Accounting and Finance Research Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019 Taxation and Income Inequality in Nigeria John Obiora Anyaduba1 & Praise Oghenefejiro Otulugbu1 1Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Benin, Nigeria. Correspondence: John Obiora Anyaduba, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Benin, Nigeria. E-mail:
[email protected] Received: July 4, 2019 Accepted: July 19, 2019 Online Published: July 25, 2019 doi:10.5430/afr.v8n3p118 URL: Abstract The study examined taxation and income inequality (GINI), specifically, it determined the impact of Value Added Tax (VAT), Custom and Excise Duties (CED), Petroleum Profit Tax (PPT) and Company Income Tax (CIT) on GINI in Nigeria from the year 1990 to 2016. The Cointegration and Error Correction Models (ECMs) were used to analyze the data. Augmented Dickey Fuller unit root was used to test for stationarity. Data were sourced from the Central Bank of Nigerian statistical bulletin, Federal Inland Revenue Service and the National Bureau of Statistics. The result revealed that VAT, CED and PPT had positive relationship with GINI when measured at 5% critical level, though VAT and CED were not significant. CIT had a negative but significant impact on GINI. Based on the findings, we conclude that only CIT was able to reduce income inequality. We therefore recommend that VAT should be imposed on goods and services consumed by high income earners. In respect of CED, government should address the level of tariffs; for PPT, there is need for adequate diversification of the economy; and for CIT, tax authority should harness corporate taxes to its fullness.