•· Register : 69 .... Court Circular Births,Ma rriages and Deaths I !is Hoy:11 I lightwss later Buckingham Palace /\r� not five, �, p,mows '.iOld for two MR T,W, WARD SHAW Jome� Chri<;,tophN pe;:,cefu\ly at attcnd(•d a MePting with I llh Fphruary, 20IJ8 pennies? Yf�t not one of them i s forgotten AND MISS E,K, CURTIS home on 7lh February 2008 aftN d short 5 t 1 r ur The r.ngagement is announced between illness bravely borne ;;iged 72 years. Europ,�an Commissioners at Thc Princess Royal this morning �� �3!�e !fl'1Io1�ite�':0to :��tg! �ii��� Tom, son of John and Madeleine Ward, Beloved husband of Amy and devoted lhl' I leadquartl"'rs of the opened Andrew ( '::ir11egie I fouse, you are of more value th<1n many of Fore st Row, East Su ssex, and Ella, e t i n Europt.>an Commission, Berlay­ Piltcncrieff Street, Dt1nfermlinc, sparrows. Luk<J 12.6-7 (NRSV) dau ghter of Kate McKenzie and 'Rod ��s;d g:�N Ri t1� �i���� d'tf1���s. Curtis, of Melbourne, Australia. Funeral service at the Parish Church of mont Bui [ding. and was received by f !er Majesty's St John i n Bedwa rdine St John's Tht.•Prince of Wales suhsequent­ Lord-Lieutenant of Fifl' (Mrs Births Worcester on Monday 18th February at Deaths 12.30pm. Fami ly flowers only, donat ions lv received Mr .losC Manuel Brian Dean}. CALVOCORESSI On 16th January 2008, for Cancer Research UK may be sent c/o to Alix (nee Stuart-Bruges) and Rupert, ed d ne uner e es t n J3arroso (President of the Euro­ Her Royal Highness, Patron, St BUSSE Susan (nee Trevelyan ) on Ja nuary B war i F al S rvic , 1 S Joh s, a son, Theodore Ion Douglas. rcester e pean Commission). Andrew's Ambulance Association, 19th in Germany. Much loved daughter Wo WR2 SAE T l 01905 748811. DANIELS On 8th February 2008, to Clare a e t Buckingham Palace His Royal Highness afterwards this afternoon visited the Dundee SHAW Joan (nf!e Stil ing). Peacefu lly i n (nee Deane) and Edward, a son, Frederick ���;��{h:rdJe21?!�;j�� rn�\11�6 r�� �t St Michael's Hospice, H arrogate on 13th February, 2008 altended a Meeting at the United and Angus Executive Committee John Horton. Kingdom Permanent Representa­ Offices,31 Murraygatc, and was re­ COLLINS Lisa (nee H utchinson) passed Saturday 9th February 2008. Joan aged The Queen held an Investiture DOYLE On 29th January 2008, to Kerry away peacefully on 10th February 2008 76 years of Harrogate, and formerly of at Buckingham Palace this tion to the European Union. ceived by Iler Majesty's Lord-Lieu­ and Ryan, a beaut iful daughter, Georgia at Roya! Surrey County Hospital aged 41 Woodstock, Oxfordshire . Dearly loved The Prince of Wales this tenant of the City of Dundee (Mr. Chloe. A little sister for Jemima. years. Much loved wife of Simon, devoted l n e morning. mother of Charlie and Freddie, a loving O n 2nd February to /4�fdri��� � (afu��vf�� �;�!�-1 �-� to The Rt I-Ion Gordon Brown MP evening called upon The Crown John Letford, the Lord Provost). GORDON CLARK dau ghter, si ster and niece. She wm be Laura ( nee Fudge) and Henry, a daughter, Jeannette, and Victoria. Grandmother to Prince and Crown Princess of Bel­ The Princess Royal, President, sad ly missed by all that knew her. Funeral e rr e n u r nd l i (Prime Minister and First Lord of Rose Xara. Kati , Ha i t, A g s, Flo a, a Wi l am. the Treasury) had an audience of gium at Laeken Castle. British Olympic Association, this service to be held at St Joseph's Roman Private cremation, followed by a His Royal Highness received evening held an Appeal Dinner at KESWICK O n 11th February 2008 in Catholic Church, Guildford, on Tuesday memorial service to be hel d at St Marys Her Majesty this evening. n e nd 19th February at 1.00 pm. Followed by Church, Hampton Poyle, Oxfordshire on 1r re t n t u d rd re t r u The Lord Tordoff (Lord in members of the European Union St Jarnes's Palace. �����g ia u�hi!ri�� �o�:vJ1��Ri c ma io a G il fo C ma o i m. Friday 29th February at 12 noon. Fa mily flowers only, donations if desi red Waiting) was present at Heathrow Corporative Leaders Group at the MENDOZA On 11th February 2008, in to St Lukes Cancer Appeal, c/o Robert e e d in Kensington Palace Long Beach, USA, to H elen {nee Cannell) THOMAS G offr y E w . Much loved Airport, London, this morning Residence of the Permanent Rep­ Ayling Funeral Service 01483 567333. us n n t er u u and Lu is, a wonderful and handsome son, h ba d of A n, fa h of R th, J lian, resentative. 13th February, 2008 es nd d nd t e e upon the Arrival of The President Andres Nicholas. COWPER James Douglas 'Ian' beloved Jam a Richar , gra fa h r of ight. The Prince of Wales later The Duchess of Gloucester this husband of Joan and fa ther of Caroline Funeral servi ce at Befbroughton Church, of the Republic of Lithuania and RYLAND On 7th February The Portland at and Sarah passed away in hospital on Worcestershire on Thursday, 21st welcomed His Excellency on attended a Dinner given by morning arrived at Heathrow Hospital in London , to Wend i and Charles, 10th February 2008 aged 89. Funeral February at 1.00pm. Family flowers only welcome to a daughte r, Megan Ann, a behalf of The Queen. the United Kingdom Permanent Airport, London, from Argentina. service at St Mary's Church, Thorpe at please, donations, if desired, to Diabetes big s ister for Reese. Representative at his Residence. Miss Lucinda Hanbury was in i Y r 0 s, UK c/o E J Gu mery & Son, Funeral Clarence House Mr Clive Alderton and Mrs attendance. THORNTON on 11th Febru ary 2008, to ff de��e�� 1� sf��{y�2 ����cRi��� o� Directors, 68-70 Ombersl ey Road, Rohan (nee Au l d) and Daniel, a son, H enry Cancer Research c/o F Harrison & Son Worcester, WR3 7EU. 13th Februarv, 2008 Hannah I--Ioward are in atten<l­ Daniel. Tel ephone 01784 432163. The family Thatched House Lodge welcome all to attend the service. VAN HORNE Peter Morrison d ied The Prince Of Wales this morning ance. n t re WILSON O 8 h FGbruary 2008, to Clai ru o el The Duchess of Cornwall this af­ Richmond Park FLOREY Patrick John - died peacefully departed St Pancras International (nee Toogood) and Peter, a beautiful H�� ��1��g��;�i��r af�i �� gp�\�ti� d u te v s s ste r es on February 10th, beloved h usband of Station for Brussels, Belgium, and ternoon received members of the 13th Febmary, 2008 a gh r, Oli ia Dai y, a i r fo Jam . nd e e t r er Marion, Father of Frances, Tom and a p riod of ill h al h. A fo m ,, s i t t b was received on arrival this after­ International Camellia Society. Princess Alexandra, Patron, e r nd t n d en 5 ol, Rob rt G a pat o 7 gra dchil r . ���g� c�? u ����!�8J1JW�a°nia� r a noon at Midi Station by Mr. Kim Her Royal Highness, Patron, Action for Blind People, this Forthcoming a s v , �b ��{ir�a� £f� �Jr�hn}t ���Tnstf J�� i� Rotarian, dear h usband of the late Debbie Darroch (United Kingdom this evening gave a Dinner forUni­ afternoonvisited the Head Office n r e ete e re tl i e Marriages Church, Northmoor, Oxfordshire. Va Ho n , P r will b g a y m ss d is u er enn er n s Permanent Representative to the corn Theatre forChildren to mark and Factory, 14-16 Verney Road, Donations in memory of Pat wou ld be by h da ght J if , so Nichola , MR D, ALLEN nd d e e n its Sixtieth Anniversary, Bermondsey, London SEJ6. welcome fo r St Denys' Church and RABI gra chil r n Al xander and Simo , European Union). s ster n d n la es e AND MISS H,E, PICKLES c/o Greens Funeral Services, 21 High i -i -law J.oY, aughter-i - w L l y, The engagement is annou nced between s n n e nd l se e l e Street, Eynsham, Oxford OX29 4HE. o -i -law N il a a l tho whos iv s Dominic, son of Mr John Allen, of Li ncoln he touched. The funeral and Thanksgiving and Mrs Armorel Allen, of Glasgow, and FRASER Nicole nee Dennis (Lal!y) service will take place on Friday 22nd Hannah, daughter of M r and Mrs !an peacefu lly at home aged 94 on February February 2008, 11.30 am at st. Nicholas Pickles, of Cleethorpes. 11th. Much loved by her children, Parish Church, H arpenden, followed by a El isabeth, Anne and Nicholas, her private famil y bu ria l . Famil y flowers on ly, Museum plans once-in-a-lifetime MR A.DK BRIERLEY grandchildren and great-grandchildren. don<1tions, i f desired to Cancer Research AND MISS H,L PINKHAM Funeral at St Phillips Church, Earls Court (UK) or Roya l National Lifeboat The engagement is annou nced between Road on Wednesday 20th February at Institution.
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