United States Patent 0 Fatented Apr
1 3,244,592 United States Patent 0 Fatented Apr. 5, 1966 1 2 Starch agar.-—Elevated growth. Vegetative mycelium, 3,244,592 ASCOMYCIN AND PRQCESS FQR 1T§ cream colored. Aerial mycelium, mouse-gray, powdery. PRGDUCTEGN The surface of the growth, mosaic of gray and black. Tadashi Arai, 1-71 Nogata-machi, Nalranaku, No soluble pigment. Tokyo-to, Japan Yeast extract nutrient agar.-—Growth, yellowish-brown, N0 Drawing. Filed May 1, 1963, Ser. No. 277,111 wrinkled, with cracks on its surface. Aerial mycelium, Claims priority, application Japan, .l‘une 9, 1962, poor, white, grows on the surroundings of colony. No 37/215,253 soluble pigment.‘ 4 Claims. (Cl. 167-65) Potato plug.—Growth, ?at, spread. Aerial mycelium, This invention relates to a new and useful substance white, cottony. The color of the plug is not changed. called ascomycin, and to its production. More particu Carrot plug.—Growth, cream-colored, spotted, with larly it relates to. processes for its production by fermenta~ subsided center. Aerial mycelium, abundant, white, cot tion and methods for its recovery and puri?cation. The tony. No color change of the plug. invention embraces this compound in dilute solutions, Litmus milk.-Thin surface growth, pale-cream colored. as crude concentrates and as puri?ed solids. Ascomycin Aerial mycelium, white. No soluble pigment. Coagu is an effective inhibitor of. ?lamentous fungi, e.g. Penicil lated from seventh day, digested gradually. lium chlysogenum; at very low concentrations, e.g. about Gelatin.—No pigment formation. strong lysis. one part per million in a nutrient agar, and does not Blood' again-Colony, grayish-brown, round shaped, inhibit various Gram-positive and Gram-negative bac with subsided center.
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