Vishniac Exhibit Comes to Hamilton Historic Moment for Holocaust Education Gerald Fisher
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HamiltonHamilton JewishJewish NewsNews SERVING HAMILTON WENTWORTH AND AREA DECEMBER 2007 VOL 22:2/ KISLEV/TEVET 5768 Agreement #40007180 Vishniac Exhibit Comes to Hamilton Historic moment for Holocaust education GERALD FIshER PICTURED ABOVE: Some of Hamilton’s Lions of Judah: (from l to r) Sasha Weisz, Rita Shapiro, Dana Horwood, Liz Tick, Cindy Kam, Cele Steinberg, Madeleine Levy, Batia Phillips, Sandy Seigel, Cheryl Greenbaum, Anna Taylor, Rhoda Katz and Shirley Molot. UJA 2008 off to encouraging start GERALD FIshER erhaps, it’s the result of get up to speed, the UJA 2008 a much needed shift in gener- the wonderfully success- Men’s Campaign is showing ational leadership. Several Reprinted with permission of Mara Vishniac Kohn P ful “UJA Idol” opening equally impressive results on major donors have called to event. Perhaps it’s the result of a the donations received thus tell me how impressed they n observance of the third Hitler’s mission to exterminate truly new generation of leader- far. The card for card increase are with the co-chairs, and have annual United Nations the Jews, Vishniac was intent on ship bringing new enthusiasm is now at 24%. This is, perhaps, backed that up with increased mandated International Day I preserving the memory of the and ideas to the planning table. the strongest rate of increase of giving. We are all very grate- in Memory of the Victims of the Jewish people. He also hoped Perhaps it’s a combination of any UJA campaign in Canada. ful for Michael’s and David’s Holocaust, McMaster University to promote awareness of the both. Whatever the reason, this UJA Federation President, commitment. It makes all the will host an exhibit of selected atrocities that were occurring year’s UJA 2008 Campaign has David Somer, attributes the difference. photos from Roman Vishniac’s in Nazi territories. Vishniac’s jumped out to one of the quick- strong Men’s showing to several The UJA 2006 campaign was “A Vanished World.” A series of monumental accomplishment est starts in memory. factors. “First of all, I am just the most successful peacetime specially hosted, related events provided the world with its last, Assistant Campaign Direc- delighted with the progress the campaign in Hamilton’s history. will take place in coordination and in some cases, only record tor, Christine Nusca, informed campaign is making this year HJN has learned that at mid-Nov- with the exhibit’s presence in of people and communities that HJN that the UJA 2008 Women’s and I want to thank everyone ember 2005, the result of that Hamilton beginning on Janu- have truly vanished from the Campaign has really taken who is volunteering to make the campaign was approximately ary 27, the date on which the earth. off. “The Women’s Campaign campaign so successful.” $200,000 in pledges. At about U.N. commemoration will be Since the adoption of the UN. is already more than 50% “I would like to think that our the same point in the current observed. resolution in 2005, the U.N. completed. Currently, the success is, in part, a result of the UJA campaign, the pledges are Between 1935 and 1939, as Association – Hamilton Branch, results indicate a card for card successful campaign program- over $450,000. This is a remark- anti-Semitism was growing in with UJA Federation support, increase of 18% over the same ming taking place. I would also able indication of the progress Germany, Vishniac traveled to has organized the first two cards in the previous campaign. like to think that it is in response made to date. Eastern Europe and took his commemorations. In describing We don’t know if that rate of to a more effective approach to It’s too early to predict the acclaimed photographs of the what these observances mean to increase will continue through getting the campaign message final result, but the campaign culture of poor Jews in moun- her, event chair and organizer the end of the campaign, but out to the community – espe- goal of $1.2 million is within tainous villages and urban ghet- Madeleine Levy informed the everyone is working really hard cially our UJA campaign video. reach. tos. At first commissioned by HJN that “we want to continue to sustain this rate of success.” However, none of this would be The other goal set by the UJA the American Jewish Joint Distri- these as annual events with Everyone, in this case, refers happening without the terrific Campaign cabinet is to conclude bution Committee as part of a broader educational opportun- to UJA 2008 Women’s campaign campaign leadership team that the campaign by December 27th. fundraising initiative, Vishniac ities. For as we approach the co-chairs Debbie Strub and Lisa has come together this year.” Reaching that goal is strictly a was so affected by the project 63rd anniversary of the libera- Morris, major gifts co-chairs Liz UJA Federation Executive function of campaign volun- that he chose to continue it tion of Auschwitz – a symbol of Tick and Sandy Fuss, Financial Director Gerald Fisher agrees teers completing their calls on even after the commission was the darkest moments in human Resources, VP Shirley Molot and with Somer. “Men’s Co-Chairs time. Canvassers are urged to complete. He traveled to the history – it remains clear that in UJA Cabinet members Andrea Michael Kam and David “do it now!” Our community’s ghettos of Russia, Poland, Roma- parts of the world, the lessons Molot, Danna Horwood and Horwood have brought much future is a shared responsibil- nia, Czechoslovakia, and Lithu- of the Holocaust have not been Jo-ann Pomerantz. needed energy and leadership to ity. If everybody continues to ania for years after he worked learned.” Although the Men’s Campaign the UJA Men’s Campaign. Their do their part, our future can be for the Committee. Aware of Please see VISHNIAC on page 19 typically takes a little longer to involvement is real evidence of really bright. Focus on Roman The Jewish new board Vishniac Hamilton members His grandson Project See page 5 remembers See page 15 See page 10 UJA Federation UJA Federation salutes Marly Bromstein wins UJA Idol its young leaders Campaign opening a huge success Lisa Morris to co-chair Women’s Division ELAINE LEVINE Campaign co-chairs David Hor wood, he UJA 2008 Campaign open- Michael Kam, and Debbie Strub are delight- ing event “UJA Idol” was an ed to welcome aboard Lisa Morris who has outstanding success with 400 stepped up to co-chair Women’s Division Tin attendance. The event included along with Debbie Strub. Lisa is a paralegal with The Morris Law Group. the screening of the 2008 campaign video, produced by Jennifer Howe, which effectively communicated this year’s campaign message: While Israel Hamilton’s Latest Lion of Judah continues to need our support the focus this year is on local needs. UJA Federation is honoured to welcome Cindy Kam as the newest member of Hamilton’s “Lions of Judah”. Over the course of the evening, the Marly Bromstein’s winning smile Cindy, pictured here with Debbie Kimel of Toronto, was nine finalists sang and danced their Photograph by Lorne Lorner presented her pin at a Women’s Top Division event that hearts out with the hope of being took place at the home of Liz Tick in October. Women chosen by audience members and who wear the Lion of Judah pin, a $5,000 annual commit- celebrity judges, Boris Brott, Sunni Molot, Pauline Morris, Robert Murdock, ment to the UJA campaign, join over 15,000 women Justin Nusca, Jo-Ann Pomerantz, Jessie around the world who take part in the Lion of Judah Genesco and Lou Zamprogna, for program. The Lion of Judah pin is a dramatic reminder the title of UJA Idol. In addition to Schoenberg, Dennis Schwartz, Debbie that each woman can make a significant difference in the performances by the finalists, audience Strub, Shoshana Telner, Liz Tick, Ashlee lives, vitality and continuity of her community. For more members were treated to numbers by Woolfson, Vicky Wylson-Sher, Samara information call Chris Nusca at 905-627.7722, ext 23 Amy Back, Sam Lewis and a charming Strub, Susan Vaisler, Aaron Yanover, duet by Cantors Laura Wolfson and Ben Lawrence Yanover, Lou Zamprogna, Sharpe. The evening culminated with and Robin Zilberg. Thank you to all Israel @ 60 Logo Winning Design the announcement of the winner: Marly those who auditioned for the event, Bromstein, 8, followed by runners up to our lead sponsor, Saturn of Hamil- Julie Waxman and Pamela Marques. ton East, as well as The Bay Limeridge, UJA Federation thanks Shirley Molot, Studio J, Westside Concert Theatre. We We love ISRAEL whose vision, energy, creativity made also thank The Village Green Bistro, and we are the evening such a success. We also Star-Lite Drive In, The Workshop by thank the wonderful group of volun- Shelley Paikin, Marcia Levy – Royal going to teers for their invaluable assistance: LePage, Maddison Avenue Salon and celebrate Israel’s Denise Calman, Carolyn Molot, Spen- Spa, Soundbox Productions, The Bean cer Levine, Flora Rosenblatt, Jordan Bar, Janet Blajchman and the Jewish 60th birthday in Abraham, Amy Back, Boris Brott, National Fund for their donations. a BIG way! Dolly Cohen, David Dayler, Ruth Fine, Thank you to all that supported Sandy Fuss, Jill Gaffe, Sunni Genesco, the campaign opening and remem- Jeremy Goldstein, Daniel Hosiassohn, ber, please give generously when Norma Jack, Leon Karan, Bernie Katz, called! If you have any suggestions Howard Katz, Rhoda Katz, Molly for a campaign opening event or any other UJA Federation programs, please UJA Federation and the Jewish National Fund congratulate Misha Apel, a Kumer, Arlene Leibtag, Mira Livings- forward them to Elaine Levine, Director grade 5 student at Kehila Jewish Day School for her winning design in the ton, Denise Levinson, Blanche Levitt, of Program Development at elevine@ Israel @ 60 logo design contest.