80 Were from Belgium: Choirs
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•1 Page 18 CRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Thursday, May 1, 1980 State OKs funds for Kenitwortii lights..hew Brearley band tops big pla yground built.., field away...athletes eBox the tax bite.., Page 19 ' may lose free rides '"•••> at home...Page 19 VOL. 87 No. 19 published Every Thursday Thursday, Mays, 1980 Serving Cranford, K^nilrvorth and <,»rwood USPS 136 800'Second Class i—V I. in » ;• •»• In Our 1 Band champs on 80 increase in the number of house break- of 42 percent in Class 1 offenses, the ' *TOB Jl^n ins in 1980. There were as many break- more serious crimes. Larcenies were up ins during the first four months this year from 326 in 1978 to 568 in 1979; breaking, "Summa Cum Laude" as in the corresponding period for the entering and la'rceny cases were up- two previous years combined. from 81 to 10:J. Adults were responsible . ,Lt. Donald Curry, head of the police for* increases. There was a 13 percent investigative division, attributed the decline in juvenile Class' 1 offenses jump to the increased price of precious . '•• • faiMj- metals like gold'and silver, and the The report shows a decline in less relatively—easy- disposition of stolen •serious crimes, called Class II offenses, items . - .between'1978 and 1979. Narcotic offenses 1'here were 59 break-ins reported here among adults and juveniles declined by through April. The. comparable figure 'about 50 percent, Incidents of last year was 23, andthe year bef6re, 36. malicious mischief . dropped, among J(n an. effort to comba_Llhieverv,-the- other calegorie.s.^x'ttntributing'—to - an In irwSekend "of- musjcal^ac- Tllivisi6n is conducting two burglary overall drop of 14 percent • Ui minor, crimes- .——:~-"-••v-"""-7-™=—~—"•> B^gWeysiD^tSTe^two _, .. „: Orange Av^nut-- firsts and 'a secoad In . School and the-secoh'd is Mtiy 21 at Automobile thefts more than doubled, . Hillside Avenue School Both start at from 1G-to 39" Assaults were up from 74 Virginia. Director Rob Risden .to 89, robberies from 5 to 9. There were celebrates there with band's 7:30 p,m. and the public is-invited to attend. ' . ' two forcible rape cases vs. one the year •executive officers," from left:. before. Tliere were 'no homicides, vs. •'Cheryl Rahmstorf, Annette The increase in break-ins; is also .reflected in the new annual report of (h<> . two ' the year before, the first two Killiarr and. Cindy Lasuen.. were murders since the 1950s. Ph'ojo by Bob Adler. Story on Page 19, '.•'•• . ^ I) The Cranford High School Choir won a . ld" —summa-eurrrHaude" medal - ITfe Latin pHrase meanTng^vith highest highest" award presented - 'in ,_an__ln-. - the medal- was presented...to_the- ; Her Clean up— fiffnational festival in Belgium Satur- distinction.-' - -"—;-r—r~* ~ ~p "entire t hoir"by the Belgian Ministry of ' day. ' • - ' -.•,'•. Shuhan elaborated on the event in the Culture and was1'scheduled to arrive [- The township's residential- curb- story Jielflw__ajler the choir returned "They were really, beautiful," said home. home last night with • the Cranford side pickup, of household . debris Jim Lenney, director, .in the small .entourage via Sabena Airlines. prot'eeds to the northeast quadrant Lenney emphasized that the 111! town of Neerpelt where the festival participating choirs were not com- next week. That's Section 2, north of took place. After the festival, the choir toured the etiquette guide peting against each other but against the Raritan Valley Rail Line tJersey historical cities of Brussels, Bruges and Central) and east of . Springfield their own performances on. a rating Confirmation of the triumphant scale. Every choir performed the same Antwerp plus a small restoration village Avenue to Riverside Drive and all called Bokrijk, which Lenney likened to performance arrived at The Chronicle in -works:; he said. east of that intersection. Debris the form of a cable from, Anne Shuhan of Williamsburg, Va. In Antwerp", the CHS Only eight of the top medals were should be placed at the curb before 7 the newspaper staff, who was ac- choir gave a concert in a public square for cleaning up awarded,- and Cranford's ..was one of a.m. Monday, says Gregory Sgroi, companying the choir as a. chaperone. and received another medal] this one them. The surnma cum laude By STUART AWBRJKY township engineer,. from the town fathers, called. screens (for firewood). If you have a "Cranford £jjst place summa cum designation represented a 98 percent or burgomeisters. When Amy Vanderbilt was in baby, think ahead on toys. If you vogue, proper people "didn't don't have a baby, thihk about scavenge by day, but by night, having one, since more—and .more I Aid the squad clandestinely, demurely, selectively toys are available. in search of just the right ornament, • f Cranford's uFirst Aid squad gave W'HATNOTTOTA-Kti 5,273, man. hours- on 1,159 • fixture, toy ar-eha_m,ber-pjxt. Spring A ruler or tape. Measuring in the 1 From Belgium: choirs clean up" was discreet and orderly. field is considered gauche and wilt J-emergeneies last yuiii ctnd yruyidedA, ^ ftther SPr"K<>1: Mnw thn rqnrwi- Spring clean Hel.YQ.u stare(l at: Discovef Canihridgecuiilentment. asking support from.the community ~J- up.-has become brazen, public, well Stuff.that couch into your Caddy and through.a- fund raising drive. "Page "* lit, even social But many people if it doesn't fit into your living room 4 don't have a proper sense of how to drop it in' the next section or move to The very special satisfaction of knowing be brazen, public, well lit and even another quadrant. Air conditioners to sing social about it without feeling guilty. are useless but take the copper There is a desperate need for that with Cambridge Box-less than . • • By ANNE S1IUHAN ' • • against an established standard in each tubing, and turn it in at Fort Knox. Roche to run They were just another high school Be Brothers," despite the fact the etiquette to alleviate the guilt.and Try to. avoid lifting bicycles, cars of four entrance categories including . females far outnumbered males among establish behavior appropriate to Mike Roche, Cranford's premiere choir-well trained, enthusiastic and elementary, high school, university and .and houses that .aren't.'in the curb- ^0.1 mg tar-youre getting the lowest.tar generally unappreciated beyond their the singers. the strategies of mass communal side pile. long distance runner and Olympian, touring choirs. trashing. Here it is: will be participating h\ The own hometown. Cranford's appearance before the jury The resulting social imbalance HOW TO CHOOSE •Chronicle Run June 1. Registration But they needed to prove themselves favured Cranford's male confingent but WHERETO LIVE cigarette ever made, yet still enjoying came dn,Saturday, when the choir held Southwest Cranford is most A trained eye and jaunty bearing and so the 61 members of the Cranford judges and audience spellbound with ;the .choir sopranos-and altos didn't are to be employed. Use a cane to form's are...naw'available at the. High School Choir under James Len_ - ..„„.„„ .CUUIOHS ui -seven numbers suffer from being in the majority. Most blessed by clean up. Move there for flawless renditions of seven numbers- the-.ni os t J\ exibili ty. Vouha ve three- poke occasionally into .piles,. but- the unique pleasures of smoking. newspaper office and at the V _...no. ._y-„ s d[cectLbn_tM-veled--b--Neerpeltr-Mticluding-''lk-Uoi)tde'Dees~Daeen,""'th.:ection_ traveled- ... r e were- housed -during their "stay ~~m don't appear too enthusiflstrereverTiT (-Recreation Department at-the Com- I BelgiuBeigiumm lasiast week togethetogether-witr with 11in7- lidonf n.»c«»«;»ci,.~.:-.u.- weeks to pick over the debris of the munity Center. All pre-entrants title of the song in Flemish Belgium' by • families. of Neerpelt's you've just found the Crown Jewels. other choirs from 18 nations to test their renowned all-male dance other three sections of town and you through May 29 will get a T-shirt, Following a festive procession of all cap pick with morea.bandon because The bigger the itern^ yj)u select, the. choirs through. Neerp.eU'.s ..streets -.the c high school .[age . you.canreject whatover-you-like-the -- faster"'yoiTsfiouJd move. You won't awards., were announce^ to the in- -memberswillspetid a week TriCraniord - —arouse as- much suspicionff you"act Last night they returned from next July. last week, your hour of decision. ternational assembly of competing Conversely, if you live in the north- like you know what you're doing. Two captains Neerpelt to Cranford in triumph, choirs in the town's sports arena. It was west quadrant, you have to scavenge Also, if you're inclined to feel guilty •recipients of the festival jury's most Robert Seyfarth, CHS principal, who Two veteran firefighters, both here*, that the full impact of what,, the accompanied 'the choir to. Neerpelt, accurately; for you must store your the feeling won'.) last as long. I captains, have announced, plans to, distinguished ratingr^firstprize summa Flemish press dubbed "the Neerpelt mistakes for 5) weeks, Until next •-;"'"" IF voi'-.;HE AT HOME cum laude." called the festival "a magnificent ex- \ retire from the local force at'the end effect" wa's felt. perience in international understanding spring.',,., : Once you go home with all your I of this month. They are Charles F. ' The coveted designation earned' by Choirs from both sides of the Iron newfound goodies, ththra'sKis'on the 1 and goodwill. The festival offered proof WHAT TO.VV-E-AKR Frankenbt*g&£MIbTias beetj in the only 8 of the.