and Communication Occupations, n. e. c.

Total 35 3S 34 34 VIII 3S 35 34 34

Family 691 Conductors, Road Transport

Total 32 32 32 32 VlII 32 32 32 32 Jais,-8 94


Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban -_----- Category Persons Males Ft:males Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

• Division 7-8 Craftsmen, Production Process Workers and Labourers, n. e. c.

Total 9,277 4,319 4,958 1,35/ 1,/91 160 III 1,276 697 579 23 23 IV 6,460 2,3]4 4.106 305 262 43 V 360 345 15 341 326 15 VI 223 199 24 146 133 13 VI/ 46 44 2 44 43 1 VIll 33 33 32 32 IX 879 647 232 460 372 88

Group 70 Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers and Related Workers

Total 1,318 508 810 37 30 7 III 20 20 IV 1,280 491 789 20 14 6 V 18 17 17 16

Family 702 Spinners, Piecers and Winders

Total 609 71 538 3· 2 1 III 20 20 IV 587 70 517 1 V 2 1 2

Family 704 Drawers and Weavers

Total 49 40 Ii) 9 9 IV 48 39 9 8 8 V 1 1

Family 70S Carpet Makers and Finishers

Total 79 79 IV 79 79

Family 709 Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers and Related Workers, n. e. c.

Total 53) 284 247 lV 530 283 247 V 1

Group 7J Tailors, Cutters, Furriers and Related Workers

Total 334 311 23 132 124 8 IV 205 190 15 4 4 V 128 120 8 127 119 8 VII 1 1 1 95.


Family 710 Tailors, Dress Makers and Garment Makers

Total 292 276 16 132 124 8 IV 163 ISS 8 4 4 V 128 120 8 127 119 8 VII 1 1 Group 72 Leather Cutters, Lasters and Sewers (Except Glove Garments) and Related Workers Total 975 917 58 96 86 10 IV 958 900 58 79 69 10 V 7 7 7 7 VII 10 10 10 10

Family no Shoe Makers and Shoe Repairs

Total 724 682 42 61 60 IV 719 677 42 56 55 V 5 5 5 5 Group 729 Leather Cutters, Lasters and Sewers (Except Gloves and Garment) Related Workers, n.e.c. Total 244 233 11 35 26 9 IV 232 221 11 23 14 9 V 2 2 2 2 VII 10 10 10 10

Group 73 Furnacemen, Rollers, Drawers, Moulders and Related Metal Making and Treating Workers

Total 91 76 IS 43 33 10 III 1 1 1 IV 61 46 IS 28 18 10 V 29 29 14 14 Family 733 Blacksmiths, Hamersmiths and Forgemen

Total 90 75 IS 42 32 10 IV 61 46 IS 28 18 10 V 29 29 14 14

Group 74 Precision Instrument Makers, Watch Makers, JeweJlers and Related Workers Total 221 218 3 140 138 2 IV 151 148 3 71 69 2 V 69 69 68 68 VII 1 1 Family 741 Jewellers, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Total 219 216 3 138 136 2 IV 151 )48 3 71 69 2 V 67 67 66 66 VII 1 Jais.8-A 96

TABLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTIVATION-Contd. Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

Group 7S Tool-Makers, Machinists, Plumbers, Welders, Platers and Related Workers Total 19 19 16 16 V 7 7 7 7 VIII 3 3 3 3 IX 9 9 6 6 Group 76 Electricians and Related Electrical and Electronics Workers Total 12 12 12 12 V 4 4 4 4 VIII 1 IX 7 7 7 7 Group 77 Carpenters, Joiners. Cabinet Makers, Coopers and Related Workers Total 336 317 19 50 50 III 3 3 3 3 IV 298 279 19 12 12 V 24 24 24 24 VI 1 1 1 VII 7 7 7 7 VIII 1 1 I 1 IX 2 2 2 2 Family 770 Carpenters, Joiners. Pattern Makers (Wood) Total 2S3 234 19 38 38 III 1 1 IV 227 208 19 12 12 V 21 21 21 21 VI 1 I VIII I 1 1 I IX 2 2 2 2

Family 779 Carpenters. Joiners, Cabinet Makers, Cooper and Related Workers, n. e. c.

Total 69 69 IV 69 69

Group 78 Painters and Paper Hangers Total 7 6 IV 6 6 IX

Group 79 Bricklayers. Plasters and Construction Workers, n. e. c.

Total 205 193 ]2 )to 109 III 13 18 18 18 IV ]5 IS - V ]8 18 17 17 VI 149 137 12 72 71 IX 5 5 3 3


TABLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTIVATION-Contd. Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Group 87 Stationary Engine and Excavating and Lifting Equipment Operators and Related Workers

Total 24 24 23 23 V I 1 1 VIII 19 19 19 19 IX 4 3 3 4 Group 89 Labourers, D. e. c.

Total 917 688 229 521 421 100 III 1 I I 1 V 2 1 2 1 Vl 73 61 12 73 61 12 VIl 2 2 1 VIIJ 9 9 8 8 IX 830 615 215 435 349 86

Family 899 Labourers. D. e. c.

Total 901 673 228 505 406 99 III 1 1 1 V J 1 1 VI 66 54 12 66 54 12 VII 1 1 2 1 VIII 9 9 8 8 IX 822 608 214 427 342 85

*Division 9 Service, Spor' and Recreation Workers

Total 1,729 1,665 64 672 636 36 III 2 2 2 2 IV 1 1 1 J Y 1 J 1 1 PI 2 2 2 2 Yll 1 1 1 1 Ylll 9 9 9 9 IX 1.713 1.649 64 656 620 36

Group 90 Fire Fighters. Policemen, Guards and Related Workers Total 1,240 1.240 457 457 III 1 1 1 1 VI J I VII 1 IX 1,237 1,237 454 454 Family 901 Police Constables, Investigators and Related Workers Total 891 891 422 422 IX 891 891 422 422 g~

TABLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSO NS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTIVATION-Contd. Total Workers Division, Group ------_---- and Family Total Urban Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 903 Watchmen and Chowkldars Total 43 43 32 32 III 1 VI 1 VII 1 1 1 IX 40 40 2' 29 Family 909 Fire Fighters, Policemen, Guards and Related Workers, n. e. c. Total 305 30S 3 3 IX 305 305 3 3 Group 91 House-Keepers, Cooks, Maids and Rleated Workers

Total 98 72 26 40 37 3 VIII 2 2 2 2 IX 96 70 26 38 35 3 Family 911 Cooks, Cook-Bearers (Domestic and Institutional)

Total 42 39 3 21 20 VIII 2 2 2 2 IX 40 37 3 1-9 18

Family 912 Butlers, Bearers, Waiters. Maids and Other Servants (Domestic)

Total SI 33 18 19 17 2 IX 51 33 18 19 17 2

Group 92 Waiters, Bartenders aod Related Workers Total 4 4 4 4 IX 4 4 4 4 Group 93 Building Care-Takers, Cleaners and Refated Workers Total 132 98 34 124 92 32 III IV V VI ] VIIl 7 7 7 7 IX 121 87 34 113 81 32 Family 931 Cleaners, Sweepers and Watermen Total 132 98 34 124 92 32 JII 1 ! IV 1 1 1 V 1 1 1 VI 1 1 1 VIII 7 7 7 7 IX 121 87 34 113 ~l 32 100

TABLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTIVATION-Con/d. Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total Urban Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

Group 94 Barbers, Hairdressers, Beauticians and Related Workers Total 106 106 34 34 IX 106 106 34 34

Family 940 Barben, Hairdressers, Beauticians and Related Workers

Total 106 106 34 34 IX 106 106 34 34

Group 95 Laundrers. Dry Qeaners and Dressers

Tota) S 7 1 S 7 1 IX 8 7 8 7 1

Group 96 Athletes, Sportsmen and Related Workers

Total I JX 1

Group 97 Photographers and Related Camera Operators

Total 2 2 2 2 IX 2 2 2 2

Group 99 Service, Sport and Recreation Workers, D.e.C.

Total 138 135 3 2 2 IX 138 135 3 2 2

Family 999 Service, Sport and Recreation Workers, n.e.c.

Total 138 135 3 2 2 IX 138 135 3 2 2

Division X Workers not Classifiable by Occupation

Total 52 50 2 11 11 IV 3 J Yl 2 2 2 2 IX 47 45 2 9 9

Group X8 Worton Reportiog Occupations Unidentifiable or UnclassifiabJe

Total 34 33 1 11 U VI 2 2 2 2 IX 32 II 1 5) 9 101

TABLE B-V-OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTIVATION-Concld. Total Workers Division, Group and Family Total ._------Urban Category {'ersons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family X80 Workers Reporting Occupations Unidentifiable or Unclassifiable

Total 34 33 1 11 11 VI 2 2 2 2 IX 32 31 1 9 9

Group X9 Workers Dot Reporting Occupation

Total 18 17 IV 3 3 [X 15 14

Family X90 Workers not Reporting Occupation

Total 18 17 IV 3 3 IX 15 14

Jais,-9 102


Families having less than 1% of the workers of the respective divisions and less than 0.5% in case of Division 7-8 only have been shown in the appendix. The following abbreviations have been used :- III Mining, Quarrying, Liveiltock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, VI Construction Plantations, Orchards and Allied activities VII Trade and Commerce IV Household Industry VIII Transport, Storage and Communications V Manufacturing other than Household Industry IX Other Services M=Males F=Females DISTRICT 001 Total VI(M2) IX(M2). Urban VI(M2) IX(M2); 007 Total IV(M5,F6) V(M7); 707 Total IV(M2,F3); 715 Total IV(F2); 719 IX(M2), Urban IX(Ml); 009 Total VI(Ml) lX(M3). Urban Total IV(M35,F5); 721 Total IV(M2,F5); 730 Total III(MJ), VI(Ml); 014 Total IX(M2); 020 Total IX(Ml). Urban IX(Ml); Urban IlI(MI); 740 Total V(M2), Urban V(M2); 750 Total 021 Total IX(M4), Urban IX(Ml); 030 Total IX(M3), Urban VIII(MI) IX(MI), Urban VIII(MI); 753 Total V(M7) VIII(M2) IX(M3); 039 Total IX(M4), Urban IX(M4); 040 Total IX(F5), IX(M5), Urban V(M7) VIII(M2) IX(M5); 755 Total IX(Ml), Urban IX(FS); 041 Total IX(M3), Urban IX(F3); 042 Total Urban IX(Ml); 756 Total IX(MI); 759 TotaIIX(Ml); 760 Total IX(M3), Urban IX(M3); 044 Total IX(M4), Urban IX(M4); 050 IX(MI), Urban IX(MI); 761 Total V(M3) IX(M2), Urban V(M3) Total IX(MI), Urban IX(Ml); 053 Total IX(Ml), Urban IX(MI); IX(M2); 764 Total VIII(MI) IX(M4), Urban VIII(Ml) IX(M4); 060 Total IX(MI), Urban IX(Ml); 062 Total IX(M3), Urban 769 Total V(M I), Urban V(M I); 772 Total UI(M2) V(M2) VII(M7). IX(M3); 069 Total IX(M2), Urban IX(MI); 076 Total IX(Ml), Urban III(M2) V(M2) VlI(M7); 773 Total IV(Ml); 774 Total Urban IX(Ml); 078 Total IX(M2), Urban IX(MI}; 083 Total IV(MI); 775 Total V(Ml), Urban V(Ml); 780 Total IV(F6) lX(Ml), Urban IX(Ml); 087 Total IX(F2), Urban IX(F2); 090 IX(Ml), Urban IX(Ml); 791 Total VI(M38,FI), Urban VI(M34,Fl); Total IX(MI), Urban lX(Ml); OX9 Total IX(Ml), Urban IX(Ml); 793 Total VI(Ml), Urban VI(MI); 794 Total VI(M2); 795 Total 102 Total IX(M2), Urban IX(M2): 110 Total VII(Ml), Urban VI(M21,F6); 804 Total V(MI9,FI), Urban V(MI9,Fl); 808 Total VI1(Ml); 120 Total VII(Ml). Urban VU(M1); 121 Total VII(M2). lX(FS); 820 Total IV(Ml,F5) V(M9) IX(M2,F2), Urban V(M9) Urban VII(M2); 130 Total m(Ml), Urban IlI(Ml); 132 Total IX(F2); 821 Total IV(M8) V(M9,FI). Urban IV(M7) V(M9,Fl); IX(Ml), Urban IX(MI); 210 Total IX(M5), Urban IX(MS); 211 824 Total IV(M I) V(M7) VII(M20) lX(MI), Urban v(M7) Total IX(M4), Urban IX(M4); 221 Total IX(MI); 310 Total VII(MI9); 825 Total VIl(Ml), Urban VII(MI); 827 Total VII(M3), Vll(M3), Urban VII(M3); 312 Total VIl(Ml) VIlJ{M2), Urban Urban VU(M3); 850 Total IV(MI7,F3) VII(FI); 851 Total V(M2). VII(Ml) VIII(M2); 339 Total VII(F5); 403 Total IIl(M58) IV(Ml); Urban V(M2); 853 Total IV(MI7,Fl) V(F2), Urban V(F2); 854 412 Total I1I(M22) VII(Fl); 415 Total III(M8); 420 Total I1I(FI); Total IX(MI), Urban IX(MI); 855 Total V(Ml), Urban V(Ml); 440 Total IlI(M2), Urban III(M2); 441 Total III(Ml,F4); 442 859 Total IV(FI5); 870 Total IX(Ml); 872 Total V(Ml). Urban Total IlI(M79,F6), Urban 1II(M4,F3); 449 Total III(MIO,F3), V(MI); 876 Total VIII(MI9) IX(M3), Urban VIII(MI9) IX(M3); IV(Ml), Urban III(Ml); 631 Total VIIJ(MI}, Urban VIII(MI); 890 Total V(MI) VI(M7) IX(M7,FI), Urban V(Ml) VI(M7) 670 Total VIII(MI), Urban VIIIlMI); 672 Total VlII(MI) IX(M2), IX(M7,FI); 902 Total IX(Ml); 919 Total IX(FS); 920 Total Urban VIII(MI) IX(M2); 679 Total VIII(Ml), Urb&n VlII(Ml); 692 Total VlII(M2); Urban VIII(Ml); 693 Total VllI(Ml), Urban IX(M4), Urban IX(M4); 950 Total IX(M7,Fl). Urban IX(M7,Fl); VII1(Ml); 700 Total IV(Ml,F5) V(M5), Urban V(M5); 703 Total 960 Total IX(Ml), Urban IX(Ml); 979 Total IX(M2), Urban V(Ml). Urban V(Ml); 766 Total IV(M17,F8) V(M8), Urban IX(M2). 103


The following Occupational Families have been assigned to incompatible Industrial Categories of Workers in Table B-V due to insufficient description given in the enumeration slip for Industry or Coding mistake. Statement showing appropriate Industrial Categories of Occupational Families. Industrial Total Urban category A ppr()priate Code Number and Description appearing in Industrial of Occupational Family Persons Males Females Persons Males Femll.les the Table Category 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DISTRICT

111 Directors and Managers Retail Trade 7 7 IX VII 134 Directors, Managers and Working Prop'letors Transport 7 7 7 7 VII VIII 511 Well Diliers. other than Petrolium and Gas 13 13 IX I1I,VI 630 Drivers 3 3 3 3 IX VIII 660 Inspectors, Supervisors. Station Master ' . and Permanent way Insprctors 11 11 IX VIII 702 Spinners, Piecers 'and Winders 20 20 III IV,V 770 Karpenters, Joiners, Pattern Makers (Wood) 2 2 2 2 IX IIIJV,V,VIII 79(1 Stone Cutters, Stone Carvers and Stooe Dressers 5 5 3 3 IX III.IV,V,VI 850 Basketry, Weavers and Related Workers VII IV.V

Jais.9-A ·104


Educational levels

Literate Technical (without Matriculation diploma not Total Literate educational Primary or or Higher equal to Occupational Total Worken Workers level) Junior Basic Secondary degree Division No. Age- (N.C.O.) group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS DISTRICT All DivislOBl Total 3.8:U 3,547 274 2,103 34 1.586 22 140 3 304 7 1 0-14 11 1 11 1 15-34 1,266 22 8S0 11 III 2 25S 7 35-59 769 9 669 8 29 1 49 1 60+ 57 2 56 2 Age Dot stated

0 Total Z33 214 19 198 16 92 7 14 3 57 0-14 " 15-34 III 11 30 3 ]2 2 43 4 35-59 73 5 48 4 2 14 60+ 14 14 Age not stated

1 Total 184 179 5 163 1 85 1 7 45 0-14 15-34 84 28 3 35 35-59 78 56 4 10 60+ Age not stated 2 Total 338 332 270 2 129 18 116 1 0-14 15-34 188 2 73 13 98 2 35-59 76 51 5 18 60+ 6 5 Age not stated 3 Total 665 639 26 496 3 430 3 27 38 0-14 15-34 252 192 24 36 35-59 224 218 3 2 60+ 20 20 Age not stated 4 Total 112 90 22 17 14 2. 0-14 15-34 10 8 2 35-59 7 6 60+ Age not stated

O-Professional, Technical and Related Workers I-Administrative, Executive and Managerial Workers 2-Clerical and Related Workers 3-Sales Workers 4-Farmcrll. Fishermen. HUnters, Loggers and Related Worker! 105


Educational levels University Non-tech- degree or Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree nical post-graduate diploma degree other not equal than technical Veterinary and to degree degree Engineering Medicine Agriculture Dairying Technology Teaching Others Males FemaJes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 DISTRICT 9 2 21 1 7 3 9 22

3 2 19 4 2 8 14 6 2 1 3 I 1 7 1

5 2 9 1 S 2 8 S

1 2 9 4 7 4 4 1

2 1 1 13

7 1 & 2 S

2 2 3

2 1 1 1


1 106


Educational levels

Literate Technical (without Matriculation diploma not Total Literate educational Primary or or Higher equal to Occupational Total Workers Workers level) Junior Basic Secondary degree Division No. Age­ (N.C.O.) group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

5 Total 4 4 2 1 1 0-14 IS-34 2 3S-S9 60+ Age not stated

(j Total 251 251 142 128 6 8 0-14 15-34 94 84 4 6 3S-59 48 44 2 2 60+ Age not stated

7-8 Total 1,351 1, ]91 160 380 12 359 11 15 5 1 1 0-14 11 1 11 1 15-34 220 8 201 7 14 5 35-59 137 2 135 2 1 60+ J2 1 12 1 Age not stated

Total 67Z 636 36 426 342 52 32 0-14 15-34 299 230 40 29 35-59 123 108 12 3 60+ 4 4 Age not stated

x Total 11 11 9 7 0-14 15-34 6 4 35-59 3 3 60+ Age Dot stated

S- Miners, Quarrymen and Related Workers 6- Workers in Transport and Communication Occupations 7-8- Craftsmen. Production Process Workers and Labourers not Elsewhere Classified 9- Service, Sport and Recreation Workers X- Workers not Classifiable by Occupation 107


Educational levels University Non-tech­ degree or nical post-graduate Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree diploma degree other not equal than technical Veterinary and to degree degree Engineering Medicine Agriculture Dairying Technology Teaching Others Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

1 1

1 108


Secondary Work Principal Work I-At Household III-As Agricultural Cultivator. Agricultural Labourer or T Industry II-As Cultivator Labourer HOUl(lboid Industry (Division and R Major Group) U Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 S 6 7 8 DISTRICT

As Cultivator T 14,910 4.866 483 75 R 14,882 4.847 483 7S U 28 19 As Apicultural Labourer T 38 14 2 R 38 14 2 U At HouseboW WusttY T 7.400 2,293 92 39 R 7,368 2,289 91 38 U 32 4 1 1 Div/fli_ 0 T 5,950 1,521 48 29 (Agricu/lure, Livestock. R 5,950 1,521 48 29 Forestry, Fbhing and Humi'W) U Major Group 02 T 2 1 (Forestry and Logging) R 2 1 U Major Group 04 T 5,948 1,520 47 29 (Livestock and Hunting) R 5,948 1,520 47 29 U Divi.sio" 2&.3 T 1.450 772 44 10 (Manu/ae/llrilf6) R 1.418 768 43 9 U 32 4 1 1 Major Gropp 20 T 22 526 (Food Stuffs) R 15 526 U 7 Major Group 21 T 1 'Beverages) R 1 U Major Group 23 T 102 150 7 3 (felrti1e-Couon) R 102 150 7 3 U Major Group 25 T 186 43 1 (Textile-Woo}) R 186 43 1 U Major Group 27 T 147 8 2 (Textilo-MilK:e)laneous) R 147 8 2 U Major Group 28 T 212 1 I (Manufacture of Wood alld R 208 1 1 WoodeD Products) U 4 109

TABLE B-VII PART A-PERSONS WORKING PRINCIPALLY (i) AS CULTIVATORS (ij) AS AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS OR (iii) AT HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND BY SECONDARY WORK (i) AT HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY (ii) AS CULTIVATOR OR (iii) AS AGRICULTURAL LABOURER-Conc1d. Secondary Work Principal Work I-At Household III-As Agricultural Cultivator, Agricultural Labourer or T Industry II-As Cultivator Labourer Household Industry (Division and R Major Group) U Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Major Group 31 T 611 36 34 1 (Leather and Leather R 611 36 33 1 Products) U 1 Major Group 34-35 T 119 3 3 (Non-Metallic Mineral Products R 109 3 2 Other than Petroleum and Coal) U 10 1 Major Group 36 T 9 (Basic Metals and their Products except R 6 Machinery and Transport Equipment) U 3 Major Group 38 T 1 (Transport equipments) R 1 U Major Group 39 T 41 4 1 (Miscellaneous Manufacturing R 33 1 Industries) U 8 4 TEHSILWISE RURAL ONLY RAMGARH TEHSIL Cultivator R 432 159 Agricultural Labourer Household Industry 512 88 4 Division 0 298 Jl 1 2&3 214 77 3 NACHNA TEHSIL Cultivator R 1,108 510 2 Agricultural Labourer 2 2 Household Industry lOS 113 7 Division 0 10J 2 2&3 105 10 .5 JAISALMER TEHSIL Cultivator R 414 112 81 21 Agricultural Labpurer 2 Household Industry 4,273 1,437 42 14 Division 0 3.721 1,309 33 12 2&3 551 128 9 2 POKARAN TEHSIL Cultivator R 9,814 3,707 236 42 Agricultural Labourer 10 9 Household Industry 64 (j -2 16 Division 0 28 1 :z IS 2&3 36 S 1 SAM TEHSIL Cultivator R 969 142 27 4 Agricultural Labourer 1 Household Industry 368 5 6 I Division 0 53 3 2&.3 315 2 6 1 FATEHGARH TEHSIL Cultivator R 2,145 217 137 8 Agricultural Labourer 25 3 Household Industry 2,047 640 37 Division 0 1,850 94 12 2&3 197 546 25 Jais.-l0 110


Principal Work, Additional Principal Work, Additional Work at Household Industry Work at Household Industry (Division & Major Group) Males Females (Division & Major Group) Males Females 2 3 2 3


P.W. Division o 6,526 1,866 Major Group 20 2 A. W. Division o 6,183 1,160 28 1 Major Group 00 11 18 P.W. Major Group 80 02 9 2,044 29 A. W. Division o 5 04 6.163 1,142 Major Group 04 P.W. Major Group 2&3 543 5 Major Group 20 522 P.W. Major Group 81 252 15 25 21 A. W. Division o 2 P.W. Major Group 00 83 57 Major Group 04 2 A.W. Division o 30 1 P.W. Major Group 83 CiS 1 Maior Group 00 11 I A. W. Division o 2 04 19 Major Group 04 2 P.W. Major Group 02 97 10 P W Major Group 88 273 46 A. W. Division o 19 A. W. Division o 33 Major Group 02 9 Major Group 04 04 10 .. 33 P.W. Major Group 04 6,335 1,789 P.W. Major Group 89 676 226 A. W. Division o 6,134 1,159 A. W. Division o 17 2 Major Group 00 17 Major Group 04 17 2 04 6,134 1,142 A.W Didsion 2&3 3 P.W. Division 2&3 543 Major Group 20 2 Major Group 20 522 28 1 25 21 P.W. Division 2&3 349 15 TEHSILWISE RURAL ONLY A. W. Division 2&3 11 Major Group 20 '9 RAMGARH TEHSIL 23 1 P.W. Division 6 98 4 25 1 A.W. Division 2&3 P.W. Major Group 33 5 1 A. W. Division 2&3 1 NACHNA TEHSIL Major Group 23 1 P.W. Division o 1,439 689 P.W. Major Group 36 26 A.W. Division o 1,428 146 A.W. Division 2&3 9 2&3 11 543 Major Group 20 9 JAISALMER TEHSIL P.W. Major Group 39 71 A. W. Division 2&3 P.W. Division o 166 56 1 A. W. Division Major GrOll{) 25 1 o 29 17 P.W. Division 6 78 1 P.W. Division 6 1,306 4.3 A. W. Division o 13 A. W. Division o 36 P.W. Division 8 441 102 Major Group 04 36 A. W. Division o 13 A. W. Division 2&3 3 Major Group 23 3 POKARAN TEHSIL P.W. Major Group 60-63 145 P.W. Division o 1,045 721 A. W. Division 2&3 1 A.W. Db'Ision 2&3 1,045 632 Major Group 23 1 P.W. Division 8 435 54 P.W. Major Group 64-68 1,135 43 A. W. Division o 20 2 A. W. Division o 33 SAM TEHSIL Major Group 04 33 A.W Division 2&3 1 P.W. Division o 3,570 358 Major Group 23 1 A. W. Division o 3,536 358 P.W. Diviiion 6 P.W. Major Group no 1 69 26 A. W. Division o 3 A.W. Division o 3 Major Group 04 3 FATEHGARH TEHSIL A.W. Division 2&3 1 P.W. Division Major Group 23 I o 207 16 A. W. Division o 145 7 P. W. Division 8 3,647 397 P.W. Division 6 106 A. W. Division o 59 2 A. W. Divisitm o 15 Major Group 04 59 2 P.W. Division 8 J08 62 A.W. Division 2&3 3 A.W. Division 8 26 111


Total unemployed _ Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 Sl. ~ F No. Educational levels P M F M F M F M F M F M 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DISTRICf

Total 17 17 3 3 2 Illiterate 6, 6 I. 3 Literate (without educational level) 9 9 4 Primary or Junior Basic 2 2 S Matriculation or Higher Secondary 6 Technical diploma not equal to degree 7 Non-technical diploma Dot equal to degree 8 University degree or post. graduate degree other thaD Technical degree 9 Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post- graduate degree Engineering il Medicine iii Agriculture iv Veterinary & Dairying v Technology vi Teaching vii Others

Seeking employment for and seeking work the first time-concld. Persons employed before but now out of employment Age-groups Age-groups ------Age not stated 35+ Age not stated Total 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+ ------SI. F M F M F No. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M 29 30 31 32 33 34 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 1 14 3 4 4 2 1 2 5 1 2 1 3 8 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 9

11 iii iv v vi vii



unemp]oyeds by educational levels Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Total unemployed TIJiterate educational level) Junior Basic and above Dilltrictrrehsil P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 DISTRiCt 9 9 4 4 1 1 1. 1. 1 1 Ramprh Tehsil 2 2 Nachoa Tebllil 1 1 1 1 Jaisalmer TehsiJ 3 3 2 2 1 1 Pokaran Tehsil Sam Tehsil Fatebgarh Tehsil 3 3 3 3 114


Total non-working population Full time students Households duties District/Tebsil Age-sroup Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9

DISTRICT Total Total 72,202 28,910 43,292 4,538 458 650 18,656 0-14 50,137 Z6,153 23,984 3,970 453 S97 3,092 15-34 ]2,024 1,163 10,861 552 5 36 10,234 35-59 6,234 457 5,777 13 4,629 60+ 3,768 1,101 2,667 4 701 Age not 39 36 3 16 .. stated Rural Total 62.746 25,396 37,350 3,275 173 634 15,484 0--14 44,643 23,274 21,369 2,919 170 590 2,681 15-34 9,713 834 8,879 340 3 29 8,388 35-59 . 5,037 305 4,732 13 3,804 60+ 3,314 947 2,367 2 611 Age not 39 36 3 16 stated UrbaD Total 9,456 3,514 5,942 1,163 285 16 3,172 0--14 5,494 2,879 2,615 1,051 283 7 411 15-34 2,311 329 ],982 212 2 7 1.846 35-59 1,197 152 1,045 825 60+ 454 154 300 2 90 Age not stated TEHSILWISE Ramgarh Tchsi) R Total 6,007 2,269 3,738 173 11 3 1,759 0-14 3,940 2,000 1,940 136 11 285 15-34 ],147 90 1,057 21 2 1,020 35-59 597 63 534 1 425

60+ 305 100 205 " 29 Age not 18 16 2 16 stated Nachoa Tehsi) R Total 5,136 2,071 3,065 247 9 3 1,287 0-14 3,720 1,906 1,1I14 213 9 2J7 15-34 778 65 713 34 2 704 35-59 374 21 353 1 306 60+ 262 77 185 60 Age not 2 2 stated JaisalIner Tehsn R Total 9,939 4,031 5,908 491 13 17 2,498 0-14 7,205 3,756 3,449 445 13 8 489 15-34 1,41cl5 122 1,363 46 5 1,312 35-59 786 39 747 3 593 60+ 463 114 349 I 104 Age not stated Pokaran Tehsil R Total 23,662 10,221 13.441 1,757 90 518 4,705 0-14 17,8011 9,405 8,403 1,572 88 515 735 15-34 3,013 334 2.679 185 2 1 2,51<2 35-59 1,540 96 1,444 1 1,160 60+ 1,2R2 368 914 1 228 Age not 19 18 1 stated Sam Tehsil R Total 8,819 2,981 5,838 218 38 33 3.093 0-14 5.193 2,699 2.494 204 38 19 475 15-34 2,065 J 15 1,950 ]4 9 1.691 35-59 1,103 37 1,066 5 807 60+ 458 130 328 120 Age not stated Fatehgarh Tehsil Total 9,183 3,823 5,360 389 12 60 2,142 0-14 6,777 3,508 3,269 349 11 48 480 J5-34 1,225 108 ), t 17 40 1 10 1,079 35-59 637 49 588 2 483 60+ 544 158 386 100 A~e not stated 115


Persons employed Persons seeking before but now Dependents, Retired, rentier or Beggars, vagrants Inmates of employment for the out of employment infants & disabled independent means etc. institutions first time and seeking work Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

23.156 23,945 86 59 440 174 7 14 19 21,544 20,430 1 35 8 5 2 331 575 12 4 205 43 4 9 14 261 1,056 29 24 149 68 2 3 1,000 1,882 45 30 51 54 1 20 2 1

21,080 21,492 61 58 333 143 10 3 19,729 18,509 1 32 II .. 287 444 12 4 157 40 6 3 175 853 16 lJ 101 52 869 1,684 33 30 43 42 20 2 1

2,076 2,453 25 1 107 31 7 4 16 1,815 1,921 3 1 2. 44 131 48 3 4 3 11 86 203 13 1 48 16 2 3 131 198 12 8 12 1

RURAL ONLY 2,052 1,961 19 20 7 2 1,859 1,644 5 49 37 8 8 2 48 107 9 5 2 96 171 2 2 5 2

1,770 1,735 18 28 32 6 1 1,689 1,587 4 1 .... 10 8 2 16 1 7 39 4 6 9 2 62 101 12 22 3 2 2

3,435 3,349 10 11 75 37 3 3,290 2,945 13 2 34 34 34 17 3 12 135 1 7 23 ]2 99 235 9 4 5 6

7,833 8,602 2 18 111 26 7,316 7,579 1 2 88 88 4 60 7 63 231 1 9 31 11 348 704 r 4 18 8 18

2,676 2,689 12 42 17 2,474 1,981 2 68 253 2 21 6 18 256 1 Il. l 116 199 9 5 9

3,314 3,156 53 50 7 3.101 2,773 (I 5 4 38 24 17 13 3 27 85 20 lO 148 274 10 12 116

TABLE B-X-SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS (i) ENGAGED NEITHER IN CULTIVATION NOR HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY (it) ENGAGED EITHER IN CULTIVATION OR HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY BUT NOT IN BOTH AND (iii) ENGAGED BOTH IN CULTIVATION AND HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY FOR ALL AREAS (Based on 20 % Sample) Households en- Households gaged neither Households Households engaged both in Cultivation engaged in engaged in in Cultivation Total Number nor in House- Cultivation Household and Household of households hold Industry only Industry only Industry Districtrrehsil ------_ -----_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 DISTRIct Total 4,939 729 985 305 2,970 Rural 4,402 238 934 270 2,960 Urbu 587 491 51 35 10 TRHSILWISE RtJRAL ONLY

Ram,arb Tebsil 190 27 22 32 109 Nachoa Tehsil 379 13 69 13 284 Jaisalmer TehsU . 746 47 111 45 543 Pokaran Tehsil 1,717 66 514 30 I,ID7 Sam Tehai1 596 42 51 124 379 Fatehgarh Tehsil 774 3 '167 26 538 117


(Based on 20 % Sample)

No. of Households engaged in cultivation by size of land in acres Cultiva------ting House- Less Unspe- Interest in land Cultivated holds than 1 1.0-2.4 2.5-4.9 5.0-7.4 7.5-9.9 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 15.0-29.9 30.0-49.9 50+ cified

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DISTRICT TOTAL 3,955 23 51 123 137 269 112 1,016 799 1,407 18 (a) 3,318 16 33 94 101 221 84 825 686 1,240 18 (b) 584 7 18 27 3S 46 23 172 100 156 (c) 53 2 1 2 5 19 13 II DISTRICT RURAL 3.894 21 48 114 136 264 111 995 793 1,394 18 (8) 3,266 14 30 87 100 216 83 80ti 682 1,230 18 (b) 579 7 18 26 35 46 23 170 99 155 (c) 49 1 I 2 5 19 12 9 DISTRICT URBAN 61 2 391 5 I 21 6 13 I (a) 52 2 371 S 1 19 4 10 (b) 5 1 2 1 1 (c) 4 1 1 2 TEHSILWISE RURAL ONLY RAMGARH TEHSIL Total 131 14 3 7 12 15 17 5 52 16 3 (a) 43 14 1 3 2 11 18 4 2 1 (b) 78 2 6 8 12 6 4 30 9 (c) 10 1 1 1 4 3 NACHNA TEHSIL Total 353 4 3 3 14 5 75 80 168 (a) 93 1 7 13 19 52 I (b) 260 4 2 3 7 5 62 61 116 (c) JAISALMER TEHSIL Total 654 4 17 36 45 67 37 209 89 150 (a) 537 4 11 27 36 52 27 167 78 135 (b) 104 6 9 9 15 10 33 10 12 (c) 13 9 3 POKARAN TEHSIL Total ],621 4 11 32 28 ]00 29 372 369 668 8 (a) 1,562 2 9 28 25 94 27 350 359 660 8 (b) 49 2 2 4 3 6 2 18 5 7 (c) 10 4 5 SAM TEHSIL Total 430 7 7 14 21 26 23 129 90 III 2 (a) 357 4 7 11 17 14 18 108 78 98 2 (b) 63 3 3 4 10 19 10 13 (c) 10 2 4 2 2 FATEHGARH TEHSIL Total 705 3 2 17 24 40 12 158 149 294 6 (a) 674 3 2, 17 20 38 II 150 144 283 6 (b) 25 4 2 8 4 6 (c) 6 I 5

Abbreviations for interest in land given under column I: (a)= Owned or held from Government, (b) = Held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or share. (c)= Partly held from Government and partly from private persons for payment in money. kind or share. Jais. 11 118


Cultivating households according to Total of CUltivating households I Person 2 Persons Family workers Family workers Family workers Size of Land House­ Hired House­ House- --- Hired (Class ranges in acres) holds Males Females workers holds Males Females holds Males Females workers I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DISTRICT All sizes 98S 1,473 732 511 351 306 45 278 358 189 9 Less than Ii 1.0- 2.4 9 7 5 5 3 2 2 2 2 2.5- 4.9- 14 19 5 6 4 2 6 10 2 5.0-7.4 39 44 16 3 19 17 2 16 21 10 7.5- 9.90 37 46 14 10 22 20 2 8 12 4 )0.0-12.4 83 85' 53 15 42 31 11 23 25 20 }2.5-14.9 30 39 20 5 14 12 2 4 5 3 15.0-29.9- 304 433 208 162 117 103 14 84 104 63 30.0-49.9 202 331 184 131 57 52 5 57 77 35 1 50+ 260 461 225 185 65 61 4 75 97 49 4 Unspecified 7 8 2 4 3 3 5 DISTRICT All sizes 934 1,405 691 SOl 335 292 43 261 338 178 6 Less than I 1.0- 2.4 7 5 5 3 2 2 2 2 2.5- 4.9 11 14 5 5 3 2 4 6 2 5.0- 7.4 31 34 13 2 16 15 1 12 16 8 7.5- 9.9 36 46 13 10 21 20 8 12 4 rO.0-12.4 79 78 50 14 41 30 11 22 24 20 }2.5-14.9 29 38 20 5 13 11 2 4 5 3 15.0-29.9 287 413 187 161 114 100 14 76 97 54 30.0-49.9 196 324 181 126 55 50 5 57 77 35 2 50+ 251 445 215 183 63 59 4 73 94 49 3 Unspecified 7 8 2 4 3 3 5 DISTRICT All lizes 51 68 41 10 16 14 2 17 20 11 3 Less than I 1.0- 2.4 2 2 2 2 2.5- 4.9 3 5 2 4 5.0- 7.4 8 10 3 3 2 4 5 2 7.5- 9.9 I 1 10.0-12.4 4 7 3 12.5-14.9 1 I 15.0-29.9 17 20 21 3 3 8 7 9 30.0-49.9 6 7 3 5 2 2 50+ 9 16 10 2 2 2 2 3 Unspecified 119

CLASSIFiED BY stzit bF LAM) CUtttvAttD AND NtJMIlER OF IN lUJRAL AND VRBAfol AREAS SEt-ARAntY 20 % Sample) number of persons engaged in cultivation Unspecified 3-5 Persons 6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons Family workers Family workers ~ze of~nd Family workers

RURAL 20 369 22 62 All sizes 252 519 307 55 51 194 143 9 13 32 Less tran 1 1 1.0- 2,4 2 1 2.5- 4.9 2 5 1 5.0- 7.4 3 3- 4 2 10 7.5- 9.9 5 8 7 6 12 10.0-12,4 19 2 3 13 24 12.5-14.9 11 19 12 5 3 3 145 8 15.0-29.9 73 166 80 15 12 47 38 4 3 16 60 6 SO 30.0-49.9 61 130 85 14 13 45 40 4 22 4 50+ 98 17 24 93 62 9 4 7 2 154 83 192 Unspecffled

URBAN 1 2 All sizes 15 30 20 5 2 4 8 Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 2.5- 4' 9' 5.0- 7.4 3 75- g.9 10.0-12.4 2 5 3 125-14.9 15.0-29.9 5 7 9 1 3 3 1 2 30.0-49.9 3 5 3 3 50+ 5 1 5 4 10 Unspecified

Jais.-l1 A 120

TABLE B-XII-SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS ENGAGED IN CULTIVATION ONLY FAMILY WORKERS AND IDRED WORKERS (Based on Cultivating households according to Total of cultivating households 1 Person 2 Persons Family workers Family workers Family workers Size of Land House- Hired House- House- Hired (Class ranges in acres) holds Males Females workers holds Males Females holds Males Females workers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TEHSILWISE

RAMGARH All sizes 22 24 19 19 1 Less than I 1.0- 2.4 2.5- 4.!> S.O- 7.4 3 3 3 3 7.5- 9.!> 3 4 2 2 2 to.0-12.4 2 2 2 2 12.5-t4.!> 1 1 1 1 J-S.0-29.!> 7 9 6 6 30.0-49.9 2 2 2 2 50+ 2 2 2 2 Unspecified 1 1 NACHNA

All sizes 69 79 29 2 37 ~4 3 19 25 13 Less than I 1.0- 2.4 2.S- 4.9 S.O- 7.4 7.5- 9.9 2 2 2 10.0-12.4 3 2 2 2 1 12.5-14.9 1 1 1 15.7-29.9 21 6 2 12 12 6 8 4 30.0-49.9 22 21 10 13 11 2 6 7 5 SO+ 20 31 9 8 8 6 9 3 Unspecified


All sizes 111 147 43 18 S5 4S 10 26 39 13 Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 2 2 1 1 1 2.5- 4.9 6 6 4 3 2 2 3 5.0- 7.4 10 JI 4 2 4 4 5 7 3 7.S- 9.9 9 10 8 8 1 2 10.0-12.4 11 10 6 2 6 3 3 3 4 2 12.5-14.9 8 12 5 3 2 2 2 3 1 15.0-29.9 39 58 15 5 19 15 4 7 10 4 30.()-49.9 10 18 6 6 2 2 2 4 50+ 16 20 2 10 9 1 3 S 1 Unspecified 121

CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF LAND CULTIVATED AND NUMBER OF IN RURAL AND URBAN AREAS SEPARATELY-Contd. 20% Sample) number of persons engaged in cultivation 3-5 Persons 6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons Unspecified Family workers Family workers Family workers Size of Land House- Hired House- - Hired House- Hired House- Hired (Class ranges holds Males Females workers holds Males Females workers holds Males Females workers holds workers in acres) 13 14 15 16 17 18 J9 20 21 J2 23 24 25 26 RURAL ONLY TEHSJL

1 3 1 All sizes Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 2.5- 4.9 5.0- 7.4 7.5- 9.9 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 3 15.0-29.9 30.0-49.9 50+ Unspecified TEHSIL

9 17 10 2 1 3 3 3 All sizes Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 2.5- 4.9 5.0- 7.4 2 7.5- 9.9 10.0--12.4 12.5-14.9 2 2 2 2 15.0-29.9 2 3 .3 30.0-49.9 4 II 3 3 3 50+ Unspecified TEHSIL

24 54 16 18 2 9 4 4 All sizes Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 2 t 2.5- 4.9 1 2 5.0- 7.4 7.5- 9.9 2 3 1 2 10.0-12.4 4 7 4 3 12.5-14.9 12 33 7 5 15.0-29.9 4 9 2 6 3 4 I 30.0-49.9 6 2 50+ Unspecified 12~

TABLE B-XII-SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS ENGAGED IN CULTIVATION ONLY FAMILY WORKERS AND HIRED WORKItRS (Based on Cultivating households according to Total of cultivating households 1 Person 2 Persons Family workers Family workers Family workers S'12!e of Land House- Hired House- House- Hired (Oass ranges in acres) holds Males Females workers holds Males Females hOlds Males Females workers ) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


.&II 5iZe8i 514 839 478 466 134 113 21 154 195 110 3 Less than-I t.0- 2.4 3 3 3 I 2.S- 4.91 3 4 1 1 2 3 1 5.0- 7.4 13 14 4 8 7 5 7 3 7.'5- !).9' 10 10 9 10 3 2 3 4 2 10.0-12.4 49 55 33 12 21 17 4 16 18 14 12.5-14.9- 11 13 9 6 4 2 }S.0-2!).9- 161 253 137 153 48 41 7 50 61 39 30.()-49.9 110 198 125 117 20 17 3 34 45 22 .50+ 151 286 156 174 24 23 1 42 54 28 2 lJnspecifi~ 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 2


AD sizes 51 67 9 27 27 11 19 3 less than r l.()- 2.4 2.S- 4.9- 1 3 S.O- 7.4 1 1 1 1.5- 9.91 3 3 3 3 10.0-12.4 3 2 2 2 )2.S~14.9 3 4 I 2 2 15.0-29.9 22 27 7 9 9 5 8 2 3O.Q--49I.9t 7 9 5 5 2 4 50+ 9 15 4 4 3 5 Unspecified 2 3 1 2


ADsl7leSi 167 249 132 15 63 54 9 50 58 39 3 Less than I 1.0- 2.4 1 1 1 2.5- 4.9 1 1 1 5.0- 7.4 4 5 5 2 2 2 7.S- 9.9 9 17 2 4 4 3 4 2 10.0-12.4 ]] 7 9 8 5 3 2 I 3 12.5-14.9 5 7 5 2 2 2 2 15.0-29.9 37 44 22 I 20 17 3 8 10 5 30.0-49.9 45 76 40 3 13 13 13 17 8 1 50+ 53 91 47 9 15 13 2 19 21 16 1 Unspecified 1 1 1 1 123

CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF LAND CULTIVATED AND NUMBER OF IN RURAL AND URBAN AREAS SEPARATELY-Concld. 20 % Sample) number of persons engaged in cultivation 3-5 Persons 6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons Unspecified Family workers Family workers Family workers Size of Land House- Hired House- --~-- Hired House· Hired House- Hired (Class raDges holds Males Females workers holds Males Females workers holds Males Femaels workers holds workers in acres) 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


170 366 219 27 36 133 108 5 13 32 20 369 7 62 All sizes Less than I 2 1.0- 2.4 2.5- 4.9 5.0- 7.4 3 4 5 ." 1 10 7.5- 9.9 10 20 15 2 12 10.0-12.4 5 9 7 12.5-14.9 47 105 S5 8 11 43 35 4 3 145 15.0-29.9 40 83 S6 6 9 31 28 4 22 16 60 3 50 30.0-49.9 64 143 80 13 16 59 45 5 4 7 2 154 50+ Unspecified


6 17 3 1 4 3 6 All sizea Less than 1 1.0-- 2.4 1 3 2.5- 4.9 5.0- 7.4 7.5- 9.9 10.0-12.4 1 2 1 12.5-14.9 2 6 2 4 3 5 15.0--29.9 30.0-49.9 2 6 50+ Unspecified

TEHSIL 42 92 59 8 11 45 25 4 1 All sizes Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 2.5- 4.9 2 3 3 5.0- 7.4 1 3 1 6 7.5- 9.9 I I 3 10.0-12.4 1 2 3 3 12.5-14.9 9 17 14 15.0-29.9 15 35 24 2 3 II 8 30.0-49.9 13 32 IS 4 6 2~ 14 4 50+ Unspecified



Number of households by size in acres of land cultivated Total No. Code No. of Division and Major of House- Less Unsp- Group of I. S. I. c. holds than I 1.0-2.42.5-4.9 5.0-7.47.5-9.9 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 15.0-29.9 30.0-49.9 50+ ecified

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DISTRICT RURAL All Industries 2,960 14 37 83 100 185 82 70S 597 1,143 11 Division 0 2,547 10 27 57 78 139 66 576 527 1,059 8 Major Group 00 3 1 1 1 04 2,544 10 27 57 77 139 66 575 526 1,059 8 Division 2&3 413 4 10 26 22 46 16 132 70 e4 3 Major Group 20 18 2 4 3 8 23 88 1 10 5 12 3 31 11 13 24 1 25 24 2 1 2 2 9 7 1 27 28 1 1 1 2 6 5 11 28 59 1 3 4 ) 14 13 22 31 146 3 7 5 7 18 7 47 26 26 34-35 26 2 7 2 11 2 2 36 4 1 1 2 39 19 3 3 1 8 3 1

DISTRICT URBAN All Industries 10 1 1 4 4 Division 0 2 1 1 Major Group 04 2 1 1 Division 2&3 8 1 1 3 3 Major Group 20 2 2 23 2 1 34-35 1 36 3 3

JaIs.-12 126

TABLE B-XIV-SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS ENGAGED ONLY IN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN ALL AREAS (Based on 20% Sample) Part A :- Households Classified By Major group of PrincipaJ Household Industry and Number of Persons engaged

Households engaged in Household Industry ac.ording to the number of persons engaged Total _._--- Rural Total number More than Unspe- Code No. of I.S.I.C. Urban of households 1 Person 2 Persons 3-5 Persons 6-10 Persons 10 Persons cified 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 All Industries T 305 130 97 74 1 3 R 270 121 78 67 1 3 U 3S 9 19 !7 Dlvl3/1H1 0 T 208 K3 65 57 I 2 R 204 83 63 55 1 2 U 4 2 2 Major Group 04 T 208 83 65 57 1 2 R 204 83 63 55 1 2 U 4 2 2 D(v(stoll 2&3 T 97 47 32 17 1 R 66 38 15 12 J U 31 9 17 5 Major Group 2() T 1 R 1 U 2) T 18 12 6 R 16 12 4 U 2 2 2S T 1 I R 1 1 U 27 T 8 7 1 R 8 7 1 U 2& T 7 I 4 I R 7 I 4 1 U 31 T 33 )0 11 )2 R 18 8 3 7 U 15 2 8 5 34-35 T 14 7 6 1 R 5 2 2 1 U 9 5 4 T 4 2 2 R 3 2 1 U 1 1 39 T 11 8 2 1 R 7 6 .. 1 U 4 2 2 127


Household Industry Number of Households Household Industry Number of Households (Code numbers and description of (Code numbers and description of Minor/Sub-minor Groups) Total Rural Urban Minor/Sub-minor Groups) Total Rural Urban

2 3 4 1 2 3

All Industries 305 270 35 2889 Manufacture of other articles 040l Rearing of goat for milk and 9 7 2 from leaf, cane, bamboo, cork animal power and other alHed products n e.c. 0403 Rearing of cows for milk and 11 10 2894 Manufacture of other wood and 2 2 animal power allied products n.e.c. 0404 Rearing of camels and other 3102 Currying, tanning & finishing 22 8 14 big domestic animals of hides and skins, preparation 0405 Production and rooring of live- 185 184 1 of finished leather stock mainly for milk and 3111 Making of leather boots, shoes 10 9 animal power n. e. Co or chappals (slippers, sandals) 0411 Sheep breeding and rearing 2 2 314 Repair of shoes, chappalg and 207 on pressing ghani, kolhu or by small machines other leather footwear 231 Cotton spinning (by charkha & 12 12 344 Making of Chakki, chakla, sHaut, 3 3 takali) lorha, ;ainta, utensils & other 235 Cotton cloth weaving in handlooRls 4 4 articles from stone 237 Printing of cloth (cotton) 2 2 350 Making of earthenware such 11 2 9 255 Weaving of woollen/cloth hand- 1 as pottery etc. loom such as blankets, rugs, 3602 Manufacture of Iron and Steel pashmina, thulna, gudna, etc. including smelting, refining, rolling, etc. 270 I Making of durries 2 1 such billets, bloom!!, tubes, rods. n.e.c. 2732 Traditional garments 6 6 282 Manufacture of structural 2 2 3691 Manufacture of agricultural 2 2 wooden goods (including trea- implements such as plough ted timber) such as beams, share, khurpi, kudal etc. posts, doors, windows 3698 Foundry industry (including 2849 Manufacture of other wooden 2 2 blacksmithy) products o.e.c. 3932 Goldsmithy 11 7 4

Jais.-Il A 128

TABLE B-XV-SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS ENGAGED BOTH IN CULTIVATION AND HOUSEHOLD ( Based on Total of cultivating households Cultivating households which are also engaged in household industry 1 Person 2 Persons Family workers Family workers Family workers Size of Land House- Hired House- - House- Hired (Class ranges in acres) holds Males Females workers holds Males Females holds Males Females workers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DISTRICT AU sizes 2.979 6,027 2,794 111 538 SOO 38 835 1,108 557 5 Less than I UJ- 2.4 14 23 6 7 7 2 :3 1 2.5- 4.9 37 69 23 13 13 10 15 5 5.0- 7.4 84 123 64 1 29 21 8 27 34 19 1 7.5- 9.9 100 164 67 29 28 39 50 28 10.0-12.4 186 297 153 3 50 41 9 63 73 52 1 12.5-14.9 82 139 57 9 23 20 3 25 38 12 15.0-29.9- 712 1,345 588 13 148 143 5 213 287 139 30.0-49.9- 597 1,241 570 5 98 96 2 173 234 III SO+ 1,147 2,610 1.260 80 136 127 9 280 371 187 2 Unspecified 11 16 6 5 4 3 3 3 mSTRICT All sizes 2,960 6,006 2,774 140 538 500 38 833 1,106 55S 5 Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 14 23 6 7 7 2 3 1 2.5- 4.9 37 69 23 13 13 10 15 5 5.0- 7.4 83 119 61 29 21 8 27 34 19 7.5- 9.9- 100 164 67 21) 28 1 39 50 28 1'0.0-12.4 185 296 151 :3 SO 41 9 63 73 52 12.5-14.9- 82 139 57 9 23 20 3 as 38 12 J5.0-29.9 708 J.338 583 JZ J48 143 5 Zll 285 137 30.0-49.9- 597 1.241 57Q 5 98 96 2 173 234 III 1 50+ 1.143 2.600 1,250 80 136 127 9 280 371 187 2 U nspecifiett 11 16 6 5 4 3 3 3 DISTRICT An sizes 10 22 28 1 2 2 2 Less than ~ 1.0- 2.4 2.5- 4.9- 5.0- 7.4 1 4 3 7.5- 9.g. .. W.0-12.4 1 2 12.5-14.9- )5.0-29.9 4 7 i 1 2 2 2 30.0-49.9 50+ 4 10 10 VDSl)C':iticd 129

INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF LAND IN RURAL AND URBAN AREAS SEPARATELY 20 % Sample) engaged in household industry 3-5 Persons 6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons Unspecified Family workers Family workers Family workers Size of Land House- Hired House- Hired House- Hired House Hired (Class ranges holds Males Females workers holds Males Females workers holds Males Females workers holds Workers in acres) J3 14 IS Hi 17 18 19 20 211 22 23 24 25 26 TOTAL 1,354 3,375 1,603 39 228 965 543 33 13 79 S3 34 2 All sizes Less than 1 4 9 3 4 2 1.0- 2.4 12 33 8 I 4 2 1 4 8 2.5- 4.9 24 52 26 4 16 11 5.0- 7.4 28 67 29 4 19 9 7.5- 9.9 68 156 8S 2 5 27 7 10.0-12.4 31 71 36 3 3 10 6 6 12.5-14.9 322 804 375 8 28 111 69 S 15.0-29.9 273 678 329 2 SO 216 121 2 2 17 7 I 30.0-49.9 589 1,496 710 24 132 558 316 20 10 58 38 34 50+ 3 9 2 Unspecified RURAL 1,349 3,365 1,594 38 225 955 534 33 13 79 53 34 2 All sizes Less than 1 4 9 3 4 2 1.0- 2.4 12 33 8 4 2 1 4 8 2.5- 4.9 24 52 26 3 12 8 5.0- 7.4 28 67 29 4 19 9 7.5- 9.9 67 15S 83 2 5 27 7 10.0-12.4 31 71 36 3 3 10 6 6 12.5-]4.9 320 799 372 7 28 III 69 5 1 15.0-29.9 273 678 329 2 50 216 121 2 2 17 7 1 30.0-49.9 587 1,492 706 24 130 552 310 20 10 58 38 34 50+ 3 9 2 Unspecified URBAN 5 10 9 1 3 10 9 All sizes Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 2.5- 4.9 I 4 3 5.0- 7.4 7.5- 9.9 I I 2 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 2 5 3 I 15.0-29.9 30.0-49.9 2 4 4 2 6 6 50+ Unspecified .130

TABLE B-XVI-SAMPLE PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY PERIOD OF WORKING ( Based on Total I to 3 months 4 to 6 months Total Family workers Family workers Family workers Rural House- Hired House- Hired House- Hired Code No. Urban holds Males Females workers holds Males Females workers holds Males Females workers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DISTRICT

All Industries Total 3,275 6,501 2,913 111 4 5 2 81 145 93 3 (a) 2,970 6,027 2,794 111 3 5 1 80 143 92 3 (b) 305 474 119 1 I 1 2 1 Rural 3,230 6,422 2,878 110 4 5 2 80 143 90 3 (a) 2,960 6,005 2,774 110 3 5 1 79 141 89 3 (b) 270 417 104 1 1 1 2 1 Urban 45 79 35 1 1 '2 3 (a) 10 12 20 1 1 2 3 (b) 35 57 15

• Division 0 Total 2.757 5,637 2,540 106 31 57 32 2 (a) 2.549 5.301 2.455 106 30 55 31 2 (b) 208 336 85 1 2 I Rural 2,751 5,627 2,534 106 31 57 32 2 (a) 2,547 5,298 2,453 106 30 55 31 2 (b) 204 329 8/ 1 2 Urban 6 10 6 (a) 2 3 2 (b) 4 7 4

Major Group 04 Total 2,7.4 5,632 2,538 106 31 57 32 2 (a) 2.546 5,296 2,453 106 30 55 31 2 (b) 208 336 85 I 2 1 Rural 2.748 5,622 2,532 106 31 57 32 2 (a) 2.544 5,293 2,451 106 30 55 31 2 (b) 204 329 81 1 2 1 Urban 6 10 6 (a) 2 3 2 (b) 4 7 4

• Division 2&3 Total 518 864 373 5 4 5 2 50 88 61 1 (a) 421 726 339 5 3 5 1 50 88 61 1 (b) 97 138 34 I J Rural 479 795 344 4 4 5 2 49 86 58 1 (a) 413 707 321 4 3 5 1 49 86 58 1 (h) 66 88 23 1 1 Urban 39 69 29 I 1 2 3 (a) 8 19 18 I 1 2 3 (b) 31 10 11

Major Group 23 Total 108 159 111 3 19 33 29 1 (a) 90 147 99 3 19 33 29 1 (b) 18 12 12 Rural 104 lSI 106 3 1 19 33 29 1 (a) 88 143 94 3 19 33 29 1 (b) ]6 8 12 1 Urban 4 8 5 (a) Z 4 S (b) 2 4

(a) :- With cultivation (b) ,- Without cultivation 131

AND TOTAL NUMBER OF WORKERS ENGAGED IN HOUSEHOLD INDUS:rRY IN ALL:. AREAS 20 % Sample) 7 to 9 months 10 months to 1 year Unspecified Family workers Family workers Family workers House- Hired House- Hired House- Hired holds Males Females workers holds Males Females workers' holds Males Females workers Code No. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TOTAL

208 373 151 3 2,898 5,802 2,611 )02 84 176 56 3 All Iodustries 200 362 147 3 2,614 5.368 2,504 102 73 149 50 3 8 11 4 Z84 434 107 11 27 6 203 365 140 3 2,862 5,744 2,594 101 81 165 52 3 196 354 138 3 2,610 5,360 2,499 101 12 145 47 3 7 11 2 252 384 95 9 20 5 5 8 11 36 58 17 1 3 11 4 4 8 9 4 8 5 1 1 4 3 1 :1 32 50 12 2 7 1

89 177 31 2,571 5.160 1.432 101 66 143 45 3 ·Divislon 0 85 170 31 2,372 4,943 2,353 101 62 133 40 3 4 7 199 317 79 10 5 89 177 31 2,566 5,253 2,427 101 65" 140 44 3 85 170 31 2,370 4,940 2,351 101 62 133 40 3 4 7 196 313 76 3 7 4 5 7 5 1 3 1 2 3 2 ., 3 4 3 1 3 1

87 175 31 2,570 5,257 2,430 101 66 143 45 3 Major Group 04 83 16R 31 2,371 4,940 2,351 101 62 133 40 3 4 7 199 317 79 4 10 5 87 175 31 2,565 5,250 2,425 101 6S 140 44 3 83 168 31 2,369 4,937 2,349 101 62 133 40 3 4 7 196 313 76 3 7 4 S 7 5 1 3 1 2 3 2 .. 3 4 3 1 3 1

Jl9 196 120 3 327 542 179 1 18 33 11 • Division 2&3 115 192 116 3 242 425 151 1 11 16 10 4 4 4 85 117 28 7 17 1 114 188 109 3 296 491 167 16 25 8 111 184 107 3 240 420 148 10 12 7 3 4 2 56 71 19 6 13 1 5 8 11 31 51 12 1 2 8 3 4 8 9 2 5 3 I 1 4 3 1 2 29 46 9 I 4

24 38 30 2 63 87 50 I 1 Major Group 23 23 37 30 2 47 76 39 1 1 1 1 16 11 11 22 34 2S 2 61 83 50 1 1 1 21 33 2S 2 47 76 39 1 1 1 1 1 14 7 11 2 4 5 2 4 2 4 5 2 4 132

TABLE IJ..XVI-SAMPLE PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY PERIOD OF WORKING ( Based on Total 1 to 3 months 4 to 6 months Total Family workers Family workers Family workers Rural House- Hired House------Hired House- Hierd Code No. Urban holds Males Females workers holds Males Females workers holds Males Females workers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Major Group 28 Total 66 122 45 3 5 1 8 16 , (a) 59 112 42 3 5 1 8 16 7 (b) 7 10 3 Rural 66 122 45 3 5 8 16 7 (a) 59 112 42 3 5 8 16 7 (b) 7 10 3 Urban (a) (b) 31 Total 179 307 120 16 25 20 (a) 146 245 108 16 2S 20 (b) 33 62 12 Rural 164 279 112 16 25 20 (a) 146 245 108 16 25 20 (b) 18 34 4 Urban 15 28 8 (a) .. .. (b) 15 28 8 133

AND TOTAL NUMBE'R OF WORKERS ENGAGED IN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN ALL AREAS-Concld. 20 % Sample) " 7 to 9 months 10 months to 1 year Unspecified Family workers Family workers Family workers House- Hired Home- - Hired House- Hired holds Males Females workers holds Males Females workers holds Males Females workers Code No.

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

II 23 11 44 78 26 Major Group 28 11 23 11 37 68 23 7 10 3 11 23 II 44 78 26 II 23 11 37 68 23 7 10 3

42 63 40 113 202 58 8 17 2 31 40 62 38 86 152 49 4 6 1 2 1 2 27 50 9 4 11 1 41 63 3R 100 178 52 7 13 2 40 62 38 86 152 49 4 6 1 1 I 14 26 3 3 7 1 ..1 2 13 24 6 4 1 2 13 24 6 1 4




The major groups of household industry having less than 10 percent of the respective divisions marked with an asterisk have been excluded from the main table and have been shown in run-on-lines in this Appendix. The figure preceding the bracket represents the code number of the major group dropped from the table while alpha­ bets given in brackets are meant for showing the different ranges of period of working in the household indu­ stries 'with' or 'without' cultivation as explained below. The numerical figure shown after the alphabets denotes the number of households in that particular range indicated by that alphabet. With Cultivation Without Cultivation Class range Class range or period of or period of Abbreviations working Abbreviations working A = 1 to 3 months E = 1 to 3 months 4 to 6 F = 4 to 6 B = " " C = G - 7 to 9 7 to 9 " " o = 10 Months to 1 year H - 10 Months to 1 year X Months not stated y = Months not stated DISTRICT TOTAL OO(C-2,D-l); 20(B-2,C-2,D-15,X-l,G-I); 24(D-I); 25(B-I,C-16,D-7,H-J); 27(B-2,C-6,O-20.H-7.Y-I); 34-3S(B-I,C-8,D-lS,X-3. H-13,Y -1); 36(B-I,C-l.D-S,H-3,Y-l); 39(C-8,D-9,X-2,H-ll).

RURAL OO(C-2,O-1); 20(B-I,C-I,O-lS,X-1,G-1); 24(D-I): 2S(B-l,C-16.0-7.H-I): 27(B-2,C-6,D-20,H-7,Y-l), 34-3S(B-I,C-8,D-lS,x-2, H-4,Y-I); 36(B-I,D-3,H-2,Y-l): 39(C-8,D-9,X-2.H-7).

URBAN 20(B-I,C-I); 34-3S(X-I,H-9); 36(C-l,D-2,H-I); 39(H-4).

Jais 13-A 136

TABLE B-XVII-SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS CLASSIFIED BY (i) NUMBER OF MALE AND FEMALE IN CULTIVATION NOR IN INDlJSTRY (B) IN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY ONLY AND ( Based on Size of Total Total No. of Total Sample Single member household Total No. of Total household population Sample Household population Rural House- House- House- Urban holds Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females holds Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 (i 7 8 9 10 11 12 DISTRICT TOTAL 24,790 132,575 73,171 59,404 4,989 25,920 ]4,271 11,649 366 234 132 DISTRICT RURAL 21,818 119.284 66,243 53,041 4,402 23,203 12,866 10,337 287 185 ]02

(i) Households engaged 238 742 422 320 83 57 26 neither in cultivation nor in household industry (ii) Households engaged 270 1,212 659 553 36 12 24 in household industry only (iii) Households engaged 3,894 21,249 11,785 9,464 168 116 52 in cultivation Size of holding group Less than 1 acre 1.0..: 2.4 acres 21 98 61 37 6 3 3 2.5- 4.9 acres 48 230 125 105 4 3 I 5.0- 7.4 acres 114 517 272 245 10 4 6 7.5- 9.9 acres 136 634 342 292 7 6 1 10.0-12.4 acres 264 1,153 615 538 24 13 11 12.5-14.9 acres III 541 289 252 6 2 4 15.0-29.9 acres 995 5,017 2,710 2,307 42 31 11 30.0-49.9 acres 793 4,492 2,498 ],994 27 20 7 50+ acres ],394 8,491 4,835 3,656 38 32 6 Unspecified ]8 76 38 38 4 2 2

DISTRICT URBAN 2,972 13,291 6,928 6,363 587 2,717 1,405 1,312 79 49 30 137

MEMBERS BY SIZE OF HOUSEHOLDS AND (ij) ENGAGEMENT (A) NEITHER (C) IN CULTIVATION SUB-CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF LAND CQLTIVATED 20 % Sample) sample households 2-3 members 4-6 members 7-9 members 10 members & over Total House- House- House- House- Rural holds Males Females holds Males Females holds Males Females holds Males Females Urban 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 1,065 1,475 1,238 2,146 5,359 4,815 1,091 4,628 3,822 321 2,075 1,642 DISTRICT TOTAL 936 1,306 1,079 1,901 5,240 4,244 985 4.Zl9 3,420 293 1,916 1,492 DISTRrCT RURAL 67 88 69 65 164 143 18 77 58 5 36 24 (i) Households engaged neither in cultivation nor in housebold industry 75 92 98 102 285 216 45 200 146 12 70 69 (ii) Households engaged in household industry only

794 1,126 912 1.734 4,791 3,885 922 3.942 3,216 276 1,810 1,399 (iii) Households engaged in cultivation Size of holding group Less than 1 acre 9 27 17 5 25 13 1 6 4 1.0- 2.4 acres 13 19 15 22 58 53 7 33 22 2 12 14 2.5- 4.9 acres 36 53 41 44 113 103 19 72 68 5 30 27 5.0- 7.4 acres 40 61 43 65 156 154 17 69 64 7 SO 30 7.5- 9.9 acres 80 104 94 115 288 268 37 159 128 8 51 37 10.0-12.4 acres 20 26 25 63 174 139 21 80 81 1 7 3 12.5-14.9 acres 261 365 309 431 1,132 1,010 220 934 771 41 248 206 15.0-29.9 acres 139 203 150 363 1,031 802 202 850 720 62 394 315 30.0-49.9 acres 202 292 231 614 1.791 1,321 392 1.713 1.340 148 1007 758 50+ acres 3 3 4 8 21 18 2 7 9 S 5 Unspecified 129 169 159 245 619 571 106 409 402 28 159 150 DISTRICT URBAN SOCIAL AND CULTIJRAL TABLES ( Note on C-Series ) There are 8 tables in this series relating to Social data on married females by age-groups can be utilised and Cultural aspects. Table C-I has been prepared from for forecasting the future births from age specific Household Schedules on the basis of 20 per cent sample. birth rates. All the persons falling in age-group 0-9· All the other tables in this series are based on full count have been treated as 'Never Married' for the purpose of and give data regarding age, sex, marital status and this table. education. separately for rural and urban areas. single year age returns, mother tongue in alphabetical order, Table C-ill religion and classification by literacy and industrial cate­ gory of workers and non-workers among Scheduled Castes 7. 'fhis table distributes the total population by age, and Scheduled Tribes for the district. sex and educational levels. The population has heen distributed in to quinquenial age-groups upto the age of 2. All the tables of this series have been reproduced 34 and the age-groups 35-44, 45-59 and 60+. The table in this book except Table C-VI on Bilingualism which has been compiled into three parts. Part A relates to all can be seen in Part I1-C (i) of the State Census Report areas, Part B for urban areas of the district while Part wherein all tables of this series are contained. C deals with rural areas down to tehsillevel. In Part 'A' and 'C' the educational levels are confined only to (i) Table C-I Primary or Junior Basic and (ii) Matriculation & above while in Part 'B' these educational levels are much more 3. This table is prepared on 20% sample from the elaborate as shown in Table B-III Part 'A'. Census Population Record Part II of the Household Schedule separately for the total, rural and urban areas 8. This table can be utilised to measure the growth of the district. The table is of SOCiological interest as it of literacy in the population as a whole as well as in indicates the strength of the joint family system. It gives urban and rural areas separately and in the different the composition of a household by family and non-family age-groups since the last Census. The table is of special members. The family members have been classified into interest to the educational authorities for future planning heads of household (who could be males or females) and and also to study the public attitudes towards adult their spouses, married sons and other married relations education. In 1951 Census data was provided only about and never married, widowed and divorced or separated illiterate and literate classified into different age-groups relations. As the definition of a census household also on 10 per cent sample. included outsiders residing with the family during enu­ meration, such persons have been shown in the table as Table C-JV unrelated persons. 9. This table has been prepared on fuU count and 4. The sample households of the rural areas have presents the distribution of popUlation by single year been classified into 3 categories viz. households engaged ages (0 to 100) and by sex. The age in year completed neither in cultivation nor in household industry, engaged on 1-3-1961 has been given but the infants who could in household industry only and engaged in cultivation. not complete one year on 1-3-1961 have been shown The households engaged in cultivation have further been under the age '0' while all old persons aged above classified by size of land holdings. hundred have been clubbed together and are shown against item 'Over hundred.' The data has only been presented Table C-JI for the district as a whole. its urban aod rural breakups can be seen in Part II-C (i) of State Census Report. s. This is an important demographic table prepared on full count. It distributes the population by sex, age 10. The data presented in this demographic table and marital status. The data has been presented for the is useful for the Census Actuary for computing mortality district separately fOf rural and urban areas while those rates from the age data of the earlier censuses and for for tehsils for fural areas only. The population has been the preparation of life tables. It also provides data for distributed into 14 age-groups which is further classified studying bias in age returns at the Census. into four types of marital status viz. never married, married, widowed, divorced or separated. The age-groups followed in Table C-V this table largely conform to the international require­ ments recommended by the United Nations Organisation. 11. This table presents data separately for total, rural and urban popUlation of the district and only for total 6. This table is likely to be useful for studying the for tehsilsclassified by sex of persons speaking a particular trends in the age of marriage. The data compiled here language or a dialect as mother tongue. The mother can be very well used for studying mortality in different tongues are arranged in this table in an alphabetical marital statuses and also in different age-groups. The order.

-Marital Status of this group finds place in a separate monograph-Child Marriages in Rajasthan. 139

12. According to Census 1961 'Mother Tongue' is 15. The data of this important sociological table the language or dialect spoken in childhood by the person's has been presented separately for total, rural and urban mother to the person or mainly spoken in the areas of the district and also for each tehsiI. housebold. Table c-vrn 13. This table is of great interest to philologists in view 16. This is a new table compiled in the 1961 Census of a large variety of languages and dialects spoken in and presents data separately for total, rural and urban the district and will be of great assistance for ensuring areas of the district and further upto tehsil level for rural the implementation of the various safeguards granted to areas only. It has been prepared into two parts A & B. the linguistic minorities under the constitution. Part A presents the data of Scheduled Castes and Part B of Scheduled Tribes. Table C-VII 17. It gives the distribution of population by literacy classification of workers into differeDt industrial categories 14. In this table the population has been distributed based on the Standard Industrial Classification 'and in six main religions and the figures of all other religions non-workers. Literacy figures of these communi ties given including the figures of those having 'Indefinite belief' for the first time in the present Census. such as Atheists and Agnostics have been clubbed together and noted under headilng 'Other Religions and 18. In 1951 Census data for Scheduled Castes and Persuasions'. Separate heading'Religion not stated' has Scheduled Tribes was provided only about total number also been Provid@d for those who do not follow any of persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled religion and have given out only their nationalities such Tribes classified by sex for the districts and upto as Goans, Israelists, Italians etc. sub-division. 140


Composition of Households Never married, Spouses of widowed and Unrela- Total Total sample household Heads of Heads of divorced or sep- ted per- No. of population households households Married relations arated relations sons Sample Houle- Other Other District holds Persons Males Females M F M F Sons Males Females M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DISTRICT TOTAL 4,989 25,920 14,271 11,649 4,677 308 .. 3,574 1,012 449 1,735 8,030 5,975 103 57 DISTRICT RURAL 4,402 23,203 12,866 10,337 4,151 247 3,156 927 398 1,552 7,300 5,325 90 57 (i) Households engaged 238 742 422 320 189 49 .. 94 10 10 36 187 141 26 neither in cultivati- on nor in household industry (ii) Households engaged l70 1,212 659 553 229 41 .. 175 40 20 60 370 277 .. in household indus- try only (iii) Households engaged 3,894 21,249 11.785 9,464 3,733 157 .. 2,887 817 368 1,456 6,743 4,907 64 57 in cultivation Size of holding group Less than 1 acre ., .. .. l.{)- 2.4 acres 21 98 61 37 18 3 .. 15 4 6 39 13 .. 2.5- 4.9 acres 48 230 125 105 45 3 .. 31 9 3 18 67 53 1 .. 5.0- 7.4 acres 114 517 272 245 102 12 .. 75 12 9 24 149 134 7.5- 9.9 acres 136 634 342 292 129 7 .. 99 16 6 25 191 161 10.0-12.4 acres 264 1,153 615 538 234 29 .. 166 33 16 64 331 279 12.5-14.9 acres HI 541 289 252 105 5 .. 84 11 4 22 169 140 1 15.0-29.9 acres 995 5,017 2,710 2,307 954 40 .. 738 185 59 280 1,503 1,243 9 6 30.0-49.9 acres 793 4,492 2,498 1,994 770 23 .. 609 184 84 303 1,447 1,052 13 7 SO+ acres 1,394 8,491 4,835 3,656 1,360 33 1,061 423 185 71C 2,827 1.809 40 43 Unspecified 18 76 38 38 16 2 .. 9 2 4 20 23 DISTRICT URBAN 587 2,717 1,405 1.312 526 61 .. 418 85 51 183 730 650 13 141


Marital status Divorced or Unspecified Total Total population Never married Mar~ied Widowed Separated Status Rural Age-group Urban Persons Males Females M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 (; 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

DISTRICT All Ages T 140,338 71,871 62,467 45,459 25,515 29,210 18,673 3,150 8,187 16 33 36 59 R 126,692 70,590 57,102 41,693 23,027 25,931 25,700 2,918 7,286 11 30 36 59 U 13,646 7,281 6,365 3,766 2,488 3,278 2,973 232 901 5 3 0-9 R 38,088 20,617 17,471 20,617 17,471 U 4,060 2,119 1,~41 2,119 1,941 10-14 R 14,698 8,625 6,073 8,353 4,674- 258 1,366 5 18 8 14 U 1,572 864 708 830 498 34 208 2 15-19 R 9,313 5,492 3,821 4,669 710 799 3,060 14 43 2 10 6 U 1,007 541 466 411 33 128 429 2 2 20-24 R 12,360 6,643 5,717 3,959 121 2,644 5,468 33 118 2 3 5 7 U 1,351 673 678 203 10 463 660 7 8 25-29 R 11,279 6,399 4,880 2,069 18 4,210 4,642 111 207 3 6 6 7 U 1,268 698 570 82 605 539 11 30 30-34 R 10,217 5,444 4,833 815 17 4,455 4,237 171 569 1 6 2 4 U 1,069 583 486 31 3 539 418 II 64 2 35-39 R 5,483 3,117 2,366 248 5 2,728 1,963 139 392 3 2 3 U 681 410 . 271 23 376 216 10 S4 1 40-44 R 7,085 3,728 3,357 332 2 3,131 2,297 263 1,050 3 2 5 U 742 385 357 22 1 352 241 11 115 45-49 R 3,779 2,359 1,420 133 3 2,010 928 215 485 3 U 483 296 187 12 1 258 97 26 89 50-54 R (>,141 3,546 2,595 170 2 2,804 1,121 569 1,468 2 2 2 U 580 316 264 13 260 91 42 173 55-59 R 1,596 1,013 583 66 736 192 211 390 U 221 HI 110 S 80 43 2S 67 60-64 R 3,598 1,985 1,613 128 1,284 277 573 1,328 7 U 308 143 165 6 1 105 21 32 143 65-69 R 770 434 336 28 285 59 120 276 U 108 SS 53 6 29 It 4 20 49 70+ R 2,171 1,142 1,029 68 2 581 85 493 941 1 U 196 87 109 3 49 6 35 103 Age not R 54 46 8 38 2. 7 5 1 1 stated U

Jais.-14 14~

TABLE C-II-AGE AND MARITAL STATUS-Contd. Marital status Divorced or Unspecified Total Total population Never married Married Widowed Separated Status Rural ~~---- Age-group Urban Persons Males Females M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15


All Ages R 10,489 5,963 4,526 3,566 2,009 2,157 1,984 239 530 1 3 0-9 R 3,240 1,747 1,493 1,747 1,493 10-14 R 1,155 644 511 629 379 15 131 1 15-19 R 824 480 344 417 123 62 216 1 4 I 20-24 R 924 530 394 283 8 245 371 2 14 1 25-29 R 902 539 363 205 320 350 14 12 1 30-34 R 909 511 398 94 3 399 359 ]8 36 35--39 R 431 271 160 29 232 133 10 27 40-44 R 625 348 277 120 201 198 27 79 45-49 R 318 203 115 9 180 73 13 42 50-54 R 490 299 "191 6 238 90 55 ]01 55-59 R 131 81 50 5 61 20 15 30 60-64 R 292 160 132 4 119 28 37 104 65--69 R 53 33 20 2S 4 8 16 70+ R 175 100 75 2 I 59 10 39 64 Age not stated R 20 17 3 16 2 1 1


All Ages R 10,535 5,757 4,778 3,260 1,917 2,266 2,224 225 632 1 5 5 0-9 R 3,282 1,734 1,548 1,734 1,548 10-14 R 1,185 684 501 652 329 30 171 1 1 1 15-19 R 786 435 351 335 31 97 313 2 6 1 1 20-24 R ],110 571 539 296 5 269 518 6 15 J 25-29 R 901 535 366 135 387 356 11 to 1 30-34 R 884 465 419 38 2 412 368 14 49 1 35-39 R 449 260 189 9 1 239 143 II 45 I 40-44 R 584 317 267 24 271 165 22 102 45-49 R 277 173 J04 6 155 67 12 37 SO-54 R 468 259 209 11 1 211 76 37 ' 132 55-59 R ]25 76 49 5 53 19 18 30 60-64 R 267 127 140 7 80 24 40 114 2 65-69 R 55 31 24 1 18 2 12 22 70+ R 159 87 72 5 43 2 39 70 Age not stated R 3 3 2 1


All Ages R 19,935 11,122 8,813 6,656 3,588 4,006 3,990 457 1,219 3 16 0- 9 R 6,179 3,357 2,822 3,357 2,822 .. 10-14 R 2,253 1,330 923 1,282 665 47 251 I 3 4 15-19 R 1,430 825 605 715 8{) 108 511 2 8 20-24 R 1,982 1,078 904 652 10 422 874 3 18 2 25-29 R 1,773 1,012 761 332 2 658 712 22 46 1 30-34 R 1,580 808 772 133 2 644 662 30 . tOl 1 1 35-39 R 837 478 359 53 1 406 293 19 63 2 40-44 R 1,117 585 532 43 507 338 34 191 1 3 45-49 R 609 410 199 18 346 116 46 83 50-54 R 974 566 408 31 442 163 93 245 55-59 R 283 182 101 13 140 22 29 79 60-64 R 541 294 247 19 174 33 101 212 2 65-69 a. 106 55 51 4 35 5 16 45 1 70+ R 270 142 128 4 77 3 61 125 Age not stated R. 1 1 1 143

TABLE C-D-A6E AND MARITAL STATUS-Coneld. Marital status Divorced or Unspecified Total Total population Never married Married Widowed Separated Status Rural Age-group Urban Persons Males Females M F M F M F M F M F J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jl J2 J3 14 J5


All Ages R 50,145 27.574 n,571 16,136 9,191 10,275 10,403 1.148 2,S44 2 5 13 28 0-9 R 15,J67 8,148 7,019 8,148 7,019 10-14 R 6,100 3,565 2,535 3,441 1,974 119 548 8 4 5 15-19 R 3,875 2,259 1.616 ],849 252 399 1,347 7 13 4 4 20-24 R 4,797 2,473 2,324 1,366 39 1,092 2,249 14 33 ] 3 25-29 R 4,442 2,480 1,962 672 1 1,766 1,863 40 92 1 2 5 30-34 R 3,783 1,955 1,828 249 1 1,646 1,617 60 208 2 35-39 R 2,218 1,252 966 19 2 1,108 813 64 149 1 1 1 40-44 R 2,598 1,362 1,236 65 1 },192 866 104 367 I 1 1 45-49 R 1,543 939 604 63 789 401 87 201 1 1 50-54 R 2,361 1,347 1,014 56 ] ],068 428 222 583 2 55-59 R 640 399 241 28 280 73 91 167 ] 60-64 R ],328 691 637 57 448 116 186 517 1 3 65-69 R 358 202 156 19 129 34 54 122 70+ R 908 479 429 25 1 236 45 218 383 Age not stated R 27 23 4 19 3 3 1 1


All Ages R 15,379 8,875 6,504 5.298 2,600 3.170 3,073 405 829 1 2 0-9 R 4,294 2,4\0 1,484 2,410 1.884 10-14 R 1.670 1,008 662 987 558 18 103 I 2 15-19 R 927 601 326 558 104 43 219 3 20-24 R 1,587 921 666 662 38 255 617 4 11 25-29 R 1,477 839 638 366 8 459 618 14 12 30-34 R 1,446 793 653 159 7 606 566 28 79 I 35-39 R 653 381 272 44 .. 320 230 17 42 40-44 R ].013 518 495 37 I 4411 345 33 149 45-49 R 405 250 15~ 20 210 ]09 20 46 50-54 R 807 471 33 24 368 184 79 152 55-59 R 197 135 62 4 104 26 27 36 60-64 R 573 368 205 16 238 38 114 167 65-69 R 67 43 24 ] 28 4 ]4 20 70+ R 261 ]35 ]26 9 72 14 54 111 Age not stated R 2 2 1 1


All Ages R 20,209 11,299 8,910 6,777 3,622 4,058 4,026 444 1,232 7 2S 13 S 0-9 R 5.926 3,221 2,705 3,221 2,705 10-14 R 2,335 1,394 941 1,362 769 29 162 2 5 1 1 4 15-19 R 1,471 892 579 795 114 90 454 2 9 2 5 20-24 R 1,960 1,070 890 700 21 361 839 4 27 2 3 3 25-29 R 1,784 994 790 359 7 620 743 10 35 2 S 3 30-34 R ],675 912 763 142 2 748 639 21 96 I 6 35-39 R 895 475 420 34 I 423 351 ]8 66 2 40-44 R 1,148 598 550 43 512 385 43 162 2 1 45-49 R 627 384 243 17 3 330 ]62 37 76 2 50-54 R 1,041 604 437 42 477 180 83 2SS 2 1 55-59 R 220 140 80 11 98 32 31 48 60-64 R 597 345 252 25 225 38 95 214 65-69 R J31 70 61 3 SO 10 16 51 70+ R 398 199 199 23 94 11 82 188 Age not stated R 1 1 1 Jais. 14-A 144


Educational levels Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Total population ntiterate educational level) Junior Basic and above Age-group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males· Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DISTRICT TOTAL

All Ages 140.338 77,871 62.467 67.715 61,240 8,970 1,165 537 36 649 Z6 0- 4 21.242 11,207 10,035 11,207 10,035 5- 9 20,906 11,529 9,371 10,528 9,181 997 193 4 3 10-14 16,270 9,489 6,781 7,325 6,531 2,080 245 84 5 15-19 10,320 6,033 4,287 5,043 4,147 775 130 141 9 74 1 20-24 13,711 7,316 6,395 6,137 6,204 846 169 134 11 199 11 25-29 12,547 7,097 5,450 5,950 5,312 906 126 64 4 177 8 30-34 11.346 6,027 5,319 5,080 5,205 815 106 37 3 95 S 35-44 13.991 7,640 6.351 6,399 6,257 1,137 92 45 59 1 45 ... 59 12,800 7,641 5,159 6,525 5,073 1,049 86 26 41 60+ 7,151 3,846 3,305 3,476 3,287 364 18 2 4 Age Dot stated S4 46 8 45 8 145


Educational levels Technical Non-technical diploma not diploma not Literate (without Primary or Matriculation or equal to equal to Total population Illiterate educational level) Junior Basic Higher Secondary degree degree Age-group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DISTRICT URBAN

All Ages 13,646 7,281 6,365 3,779 5,544 2,863 765 246 32 317 18 1 10 5 0- 4 2,168 1,137 1,031 J,137 1,031 •.. 5- 9 1,892 '982 910 683 788 295 119 4 3 10-14 1,572 864 708 237 . 536 589 167 38 5 15-19 1,007 541 466 198 374 235 84 73 8 34 20-24 1,351 673 678 252 547 251 110 56 10 109 9 2 25-29 1,268 698 570 256 476 301 84 33 3 82 6 2 1 30-34 1,069 583 486 249 400 263 79 11 2 41 3 1 1 35-44 1.423 795 628 326 569 410 57 18 29 45-59 1,284 723 561 314 508 366 53 12 20 5 60+ 612 285 327 127 315 153 1'2 1 2 1 Age not stated

Educational levels University ------.------Technical degree or diploma------equal to degree or post-graduate degree degree or post­ graduate degree Veterinary other than tech- and nical degree Engineering Medicine Agriculture dairying Technology Teaching Others Age-group Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 All Ages 23 1 1 7 3 9 22 0- 4 5- 9 10-14 15-19 1 20-24 4 1 25-29 11 3 3 7 30-34 4 2 4 7 35-44 2 2 5 45-59 1 1 2 60+ 1 .. ' .Age not stated 146


Educational levels ----- Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Total population Illiterate educational level) Junior Basic and above Age-group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DISTRICT RURAL

AU Agee 126,692 70,590 56,101 63,936 55,696 6,107 400 291 4 256 2 0-4 19.074 10,070 9,004 10,070 9,004 5-9 19,014 10,547 8,461 9,845 8,393 702 74 10-14 14,698 8.625 6,073 7,088 5.995 1,491 78 46 15-19 9,313 5,492 3,821 4,845 3,773 540 46 68 I 39 20-24 12,360 6,643 5,717 5,885 5,657 595 59 78 1 85 25-29 11,279 6,399 4,880 5,694 4,836 60S 42 31 1 69 1 30-34 10,277 5,444 4,833 4,831 4,805 552 27 26 35 35-44 12.56& 6,845 S.723 ti,073 5,688 727 35 27 18 45-59 11,516 6,918 4,598 6,211 4,565 683 33 14 10 60+ 6,539 3,561 2,978 3.349 2.972 211 6 ABC not stated 54 46 8 45 8



All Ages 10,489 5,963 4,526 5,520 4,502 397 24 8 38 0-4 1,625 854 771 854 771 5-9 1.615 893 722 861 719 32 3 10-14 1,155 644 511 587 510 57 I 15-1' 824 480 344 449 335 23 9 8 20-24 924 530 394 451 389 66 5 4 9 25-29 902 539 363 473 359 52 4 2 12 30-34 909 51 I 398 458 ~98 49 3 35-44 1,056 619 437 540 437 74 4 45-59 939 583 356 541 355 40 2 60+ 520 293 221 289 226 4 Age Dot stated 20 17 3 17 3


All Ages 10,535 5,757 4.778 5.105 4,722 597 54 20 2 3S 0- 4 1,656 880 776 880 776 5- 9 1,626 854 772 796 760 58 12 10-14 1,185 684 501 531 488 153 13 15-19 786 435 3S1 383 347 47 3 3 2 20-24 J,Il0 511 539 487 530 63 9 10 II 25-29 901 535 366 459 357 63 8 2 11 30-34 884 465 419 387 414 67 5 4 7 35-44 1,033 517 456 499 452 75 4 1 2 45-59 870 508 362 443 362 63 2 60+ 481 245 236 238 236 7 Age Dot stated 3 3 2 J ..47


Educational levels Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Total population Illiterate educational level) Junior Basic and above Age-group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females MaleS Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


All Ages 19,9J5 11,122 8,813 10,146 8,762 901 50 41 34 1 0-4 3,182 1,663 1,519 1,663 1,519 5- 9 2,997 1,694 1,303 1,583 1,293 HI 10 JO-14 2.253 J,330 923 1,110 915 217 8 3 15-19 1,430 825 605 740 593 72 12 10 3 20-24 1.982 1,078 904 950 898 99 6 15 14 25-29 1,773 1,012 761 901 756 95 4 5 11 30-34 I,S80 808 772 729 769 72 3 4 3 35-44 1,954 1,063 891 959 888 100 3 2 2 45-59 1,866 1,158 708 ),042 704 113 4 2 1 60+ 917 491 426 469 426 22 Age not stated 1 1


All Ages 50,145 27,574 ~,S11 24,671 22,375 2,726 194 89 1 88 1 0-4 7,618 4,014 3,604 4.014 3,604 '5- 9 7,549 4,134 3,415 3,790 3,371 344 44 10-14 6,100 3,565 2,535 2.793 2,488 760 47 12 15-19 3,875 2,259 1,616 1,949 1,597 275 18 19 16 1 20-24 4,797 2,473 2,324 2,194 2,301 223 22 23 1 33 25-29 4,442 2,480 1,962 2,216 1.949 234 13 10 20 30-34 3,783 1,955 1.828 1,734 1,819 208 9 4 9 35-44 4,816 2,614 2.202 2,298 2,184 295 18 14 7 45-59 4.544 2,685 1.859 2,387 1.839 288 20 7 3 60+ 2,S94 1,372 1,222 1,273 1.219 99 3 Age not stated 27 23 4 23 4


All Ages 15,379 8,875 6,504 8,29J. 6,474 528 30 31 24 0-4 1,990 1,036 954 1,()36 954 5- 9 2,304 1,374 930 1,312 929 62 1 10-)4 1,670 1,008 662 909 661 95 1 4 15-19 927 601 326 563 326 29 6 3 20-24 1,587 921 666 842 656 63 10 10 6 25-29 1,417 839 638 772 631 60 7 3 4 30-34 ],446 793 653 710 650 69 3 5 9 35-44 1,666 899 767 821 761 73 6 3 2 45-59 1,409 856 553 802 S51 53 2 I 60+ 901 546 355 522 355 24 Age not stated 2 2 2 148


Educational levels Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Total Population Illiterate educational level) Junior Basic and above Age-group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 FATEHGAltH TEHSIL

AU Ages 10,209 11,299 8,910 10,203 8,861 958 48 101 1 37 0-4 3,003 1,623 1,380 1,623 1,389 5- 9 2,923 1,598 1,325 1,503 1,321 95 4 10-14 2,335 1,394 941 1,158 93~ 209 8 21 15-19 1,471 892 579 761 .75 94 4 30 7 20-24 1,960 1,070 890 961 &83 81 7 16 ]2 25-29 1,784 994 790 873 784 101 6 9 II 30-34 1,675 912 763 813 755 87 7 8 4 35-44 2,043 1,073 970 956 966 ) 10 4 6 I 45-59 1,888 1,128 760 996 754 126 6 4 2 60+ 1,126 614 512 558 510 55 2 Age not stated 1 149


Single Single Single Year Total Year Total Year Total

Age ----~--- Age Age Return Males Females Return Males Females Return Males Females 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 DISTRICT

All Ages 77,871 62,467 0 2,256 ],934 35 2,577 2,056 70 664 591 1 1,635 1,484 36 268 150 71 24 14 2 2,350 2,177 37 175 88 72 26 20 3 2,545 2,359 ~8 343 2M 73 9 5 4 2,421 2,081 39 164 132 74 11 5 5 3,036 2,225 40 3,321 3,327 75 102 95 6 2,592 2,206 41 197 99 76 12 6 7 1,582 ],439 42 348 151 77 5 2 8 3,181 2,579 43 135 71 78 20 9 9 1,138 928 44 112 66 79 16 5 10 3,525 2,359 45 1,938 1,238 80 223 284 II 912 712 46 174 97 81 15 8 12 2,748 1,958 47 161 69 82 , 10 13 1,242 951 48 262 122 83 3 2 14 1,062 801 49 120 81 84 3 15 2.412 1,502 50 3,218 2,568 85 23 25 16 1,157 1,037 51 188 81 86 4 17 655 499 52 225 lOS 87 3 18 1,346 1,010 53 117 53 88 3 1 19 463 239 54 114 52 89 2 1 20 2,772 2,953 5S 793 524 90 31 32 21 1,388 1,1l5 56 108 S4 91 3 1 22 1,629 1,337 57 66 29 92 2 23 810 498 58 83 41 93 24 717 492 59 74 39 94 25 4,116 3,603 60 1,865 1,610 95 4 26 883 516 61 97 69 96 27 695 425 62 87 58 97 1 28 1,058 720 63 45 17 98 1 29 345 ]86 64 34 24 99 1 1 30 4,144 4,207 6S 350 303 100 13 16 :51 302 146 66 31 25 Over 100 32 1,052 694 67 33 13 Age not 46 8 33 290 136 68 42 23 stated 34 239 136 (1) 3a 25

lais.-15 TABLE C·V 150

III N \0 ~ .". N '<:I' <"I ..., N ..., '"

00 I#) ... '<:I' ' N \0 - 10 "... ., N - N ~ - '" 0\ "'. .J:j r--~ = ... 0:; '" ::> ~

\CO c:: ..... ID "3" 00 N <"I "'00 N r-- II) It) aa '" N r- 10 It) ..., 0 0 00 """\CO - ~ ~on ....'"., ..;- e"; N Il< -

o on


0'<1" '" -


. 0 ViZ 151 TABLE C.V


00 . ." -N -...~ o N

o N -




*.. ::0'" OIl C ~

• ci F;.iZ lais. 15-A


CI ,2 .., p.. N OQ5·~o8 ~. '" ~ ~ '60 II) ;:::: 1:1 ll. v"o 0 ~ ~lr~ t(ll~ 00 ,.Qc:!~ ::?J .... Oo~ ..., N on N ~ ~ ..., ~ .... "" ll. " - II) - .s:: ..l

0 ..., N Q III ..... \C V) ... on ...... V) ..., ..... 11'1 V) 00 ..... \C on .... ll. 11"1 ..... ' ~ v:) ..; N 00' ...,' O' N ..,.' 00 «) en til III NN liIil 8 CI C \0 M 00 ..... '" '"...,. .,.. N ~_N """ ..., 0 ..... "I. "l 10 ..... ?:l .... \0 ..; 00 "'. 00- ""'".,; 6"; .,; 6' '" ;i a- I(") ." ~ N .... ~ N on N c...... -

E-< ~ ~ ~~:5 * .;; .- * - •.- :::: -';; Oi ..c:: ..Q .s:: .... ';; ~ '/E .,'" :l .s:: ..Q .s::'" * U ~ Eo< r- ~ ~ ~ ...... c:: ~ .... ~ !¥ ." .s::'" oS >. ... C

\0 NN - _NN...... o

on o ~O\OO ... 0\ :;:;~~~~~ - N -

~ 00 - N \0 N

N ... \0 N .... o~~~~~ .... - NVN~""f\'l- >

on - ...... >



I~ 0\ N- .N.,... '~ - =b~g:;~~ ~- 0\ ~ q 0\ rt - M

00 12= I -I"­ N 155 TABLI~ C.VIll PART-B


.., I~ NO\ '6 :~ 0;;:8 1° ...... ><: ....o~ I~ 00 ...... ,.0 o I~ VI ... -

-.... :>

.... > QO :QO

'U'" I~ I~

I'" I~ 00 ...... ~ QO...... QO ....:> ,e'" r­ I~ - l~ 1$6


(Note on E-Series)

There are five tables in this series prepared for the cum-dwelling, or a place of business, workshop, school, first time in this census which have been extracted etc. with a separate entrance. from the House List prepared at the time of house A "Census household" is a group of persons who numbering and house listing operations in 1960. Out commonly live together in the same census house and of these, four tables viz. E-I, E-II, E-IV. E-V relate take their meals from a common mess unless the exige­ to housing conditions and furnish data for the pur­ ncies of work prevent them from doing so. poses for which the houses are used, the tenure on which they are occupied by the households, material A "shop" or a "workshed" is a place where articles of construction of walls and roofs and the households are sold for cash or for credIt. classified by number of members and by number of A "Workshop" is a place where some kind of produc· rooms occupied by them. The data in these tables tion, processing, repair or servicing such as paper-making, has been shown for the district as well as for each shoe-making tailoring, cycle-repairing, motor-servicing, tehsil separately for total, rural and urban areas. halwai's shop, pottery-making, goldsmithy, blacksmithy, etc., are undertaken or where goods or articles are made 2. Another table (E-III) on industrial establish­ and sold, and Is not a factory registered under the ments also prepared from the house lists gives a Factories Act. break-up by industry and the fuel used cross-tabu­ lated by the size of establishments, is not presented A "Factory" is a large workshop which has been here for want of space and can be seen in Part registered under the Indian Factories Act. IV-B of the State Census Report which presents "Business houses" are those p~emises where transa­ an the tables of this series. However, the data regard­ ctjons jn money or other articles take place such as ing number of establishments contained in this table banks etc. is separately compiled down to village level which bas been presented in a separate list of industrial estab­ Table E-II lishments. 6. This table has been prepared on the basis of 20 per cent sample of households used as dwellings, shop­ Table E-I cum-dwellings, workshop-cum-dwellings and dwellings 3. This table bas been prepared on fuJI count and with other uses. Shop-cum-dwellings and workshop-cum­ furnishes figures of census houses separately for total. rural dwellings are census houses which are partly used for and urban areas of the district and tehsils classified into residential or dwelling purposes and partly used as a different categories according to the uses to which they shop or workshop. Dwellings with other uses are census are put. The houses which were found vacant at the time houses sych as offices, schools, temples, mosques etc. of house listing have also been shown separately as such. which are partly used for residential purposes by watch­ The following are the various types of houses into men or attendents. The total number of househOlds given which occupied houses have been classified:- in column 4 of this table gives the total of such samples claSSified into the aforementioned four categories of dwe­ Dwellings, shop-cum-dwellings, workshop-cum-dwe­ llings, which have been further classified according to llings, hotels, hostels, sarais, dharamshalas, tourist homes their tenure status. whether owned or rented, separately and inspection houses, shops excluding eating houses, for the total, rural and urban areas of the district and business houses and offices, factories registered under also for tehsils. the Factories Act and worksheds and workshops not so 7. The following concepts alld definition have been registered, schools and other educational institutions used in respect of tenure status;- including training classes, coaching and shop classes, restaurants, sweetmeat shops and eating places, places of The term 'owned' was considered to be a situation entertainment and community gathering (Panchayat Ghar), when a household was living in its own house or a house public health and medical institutions, hospitals, health duty mortagaged to it by some of its debtor. centres, doctors clinics, dispensaries, etc. The term 'rented' meant a situation when a household 4. Occupied census houses which do not fall in any was found living in a house taken on rent from a land­ of the above categories have been classed as 'Others', lord or in a house that was taken on lease or in a house e.g. temple, mosque, church, cow shed, motor garage, for which no rent was being paid with the consent of water-hut, engine room, store room, grass shed. the landlord. S. The concepts and definitions of the terms occuring Table E-IV in the table are given below:- 8. This table has been prepared on 20 per cent sample A "Census house" is a structure or part of a struc­ of households used as dwellings, shop-cum-dwellings, ture inhabited or vacant, or a dwelling, a shop, a shop- workshop-cum-c1wdlings and dwellings with other uses. The total number of houses given in column 3 of this households and number of occupants by sex in each table gives the totals of all such sampled household. category:- The material out of which most of the walls are made (i) no regular room or where a house consists of separate structures, each (ii) one room made of different materials, the material oLU of which (iii) two rooms the walls of the main bedrooms, are made has been (iv) three rooms classified into the following nine categories:- (v) four rooms (1) Grass, leaves, reeds or bamboo (vi) five rooms or more (2) Timber 12. This table has been prepared separately for the (3) Mud total, rural and urban areas of the district and also for (4) Unburnt bricks tehsils. (5) Burnt bricks (6) C. I. Sheets or other metal sheets List of Industrial Establishments (7) Stone (8) Cement concrete 13., This table gives the number of establish­ (9) All other material ments and the number of workers in each branch 9. The material out of which most of the outer of industry classified by minor groups of roof exposed to the weather is made, i.e., tiles Indian Standard Industrial Classification (for detailed thatch, corrugated Iron, zinc or asbestos cemeni description see appendix to the Explanatory Note on sheets or concrete, etc., or in the case of multistoreyed B-Series). The data is presented in the ascending order building, the material out of which the intermediate of the minor groups showing the figures in the brackets floor or floors is made, has been classified into the first for the number of establishments and' second for following seven categories:- the number of workers employed. The information has been extracted from the house list prepared at the time (1) Grass, leaves, reeds thatch, wood or bamboo of honse.numbering and house listing operations in 1960. (2) Tiles, slate, shingle (3) Corrugated iron, zinc or other metal sheets 14. The data is presented for the district and each (4) Asbestos cement sheets tebsil for total, rural and urban areas as well as for each (5) Brick and lime village and town separately. A summary of number of (6) Concrete and stone slabs industrial establishmems by workers employed has beea (7) All other material given separately for the district. tehsils and towns in the 10. This table has been presented separately for begining of this table. The table' has been presented in total, rural and urban areas of the district and also for run'!On-lines and the villages are shown both by their tehsils. names and COde·numbers. The Code number ofthe villages will be helpfUl in findiBg out the locatioB of the village in the tehsil maps. Villages which do not have any indu.. Table E-V Itrial establishments as well as those industry minor ,roups for wbim there are no figures in village or town 11. This table has been prepared on 20 percent or tehsil have been excluded from the list. sample of households used as dwellings, shop-cum­ dwellings, workshop~cum-dwellnigs and dwellin~ with 15. The data for some seasonal industries which were other uses. The figures given in column 3 of this table not actually working during the period of house listing are the totals of all such sampled households. The sex has not been included. The number of workers also break-up of the total number of members occupying includes the proprietor and the other household members such sampled households have been further classified who were working: in the j.n~ustry during the week pre­ into the following six categories showing the number of c:eeding the enumerators' VISIt.

Jals.-16 Tt\BLE E-J 1$8

C .,.. \D C .... 0\ II'> 0 on r- on 0'1 N '"t- ~ ID rI $ ~ ... ~ N ('t N ...... 0 ~~ ... •~.d~ ...... !. .,t Js.s i e fi ti = r- r- oo ... '" .... ::0 ~ fJ.~:S is·<;: Cd ~ g._ 8. u ~ .... N l::s ." .<;: A Q) Q g.S '" '" '"...... - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "'. 8 ." U :a .!! ...... c ~ :;

rI> l .... '" 0'10\ N e:»eI)~~C ..,. ...,. ...,. ttl "" 8 ~ fl o'-a·S -5 .....! ...... ~"-Eo=t>c= • \ ~!.~]0- e-s~ ...... ~ .... N Jt";.,!._~011'" N .... ~ \0 ... N :~ ...... ~ fi ans s.~ ~ ::l ~ ." "'" ~ =: ...::1 ~e.8"'-m ... Q)Q. IiIiI .,~ .... c·.L a . CQcorit:lOo.O'l on ..... r- '0 Q.8· ti 0 -g .9.S WI.S ,2 ~ ('.l ~ ...... , 00 GO M :!l 0 :;;: .... ~ ~ 0", z'" C._ C "'..c: ...... 0'1 ...... "'" < '0= .c ~ u"-"u ";.!! () filS ~ °.gi3.9 !=u ]U ~ ~::s 8 ...... 0'1 '0 .., VI .... ; ~a~~~ ('.l ...... ~ 00 on .... N .... m ::s o 0 ~._ ...... f;;;~~ 0 ~.c '" - ~ ... '" g N ~ 0\ Non co \D .... III> !;~8 0 .... ~ ...... N .... _- .~ is IS ...... ~~~ "'" ~ a i..c: 0 .... 00 on NCO .., .., M :i co \0 \0 .,.. O'IM \0 N ab~~:s~ on M ...... e o-u:.o'';:,2 ... 0\ ."r::;~\Oi ~ """ ~~ 8 ~ ! fg ~ ~8 =~.i ~lIdu B co .... \D B';e-!38 u =GO .... ~~~ ~~ ::t:0&3"''''0 .c.;jEo<.Q0 ~oc.Q GO ... :::; ... - Q .... 1;1 -... ~ .9 = \0 on .", N ~Ae~r .... It)f;i§ ....0\ ...,. . ...,. ~~!2 0\ ~ 0 Q;. ~ ~ ~"iluQ ...... ~ Q. • .J. ~ Cf) .... II) M 00 ..,. .... 0 ~ '0 ~ 0\ 00 ~ co ~o~'O EI:.5! ~...... - 0 Q - ~ "",11'>0'1 .... = .... \Q ;§ """'01 ;;:; ~~g ono .... ~ .... ;g .... 0\00- "'"r- In to:. .GO -0.. r--;. Monr- ~ -.-) i ;s -NN...... n~,,: c;.oO-= Q - -CI)~ e on N,"I'- ... 0"'" .... "'gCII§:::s1il8 \0 0\ ..L ::s ..... 09 ..,. ~~2 co .... '0\0 o on"" VI ... ° ... "' ..... ~~O\ - ..... Nt- .... "l. oc. ""'. 1:1 0 .19 ...... ~ ..;...:« """ ~ 6 ...... - t3.c"',8> ...... 0 - - ~ 0 c:Q d~ ... ""<'Ift) ~""M ..... \0- ~ 00 ""~rn ~ N .... "'on r-- r; :z;~~ ft) 111)... 0\ ~ 0.. - ~~~ M g~~ M .... ~ -a='.f! 0 ~~ ~ ...""' ...... O ...... cI .... Eo< 0 ..... a --5 Eo<~:J ~ .f!~.o N o~-! ~ ~ Eo<~;J ~~:5 i-Icr::J = ... • ::::: • ~ ~ ~ -~ .Q ..cI op ]- =' ] "5 • ~ ~ Eo< r:! ~... Eo< j t3 ..c: G) C :a ~ .. .., ~co ._e .! ~ ,g 8 ~ - "i ~ i ...c .ii E ~ J:tI Q 25 ! ~ 1 ~ til ~ • 159


Households in Census Houses used as Total Dwelling Rural Tenure Total No. of Shop-cum- Workshop-cum- with other Status Households Dwelling uses DistrictjTehsil Urban Dwelling Dwelling '8 2 3 4 5 6 7 4,997 53 31 7 DISTRICT TOTAL Total 5,088 3 Owned 4,809 4,735 40 31 Rented 2.79 262 13 • 4 7 RURAL Total 4,466 4,398 39 22 4,314 32 22 3 Owned 4,371 4 Rented 95 84 7 URBAN Total 62Z '599 !J4 9 Owned 438 421 8 9 Rented 1S4 178 6 6 R.arogarh Tehsil* R Total 2Q7 200 199 J94 5 Owned 1 :Rented 8 6 1

Nachna Tehsil* R Total 3'52 ;1J7 5 Owned 335 330 5 Rented 17 17 6 Jaisalmer Tehsil T Total 1,100 ],093 Owned 983 '976 6 Rented 117 117

R Total 726 726 Owned 713 713 Rented 13 13 6 U Total 374 367 1 Owned 270 263 1 6 Rented 104 104 1,990 27 9 5 Pokaran Tehsil T Total 2,031 3 Owned 1,919 1,892 15 9 Rented 1I2 98 12 2 6 5 R Total 1,783 1,758 14 1,734 8 6 3 Owned ],751 2 Rented 32 24 6 3 U Total 248 232 13 Owned 168 158 7 3 Rented 80 74 6 612 612 Sam Tehsil'" R Total Owned 602 602 Rented 10 10 14 16 1 R Total 786 755 Fatebgarh Tehsil* 771 741 14 16 Owned 1 Rented 15 14

*Entirely R~ral

Jais. 16-A 160

TABLE E-IV-OISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS LIVING IN CENSUS BY PREDOMINANT MATERIAL OF WALL AND (Based on Predominant Material Grass. C. I. Sheets Total Total No. Leaves, or other Rural of Census Reeds or Unburnt Burnt Metal District/Tehsil Urban Households Bamboo Timber Mud bricks Bricks sheets J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DISTRICT Total 5,088 60 441 2,556 319 14 4 Rural 4.466 5S 421 2,542 319 14 4 Urban 622 5 20 14 Ramgarh TehsU* R 207 29 122 6 1 Nachna Tehsil* R 352 245 77 Jaisalmer Tehsil T J.loo 10 S 278 34 13 R 726 9 5 275 34 13 U 374 1 3 pokaran Tehsil T 2.031 45 43 1.375 82 4 R 1.783 41 23 1.364 82 4 U 248 4 20 11 Sam Tehsil* R 612 5 110 357 65 Fatebgarh TehsU* R 186 9 347 132

*Entirely Rural 161

HOUSES USED WHOLLY OR PARTLY AS DWELLINGS PREDOMINANT MATERIAL OF ROOF 20% Sample) of wall Predominant Material of Roof Grass. Leaves, Corrugated Reeds, Thatch, Iron, Zinc Asbestos Cement All other Wood or Tiles, Slate or other cement Brick and Concrete and AU other Stone Concrete marerial Bamboo Shingle Metal sheets sheets Lime stone material 10 11 J2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ],690 2 2 4.354 2 40 8 60 570 54 1,107 2 2 4,143 2 40 6 45 176 54 583 211 2 15 394 49 204 1 2 28 2 331 2 14 4 1 759 735 5 44 301 IS 389 S95 3 30 83 IS 370 140 2 14 218 481 1 J,779 2 18 2 229 268 1 1,708 2 18 2 53 213 71 1 176 75 555 14 5 38 298 750 6 1 29 162

TABLE E-V-SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS CLASSIFffiD BY NUMBER OF ( Based on Households with no Households with one regular room room Total Number Total Number of Total Number Number of Number Number of Total of members number of members of members Rural House- of House. House- District/Tehsil Urban holds Males Females rooms holds Males Females holds Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DISTRICT Total 5,088 14,331 1),639 11,905 16 30 32 1,691 4,013 3,241 Rural 4,466 12,682 10.311 10,470 11 20 19 1,452 3,509 2,786 Urban 622 1,649 1,328 1,435 5 10 13 239 504 455 Ramgarh Tehsil· R 207 574 451 548 71 180 138 Nachna Tehsil· R 352 1,003 908 918 82 165 137 Jaisalmer Tehsil T 1.100 2,888 2,358 2,071 12 23 27 518 1,193 991 R 726 1,888 I,S46 1,279 7 13 14 351 837 673 U 374 1,000 812 792 5 10 13 167 356 318 Pokaran Tehsil T 2.031 5,938 4,929 5,475 4 7 5 402 898 765 R 1,783 5,289 4,413 4,832 4 7 5 330 750 628 U 248 649 516 643 72 148 137 Sam T.ebsU* R 612 1,732 1,228 1.311 279 692 S18 Fatehgarh Tehsj)· R 786 2,196 1,765 1,582 339 885 692

-Entirely Rural 16)'

MEMBERS AND BY NUMBER OF ROOMS OCCUPIED 20% Sample) Households with Households with Households with Households with five two rooms three rooms four rooms rooms and more Number Number of Number Number of Number Number of Number Number of of members of members of members of Number members House- House- House- House- of holds Males Females holds Males Females holds Males Females holds rooms Males Females 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1,416 3,683 3,146 1,125 3.455 2.822 473 1,647 1,309 367 2.115 1,so3 1,089 1,250 3,318 2,793 1,017 3.186 2,572 4%6 1.499 1,178 310 1.763 1.150 963 166 365 353 108 269 250 47 148 131 57 352 353 1%6 50 135 115 32 93 6S 22 84 53 32 193 82 80 97 253 225 96 310 281 44 156 128 33 178 119 137 322 838 727 159 453 376 54 ISO 151 35 216 231 86 227 625 513 103 303 246 27 72 71 11 57 38 29 95 213 214 S6 150 130 27 78 80 24 IS9 193 57 599 1,566 1.336 592 1,796 1,545 235 866 673 199 1,159 80S 60S 528 1,414 1.197 540 1.677 1,425 215 796 622 166 966 64S 536 71 !52 139 52 119 120 20 7'0 51 33 193 160 69 115 3J2 222 118 372 250 66 224 154 34 184 132 84 233 579 521 128 431 30S S2 167 150 34 185 134 97 164


Number of Number of Tota! Total Rural Establish- Workers Rural Establish- Workers Districtrrehsilrrown Urban ments Employed District/Tehsil/Town Urban ments Employed

1 2 3 4 2 3 4 DISTRICT Total 432 731 4 Pokaran Tehsil T In 265 Rural 271 435 Urban 161 296 R 76 103 U 96 162 1 Ramgarah Tebsil· ,. 2 2 2 Nachna Tehan· T 20 35 Pokaran Town U 96 162 3 Jaisalmer Tcbsil T 78 171 R 13 37 S Sam Tehsil· T 27 U, 65 134 74 Jaisalmer Town U 6S 134 6 Fatehgarh TehsU· T 133 184

·Entirely Rural 165


Note:-I. For description of Code: see Appendix to the Explanatory Note on B-Serics. . 2. The first figure in the bracket is for number of Establishments the second is for number of workers. 3. Numbers before the bracket indicates the Minor Group i.e. three digit code of I. S. I. C.

DlSTRICf POKARAN TBHSIL-conc1d. Total :- 200(8-11); 207(1-2), 233(1-1), 235(22-32), 237(2-2), 255 Urban :- 200(3-3), 207(1-2),233(1-1), 235(1-1).255(1-19),289(1-1), (25-58), 270(1-1). 282(48-91), 283(9-10), 289(3-3), 310(1-4). 310(1-4). 31102-36), 352(44-54), 365(4-7), 369(4-8), 393 311(118-205), 343(4-7), 350(26-42), 352(44-54), 365(4-7). (18-20), 399(5-6) 369(6-11), 370(1-1). 384(2-3), 388(1-1), 393(100-179), 399 (5-6) Villages Rural :- 200(1-1), 235(21-31), 237(2-2), 255(24-39), 270(1-1), 282 (I) Dhadariya 255(1-1). 311(3-3) (48-91), 283(9-10), 289(2-2), 311(100-157), 343(4-7), 350 (2) Nawata\a 255(4-4), 311(3-3} (26-42), 369(1-1), 393(32-51) (6) Chbayan -.. 235(1-1), 283(2-2) (14) Ramdeora 270(1-1) Urban :- 200(7-10), 207(1-2), 233(1-1), 235(1-1). 255(1-19), 289 (20) Lathi • . 255{6-6). 311(3-3) (I-I), 310(1-4), 311(18-48), 352(44-54), 365{4-7), 369(5-10), (27) Gomat 235(13-19) 370(1-1), 384(2-3), 388(1-1), 393(68-128), 399(5-6) (46) Sokda Sakra 350(3-3) (59) Lurna Kburd 283(2-2), 311(4-4) RAMGARH TEHSIL (7)) Jhalora Bhatiya 283(1-1), 311(2-4) ('2) Raj Mathai 282{5-6),283(2-2),311(11-18) (74) Donara 235(1-2) Total (Entirely Rural) :- 289(2-2) (76) 01a •• 235(1-1), 311(1-6), 393(3-7) (80) Dalar 283(2-3) Village (84) Pba)soond 200(1-1) • (17) Ramgarh •• 289(2-2) Pokaran Town :- 200(3-3). 207(1-2), 233{I-J),235(l-I), 255(1-19), 289(1-1), 310(1-4), 311(12-36), 352(44-54). 365(4-7), 369 NACHNA TEHSIL (4-8). 393(18-20), 399(5-6) Total (Entirely Rural) :- 235(1-1), 350(19-34) Total (Entirely Rural) :- 235(1-2), 255(2-2),282(13-44), 311(9-22), 350( 1-2), 393(1-2) Village Villages (40) Nokh (East) 235(1-1), 350(19-34) (116) Nunba 255(1-1) JAISALMER TEHSIL (118) Kanoi 255(1-1), 282(12-36) (142) Khubri 235(1-2),282(1-8),311(4-10), Total :- 200(4-7), 255(2-15).282(4-4), 311 (8-22), 343(4-7),369(1-2), 350(1-2), 393(1-2) 370(1-1). 384(2-3), 388(1-1),393(51-109) (145j Dhanoli 311(3-7) (146) Bherslwala 311(1-3) Rural :- 255(2-15), 282(4-4). 311(2-10), 343(4-7). 393(1-1) (ISS) Katha • • 311{1-2) Urban :- 200(4-7), 311(6-12),369(1-2),370(1-1), 384(2-3),388(1-1), FATBHGARH TEHSIL 393(50-103) Total (Entirely Rural) :- 235(3-5), 237(2-2),255(9-1 1).282(26-37). ViIlages 311(62-84). 350(3-3), 369(1-1), 393(27-41) (41) Bhadesar 343(3-6) Villages (49) Amar Sagar •• 343(1-1) (66) Jetha 255(2-15) (4) Narsingh ki Dhani 235(2-3), 311 (2-4), 369(1-1) (88) (5) Ugawa 235(1-2), 282(1-2),311(2-3) Jawad Nai 311(2-10) (19) Kathoda 311(7-9) (90) Badoda Gaon 282(1-1) (20) Sitodai 311(1-1), 350(1-1) (93) Jodba 282(2-2), 393(1-1) (30) Rama 311(4-8) (94) Keeta 282(1-1) (SO) Dangri 282(4-6), 311(4-6) (66) Deora 282(8-16), 311(20-29), 393 laisalmer Town :- 200(4-7).311(6-12),369(1-2), 370(1-1),384(2-3), (15-23) 388(1-1), 393(50-108) (73) TejmaJta 311(5-5) (75) Gajsingb ka Garb 311(3-3) POKARAN TBHSIL (77) Jhinjhinyali 282(10-10), 311(7-7) (81) Bhadli 282(1-1) Total :- 200(4-4), 207(1-2), 233(1-1), 235(17-24),255(12·30), 270 (82) Lakha 282(1-1), 311(3-3) (I-I), 282(5-6), 283(9·10). 289(1-1), 310(1-4), 311(39-77), (83) Randha 311(2-4) 350(3-3),352(44-54), 365(4-7),369(4-8),393(21-27),399(5-6) (84) Kohara 255(7-7) (86) Birmani 255(2-4) Rural :- 200(1-1), 235(16-23). 255(11-11). 270(1-1), 282(5-6). 283 (87) Modha 237(2-2), 282(1-1), 311(2-2), (9-10), 311(27-41), 350(3-3), 393(3-7) 350(2-2), 393(12-18)

Jais.-17 1€>6

SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES (Note on SeT, SC and ST Series) There are 8 Tables in this series specially prepared 8. This is an important demographic table. The for the population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled age marital status data in the case of Scheduled Tribes in the district. No special table was prepared Tribes give an indication whether the tribal popula­ for these classes during 1951 Census. The only infor­ tion is decreasing, stable or increasing. mation collected at that time was the aggregate strength of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for Table SCI-III the district and sub-divisions. However. together more information for these communities which have been 9. This table presents the distribution of the safeguarded in the constitution, special tables have population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes been devised and presented in this series. Part V-A by sex and educational levels. The table has been of the State Census Report gives information for the compiled in two parts. Part A has been further classi­ State on this subject. fied in two parts. Part A (i) provides such type of data for each Scheduled Caste in urban areas only Table SCT-I while Part A (ij) presents similar data for urban areas for each Scheduled Tribe. 2. This table presents the industrial classification 10. Part B of this table provides the similar infor­ of persons of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes mation as in Part A for rural areas only, being at work and non-workers by sex. In other words, classified in two parts. Part B (i) deals with Scheduled this table presents caste/tribe wise (arranged in alpha­ Castes while Part B (ii) refers to Scheduled Tribes. betical order) break-up of the data shown in Table 11. [n case of urban areas the data has been C-VIII. This table has been compiled in two parts. given for educational standards as in Table B-Ill Part Part A deals with the Scheduled Caste population A while such data has been shown for mere literate showing the data for each Scheduled Caste separately primary or junior basic and matriculation and above in rural and urban areas of the district. in case of rural areas as in Table B-Ill Part B. 3. Special study regarding the number of persons 12. This is an important table, the data of which of Scheduled Castes engaged in unwholesome occupa­ can be proved very useful for the education department tions like tanning, currying of hides and skins, scaven­ as it throws light on the spread of education among ging is also conducted. The number of workers shown these communities in the rural and urban areas separa­ in these occupations as well as in other industrial tely. The data will also be helpful to the department categories is on the basis of their principal work. for awarding scholarships to the members of these communities. 4. Part B of this table refers to Scheduled Tribes population and presents the data for each Scheduled Table SeT-IV Tribe separately in rural and urban areas of the district. 13. This table presents a distribution of the popula­ tion of Scheduled ~astes and Scheduled Tribes according 5. A fly-leaf showing the sexwise break-up for to their religion. This table is compiled in two parts. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the district Part A provides religionwise data for each Scheduled as well as for each tehsil is also attached which pre­ Caste in the district showing the rural and urban figures sents data separately for total, rural and urban areas. together. Similar type of information has been presented Figures of such Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for Scheduled Tribes in Part B of this table. It may be have also been given for each village and town in the noted that tbe members of Scheduled Castes can be Primary Census Abstract. either Hindus or Sikhs while members of Scheduled Tribes may profess different religions. Table SCT-II Table SCT-V 6. This table distributes the population of Sche­ duled Castes and Scheduled Tribes according to theiJ: 14. This table presents a detailed examination of the marital status of never married, married, widowed, tural cultivating households of the Scheduled Castes divorced or separated and unspecified status under and Scheduled Tribes and is based on 20% sample. the age-groups of 0-14, 15-44 and 45+. The total Such households have been classified in various groups popUlation of these classes acccording to their marital according to the size of land cultivated and cross tabu­ ,tatus is also shown separately of all age-groups. lated by the interest in land cultivated. 7. This table has been presented in two parts. 15. This table is similar to that of household Part A gives such information for each Scheduled economic table B-XI and is compiled in two parts. Part Caste and Part B relates to each Scheduled Tribe A presents such data for Scheduled Castes while Part providing such information for the district. B provides such information for Scheduled Tribes. 167

Table'SC-I subsidiary 'language of those members of Scheduled Tribes who have moved out of their homes and as a 16. This table presents data for students and unem­ result of contact with the local persons speak some ployed persons in non-working population of Scheduled other subsidiary language to the mother tongue. The Castes. This is further classified according to the broad number of persons speaking such subsidiary languages educational levels consisting of literates, primary or junior have been shown sex-wise in run-on-lines. The data has basic and matriculation and above. been presented separately for the district total, rural and 17. The data has been shown separately for the urban areas for the each Scheduled Tribe. district total. rural and urban areas and further down to tehsil level in case of rural areas only. It is very Table ST-II useful table at it indicates the numerical strength of students and unemployed persons among the Scheduled 19. This table presents data for students and unemp­ Castes. loyed persons in the non-working population for each individual Scheduled Tribe. The data has been shown Table ST-I separately for district total, rural and urban areas. This 18. Scheduled Tribes have their own peculiar langua­ table is an important one as it throws light on the ges and dialects. This is due to the fact that this table progress of education and the unemployment position is prepared showing the number of speakers of that for each individual tribe.

Jais. l1-A 168


WORKERS I II III IV In Mining, Quarry- ing, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Planta- As Agricultural tion, Orchards and At Household Total Total workers As Cultivator labourer Allied activities Industry Name of Scheduled ----_ Caste Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DISTRICf

All Scheduled Castes 18,048 9,702 8,346 5,747 3,017 3,311 1,987 58 60 372 122 1,840 789 1 Bhangi 26 17 9 7 1 2' Chamar, Bhambhi, Jatav, Jatia, Mochi, Raidass, Raigar or Ramdasia 3,560 1.951 1.609 1.203 543 718 350 3 78 12 381 175 3 Dheda 218 ISO 68 55 10 33 8 5 1 1 2 4 Dome 38 12 26 2 3 1 2 5 Garo, Garura or Gurda 552 30S 247 166 78 104 44 2 59 34 6 Gavaria 73 27 46 18 14 II 9 2 5 7 Kalbelia 1 1 II Khatik IS 9 6 6 1 9 Koli or Kori 1 1 10 Megh or Megbwa] 13,493 7,193 6,300 4,269 2,347 2.426 1.555 50 60 288 107 1,394 578 11 Thori or Nayak 70 35 35 19 21 19 20 1 12 Unclassified 1 1 1 DISTRICT

All Scbeduled Castes 891 467 424 258 73 18 19 1 2 9 1 Bargi, Vargi or Birgi 2 2 2 2 2 Bhangi 196 114 82 62 2S 3 Cbamar, Bbambbi, 122 66 56 33 9 26 9 Jatav, Jatia, Mochi, Raidass, Raigar or Ramdasia 4 Garo, Garura or Gurda 15 10 5 5 , Gavaria 20 10 10 5 2 6 Khatik 45 19 26 8 2 7 Megh or Meghwal 448 226 222 133 32 18 19 1 41 8 Thod or Nayak 29 11 18 4 3 9 Unclassified 14 9 5 6 169


WORKERS Workers In Special Occupations ------~-- V VI VII VIII IX X In Manufacturing In other than In Transport, Tanning and Household In Trade and Storage and In Currying of hides Industry Construction Commerce Communications Other Services Non-workers and skins Scavenging Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 RURAL

16 1 8 6 1 141 52 3,955 5.329 26 6 7 I 10 8 3

22 6 748 1,066 7 3 15 95 58 2 10 23 139 169 5 9 32 1 5 3 6

16 2 92 45 2,924 3,953 19 16 14

o. J URBAN 12 5 4 5 79 2 2 73 33 209 351 15 11 50 24

8 4 50 25 52 57 50 24 5 1 33 47 14 9

3 2 5 5 5 2 5 8 2 3 5 11 24 2 1 2 5 66 6 6 93 190 1 4 2 7 15 5 3 5 17.0


WORl:ERS 1 II III IV In Mining, Quarry- ing, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting. Plant,,- As Agricultural tions, Orchards and At Household Total Total workers As Cultivator Labourer Allied activities Industry SI. Name of Scheduled ------No. Tribe Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Male~ Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 J3 14 DISTRICT RURAL

All Sebeduled Tribes 4,310 2,385 1,925 1,400 668 8SS 4)6 10 16 134 26 314 181 Rhil 4,310 2,385 1,925 1,400 668 855 416 10 16 134 26 314 1111 DISTRICT URBAN

All Scheduled Tribes 256 139 117 82 27 11 9 2 11 3 1 'Bail 246 129 117 72 27 Jl 9 2 11 3 2 Mina 10 10 10


In Manufacturing In other than In Transport, In Household In Trade and Storage and Other Industry Construction Commerce Communications Services Non-workers S1. Name of Scheduled No. Tribe Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DISTRICT' RURAL AU Scbeduled Tribes 3 4 84 2S 985 1,257 t Bhil 3 4 84 25 985 1,257 DISTRICT URBAN All Scheduled Tribes 2 19 3 8 31 10 57 90 1 Bhil 2 19 3 8 21 10 57 90 2 Mina 10 171


Total Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribe!l Rural District/Tehsii Urban Males FemaJes Males Females

2 3 4 oS 6

DISTRICT T 10,169 8,770 Z,524 2.042 R 9,701 8,346 2,385 1,925 U 467 424 139 111 Ramgarh Tehsil T 831 719 129 89 R 831 719 129 89 U Nachna Tebsil T 1,010 907 115 103 R J,OIO 907 115 103 U

laisalmer Tehsil T 2.020 1,710 709 581 R 1,725 1.440 622 506 U 29:5 270 87 75 Pokaran Tehsil T- 3,749 3.252 949 757 R 3.577 3.098 897 715 U 172 154 52 42 Sam. Tehsil T 1.072 923 223 182 R 1,072 923 223 182 U

Fatehgarh Tehsil T 1,487 1,259 399 330 R 1.487 1,259 399 330 U 172


Total Population Divorced or Unspecified Total Never Married Married Widowed separated status Sl. Name of No. Scheduled Caste Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DISTRICf

All Scbeduled Castes 18,939 10,169 8.770 5,928 3,635 3,892 3,975 335 1,130 11 22 3 8 1 Bargi, Vargi or Birgi 2 2 2 2 Bhangi 222 131 91 69 45 58 41 4 5 3 Chamar, Bhambhi, Jatav, Jatia, Mochi, Raidass, Raigar or Ramdasia 3,682 2,017 1,665 1,157 769 792 721 65 169 3 4 2 4 Dheda 218 150 68 85 27 63 30 2 6 5 5 Dome 38 12 26 6 8 5 11 6 1 1 6 Garo, Garura or Gurda 567 315 252 179 116 121 117 14 18 1 1 7 Gavaria 93 37 56 18 31 IS 25 4 8 Kalbelia 1 1 1 9 Khatik 60 28 32 15 13 13 12 7 10 Koli or Kori 1 1 1 11 Megh or Meghwal 13,941 7.419 6,522 4,359 2,598 2,808 2,993 244 914 5 11 3 6 12 Thori or Nayak 99 46 53 35 25 10 23 5 1 13 Unclassified 15 10 5 3 3 S 2 2

Age 15-44 Age 45+ Divorced or Unspecified Total Never Married Married Widowed separated status Total Never Married Married SI. ------~------No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1'1ales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 DISTRICT

4,276 3,875 1,352 111 2,810 3,381 105 363 8 18 1 1,272 1,169 12 8 1,028 384 1 2 2 2 61 40 7 52 39 2 1 8 6 6 2 3 867 701 258 23 582 612 24 60 3 4 2 245 187 203 78 4 76 31 32 43 28 1 2 21 9 20 5 7 14 3 1 4 10 3 2 4 1 6 135 108 42 5 88 99 5 3 41 26 31 11 7 20 15 6 14 IS 4 2 2 8 9 14 12 2 12 9 3 5 1 10 1 11 3,083 2,931 1,001 80 2.004 2,550 72 290 s 11 942 923 11 8 760 285 12 5 21 2 5 17 2 6 7 5 4 13 5 2 4 2 2 173


Age 0-14 Divorced or Unspecified Total Never Married Married Widowed separated status -.- --_-- -.~ Name of St. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Scheduled Caste No.

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 2 1 TOTAL

4~621 3.726 4,564 3,516 54 210 1 2 All Scheduled Castes Bargi, Vargi or Birgi 62 45 62 45 Bhangi 2 Chamar, Bhambhi, Jatav, 3 Jatia, Mochi, Raidass, 905 777 898 746 7 31 Raigar or Ramdasia 53 28 53 27 I Dheda 4 3 8 3 7 1 Dome S 139 118 137 III 2 7 Garo, Garura or Gurda 6 13 39 12 31 1 8 Gavaria 7 1 Kalbelia 8 13 15 13 13 2 Khatik 9 Koli or Kori 10 3,394 2,668 3,347 2,510 44 158 2 Megh or Meghwal 11 35 25 35 23 2 Thori or Nayak 12 3 3 3 3 Unclassified 13

Age 45+ Age not stated Divorced or Unspecified Divorced or Unspecified Widowed separated status Total Never Married Married Widowed separated status Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

62 63

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Jais.-18 174


Total Population Divorced or Unspecified Total Never Married Married Widowed separated status Sl. Name of Scheduled --_-- No. Tribe Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DISTRICT

All Scheduled Tribes 4,566 2,524 2,042 1,551 89'7 929 993 42 147 2 4 1 Bhil 4,556 2,514 2,042 1,551 897 919 993 42 147 2 4 1 2 Mina 10 10 IO

Age 15-44 Age 45+ Divorced or Unspecified Total Never Married Married Widowed separated status Total Never Married Married SI. No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

1,040 932 287 28 736 847 16 52 1 4 1 293 176 84 1 182 80 1 1.031 932 287 28 727 847 J6 52 1 4 292 176 84 J81 80 2 9 9 1 1 175


Age 0-14 Divorced or Unspecified Total Never Married Married Widowed separated status Name of Scheduled Sl. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Tribe No.

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 2S 26 27 2 1 TOTAL 1,190 934 1,180 868 10 66 All ScIroeduled Tribes 1,190 934 1,180 868 10 66 Bhil I Mina 2

Age 45+ Age not stated Divorced or Unspecified Divorced or Unspecified Widowed separated status Total Never Married Married Widowed separated status Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 S4 ss 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 26 95 1 1 1 26 9S 1 1

Jals. 1s..A TABU jCT-1II PART A (i) "(Ii) 176

. .



::r- ::r- 177 TABLE SCT-Ill PART B (I) &: (Ii)


Literate Educational levels (without ------educational Primary or Matriculation Total Illiterate level) Junior Basic and above ------Name of Scheduled Caste Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 DISTRICT All Scheduled Calltes 9,702 8,346 9,294 8,338 404 8 4 .'. 1 Bhangi 17 9 13 9 4 2 Chamar, Bhambhi, Jatav, Jatia, Mochi, Raidass, Raigar or Ramdasia 1,951 1,609 1,867 1.608 84 3 Dheda 150 68 143 68 7 4 Dome 12 26 12 25 5 Gavaria 27 46 24 46 3 6 Garo. Garura or Gurda 305 247 230 246 75 7 Kalbelia 1 1 8 Khatik 9 6 8 6 9 Koli or Kori 1 10 Megh or Meghwal 7,193 6,300 6,960 6,294 229 6 4 11 Thod or Nayak 35 35 35 35 12 Unclassified 1



Total 2,385 1,925 2,944 1,923 39 2 2 Bbil 2,385 1,925 2.944 1,923 39 2 2 TABLE seT-IV PART A & B 176


Religion Total Hindus 51. Rural No. Name of Scheduled Caste Urban Persons Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 S 6 7


All Scheduled Castel Rural 18,048 9,701 8,346 9,702 8,346 Urban 891 467 424 467 424 1 Bargi, Vargi or Birgi Urban 2 2 2 2 Bhangi Rural 26 17 9 17 9 Urban 196 114 82 114 82 3 Chamar, Bbambhi, Jatav, Jatia, Machi, Raidass, Raigar or Ramdasia Rural 3.560 1,951 J,609 1,951 1,609 Orban 122 66 S6 66 56 4 Dheda Rural 218 150 68 ISO 68 5 Dome Rural 38 12 26 12 26 «I Garo, Gacura or Gurda Rural 552 305 • 247 305 247 Orban 15 10 5 10 5 7 Gavaria Rural 73 27 46 27 46 Urban 20 10 to 10 10 8 Kalbelia Itural 1 I 9 Khatik Rural 15 9 6 9 6 urban 45 19 , 26 19 26 10 Kolior ICori Rural 1 1 11 Megh or Me,hwal Rural 13.493 7,193 6,300 7,193 6,300 Urban 448 226 222 226 222 12 Thod or Nayak Rural 70 35 35 3'i 35 Orban 29 11 18 II 18 13 Unclassified Rural I I 1 Urban 14 9 5 9 5


Name of Religion Total Hindus Sl. Rura) No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban Persons Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 DISTRICT

AU ScbeduJed Castes Rural 4,310 1,385 1,925 2,385 1,925 Urban 2.56 139 117 139 117 Bbil Rural 4,310 2.385 1,925 2,385 1,925 Urban 246 129 117 J29 117 2 Mina Urban to 10 10 179 TABLE SCT-V PART-A" B


(Based on 20% Sample) No. of Cultiva- Households engaged in cultivation by size of land in acres ting -- ~------~------~ house- Less Unspe- Interest in land cultivated holds than 1 1.0-2.4 2.5-4.9 5.0-7.4 7.5-9.9 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 15.0-29.9 30.0-49.9 50+ cified 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DISTRICT

Total 579 5 9 29 26 56 28 175 120 128 3 Owned or held from Government 437 3 4 22 17 41 15 130 93 109 3 2 Held from private person or institutions for payment in money. kind or share 136 2 5 7 ,9 14 12 42 27 18 3 Partly held from Govt. and partly from private persons for payment in money, kind or share 6 3


(Based on 20% Sample) No. of Cultiva­ Households engaged in cultivation by size of land in acres tin" - ~-~-~- --~ -~---~--~- ~------~ ------hous~- Less Unspe­ Interest in land cultivated holds than 1 1.0-2.4 2.5-4.9 5.0-7.4 7.5-9.9 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 15.0-29.9 30.0-49.9 50+ cified

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DISTRICT

Total 140 1 4 8 11 18 5 46 20 26 1 Owned or held from Government 118 3 6 8 14 4 42 17 22 2 Held from private person or institutions for payment in money, kind or share 22 1 2 3 4 4 3 4 3 Partly held from Govt. and partly from private persons for payment in money. kind or share 180


Persons employed Persons seeking before but now out Full time employment for of employment Total non-working Population Students the first time and seeking work Others Educational levels Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 12 mSTRICT TOTAL Total 9,844 4,164 5,680 328 18 5 3,831 5,662 Illiterate 9.589 3,914 5,675 125 13 5 3,784 5,662 Literate (without educational level) 248 243 S 196 5 47 Primary or Junior Basic 7 7 7 Matriculation ro Higher Secondary Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary


Total 9,284 3,955 5,32!> 360 ]S 4 3,651 5,314 Illiterate 9,073 3,746 5,327 125 13 4 3,617 5,314 Literate (without educational level) 20) 207 2 173 2 34 Primary or Junior Basic 2 2 2 Matriculation or Higher Secondary Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary " DISTRICT URBAN

Total 560 209 351 28 3 1 180 348 Illiterate 516 168 348 167 348 Literate (without educational level) 39 36 3 23 3 13

Primary or Junior Basic 5 5 5 J" Matriculation or Higher Secondary Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary "



Total 846 370 476 29 341 476 Illiterate 813 337 476 337 476 Literate (without educational level) 33 33 29 4 Primary or Junior Basic Matriculation or Higher Secondary Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary 181


Persons employed Persons seeking before but now out Full time employment for of employment Total non-working Population Students the first time and seeking work Others Educational levels Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 \l 12


Total 966 411 555 15 396 555 Illiterate 951 396 555 396 555 Literate (without educational level) 15 15 15 Primary or Junior Basic Matriculation or Higher Secondary Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary·


Total 1,688 684 1,004 83 601 1,004 Illiterate 1,641 637 1,004 37 600 1,004 Literate (without educational level) 47 47 46 Primary or Junior Basic Matriculation or Higher Secondary Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary


Total 3,166 1,459 1,707 154 2 1,305 1,705 Illiterate 3,071 1.366 1,705 80 1,286 1.70S Literate (without educational level) 93 91 2 72 2 19 Primary or Junior Basic 2 2 2 Matriculation or Higber Secondary Above Matriculation or Higber Secondary


Total 1,227 388 839 13 388 826 Illiterate 1,221 382 839 13 382 826 Literate (witbout eduoational level) 6 6 6 Primary or Junior Basic Matriculation or Higher Secondary Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary

Jais.19 IB2


Persons employed Persons seeking before but now out Full time employment for of employment Total non-working Population Students the first time and seeking work Others Educational levels Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males FeI114les Males Fomales 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 FATEHGARH TEHSIL

Total 1,391 643 748 19 4 620 748 miterate 1,376 628 748 8 4 616 748 Literate (without educational level) IS 15 11 4 Primar)' or Junior Basic Matriculation or Higher Secondary Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary 183


Mother tongue and total number of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total speakers to the Mother tongue Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 3 4 5 6 DlSTRICI' TOTAL Total All Languages 2,524 2,042 5


Total 2,494 2,006 5 Sindhi M(5) 1 Bhil 2,484 2,006 5 Sind hi M(S) 2 Mioa 10 MOTHER TONGUE 3 SINDHI Total 29 36 Shil 29 36 DISTRICT RURAL

All Languages 2,385 1,925 3

MOTHER TONGUE 1 KHARIBOLI Total 1 Bhit MOTHER TONGUE 2 MARWARI Total 2,355 1,889 3 Sindhi M(3) Bhil 2,355 1,889 3 Sind hi M(3) MOTHER TONGUE 3 SINDHI Total 29 36 Bhi! 29 36

DISTRICT URBAN All Languages 139 117 2 MQTHBRTONGUE 1 MARWARI Total 139 117 2. Sindhi M(2) 1 BhU 129 117 2 Sindhi M(2) 2 Mina 10

Jais.19-A 184


Persons employed Persons seeking before but now Full time employment for out of employment Total non-working population Students tbe first time and seeking work Others SI. No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DISTRICT TOTAL

All Scheduled Tribes 2,389 1,042 1,347 58 1 983 1,347 1 Bhil 2,389 1,042 1,347 58 1 98) 1,347


AU Scbeduled Tribes 2,242 985 1,257 56 1 928 1,257 1 Bbi! 2,242 985 1,257 56 928 1,257


AU Scbeduled Tribes 147 57 90 2 5S 90 1 BhU 147 57 90 2 55 90 SECTION III





( Note) Data collected for the Census 1961 at the village betically. The names of the villages have also been level has already been presented in the Primary given in the Devnagri Script. The names of the Census Abstract. As an ancillary project, some villages found to be printed wrongly in the Primary additional information was also collected through a Census Abstract have been corrected here. Village Information Schedule, specially designed by this office, and is presented in this Village Directory. Infor­ Crop which has the largest area under cultivation mation in this directory and what has been presented has been treated as the major crop of a village and in the official statistics and the maps may in certain the following abbreviations have been used to indicate cases be found to be conflicting. The reason obviously it in Column No. 2 :- lies in the fact that data has been collected from different sources. W-Wheat G-Gram The Directory gives information about the major J -Jowar crop, the distance in miles from the nearest Primary B-Barley School, Hospital or Dispensary, Railway Station, Bj-Bajra Post Office, Bus Stand and Police Station for each M- Maize village. Such information was not collected for R-Rice unpopUlated villages. Where information was not P -Pulses received for a particular item an indication to this T-Til .effect has been made by putting a '_'. WG - Wheat Gram (Gochana) I WB - Wheat Barley (Gojara) BO - Barley Gram (Bejar) With a view to assist the reader to locate the Md-Mustard villages easily, they have been presented here alpha- C- Cotton

Jab. 20 190


Distance in miles from ncareat Distance in miles from nearest .. is o Code No. & Code No. " Name of Village Name of Village 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 5 6 8 RAMGARH TEHSIL RAMGARH TEHSIL-concld. 25 Asoowala 39 Kucbbdi Bj 20 20 100 20 20 20 ,g~ ,,~ 7 Bada Bj 2 26 118 26 6 26 22 Langwa!a 24 70 140 40 40 40 W1 Ci'l~l\lSt 27 Bandba Bj 16 16 138 16 16 16 26 Meerwala 26 40 160 40 40 40 ~ 1{Rf.JTWr S Naga Bj 4 26 110 26 8 26 5 Bhootanwala 18 36 130 36 36 36 .,1;rf ~""I(4r 30 Blprasal Bj 6 6 112 6 6 11 Naga-ki-Dbanl Bj 6 20 Jl9 20 )0 20 firroU{ ;JrflT ~ 'fTUi) 6 Buili Bj 24 40 140 40 40 40 1Z Raimal Bj 10 14 142 ]4 14 14 ~~ '{t1Jq~ 28 Darbala Bj 6 14 140 14 14 14 17 Ramgarb Bj 0 0 118 0 0 0 ~WT (r~ 4 Deetowala \6 Reghwa J 6 6111 666 ~~ ~lfr 29 Eltal Bj 8 8 134 8 8 8 13 Sadban Bj 8 18 112 18 18 18 ~ ~.. 19 Gamnawala N 16 16 142 16 16 16 21 Sadhawala 16 32 160 32 32 32 iRr-Ij'ifJ(4f ~NT


Distance in miles from nearest Distance D miles from nearest

..III Code No. & Code No. & o Name of Village p.. Name of Village 2 3 6 8 1 2 3


2 Bharewa\a 2S 59 lS 25 2S ') Norangwala \Jnpopu}.ated ~iiJWT ~1{·1fIIm' 16 Bikasar 9 25 62 40 2S 30 21 Panche-ka-Tala 3 41 333 fi(15f«~ IIA ~ (I~ 39 Bithe-ka-OaoJl 5 5 39 0 0 16 17 Palla. 3 20 54 20 20 22 M''6T11tfr tp;ff 37 Bodava o 12 46 12 12 28 8 Rlimchand alias 76 70 34 34 34 Oi(t~r~ Chandesarwala 36 Chinno 16 16 42 16 16 16 ~IA~ :al:fi~ f:q"t_ ~{ltr~r Dadura 40 ~4 40 40 40 20 Robidawala Unpopulated i!(1~ :tf(meuiSt 38 Dllaleri 5 5 39 :5 :5 J6 U Sahwala 71 71 40 40 45 ~T~ «TC~ 9 Dholewala Unpopulated 2S Sankriya 3 40 3 3 3 ~Cf~r ~~ 31 Didhu o 40 40 17 40 17 26 Satyaya o 36 36 6 36 6 ffl:i iIi:W-ItarT 28 Ghaotiyali 12 49 48 12 48 12 24 Sekhon-ka-Tala Unpopulated ~.~ q@T"l 'fiT ~ 27 Hariyar 16 80 80 16 16 16 18 Tawariwala 6 20 59 20 20 2S ~f(1lR ~~~~T 15 Jaluwas 16 40 71 40 40 30 30 Tota 2 52 52 22 52 22 ~~~ ~al J 1 JatonwaJa Unpopulated ~~("lil(ti!5T lAISALMER TEHSIL 14 Kamewala 16 40 71 40 40 30 92 Akal 3 12 82 12 4 12 'Ii~WT 1(1~ 19 Kbara 20 20 S4 20 20 20 49 Amarsagar OJ 3 3 11. 3 3 3 ~m aJ1R91''l{ 10 KhaTa Khu Unpopulated 7 Arjan Bj 2 42 112 42 42 42 "'IU ~ aR'5Iif 3 Khariya 62 S6 22 22 22 61 Arj~ar Bj 5 30 30 30 4 20 li,f~r 8t;j{~ 12 Kheruwala 71 40 71 40 40 4S 91 Asbaycba Bi 4 12 9\ 12 4 11 ~~


Distance in miles from -nearest Distance in miles from nearest

8 !£3o Code No. &. Code No. &. Name of Villaae Name of Village 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 8 JAISALMER TEHSIL-conld. JAISALMER TEHSIL-contd. 41 Bhadasar W o 16 8S 16 o 16 87 DhaYllar Bi 5 30 40 30 6 30 llr({T{{( 'Iit~~( 84 Bhagu-ka-Gram Bj 4 16 53 16 16 6 Diggha Bi 5 40 llO 40 40 40 m~ ~ I((;{ f~'ElT 86 Bhairwa Bj 6 20 4S 20 3 20 51 Gajroop Sagar 3 3 72 3 3 3 ~qy ~ ~r"( 13 Gogade Bj 5 24 94 24 s s 82 Bhiyan Bj 7 7 76 7 7 7 i'trq~ f~:,rt 98 Goreda Bj 4 14 83 14 14 14 Bi 4 16 60 16 6 16 " Bhojasar m~T ~)\5Ire~ 21 Hadha 8j 6 16 66 16 16 16 8S Bhojka G 8 20 49 20 o 20 ~ ~)\5Ii1ir 54 Hameera Bj o 14 60 14 14 14 97 Bhoo Bj 10 10 89 10 10 10 ~;r'l(r ~ 81 Hansuwa Hj 6 8 7R 8 8 8 9S Bhopa Bj 6 14 83 14 10 14 ~f~.n mqT 71 Jairat Bj 4 12. 70 12 4 12 33 Chahdoo Bj 4 15 70 15 8 15 ~mr :qr~~ 89 Jawad Jooni Bj 6 34 47 34 6 34 57 Chandhan Bj o 30 40 30 o 30 Gllcr~ ~;ft ~.. 88 Jawad Nai Bi 6 34 47 34 6 34 29 Chandsar Bi 4 24 24 24 24 24 ~~ .. t :qF~{{( 32 Jesurana Bj 6 20 70 20 6 20 18 Chacda Unpopulated 6'I~u.. r :;;rrcr6'T 66 Jetha Bj 4 30 45 30 4 30 20 Chaudhariya Bj 5 18 88 18 18 18 ~ :q"hlf(~T 36 Jethwai Bj 6 75 6 o 6 45 Chhatrel North Bj 6 16 75 16 4 16 ~6crTt iJ§{w a~(1 67 Jhabra 6 20 50 20 20 44 Chhatrel South 6 16 75 16 4 16 ®iI'U uSr~ I(f~on 74 Jiyai Bj 4 4 73 4 4 4 83 Dabla Bj o 8 67 8 8 8 f~~ :&1;;;rwT 93 Jodha BJ 4 12 82 12 4 12 \5I)m 80 Dahri Bj 8 8 87 8 8 14 14 77 14 14 ~~"t 3S Joshi 14 63 Delasar Bj o 32 32 32 36 32 a!~ ~~Hl( 75 Kahla Bj 4 10 78 10 10 10


Distance in miles from nearest Distance in miles from nearest

~g Code No. & Code No. & :;3~.- Name of Village Name of Village rJ:fI.l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 5 6 7 8


19 Katodi J o 20 96 20 20 20 99 Pithla o 16 86 J6 16 16 ~~ fq~wT 94 Keeta Bj 10 16 86 16 10 16 96 Pithorai Bj 12 15 84 15 15 15 ~ fq~~T~ 76 Kbanderon-ki- Bj 6 14 83 14 12 14 37 Pohar J 12 12 82 12 12 12 Dbani ~~ ~;r .1 yror1 Jl Porwar Bj 0 30 100 30 30 30 25 Kbardi Bj 6 40 45 40 6 6 qR"~ lIt~C\ 39 Ram Kunda BG 2 8 77 S 3 8 10 Khiyawas Deva J 0 36 110 40 40 40 ~1a:r ~~r f~~rqT~ ~ 34 Rana Unpopulated i 52 Kbisan Ghat Bj 2 2 70 2 2 2 ~Tllfr f


DIstance in miles from nearest Distance in miles from nearest

Code No. & Code No. & GO Name of Village -o· Name of Village p.. 1 2 3 6 7 8 2 3 6 8 JAISALMBR TBHSIL-eoncld. POKARAN TEHSIL-contd. 15 Vohn Bj 6 26 96 26 26 26 70 Dantala Bj 0 8 30 8 2 8 ci'Il:T ~fowr 19 Dholiya Bj 0 25 25 25 0 2S POKARAN TEHSIL ~fCilS~r 77 Badbewa Bj o 16 34 34 12 30 Dhudsar ~ 4 8 884 8 ifi~lfr 8ft~ 80 Baiar Bj II 12 33 12 33 8 9 Dudhil'a Bj 0 12 6 6 6 12 ~I' !f}t~ S5 Balusingb-ki-Dani Bj o 4 14 14 4 14 57 Dudiya Bj 6 10 50 SO 8 8 ;r~~ ~ ;pun ~r 53 Barat-ka-gaon Bj o , 14 14 0 14 12 Eka Bj 6 6 5 5 5 5 il'Tt


Distance in miles from nearest Distance in miles from nearest

~o Code No. & Code No. & Name of Village Name of Village 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 POKARAN TEHSIL-contd. POKAKAN TEHSIL-concld. 44 Lakhaaar Bj 10 34 34 10 10 34 72 Raj Mathai Bj o 0 30 10 10 30 Ci5~fQ,( '(1'31 II~~ 20 Lathi Bj o 28 28 28 o 28 14 Ram Deora o 0 0 o ld '(rq ~cru 73 Rampuriya 34 6 28 Lawa Bj o o 9 9 o 9 Bi 4 15 34 CiSifT '(~~f 4 Leharki Bj o 17 14 14 5 17 22 Ratan-ki-Bassi Bj 4 30 30 30 4 30 Ci5~~<€t ,(({if 'fi1 ~1 66 Ratdiya Bj o 10 24 24 22 21 Letha Bj 5 33 33 33 5 33 aToT \TQfu~ 8 Rathora Bj 7 14 8 8 8 14 64 Luna Lalan B.i 16 16 4 o 4 I, ijOlT 'fiCiSr U~'" 29 Rawad Unpopulated S9 Luna Khurd Bj o 4 27 3 o 3 ~r


Distance in miles from nearest Distance in miles from neare~t

Do 8 o !S ...()- -_:>. o ...,o .§_8"'0 Code No. & Code No. & -'"o Name of Village Name of Village ~ cl:~ 1:1.. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 6 7 8 SAM TEHSIL-conld. SAM TEHSIL-contd. 20 Chakrau 100 100 198 128 )()() 100 68 BabuaJi lOS 105 183 123 105 105 :;fi


Distance in miles Crom nearest' I Distance in miles Crom nearest .g 8 f! 8 rn o 8 Code No. & Code No. & Name oC Villago ~ Name oC Village 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 6 8

SAM TEHSIL-ct.lntd. SAM TEHSIL-contd. 61 Harda 80 80 108 108 80 80 114 Khabba w 10 14 88 18 6 14 &~'T lir~T 63 Harnau Bj 70 70 168 88 70 70 27 Khadipo 211 141 113 113 ~ifTij; 133 Hatar Bj 14 24 60 60 24 24 '«~~ &eT, 28 Khara i9T\l 70 Indewali ~~


Distance in miles from nearest Distance in miles from nearest

~e­ .~ .~ t: .. =t o ot: Code No. &: '1.1 Code No. 41 Name of Village tcQ l Name of Villap ! 4 5 6 8 1 6 8 SAM TEHSIL-contd. SAM TEHSIL-contd. 73 Madbalwali 115 115 213 143 115 115 51 Nawatala 65 65 153 83 65 65 ""'I:1WiIAft ~crr~ 72 MadbJo 85 85 J83 J13 85 88 NicbuwaJi Unpopulated IIf'iIiit ~ 11 Maha 86 86 174 114 86 86 55 Nijau 100 100 187 128 100 100 IIT(T ftf~a; 116 Nimba 71 Mahdo 80 80 178 108 80 80 Bj 9 9 134 9 9 9 f~ 'IT(~ 137 Maligara Bj 24 24 150 24 24 24 ]]2 Pataliya UnpOpulated 11161·I~r qm~r .5 Mamdau 66 86 184 124 86 86 60 PatalwaJi ~ qr~ $9 Pb,adalwali 123 Matu-ki-Basti Bj 4 4 126 4 4 4 IIQ ~ ~~ 'fil~~ 136 Phaleri Bj 14 17 Moetbatala 85 85 183 1~3 85 85 14 75 14 14 14 JftomaT 'f.~ lot MogwaJoa...ki W 14 14 84 14 3 14 147 Phooliya Bj 10 SO 50 SO SO " Dhani ~~T ~mmsr.t oft ~"t 3 PhootawaU UDpopuhted 31 MohDa 97 97 195 125 97 97 'i~Ti5'l qUJf 10 Pitau 86 86 184 114 86 86 » M.,bDau ..... 100 100 188 128 100 100 fqu~ ~f$ 132 Pochhina Bj 0 32 54 S4 32 32 .mitot, 8. Mitki Khqi 93 93 181 121 93 93 f~~ S2 Rabblau Fakironwala 24 Mithrau l'.hara~ Unpopulated lfToU''' "Rlcn ~r~ra: 'Ifi'i1U",,~ JJ Mithrau 1~ 120 218 148 I~O 120 Mangliyonwali 98 Rabhlau S5 55 153 83 55 SS Rajronwala fi:!~ ~rq;;na; IIt~~I~ U~ot


Distance in miles from nearest Distance in miles from nearest

'0 !=: tIS .... til Code No. &; .. Code No. &; .. ::s Name of Village Name of Villaae ~ ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SAM TEHSIL-conc/d. fATEHGARH TEHSIL-contd. 120 Sam Bj 0 0 98 0 o 0 S7 AdwaJa Bj 3 20 70 22 20 22 aJfllWT "'f 125 Samejan-ka-Par Bj 14 14 75 14 14 14 58 Ala Bj 2 28 65 30 28 30 . vit:snll' lif tm: arrwr 104 SapIa Bj 8 20 94 24 15 20 25 Asloi Bj 10 90 30 30 30 ~ atT~ 150 Sato Bj 0 50 50 SO SO 50 3 Badhan Unpopulated v<'it I(Jl:Tif 154 SeeJhar Bj 0 56 40 40 56 56 64 Baiya Bj o 4S 90 45 45 so ~{{T( ~ 44 Shahgarh 80 80 178 108 80 80 61 Bambhara Bj 10 32 65 30 25 30 il'i~ f8'J'&fJ~ , 56 Shahra 85 85 183 123 85 8S 6S Basda Bj 10 45 95 45 45 55 f8'flI'Yr ifT~~f 100 Sipalon-ki-Basti Unpopulated 41 Beejhota Bj 2 18 50 20 18 20 ~ !fit ifE

Jais.21-A VILLAGE'DllEC'tORY-Contd.

Distance in miles from nearest Distance in miles from nearest

Code No. &: Code No. &: Name of Village Name of Village 1 2 7 8 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FATBHGARH TEHSIL-contd. FATEHGARH TEHSIL-contd. 66-Deora Bj o 30 55 28 20 28 2( Korowa Bj 16 20 90 30 30 22 mr 'Ii~ 16 Devikot Bi o J2 68 24 o 24 67 Kotha Bj 4 8 70 ' 10 8 10 ~~i! m 12 Duwara Bj 12 24 83 34 10 22 2 Kotri Bi 0 20 80 18 18 22 'fit


Distance in miles frum nearest Distance n miles from nearest -----~~------_---

j::; .S2 ... .g g. u g. o t, 0 o~ u '1j co 8 '1:1 co c- u.. !E I: ri5 u.. ;... _'"os'" ;... 15 os ril -«I'"'" ""c: 5 «Ie ""tUO.. - .~ 5 0 ... :~ 5 0 U .. en .. «1O- ri5 0 0 Poe. ~.:: .§ ._ .c: e.e. ~.g ... u ._EO .c: 0::.,.. ... ", Code No. & .(;' EO Code'No. & ';;' ~.!! ::s ... u ~.~ tUtU '"0 ::s'" ~ "u


94 Pabnasar Bj 5 10 30 8 8 8 17 Sanwata Bj 8 IS 70 32 8 15 1JTiI'iI1~ ij'f"l'fflT 54 Pancha Bj 4 14 64 14 14 14 Senag Unpopulated qf'ifr ~;JHl 34 Poonasar Unpopulated 7 Sirwa Bj 8 8 70 30 30 12 q;u~ m{iIl 30 Rama Bj 0 12 SO 14 12 14 20 Sitodai Bj 4 10 85 40 10 12 ~lqt fVftm{ 83 Randha Bj 0 20 65 20 20 32 22 Sobh Bj 10 20 80 42 42 20 ~T~ I {VI1ilT " 13 Rasia Bj 9 20 80 33 9 22 23 Soda Bj 4 20 90 J7 17 22 ~~ ~ 52 Rewri BJ 5 4 66 6 6 6 74 Sodhat Bj 10 40 90 40 40 50 ~ ~mCf 90 Sadhuwa Bj 4 4 60 2 2 2 31 Somlyaj Bj 2 33 48 12 to 13 eTWfr ~lIr(i:lJlt 93 Sandha Bj 5 5 60 4 4 4 73 Tejmalta Bj 0 2S 90 2S 25 28 ~j~ ~~;JAr 46 San gad Bj 0 0 60 4 0 3 72 Toga Pj 6 16 58 14 14 14 ~tl1;g- tfl;rr JO Sangana Bj 10 14 82 10 24 24 5 Ugawa Bj 8 39 80 24 24 40 qrlTwr :otlr<{T 70 Sanjeet Bj 6 10 60 8 8 8 39 Unda Bj 4 73 26 8 10 erra10 ~;Cf





Presented in this section are some tables relating to facilities, motor vehicles, progress of co-operative societies, statistics collected from various official agencies~ They development blocks and panchayat samities is also cover subjects like rainfalI, land utilisation, area and given in this section. A Jist of fairs celebrated in the production under crops, irrigational facilities, livestock, district and the data relating to the electoral participa. agricultural implements and power. Information about tion and preferences for the first two general elections consumption of intoxicants, educational and medical also form a part of this section.

Jail. 22 206

RAINFALL /951-1960

Y B A R S (in ems.) Normal Tehsils RainfalJ 1951 1952 1953 19'4 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ramgarh N.A. S.23 26.54 12.47 N.A. 22.86 20.32 8.38 7.25 19.56 4.54 Nacbna 12.55 N.A. N.A. N.A 5.77 17.32 16.21 20.07 18.54 20.98 IS.73 Jaisalmer 17.91 11.00 15.J6 36.60 27.76 44.04 25.53 20.70 23.24 23.24 13.41 Pokaran N.A. N.A. N.A, N.A. 10.82 34.01 17.12 24.97 11.86 18.82 15.40 Sam N.A. 14.71 12.40 12.95 4.83 29.85 23.34 17.63 12.5() 10.44 S.7l Fatebgarb N.A. N.A. 17.3.2 17.73 8.89 22.25 31.90 24.31 13.61 19.48 15.61

N.A. = Not Available Source :- The Board of Revenue (Land Records), Rajasthan.


CLASSIFICATION OF REPORTING AREA (in '000 acres) Total Not available for cultivation Geographical Other area according Land put to Barren and uncultivated Area Total to viIlage non-agricultural unculturable land excluding Culturable Fallow Net area sown more cropped Years papers Forests use land fallow land waste land sown than once area I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1951-52 10,280 5,115 5,139 26 26 1952-53 JO,280 5,1l5 5,134 31 31 1953-54 10,280 33 5,115 4,400 700 32 32 1954-55 JO,280 172 47 4,367 25 4,869 693 107 107 1955-56 10,280 144 147 4,358 185 4,613 616 217 217 1956-57 9,934 44 147 4,112 IR5 4.608 616 222 222 1957-58 9,666 44 145 3,819 128 3,957 1,373 200 200 1958-59 9,664 44 136 3,919 128 3,959 1,246 232 Neg. 232 1959-60 9,619 48 120 4049 248 3,7E4 940 450 Neg. 450 1960-61 9,600 48 1!9 4,O.w 2-l8 4,026 764 355 N~g. 355

Neg. = Negligible Source :- Directorate of Economic & Statistics, Rajasthan. AREA AND PRODUCI'ION OF PRINCIPAL CROPS 1960-61 Area Production Area Production Crop. (in acres) (in tons) Crops (in acres) (in tons) 1 2 3 1 2 , A-CEREALS C-COMMERCIAL CR.OPS Bajra )3] .311 ]3,819 (a) OIL SEEDS Jowar n,711 372 Sesamum 340 7 Wheat 1,648 633 Barley 67 29 B-PULSES (b) OTHER CROPS Gram 249 19 Chilliel 3 5 Other Kharif Pulses 46 S Source :- Statistical Abstract of Rajasthan. 1961.


Area (in acres)- T E H S I L District Crops Total Ramgarh Nacbna Jaisalmer Pokaran Sam Fatehgarh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ,iRRIGATION BY SOURCES


Total (an croJIR) 208.58 0.33 8.25 6].50 138.50 Wheat 59.75 0.75 59.00 Sugarcane 0.25 0.25 Condiments '" spices 3.00 0.25 2.75 Fruits & vegetables including roOt 145.08 0.33 8.00 6{'. '25 76.50 crops Fodder crops 0.50 0.25 0.25 Source :- Collectorate (Land Records), Jaisallller.

Jais. 2.2-A 208


c j

.....on oco I.....~ ....



..., \CO on 0\ -.,) - -'0

I .. .!l "3 IX! .... 20J

AGRICUL'PUltAL 1l\IPM:M.RN'PS A.ND; MACIIINJ!:RY 1961 Ploughs Electric Persian Tehsil Wooden Iron Carts pumps wheels Tractors Ghanics 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8

District Total 22,523 1,032 2,717 1 28 3 26 Ramgllrp 836 23 46 Nachna 2,361 3 13 Jaisalmer 4,574 446 149 2 3 l Pokaran 9,304 536 2,394 28 23- Sam 2,370 8 22 Fatehgarh 3,078 16 93 Source :- Report on the Livestock Census of Rajasthan, f9'61:

GENERATION AND CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRICITY 1959-60 (in million Kwh.) Locality Particulars Jaisalmer

I 2 A- Electricity Generated 0.19r B- Total Consumption of Electricity 0.140 (a) Domestic (i) Heat & Small power 0.020 (ii) Light & fans 0.061 (b) Commercial (i) Heat & small power 0.014 (c) Industrial (i) Low & medium voltage 0.007 (b) Public lighting 0.032 (c) Public Water Works and Sewage pumping 0.006 Source :- Public Electric Supply-All India Statistics (1959-60), Central Water and Power Commission, Simla. 210


y B A R S Items Unit 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 I 2 3 4 5 A- Shops :- I Co_try LiqtlO' Number 4 4 4 2 Opilllll .. 19 3 Hemp drugs .. 3 3 B- Cons8l1lption :- 1 Country Spml Litres 1.28'7 9,901 10,192 2 Opium Kilograms J35 21 9 3- Bhang .. 290 383 261 Source :- Directorate of Economics & Statistics. Rajasthan.


Number of Number of Number of Institutions Scholars Teachers

---~.---- Type of InstitutiOD Boys Girls Boys Girls Males Females 1 2 3 .. S 6 7 TOTAL U7 3 4,874 506 215 18 SCHOOLS 117 3 4,874 506 215 18 (i) Higher Secondary Schools 2 415 3 28 (ii) Middle &;bools ]0 999 264 54 15 (iii) Junior Basic Schools 16 1.085 93 34 " (iv) Primary Schools 81 1 2.242 138 Q' I (v) Schools for Special Education 8 1 133 8 6 Source :- Directorate of Education, Rajasthan.


Particulars Beds Particulars Bedi I 2 2 A-HOSPITALS B-DISPENSARIES-conc/d. 1 Jawahar HospitaI.Jaisatmer 12 4 pokaran Aid Post B-DISPENSARIES 5 Government Dispensary, Bhaniyana 1 Sth Bn. R.A.C. Dispensary, Jai$llimer C-PRJMARY HEALTH CENTRES 2 Police line Dispensary,Jaisalmer I Nachos (Sakra block) 6 3 Oil &; Gas Company Dispensary, JaisaJmer 2 Pokaran 6

Source:- Directorate of Medical & Health Services, Rajasthan. 211


y B A R S (Number) Type of Vehicles J957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1 2 3 4 :; ., Total 140 149 162 168 181 Private Cars and Jeeps 50 54 54 60 65 Private Buses 1 1 1 1 1 Motor Cycles & Tricycle Rickshaws • 3 3 3 3 3 Contract and Taxi Carriages 1 1 2 Stage Carria&es • 28 30 31 31 33 Public Carriers • 40 43 48 48 48 Private Carriers • 12 12 17 17 23 Tractors 4 4 5 S 6 Othera 2 2 2 2 Source : - The Directorate of Transport, Rajasthan.

CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES (As on 30th June, 1961)

Share Working Loans Loans Capital Capital Advanced Recovered Deposits Borrowings Type of Societies Number Members (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total 132 4,905 152,671 482,960 121,595 10,807 15,046 314,268 1 Agricultural Credit Societies 58 2,092 50,929 257,Qi0 117.480 9,960 15,046 191.095 2 Primary Marketing Society 28 15,875 39.027 23,152 3 Marketiog Society (Noo-Plan) I 23 ] 1,728 16,115 3,029 4,387 4 Farming Societies 5 61 2,300 4,180 1,880 5 Agricultural Non-Credit Societies 26 708 20,040 62.731 1,086 907 42.691 6 Non-Agricultural Non-Credit Societies 2 30 6,721 6,721 7 Weaver's Societies 13 308 3,533 21,608 18,075 8 Other Industrial Societies 11 200 13,136 25,875 12.739 9 District Institute 1 35 10 Co-operative Stores 4 1.192 17,364 22,925 4,586 11 Societies Under Liquidation 10 258 11,045 26,708 16,663 Source : - . The R~gistrar Co-operative Societies, Rajasthan.


Area covered Number of Rural Year of villages population Blocks opening Stage . Sq. Miles Sq. Kms. covered served ('000) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Saokra (Pokaran) 1954-55 II Stage 2,500 6,475 84 38 Jaisalmer 1959-60 I Stage 4,700 12,173 150 3S

N. B. :- Area, villages and population based 00 1951 Census. Source :- Development Department, Rajasthan. 212

.,., -\0 --

.... 00 -~

00 IC - r--~

~=' Z

.. 213

FAIRS Principal Estimated communities Nearest Congre- taking part Nearest Bus Railway Name of the fair Place Period gat ion Purpose in the fair Stand/Route StatioD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 JAISALMER TEHSIL Sheeda Dedansar Chaitra Badi 7 1,000 Religious AU Communities Jaisalmer Pokaran Gangaur Gharsisar Chaitra Sudi 4 12,000 ., ...... Vaisakhi Bada Bagh Vaisakha Sudi 15 20,000 " " .. .. Ganga Saptmi Amarsagar Vaisakha Sudi 7 500 .. .. Guru Purnima Ghart.isar Ashvina Sudi IS 1.000 .. " .. Chhoti Teej Gharsisar Shravana Sudi 3 2,000 .. ., .. to Badi Teej Gharsisar Bhadrapada Badi 3 2,000 , , . . " .. Ganga Navmi Bada Bagb Bhadrapada Sudi 9 3,000 .. .. ,. Ramdeoji Gulabsagar Bhadrapada Sudi 11 & 1,000 " Magha Sudi 11 .. .. " Udal Dema Tcmrerai Bhadrapada Sudi 7 500 .. .. ,. II Kala Dungar Kanond Bhadrapada 14 & 400 Magha Sudi 14 " .. " .. Amar Sagar Amar Sagar Bhadrapada Sudi 7 500 " t, .. Dashera Cbohta Ashvina Sudi 8 & 9 13,000 .. .. Vijya Mela Dashera-ka- Ashvina Sudi 10 1,000 " " Burj " .. Mahashivratri Deochand- Phalguna Badi 13 2,000 , reshar ...... POKARAN TEHSIL Gandhi Mela Sakra 30th & 31st January 400 Relilious All Communities Sakra Pokaran Sbri Ram Deora Ram Deora Magha & Bhadrapada 200,000 Ram Deora Sudi 2 to 14 " " Swangiyoji Bhadariya Bhadrapada SucH 6 & 1.000 Lathi Magha Sudi 6 " " ••

N. B. - The information regarding the fairs held in the remaining tehsils is not available. Source :- Collectorate. Jaisalmer.

FIRST GENERAL ELECTIONS 1952 Percentage of voting preferences Number Percentage Assembly Constituency of seats Electorates of polling Congress Independent 1 2 5 4 5 6

1 !aisalmer 54.246 27.7 3.8 96.2

SECOND GENERAL ELECTIONS 1957 Percentage of voting preferences Number Electorates Percentage Assembly Constituency of seats ~en VVODlen of polling Congress Independent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Jaisalmer 1 33,372 27,008 34.4 15.0 85.0 Source : - Election Department, Rajasthan. Jais. 23



DISTRICT AND TEHSIL MAPS (Note) The district and tehsil maps presented in this Directory. 'rhe villages have been shown by code section have been prepared and presented for the numbers in the tehsil maps. first time. They form a part of the Census Atlas and have been reproduced here specially with a The maps have been photographicaUy reduced to their present size from the original revenue view to help the reader to locate the places mentioned maps and the scale and graticules have been worked in the Primary Census Abstract and the Village out as approximately as possible.

The following is the list of references used for all the maps



GRAVELLED ROAD i. 4 T If 0 uS Eo'" 0 L D I III 0 U S TRY





b""~ 1~ IS 20 U 30 n :0 -M-I-L-E-S- Olli! i I I I I I I + o 5 10 15 20 25 30 3S 40 KILOMETRES

/'_'-'" /' \.~ .; ') / ./ \ _. _,...,.,_.-'...... _." . I \ . ,_,:/:. \ "",,' \ i '-...... "",-. ,: .I Nachna Ramgarh PAKI$TAN / ...... n;,' Po ...... 0:•• /.: " ~~® ": I .,' I ,.' I I \ \ I 1 , ...... I ..... • I' I ,/ " ,--- ,/ " .... , l I " Jaisalmer ... : ...... • ..... ,,""• JAISALMER .'

:\...... :::" I ...... •...... •.. ,. : ....• , ...... ::.., "," /. I • I I I I ,I ' ...... ,,' Sam " ...... -.~.-., "i \ Fatehgarh I \ j

O. eARN,. Teh. Ramg arh

« i , II I I I 0 10 at It - 14• - f . L -" I $ - DlST. JAISALMER 111111 I I I I 1 0 5 10 IS 20 25 '0 KILfll4E TAES


/' /. /" _,.' _,.' / / / / I I


f. lAM Teh.Nachna DIST. JAISA&.MER

5- I1I1 j, i. o I 10 20 kiLOMETRES I'



O •• 'IeANER






DlST JAiSALMER Teh. Jaisalmer

o 5 to 15 20 -M ,.11 " • - L - ! o s 10 15 20 a, II!LOME TRES

'1 1', HACHNA

" .5 ® "0 \". -. ,,2 1"5 ,J , ", \ .as \ I "2 -.tS 1'17 I , I I '1' '23 I '24 I I I '20 -~2 I oS, RAMGAAIi of, I I I 'J7 .,a I '40 ';Jp I '35 :n' ..,., ,'3, • 36 Emf '57 \ T. POKAR'" I '54- 'SS I I '52 • S3 I 50 , 5, 'eo lI.ftI •• rh \

-7, ' .. -85 ' .. ,tiS

'80 'I'

1'. f'ATlHC;ltIlH '9J

-'00 -97 • ,gl '9' f. ·9, ,,5 ·Kdt. 'a .1.0 DIST. JAISALMER Teh. Pokaran

o 5 10 15 -1oI-~-L-E-S- I I i I I I I 't NACHNA 1 o 5 10 15 I IIILOMI!TIt!S


, 17 27 • '( I o



h,' ae• ftl J '0

D. lIAAM£R fWIC£NSUS •• 12·1' 0 Teh. Sam OIST. JAISALMER

o !S 10 -M I - 1111) I I I i o 5 10 111 20 25 '0 IIILOMEtRES

/' .I I

'6 '16 ., IS' •• til" '12 '11 -10 T. RAMGARH

J '20 / 21 .~ I '22 '21 J I I '7' ! '72 T. JAISALM£A \. "71 \ ••• -82 ·110 .. , ...... ' ....., ffil ·'27 '-. '86 '8' ',5 -._. __ . ...,.._.....--...... "2' ." "3Q ,i. " ",. "+' ','6 "'\ .132 13~3~137 I .++ \ j ...... i \ .h j /""-

O ••AAMER 1$ - I. - ': $- 10 I 10 IIILOM"".. REl 1$


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