•· Register : 69 .... Court Circular Births,Ma rriages and Deaths

I !is Hoy:11 I lightwss later Buckingham Palace /\r� not five, �, p,mows '.iOld for two MR T,W, WARD SHAW Jome� Chri<;,tophN pe;:,cefu\ly at attcnd(•d a MePting with I llh Fphruary, 20IJ8 pennies? Yf�t not one of them i s forgotten AND MISS E,K, CURTIS home on 7lh February 2008 aftN d short 5 t 1 r ur The r.ngagement is announced between illness bravely borne ;;iged 72 years. Europ,�an Commissioners at Thc Princess Royal this morning �� �3!�e !fl'1Io1�ite�':0to :��tg! �ii��� Tom, son of John and Madeleine Ward, Beloved husband of Amy and devoted lhl' I leadquartl"'rs of the opened Andrew ( '::ir11egie I fouse, you are of more value th<1n many of Fore st Row, East Su ssex, and Ella, e t i n Europt.>an Commission, Berlay­ Piltcncrieff Street, Dt1nfermlinc, sparrows. Luk