INFORMS OS Today The Newsletter of the INFORMS Optimization Society Volume 5 Number 1 May 2015 Contents Chair’s Column Chair’s Column .................................1 Nominations for OS Prizes .....................25 Suvrajeet Sen Nominations for OS Officers ...................26 University of Southern California
[email protected] Featured Articles A Journey through Optimization Dear Fellow IOS Members: Dimitri P. Bertsekas .............................3 It is my pleasure to assume the role of Chair of Optimizing in the Third World the IOS, one of the largest, and most scholarly Cl´ovis C. Gonzaga . .5 groups within INFORMS. This year marks the From Lov´asz ✓ Function and Karmarkar’s Algo- Twentieth Anniversary of the formation of the rithm to Semidefinite Programming INFORMS Optimization Section, which started Farid Alizadeh ..................................9 with 50 signatures petitioning the Board to form a section. As it stands today, the INFORMS Local Versus Global Conditions in Polynomial Optimization Society has matured to become one of Optimization the larger Societies within INFORMS. With seven Jiawang Nie ....................................15 active special interest groups, four highly coveted Convergence Rate Analysis of Several Splitting awards, and of course, its strong presence in every Schemes INFORMS Annual Meeting, this Society is on a Damek Davis ...................................20 roll. In large part, this vibrant community owes a lot to many of the past officer bearers, without whose hard work, this Society would not be as strong as it is today. For the current health of our Society, I wish to thank my predecessors, and in particular, my immediate predecessor Sanjay Mehrotra under whose leadership, we gathered the momentum for our conferences, a possible new journal, and several other initiatives.