CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 158, Pt. 10 September 19, 2012 (1) Honors the Service of Lodi Gyaltsen Completes Its Business Today, It Ad- GEORGE E
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September 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 158, Pt. 10 14477 schools, and youth, civic, and human service world, which give parents of young children Cabinet Minister for the Department of In- organizations also play an important role in the support and information necessary so all formation and International Relations; fostering and promoting good character; children will learn, grow, and develop to re- Whereas, in 1991, Lodi Gyari moved to the Whereas Congress encourages students, alize their full potential: Now, therefore, be United States in the capacity of Special teachers, parents, youth, and community it Envoy of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and leaders to recognize the importance of char- Resolved, That the Senate— was soon after selected to be President of the acter education in preparing young people to (1) designates the November 8, 2012, as ‘‘Na- International Campaign for Tibet; play a role in determining the future of the tional Parents as Teachers Day’’; Whereas, for 3 decades, Lodi Gyari has met United States; (2) recognizes the importance of parent with leaders and diplomats of governments Whereas effective character education is education and the role the education plays in around the world and with Members of the based on core ethical values, which form the the development of a child; and United States Congress and parliaments of foundation of a democratic society; (3) commends Parents as Teachers for its other nations— Whereas examples of character are trust- work with families across the United States. (1) to explain the Tibetan position with re- worthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, f gard to engagement with China; caring, citizenship, and honesty; HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS (2) to urge supportive strategies and poli- Whereas elements of character transcend cies from governments; cultural, religious, and socioeconomic dif- OF LODI GYALTSEN GYARI (3) to explain the Dalai Lama’s ‘‘Middle ferences; Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- Whereas the character and conduct of our Way’’ philosophy of seeking genuine auton- youth reflect the character and conduct of imous consent that the Foreign Rela- omy for Tibet within the People’s Republic society, and, therefore, every adult has the tions Committee be discharged from of China that contributes to harmony be- responsibility to teach and model ethical further consideration of S. Res. 557 and tween the Tibetan and Chinese peoples; and values and every social institution has the the Senate proceed to its consider- (4) to promote Tibetan statecraft as the responsibility to promote the development of ation. Dalai Lama’s senior ambassador-at-large; good character; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Whereas, during his time as Special Envoy Whereas Congress encourages individuals based in Washington, DC, Congress approved objection, it is so ordered. many policy and programmatic measures on and organizations, especially those that have The clerk will report the resolution an interest in the education and training of Tibet, which served to institutionalize the the young people of the United States, to by title. Tibet issue within the Government of the adopt the elements of character as intrinsic The assistant legislative clerk read United States, most notably the establish- to the well-being of individuals, commu- as follows: ment of a Special Coordinator on Tibetan nities, and society; A resolution (S. Res. 557) honoring the con- Issues within the Department of State and Whereas many schools in the United States tributions of Lodi Gyaltsen Gyari as Special support for Tibetan refugees; recognize the need, and have taken steps, to Envoy of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and in Whereas, in 1999, Lodi Gyari became a integrate the values of their communities promoting the legitimate rights and aspira- United States citizen; into their teaching activities; and tions of the Tibetan people. Whereas in May 1998, His Holiness the Dalai Lama authorized Special Envoy Lodi Whereas the establishment of ‘‘National There being no objection, the Senate Character Counts Week’’, during which indi- Gyari to be the principal person to reestab- viduals, families, schools, youth organiza- proceeded to consider the resolution. lish contact with the Chinese government on tions, religious institutions, civic groups, Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- the Tibetan issue; and other organizations focus on character imous consent that the resolution be Whereas, between September 2002 and Jan- education, is of great benefit to the United agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, uary 2010, Lodi Gyari led the Dalai Lama’s States: Now, therefore, be it the motions to reconsider be laid upon negotiating team in 9 formal rounds of meet- Resolved, That the Senate— the table with no intervening action or ings with Chinese officials with tireless drive (1) designates the week beginning October and immense skill, winning the respect of debate, and that any statements relat- the international community; 21, 2012, as ‘‘National Character Counts ing to the measure be printed in the Week’’; and Whereas Lodi Gyari presented the Chinese (2) calls upon the people of the United RECORD. government with the Memorandum on Gen- States and interested groups— The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without uine Autonomy for the Tibetan People and (A) to embrace the elements of character objection, it is so ordered. its accompanying Note, thus detailing the identified by local schools and communities, The resolution (S. Res. 557) was Tibetan side’s vision for a political solution such as trustworthiness, respect, responsi- agreed to. for Tibet consistent within the framework of bility, fairness, caring, and citizenship; and The preamble was agreed to. the Chinese constitutional and laws on au- tonomy; (B) to observe the week with appropriate The resolution, with its preamble, ceremonies, programs, and activities. Whereas Lodi Gyari, in service to the Dalai reads as follows: Lama, came to represent in national capitals S. RES. 570 S. RES. 557 around the world, the great hope and convic- Whereas all 50 States and 7 other countries Whereas Lodi Gyaltsen Gyari, who was tion that the rights of Tibetans could be pro- provide services through the Parents as born in Nyarong, Kham in 1949, was recog- tected and their repression could be ended. Teachers evidence-based home visiting nized according to Tibetan Buddhist tradi- Whereas, in the personally and profes- model for nearly 260,000 children annually, tion as a reincarnate lama and began his mo- sionally difficult task of representing Ti- which offers a multifaceted approach to nastic studies at 4 years of age in betan interests in dialogue with the People’s building strong families and promoting a Lhumorhab Monastery, which was located in Republic of China, Lodi Gyari demonstrated positive parent-child interaction so children what is now Kardze Prefecture, Sichuan spirit, intelligence, and extraordinary tact, are healthy, safe, and ready to learn; Province; and brought civility, reason and a measure Whereas Parents as Teachers provides Whereas, in 1958, 9-year-old Lodi Gyari fled of mutual understanding to the Tibetan-Chi- evidence- and research-based training that Nyarong with his family to avoid pursuit by nese relationship; assists parent educators in developing pro- the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and Whereas Lodi Gyari has credited the far- ficiencies in— was said to have led his group to safety in sighted wisdom of His Holiness the Dalai (1) family support and parenting education; India through prayer and divinations; Lama in empowering the Tibetan people by (2) child and family development; Whereas Lodi Gyari, as a young man in his devolution of his political authority to (3) human diversity within family systems; India, began a career-long commitment to an elected Tibetan leadership; and (4) health, safety, and nutrition; and the Tibetan struggle against Chinese oppres- Whereas, Lodi Gyari resigned his position, (5) relationships between families and com- sion in Tibet, becoming editor for the Ti- effective June 1, 2012, in the context of the munities; betan Freedom Press, founder of the Tibetan deteriorating situation inside Tibet, includ- Whereas the Parents as Teachers evidence- Review, the first English language journal ing increasing incidents of Tibetan self-im- based home visiting model is an essential published by Tibetans in exile, and a found- molations, and expressing deep frustration component to prepare children to be school ing member of the Tibetan Youth Congress; over the lack of positive response from the ready and narrows the achievement gap be- Whereas Lodi Gyari served as a civil serv- Chinese side in their nearly 10-year dialogue, tween children in poverty and nonpoverty ant in the Central Tibetan Administration of and in respect for the process of the devolu- households; and His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as Chairman of tion of political power to the elected Tibetan Whereas there are more than 3,000 organi- the Tibetan Parliament in exile, and as a leaders. zations offering Parents as Teachers services Deputy Cabinet Minister for the Depart- Now, therefore, be it across the United States and around the ments of Religious Affairs and Health and Resolved, That the Senate— VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:16 Jun 14, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00083 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR12\S19SE2.002 S19SE2 14478 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 158, Pt. 10 September 19, 2012 (1) honors the service of Lodi Gyaltsen completes its business today, it ad- GEORGE E. MOOSE, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE UNITED STATES IN- Gyari as Special Envoy of His Holiness the journ until 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Sep- STITUTE OF PEACE FOR A TERM OF FOUR YEARS. (RE- Dalai Lama; tember 20; that following the prayer APPOINTMENT) (2) commends the achievements of Lodi and pledge, the Journal of proceedings DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Gyaltsen Gyari in building an international be approved to date, the morning hour SYLVIA M.