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The Weather MIT’s Today: Mostly sunny, brisk winds, 49°F (10°C) Oldest and Largest Tonight: Scattered clouds, 34°F (1°C) Newspaper Tomorrow: Partly sunny, 48°F (9°C) Details, Page 2 Volume 127, Number 17 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Tuesday, April 10, 2007 iHouse Slated to Open Freshman’s Location Unknown Student Was Last Seen at Mount Holyoke College at End of March In Fall at New House 1 By Nick Semenkovich ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR Community to Replace Defunct Russian House A freshman, apparently required By Valery K. Brobbey Smith residing in the house. to withdraw from MIT as part of a se- and Angeline Wang Because of its link to academic cretive disciplinary process, has been Staff Reporters programs, iHouse “meets all the missing for over a week, according to A new living and learning com- requirements of a cultural house the South Hadley, Mass. Police De- munity will open in New House in without being a cultural house,” partment. the fall to undergraduates. iHouse, Harris said. Ryan M. Davis ’10, a resident of a way to “bridge living and learn- “MIT is a very international the third floor of East Campus’s east ing at MIT,” according to Profes- place,” Sanyal said. “Interna- parallel, was last seen on March 31 at sor of Urban Planning Bishwapriya tional is nothing new … the goal the Mount Holyoke College campus, Sanyal, who is involved as a faculty is to create a setting of living and according to a missing persons press member, will open in New House 1, learning that will sustain a con- release. which used to be the home of the stant engagement with interna- Davis withdrew from classes now defunct Russian House. There tional issues.” on March 13, according to the MIT will be 21 residents. Initially, the house was intended Registrar’s office. His withdrawal fol- Sanyal said that the purpose of to be a cultural house to celebrate lowed a March 12 incident in which iHouse is to focus on international internationalism, “but after discus- MIT police deconstructed a chemistry development and to “create a stu- sion with the housemasters we de- experiment and allegedly found illegal dent at MIT who will see them- cided to focus on international de- drugs in Davis’s room. selves as a citizen of the world … velopment,” said Raja H. R. Bobbili Davis’s disappearance prompted who cares about issues not bounded ’07, a resident of New House 1 who a statewide search conducted by the by territories.” said iHouse was his idea. Mount Holyoke College Department In the dormitory, the planners Bobbili said he conceived the of Public Safety. The search is being MISSING PERSONS SECTION OF MT. HOLYOKE POLICE DEPT. WEBSITE Ryan M. Davis ’10, shown here in his driver’s license photograph, are hoping to bring in faculty to idea in Spring 2005 when Russian led “primarily by the South Hadley was declared a missing person by the Massachusetts State Police discuss international issues, show House was “disengaged.” Accord- Police Department, state police, and and the Mt. Holyoke Campus Police department. Davis was appar- movies about development, and ing to Bobbili, the initial idea was … people who work for the Holyoke ently forced to withdraw from MIT following his March 15 arrest on think about how to solve problems, to call the house “global village,” state park,” said Kevin McCaffrey, three misdemeanor charges and one felony. Sanyal said. but the house voted and chose to associate director of the Mt. Holyoke For current undergraduates call it “international house.” At College Communications Office. April 4. An article printed in Mount Holy- interested in living in iHouse, a that time, about half of the resi- Davis was first reported missing On Thursday, April 5, the police oke News stated that on Tuesday, April housing request must be submit- dents of New House 1 were from to officers at the Mt. Holyoke College department interviewed a convenience 3, officers discovered that someone ted by tomorrow at http://web.mit. outside the United States, Bobbili Department of Public Safety, who store clerk who thought she saw Davis tried to break into Mt. Holyoke Col- edu/housing/undergrad/applica- said. then “thoroughly searched,” the cam- on Sunday, April 1, according to an lege’s Outing Club cabin on Skinner tion.html. Bobbili said that implementa- pus, said McCaffrey. article published in The Republican, a Mountain (part of the Mt. Holyoke iHouse will be linked to the tion has taken two years because the The Department of Public Safety local newspaper. The clerk stated that range), though it did not appear that D-Lab international development turned the case over to the South Had- Davis asked for directions to a section course, with D-Lab lecturer Amy B. iHouse, Page 14 ley Police Department on Wednesday, of the Mt. Holyoke Mountain Range. Missing Student, Page 15 Candidates Vie For Prize of Uncontested GSC Candidates Elected Relations With New Graduate Dean, NW35 Construction Involvement Are Goals Big Screw in Annual Contest By Joyce Kwan dean for graduate students, and to the Cambridge Planning Board in By Swetha Kambhampati honor of keeping until the next year’s ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR cultivate a rapport similar to the one February without much consultation STAFF REPORTER Big Screw.” Professor of Mechanical The Graduate Student Council’s that exists between the GSC and the with the graduate community. The annual Big Screw contest, a Engineering John G. Brisson II, last new officers have been elected and current Dean for Graduate Students The GSC will remain interested charity fundraiser sponsored by Alpha year’s winner, will pass the screw to say they are looking to improve com- Isaac M. Colbert, who will retire this in the remainder of the construc- Phi Omega, began this Monday and the 2007 champion. munication between the MIT senior June. Current GSC President Eric tion of the new dormitory and will will continue through Friday. APO will be accepting monetary administration and the GSC. Presi- G. Weese G called Colbert “a tire- try its best to ensure that agreements “The main purpose of Big Screw votes this week for members of the dent-elect Leeland B. Ekstrom G less advocate” who “caused MIT to between the GSC and MIT regarding is to raise money for charity, but [it] MIT community that deserve a big and Vice President-elect Johnna D. think more seriously about graduate the construction of NW35 will be also has added the bonus of bringing screw. Powell G won uncontested elections student life.” followed, Ekstrom said. the greater MIT community together,” “Though one penny equals one on April 4 and will take office on Another goal will be to stay up- Powell said that as vice president, said Sarah C. Hopp ’08, the service vote, people have been known to put May 2 at the GSC General Council dated on the construction of NW35, her role will include being “the pri- vice president of APO. “The winner is in rolls of $20 bills for candidates who meeting. Ekstrom said. NW35, the new gradu- mary liaison” on the NW35 issue. awarded a four foot, left-handed alu- According to Ekstrom, one goal ate dormitory scheduled to open in She said she will strive to preserve minum wood screw that they have the Big Screw, Page 17 will be to earn the respect of the new Fall 2008, will house the residents of the current Ashdown community in Ashdown, the oldest graduate dor- the new dormitory, working to keep mitory on campus. Ashdown offers housing costs low and requesting low-cost housing and a convenient more feedback from Ashdown of- location. Tension between Ashdown ficers. residents and MIT administrators en- Other primary goals are focused sued after MIT announced its revised plans for the new dormitory before GSC, Page 14 Tech Web Site Receives Facelift SPECIAL to THE TECH early hours of the morning, The In 1993, The Tech proudly be- Tech’s new Web site was launched, came the first newspaper published completely redesigned from the on the Web, taking the lead in pro- outdated layout which had gone viding news content to the online primarily untouched for almost a masses. However, despite being decade. The site debuted with many the public face of one of the lead- marked improvements, including ing technological universities in a new layout (powered by CSS, a the world, in recent years The Tech stylesheet that formats the site), would be the first to admit its Web pages for individual sections, and service was lacking in style, timeli- photos with better integrated con- ness, and usability. Well, not any- tent. ERIC SCHMIEDl—THE TECH more. The site also contains a few Cheyney Easley and David E. Farrell G (left couple) dance at Monday evening’s Salsa Club ad- On Friday, April 6, as the news- vanced beginner/intermediate salsa lesson in Morss Hall. paper slipped to the presses in the Web Site, Page 13 In Short NEWS NEWS World & Nation ����������� 2 ¶ Undergraduate Association Fi- ¶ Confirm or cancel housing for Consumers get “short Harvard asked to reduce Opinion ������������� 4 nance Board applications for the 2007–2008 by tomorrow’s Hous- end of the stick.” student expenditures. 2007–2008 school year are due this ing deadline. See http://web.mit. Campus Life ����������������� 7 Page 12 Friday at 11:59 p.m. See http://web. edu/housing/undergrad/confirm. Page 15 Comics / Fun Pages ����� 9 mit.edu/finboard/www/ for an ap- html. plication. Completed applications Tufts lab will fight disease. Marketing to aid officers. Police Log ���������� 16 should be sent to finboard-request@ Send news information and tips to Sports ������������������������� 20 mit.edu.