.I 899;,812//9/99 The NE STATE KIsrORICAL SOC 1SOO R Sf LINCOLN Nt 68508

~'. ·····,;'·:,De~·'~;' -:"'P:~', ~~ ··w···.····" ':': .,\--..•.....•..•.''::". ,,,.....•...... •.•...... •',' ',' .;".'.·o·.··.·.·.·.··_' '," ··y·':"', '-, n'·'. "::",". '" ····8··... ,' - '-'..:.0;,- " ,',';;'.:,:::::"' .' ····.···.r'·····,.:' -.'.··.·····8·' ',,' -. ··"::..1·.······d····." /.. ' ,','. ,', -: ',' '; ':, -', " ".,,", -' ',':'," ~~~~, 2'--.~~~'~~1IIIio;~..-~-.~"_---.:... -~-~'----'---- .. _.~ .... c._~.....~- . '. ., ~...... , MARCH 28, 1996' , WAYNE, NE68787 120T1:fYEAR-.NO. 26

" ',' ,System"is CityCQUllcil· . readyfor okays···\VayNET operation By ClarllOslen LUrse how -underway." withthings-," . The ~ouncilllpprpvedtl1erequest Using a hom'e computer "nd by the Wll)inc Arc';! Chilmber or modem, resi~ents subscrihing to the DA~REL liF.:II1'~,at"a~hcr Commerce for $5,OOOinprom(). Wayne telephoJ1!O e~change wtll be at Wayne High,s"id 'he[cltthc lionalfunds. The ChamberJias re­ able to eOnwct euch othQ'; or olle of ag,eemC1!lWa& ImpOrtan.i (rom. an. quested these' funds .in the past and millions of.co~LCrs worldwide,. educationy~lcm' iri '''~'. ·.mCJlIllll a 5-1.;"l;)IC·'I'~th ,€otincil .'lJie'gcnCl1ltbrs:'''''' ',' "." '. ·,e ., ',-' '.:', , _, , ..,' . .,.,.',. . ."'. ,., i.'195: thc-WUj'l1C Schoofo.lSu:iCI'S Pe~t>n O'LeafY, voting 'allairlsl'the The: cily, has-- 'il,bid rtdln~hc.·· A;~a ~es;denls diggin~ ,agrecinCiIl. . . •. '. , "ere /ilusy' oul after .Sunday· nigbl's snoWSlor!l1_ The area're; . on;line database was ,,-((c)sell C~(\rpiller Corporation .Jor t "9 ~eived,fiveinehes of snc\v but hIgh winds cre;;tled d,rifts-. of up to the feel in p,laces.. 11,lJOO l1m~s by comput.;r u""rs m With theag[¢'emcnl, the city other geneflnors. .' . Power outages·aqd closed roa,ls": to tx' dl';.aPfll·~vl.lg WAYNE - All parent~ ofei,ghth g,rnde middle school students arc in· \lllc('l~'l1 ~i schools in the an.:a Wl,:rc doscd \-Vayne \VefC J"; Viol' I,<'1'0. HUII,- ral)f,II)' .. ,See SYSTEM, 1'3ge .1,\ vited to attend a short meet: .- -, Mond'JY. sm:J1J arC'1 north or R:Jmloll'h.-\1I " - . ing .to discuss the ExpIQr·· , TAl A A ~::....iIli \\ J~..._ ,j',) , (\. '_J r::~r-; a. lLJ' ing Career Puths program. . ~:\ Ninth grade class registra­ !\t\~ :'iR-L---'1@\61 / I ::~ 110 'j)'" ~r April has been d,eclared , tion will also be discussed. p\}~ It( Times are M"rch 28 from \ Sexual AvvaTeness month .. ,q 1to 1:45 p_m. at the Mitl· >1-1 B dIe School Library' or \lut.;y ", In COOpcfillion ~~ llh HJ.VL'H support for agr'Klcs suth i.l" Hi.l\,,:n March 29 from 8,15 to 9 bE \Va)'n~ M~IYOf S.h\.'f)'~ 1~HJ pCOVI,LtC s~\ui.ll house, LiIM.. house Which a" ...,;,\ult a.m, at the. Middle School "nd Wayn~ Slal'; C\llk~,' P'rc'",klll Crisis services," Dr. Mas.h ~ald Counseling Center. ~d· t \~iI ,\hr,? I '( I ~ fl Donald Ma.!olh slglIl:d a pn..x:k.llUalHHl Sexual "SS.;.lUIlIS iJ l"rillll' lhi.l( Tu~sday .rc81g.nr/lllg April ~:..; Sl..·.\· feel..; cvcrynn~~. S~HisllcS shuw Ih,lt lzaak Waltons Weather ual Assault r\\\Uh·"II.· .... ,:O :\lomh lor DOC in lhrcc women wJlI l1,,' a... · AsbJ,e, Frevert, 7, Winside the ~lly of Wa~m' sauILcd dutlng thc" lifculllt: :J",llltat WAYNE - The Wayne FORECAST SUMMARY; We're nghl "This IS a StK"(I~1l tLIlH...... of ltll..' one in four gi'r1s ami onl..' In '('\'l,,'rl Izaak Walton League will on edg.e of colder weaLher 10 QUI year in whtlh LO fOClIS L"[torh un beys will bc :t;,allIL~d hv I"t: ",:,' "I meet on Monday, April I rtQnq. lout we'll Slay juSl in tho milder , au, md $0 \he nexl weather sySlem scxuul tL\sault JWJ.fl·nl"';";, tu l'l1.1phJ­ IS al 1·p.m. in the fourth should bring ma.i,nly. rain on Friday. siz.e Ihe, need for !.:1!J/iC'1I ;•.md \VSC "We onlv J.llTd to w ..Ul'h rh''''''''' floor meeting room .al the Colder air Will followin1i1S wake, '0 studcrlt m\,uh·cn.J,.:tll In ('rh)[h l\l programs 0; read the p~U)l.'r' 111 IIU· city office building, we'll end with a liule lighl snow sc\u,~ Sat~da)' morning, the:n continue cold "duee a,',mlt Iluougit publlt Ui.:C how pfcvaknl thiS l"I'll1ll: I ... · ·~dut:3.li(}n anti dunglllg I",bl", "Ill" Da,.: ",u1ber: Wind: "Rlnge +l~c ~onlfnUnil) Easteregg hunts TIlIl'" P'Utl)ISlolM)' 1:':·5£8·15 22140 lude'S and 10 im;n.... AREA - The Wayne Frl. Sh<:N.cn S 1().20 28' 49 County Jaycees will l?e S,a:\. WJJ:ld)' ,.... JL~ 191 j4 , Sua. &amy 17; 37' sponsoring the annua.! Eas­ ~Oll. ~ 17140 Scoll Thompsun, third from lefl, preSN!ted the Wayne ter egg hunt on Saturday. Wayne (orc-C'U.l pro"lded by Chamber uf Commerce with a certilkafe for a computer he March 30. h will start KMEG Wu.lht'urt· . wun as purt uf a contest. Also I>;cturcd are: lI:on Hansen of promptly al 10 a.m, Kids, Dal& Hl,,, Lo,," PreC1Sp. Snow Cornplete" Computers, ,Chamber Represenlali,e John Farnan age 10 and under, are invil­ Match 22 46 14 - - and Rick \leysenburg of Zeneca, ed, Bring your camera and Marcil 23 SS 14 - - have your picture laken Match 24 47 35 13 - M."h 2j 36 5 8S S" with the Easter bunny. The March 26 18 I -- Locarman presents the Easter egg hunt will be March 2' 34 I-- held rain or shine. March 28 46 19 -- Chamber vvith computer The Carroll Easter egg Reco.rdcd 1 4-m.. far p1'C-V10\!l 24 h.our period hunt will be held Satu,day, PredplUlf,QalMonlb - 1.03" by Beth Peters was given to rebroadcast ,or other­ March 30 from 3 to 4:30 '-- -...1 or th.; H.;rJld wise usc the call p,m. at the Carroll auditorium.. The eyent is for children, aged 3 Each of the tpp 11 winners were through the fourth grn~, .' Scott Thompson of Wayne giYen a computcrfor.personul use, The A.lIen eommunity Easter party will be beld Saturday, March 30 prcscnlCd lIie Wayne .\rca Chamber JlIll:l)!le.rc..abJi «>cdCsignate a local from I to 2 p.m. in the fire hall, ChildlCn, preschool through third of CQmmerecc with a comp~iei. sc"'1p' or community'group to re' grade, are invited, . one of two he won itt a contest.by ceive ano~her compule(. The corn· z'ellcca Ag PrOOIlCLS/' _',' puterswen: valiJcd lIt $1,500 each. CyckPaths l'e8Cheduled . The contest, run by.F,ORCE In-­ The impressions have. a chance sccticide: was 10 come up witl!.afl to be used in commercials later this WAY!,,!E.- The teschedulcllCycie Paths Bike Club meclingwm bC impr~sion of 'what the.lI:litranl held on Monday, April I lit 7:30 p.m. at Riley's in Wayne, ' spring, Husker autographs thought a FORCE field would BtOl"Y~ Clester Johnson, al righI, signs aUlographs during Sun­ sound like, There. were three time "We, eongratuilite Scott for Final to 6e held" 'J, . day's basketball game between the 1995 Husller Football . periods setup at a toll free 800 his c~~vjty, anMor his generosily ! WAYNE - The, l.ibnuy ",ill hold its final winter storyhour for Seniors and .'. the 1990 Wake.field State Championship number on January 29,30 and 31. and civ\e-min~dness.in donating children 3 to 7 yearsoo$iltunlay, Match 30at 10:30 a,m.ln the Iibrllf}' learn. ApprQlCimately. $700 was raised for ~quipmel1l for The phone lines were o{Jcn for 15 tbJLCc'in:iplete Computer Systems lowerle~., ..' il'; . "'_': . Ih~W-ake.fieltl~ommuniiy p.ar~. :The ,event w.. as~.s.. ponsored hour and 3 J1 call's were received. -r-._ b)' th~ Wakefield ~OinmunIty Recreation Cpmmillee. The calls were rccordcdllndWnseOl .See··COMPUTER,Page 3A , .

,. ) . I .~, 2A . The WilYne Renald, Thurs~ay,Ma11'Ch28,l996


record . n. \rek'erd\ 1. an account in written forrtl'terving as me­ moria~ or eVi?ence ~fact or even~. 2, public information available from governmental agencIes, a. mform~on from pollee and court files. v. 1. tQ record a fact or event. syn: see FACT .

Obituaries ---_ KaUe Brownell Katie Brownell, 12, of Wakefield.died Friday, M;>rch 22,1996 at Provi- dence Medical Center in Wayne, . - >- , ~e/'Vices were held Tuesday, Murch 26 at Salem Lutheran Church in Wakefield. The Rev. Mark Wilms officiuted. Katie. Lyim Brownell, the daughter of Richard and Jane Brownell, was ,born Jan. 9. 1984 at Pender. She allended the Wakefield Community School annl' Nhltch 5,,.!'i25 l\l.waYn~ .. 'Jh~ '"·(l~{x\IlL(tedan.d rol\lJm~et! ' ;r::.:'·· . '1IlIO.th, LUllle.ra'i f:ilt1l ..s.h~.allcri.&d sch(x,llli. \~a.. Ync.anJ (r~d·ua!.ed from • :. ,W"yne High Schonl. She Illllm~tl J~mt's Kmnc) 1n Ctlleajio.. IIL She' ,., . _wurked for G A.F. corporalion as II ,ccrewry ',n ChJt'ago, III and. (lenver, ',~. ·Colo. bcforc.r\.'ltfi'ng If! }lJX'2 rnO\lJng"to \Visnl:r and tjl-Cf lO \VayHc , ..SurvI .... ors- IIlCludi: lwO hnllhc,r" and OJl~ '01-.lI..'I-Jn-fJw. Roben and l)Ofolhy ~'ky\'r of \VI\rl'er., IL.lfV1.'Y· W, ~:te)'l2f jr. iiI.. L~)J1l~la, Cald : two . IlI..'phcw.s:' (}lIt' 1I1\;(.C: gr,,-'~It IIH.'CI,,'\ af\d T1,cphcws ' _ . . She was pn:\,-'l'di.'d III death hy til'f'p;'ln'n~s "lf1d hU:-ihand. JanH..~s lil lY71 Burial \1,';1-; In th",' Greenwood C('l11ctery In \Va)fW wah lhr Sl~hufTla(hl:f FunnJI ~,lOIllC, Ul \V.IYI1(' In' dii.lrgc or arr"mgl·nl('RL.... j~n\cs B,ah~c, pking.; S34; NH.'ok Frl>.~ki.... k",lll. CarroH,s(Xling., ~54: I),,,·,ll ('tHy, Christine Pospishil Way'ne, spd: SI2~: ({ok'I Pall:lIl1, Chfl'illflC Po:-,plshli, 90, uf \Vjyn\.~ dl~d r-..'lundll}. ~1afch l1:5, 1996 al lhc PUllillion, spd anll no I~illl r,'g.. \ Vo,'ayne- Care ('ellUL' .. $79: -John M~\F:ye, ll,'~(l'J CJ}Y, Servin:.;') will bc hdd S~lllrd~l)', MMctl H) <.It 10' ~O u.lIl~ al the Firsl spo" $54;· . ..' '. ' Odyssey of the .Mirtd Prc:-.bVlL'rtiHl ('hur-ttl III W;.tYIIl;::. YI~IHllHHl will be held Frluay, M:.uch 29 Wa~ne Studrnls at thr Midllle St'1Iool ill\ohClI lIilh Od.,·sse) 01' tlw :\lind t'onlpeted <:It Irolll 0a Ill. tu ~ 'p,1ll .it ·lh~' SdlUlTl~lchcr hl~ll'fal HUJlle In \\' iJ) fie Timothy Brogan, N.)r~ulk '>pd .. ~orfo'lk Scnillr lIil-:h Scho\!1 ill r"l-:iollal t'ompetilioll. Thr sixth I(radc team pl~,t'e..sec. Burwl ~'dl he HI ltle (jrl'cnwood CClHcll'ry If! \V;.J)m: With lh~ Schu· 554: Ja~on Bawr: :-;orlol~. P~lI'S . ul~d in.lh~-<:\hisio9.. :\Iemhers. pil'turcd allllH', illdude .lured lIellhold. Judd (~,ese, 'miJ.·dK:.f FUlIl'fJI HOlllc III W~tynL' HI chafgc of i.lrrangclllcflb 534: John Rced,'SiLJu., C'll. Ii,,,:\. Nfck LIPP, John IIrOI-:,r, 11"111 lIochstelll. Dcrek l.orll" and 1{YIh.'. I:rcn. Pen;, IlJ.' \\'Jjfl',: Chev Pu: Alall Zavudny, Way·ne, Helllem.nn, Wayne. Forll Pu: \V:lk('lldd- and kan \1:lftli.l 1ull· and Karl' Ann Pn..'\(lH!, 20, \\-'.JjHl' Chev: Darrell Heier, Wayne, Ply: Robert Woehkr. W"yIlC, O,ev, March 28, 1996 berg, .'2, Laun.'1 Tt.:rry GI.~r~lfd G:dl. :2~ ..WJ.)lh.' Tlmuthy SUllon. Wayll"Chev, Rtchard Guebbch'- Ranllulph, Fmd GCf~lld Errh."-.l \\' lltl ..:f. "'b. ,did <.lnd Tr~lu ,\IIIH.: Ahb ...'H!J.Hh, ." Rubert Oborny. W"yne, GMC Pu, Pu - Barbau h~~Ul V·i-:b"h:r, 5r. HU')k!lh 'W~IJJl\.' Jc",e Scoll, Wllyne ~Pon; H"rJll 1994' Wlillanl GUllzale" Doctor's D~y Seevers. Wayne, Forll Puc John Hoskins, Forll Pu, Stephen Wat· Carollo, Wayne, Ford: Advance lIer, Wayne. GMC Pu: Thuma' A Day ofAppreciation 6UN[)f\Y NOON [)lNNt:Q Services, Wayne, Dooge Puc Sl'lIlt Croasdale, Woyne, Ford: Sharon JeaRne's Specialty Chicken Krusemark, Wayne. Chev Pu, Clllrk, Hoskm>, Olll" Connie ~;,::~)~;-~I,~~ ~('~~ i~~~('~~~ [~~~~:~\\ ~:l~:'~~l\l\;·l,~ ~ ~"~):ll~, .~~:l~~~~l~~~ ~'t<)I;;~:~~:~'~:j Bonnie Scranton, Wayne Mere: Wh'te, Wayne. Dodge: MIchael L Gordon Jorgensen, Pender, Chev: Niemann, Wi.tyne, Chc'o Pu, LI\i.1 PO!:'l k\'tIU!: ~,e"n·t"d .liHll w,--vd Vt'gt'lllble'> ,« l Onlt-J,UlI!:'tI by -":'~I.:d{~ \llchacl Williams, Wayne, DDdge Boyle, Wayne, Po" (u~kt' <.ilr 1't".L Che(:'-..(' (,110\.1:" ur ( fit'" r f'\.' l\llllu\,t>r S8.50 llJ95: Vmcent Klliesehc, t 993: Ryan Jund. Carroll. Roast Beef _ Wayne, Fmll Pu: Wllla,,1 Kkell­ "I"'~~~It" ~':'r1d~'r ~!r' ""l~r\ Chcv: Don NelSLln. Wayne. Chev 7- l{j \'t"~('t.tl)~('~LlTOI1IVdf\l('d >\' ~d['l. AHrt'do S.Htn.' ':'>l:.'f"ed U\,t"t ,t lk~~ III Medical Cl'ntl'r's. IHIW-(;" Fe-lt l;1 ~ ltlt" P.1:-.ta_ uIT()mpiU1l.ed by ~ll.u.l. C()lle~ (If /1".1 ilEAVEN 2" aJ'(' n'\ore lh$ln Just dl-dhcoNs. OR IlARGAINrueSOAY /IJ,.~vi'~4,...,ce Wayne, Nebraska 68787 800·2~5460 C~soOM ~O." V ' (402) 375-3800, . Sorry; no .svb1li\uti

(continued from-page lA) gins with you. In Wayne, many awareness and prevention of sexual,. people arc working 10 change alli­ assault, A 7 p.m, on Sunday, April even in rural c:ommunilies sllch as 'Iudes which promote sexual assaull. 14, a 'Take Back the Nighl.Rally" 'Wayne," said Vicki Meyer, Director Sexual Assault Awareness Month will be. held al the WSC Willow of HilveR HOllse; .; '. will provide a forum to continue to. 'Bowl with guesct speaker Dr. Helen "W... e. m..~.s....t:.. ".'..1...1... w.. o.r'k lO.g..;.....cthe tlil!'., . ,,' " Si~Y, \?!!1jic a,warcness of sexual Moore from UN-I. ed'ueale or~c"edut..l!le:.d, i:~,_ l;iIIllt,tneprofoundcffect Jl has change oura(tltod6~t r on all of us, and strateglcs we each Olher artivilies planned include awarcne~s a"d support the wqrkof <;an usc. 10 wevent il,"Mayor Lin­ pink awarcncs~ ribbons. a teen rape crisis' c,cnt~rs in ,QHler for o.ur~ dau said in, issuing tfi(pfoclama~ dnnce, a S.H.A.'R.,P. training spon­ community io bea s,afer nnll health- tiqn. sored by WSC and a fun'd-raising ier pl.~ce 19four residents," Mey~r Haven, House staff volunteers rafOe. For more informalion. please ! altlt'tt , .' have planned activities lhrqughollt call -thel-tavcn House office during "Bujloing a iiafcr comnmnity hc- the munth to focus aucnt-iol1 nn . husines6 haul'S al (402) 37~-4633. I!

II Displaying the equipment necessary for the WayNET system are work Services Specialist, Dr. Dennis Jensen and Mike E~kh(}ff,. ,Technolog)' tor for the Wayne Community Schools, Systell1------...,.:.;.....,,---~- (continued rrom page IA) cnh:lflcing lhesystelll, several school. Othcr :arcaresitlents may high SChOll1 slUdellls arc devcll)lliAl~ ,enroll in the on~linc scssi'OJis for ;1 Key components ofextcn playcil Mozart's pilino snlci Talc." . throughoiJt, the M Idwe,t',. ,If" InterNelaccess.. Jensen.s"id he inodcm • mh1', c::,'cn chief' :U-:6, of' C"ml\us" , .... "Roi'd ~'i11 ad· walChing~c rilinc"'ti~\Vc··WayIic's h6in~··:,computc.'rs,;~r pIlten;mJ' 'e'fuipmenl allows the e.xch"nge "f' speed mmkH'ls \~"()fklng ~ll -.14,-\ ,~,iriH $qn;;IOt,ina ',rf'J, . problems, Many of the, pmgr:mi's, pieturcs,gruphies; and l~.xlltal data. 28.8 bils per ,,'UlIlt!, En,ify, Xj'linej' (i-f \.\"~iynl' ~ ~Fl Pictures ready to be picked up ..' lCSl team be,came prori'c.kIH III Wayne public schoolsyslem The 'rcmot~ all'''':(,:''''''', "Y""~I,'U( \\''-t,l r ·lhc.:H()P~y ilJ()ivisinll 11, \.:(gcs Ilinc Area x,~~idcnls v.ho, brought. in T~ll.,' hook 1-': l,;lIrrLlltly h-l'JI)~ using computL~rs and lh~ Int..,nNl't SlU(J~nl' wiHhave free accounts Ihal w(irk in both M"~llJlO,I'1 "1ll11l\~1 1n 1'1). S.h'C,.SClllK Billy Ine!'s ~',il"ltlrcs l'Of' '(IOfbidcratiorl' r~)r ,the ~ oOlJnd ahd h I,.'_\~"--~l"rl'd to h\.' b~H.:k to Structure_ c~n b,c usC:d from cither home or format--.;. • - .' , "Lull,lhy," \V.aYl1c .CUUfll.y Piclor~~ll HI~t.llf) lht: \V\.I) 1'1(: HI..'r~lh.t-th~' Hurd or founh .Book eanslnp,hy Ihe WCI\'IJe!kr:i1t1 , wl'd; rn r\f-H:d '1\" ; t~.i~k .up the.' picl,;[es, '

, ('corililrif~d' fttrlfl' j'}:I):C" fA j , .• ·lIUlliJ.f,~ ~1~L'()rdin~f-lp SlC\~. Mibu.'r','" ,~~ ~ ~''-:' "... ''''.... I", ,', _.' " . tIlsed;DC!l: llIarkt~l1C-~td for Z(,llt'~ca~ , gifl cenjficate he WIllI til lh,: W,.I) I"; • Chamber of Comlllerce, l IllInk (11"~'rn.H.·(s frt.·ufNI wl~:11 o\'cr ; 'Scolt h~s .CXCrIlpli,fic'"lli they ~ould' plaut'· ;tli dal wil'll Zeneea Ag Producis. .' without h'l;.'.ing ~o ~(.'rilt their, irhl'(,> The firsl twohllndred ""tilers re­ "",lie I>Il,\e,. Autllhey Ii~ed hal'lIlg ceived a Mag-Itt,: fla(' 01 Emerson SdlOO!. on\..' 011 the r.., more, M'anager of Jonl'''i Int\..'n.:abt....' pr\.', the lack of ,now'fall !:1st y~ar, ule ~larch 9 and the olh~r ~lareh 22 ~I-u.1 \V~~l'flcld PUIK\..' U...'p;\rtllll'!l.l lhr~"': ACREAGE sClllctl his ~Hlnllal f"'P0rl [\11 dl~' Humbl'r (~r hours used plowing. Taken l~um the s(h~)1 on ~htfch Charge"i fur tltl' 11h llllk" BUILDING LOTS ~tor)' coun,'il. He :-'~lId that :--ul'l'd J!l'~'h stn.X'ls and the mnount of stn:ct ~r"j .9 ,w~s appro.\lm'lt.d~ S I ,2l~1 \\onh BU,q;:L.H):. POS~~>;'IOI1 Iii Slpl.:n In Carroll Two nou:.. ..' .... ilh ... umt:' hayc fl:lll~unl:d ~~hU.:"llh' .... I.~tl)k lll-I" u~l~d was cnnsH,krably lo~'cr, ot lood Jl~rll"i frum a ~\ alk-In PrOperlY, Pn'ii~\.'s"Hll\ nl 1-Bur~~LH~ oul bud~tng... IIJl..lkd "nd"I>,'lli[l~ past )'l"lf and lhL' l.,'\ll1lP;;Il~ l1.l .... b~,~'n '" ~lan(;\' Br~j{l~.'..Jl-- ..- City Trl.'a~un:r freezer. Tuo!>, AidUlg ,wei 80' x 142' SW o,t \\',)\11\:' Asst~ssor "'lurking on. HIlPf(H \,,'L! ll~\,. t,lll~' qu,ll !'["",ntc'l1 Ihe allflual report. She On March 22 ltm Kluver, 3.\, aftt:f thl' hid. ' II),. ~;,.ud IhtJ-.I,: It)' aprk'ars lO be In good Large lot· 2 garages on Gll'fordmfom1L'd tlh'.l:\III11\\"ll \h:ll "harx.' rin~HKially ~l'; It ~in> the subscr.ibers han' 111..'('1l inhHlHf...t \d . "~'UHhj half ul Ils 14 month fISC1~ the north edge of finc lUI.." ceases IN htl:h \\ III h~'lI. Hlh.' .... r" )l'.IL Sill' noted lhul kgisliHi\c ~ICo Wayne, Over 1600 sq. fective Aprtl I. Ua'K rat,'s "I SlI X'I {Li,ln could rc)uh 111 lh(~ elly h.~~\ UI£ • it. on upper floors plus ~11){'rl'i.'ntagc per morith Will remain 11K' '....dlll'l' but 1\1 nil of lhl' bu{j,get h,lr basement finish, I·hose custom~'r, \~ ho fl.'(l.'I\I..' Th'f 1 Lhl' fh:.q f!."l·al year...... ! FREE OPEN HOUSE MEETING! 75 Acres CR.P Excellent Highway Thurston County Business Opportunity ,n Visit • Grace Lutheran Church in Laurel • geM N, Loglln St. • f'vv4 ~ <~ :l.:;:~ • \,rayne, NE i~ v~ Well maintained 3 • April 2, 1996' to ~U1 $89.00 -4 bedroom home, I At Lawler ~ Central air, wood • Tuesday. 6:00pm ... '.OJOL'I N.. ow••. -colonnades, metal about Investment -. Choices: . .~~~ siding, newer

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} J 4A The Wayne Hei'!1ld,JThursday, March 28.1996

perSUaSl~nn.' / .. \per-Bwa'zht;n\ 1. the act Of per-' Buading. 2.ExpreB~opinions with the goaLofbringing others to your point ofview. 3.communicatioR~niBBueB. 4. an exercise in freedom. 5. editorializing and letter writing. ,syn: see OPINION . . .

----Editorials ~- - Capitol Nerps '-.' Judges needto get tough ,0:0 ~ater Why is\t SO difficult for couns(0 amply penalize those Gonvieied Fight is fot-Platte of mOIQr vehicle hQmicide'! Qy Melvin Paul The, bird and whooping crane been proposed, He really didn't 2. This docsn'l bode 100 well for Motor vchieleborhici,de is not prelly. Whether the weapon gun' StalehouseCorrcspondent lovers said .the agreement was a mean to indicate that he endorsed it. reaching compromises on bigger orautomobile. killing is unacceplable. Tilt), NebrasJdi Press Association sell-out to wildlife and political That seemed to placate the Plaue River flow fighls with A drunken driverconviclcdaftcr a wreck that killed six people ncar pressure that completely ignored the wildlife folks. who were accusing Wyoming. Colorado. and Ihe federal Columbus was semenced last Foday 10 no more than five years LINCOLN - Indians called it scientific evidence about what river Nelson of some mighty bad things. government. "flat WilLer." prison. .' . .... flows were reaily needed, Still. the siluation remains as If Nebraska cannoL work out Annando Hernandez-Molina received conc.urrenuerms for four Selliers said it was "to{) thick 10 muddy as the Missouri in March. Phine River squabb'es belween in­ 'rhe wildlife groups also said the counL~ of malar vehielc homicide. The word "concurrcnt" means the drink andtoQ thin to plow" and "a teresls within ils own borders ­ mileWide and an inch decp." "secret" meetings that led to' the and who knows, maybe wildlifers: convicted. driverwill serve aU four penaltics as Ihe S(lme time, ralher And now. irrigators, utilities. compromise were' illegal. Such This much is elear: than one pen,tlty ;lfter anothcr. .. 1. A heek of a lot of qplaining' the commission and irrigators can cities, busincsses and wildlife arc comprOlnises need to be hashed out work Ihis out over the summer ­ The maximum penalty forc,lell chMge w,tS live y~ars fighting over what's left of the wa­ in a series of public meetings over needs to be done to dcmonstrate how 40 percemless waler will sus.­ Ihcn don'l counl on Wyoming and imprisonment and a $10,000 fineor bOUle Plea agreement did away ter in the Plalle River. several months using scientific data tain about as much wildlife and Colorado being 100 willing 10 solve wiUllWO counts t'U thalf- Ri~c. Pr. UrOfH,tC.nbur~L' ,his wife OlCl1 of the \V,'lvnc ('oul1h Red (jW(.'fl and dllldrl:.Il Ann und Billy You too can' be an 'Infonaut!' .CroS'i. krllurng' , \...'1 II lllove to W' l.lync ..Itl lime f(if SO }l'urs Ugllf Hr;,md~nburg to ussun\c the pfcsi·~ Want 10 ~o 10 C)'beria') ThaI'S a Plans include haVIng 1I'lforllli.11ion 'yuu're seeking. and lh~ Mareh 2X. 19;11, ,'Icncy on Jul;' I. word coined dcsl:flbing a new COun· professionals. in a classroom scl­ scan:h cngillc will rurnrrwgc the ling. teach interesled persons how Merlin clcClrorllC worlLl for related Wl.lync-Pn.:p boy:> ~\dl t! 1\ \,,' J' try tif vasl resuurces for leaming. minstrel show at ttl!..' l-ulkgc 30 years all" All area residcnts suhscribing Ul 10 a.ecess and use WayNET, galc­ Wright informallon Ea:-.y a" onvlng a car _ lhe local lelcphone exchange, and way to a global web of million, 01 or tractor! auditorium Thur"lby I.""l'llilll':;. Ru_,,· March 24, 1%6 Rcprc~cnl~\tivcs sci Anderson is the diri..'(.'lur from "three . havlllg a horne or business com, comp.uterized databases. Whcther Want to "c;.ndl VijflOU,> verSIons Profil~ from lhL' AlIIlt~rll~;.m Le­ gmups mel Tuesd'ly to conSider Ihe puler wilh a modem. may now en­ you're hooked on spons, religion, of,thc Blbh;'.' GI..'t rucdlciJl 11110rlll<.l­ gion dance hdd Ffldl.lY ~\'('nlllg to· hospil,,1 .sitllalion 10 Wayne, A roll in the WayNET wurse at tile agriculture. we.alher, educallon, lIqn'! Rc~cafch J lI.::ghLtllvC hili'! Or wlcd aboul 565. Funds will be u,,'d .... "llidy was authorizcd which would hig,h school for a modest luition recipes. hislory. Iljcd,cal data, for future uHlHnurllly pr(IJ('ch ...ntl uHhlt!cr tlls need for a new ho\plj;.11 lee. NASA. or astrophysics, you c"n lI,"lytle sllJ(ly Ihe C,vil Waf' It's all educational prognulls. w,th 30 10 50 beds. The proJeel IS a Joml elfon of find lilerally cndl",ss amounts 01 ..ll your j Illger tip':> V1J the: WJyNET Federal ;,lId for two Title. I pm: the clly and high school and mlro· informaliononliqe. cour~!..' 45 )'l'urs i.l~(.) g.fam~ under the Elementary and duces anyone InlerIOsted 10 _the AnellO' cIiJ'>\ and Jearn how tu MlIrch 29. I ~5) Secondary Educalion Act has been vlll~gc Students will' also learn 10 usc e­ global of education. En, access and run Wijy"NET, Ihen lI\ mail. Write a Ie tier on your horne Work will he staitell a k\\ "ppro"e·d. Ac<:ordillg 10 Supt. Fran· rollees of Way NET may peruse opinions 10' ABC, NIlC, CBS, ~carching or business eornpulcr and send iI you're rcady to gu the ­ days to rnpv(' lwo \Yaync hnml'''' CIS H.'lun of Ihe Wayne Publ,c databases· of informallon anywhere CNN, and your lO!!gr~''''''lt)llal world de<;lfonlCally. You may waTll .. nod clear a quartl',r·,bhx:k sue h\r J Schools Si'yS that remedial rcadmg in the world gaming viwl informa- ' simultaneously to one or a dozen of rcprcscntalivc~ 1JSi!lg c-11l~1I1 whli.'ll to join a dlscu""i~ion group, or SICTl· new 16-u!llt a-partmcnt buJ1l1Jn~ ;:IJld rcmcdi..11 nl~lh courses arc to be Hon perlUining to oncs indlvidu;11 your fdellds around IOwn or Ihe plf.I(,:c~ amvcs in their only minutes ply chat wllh sOllleone . The new strul'lurc wdl be l·OJ\l· ollerl'd. ques\. .world. Send your commenls antt taLCr. p!ctcd thiS "'UmmeL ApanlllC~11 A Irl'l' wokll\g school wllh door Pursumg the new tllgh ~chlJ()1 . You Will n<.:cd a compuler and a owner, Ed Seylliour 01 W"yrw. "". PfllCS; -coupons' for local sto.res, course, members of famil,es liVing IlImklll (tin CIC .... trOlll .... gll.mu con­ nounccd yeslertla)' Ihat he h,,;l p~r. .£.Ifls and other ,Hlral,,;lHm~ IS slhoo­ hither and yon can usc c·"",il 10, necting your (;ompulcr lO a tell:­ chascd Ihe' Of{ !lowen an" I'carl ufted lor L)O pill FrIlla)". The Thanks city'crews I" and "lcdlnoJocks" Usually l\'s tile negalive thai comes chemICals, y()U Simply SlI III YOlir lJl;lk 109 the COUfse 'and sy~tcm pus­ up firsl. Well. I'nl here 10 lall< Jams wann house and gel 011 111lC', ltll'lI ..,lllk The Wayne Herald about a positive that we all can and By use what IS called a "s-can:h C.flgllll.:' Wayfll" Amcm:a 1\ on line' 114l\I"in ?treel Wayne. NE 68787 375·2600 should· appreciatc. F,ll in a blank wah lhclype 01 Ikllo! PUBLICATION !\U:-'!llER USPS 670-560 We all awOkc Mond~y morning 10 James a.six 'inch snow fall and 45-60 mph'* Shanks PRIZE WI:s'N(:"U National Newspaper """Winds, Bhzl.a.rds arc new events-for Letters ~ _ NEWSPAPER !996 Association . me. Snow drifls as high as fpur and Nd,r...lu' I'r".. A .., SusUlining'M.moor 1996 a half feel In many places were common. For aSOlJthem raised boy, &"n'lf1lg' • P..ll)-;sher Edll0r- James R ~anks this ~s a sighl III Itself. But what GLves movie rave reVlews N'orthNrst N<,'bl'<:l$ka's, Goer"era: Manager Bill RldlardsOfl Gn:.'at('i-lt Farrmog Area was as amazing as Ihe amount of Dear Edil1lf, Siudenis would need IQ be al AOI'~Is.lng Manager - SUSI Ensz sno((.. was the way lhe city of After anending Mr. Holland'> leasl in senior high 10 appreciate h:arns. '"Joe Shln&lock & Btth Peters Wayne c1ean:d the· streets as quiclrw..yne, Diane ButolMir . David' Bulcher Couoty oro W-.yne· and house, aooill 5,a.m, My wife ri:lselile 4 x 4 was dug out,and I made it Lett~~s State or N.cbf8115ka Assistant Prinlers. lind got ready for work. Afler wre$": . \Q work an hOUt and a haIr laler, , .Welcome ,()nor Spahr & Kurt.llaeger lling with Mik,e and Sara. Pam and This winter flas lallgllt methal ~~l1I'~~l8id~I'S·~welC()JP.~..... " SUBSCRIPTION RATES I dropped them ofF lit the babysit- the IessoIlsQf the past need to be re, beti.merYtbiiet8n,d.Ql\l$tc9n~iri.~~· JnWayne.Pierce:pedar, !lixi)ll, Thurston" Cumir\g, Stanlon and Madison Counlies: ters, We foilow the same routine .membered lind thai owning a:4 x 4. .+-·~_4:,.K"",S'~LXtM.: lin-state: $32.00 per year. Out-stat$:$42.oo j1$t year. Single everyday, but dropping the wife off ~'I mean you can go 'and' do meats.letter. .'We reseni'ethe.' ". rigbtWedJ.tor'. ..., ," .. , .... : ';'i~ 7S cenl~. ' at work Monday proved to be'theallything the TV commerciills make do~nfilll ot the day. j ~otstuck.'1 y~believe you ciIn.

I The Wayne Herald, Thursday, March 28,. 1996 5A Mainline·budget bill has SchoolLunches " __

ALLEN (April \·5) later fOunds. -OJ1,ngc juice, cake. advanced with 28-1 vote Monday: Breakfast - bismark. Thursday: Pizza, com, pean, choco~ . . ,:". . Lunch -·burritos. Jelluce s.alad, peas. late chlip bar. By Pat Engel amendment to ai/\horize mergers of Tuesday: Breakfast -:.... cinnamon roll. Friday: No school. District 17 Senator local governmenlal unils has ad­ Lunch - Mr. rihb on bun, green beans, Milk served with each meal LB1189, the $ 3.7 billioll vanced from General File. This applesauce. Also avaU.ble daily: chefl salad, roll or ye-dnesdllly: Breakfast - bagels. mainline budgel bill, has adv.aricCit, amenejmeOl. would remove barriers crackers. fruir'or juice, dessen !I , '~~__ "~'¥"" roast,' mashed potatoes,. from General File with a 28-1 vote. to city/county mergers. After two ~'."....g~~pCad;es. roll, ice cream. . WINSIDE (April \·5) These budgel adjustments are for years of spen(iing limits.and a pe­ . Thursday: Bre'akfast - muffins Monday: Ham and cheese on bun, the two--year budgel period from riod for efficiencies to take hold, L\!nch - chicken patty on bun, com, rrics .. baked beans, orange wedge. • pineapple. Tuesday: Tacos with meat, cheese, July I; 1995, to June 30, 1997. LBlII4 would take .elTeel in 1999, Friday': No schooL res~ll lettuce. l:~tor rounds, apple ,crisp. with lOp-' The General Fund budget i.s funded Which woul\1 in an estimaled Mi~k ~nd,juic.c served with breakfast ping. -. moslly ·by state sales and income 20% reduction in property Ulxes. By Milk served with lunch Wednesday: PizZI.. com, brownies,

taxes and would add '522.3 million lhe year 2002, LB 1114 would es­ p~~cbcs_._ ,>', _c: __" _~ > to the two year budgetadopled laSl tablish a maximum combined uix WAKEFfELD (April 1·5) Thur,day:,Jurke)' rOasted.' mashed , M0 n" day : Roas~ -"tu'rke'y ;;:':Q;n" t,)u'ih. ' pot~foes, g'tavy! peas', roll and bu:ucr.'jello.' year, asix-lenths of 1% increase. raleof 52 per 5 lilo 01 assesseej mashed potatoes; cranberries, peaches. with fl"'Uit. The major adjustments eonUlined va-Iuation~ The .currc,rll l1yc,ra,gc Tucsdl\Y': HOl ham and c"hc~sc, com, Frt-day,: No school. inLB1l89 include $5 million, Ne­ combined r P~J~ll~ Sl'[\,ll'l' A[I" .. Th~ Wayne Counl.y 4c!:l Council runner-upovc-,,~penc1a~ at.Jcf- The trll.sl presented SllO,(XlO lo wildH{e huhitaL.llndprmc\:ttium",; The Public Spe"king COIllFsi" t10UI~,cc·mcl)t d.,I\'i,SI~Hl. _PS,...\'s, \\'l'fl".' provided each contestant Wi.Lh a ·~fGfSOn. . ~c;;_: UNL·Notlheast Rescaich. and health. nrougl;o~i-:ificsln~Tforts,. ._- designed -to provilIC an oppurlunity ;JlliJcd to thl.." CO-IlleSt {l) l'IH:Otlri.lt!;l' dollar bill. BJ Hansen served as Fletcher said he looks ror '·a EXlension CCOlcr in Concord for lhe rural.' eeo·nolllY will he for 4-H youth to g·ain expc(i"IKe 'youth'lO 'heg,itl 'to" \1c\,\:Iuf)illg' emcee for the COT1lCSt. clean-cut k.id who carns good the Nebraska Ag lrnpaq projec I. stijuu!aLed through mainUlinell farm and confiL1cncc-in 'sr~aking',b('rl}r(' hroader COllltHunil'at.i"on ~"i1I'i. TIl(.' 'Judges for the event were Norma grades" lO handlelhe schedule Nebraska Ag Impacl will S"'r'l)('" pmfitability, . 1 an audience. . nhj~~el is' to 1'J.~abl~' llh B1 tu '\\ rill' Jean Wilbur. Norfolk and Michael;1 which lhis year includes seven eon­ A towl of $45,5~5,405 has beell · farmers, fanchers and eommuniLy NOrlh{'~HSl DisLfin- (,:otJntll:" ~Irt: und di:.'li\'cr ~'i 1l:ll."";''';''I,lll', \\ t-ndl (Oil­ Alhert, WaY 11e. Lest in three stalCs from January members statewide ·in Lh<:ir. efforts raised for the Lru.'t fll.uds hy Lhe allo~cd to,cnll;r ~:eqiof, JlIl,llor and y\:,ys ~l comi1lc~c t.~li.H'I-~ht HI (M ~\.,(, through March. Nchnlska LOLtery 10 tlaLC. to explore and dcmllllstfCl\i; jtrnning intcrme.di~tc par:i~dpanlS (llllls- or less, ThIS 1'0- ,a fCllity III in lhe Edlior's' Note: Photos are F1eleher is a graduale of Wayne. . p~~-rsUllal Cllllln~utlil·JIJ(ln .... ·~, :1\ \\\.'-11 High School and Wayne SUlle Col­ District Pubfic Speaking Conl"l III on page SII. NPPD helping area towns set up he held on Aprd 20 in ;-';orfolk. a" hroath.'':'l.'iiit;lg, lege. Wll)'ll~' Cuun't) quiJ:lll:h.·r" on lh~~ ~crli\'l -hQrne pages onWorld WideAVeb ~liv iSlUll ,p-'cl..:,i,;h· (;:tl~-,~iur,~~ ..."-,f,C:,; -ILl'll,') Dorothy Endacoll, ('omUlulllca· sist ru.r~11 eommuniLies in pron",l. 'DachuXc-;mJ Bc,~~ r·k.:rJ,).!.U,l""W'" i\,J~ , ~~kQlllo!>l:"aM ~~[ ',IX:'{.·J~J ~i~)d S.t~;.lll ~ . f ...... , Jt • ·Iions i(?(iorilintlil6l1< ·f,,~ Nc-hra"ka .; ingllleir Cflljlt1tMi.lteS... , ..t;I'l"'ft ,11: :,1 ,'Wc iiS' sile :..Ind II Yl;ar l)lds \\."hv WI'Ih lu ~k · dpvelopmen\ activiLies. Hf'lping lO prOIllQlc'->,iolcr,esl in ltll'ir 1l('W liver a s.p.l:l c'Xpl'r,tl:

Bloomfield Hartington Ponca WIUU We Do ·Professional Resumes o& 8 Heatmg & A." A-: Ka'''''r.,: A.;;,~,: "2·252·2ooo,4ll2-494·1818 Woyno O~ficeManager 'Aay.'~ ElectriC In<; 108£ 2MSt Tn·Vlew Keatrlg & Cooling. Inc. Caman Lumber Co -:- Lori Car9110 805 Main 402·256-3572 405 W. 61tl St 105 Main 402:358-3543 PtajnY~w 712·255-4396 402-375-2110 Walton ElectronICS Albys Eitectr¥.: .' South SIoux Cit'/ Charlie's RefrigelllbOn. Plumbmg·& Keating -R:ESUMES ·FAX (IN -OUT)'. -COPIES 612 Mam E Hwy 2() A.Team Keabng &Cooling 402·358·3258 402·582-4217 600-350-3215 .f210 DakOla "'ve: 'j, 311,Matn . -PACKING I SHU~PING·. . 402·494-4738' 4ll2·375-1811 )!..J-.>...... '.' . ECllOO Keabng Syslems -AUTHORIZED UPS PJ.CKUP POINT ~~2. Box 245 600-32Z-E674 SEND US YOUR WORK, BY FAX #375-1539 24 HOIURS A DAY - 7 DAYS A WEEK . 'I -: .....

•I ";.,

The Wayne Herald, Thursday, March 28,1996

rt\l fdi·· .. 2 ' "sp.··.' . orts'. n. \'spoe s . l:l source 0 versIon or recreation-: • a par- t{cula:r activity (as hunting or athletic game) engaged in for pleasure. '3. persons living up; to the ideals of sportsmanship. 4. the obje.ct of enjoyment for spectators, fans and. newsPl:ipersports page readers. syn: see FUN Blomenkampheads 1996 Al};'~'Rsk:e.tballteam

By. Korey Berg L~~r~l.conC()rd:Whie(cntkd game. He also "averaged '6.3 Ofthe Herald theyBlir With a . record III 19'3. rcbounds. 2,7 assisLs ;llld nailed 32 of.96 Ihree.-poinLeIS. The 6-2 ,-' placed four players Oi.llhe S'ltlud. The Wayne Herald announced its Tyler Er,win. aycraged 14.5 p.tH!llS JiJRior scored 29 in a Fchruary game. annual. AII-Arca boys basketball and, 4.9·rebounds, 2$ s!~'als ami kd ilgainsl Newcastle and 33 'in January team ~Ilis. weekwiLh 1,2 players. the area wIlh 4.9 asslsl:;\)',Cf game. again~l·Clark"on. earning honors. The 6·0.senior scored C15poinb .In Wayne placed only one player buck lo ,hUl;k g:'U\le~ i[~ (,~lrly laune)' Holdorf. 'I 6-0 junior, .3,\'crugct!' 14.1 IHJillb,. four rebo'lmds­ on the learn. bul 6·6 junior Paul hmu'iry. ItJ , Blomenkamp was good enough to TravisSLinglcy.·a 6·4 jW)lur. hi :md 3.5 :.h.sis(;-.\ per out,iI1g. In carly also cam Area Player of the Yellr the Bears with. 16.9 poillts per January, hl' rl'cor(kd back to hack honors. Blomenkamp led the area oUling and, urs'n ifvcragcl! (L3 30 point eHons ag~lin"t Hani,ngton with 19.9poinl~ and 9.9 rebounds rcbou11ds, He also :'l\'t.:ragc.,?d ~.l) and Bc-t'nh,,~J. Greg ~lundil,.l.) 6~ I ~ per game and also led the Blue assis!:-i per, g~lI~~c and kd t''It.' (lJl\1 s~nior, also h~ld a ~(llJd S'cas0'1.for Devils with 30 stellIs and 19 with 33blocked shols. ''''inside, i.I.\·I.,raging 9.1 pnirus and blocked shols. During a Ihr~c gamc Rich Raslllu,,",sl'Il .. ',:1 6-.,1 ;\t'IlI,lI'", 1{.X r\..'bound" pt.'r oUIlllg. .t'~-t'il streIch in late January, averaged 12.~ point" alld' ltllif '~11(had Blomenkamp averagcd 2H points rebounds per COlllesl. "llIk ()·I :-\IIl'n's Bkl-illll was and 17 rebounds. :classrrimc. Kyk ~.lackl,n ,,,era);ed til ..... Eal2,k''i. ~ll-to ~·uy Ihl'> :s~a.... on. Th\..' fl-(l iur;,or .... l·;m.~d' 1.\.6 points 9.9 'points and 5.2 tl'hllUod ... \I. f.llk' g'.lIn~ Il'~11I1 adding 19 blocked shuLs. per 011<1 that ,avl.'fa,gl'd Wayne's Paul Blomenkamp'• 61111' aL..;.1.J ;'l\~'r~lg~d \:.i,ght ,madc .the All·Area Team Wakefield la'Hkdlhrl's' I'Ll}.,'" 17. !I....': .". lhrc~ stt'~lls Greg Mundi!, Chad O'Connor and Jahney Holdorf made the: squ~alf aHtr 'rll·lIS'hlflj.!' I Ill' r\..'bOlll1d". <1 ...... 1,...1", three and. also earncd Playcr of on" honor:~ the AII·Area tcam for Winside. season 15-11. JlIsti,;.[)lIlchn. kd ;,IHd ~hut h.7 fK'fCt'Jlt ,lrPIll the fn...·t> the Year .... the, T(ojilils with· 15), !hH'1I1~"pl~r tim)\', Iml'. game antI'. aho l'OiHribull'd Om.·l' Th~ Ar~.'a C\l~tt:h lll' th\..~· Yc.ar fCboimds'~,1l1d ~.) a ...... t,q ... ' P('[ g;ulh..". ;\\'\.';.\rd gOt'-,,·to \\'~l)ti\..":'> ~o.cky 'Thc.'6~l ~cni()r'~xp'J(xkd ~Iil I'tlf aft,l­ Ruhl. Tli, Blu,' b,-,tl" 'I(hl 70 ~,"I\,' best3Bpoi,;ts lila J'Olll'll) p-\.;'rl·\..'flt 0.1" qlCI r \U)('~l1'~ ~fml ().\ against NC\vq\slh.,· 'and tlllhh",d hl-{ IK'r.l· ...'nt'ijf'ltll:,ir r.c,holllld" frl.)JlI last career with .9lJRI"JaI p\,ints )'\..'ars ~quad lIh,,·'ludl.'.lg. t\l:--ille;' Ryan Wcs B-kx~kc ~i\'I.·,r;'lgl:Sf 14 ptf:I'1l1'" I'1\.'k an:d" Jth' LUll. ·All-Are'a ,tnd eighL rcbnlll1\ls pl'r .DlHlll~. The .";t~,kl..~lll:)Il" ,kl,... t )'I.,'~lr, I')l;"ptll' Illl.'.J,£ 6~4 sC!,)i'qr:s~ore:d. ~_~ !)nill~"'- ;ul'.' hl""~·,,,.-Huh~ J,,('Pl 'hi" 'h.'~U.n l'Ugl''th\.T gml1bcd'anarC~l"hl,gh ~11CL'b\ltHld) HI ~ll\d 'ti'nl~ll.l;d till..' ·, <.ll,ld Bnl\.:l with North Dakota State 'j' Uy' Korey Berg., .. double in the \ixth innJllg. ~.~' tile ,mOl,.llltcd ,yct "•.HJothl:r cOlTleback. or the, Ilcrald. Wildcat, won -I ·1. Aaron GClrlllong lh~ 'Cats "iored s"'giL' runs It1 the , -",""- ~, ' . \: '. " .. ~tnJ(,.:.ki. ...,'1.UJ~·"'l·,(),htllt('r,> In 01'+1)' .six:' (otJr\~ and Iilth ,nnings .iulll' tl1<:'''· Th~ :\V~IYIK' s.(;1l.~ h~i~.£.(.qU' ~i!~i!T1 ~:'-; :·ifH·l-fil~~· Ii,! inil!,(l)Y~:(~l" J....I. >. 1- .' .!~)re_ alj\.l pTal~l ,. P.i''' of wOs in tfJc' , 1}1~IIlJgl:d to pJa')' l'il~lr ~~lIU~-s' ~IJ.,,[ sixth ,to wk~ '1'(-1-.1: 'kad, WSC ()~ll-,tl tll~' ,~\.Ull!.'·[ \lu"tl\lllg\ldc ()(){) ,,'\\'LT·k dL's-pI.lL' fl'.!Urtl.pt tD ~ could nol hold IhlS iL'ud. ~lU"e\"r. ar.l:~t. \~()r~ tflr~c 'v .. il'-" ,"it;'(C ll{n ..: lllL' ·Tl'll' \\'"llk:,ll'; (")C \\ /'\J[un (;jr1l1"u~ .a" NDSU', Wad,- Wlul"onh hli tl , HIO.;-'l'l~~lIl1e ... to 11·llprllv\..· \'(, t 011 2·l) "H ". I ~IH I·.u'ldlu' I II ",,'·ouL Lllpk "i1h Ih" ba"" 1"",iL'd till' ~1'~'1"'()1l ~ '" . Hl the top qf th~ \\('\l'nth Inlling Iu ~ ) .... Tt,1l' \VJldt:~Il,> I:)ll\.'nl'd lhc rr~'\\ Oil S~lturdi,IY, Lh\..' Wlkkah hn... (~d h;lfld llJI.' WIIl.lc;ll,> .1'7,h 10>;." 'D~lfI11 ' .. \VSC Ha"'l'b~j,lj' ,("UlllPh.·\ I,t ... t, \Orlb 'Di.lkoti,l Stall'" \\!In call-II..: Illtu Grl'gory .. Lillle" ~lJIl"'l;lt. Mlk~ Thursd:ly With iol {h,;ubldk\l~k( "\\~,,,:p' 'tlll' dUlihklk';llk'r.v.llh;1 Il\.Ul'd:d l) Va.ldcf\\'Jlt ..UHf Jon Small t'uch h;,uJ Mornin'~'>lil\:. Ctllk~l.,' I. v.hlle. W.Sl'· \\(\.'> 9·X 01, Wllh Ul ...· doubles ro~ WSc. whill' T,,,, \l'orc lll'd .Ii 2. ;\daIJl Bl,.\d h..' \\'a) 111.,' Sl~ltl' "~Il(l'd·:1 r~Hl III 11l~' l- FarH... h~r lOok (hl..·· i(l>;'" un the \~t!?~.·dl. Ilr ... [, but th!,' HI ... Oll ullll'd 10 kJlnl dl'llk-d i.\ Hlpk Ill, 1111",' bOU.H'lI 01 lth.' lT10und ,"'J,th lIullllg, "'l'l~flllg (\\{) run ... i.wd -i,h\.' "Lorl~ \\' Iltl J run ul ll'll'lr 0\\ IJ III . ':Isl.itt. th~ lk~t-Ik ~:PVlllg Ille \Vll\k~ll.'" ~I 4-2 "'0!n ill '-trlh, l'UlllllllH:d lhl'.'C,ll,> ."'or~l D .. kotoi SUIt: d \() 11_~J ~ ,'1'\ 1 thl: l)~h.:IIl'r,. l.k~lIk \!I~lll \·4 ~Ii th ....' ...t.\th lnl1uig Ifldgll " ... t'lL' "lrpt..'l·d J W.tync Stille 20e) \121) t> t>.:\- I'lm F l!\,,:r ,>""'\\.'11 \1" Ill. Nat\..' COrrlli,ll; [JII.J'l·d up'th\..' -. mllings to Pll'~ up hi..; lourth ',r., HI vu.. lnrY.!Blpru.\lllg li)'\'~ I Upcoming Home Games \l"rnL!\~ll,k (Iql ](JiIO ~ ~ I \unh J)J~I!IJ '11'11. Ut){) 1111l I ~ tl! U I NEBKASKA KEAX";lY "I WSC filII)" Wa\llc'll.!h· ()02 ()IJ.:', l'\.-: \-I,'J)()-t: "i\Jli: 11)t) !JO~, I \) I Sunl!a~'. M.w.. h ~ \ I (HJ p,fI\ Laurel·Concord was reprcscnted on the )9\,(, "lI\reCi Tl""l1 h~ Rid! IbsfllU''''ll. I~ kr \\' In\,' llHHl'l""1l I·. 2) \1" '~tl' C"/I 11..<1 II \ :1 Erwin, Travis Stinglcy and Kyle ~Iacklin. ­ ,-wsc hUll\C g:.HJlI.:~ He 1'1~~t:J J.L the flC .... , III lh\..' '>1..'l';lI1d /;~Hll\..', \\'$C tlllf\l Ttl\.: BI"UTl hullt ~l":' :2 kad In Llle wse h,J~cb411 lOfflpl... ,.- '."h)~h 1\ hXJfcJ g~j/II\.' St~lI\..' bas\..'lTlan UJdl Salllil'> hit J l"''ok! rUIl "'\,·'I..UIlJ hl'lil,fl' \V,ryl'lL' ho.:hlnJ the tUtHb'JII ,1,J.JIUJr1 BOWLING Local track teams compe~e at AT MELODEE LANES Lenpon relays. in,Vermillion

$fltJor CJlu:.ns eoWII0$l O"UI.,. 1-I01tDltr. liJU ...... I\~ l'U 'Gr.,.."'·"",,, ; Ber~ 1:37.:'. OColl'llor llfll"hcd 'liccond rnclCr hurt!JI..·) HI X 7.t J(hh 0" TuaIOA,. Ua{Cfl ~9 Il) Kore) ,phI'}.....111)'" LUld,off. 5.1." f',• .c..l h _· Se-nl()l'1 boWled al ~~l()(llil$ lJJ'," ,polli. lInd. f'hom,en, 45 Of the Ikrald III the tnpk jUllIP Y.ltt! a mark 01 Amh.'rsofl plJlnl clt:hth III ttIt: XI)(i Melv~n "'''1liH5 ~aam Cial~<1111i1'C' ,pht 42' 5 3/4" ""nL! I tllh til the high 'llI~lc-r run with a lllll-: 01 ~ \..:. ~ I WInton W,&ll,n t...m 41 "4·382' , HlIJh ~, and ~Iim'.' *li!,~" ,$~ .....,,. o,,},-,; 'L",,· b~rJ 'Illl,.' ","'Ilhllll' i.tnd l.~lurd-Cont:ord Jump. l:lc.urlllg th ..... har J[ 6.'" 2" Mwdy E lil:arn C .. m" ij,rt'lrn~" ~~.:ri-.-O:~;r~7'~.:':~~ "" C,'ty ~a,~ue J.26~6w lIJt.:k ;.It thl..' Holdurf wJ:s rUIlI'll'r-Up In the 55 gHIs, fifllshlflg Lho.: '2UO meler run C"'''I\'''''''IIQn lV~o), H,,;h lcams rOIllITt'll'O DJll Hatdee R>CI\a1d C;a.rm.,n $25 ?CIC ;;., A Tl!.m SitU",' 'orw .. i.tJ,,,:,:j. Lennon Rl'I~IYs 1[\ Vecflldllllli. HI\..'ti:{ hurdles, chx:klllg X,J, \\-'hdl' III I ~:21.67 fUf thlrlJ plaLl" Jill! toIy'Ofl 01'0-11 ~ 203 f.; C,a"'o., i\·',f"6D~;:> ...o.' JI) " FIlllll, fun C011 ~ ;1.'''''101'($ A ,"I~~J 2'.l ", H•.;:1'l $.COI"I' locr,t t}Ov,..-",I Glllihe l'lo.ckctl 5.1.5 Itl the l10LcilIng Ilfth place Ih" On Thollo..y "",,aleh;n \:;> Clrrllroaflt' 21) H.,,1t'o In" l'\iiji.) SIJtll:Oi'I ~ .11,f~ l;JI~~ S..,fi..,." P....l N'''.rH. !>n' ':O''iI 2~~.2'OJ,?Ot.6-40, M, •• c..OJJ.oeb"r. 2.7: U'l ~cilrn uf Landon Grnthl..'. J;jtnh:~' rday ll'JIfI 01 h:H Waltl,.'r. V\IIU: MQneby Nlgh1 L...ctl.. J 28 'i6 ~;2n:"I:~ ~~·f~~~~t·~~:::~ ~:~;,~~. H:.~~J 6n R.nd, Wayne wrestles at S".(li ')J '9- HOldIHI. Ct\ad O'Cu""or a"j Ward. Todd Arl'n, an,1 Davc T>CIyaa. 2e- 24 High SC •• ICh, C.mlt, , S.ld JOfg.n"II''''. Iii. C..,oH1n Jcr~my III 01 fUllsh~J ~O, Ihvrldloy N,;ll1- CC, ... pl.. 1 Barg place firs! a L'",e Plnkenon runner-up to KTcH. J.OS,2'~ Pf••1om, 230, Iotl.g;h Sci'nch Leb5l1'ctl. 1 BOflrlle PiaUiview tourney O.....'EIGol Z7 2~ MutllI.Jd. 1'&2'. L',~. G.mb{~, 1 11 "6 W';nSld~. clocking 13X.55. Ward S.'IoI,a, -DOug R\1M. '6SJ; H'llh III ~~. 26 27 UO~ TraC'1 Ab~nl1."",,,. ISO, Wayne youth wrestlers gradcs T1t.m CUlme B....n. Inc. ilZ; ~."'s ',~..;. ",n ..." 1lI Sial. N~f B-al1ll 28 24 $~'.lIr Carr9l\. J. 10 .plot ,,' .. >" plal'e fIfth the long Jump wllh a ffigh r,.m se:rloU, POT B.I\R -",.;;",.~ 4-8 compcled at Ihe ptamview 0....·' Pro Shoo 30 22 ...... ?6t2. ..tud)' 1(011. 5 10 .phl " ... ,\:I' ,", •',:,"'''", mark of .19' 10 3/.1", while WaLller ....,.I-~:.---,. 2-+_ ..34- toornarnelllla,st Friday. "~~~"]T--~-- Jlh:llAnC! E:Q~ ! 9'~, 32 5- and PiJU:.erton eal'h plt'ked up .>'" _"'·:(;'Ioie·~ :': First place finishcrs were Mall ~I,.t &.nk-cau:l , 7 3~ HilJb SCOf.. P.I Rllt.l»rg. seventh place finlsh"s. Wallicr JI~' >liIan', 1~,a·~ 2': 202; ",Il; S\lon, 215: . Wedne'4'Y Nl~hl 0",15 Rocber, Aaron Jorgensen. Jared John-.-on., 2ti; Keen.n, ;I(;Q~ Na,t.... s .- clocked 8: 74 III thc I(JO mCler dash, . L., 3,20 lJ6 ;la.~·~tt~O" 200:, Qoug Ro ••. '(.';;"'\3 2:::.,: Patterson, Mall Nel,on, Thai High jnd. q...mlt, PalU w C',,..,...·p~~S~MJ 2:<'<'5 while Pinkerton finished the 55 225.2t~.215.6,S3; Ron Brown. W"'~e")o,gP~l; n }'}. Applegate, Eric Shapiro, Em CU,ehern. 1",516 t<4.ephl); 204; S...... J.g,lgl'n'en. 20t. C"''n:'","" I,)~ it 2,,' kTeH, 2520. " l~.m ,corea C.rman. 3' GAME:t Reinhardt, Jacob Kay, Christopher 222.223,US. ' M~9 ~'I' HoSkms 2J SC,hfo..d,e, ·"COut,l.n Melodlte lantlS }\j 2:' 714"li6i. Nissen, Travis Luhr, Jason Hir. 'H Irh.... Schellti~~"S Saloon '9 h ,High Scar..: ,Candy Ot.~" "-en. ,200 a.m... : SCOlt ,JDAY:t 3120/.' WL EI8('tfOluJ 20 2.,. Vollmer,. Kevin Modrell, Adam 1Mi 0.. Schutz. ,.1; ,1a,,. JllnilOOaJ Ser'O'u 4~ S 13 ~ Wlllt.,.•• 223.2-0:0,$77; Die;" N Save:', ! 6 29 ;" e,',rm.n, 2oe:,587, Wometj. Jorgensen, Dan Roeber and Lucas A....m,. 1";610;, h. Sturlnl, " F(edto..on,Ot! 38 18 ~~~ Jo'UQ91il 18 26 117,501; "aid K,uctrn•• Gtonto~t J2.5,23!l 1'80 G.,,'I": Anita Fue-IbH-ttl, Munier. K.\~~ tU, s.~'. SPl.it Conyer'ion: ".00 'll,5U;. HO'C:iha,teln. TWJ FfIIICb; :u 22 High Ind. G.me: R.ndy L.rry 'KQ.hl~O., 2-$· 7 .nd Finishing iR third place were ...: ... Deftl''''. tM~ ...... : 0cMn$ lNutOW'lC9 34.5' 21.5 ~'.rgh91.c ,2~a; HlQh ~nd. '-10.' ,. Bryan West, Joe Brumm, Darin Bargholz, Chris Woehler and Ryan Teach. tolick Beckman, Kyle Wilson and Ryan Hilt deh fmis!led in fOW'lh .

., ii 1'1 The Wayne Herald, Thursday, March 28, 1996 7A Eleven e~rn,hasketballAll-Area recognition for '96 By· Korey Berg­ Ofthe Herald

The Wayne HerafdaniJounced)1.'l .annual All-Area girls b"skctlJAlI teamlhis week. wilh II players earning honors. .

IOjuniottcd Ihc5'1~ BIU~bc\'iIS ,year,av,eragilig9:2pqeoIlleSl. Sho1i'd Ihc arc'l wilh 85 bloeke\l .In almost cvcry sta!i;stiealeategory. whilc'addibg 9.6poims per game. sho~.--"' 45 1Il0rl' Ihan anyone d~. Lutl averaged .I 1:3. POilllS., 8,5 ShccSGorcdl4poin(s a~d had 14 Shc had a 19'poinl, 9~rebi)lInd, 7- (C~.pu.~ds.3? assislsand I~dth~ .. rebqUiJ:ds Inthc: SelisClIl,OpGnOf blt~k perfijrlHal)c.c, agaiRq area. \ltit!J 1.9slealsper sonles!. <,agtlIQsl'AI(cn an,! seoret!17 and Wakelield ,Ind se.1 II school. rcconl .Sbe taUied,~3poiIllSiJ2rebounclS teeorde&Urebountlsin a'3P-poilll wilh 10. bloc5(et!shots against and six "ssis's in,a ncar winov~;r -: witroverWyl\()1. .' ". Rl\i)dolph, , CO~Ull1bus_Scotusi'!}3Jl.uar~· c, .' . '. ~~Krk 'lc~~ui~u", ".. Alle~njHtl~d fntcCiJGyi'r~o~)n'in:-n3 r)();n~s ;n goes to Laurel's. Rick l'elri. The 10,9 reho~ndS per game alld w,'s lhe Lat! Bears .Sled a 20-l ""qrd and onlyp,f:lyer loaverage a double- . y, po . doublC, 'aVeraging J4..2 POilllS per made It to the ?~lle .Tourn,nneUl ror game. The 5;9 JUllior had man the flfst llm,1II SCh(lOl IlIslory. bl'; . galli's d ". . II . Y losJllg to Emerson-Hubhart! In Ihe . :~, . :,c,. unlr~. .1e seas,on scmi~finals, lnc,ludlng '. 1.5 p,Hnls alld.l9 Co-p"ayers or Ihe Year :lfe reb?~n,dsagamsl WUlnebagolll lhe Laurel's BeekySdlroc"kr ."IL! sc~sons lhlrd'g,un~ and a ~9·PO\\ll. Winside's Wend' Miller 14"cbound perfOflll'lnlT a"'llllsl' .....).. W.··aloM.lI'·. J' . . •. ,," Hononrt>k lI",ntlDn pIcks w,'.. re .."~ .I nanl1,try. K . I' Pl' j S .' Fi~~'~.it!~l,jll~ior,S.h{I~Y~ ~1.o?1Il 'B;~~j~~m fr:~~l~ ~~'~lkC~;·'~~\d.'M~~::;'~ , ~Ycn\ged, .IU llOlnl, amI 1'.0 . Adkil~dr\lnJ. Laurd, Jessie'a Millet Wayrle's Katie LUll \vas 'r.l~bound".JlCtf~flIC, SI:e 'Ilso .shol from Winsi\1e anL! Melissa Weher 57.5 pen;cnt IrQIll thC .Igili. Whldl from 'V' 'ne' nllmed to the 1'196 All-Area 'Jed lher.:()n1e~lK'e:· a). Team. . ,', . AhSt)lj Bensbn repres.enls Y-13 comp~tes Wakefield·'s Alison aeJ1Son Wa kei'i(·ld.onihisyc#'s squat!, Allen .at earned AU;Area :'hlih\irs" for The~-H juni9f lI\'cnlgct! 15.2jl~lJlllS 199(). 'and' rive relio.lInds.per g~nic ..She Way'neState Ind()or J i Il)' ""reI Il.erg 'diviSlondJI;teing sceOlKl.inihe XOO AUe.n's ~\bbey ~t'hfoeder,'i\lindYPhr~filan(L Shanyu Of the l!emll! ' nWIl'pun wi~h a lime of 2: 16.2. Mora '1. (front) were named to the 1'1116 AII-,\rea Te:\m, - '-. . BOYS RE.SL:l.:I" The 1"\11I:n t!-i'r!" lr~h.:k tl,.'alll pttlcql .Wayne name$1U?wfootbtiU~~h I1~A\l S'1'AXIX,\'iS sC\'~I.llh, '\... h'ile th'( boy~ ffllishl?u Lmq~·S""Dli~ Cukrld~,,; WArNE ~.John MortiUgl1 11,ls beCll n'1'1I"d Ihcl~ewheat! foothall :\u.flh 1)7. JU, 11 th ai lh.~ ulIllh <.Ill I1lW I \V SC j)qdg(,". bO, ItHinur(-R\)~~h", ... 7', '\t.~\'I(,;.a~Lh: coach at Wayne High SchooL ,Murluagh,whol.s a!s(llhc heat! Hlf.toor Invlli.llllinah,L:hl SalUfthl\ . ~(15, '",Y'csl ·\,lOllUIlJ. -4(l,5'. BccrlH:r 18, S<':fL\Ja . ·lw()~mlk·, ·I:."hh..'klf'l!p- i,.l.'),{) "'I .. t\,!clldgC'\M .. l-huj.'.L\ll.l.I{",;h..: '+(.c::~~o.:'L''''- ·aJ~{llal'i:l\;.'~ lll~rld' in,·~t~~ _'\~, 2(i.~.· Qu"dUlIlguJar!ostFr.i!lay. 11K' WtldcatsJjIlisned WIlli',; s('Ore of 315 . Sdlll}('(]cr 1; ')"tillIUlI.l ,\\1\:1\' ..\\1. '-'\')11":.'1 followed by Hastings College With' 3~3i(\JIlc\)fllia (\)Ilege wilh 33(L SOO OIl(t\..'(" r'ur:l, ~1~)':'''1I1~' th,,' hn,,,,h . Hcn~'d~d,!), W\~;lid"I"~U ", l'r..lg\l'e·l "Hill' in ~:4 7.6.' . - ,\rLE" I{L"il'l.I'i ' .. llmIDpaneGoUegccwilh364c ' , / ... ' . .'. ", . . . !'I.DUm ''\ ' ,,\hhc.~ 'S1:1HP,..·,kr" 2....' n. WSC was kll'bv J,;n Peterson' aud Jdf Yallll. who lie"J for secont! {'hili}) ·M'n'j-~;lli''':'I~'prl..·d_ ,'~t'I('ll"". ~t: ..r....'r·hO.. 1. 2 '\llk whh. sc.:"'ucs (11' 7/, ~,tlilc· J.D. r-\Illkr~on rlU'isJl~:d fourth \\ ith',a s<:or~ 01 only. l'lght (1'../HI.H'" III ttl,,: ou-ys 'I. l\pIIl S,I.!Ull I \ _~'} 2 79. Olhtr Wayne St~lC' IWlSherswl'.'t' JIIIl Campi in 1X2) and Kyan Winside's Weodv" :\Iiller. Ann Hrul:ger !>j(;k (93). ' landed un the. IIJ'J6 ,\II-Area Tt':IOI. ."I IhouSl\! lhetilam 'paf'lrmed sallsLI,w(y 101 Ihe iltSl 1Il~'el ollhc' rec~eation ~c;,~son." S;.\.",kl,.·t'b,t11 teulll \ I I· i) lkl ....'~lll'd \\ '".':')l f\anl 2l­ ~..ApIlI,9 .,1\- i':ll\tl~lIld LllI11l,.'r.'lI1 InnL,1l11111.tl ll'alll!') l.:utIJn~~h.'d L.,l \\ \."d\ ;11 tlh.: I.) ai'll! Ffl'1l101l( BergJIl 36 .. 31 In (\pnl l)l '~L '~\\Hllw;lq c,:C Tfl.lIIpda.r 825 No.rfolk Y~lCA hlUfJl~Ulh:m , l)VI,.'r1l1ll\.' Iwfun: lo\i'ng tu ~tHjl'iOil ;\1'01 2'0 IV;\YNF STATE INVITATIONAL The. Sl"'vl'nlh gr~t,tk ~Irh 'blu\.' \4·~2, lIl' tth: 1,,:h;UllPHIr\\!lIp ~:~IIIlI,.' team went I,· ~ Jt ltlii: lOUflH:Y. and Th(.· 1..'lglllh gl'~l(k bo~\ h.·~UU ~\ ....'nl THE WSCsojlball teamgets snoweclout saw theIr record drup 10 )-.9. wtllk ~-l at IJK' IOtJrtI~lIll\'1'll lO Ilnpnn'\,.' to WAYNE ._- WaVfle. Slale', ,<,llb,1l1' tI"llhll'hcada :IC'"lhl the \Vhill" tl'JUlr\H'rll I <~ JlId P!.;ll'\..'d 1~-7 \~Il lhl..' :-'\.'~L:-'Oll. Alt\,.'!' lthlng lu MOfllings'tI~ laSI Tues~llY ....·as posq'll.m,'tI tlue Iq l-he rccenl MIOI\: n,,· fourth_ 'I1H: '\\-tllll." l('lllll'~ r\..'\.:ord 1\ th\.·... Cl.IlUlllhu ... 'BIll\".' [)\,.'Vlh' ll.'am B.F. Goodrich. De/ro. PITO games will be made-Ill' qn ,Apnl II at 3:30 p:!", \YSC's ne.\l home til)"": 6-\J. :-\0 scofmg rl';-,U!h W1..'1 l..' H'i .. ,'~,t) III IIH:n' 0p~nJng ~;JIII':, Dean, Dun/up, ,aClIon is Tuestlay, ApnJ 2. wben the WddcaL< hosl Ncbrask:t,Omaha u\'i-liluhk lrolll lht'';.\,.' gaIlK·.". WaYIl~' W l..' I11, U[I III h,,'UI WL''''t POlfll Michelin, UflJrqyol, 211 logan' 375·3030 The doub!<'heatlcr IS sdledukd lobegm "I 3:10 p.II1 IIl're "rc' W,,) lie nK' t:q;.t'uh g,r;tdc ~,Irl\ 'blu..' t\.';'lfll 41-21 ~Ind l'ollllubu\ '...l.~" III ttl\.' Tr"C' lutH' S~)t'(LJI·~I.~ Firestone, Toya, Kelly Ar~I-H!iflt!~ll"l~ N~"('"(jl'dl _,sUIlC'S leaders lhrough III games: lI4·S) IU~l to "Fr\..~IlH;lll B...'r~Jn ;) llimJ pb...·L' g.HlI~' \V .1) Ih: t.k'k.JlL'J .Nu U.. Wng: Augll: Ll;Iui;k .4Jg, \'1Ji\.. hdh: I{v~\l: j-16 IlflJ l,dllllJI1 ;2·1, Hih 11 and d\.·k~ll~d SlHlulk. t',ttfhIIIC :"(("WIH"IB Cf\lVL' :'2--l4 t.O\l\:~ 14, LdullA-1l 11;·N:un~: L...... li. S. I.kls\ WC~IH:r S (',Irr",: 1'1111>. "l. HBI~ 25-14 b...·1Uf~' hhlll:l:~ to ~I.'\\ 1Il.lll FINAL ACTION, Lehman IV. ·t;l)u...... 6" FiliI\: b; U.~ub-It· .. : J 'lh.'l.. .1. l.:-hrllJIl ~. Tripll''I: L\:hllt..\!l 1 Gruv~ ~O.. lS. . W;l~ 1I1..'·Sl';'lll' TOllfl1l,.·) HR: Ll~hmo\n I. Stolcn 'b.lll."':: l"drn·.w ~ \' ....·~lI .... r , ~Igtllh gr:Jd.:~ ~lfh· io:H;A; Sh,ullt.:! 1l\x:lI.dI.CI' ·L20. ',\b~~ .. I1'T i nlllph>n "i l'~, \\Ilnl 1l\1!l~~I"11 Th.... '\\ tllh: M'Ul't12'J·\0 2·:!, S,Il\'CS: llo<.'ls.Jw,·1. ('(;: 1,:\r~ 1.\ ilt tx· hdU "'l>lll!l III thl,' HU.:h SdHll11 ~. e!.~,~~l.~..~· ~\h~'dJlk , , ~ ;0 .::~~- f\hmL!a> }·2 Guh ~ I'" I' til HI:e:ltl Apol I ...... Ml1ndays I 2 IhIY~ " Ii .... '1~\ P Jl1 Ikglll April )-> TUl:~Jd}') \.j (; 1.1 J.. "\ .i\,l .: It! P,IIl' l-ul:sJay~ ~..ICh·fly.. hOlle. oak 1\OOr$. 3 lilt t \ 4 H,'I)'" : \\1 i ,'II pili 3/4 lIelh....., II000t'llnlrY. Itr., Thurs.d:lys ~ (;ld" ~ ,:-1 ... \"'1 P 11\ __I. Filday\ )() hl _~._t~J.p __ Rl .",nIMI19 If.'" .."., ".I ) \ l' III " C_1XIIIln _ CUJ 1IIiClI'1Ulg.

·~hmdil)" Ap~ll t'i ;'\:,1 ...... th~d. ni' pfJ.\,:If .... '1.: IlIw l.al&nlto_ I.Zao sq. fl. -Frkl.-1y, ,.\pfI:1 l'i ...... \1 \('bl,,-d, no pLKllr ....· ..-.,.._Iar9IIoL '*""' ilIr. ..-111 f._lit.. c_t_ Rlllllll't. Durlllg inclement Wl'i.ll.hef pr~ll'\ll·l.'S \\ III b: 1'Ill)\·I..'U iu the- Cily ~.""I_"""'. Auditorium when ,he faeilll\' lS a\:ulu!>k, PIe'.lsc'·lislelilO KTCH ..." AM/FM f'~dio for wealher re'talet! annl}une'emenLS,

Thursday, March 28 MltlER HIGH LIFE PARTY RiGISTER FOR 9l/i.{I!!!: PRIZES New:Miller Beer - SOc. Draw COli Mo",.lqr more info oA111e.e Saturday, March 30 and other avollable pfoperf.\es . , . Short 11 Ronnie. Soy UlMI"fllIh'lIWlJl IWIl' 1·5tIII; sq, II. x.-\'tE./j. ·,--CJt'.s Time TOPIJny ...... 'UlI.l.31••aIIU....1I. _"Vil~:~""',n " ~ ~.. " ,OQ, Moun::'tso~:t~~':eed III...... ~L..III •• -,,,-. , ~. .Op~"'7 Days·'A··W.ek (4Q2) < PUB I 10.1 Maine Wayne 206Main 376,3385 . \. "375"99~1S We deal in Real Estate. but our Real. Busiriess is Ped~

,",- SA 'lbe W!iYne Herald, TllIlniday, MarCh 28, 1996 .,/

'~ayne'~JOShi\:lu;'laugh han

, '

. ;'4!' .55'ul'~. l·~:':!.ir01j .\Lif)';11 f' «.~(~~.l.l .~ ,2.. Chn~ Dyi.:'r. ,57 ~; 2.~ld~ -c- 2. ~pc{H:cr 'SIl.:iJn~u .1O::'{o\..J.;. 4,~I~{)l,1l -.- 3. ~xCJrl)~. Winside honor'students listed I 13- 6; ~.\StHtJlJ .:....:. i \V..l\'rlc 9:4" S I.~)llg JlJ.mp.~ ,I Hr·.hl \:h0yl( 2(l-~ 31'·1," .

Middle"school honor roll releas~d Thp, 1,0lJ:1-{)6 lhi~u quarll.:C hunor" SGvc,ntll W~ldn·.., flT+..'I\ In~ (lit:'\., '''rIStill'.f!odl'!eln, 'S~rah fj"ISle<1l, roll fnr "llJvcrnh ;jnd dgtllh gr~"idl.'.r... or two A '" ~rrltJ Ill) I) '. '.\ ~'l, I'rlll Amy Magnu:-.on", Eqn Simpson,; ~H W.I}'II(:,M,aldh: Schoo-l ha\ h,t:'\."n A'([Il,,,,~,)fL Sar;',h h ',!fl,',III, J iI:. John, SI,,):h"l'~b, ~"<1 K~'VIII rcloWicil. ,-nll: h·nnor...... uH to,;, ha... cd nn Brodl,.'r .... ' KfI"lllll.' I 111~, \l.. ·ll YuUllgmt:ycr \ ~h~ suhJ(·(;tl" Hf Eflgll\b, ~ou;.11 __ JclI~~n, Hf~llld> JOf]l' I .IfHI lllll' ~ Etghth'gr;.Hkr, rt(~lvlng lwu A's ":':lludics,J.lI:1th ~uld st.:ICnI,.C h·"'otc~. Ll'J~',hty, t(O) LCj '.. I\~ tJI and no U\ y.~rc Tykr B<.1Yl.cs.s, . Sev"Clllh g:ri.H.tcrs [1",:<.:C1Vlflt! fO~lr Loberg,- Kyle \-tIIHh, )\;1111.: Cwl,n Blaser, Rebeea Brumm, A'~ indude J<:an'n< "'IleUl.lflll, Mll,'h tOfl, MUllsOl'" J.J'Ofl P~rks, Pustln K~lllic S~vlJllth J~ ~\, , . Kt'>Pl>crud, Krugrnan, E'hJlt W,Jl.kr', fl'" Illg {llll' SehfllClls, TOflya Schwanke, Mann .. Amanda rV1;,H)Ull, BI.:'ll 4 B's, 110 1>\ ""l'ft: Lr'dJrl Brlt'r M"h~eI Varky, Ashley Walron, , M.lll, Je" ... ILi.I \VodJl<:r ;JfH1 LIfHbay the 55 meter high hurdlcs at 1hc "SC Indoor Imitational' Penn, kntir.::' Rohcrt:o", (jrc~ Sdl~Jrd{ Gudl. Kn'olHl lip, ·\rldl~'" K.l> \'Vt~.'hk( ~. last Fri~ay. Arllhony,Sump, Lyndi -Itd/. Bfllllll:Y Lalllh, Lrl ... ~ld.~I~~.I[1, LI~rh{h gfddl.:'{~ rClclvltlg on~ A', NicokTrc\L'u"tnd~h:gan\Vd ...,r. RlJ\\ OhOl'l, SilO!.: ()~"'I.'lh. JI)f} 4 ff'o, no D\ wefe Kc\ III Addison, Ph.:k.lnIX\u,~h, f):J11"t'1 I~::h!tlJ:l~zK,. Paul M<;Tag~~:Jtt 01 Ltlh.'hWl \"~l'o tlOflO! lfl(> ((Jnlc.... l th~ l,l,lIlO(+'ol till' I>J\(111 ('llUlll', FlIlJII~b !rum P,}flI,,;<.J wdudcLl Spellwg B'c'l.' by cnrfl...'llly ... pdllllV honl Pc'leNln ~1l<1 H~nn.ah Hoesll1g, '·cmb-.roltkri..:d tli.: ..... III no'~ Pdltli~ I FllIallS!.s fromWakelteld were RQSs pate tn till" Olll.d IJ ,I W"r1ll 11t",I"1 C;~rdnce, MIchelle Schw~nen, Ryan ~1id ..... ~sl Spclllnj:: Ik'c Hl' ()Ill,dl,J Ill! ("arson and Amocr Knuner S~lunlay , p Paul McT~ggan w~, lhc finalist Ros ... (iaH1ncr 01 \V"lki.'li.:ld "",1'0 from Emce",n Sacred Hean, the scwnd place wJtlfll,;r .1(H.1 wJlI i.K 1 Steph~nl< Sedivy, Krystle L~m, as au alternate. Sht.:-ib R(lh~lll 01 precht. 'Sh,:,da Roh~n, Beth Harding Ne-wcaMJc \\r~I~ also among th~ lOp anti Z~ch Meyer represented New­ spellers, emaJe,- ~ After the written f'0rlum of lhi.: Allen's rcprc.scnt:Hj ..... C~ were BrCH' contes....., 15 scml-fin.ahsL"i w~rc cho­ KCltgeS: Al~in~ Bupp ~nd Joel I,~sen w'conl;flue wllh,. Ihe or'!l pm· McAfee, ~ SECTIONB,,-

gy to adolescence is h"elpful at this point: Both periods are relatively short.term, age·related times of transition that produce intense anxiety, "self·doubt,introspection and agitation, Fortunately, however, neither ado­ lescence nor the mid-life years represent permanent tTlips that hold vic­ tims <:apti ve. Rather, they' can be thoughl..ol as a door through whie~ we must all p3$S and from which we will all emerge, What tm sayingli~that normal­ ity will return (unless you make some disrupllve nllslakes in a desperate attempt to cope). ' A final commcnt to the confirntcll workaholic I nave examined our breaihless lifestyle and have found ituna,ceptahle" Looklllg back, I Cill) " rememher a time when all of rllY friends were graduating from high school. Then I recall so many who entered colleges around the country. Next. I Hved through a phase when everyone seellled to be gelling mar­ ried. A few yems after that, my wit'c and I were beSieged by baby shower annQum:cmcnts. You scy. my gpwralion IS sl6wly but rckntkss.ly mov· iQg through"the decades; as have 24(X) generations that preceded LI. Now. it occurs to me that a lllno, will SlXlIl come when my fricnds wrll be dy· ing. ',,, " I suggestthllt Ive Slop and consider Ihe hrevLly of our ycars on earth, perhaps finding new motivation·tt) preserve the values thai will endure.' " .Wh.y shoul\! we work ourselves IIltil 'Ill early grave, misslllg those pre' cious "moments With loved ones who crave our al!'cclion and al'lenllon" It is a qucStion Ulal every llIan lind woman should consllkr. Let me offer this final woid of enwuragemenl lor .those who arc deter­ mined io s"low the, paCc~Once you get out frv,","car ditor of the Trcasu"rer's Books will in Witt~ghome the meeting-wilh colors in place. Next )'ear's District III Conven- respiratory infccti","s ~- and ollrcr soiT/elhing lunny WfllC It dU'AII '0 be voted upon a this meeting also. Chaplain Fauneil Hoffman gave tion will be held at Wlikefieid in natural SUbSI,lfll"eS ItwtILght0/1 ill· you "an r"meliincr LI and lell It \l) President, Sheckler eneouraged the openinll prayer, followed by tile Man;h. ness or kill pain" othcrs" each ,member attel1ding the state Beuy Willig was hostess for tile' Pledge of AII<:giaoce and !/'te sing- Eveline Thompson allcndcd the .Third, your heart ralC If\Crca,"s. 5, Learn to laugh "'o"r,' ollen convention to send the,ir pre-regis- March 18 ACME meetIng In her ing of the Star Spangled Banner. Distticlt"11 me.eting. the oxygen supptr,ll> Ihe h""'L LS and Illore heartily Work Oil gll'at lr1Ition in by April 9. The form for ~ bont~" Ten members answered roll The auxiliary repealed the !ioys and Girls Orien~tion \\,ill boostcd and )'our:,\>loDtI 11<)1" JIll' big belly laughs, nol jU,t chuckles" this is on page five of The Golden- calland !Old about "their favonte preamble 10 the constitution of the be belli April :21 lit Emerwn ~t the proves. Then you' rel"x lind you' 6" Learn to Itml tlUllUlr III dlflr" rod/Spring 1996!Nebraska Stlate bird. I. Ameriean Legion Auxiliary, AmC(iQlln Legion t1all at 2 p.m. OOdy cnlms down" You frel 11h',lhl' ('ult sIlU"LLons. in ltl<' mHht 01 'BPW Magazine. I'residcm Zita Jenkins presided at Nine" m~mbcrs answered 'roll Wayne Col/nty Govemment D-<1Y burdens of the worl

, , ; TJ;te Way,neHerald, Thursda;, ~h 28, 1996 .3D

Lutheran Brotherhood holds 8:45a.m.: Sunday' school, 9;30; .officer and generatmeeting cel~~ration.'·1.9;30i .prayer and praise servloe, 6 p.m.: 'community UNITED METHODIST Easter cantata, SI. John's, 6:30. people in a village are as asset to' (Gary M,ln,pastor). WlYdnesday:. Troy Reynolds, · each cliild growing up. " ,,:Sunday: ,Sunday schopl, 9:45 pasto,r of First Church of Ch,ist Roy Sommcrfeld reponed on the , a.m:; worship,' 11. Wayne, 7 p.m. I'rl

PEACE uNiTeD CHURCH OF CHRIST 1011" Belt, ,pntor) Sunday: Sunday school and confirmation class, 9:30 a.in.; Palm Wlnside _ Fpc fUrLhcr InfOrm;J1lOn or ride6. Sund!ly worshiP with confirmation, ",nl'Kllhe church at 375-4946 Allen-.....,.-- 10:30. We6nUday: Choir. 7;30 p.m. Thursday: Dorcas Society, ST, PAUI,'S LUTHERAN FIRST LUTHERAN 1:30 p.m. 218 MIMr SI. (Ou.ane. Marburger, pastor) (Pallick Riley, pastor) Public·invited to Sunday: Worship and praise. g' Friday: Paslor'S office hOUIS, S~nday TRINITY EVANGELICAL -Easte'r musical a.m:; school, 10. LUTHERAN 8.30 a.m.-noon; cdnflrm~nlon pl<>, (.!ame. Nel'Son, pastor) tures,; 5 p,m.; conilrmands ques­ PaJrn Sunday SPRINGBANK FRIENDS Sunday: Sunda~ school and tiOning, 7. Saturday: Men's Bible (Mike Mace, student pastor) Bible class, 9 a.m.; wOlship. 10. study. 7:30 a.m Sunday: Sunday Sunday: Sunday school. 10 Thuraday: ladies Aid·(WMS. school and adult Bible class, 9'15 a.m.; worship, 11. school Iib('Bry, 1:45 p. m,; Maundy am: worship with holy communion Thursday communion seNi"". 7:30 and cont"mation, 10:30. Tue s· GRACE lUTHERAN UNITED METHODIST p.m. Friday: Good Friday Tene· day: Pastor's CirCUit conferenc.e MI"ourl' Synod (Rev. Nancy Tomlinson) brae wOlsbip seNice. 7:30p.m Wednesday: Pastor's otliee 904 Logan Sunday: Sunday school, 9:30 hours. 8:30 a.'" ·noon; Lad,<>s Aid (Jeffrey Anderaon, paato,r) a.m.: worship, 10:30. .. . guest day, (30 p.m . Ml~. 4· . I . ZION LUTHERAN (Merle Mehnken, (Peler Cage, pastor) 5:30. Tltursday: Ea,ly Riser'S eeaoclete putor) Carrolly_-- Sunday: Sunday school p'e· Bible study. 6:30 a.m.; POiSlOr'S 01· Sunday: Lutlteran HOUI', KTCH. . Easter breakfast. 8:30·i 0 a. m : tice hours, 8:30 a.m.·lloon: Maun.dy 7:30 a.m.; worship; 8: Sunday ZION CONGREGATIONAL­ worship. l.Q;30 Wednesday: Dual Thursday worship s~lVIce. 7 30 sohool and Bible classes, .9:15; BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN __ . Parish catechism in.struction, 4· p.m. worship with cpntirmation, 10:30; (Gall ~X8n, paator) . 5;30 p.m. Thuraday:" Ladies Ald· CSF dinner, 6 p.m. Monday: Wor· Sunday: Worship. 9 a.m.; Sun .. LWMl, 1:30 p.m. Saturday: Dual TRINtTY LUTHERAN ship with holy communion, 6:45 day school, 9. Parish adult instruction.... 3 p.m.; (Gary eAd Rutlt Larson, p.m.; elders. 7:30; handbel.ls, 1:45. Dual Parish holy absolu1ion. 7 pastors) Tueadey: Sunday s~hOOI slaff. 7 ST, PAUL'S l,:UTHERAN "., Sunday: Sunday school p.m.; OutreaCh. 7:30; building (Ricky Bertels, pastor) Wakefield__ a.m.; worship, 11':15. commillee, 8; CSF Bible st,udy. Friday: Ouestioning pf ·cohtir· 9:30, Wednteday: Men's Bible. mands, 7:30 p.m" fello¥':ship fol­ CHRISTIAN' CHURCH UNITED METHODIST breakfast, PoPo's. 6:130 a.m.; liv­ lowing. Sundn: Worship witlt 3rd & Johnson (A.K. SaUl, pas.lor) ing Way, 9. Thur'sd:ay: Maundy conlirmation, 8:30 ...m,,; Sunday (Chrla Reed. pasto,r) Sunday: Worship. 11 :05 am. Thursday worship, 7;30 p.m. .. school, 9:20. Thuraday: Ma.undv SlInday: Christian Hour, KTCH. Tuesday: Bible study, 7 p.m.

~ FREDRICKSON OIL CO. Z Edward ~t'Ni:dl.V(~,NiIClrII:lU ' ,D. Jones & Co. ,. ~~S$-_ w'*t.....n-",3 __...... _~.t.~, ...."!' .... _....-.-"'--""" - ~S' 8AAOPl'~JJEGER.Iti'V£SJ"'ENr T...~...... "~.iRioerIrIS!__ REPREstH'TJl.JIYE ~~~nw"yHE.HE.Y7J7JO"l.fRU«JO.~ I •

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W'ayne SpeecllTeaDl On A Great Year!


District boun:d " 'Wayne County 4-H'ers wbo are going· district ~ti.ii;•. ·tion .are, froOnt row, left to riglit, steven Fleer, Cuey;:: 'C' Daehnke, Greg Schardt and Todd M~uistan. Back row, :Jolene. JlIger, Becky' Fleer, Hailey Daehnke, Nicole Han- sen, Tamarll Sebardt and Ashley Loberg. .

uni$\IO.' [)afmika Jaeger took roll CARROLLINERS call and read the scc!J)lary rqpon. 4·HCLUB B~f ",eigli.in for Wayne Coumy The Carrolliners 4-H Club met · was held March 2 with 50-60 ani- onJall..6 at.the Ron Scbade home. mals present. Feeder'and bUcket Following brunch, the meeting must be car· tagged byrJune,15 and was called to order with six mem­ muSt' be. born between Jan. land bers present. The 4-H Pledge ,md May L . ·P!cdgeofAl!cgil\llC¢wel:Crecited. . .There Willbea haza~dpecupa: .. Officers for 1,99i(;. were eJected. tion training wOFksll6ll"{jH;:~c-l'heY"'ind~1 '. :. waS rcad-and apfl(Qvcd. Thc tre"surcr new~ W'llyne County, Pu.bHc , lon J-aegef; rCf1Orler. 1.im PunI11CY: News RcpoFicr Lutt s.e. ,e.'.:cted fOr.P.·l;0C.···:ram gave. her repph. There ~e;c no Speaking conlest held in COmtlJillCe or eWcer rcports. Dar' Wayne \In March 19 were A ~enior at Wayne 'High School. health proCes.siQnals in .r.ural. Nc- knc Rob¢r!s h:mdedoul Ihe proJeel Jolene Jager (top PSA) and Karie, LUll, has bt:ClI selccted! to . btaskll, Those sclectciH(I{ \l ag'ree and rccord bo9ks._Suggc,slions wcre HaUeyDl.Iehnke (top BASEMENT WALLS CRACKED or BOWED? partieipatc. in the Rural Hca:lth Op. to relUrn to .rural'ar\las· to pra,·tiee macle .of wl'~rc ·to go on the sppng Speech). pimuniiies Program at Cllad!ron after the.y have cQrnp,cleti ~hcir' lOUr. It was voted 1.0 go 10 lheOIll- State College b¢ginning (his lblL training. ." • aha laO.. A wrvCY will bc ,'CIII IlLU~: RlIUlON WINNERS BASEMENT LEAKING? She Will study phY~I~:t1 thef(lpy. " There arc' ninc t:ompllilellb of home. wilh .lIIclJ\bers as 10 wbleh 4-U CLUII Under the progri!ln. LIllt w,ll RHOI' at Chadron' S:UllC, 1'wcnty- day would be beSI anti howm:lIly The B1uc' RiI>bon Willllers 4.H We SOLVE Basement Problems' take her pre-profcsslonal tr'JIllIng at fivc high schoql. s\Udc'nt, wde ,c- f;Jmilies would be aole 10 go"..' CI~b nlel March' 18 at Ihc Carroll For A FREE ESTIMATE Call... Greg Thrasher Chadron State b¢fore trllnsfeoing 10 leeled 10 enter the I.failljng till' fall. 'The nc,1 1\leCling will b¢ April School. With 27 4·H membcrs, 12 the University ofNcbra,ka Med:i~al Competition for theslols des· 11. Meeling was adjourned. Mch,S:1 paren\S 'and Qne, future memb¢f.pre. THRASHER BASEMENT WATERPROOFING,INC, · ~entcr in Omaha. tremcly.lligh.· . WHmes gavc a··demonstratiQn on sent. 'Brandon Hall callcd the IIIcet· RHOI' was qcgun in 19'jo·. II is . Karie is thc ollugh10r of Genc :lIlll making p.:lJple chow. ing to' order with Ihe Pledge of AI· "1·402·498·2999 or 1-800-827-0702 designed 10 alleviate ihe shortagc if !(1archela LUll. Greg Rastedc', ncws reponer. legiance and the 4- H Pledge said in IAPRIL.1996 Wayn~ COIllmunity Schools , SUNDAY .MONDAY TtlESDAY W&DNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY B/GTr Blue UevillTl\' . Gr;,de :l Field Trtp • 4 Grade 2·Sp"aker ~:asler Vat'allon 6 1 2 .·1:45 pm 3 "Vayne CounlV Musctlln Paul Hagar 5' No St-hool , 2:00 pill Dl~IT!isSal £leo· PIUS 1[",9:00 am Eas·tecVd('atton

~HS DayUght E..tster V;'U: ..,tl0n 9 lJ/CT..t. Croltoa in I u:ntdt'r",hlp Sent's 7/8 Il/CTr'Plert'el M"dhlm Musl,('al "Cyrano" HOllar ~:;,~ 7 Savtng$ 8 . 100 pm 4 M5 t.o liS MU':':>it',kl 11 Tn400 pm 12 7::10 pm LI'l 13 Time No$l,.'h()()l Schuol Uo<:\n,l )1{g.. 7 :.:10 pm Cyrano' 1.00 pili 3:()o pill E,lHo· Nortolk C"tI, II {~ut"S( Author Vicki Crf)Vt' Bloomlleld Crad< 2 ~p""k po, . ~·illten<.t \lise Play Wayne &: BGo-O'Nellllnv.,9:00 am District Music Contest Gr.9 Band 10:00 am Kindergarten Carroll Grade 2 field Trip· Contest-Norfolk attend wse Pla)~ Wayne Airport BGo-Wakefield Inv­ 9:00am Jr/Sr Bqt-Rlley'" WEBCamlval Suzuki fes!. S. Ctty 7/8S/GTr-Plerce lav- 23' Gr.6-lnterllational Gr. I"Book"it Pi7.7.a Party ElQo~Oakland 1:00pm B/GTr.Pierce 9/10 inv.• Book Fair. ends 27 21 22 4:15pm Secrel'l.o/ Day 25 Pe5tival·HS Gym Earth Day B/GTr-Columbus lakeView ~rbor Day ~~~%M: Gr.4-Blke Rodeo G/STr-Wlsner lnv.- ' . , 4:.30 pm . Inv.·2:l)t pm "- Breakwt BGo-~evl

30 7iSB/Tr- ..,Wayn~ Inv.·1:00 jlm .HS Final Concett·HS Gym--' .. 7:30pm '. i ..

I ~ ..

Tuesday, April 2: American Legion: 8 p.m. Wednesilay, April 3: Public Library, 1:30-6:30 p.m.; TOPS, " Marian IverSen, installation of offi­ cers, 5:45 p.m. SCHOOL CALENDAR Mondah April 1: Kinde~- garten A. , Tuesday, April 2: Kinder­ . garten B; high school music pre­ eonleSl and supper, mulli·purpose room, 6:30 p.m. . . Wednesday, April 3: Kindergarten A. :fhul1.liday, April 4: Kinder· garten B; Newcastle'invitalional lrack meel, Soulh Sioux CilY, I p.m.; school dismissal for spring break, 2 p.m. . Friday, April S: No school.

Pictured, left to right. Heidi Kirsch. Dr. Jay Gilbert, Emily Deck and Desiree Ande.rson. \

. INSULlNCONTROU;ED? STILLpAVING FOR SUPPLIES? WHY? JOUY (.:OUI'LES Dorothy Twutmun hosted Inc 1·800·678..5733 JVIar~h 19 lolly Couples Club with j'our guesls, Mr. und Mrs. Alvin 'Surg:smdl und Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Take the Wind$hield~SafetyQuiz! RohJff. Curds were played. WHh -' 1. Old YOQ know thai your passenger side airf,,,g depll'ys off prizes going lvAlvln Bargstildl, Art your WIndshield and then YO\I( passenger?' , Riloo and Arlene Pfeiffer. ~: Did the guy lha.t Installed you last windshield klll'w lhal? tikI BUSY IlE~:'S he use the prqper methods and Jllaterlals? Manan Iverscn hosted the March Pro~.. tnstallatJon'f Ihe . speCial challengQ. To inspire the re· -action is~ taken; competilive condi· . for DO-T EXllms. Drug NCAA.· BUI' 1 could have doncspecl, ,discipline'lInu de.sire· thaI' ,tions wittconlinuc to'deteriorale SCreen (ollec::tlollS, , ',. .', . '" _:. • , some ,of these lea,hers manage 'S unlil 'nothingshOrl of forced di. lind Brellth AlcQhoi ·.I " aw~~:e~lthel()~'IIUUlOdealcrshiP VeStilUreol' packing plams by . Tes,tlng. " ebr'··.·as,,· a' ·Cat,t e·.gOle .S'O'U·th- (jominamfirmswillrestoreco,mPQ- 402-375-2500 N. '.k &Ar . ,. . ng.' dUllng Stanton s champl()Osh.p tillon," This is ·on.e conclusion A recent tratie missh:lll to Ne· Chamrilln AnguS bllll, It;e Orulnd . Elev~n of Ihe 15 delegatcs trav- game wilh Linc'oln ChPlstian. Lau· found in a new summary of lWO braska 'has rcSulled in .Ih, 'sale "I' Champion An!!us bull. thc Granll .eled 10 lhe U.S, on USDA tvlllrkel rei played the sallie Llllcoln team Center for Rural Affairs investiga­ Nebraska breel!i.\lg stock to $Ojllh Champion Rcd Angns heifer, Ihe Promotion Prtlgram (MPPj fund.s. las~ year.lt was ogalll obvl()us.whv live repof!slooking into current American-clllliemen. Final phms are' !,enior CIUliUpio11 Linwusin bull, Nebraska Departlllent of Agricuhurl1. the Llllcolu broadc~$ters wcre rOOI· livestocl; marketlfends,' -- being made to export IheSQ callie one Si(llmenwl bull ,mdiwo Polll1d (NDA) slall sclected Ihese key in,ll- lug for. .. The reporl~ summarized arc tilled from Nebraska and elsewhcre in the Herford blllls, III llC!llitioll, ,I pur-- vidu,ils in Sonth American bed Cllt- The ml1n swndmg around kept ."From lhe Pasture 10 lhe l'ac~er: U.S. 10 bolh Argentina and BFazi\. chase was maLle of llll Angu\; bull at lie production. The dclegll.tion IHlV- c()(IlIll,enling about lhe level ofb"ll Compelition and the LivsslOCk While anending the Nebraska a prIvate production sale. Private c1ed 10 the {,I.S. Itlr el!ucmio!1 Oil handillig they were secmg. l/olll Market" and "From the Carcass 10 ClIllkmen's ,Classic, mcinoors of a treaty salcs for bOlh livcSlock and U.S. catue production and for the ?"lh teams. from ,maB schooh,. the Kit.chen: Competition and the IS person tradc delegation made a ~ genetic materials ,ll'C currently Ulldl\r opf>ortunity to purchase sccd slock rh'lt.comes l.rom nmn.y, ycars 01 Wholesale MCal Markct." The nnmber of purchases: thc Grand negotiation. which would mcct their opeFJtioJ1S' pracllee, hours of ~elhealloll 10 the summary looks into packer consol­ genetic needs. NDA, facil\lated the baSICS lllld gnd tfl a~ain. or NebFJSku scminar ~nd toured IIIl' cold winll Hopefully. it will for S 3.50 fronl lhe Cenler f\lr Rll­ bn•. EV"'llS ,uch as (,re, hurnqm" -Team placLXl second overall in Ihe the markel division, second in thc Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meal An" warm up for oUldoor lr~ck, baseball ral Affairs, P.O, Box 406, WlIlthill. '¢lVthquakt>, or pe,,,,,,,,,I illn"" may "world series" of meat animlll eval· breeding divisio[l and fifth in !he mal R-esea.n;h Cemer. Thl1Y also and aUlhu! gl)(xl stuff.- NE,68(J(>47. m.k. II IInpos.lble, lJ I"-"J fmJ· W94r­ uiltion. meats division, "s· well as firsl in visited sevcral purebrcd callie sulf In thiS .,HUiHlon, VOt,lf H64R The 19% Uniled Nalion!lI Col· beef evaluation lind 'fj'rsl in lamb BI~)(k mnches and other ag industry poim, tax preparer (un prt'part: 1 a legiale Meat Animal EvalulItl!lIl dvaluation. of intercst. ATTENTION: Fertilizer Users form 41\68 for you, wluu ure Keilh Gilster, UNLli\l'cs!ock The UNL lcam had placed first'll The lower Elkhorll Nutu,al Re,ource, Oi'triCl ha, developed a won't ~:t·t /1 nrt'ak <(In LUl' r.:Jymlt'fH evalualion slll'cialist, and Bemic the regional North Celllral Me:n fARM fOR SALE Croundwater .Managemellt Plan which will affect the way we use rt:nalnc5 unlt';,) yuu ray at le."\;,r 90 NEW LISTING :... 160 .cre and lake care of our wate, in the fUlure! O'Rourke, u graduate sludelll rrom Animal Evaluation Tri:ttbaloll Feb, pcr' .... m of ¥\)ur I, o~Q!!!!gl'!!'ter EaslOn, Minn. .' 16·17__ . _11_ __ foUrl:­ '--:Idtlmorr,-mrerrn-wtnnnTll\IIe'-I,,- -­ 1/2 mile. waat and 1 mile duHriar 0iiiJ private u,e, ,hould attend one of the informational ------plficCilITriitc('!"Slates leal-ns"-:-:-an=--('I--!'te-"'.a'-'m'-'-s also placed firsl in the na­ al'(rut" on tht full amount yuu owe .128 sludenlS I·ompeted. Colorado tional COOlest in 1985 and 1990. soullI of WInside meeling' listed below, • Several counlie, in the districl are ,hawing high levels of nitrale, in . If you Me' tomprl:d w apply f~)r an cXlt'mion }X.cau')(' you owe [axe, tlnd NEW L.ISTING - 5.acre the groundwater. Please take Ihe time to attend one of these meetings! We need your input in order 1,0 properly set up lhe ac· can'r ,lfforJ [U ray the:- (uil amount all acreage 15 mllas w8$t, 1 t~ons Ind controls that wilt be used to~ protect our 9ro~ndwater. at once, tht:'re IS an alternative to ftl­ mile north, 118 mile west Th~nk youltl .... . ing late. You can me your tax return 01 ,Wayne. Priced In the r~\ll! For mote information contact the ,/.'l!Wer Elkhl,J'Fl NRD in Nqrfolk at 40~·371,7J13. - , Coyole Jazz Band Festival held i~ Vermillion on'March 19. Allen was theanly Nebmska band 10 pla~, NUTRITION" SiTE MENU ,Monday, April 1: Pork chops, augralin poLatoes, mixed vegerables, baked apples. Tuesday, April 2: Ham-. hurger steak, baked POtalo,breaded tomatoes, mandarin oranges: Wednesday, April 3: Ro~t beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, cole slaw, cherry j

.:j .1,

'U:MPERANCE UNION House and vIsited Lhe pre-hlsLone . Fdendship Womens ChflsLian.J animal display at the K-D Station. LUTliERAl'l WOMEN Temp:lfl\l\<;e Union met March 19 at They returned afICr refreshments at Concordia, LiJlt!cran Wo.mcn ll;el the .~lICille Olson home_ Florene the mall. March 21 at.lhc Scnior Ccnter iii Fran~es Concord. Lyla Swanson opencd Lhe Jcwl!U· and Noc had the progtam, "Dririkin!! and the Fam­ MEN IN MISSION meeting \V,ith the p,ocm, Concordia Men ill Mission mct "Oelh5l'rnane."I;vonne Magnuson ily," The grl'lIP rcadlhe song, "It Is · No Secret What God Can Do." March 21 aL the parsonage with' read Lbe scc·rc(tlry.'s report. SeVeral giij/~de~oljol)s nine mcn prescnt. ErnesL'Swanson thank younotcs were rcad-andyof Des Moines, Iqwa, Bob grout), -Lyl:i Swanson and Nonna City 'foUo,wing w(lrs~ipMarchl1 and Donhy Hanson, Dick Hanson Erlard~\ln served lunch; to l()~r the, ~on'~I(f"McJ')oJ!~lq , and Myrl)n and Mary l'eLerson, "

marketp'lace n\mlir~l~plas'\l;an"', ' ... ' '. ,:"." " ,_. . .:. area wh~~~:..eQntethin:g is offered for-sale. 2: a I?la-ce whert1.buye.~'JoQk for "bar---:-­ gains, ~ra'g.atherlng of:buyer~. ~nd &I:tlle-n~.! -t.: whc~e !J'l~~s..ages are exchanged: .: 5. w.l'crdob'....k"'.l..k for work. sYJ1 ~.eSUqCESS· ' ...' , .

J • ,L ::· .... - "p ;~..... ::. "~'.: \(wi.,~ -."""", ;, ....


OWN ,YOl!R own tra~"1i ageney' Hyalt AYI,ISA COMMUNITY nip 10 pia;'" ,,,!!!r­ H~OTOI;~lllpairandaWner~manuais FOR SAtE:, R-72' Glean.;, SIN CE:lrnilfal and D~l(a are ·jusr iJ lew of rhe nalional sluQents with hOSI lamili9l', Pto'­ lor cafS; trucks, nioIOrcYCleSReqUe~ts. R7?14017 All, updates. dU'als, 64l sap DENTIST PIIYSIC I.\NS m~jor.. suppliers ?iir 'a9~[IIS deal With' v.lqe guidance, tle,ible. part·time. Corn: to: Milestone AUIOOOoks. 115166asr Main" .hours' One owner. Stored In shed 316­ dally f:ealured In En"lrept-eneur an.d munity contacls helptul Able 10 liasl I\.O~,· MeGa"AZ 85203,0( phone 602-. 546-2297, aLtor 8 P1l1 '~QnQ~ rnhgn~rnQS .P~r.l/tuJl·time Tomflc copsillered. Call OulRae, 402,388·4193, 6llll-9003. . .. - '. " .. . • WOLFF TANN1NG Beds Tan at home WAYNE Incom~ !!t.lvel .frf;V or at major diS 1,800·685-1.1..76 counts FroQ vldt.1f1. '·800·993·0005 · 20120 WITHOUT g'lassesl ,Safe:' rapid. . Buy direcl end save' CommerclaVhome '.-'No..theast ADOPTION LOVING" lamlly wl5h 10 non-svrglcaJ.permanont''9$IOra(>Ofl-tn 6- units Irom $19900 Low monthly pay- ·DEN"tAL Nebraska a weeks. Airlm9 PIIOI developed. Doctor monrs. Free color cat'alog €:all today, ,. ,. ADOPTION. HAPPY cov,ple wovld lovo 10 adopt your n$'lborn. E"pensos paid. CaU anyllme, Jack,e ~ John a\ 1-800-927, apPfOlied. Free InlbtmahQll by .roa,' 800, 800-842-1305 \ CLINIC' Medical become parents. We oHur Love. laughter. 422-l320, eXI. 401,. 406,961.5570, la' retatr"es~ ,86158 s';P.8ECKE~,D.D.S•. security.' and bnght futvre 4Q6·961-557? Sauslaction guaranteed.. ,.,.. Group Multiple births welc9me E'kpeoses. p<:ud MANUFACTUR.EO HOUSING sales per 401"North ""aln' Stre_t ~~~~~~~~~ Ann/Bill, 1-800229-4921 PORTABLE; UVEST,oCK bUlldlngsAfl son needed ASAP Relalt Colvmbus pc,. sleel, 12'x24: starhng a\ $1,350 We also SPA SAlE Pr~season prices on' a" NE' Experlenc~ 15 dostrOO. but not abso· ­ Wayne. Nebraska' .. .. ',' mrQdie~, proor IlQW save, Free VldQO & WET BASEMENT Blues" lVe can cOrrecl manufacture panels, galos. contmuoliiS a lute Fo, dela". call 602-981 9313 p!ioo lists. Town Comor Show,case, Lin· . Phone: :\ ' , the pr.obJem. 2uaraOleed, Wil/) OUf Flo­ fencing Freo o'$limatos Ctossroa~5 coin. Ne 1-8019-869-0406 Guard Walorproohng Syslem For ap Welding,. Miller, NE. 1·8oo·S07-5Q,Q2 0' FOR SALE '89 and '90 Frelghliiner. FLD .polntmcnl call Holm S(HVl-CeS tolt· twe . 308-457-2:\55 . 120 Convenlionals 60- bunks. 12 7 Dc g~~~~~~~J FARM TRACTORS for renl, lease or 5ale traits, 9-speods aluminum wheels _800·877'2335. on Omaha 402895·4185 BUILDING BLOWOUT All sleel or Pole JO 4960 MFWO, JD 4450 MFWO Clean Pnced 10 s.ell 800·523-4631 vIllls and $20 per hour Craig. 1 BASEMENT WALLS crackodoJ bowed? barn packagos at huge dIscounts An,! $30 *FAMILY , 800-898·6230, Nebraska . A·' QUALITY used planosl Sto.nway, ~ Basement leaking? Grt~~·Tna·~ anchors Size, any U$O, WO'\IQ gOlcha covered AIl Yam.aha, Batdwlll, KawaI. morel Over 25 PRACTICE or Basemen~ Sysrorns- watef~rOO"fl9 cor· top ... quallty Amoflcan matenals and li,nm',b;"(''lji.j,l\ HOWARD'S GENERAL SI016 I. now ac, In slock l Frce- delivery. 1()<'/o APR II reel lhase problems In one day w.th-OUl workmanship FinanCing avaJlabfe' 1 -A.D_ Felber M.D:' ce,phng applIcations tQr deli/motol maIO nanclng, Visa/Me welcomo MKJ·Amen<;a l(eW PafientsWelcome" exca'vatJng For, feee estimates c.all 800-284-9840 .vamesA. Undau M,D. pasuions Also p m stOle derks Some P,aMO, 1-800-950·3774 In.uranc. ~ fn'i''1ti'rJ.c~.sA~<.pt.d Thrasher WalerptoO~lrn9. 1-800'627 -I:leqjarnln J: Martln 1.1,0. rea.sooaGie hol,lSfng is av~dabtc Call of, Extro~lion$ - Crowns 0702 . STEEl BUiLDINGS safe 5,000. sIZes -Mark O. Ml'CorWndale M.D. 30x40.10, $5,361. ,",0.60xI4. $9.551, hce hours, 8-5, M-F, 307735-4252 or WANTED VEAR-ro-und employoo on a 0 l~rmJranch Ilridgll$ - DonflJrli!$ "offiqls . -WUIls L Wiseman M.D. VENDING RlE:; Brand n.t.n'f mall::.hl~es 50x60x12. $:10,507. 50xl00xl6 wllte to eo. 358, Glendo, WY 82213 dt'lij'fSlhod with aU· phases 01 --Cary West I'A-C (25.). f4,900 Siocked/ready No SI6.755, 60x80.14, t'.~~S.83. hvcslock and farmlo9 lnyolved Call ~ar)' spoilage, no gOlmmlcJ;.s SIQ-ady Income 60xl00>16. $:19.233 Quahly. se!Vlce NANNY WITH etlildCare and managoment oventoQs 308 285 3440 Malone '-*SATELLITE Expansl-on fmanc,e to 100'$ and retlJB excellonce Free brochures. S'emmel .expenenee- ne&ded begmnlng June by Palisade, NE _800-39:;..+374, Juil 8o,ldmgs. 800-327·0700 profe'SStonaJ Baltimore cOllple WIth 3 OFFICES ctutdren $400/week. car Circal tam1lYJ COMBINE OPERATORS !ruck dnve" tor summer whoat harve5t Te.Kas 10 256-~2 STEEl BUi'lDING cJearance sale 1­ Nann",s of Nebraska:402·379-2444, ,­ -LAUREi. Montana Can also work through taM hat SERVICES 25.30. 1-40x48: 1·50x118 Olner Slz~ 800-730·2444 -WISNE'R 529-3218 yost Cas,o tH combines. Ford diesel -WAKEFIELD 287-2267-- drastIcally Hlduced Frw freight (0 selecl PAINTING INTERIQR/EXTERIOR areas Llmlled Invenlory to- choose Irom ~ENSEO LIFE & heallh agenl needed Irv€ks Call 913,877-5577 Roll, Brush. or Altless s.~ra)' _ fHN Purch~so ~..aOO,3G9· Of> I 01l1ETHIST factory direct (NaMy products, hlSh commlSSI.ons WIth Esllmates Kop~r\.fd Painting 375 7448 adlJance before $SVIt, lead s)'stem, and SERVICE TECHNICIANS lor snack 615 East i4th­ 4060 :J,2814 benelils (mvsl quahly lor advanc-Iue prints, de­ VISION repairs Flee mIleage- ,Malthews P1<'HiO per>dable and pasl e,peTlence Need FLAT ij£Q drivers needed 2 year, SorvlCO 375.. 9581 3128 1"01\ HE"'I' valJid driye1S hcense Apply In person or O)lpenencQ reqUired E;tCIf1Uenl pa~ and CENTER $-9no rEt$u:m~ Five Star Cpn1racllng, benefits. ":or fur·ther InformatIOn call \. ap~rtmenl ~.DONA1DE.KOE8ER FOR RENT: 2 bedroom '" 1129 West Court Il: Experlllnce needl>d Full­ hIring exp dnvers- Owner/operators Phon. 315·2020 • .,1141, "IE ooYln,g dmne. 10' two lor all roollng HOUS.E FOR ReNT ., 3 b.edroom time wiIh benefits Anderson Bros Elec­ Ortvtng school grads Good pay. com­ conttac~ for thllS, season $Ign-ed by Apnl house tor rent on~ and a half mtf.es.. West !ri<;, Plumbing. Healing. Bo. 159, Kear· plete ben$fit5, nome more often For 1 11 you're thInlung 01 reptac,ng o. at Wayne on Highway .35 WIU be ney. NE Phone' 308-236-6437. I"" ~ll­ more information 1·800-284·8785 (EOE. Norfolk redoing YOUI leaking. weathered Old available March I, f996. Contact TNSI 23:7·5&14 .MlF, min. 23 yrs.) 900 Avenue roof, thIS IS {he time to sIgn up '375 Oepartment at Stale Nallonal BanK, 402/ 371.3160 2012 ... 3/714 Wayne, NE 402'375-J 130 2/2911 ,:iIISCEI.I. \,,\;EOl ~ "Noltolk, Nelnaaq "~-~;"'.-'-----. a-w.....".,.y: FOR RENT. Partially lurnished, thrllC G.O _Adam5. MO., FACS bedroom, 1"10 lull balhs, doublewide CF Helmer. M.O , FACS me>bile"home wilh ·sun poteh in a pri~ale. Joseph C Titlany II, M 0" FACS peaeetiJ.1 localion Generovs parking_ Beat tbeRush! .....frlc.: Prefer responsible indl~iduals. "Iho will Now's the time to schedule your OG. 8Iom Oepo$jllllct!Jirlld, Available Aprii I, 1996 FIH)oZOfl, MO Phone 375-2395 after 6 p'.m. 3128 • G.T. Swt>er, MO" FMFP A"Usar, PA.-C . .FOR ~ENT: j bedroom apartment availal!le in. May. All u·tilitie~pait,I, C;IIl 'n~""'"t • .,':- • :,.::' I~.· ~ W,~,~, MO,: OABIM . 4O;!-~Ul2 OJ' 251;'34Sll,a$k~,QOp. . a..~lo"':· I. '. .' .. 3m12 . Got:_~ fau~et or pipe? [)~,f,ltJdily.M.O.,J:'ACG; • leaky :~ :'MB~' TWO i. - BE,DROOM unturn.ii&&.lIf.lIf.p , Cfinie5 apatlm8nt /crJent. stOlle and ,eJrig&liilbr ' . ,- "Pctl!i.cUS Today!. '­ 1S!li'iSil Plaza ·PIit1IC • NOrfolk'. ·.1""- '. pravidl'd, . ul!IJ1i.$ 'paill. Jl,lreilebje' ~eIy.Cell375-~~. .3128 . . , . '. . .. eiiarue's PlumbiJig&-ReaJing • Appliance'S • "eating • A4r Conditioning . 311 Mairi St. Wayne, 402-375-.1811 , (~' , :' ,I ..

SI·.IH'I( ~_ S ., ,eXECUTIVE DIReCTOR­ Community 01 W~yne, NE, population -5,.1.00 is seeking e~ecuti.ve director at Chambar 01 Commerce ~nd Wayne lnd.V,stries. lncor:pora~ed Position avail~bleimmediately Salary $20­ MORRIS 22,000. Submit applicatiOn l~ller and res,ume by April' 19, t9ge to Search MACHINE a Comminee, Chamber 01 Commerce.' tOe We~t Third Street, Wayne, ,NE 68787, 111 Wcat l1\h:d: St. Wayne EOE ' 3/2113 31$-2800 WILDING, , ­ . INC_ - RILEY'S IS NOW, hiring a,m and,p,m -AutQ-Home -Ufe . waitstaff, ApPlY in person at 1t3South -Health -farm Main, Wayne. NE,: . 342112 11 5 Clark street $erving.ll)e ,needs. , RESE,ARCH TECHi'tOLOGIST Ie 01 .NebrlJ.s~an.S' for IlVar 50 years, Wayne. Nebraska Unl.,ersfty 01" Nebraska - Lincoln: , . Manage data colleclion and processing . Indepiandani A~ent 375-2055 for m-uttid~sciplio~ry b.set.: and _SWlOfJ r~sea(cli at the Northeast ResearCh.and Extension Center, RasPo~,sibilities ,WHITE 'HORSE include e~peri,,"ental·desiS'" ,strict: austy adhare"ce to research proloc.o!. ,.' . Shoe Repair CQo"rdination of Personnel. equipment '" "',: . P..,ker. Ii Sinclair Gas < and t.canspo.rtation 10Q'ist,~~ ... .•..., ., Hqln~.:l7S-S4Z1 an~. soz SummarizatIon report ,wnti-iig on 11.& West' , ..-,,~.(. gran! related research, Ba¢!'lelor'sWtlh .-&.Iog Your o~_, '::r '. maior animal science or related. fiatd ' ., ,: . .' ' 1blr9St. in & litte'...we D'~ pl\Js two 'yebtatned at the AecreaIlon C~ntet QUite Gary Boehle Steve Mlilr Super 8 Mnter on the Wayne Stat\> lOoIlege campos or 375-4499, , by callir'g {402~ 375-7482 FotWa,d 303 Main - Wayne 375-2511 ,UPE" , Now Hiril/g . completed ~ppllcallon 10 Mr, Eldon Paft Hutcl1inson. RC 207, 111 1 MalO SI, RE/\l ES I ATl': :rime Housekeeping Positions Wayoo, NE' 6878~. . 312a 8 -Starting '\'\'\lgC 54.75 plus 5 Bonus "'DTEL • Paio V.l~\ltion "'/I~ , -M'.>nd;ay:. Fnd.l)'~ 9.0U a.m. qnttl dOfll" Experience (,lpprOXlmatl'ly'4·5 hour~.1 d.ly) ,WANTED Great vpportunity for mom!> with kIds in ~dlUUl. (oml,~ ~o wvrk ..lflcr Day Waitress +Service they go to school ..1nd be hom(.· tx·fvrc lh-l'!y gl.·t honll' Or. \\'urking P~Ht.~ 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Mon.,Fri. time, but would like \11orl.~ huurs? \Vurk h\:.'rl.~ on your davs off. Must be Night Waitress +KnowledQe dependable and hard-werking. < < 4 p.m, - 9 p,m., Mon.-Fri. Apply."in person at S\1per 8 MOll'l Night Cleaning East Hwy. :35, Wayne, NE 68787 Person 2-3 HrS,-4 Nights a Week Results! Call Anne Nolte Today VEHICLES TIIA:"I~ YOl' Day Cook "ANT • 11 a.m..- 4 p.m., Mon.·Fri, fi~BERG A GReAT BIG thank you lor all bt Daily Salad­ those wno sent flowets. balloons and 375-1262 e,375-3376(hm) ___YAMAHAKawasaki NEWSPAPER 't:ards .,tte,~ my surgory Als,o, lhank ) Gerald, Petersen 01 Osmond, Arlo E. Wirth of P.t.onal R.pr...nlaUv./PetIUonar P',auLMcln.ul~b nll~l)w<\ttD \ }an..' U'Ll:l'( (818) 438-1855 mendation to the eoard 01 Govemo:rs to lill the liill('l1l11till . Mlcha.1 E. PI.p.r. No. 18147 position IQf the balance 01 the'lerm,·WhiCh ex~ Olds, Pispor & Connollv 1,,~tI\ltJiJ II I al{Olldl..' ir :··'FOIH'I'I·Y OF WAYNE ,\I~I'OIn Al'TIIOIUTY ~Oler pires December, 1996, Any quahfied in P.O, 80x 427 ,. ',I :-1,'1: Ye"r',c~p1~!'t~~;"I&;S,'Wjloworema[wridi~'tl.ce:.~:: ;', ,_. ~ ,,2d&Ps . f~'~ Ffl,l~ "t>~II;t l~ ... ~(u, '~~()\Jn.) .. ~):,~ j'1~1,IC~ 110:",',- s·(li(,);~'( j)Js·tur(';:r

~ h.;'11 V....Jt •• t.'II]'1 \\.;I~~!111 t'lm.tJ v .' e+e<:tIO'n Ciommluees.' " . .".' ': ' Tha' bQnq campaign meelr-ng :..... as ad ~OTICE to B;DOERS, - II If II"'; Idr tJ.Jl,II~1 I J.I'l·~'l ~tout.ned al approll~t~il:,~~~r.::, S.er.'ary Seal~ bidS' !or fuml:Shrng a traclHype e.. l!t,~t.~,H 1(\ i !(J ,~~ JnJ~ i~) k,'ll 1;1, h,'f~ ;'1;,'/11. , (P';bl, March 28) cacvatof WIll b~"'recelved' by Wayne ,County lI,1.nl'I.; P.d: - II... 1\1l1; ~ , .... v" n! \'I,n P \\ IIl'd' ~'I I :I\\d:. 1 \1111-1' . P,II11\ l J ·t"'!Jlh- ~~a~~y~~th;o~~fi~.~uA~:i~ ~:~~l: ~c'~'H \U 'UU 1«4;"1 'U'()\'{I) fir· I"ur/:, I 11)' - S( If001, IH~ Il~l( T /1560 24,8, 'Wayne, Nabras.J«a 68787, Unllf 11 00 , 1#", I~ L\~'(~'~0 "' NOTICE OF MEETING .o·Ckl"dl. a m, on Aptll 16..' 996 ,;i r.hal lJrl'l-e,.tll 2: \996 a~ ttw' Waynu Count)' ()"~I' nr~1'1 '09m 4: COlJnhotJsa Irom 9 am ".nld 4' ri1 Ttl'\} t'.l;, I I\ 1,'),1 jr~'1 \ lkl;l~ .... ~'IIl'I· .. p $pe<;l'I,catlQf1~ and bid IOlf;ns fnu51 be o~ ... aoenda lor tnls me'.f)b~ ,$ ~"Jtlabl~ lO( public O'I~~ II, ,lc,Pl>' " • {"',,jld \. '\n\lc,~oll ~Ined "00\ th-u Wayne County CI\erk Wayne J, (.H C, V.'·,:,\ I \ ( O!I\I\U.... 'IIO' f' U ' '" (0,1l HI... ~J UH .: Inspel;l.iQn at the County C~t1(k's ollll;;e .0'»1'.,11" \1 PllT!,I' '-,1 nl.I~I~~ H....·d I, 'II' "\ \ I. ! I H~\ \; Ii' 1\ 11 ~ lll\' , O_bra Finn, Counly Clerk ;::~~~:I:;~~t~~:~~:OUl:~lr;nl~~~~I:~I. (,11.Vltt:: Fll""",,J ';1tllj;,IJ, (Pu:OI Maretl28J any or all bld$ Sldn• .,. .A Sau.ndarl • l~t~J(,>J.Jt~J ~>( ~J;'..L!H.,I.i' ,\.~ . I OH 1'1 \,m'H. O\PI1 t:'tU \. IU})I', fA I. 011"'.• 1,(1(' I' 1'10 \It!) 01' UJ.IIt. Cl(HtS W.yn. Coun.ty Hlghw.y SUpoI.rlntlnd.nf .... "I,llll>", I ., P"I .... tt'I'...,I• ,I "w '\.1,1 I ellll I l'l (' I t \~11 , (P"bI Maret' 26 April 4~ NOTICE Of REGUl~R L!~J.t1~.LV~U_~ BOARD MEETING \ ~11 \21\;1 H It"i Nd'I,1'rl...l I'J,~i In 95R In the Co.l.JI1ly 0' ,n 11'1;t1 Stal£l IN fHE COUNTY COURT- or WA¥Nf ol'Nebl.a.ska Wilt bo'~ld al B 30 ~ In 0'Cl0(,1I or Ih" ... ~· "t,,,-, \,>tl'n~' 1\1<,: Il,H11\', <,j ~ H1c,!t,t,I~" l'r(>Jl\,'I!y Ilk-l! hit n~lInHl,tll(llt Ih, m:'1 \.~,,"'I.'t.4 I'" .. , COUNTY, NEBRAS~A l!~!!I(!t 1 \ I, HI:I" Ul.lc.\.~ a$ soon lherea'le( as lno samt: rn,a,y 00 ntl cj IEsUlte 01 Ei:.OO·C SIFCKMANN Of: I; JlIll,d.;1 ~., t", (,':h,t: ,,), ,Uh \ 1<' I.", 1,,:,;11 .di ~,' I till-Il ~hal! h..· 111..'(1,11 t't! f!\lIIUlI.1tnl ,111<.1, th.. l1 on, A,prlJ 10, lW6 1,1'1 tH~ (r'\:'I11t;nta-ry"5CflOol lll(''ri \\ I,!W iUt...,n\J\IHI· Clitilsed 1~,lll1,;\ ,It ),; It< >1 .-\opt' l' 1,II.llb,: t', lI~',tl" t k, \I\'ll H.lllo! lUlU". 1\'1111,"'. C U.lll,d I{ t\db";ldl ,.QUi,!)' An "agonda ror such me'H,ng lI(jpl '[SliJUI No ~l_fl 96 I 3 • ·\H r.ItH~~'> t\'l \ Ill-WI; Ih"II,~ "J 1111 ... 14:1.· ... , l'li'lllJl. 1'(n"I.·1 1)1,,[11,,1 .. ,liltI 1 dtJl•• ltl~ln.1J COtHtni.OOUSJy CurtE,lnl. IS a .. a iab,~e lor public l\'lll('f.I \ J'IlIl\. '" hill'!. ~ J tu~~ Notice <'50 rlereOy g".-O::l'l !fl.tl on Md.'en If:! '\et \il~~' 1'!\.:~ ,\!11 lJ'pCIl ,H} IfI" (,...·l"'·f.d I II'£h\>lI ISlllln! I'sJ)eCt()n at the olll«l of the superlnttlndefll 1996, Ifl the CQt·1.,~,I'~I"I,:~t t•• , ll'l: "ret:rxl:lI) 111 \1,11~' \lf1 .. ,c e;1,b w\'1.,L. JI)I lin,,',,: Nebtasila,. An.gelene R EllIS 'lff\058 addtass \1 ( O .... n \\ \HI) T"~ WINSIDE SCHOOL DISTRICT, ;, RffT Wayne NE ~a787 wa.s ,(llof....,all'! IJP I{llh~·t1 [) )..,d.• (\ Jill,ltD\\ ,\HI) ",rbn \,!I\'I.: ;'fl'd·\!'l:~' (!ft.' \:':~'dl\l'1 JhI.' pllbltC'~II\ll\ Wilt !It.' it tnll: { __ OP~ ot tht.: wl'l: iJnJ .,_1. SCHOOL OI.STRlCl 95R. potmed by the Reg,1r.faf a.'5 Ptl50naJ HIJPle .. tlhlh 1 1,l!lHh.. J ~c'ml(thj I).jlll l\'\1 ,>I \.'.~,!l'H~'l""\· !~, h ..· 'r.l,h·r'~1~,'d· IN THE COUNTY OF WAYNE, sentiHlvlll of trle ESI..8te NEBRAS~A ( ,iI "'I'l:":"~f 11-<: ',>tl,~ "I ';'~"~"1~' Ie,,' ,'\: .il:\! hIt... dud h:" o~ I.'alh rHllr)t~'rll(,.tl \\111 tJ ..' P{l.t:l!:,tl<_,~i' IN THE STATE OF . ta) Pe.r... A Sln'.mln (Publ Mwch 28) 'IIWI) \\ \I{j) b" \\'"l~l'\' i. U.H~j't\ "r\h~~\.II}l'\f(\1 , '\,n~"I.·,llh \\\;'d, Jr', "'UI lllll'>l'l.l1li~l: W'l:'d, , pn:'ll."dll,t: Cl.fr. or '~.C«lnty Cout1 1U1~ r..., III \1 I n,h IlllIOI-!WM<.U H".. -... ~,,:\ 1"'11 W.Yrt. ·Co~.tnly Court H"WM II '\lll~' l.h.-I> I.ltdoi<:~ 510 Purl 91t..1 ­ II,\! Old." W.yM, HE 61787 .. II I', III \1.JI\."' 11)l,Ii:'f'("'M 111;1. t~ po5~ maner receIved prior 10 aNi at Ihe Pl.!> meet ., 1SoEt$SlOn on Tuesd..y, Apnl 2 poNd maner fet:e!VWO ptf'lor to and at lhe ovb 'I HI< \ ..'" \ I'd; ·\1 r prolt~d-e-d '.1'\: ""!Ireg Wi'11,!" 15 b ... ~ r~~s Qat!. he hea.rlng Will ~ conSld,,,oo 1996.•t 5' 5 pm. at the Wayne Public he hearino will be CQn$l(\ettd '({I'llll,n \'\,\-..I>l)II\HKk"il( "U\ll\' a'Her the C:l0SI'!lllW ealij at [tie. appIoCa~:.Q"'l pe-I.Q(I Bltty A. MtGul:te, CWiC library Sale! tnM'tlf'l9 IS Operl 10 lhe pubbc Betty A_ tkGul,.. CMe !JIll {. \ II ( ,\:'\,))11>.\ II ~ H> 1111 ( ,~H)f"" lh.tlHQ.,d•. I"\Q! latef rt-¥'I r.taiy 21 1996 ~ . Ci~y' CI'!tItl. JqrtlM Kta:ln, L1bca,dan c_, Clerk 1I0~ \\\) .... 1 li.lt'lY(ON\'1 ..... Ih•.a"", l<: .. tJl"".. h (pl,;t'iI Mi,ve" Z1, 28) (Publ ~d'l281 I""'" t""""281 IP\mI _""281 \KI «(1"'\11)1 KI I) III ( II n ... \\l:-:.. ... tnt P:'ll'l\.f, K\l.~·\

"O'P.\HTIS",' nc"n BU YW AY NE AM

~()R \1 1:\1 IlEl{ Ill- nil: S'L\.n: BO.\Rll C)t'I:OIIC\T\O" . T1I1Hll D1STIUf T h~Ul '(tOM Term ~ ""\111: Ihr Om:

Vdn!;l \Il\l' Jl.lmBl;,ll;l. ">ltu \1 1)1Ilhi 1~"""'lh j l\h:r... 1Il1 ,~CJDDD HIH "l:\ill~:K(II T.il U:CaSI.AITH~:- SI:\\ 'TI:I:"TII OISTIUC-r h.IUI y ~ar '} erm . V 1.11\- Ii..>f One ER Ie A, L ".I!lll,J. I r~~d " \~I~Ea~~::Y SO'lllng . '~liR-~I~:Mi;~:iiOtC,\"~iNI:(C(WN:i:~;io;oiIOI'S\Y':.:ii (~6NT~()I: Al'lrllORITY - R\IR,~1- POSITIONS ,.:;;.{II Out "Buy Wayne America" I'~ollr Year Tt."nn ,Votc:l\>.f Three ~:

Dou lfam~\\,'r'" , i , ,.. ~. ..' K', ',' . Kl"""-'th ( ... TtiomS\.'1'l I DOD I "FO!t "tF.~8~Rm' iiO,\RD OF GOVERNORS NO~T"':i\!;T I. COMMUNITY COU.EGF. AIlI:A I I, four, Yellr T~m, ~ ¥o,e for Qne \ .,1 AT,LAkGf. 'J Paul McJ..osIi'···· I,,! ... E$J'Y ./

. " , ' . . .eVenl~ •. ~.etirement MC:lnke'§.CJerical Ski:lls:,111Demarid li,,,i:,',,,:,,,.:.>','.':,',:',',':,'t,/', i, ' ,', "".',", ", ,,', ;:,", ,_ '" " ' " ,.~ ,~. :~Wiftl;m~' ,.,.', .. ', ~ ." \;.' 1h~couplj! ~gan1hcirtilfiji'Y',tbut ·S.t~· Egd~t~1..· i. .' ~ ar 1: o,r, "/,.,, . • , '". 'Ih,ftd'i<:h'i'.t,',..' ~ ".Sl"'p·,'" "Mifrlli.e'f;rAffi·'" ,....., .... , ' ". . COnlinUinl;:her CMeet. ';;round 1957, '''Ji feels~1) goodtl) 'ii~Vt::;omeoile •she b~a~"... rl:tepfioni'st.:news clerk . t.a1<;!i!a chanceonyoij/' 71·year,old at the Sioux City Journal,. gn;-eting . ".!lett)' M~nke:confi<;retary, . . . .' . '. Aft8' that, she WllS a check"'r for 10 '. "\ was 10pkingJot reliability," years at the Piggly Wiggly III South Rager explained, and~ili~ht' ha~n't Sioux before becoming,a bookkeeper beell.,dis<1ppo.inted" ilt Orkin Pest Control for 10 years just Rager admits he had a prior 'to her ,md h,'r husband's precone.eived ideatll"t an ohier rebrement In 1987 wOrker would bePildlcUlilf!y ,. "1 enloyed ,retirement We ." dedicated and reliable,bl\t adds, "I travel';'d a I.ot and had a lovely wanted. tQ give th,' pr<.iS,rllm a try," retirement· until my husband died M,anke joined the firm. ,in two years ago;' Manke expillined. December and has been a joy tq have ."It got so (couldn't stand silting at aroun'Cl,Rageneports, Not only dj~ home alone It St'emed so useles~, It's' she bring wit13 herll tracl<, rl'S that wrsoIl,. (1n ~li\f\ Hl,lur tUlld --- <\lm-(}:-.t hviL'1' the ilutu parts drJ\'l'r, .l Cc'H w.lsh ,1Tl11\1I'nt tht'\, Ih1rn1,\lIv d1.111J.tl..' l, ..'lch ,l.~t('ndant, .) ~e\\'ing .l.pprelltice, fl:ldl'S Ilnd fl',1"'\o'11 w,l .... ,d thl' ~rt,'''Hl'st housekeept·rs . H Ii.Hl~~ h1-.t' OUf (lq.~.11111,ltl{)n AnvOTH' who IS 55 ilr oldl'r. JS ,1 n1lght l"L' tl)ldH'tg lip fnr Jack qf fl'SH.ip·nt of Nebraska itild who mCl'ts r'l,'rtll'Q"ni"l,lll," 1.'\pL11.1,1l'd Cdnll Income and IrnmJgr,l.tiol) Berg. \\:hl) .l't hb.1:-' Ollt' ll!., t1.){, YOllll)!;l'r requirenH'l1t~ I~ l'lq.~ibt(' tll, luI' rll('lltbl'r~ ril 'lilt' h 'dgt·- placement

.' _If WI.' ...1\\, Wt' wallt hI gi\'(' our Persons who ft.'qUire tc,lllllllg will ~(JnH' . IIltlll'-t'\ In -='Pl'l1l' Il}C,ll ,1.rg,l'nl/,ltio'J)s,", be pldCt.>d With ,1 ho...:.t agenl:Y -- l'\pl.lIt1lid type of publlt: l'lltlh" .... uch (l~ (ltv ן)\I ll',~,' illtv['Jt;'~'ll'd Ch~lP1TI','ln government (If ,<,t .... d'\lOI dl'-.tnct "\,\~'l' fV '· •.ltllh,lh'd wdh. tl't'e Durlng.tr,l.Ullllg, tilt,,\, will rt'Cl'l\.l' Jntl'l'lkltlnlldl (\-rg •. lll1/;llti11l, 'but \'\-'l' mll'l'ip1um wage of ~'4 ~5 per h()ur ,\1\\ ,l\ .... trti d to dptl.I1L' f1\ll ... t oj {\ttl Once they ,1fl.' ·pl.'let.tt;' .thelr s.ll.HY I~ 1I11lJll'Y ttiJIH' lllllHlIUl\I,t'v Itl,:,tt'•.1d ot .<..1ete(nlin~'d by the lil\~' nt supplv and ~I\ IJlg It til t~w njti(,nl~1 (.llJ:--.t·~," In' df'rnand, ChurIli,l. Sdld "it' .... fret' 1.'\ F~l.\ ll.h'd t,'ntc'rpflse," hi.' notpd Sum!,' On behalf of the 100F #182, CarrOl Berg. left, and Caleb "Kay" Chapman participants rndY dbo be l'il~lbll' for nlt'I\'~ al')pL'iH;\n~~(' presented a $500 check to Mildred Moseman to help fund the South Sioux rlw dt Stnry On-The-Job Tralllln~, 'wlwrl'bv lhl' f~',d City library Story Hour The gift was made dunng a recent Friday morning Story t i.tllif 'r'l'Ll'lltly. b'-hi I,he of .1 I.ds't Cn-'en Thulllb program pays h.1ff lwr.~' ,l.~ ~ddl1t:'ss' Hour. hurr.lh I \.... d dhout ..,..tht'iT wa~t' whilt.· tlll'y learn the tht' ptlle, ,md ,I dl'~lrt' h) n'IllII1l~CC skllb nt'cC's"'sary to do' it. P~l.ftlcul.H ""ll\ls \'\',,\~ tht' tlr~t fratl'rll.1i llillll~''''' hw VPUIl'ht'st flH'fllbt.'f 1:-> 54 n~l'od.t·nl tran~portati~n, they say,· Job,. " "".'" \,..... i1fg,111l1,llIP'1l Ill' n'gJ.~t('r Ilt [).l~otd !'l~'lr) pili' '''. ,,'. -,' ',:~"~" ~~'Wh,fJl' i't' starti'd:" t1H~' W~~/ thl'':'~' A~~~l1l":' 'lJ~te~~~t;;;d.' \i11 nHH(' '/ \.~ l,'~) iu \I·~~:" Ie (" h~ f'I!) i·.~J'!,,~ i,('J tt·'d"· ·':(f.f"~~' .l'~ ., .", "~~V.~'f 'tilt:. .>~t.'~:rs) .Hil' ·u.j'~U~,1 ll,t!' I .only tenow~h:rp ~~n tlll' <.:(';n\inl~nt'ty ,'" ;nfl~rIl~Jtf(fO nl~Y (~Il·ctfufliid h'I'l'd flll'lI'lpt'ro.,;' lpte.rt'skd fn thdt- iHly II\On,', They In Dakota County llllt·. t1~u,lll>' \llll\ tPUf ,'\tt~'~nd.'~ ill' II~l' ll1l..'ll <1grcl'd t'h,lf ~l·f\"H:i.' 'd;;~d h,1\'l' tht.', tiql}'. 'And tl'll~rl' \l.fl' ,\))!ltJJllJt'd rd .... ,1\· tlla.t .~bollt )0 i\rgdl\l/,1thlils ~llch tiS, thl\ ll)()h ,1H" tl,lO f1\llny otht'rs thtllgs lor fwopll' to DIAl911 I'\'fl \·11t l)f l.lur llU.'Il,lbh.....1fl', ill nl(f~lll~ " dyulR, till' \:Il't!I1l:-. pf tL;I(,\'1~iol,1 dn~J be 1I1\'1lIvl,:d in" EVERY .. WEDNESDAY, 'SENIOR'sLuNCH BUFFET


LUNCH BUFFET HOURS: 11 AM '- 2 PM 'Must be 5;; years or older to participate. 'Taxes & Gratuities not included. Not valid with any other.coupon or offer. LEISURETIM:ES, Tuesday, March 26,1996 3 \,Two, From Area Pass Milestone Birt,hdays

Freddie Bartels ~ 90 Bessie Laird - 101 By Esthftr Watkins By Peggy Williams Hubbard. CorreS1Jondent Star Edilor

ffl'ddle Bartels was born fcb, b, Wlwthl;r she W.1S gdfdl'ning: I YOh, 'on d farm northt'cl~t of <;ro\-,ht>t.ing, quilting lH Cdflllg fur Hubbard He ath.'nd,ed the Lund\' rnl'Il'l:bers, Bl'~:;iL' I,ain.i h~)s 'Br,idt-'nbaugh country s\."hnoj through UIWd::S been olle to keep busy the sC\'l'nth grade Ht.' clttcndl'd Ari.d a~ her lObt birthday passed, Hubba·rd SChl)l)j thH)'ugh Hw Hth Hw story hasr,'t Chc1:ngl'cl a bit. grade dnd then wt'-nf to \V,lvnl' and "·She likes to b .... il1\"olvcd with !' Mrs other small items," said Hlll".'ie sons and threl' daughlers, MMion, very proud' of his ~ane that lo(\ks Lai"d' was 6 and she continlll'd 10 IiV<' H.eckathorn of $nuth Sil)UX City, Fritz, -Kenneth, Jl)dn, Gene dnd Hke a' golf dub and painted re~i with there for 50 years. She att~>I'ldl'd ,the ~1rs. Lclird's ni-t.'C't',.."She ,was like' cl B~rnjp, t\:1arion dnd Cene are N cdrvpd in it. A~ter thl' Fiesta Bovvl HOIner School, finishiI,lg 6th gr(~d(" ~t'n~.pd lTIothef to OW ';1:nd was Vl\ry dece-aseo. He hflS :n grdnd'children g,une 'he, wa",· all drl'SSl'd lip in hi'~ In 19~5, sht> marned CI"tencl' tillrd involved With n1~' chlldn':>I1,-" arid 30 gn.'dt-grand L'hil~irl'n., Nebrask<\ COdt, hat an'd n\iUt'l1s,th<1t ,anl1 tbc 'couple"'_t;~;tlntuc1JlyIn~o\'t'ltt~)... ~rs. Lair~i }npvt:d ,l~) _~)S.\ I).~(.~A~" f,r,l'd(tll'\rh~l ~skersHe ~'l-joh\l;O'';'~rYst.'''l.'akl· ~V'\S h.l\\n~· ~~ld , ./. "" : ...hy", ,"W5-I,.1.11 ..,I.th'" • s<'\ic\. .llstf' .1tf"J',Md 'th,;' Whel':lt " ,>x':I"tlv 10 \'<,,1[5 ago say" ',"". ., ... J:"lnlkhiklrC;'n', ."n'd ""',<'rd.l of ,111<'''' dlJlIil'r;' ";(lnd' h;"td ~lISl;rS 111' SUllih sllll '1J'lts fll'ydiW~ '"Shl' Ilk',;,-"vl1i~,thl'fl' , g'r~i\r grai1dc:H'tl~irt'll <1n·.j~l~l.nmng.)H SIOUX f(lf thl,.H,lI~kl'r~.:!.r' p~; ... t Yl' ~a\"~ th~'\i ',ue ((lInIn tn);n' f,'reddie a:t .Hl·enl'Y,'~ ",pl'd .Slor(l II II ' 'u "t" !" g '!,I,,)',ng (;.'flB.IV'lh till' '1"l".11 b"v' ' .1 on_"f It' I'll t'L :-'ltatl'.... ~. I I AB kY C R' II\.J I:rc,jdie', 1,11>', db"ut hi' lip It>."s lloth~n~ bdll'r th.lfl·.l ~,~"d ' ," an'. ' OU an ".ea " g[':lndduldn_'11 l1.nd tht.~H. a".-tl\"ltl~'~ g.,n~l' l)t, 5~POll'lt. pIt" .. h He \,t~rq'd l.ll~' \~.L'tl'I'\l!:' [U~ gr~lnddal1ghh'r HlI,l~b(Hd Kllt\', the, SlhooJ b.\l"4,,r \1,;ddir1l' ,\Ibn 'ht ,i, 'CMs, he lVl'nt I" 111, ,hildn'l\ dl\d ["'I. . • " \ f' ,) g , I ~r"nd(h"'ldren" b,,,>'db,lll ~.ll~W' t"r ' drs'tw gOlnt; h{ Iivt:· oi 1 you can feel tlt ease with your finances the h0'l11(" gan{l'~. In 1't~(l'llt \'l'ar~ ht' Frc'ddit.' \""i.1~ h()nllfl'd WIth <\ p(uty has gonl' 111 la. wht;'e1 c1;\',lMr ,ind Saturday, Fl'b ~ at the HlI~barJ dttl'nds or'il' gdllll' d ye,u \\hen' nut COllununity CentL'f HELPFUL PEOPLE

Your Hometown Leader for Long Term Care FINANCIAL I ,. , STABILITY We stri/!e 10 prot/ide the highest quality ofliftjar each rt'Sident DIHECT DEPOSIT .. ,and more! while they are li/!iny' in ollr home!

• ;"1edil,tn: (:enifit'tf ~killcd ( ..lfl It DiC: 1iLt.1Il - Spn.'i.d l )in'> .. Keut'".uional r.KiliUl"\ ··Satt-. Secure:: Living EI'1YlfOnfUt'"lIl Youre always welcome at Nebraska State Bank ..., We look forward to rnaklng you teeI rig-hI at ~lOrne' ~ ( lebrclska. ST ATE BAN K

GREEN ACRES CARE CENTER- 2021 Dakota Avenue· 3800 Dakota Avenue, South $Joo.x City. NE· 402-4904-4225 3~OI Dakota A,'enue. Sou.h Sioux Cil)'. NE' 402·494·4273 4th'& Mam Street, Wakelleld, NE • 402-287,~2082 • 4 LE.lSURE TIMES, Tuesday, March, 26, 1996 Retired school superi,ntendent remembers successful :career Lltel said he and nine B;r-&a1ly Schroecl,er ollier young men financed Cedar County News their college educaUonwlth COlERIDGe - Attending coiIege during thedepres­ llie enterprtse, selling 'llie slonyears. made some people more Industrlous'when hamburgers for 10 cents a Itcameto earning the money to pay for thateducation. piece. Gerald Litel. a retJred superlntepdentofschools said ImmedIatelyfoUowlngher '~, tn his short but eventful 88 years, h<; remembers the graduatlon from 'hIgh hard work he needed to d,o. to pay for hts educaUon. school. CleonetookGerald's After high school. Litel.got aJobas a farm hand. hand In maniage. and s,he ·One day. I got a lob I dJdn't like. fencing In an too helped cook at llieDew- . orchal'd tokeepsheep In, andltwas a really tenibleJob. Drop-In. ' [satdownunde.:oneoftheappletreesand asked myself The Uters wlll celebrate tfthl, was the,ortofthlngl wanted to dMor the rest of 65 years of marriage Ulls my lJfe. My answer was no," said Lltel, May. Cleane said. , LIte! saldhehadsavedehoughmoneytogoto college , After grildl.l.a.Uon, J"jtel fortwoyears.ln 1929. his lli'$tsemesteraiWayPeState was immediately, hired liS Cdllege, cost him atotalof$24.25. superintendent ofschoolat, With,a twoyearteacl1Ingdegree under hi"belt. LUci's Magne.i. Nebraska. " . first teachIng JX!I>IUon waf; atColertdgeSchoolte'lchIn!1 Lltel said frtends have ~th and 8th grades. . , " meant everythlllg to, hIm'In LitelsaJd love"at:fir$t-stghtoccuredwhenhesawhis his llfet,tme. since they have future brtde.walk past hjm tn the Colertdge school alWays.played anactJverole, hallway. , " ~ _, ' In his profession.' Utelsaldhe kilew lminedlately, that Cleone Pec."< "You gettherebyfnends. wou.!!'! somedaybehIs wUe. Heflrill;hed out thel""dllng, jUld not by enemieS.' saJd year. but resigned as 'soon 'as Itwas over, so he could L1tel."Oneofmy gOQd frtend, begIn,courUng'her" '' In those, days told the Mag­ ",She was an.llth wader, and when sh", walked by. net School Board that he she d,ldn't .look at mt!. and it made me mad.' said Ute'j, highly recommended me. Lltel saId he, knew hehadto remove himselffrom the and I ehded up wIth thejob. Gerald and Cleone Lltel are sh9wo WIth a picture of an elementary school school If this romance was ever gOing to go anywh~re: Lltel s(lIdhew-as hired for whkh was named after Mr. Lltel follOWing 25 years of servlre to the Chino sInceIt would beln,approprtate for him to assoclate'vlth $1.350 the first year-and Callfornla School System. Liters returned to Colertdge to relire In 1990 a, student. while he was tearhlng tilere, his teachers ,veri; p,,1<1 between $60 and $70 a month, operation. In Chino. CallIOl:nJa, but I Soon learned a "I (jeclded togo bark to collegea,ld getmY !3ach.,:lor's 'I always tacked an,extr.. fl\·e dollars!ln the tead\~r's (annboy from' Nebraska couldn't manage a Califomla degree: Wtel said,' .' P'IY, che.ckS, slllce Urnes were s"hard In.tll@~e ,iays," daIry. sQ.lt only lasted, fSf fO,ur mOflt~" .~rtd LI;t.eI." Once agatn:.,the dellresslon's ecofl0l1lych"Uenged Ute! said. '~Ul th,: sch('9~9<'Hr:t,<:lIr,l1),~kn"W11: . I '. :""l\Yen\ t'?'-'tatk to}Q;Su~rtf).lenrle"t·' a daitv 0 ...... If'You, 'r~ y[ Woman You're J2l t .1(ist1'or

Photogapn S Larry S Fer~ 1994 'Breast Cancer

To learn more about q free or low cost mammograpny I Everywomati Matters Call (800) 221-2345 Early Detection of Breast and Cervical Cancer Program ~ Nebraska Department of Health LEISURE TIMES, Tuesday, March 26, 199t! 5 Litel PRIVACY ContlDued' Comfort Zone After that experience. Litel began he alwaysmoved onwhile he wasstlll climbing the education well liked. His advancements In the­ An ImpQrtant Need adminlstrator's ladder. with short Chino schoolsystemwere within the when Choosing . termsof assjs~,ant prtncJpals.Jr. high school system. and he has good rea­ a Nursing Center prtnclpals. and high school princi­ . son to be proud of hIs achievements, pal; In the Chino school system, WIth 25yearsIn the ChinoUnlfied -After Liters retirement [rom su­ WaLJsa Nursing School District. Lltel spent the last pertntendent. the Chino school sys­ Center· ntne years of his career, as supectn­ tem named an elementary school tendent of SChools there. after him. ' 13 Private Rooms Utel said his phllosophy on being TIle Gerald F. Litel Elementary 11 Semi-Private a ,school admtnlstratormeant solid School In the Chino Untfied School d1scipllne. at home ancl at school. DistrIct is one of the many schools, Rooms good attendance by st4-pen~.teacher Litel was instrumental tn getting

Rates inclusive personal exhuusUng< Unless, of lng. system. of eourse.yoll have 0: needs (includIng disposable "Make the chlJdren ready to go to Euslman Holl,se . college." Utel saId. . LiteI and his wife Cleoneare proud incontlnency products) , Adjustable Hed. Litel said he Is In disbelief of the of their two sons. Dr. Gerald R. Lite!. It has·]wmrJous. cushioning In the homble th:lni;s teachers have to deal a neurpsurgeon from Houston.Texas. wausa Nursing Center. mattress to t'Omfort you In times of with these days. Uke students brtng­ and Dr. Jim LIte!. a dentist from ,stress. And dozens of adjustable lng guns to schoo!. - Skilled FacUlty poslUons ,,'hen y<>u need a IItUe 11ft Coleridge. anda daughter. Joyce. a :, "I alwaysmademypresence known speech pathologist from Colorado,. Medicare Ce·rtified do yourselfll favor'l(et a'Eastlnnn House Adjustable Hed. !nthehallways. and knewevery kld's Lltel said they moved back'to Licensed .' Therapists name: sald Ute!. Colendge to be closer tofamUy In 5 days per week Utel sald the reason for his suc­ thetr tw1llght years. s,lnce Lttel has cess In admtnlstraUon was because suffered heart problems !n the past, We can meet all your noed$, hatch call: . Wausa Nursing Center ··'You'llIlke•.Mil.-·'.!:··OUf Style,.. You'll Lot>e Our Price, 703 So. Vivian r-"'"Hni7;;;r-....,I YANKTON, 50,109 U", Th1~ Watch for the next Wausa. NE 68786 6QS-665...oa416·800·198-4663 ask 10I Jean Thorell SIOUX 'CITY,lA, ~13 Pi.",. L~Jsure Tim~s or Sandy Leimer 71J..255,l500.8CJO.383466l in- May!, . ~.. .. "•.. -"l.- ....",\. 'foi'" ". 4·qf:~8.6P1,Q __ , .

- Compiled by Rose Rolfes Cec;lar County News ,J "How do you feel, about the gov~rnment possibly r~islri9the'sp8ed limit agam?" '. ' 6 :LEISURE TIMES, Tues~. Marcl126, 1996 No membership fee! Confere.nce 'on aging is scheduled for May

What is enee prim lO May 6, is S30 per person. After May 6, regi'stration is S50 per per· son. Again this year, an event.only regis· The Century Club? tration will be offered. For SI5 each, peo· ,pk can auend all workshops, round tables The Century Club is for very special people and general sessions. The fee doesn't in· and that'swhat you are at State National Bank. _!l,tde meals, Afler May 6,·the event·onl, fcc will be $25.

If you'are age 550r better you are eligible t9joiri inthe fun. Additionally, for the first lime, Conun­ .You may join by'choosing one '01' the following method-s: uing Education Hours will be' orrered for ,£ocialWorkcrs (9 hours) and ~lcnlUl Heidth Pnlctiuonefs (5.5 hours), Those de· , 'ithe'l' a Checkillgol siring credit rOF CpnLinuing Edm.:allon Savings ACCoUi1t or Certificates QfDeposit'value.d at $15,000. Hours must pay an addiLional 55 pmce,,· A joint account covers both husband and wife: ingfce, People wiLh disabilities requiring spe­ cial arrangements to' "Llend, should noLiI"y the Department, on Aging' no Iillcr than May 6. For more infor.rnation, Of to receive. a rcgi~lralion' Form. (onW!.:t the NL'hnt.",k~I'­ .,. ~~~'" .~" Dep~rtmenl \1n AgIng, P,O, B,n 1))I).l~ . ~n-~ Qrannyis Liu"'Qln, NE 6g)09·504~,1402) ~71·2,\O(, in LintQln, or 'l'.gOO 1).12· 7,111 'J cO'mlng'. (VoiecrrDD) in !"chr,,,,,, ,Skin grows more back to 'fragll~ over lifetime

r\ IHH, :hqt tjaih un, il· l:Dld, l'\)ld d~\>: IItAnmJ O-vcr·drywg It 11l~1-Y k\.'1 ~IH'Jd Lll .' l'Plt~.U~,'.fltVi,litl~-: ':"~II.ld cn II;Y'.l~)LL:.. UfJ.r~r.t~ -,; , /u~ ... klr~ dr)\ :~ ~['lha l-'"w~l,.'tl)lft \(<¥}(II' "k; ir·j'"' ~Way'~.~ '"~,''''''' -~"": ," ne! .- ,.' . ~,II.H~~. lh~ \I,:arm lub l,~r) bl..' h l;()lIt~un 1...'11 di.,\.... d in Omaha lanoliil and pClrohllUUl. 'lou 1111ght w;,mlLD Ii;",: people tule! )Ull lil'lI )"U lo"k " lllik ¢:\perimcnt b): purdw~illl--: small hotlk' .. uj pak.~ Thl.;. rca.\O!l JI'Il!:-"Il! hl'.~1I1l'llll~I' Illll'll 'lotion umil yuu rind urw lhal works be .... t lhoughl oj as Hon,pouf hlood, IH!t HOll d\.' .~ )U~t 11l~1l1) Thursday,June 30th' fo.r you. LOlll)lh ah: m~lJllly I,I.-'ah'f Hnd fi(l·cncy 011.1': GHhl' n! -.()me a.":lually prolll~lll' dc) Illg. If you Skill AncJnlJ I'> not J Ilofrll.tl p.Jft 01 .I!~IJI.L' Dinnerlheat€r ~Idull"" IS vcry dr)', um"llh.'f u .... lI1g J non .. alkrg) hut many oltk'f du tkvl'lop till' i »'Crotto ofthe Redemption" C[\:;..un corulltJon, SC\'Cfl' ca'c.... uf JnCIIII~1 CHI 'k~ld in West Bend, Iowa Bc\,oml 100ioos and (rearn,;, thl,'fC an: to iJn Irrcgul~.Jr hl''-lfltX:~lt or ~ln Ii'll /l,J. ... l·d ~C'~'rr~1 1tr~-"l) k changes'"you call '1Jl~lkl' 10 heart ratc J.S )'our h~,Ht pump" 1I10fl' Illood hdp kc.cp your ,kin tn good Sh::llX' Llurlll~ to compc'f1');Jlc tor a L..Kk oJ U,'Y~Lrl ltlL' Colorado Rails Tlip . Sept 1996 (hl' wmter. HUfIlli.jd'YHlg the air :lnd filling.. SOluli.orl to anC/HU Iluy not bl' J...... llIlpk I'h;}fl~lrl/.~ Branson ChJ:istmasLi~hts.Nov 1996 yo,ur hortle \\ llh plant.'o dUring wHlll,'r i,lrl,' as lakmg and iron :"\uppkl1lclll or hUl.h \",·xcdl\,:l1t ..... ~I~1, to ~Hld llloisture to your o, ...·t. h~l'S uwkr~l~ullt yUUI rl''>H.1\.'Ili.,:~..-\ntHhi.'r gt){ld alli...! 11ll'.\1h.'1I­ FJr:-St. huw JOL:IT\Id hdjl :'lIn,: \1,,'a) to ~ll!Lt InOl'i(UfC is 10 kJ.\'c w~lll'r p'ns, Red blooJ cell, carry u'ygcn Illlh,' In )our o;jthtun lO (,'\'~lpOr;jtl' into the air ceHs of lhe b m"d~ h(~I), Free Movie Howc\ ('f, \.l \\ ont n(" \\' Jflllng .. - oon't try aren't b<.'Il\g r"'l enough hy II!e thl" rfIl2'lhu-u If ':>I1IJlI L'hddrL'Fl <.trl' in thL' when they don'l develup pmpqly or whell Every 3rd Tuesday honte, ('\"~n for J. \'ISIl. h J.U~l wkes a fl'W they Ille destroyed too quickly, LhelJ abllily HL'chcu uf \\ atl'f to caus.e a drowning. to carry oxygen If1 the body's needed Olher step' you ('all take include: amounts is rcduclAJ. ThiS "anemic" comll" 'rhe • Avd'id hot bJ.th,. As ITIcrHioncd above, tion may be unrwlJceable at lirsL, hUl ", hot baths IJl th.~ ~ IIlt-('( can contribulc to 'the disease pro.,gfe>ses feeling lIred a £Ill State National Bank dIy skin. TI)' wklllg a shower instead. lookll1g pale arc common SYlf1lllol1ls. • Avoid harsh 'OJI", If your 'skin be· Let's examinc thrc(' aft=;J of anemia ami , and Trust·Company cOITIes ca...... ,dy irrn.ah:d, try an l);jtlHcal,bascd"ll-' SN their genem! cau,"" ~i Wayne, l"E 68787 • 402·375·1130 • Member tOlC" product lik(' An'cno, Usc a minimum Iron, deficiency ~ncm,IJ 1.,> Ihe lyre pco· -,., , Matn Bank Ill) Wist. Drlve·in at IOlh & Main amo.,.nt of soap 'and onl} in Lho:'\c areas of pie best understand. III older adulLs, lJon Ule body that Il'ally need It. ., deficiency usu~II,. ' ;t .------~------. . .il • J LEISURE TIMES, Tuesday, March 26, 1996 7 Flu is contagious CONSUMER BULLETIN Keepgerrris to yourself by Flu or inlluenl.:J IS spread by ."rborne particles and is contagious ror abulll .\ III 5 Don Stenberg days ·afler symptoms appear. Typical Ii symptoms include fever, headache, mu.sde Nebraska Attorney General 'II pain. e~\Iel:tlC fatigue and somctUI1CS a II running nose or sore lhroal. !I 'A cold is spread Ihrough contaci wilh mucus or Slliva. The virus is cOillugi9us a REFUNDS AVAILABLE TO NEBRASi between Janua;Y 1996 and November .1994 are el'gible to receive certificates by " sllbmilling ii cla,m form by ~iifch 31. 1<)46. Between 1989 and 1994, several million people across the All ages sulfer· from psoriasis United States called 900 nllmber; involving sweepstakes, games 01 change, IInclaimed funds, and offer; of credit. Th""" programs wen' ~'h:dlL'~tl R,'d IJill~lJ"s 01 skill wllh ;1 II,'" I'Y, thick The NL'bra'lk:..t A,,\ou:.llioli . nper.a1ed by compa'),es using Mel 900 long d'jtante services. scak: ran he lhc mark ut psonasJ..., Fi lie H."purlS there ;.JI~ ~c\'L'r;.ll l,CL'JlI1lL'lIl~ yuur The lawsllil alleges that consume'r; paid higher rates, th'ln they' million AIl1~C1l:aIl~ .~uff..:r' uus, Ulll)rL'd'\.'l~lble·' phY:":tI\:lJIl ,:an r.~lUl'll!llL·IH.1 IlH [(ltd 1),1 should have ber.ll1se the .Iong distance carrier> offered 400 11llmbfr dl',scasc whp.:h aH ...·tlS men i.ll'\(l WOl\lCll ,nn~dhm~llIOIl. ThL~'1t' _optlOfh InduLll.: "iCfVlces of a third-party, which if., not subje<1 to' g~)vl'ri1il)f:'nt felt' ,,~'" Ulti~VlOkl I'ighl Lh~r:JPY, lOpll' Jl L'lH thdll;':: re')1:riC1ion~. . ' . c4ually and O\:'c\lrsln/pcoplc ul all " ,f'sY'I'~'~'c;lIi,j;eritpt.imywll1irc o,,·th~ lJUJy, '. " p~cilar,1ll1ulls,' and P'O.lL'nt '(Jraf"'fILtJrf~~IPl')(~" .: ~J:()n:'(I!l'r!"f< jd'£1g J<..:~~i01'" aIf> ... n~)f~ rt'Cj.H'lnlln. ,Celli )UU,., ...... , ~ ~ r45tome~ to U'l.l" Jht~ c~~11 t)1r.....lh?s; and H~u.. ~·{~rtlfll:~ll(~ \'1[(' gO(}(llit)f t~W' tl'app('ar. Psorfas.is, l'c';Jl)lh fonil i,tlen Ill'W ~undilion and pr~scfllx.·.lhl: ~n:aUllL'I1t \\hl\:h . year·,irom:l!,i··-,ldte (.)f "ss~,ince. '. _ '• '. . '"kin ccps arc pn.xtuct:u ~tt ~ r~lrJltI rate ~'I/l('r du­ will work ~c.st ,f~r YOuf·\.·undll.iul) Remember: gOO numbers dW -otte:n used lO sweepstaKf">, prllr: om rflalun: nurrll;jIJ~. give-d.-,wav ~anw other questI9nabl~~ offt~r&.' IBe , wa,y of f)t{pr5 'lhr11 entice you to caW90q-nlJmb{~f'\111 urd(~r lp cl,a,im ~ 'free··gin. I he toll for the crm .that mu,t be poslmarl

Dancinggoo,d exercise and 'fun ~,j~TH' , 'E Whether you're swirling across lhe lloor 'you can burn between 200 and 400 calo' '-..:.::.:.:..:~y------­OAKS lO a Strauss waltz or doing a do-si-dos to ries. the commands ora iquare-dance caller, you In addition, dancing offers cardiovascular R l; t r C III C II L i v II g 'are exercising and probably having fun. conditioning - expcns rcconlmend30 to 40 From burning calories lO soc,iaIizing wilh minutes of continuous activily three to • Security • One & Two Uedrl!olll Apartllwllb friends, dancing burns as many calories as . four times per week. TIle Nebraska Medical • -f'ence of Mind • As~isted Living Suites wallc:ing, swimming or riding a bicycle. Association encourases you to exercise for • 24-hom" Trained Staff • Scheduled 'l'ransport;ltion During a half hour of sustained dancing the heallh and fun'on\. . • Planned Activities • Dining With Menu Choicc'" ~.~ •...... •.....•.....•.•...••..••...... ~ Temporomandibular joint renamed y~! I U1II inter~te<1 in learning T1wre ubout The Oa/Q,!

Temporomandibular joint (T~U) syn- lhe clock. Headaches, loolhach'cs and car· N.\lUC t!...~ , . ,_~_. . "'_. ~ ~. _ drome was recenlly renamed tcmporo- aches may also be part of Ihe syndrome. , , A\.l«1 rc:.• ,:-I ~ ._~ ,__~ .~ mandibular disorders (TMD). The lC"i\ I refers 10 jaw I{(lublc: grinding or clicking The Nebrask,t Moolcal Associalion sug· C~y .~.,._., ~'-.- ".~' __._' ~__' :...Luc _ sounds, plus pain or discomfort ""'hen you gcsls sclf~are ILs Ihc firslline of IreaunCH!. open your moulh - a feeling Ihal your jaw Go on a soft di(,l for a fcw days. GIVe up ~'lLllC .--.------.~----'------.-.-.--.-- ;]p has come unhinged. gum chewing. Us'c asplrin, ibuprQfcn or _ Aboul 90% of TMD sufferers arc acetaminophen lO reduce pain and muscle Clip & Mail To ',- THE OAKS WOlllen, Jaw 1llUSl:les become sore, chew- spasm. Cold or hOI compresses 10'lhe jaw IRg is diffic,!!! lIIId painsprI'!lM.!Q.Jlli'.JL..!!lar al~l!clf.Jb'Q:M.",,>c-.'..n:I~...nlll":<-> prot)H~ly 7t). Fl~ has come.. Inc(c~lsl'" 'in rr~qltCn(y ,."k'r:lglh lt~l.', mal,I.' "PI311, on':, \\'~i\ring Mlt.tlcttnng : a~d· til!J~pf. ~al.k~ wlll give ymdl ,Sl',lbC' o·j. hght\wight.dui·illg your w'Ilks.Also; '~ollll accomplishment lhal rollows al

~.,. temps cha.,gea'ble The lale~'intcr''1l1dearly spring.MnlllS watch Where you arc going and't,;kcthe R9yal'tY< .. f:rowhed tan be marked by U fungo of temperatures· linlClo find thl'. ."Ifest way. If y,?u are out from bitterly !rigil! t{l unscason~bly wmln. ' '1l night, walk where it is well IiI.>Takirlg 'Febr~arywas ab~sy month at· the Wayne ',This yo.yoQfcold to llilll[Jerme means icc along u friend on 'Ii tiip " aLso II good idea ·C;are:Centre. ".Val~mtine'$ pay party was jr~elCs> nicltsan\frcrrm,Cs(lvef uOdp('er "lId cunoc fun. , aga~fl(~ s~de\~;IJI<,()' I'!lrking .191 .tbat " beld.with Stepping Stone$.,pre-school.entel'­ '. ." r.i"" ,'" --.,', ,'" ,.·fJ\:,rteFtly .. mls,ahle.pnc,t1;I't.san~beyo \'1!'g\" "'Be.~'1r"ali)fri1'iJil,("'lu;in.c.~Fyr~ yl"'" I' . tainin9.LyleCleveland was crowried King ~lllll'l1:~"h()l'kc.y, flllk Ill" ;l101'l. .. f·"r, old<\r '.ciaf~(y :~ yl_n!1":~~~Jt'-c;lue~.~~~ _~" ~ .and ibc ",felY ruf "Ihets, ,.lake Ih,e' ,and .. ..A' • - 'people, Iho,'rf,'h ol.bUm£, down arC morC .:'l-irnc or" .tiire,. SO..rlll'OIlC to (leM}· off'''' y;ul~f •" f,f"',t,- ~ <~., ~ ~ ,"~ ,\.'.f'~ ,'.. /: ._. . IfJUJi a IJtt,lc l.:Jl'lharra,ss\lll:nl' (j( .i "nHlll' 'lev~~all'd sidewalk';. If you !.iyc: '" 'In "', ·hfUl'\C. .,' aparllllcrir, IOsisl tha, jour I>ln,II').'\1 k,ep WgC/IIK,idcnls \lcC[lr, oldor IWul'IC an, your bUillling free of icc' .and sno\\'. · :v:uln~'wh11' lu \L'VO'n.' injury an.d:lcruf to tll'al 'rie s"",'l.: ti,e -He \l'n,\ihh,\ V, h~'f-l·gl ..·'tn a.. dl'(nct~ be, '·lift .. "Chai··r,s \o'un.:c of ~t brokl/IHxmc III a,7)-Yl.'ar~(')ld lW~l'.n m;'1J...i'lig 01.1'," IflP •. ,lrrylllg s\.:·v\'rid ··:Pr:j,de. ,.',j(' --c--·~c-:ccc Bl.~\idc-\ th\.: bad foo.lIog'<.:l.; givl'S n~'f}" pal,.kagc.-.,. fCUH! J \((';l.' (1r l1Uflll' and '. . .. -No SpeCial Orders ' lllh.', ()hh.·r pc(~pk U.1.... l»)I,~J\'l', Hthc a\\ .Hi.: lT14.liklllg [~\n O,f II, ,,,.' trlJ ., lit! JU"-.l ~l kv. (h.H:~,my_phY·'iI\.:al.t'(~ll-dIt'ln.I'i."",t'hl~Y, ,b .• t\->' ,-- llew'), wk\.: llll~.~\~:_l.lJlll" ~\I\olhj,'r (lp!lUl\' '-tn St6ckGnly "" '. dHnr"lU."lp.:d l~~-'l"\j'ghl;"~lnh.nLi..; Or i,rl.!,p.I'Il'l'd h llJ ~I"'J. Ipr ~b·"'1:->41."",'-· I, """, ,u~~ a h.l!:d l·rlT '-1 .• YearWarrant~ \."(k;nJ:iflal{\)l\ _.' U:IJ.J ~d ...o I..:l)lllnbull.' W i..\. L.II!, .J 1II..~Jtl'> you i,:JI1 11'. It ;',1 )!\ild IIr~l(l a Iddillg .;..AvaUableColors:Blue, Brown,' ~kdKalroll' .u'lli :ak'oli()1 V~1I1\Ii' ... O'll.l;Jh' 'a \If tll help you b"1Ll!l~ ..,· • nm.li).~'Jy u~lh: p,'f.'iOIl dww>y or dl'\tl';"I~·h.'d f\(c()fllHl~ t~; til!: , \,JtHmJI S~lkl) Alr:nondor'Camel . So Wll~il i", ~tll ()hkr plr~nll H)'du unt.11 ('UUlh."ll, l;'.H,:h Yl~;H ~jt let': :"IU('I,lIOO :,\'npk '-No sales tax with prescrlpUon \pHng I.:llllI~'''i) P('0:lilg, .1I\'Ii'l' hl~itrs alH1 U'Vl'r agi,; ()5 :-.ull ...·( .1ft u<'I..':d\.'lltll! IflJIHY "l· :-oho'uldn'l ll-lhl'flla'H:: The' t'l)llowin~ an: vc're ~nough'to 1..1 1\.1 1'1 l..:. Ilh:1I1 for al ll'a'll '...(I"llh:" COHHllllll s.~'nS-l.' Hh.'a\' lO try: OnlC Jay. KI,.·C"I)llI~~ 'ak ~l'~' p'" you out oj l!-lt:"" 1\& Bc tan.'f4JI. It 'sOli.nds.' obvious, htll "'i>lll\aE Humidify your home safely ·!l(:lual,tied. ~ough. Medicare ReimborsEl(TIel1t $312, ~·.·$475· If breathing dry air causes yOU to gallon waler ul COO'Vf a specific 'wjlh ~:l~ :c~~,p'~.Jr. bic,uch ~d~lcd to cr.:c ~ause. Home'Medical Compulsive buying addictive behavior .,. .'. Supply & Unifonris Feeliligs of guilt fOllowing 11 recent ,asinsses from credit and charge card fraud' to card holders and can play on the particular health concerns ·Qukk and pamless cures., Also, cure~s to card companies - was $864 million in 1992. The. loss or theft of and fears of that popu.lalion. Atbest, it can for scvcral diffcrent disc;;tscs or conditions, , credit and ATM Cilrds isa serious consumer problem. Eventually be a waste of money. At w?rst' a qvack ·"See·ret" or"spcClal" fmm4las avail· everyone. pays for credit.ahd charge. ¢ard frauclin higher prices. 'cureor treatment muy ptcveOHl person . able only through .the mad and only from However, 'under federal law. you and your creditors' do.h can'use a "mg,' of drugs can ·e anny,n. 550 of unauthorized use. However, you could lost' as much as 5500 and therappt. nllmbers ,·CallcerJreaimerllhaS·iHlprovcd grc"lly. yout foot' and' pullmg lhellllll,ward Yflur ·te'~plion." , Soli<;itors. .•.. ". _. duri;,g this cenlury, D,spile [hm, li:ar. 01 knce'may help" Massage the call lllusdc 'II Keep infrequently used c:mds ip a gee,:,re place. (a'l'l('cr:can~k~ld'lX'opk toconsid('r ~IflProV'i:.'.11 gcnlly at' lfic sa'me lunc. Walkmg may .• ' Keep the C:;IRJ)n ~iew altNgiving it tD a.clerk. lrl'~tments like tlie !lrug L"etnleor l'ocllI,,, ,help. partICularly .if ylm," weight u.n your tJeds. spa, es ~bQve the total '. , fmAIM cards: , .- ~elect a PIN (personal :identiiic-atl()n number~ 'thaI l~ dlifere,AI' .J from other nunl~f'j m your wallet· "thet! rnernori7t~ it. . • Your· ArM receipt "may list YOl;r bank· dl:'(ounl nurnbcr di.sfxlse of It carefully, " ,, II l.xarnine all ATM receipts and bank slillPment's For mor~~ inlormation contact the Fpderal 1racjp Cummls... H.>n, Mature Driver? Washington, D,C, 20580, or the office of Attorney General Don Stenberg, Consumer Protection Division, 2115'Slale Capitol We've Reduced Buildfng', lincoln, NE, 68509, or phone (402) 471·2682. The Cost \ . Of Auto Incontin.ence treatable. I;Rsurance. OU{ slahsliCS SllOW ltlatmalure tha~ lost. In rno~t ca~es, iJn im:untllH..'rH.T dl<)g­ Urinary ,nC"Ondnence is a problem , alive's have jewe' and less most people would rmher not talk about. nosis can be made by laking a pallem\ costly aCCjdenls than others So. Older people should 'know the following medICal histury. a physical and a lew laOO· ~'s onlV fa" to charge yOu less sUltistics: ratory studies. for you< personal auto Insurance ·More than 10 million Americull!; are Treatments for inennunence indude be· affected by urinary incontinence. havior modification, strengthening ~XCf·­ ·One in six women over age 45 are af· cises, medication and even surgery. E.ach ~ fected by urinary incontinenec. patient's physician Will devclop a cour", of ·Finally, and mostimponanUy. menn· lrCatment th'llt is best suitcd to the indind· tinence can be treaJed successfully in the ual.' " majority of cases. A physician Ireating a person for Can you do anything to :namtam good incontinence wiH try and diagnose the pal' pladder hcallh" The answer IS yes, Se"era! ticular source of the probleln, For exam· common~scnsc 'habits can cOl1lributC' tD pie, if coughing or movement are a cause kl;Cping yout urinary Ifact m good shape. behind urine leaks, this is stress inc()Jiti· Start by making sur~ to drink lots of nenee, Poor bladder musele strcngth, pros· water each day. One and one·h,atf to two trate problems or bladder stones can be quarts of water Will help your body and coniributing factors in overflow inconti· bladder. Cut back on caffeine, "-S it can be.a N.E.. NEBRASKA ncnce. a condition thaI occurs when the source of irriULtion. Finally", make a trip to bladder is u,:,uble to cmpty. Urge inconti· the bathroon'i at least once every lhroe 1O­ INSURANCE AGENCY INC. nence is the most commOll cause of in four hours. Bact~riid infections and I~gc 37~26'96 comioence after age 65, Prinllll)' symptom prob.1cllls can start when·.you Ignore thc 111 West 3rd Wayne' is a strong urge \0 loilet before urine is signs of a full. blapdeL 10 LElsuRETlMES,Tuesday, March 26, 1~ Road time is great time for "getting in touch" -' Myhusbandandiwere35mIJesdllWll Ing no wherelo go. I felt the onset of a the road theotherdaybefore there was a nap. And then the conversation took illcrest Care Center ,:onversation. some pleasant twists and turns. Thank ®~"." Oh. we were on terms.ItJust took that goodness. . e.'althcare from the ,.....-.r...oit cart -:=-~ long for us to unwind. It took 35 miles Road time Is a good time for thinking H Mter we had rushed through work and last mtnute details toget out thedoorfor ollr minds to stop running and be sUD . Laurel, Nebraska with ollr bodies. It took that long to put Leisure Thoughts our lhoughts Into perspective. '...... ;. by Joanl Potts ­ • 25J'.-..39,,61 Finally I broke thesllen,e and said. Cedar Coul1ty News "What are you thinking ab",ut?" Bloomfield "I don't know. Just thInking," he said. au ng. H's;\ g lime or coup es. What? 1 \"'Isn't Irylng t<;l Invade his famBles ai-even single travelers 10 sort • 51 bed skilled thoughts, I was simply hoplngforamenu out thoughts. Road lime Is a good Ume to Good of cOl1\'ersnUon topics to 'ch~se-.-rromc collectthoughts, organlLethoughIs and. nursing facility and strike up a cQnvers.,UQn,,'And he lfynu h<\vea passenger. spllout thoughts. says. ,"ldon'lknow.". Ironically.. 1dldn't gel tired ofIhe road .Samaritan "You huve to be thINking aboutsome· limeduring three and halfyears ofcom· , thing:.l said. . . .muting40 miles three totlved"ys a week Center • Adult Day Care , "OK. I'm thinking abounhehlgh com to Wayne Stale College. 1II0w, I commute ,. prices and the 'catHe Jl!arket. ~ he said. four miles to work and that's OK dll.tlng ·S,ki lied Nursing Facllily "('lease." I said. "" ...el's not talk aboul wl{lter months. I'm glad'for aJob ('jose"!o ·2J HR. Prof~ssional Nursing ~Medicare· that. We talk about that at home." home. but I have had to find other "think Care . .' "\Ve're /lot that far from home: he Ume.· ~McdieareandMedicaid.CQrti1icd saId. •VAApproved Certified "Oh." Isaid. hopIng LPat a cattle!coDl . 'Road time may also be why my hus• ·Dccupalibnal. Speechlll1d t'onvernaUon -vlould evolve Inlo·less-de- band enjoys a drive to a catUe s~fle OIie .-« Physical Therapics . In House' pressIng ialk. , . day a week. bef>ldes the facl th"t, he and Outpatient And th'ei'e we were 'On the Road enJoys cattle sales.' . ·.Christian Atmosphere Agaln...... Ukewetn1veIso much•.lJteral1Y. Families are so'busy working and and \\1th conversationdrtvtng, ofc<;lurse, takingcare ofa home nowadays that ·Adult Day Care we There We were In tI,e Van. J u~t the 'two of do not always take careorrarnlly commu, ·Meals on Wheels us. no kIdsfighting. no teerlager'smuslc nlcatton. We may end up locking aUf' I:Uf moR. inIQnnu.iOlIl, OJ atCJUI compettng \vtlh dad's 'country music. selves tn a van and traveling together to C.II 4()2.J7Jz5JI Could thIs be a speelal occasion? My have Ume to talk to Ollr anotherwithout ~\"T ~ ( , L--<"+' (J~ husband and LUke other couples. are IntelTupUons. ~~ usually both lIO bllSY Ihatll's a rare It seems we have to make opportunl· ",2 • OCl,-:aslon,'Jpf-Us lo',take orr and gO so,me..... Hes to ronununlcale and gunid conlffiU· ~~ ?, where alone on a week day. . nleaUon priv1leges or they get squee-Led "... '. I' .,¢' ot ";' .. i\nd therf~veWt're, B\llTllng UJl 3,5 of out br busy I!ve;,: _' .-, 'r•.··'· ".­ "°JV£'is·s ... 'lbe.,$.l.!.,m,Ue ti'tpof'roa(j-~lll'le'insllen"e,; " ~.oad·.t\rne,ls"'A:o~ llljle,to ge~ tn '. I, 'j ,;. 3l,XJ.'\,3nd '. " , . :\Ye welle not ~'Ol\\lers;\tionalfy pn-'p(l'red' tmSch wttn. ourselves 'lod dur .p"ssen· .. ' 1I100mH~ld/I\:E , ... ror' the OCdlSJ<:Jrl: If was Uk!' .betrig all gers, It's 'a 'tlme for famIlies to manIfest .drl\~~ed up f"'rtmnr\1unl('''lJon~l1l(1hav· ql~aiItY,comm~'nJcauo:n,' .

Noise elposure is the ,most common cause of hearing loss to adults. Are you at risk? Pre­ venting 'hearing loss is our goal. Yankton Ear,.Nose and Throat Ed Pinkelman was born in the Bow Valley area on February 10. 1912. He was raised on a fann. In 1939. he married Eleanor Wortm.um. She died in t 969. Thev Dr. Jeffrey J. Liudabl, M.D. have nine children and several grandchildren. . Todd A. Farnham, M.A., CCC·A Ed is a member of Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church For an appointment to have your hearing In Bo~ Valley. He enjoys

~.-----_-----.....~---_ .. LEISURE TIMES.Tue~Y. March 26, 1996 11

Carol's Corner By Carol Lirvick. Dakota Cnunry bcnsion EJucaror

Caregiving Should Be A Family Effort

:\ ... AfHl'rll',lrl,,!!l.'l' llld ...'r-. tll'l" 1.""Ul.' (If l't-IJllIIlUnil,1111.' '~11l:1l' n\,.'.C',J ... -arid H1iHT ,lhotH IttL' :--Illl,lliun ,1!.Jl:) nllght hl.' n:~tlurl..'l.." ;nnvll11! In If I'· ... \,\ 1111 :l n:lall\l.' ratli-L'! 'th'Ul--<.1 ;lllfi-n..:hll'l\'1.' ·All 'Iflc.rn;lti,\c ,{I,) 11(,tllUlltll'l'alih'd \.'arc ';\'Pl~tu 1'l:,I;lti~ ~, ..\hhnugh ;f '!l.',1.1I1\(' Hlt..·willl>e r<'bforkans, histOrians, ,(lOci a patr ot New Jera:;ey Feb 26 ( VFW.Posts \'\'h05"'- long ~lSSoClatl()n academics whc) h,wc proposed glvmg the Plains back to the buffal'o In issuing the dtation t)l Post with tht~ organiL(ltioI\ helve made It The program takes "il'wers down the least traveled roads In Commander Curtis W -c larson. the most sllccessful nlatnr vett>r:,ll'b :-\n,erica, l(~king for thE.,' future· of tht.~ Plaulb - 1I1.dlC).n.s \vho afe United States VFWCommander-in· group in tht> (l1untry, .. \o\'lth .•1 bnnglllg back the buff"lo, cowboys who haven't forgotten the 'dream Chief Paul A Spera' cc>ngratulated nH..~mbership of Inofj' th.\n 2 million ",~"ay~ s.u~'we all members of Post 5332 for their rnenand womt.'l\ of a free 'lnd. opt-'n td.nd, and pioru.'l'rs' inventing new to ~on ArnenCM'l'S !(lSt fronJjt>r. lacbe1's Haven (td. ,J!ii It~appens! "rtf I .IL' "HOMESTYLE" ~ Assisted Living For the Frail Elderly,' j<....@*.j<... • • Accepting ReferralS and AppliCations CaU 402.987.2591 * ... .. JelUl M. Tumet. RN • Administrator/Manager 402-494-1060 1'20!iout.h 131h Strcet· Dak'll:' Cit): 6X73 I "1100 West-29th S.lre-j!* PO Box 277· Souto SJou,J. Clf.,..;NE 68776 26fO. Oa~ota tw,s.• ~th SJOUX CIty. NE 68,'1'76, 12

personal care

Dr John Rfyd~ & daughter Ronni~ Vmnilli(}(\. SD

"Seven months afterJJinished cancer . treatment~ ..iwas free!"

l:\I(lj\tT~(.J !l'·;lr\ ,I)l Jolin BI~lh.: l~lU~lll p"'~lh(lh\t~~ III the DI..'partllll'llt HI hllIL'dlll'!11 at [tll·l'lll\ll.·r'Jt-~ Iii Stll/th q,~~(I~d'"1 yl'r11lllllllfl In 1{IL).~~ ~r \\;1" told IhJI h~ h..td pro\tatc j.·;UH_\~1

·'\\.'um \'(11/ lint /In" 1+>1/·.II'H~"".lJII.'~dr;i~:(;l<:,~·ll¥t(l{ilf!rt<.lr I)IItI~I:.I!U,(//.ldv.!lIr fijlVil1 I. .' .., ...... "~': ,-(oi' It'ld-!jk· I 11d lilliliujwil' ilillimi 111i,11 0ll(r \~"I/'h(/\('('(/II'r';lIr\,our SI)/('JII..,IIt~I1\ II.;' ,~< ", '~" ..~. '. r ',.... .' o-

j I)f liryd~' rl~l':'I\td rad~tlIP[~ (ll\llnh,.. 111 ..II· ~;ll:j'l'd "tk,lrt Ho\pJl.ti .... (:;Il1l'lfC~·n(cr. Sen.lll; palleu,", III thl' " ... urn>urll,hn~ IS l'illHlI~ .lIl'.! 11l .... PlllhL·;I',1 S\IUlh 1~~I~(~l'~ Jr..td.n\.lrthl\l"'I.~L'hta\~a.'llll'e;"tJlL\'rt'cotl'l _, h:,]tlll'l.''''lhL··r\.'~mll\ IIHl"It lqH1l-ddll' 1'~ldl;lllPI1 (l" ..:hnol-\l~'~ 'l- •

I ,I ~~ • "·/1 IIUI ',hL', lill/l,I".IIII/lII~ /II 11,i' IIOIM, I di"l1 '1ItuI'<' 01l,C 111(1II";1I1 O/pUill, , '. "\' , ...

~\\hL'n prO\l~\ll' l',lIH.\:r I'" i.h:'{l,'l'II,:d ,LnL! lh"Jh..'tf \1\ lh l\,[rl) "'ld~l':-'.• lh(·llll\' I ,Ill' i" 'l'f> hl~l~ , ,

".\'(',1'(,11 /llOlllhl "jra /1/11111"," 11I1 rrr(//IIi"III./I/\ I<'I{ r"I/I1t1 line 111<'1\(1/11/' (/1 1'('1'/'/" ;'ir// 1/11 ,WI,el: I\\'(/s/I'(,<"" \ '

lhl' SilU\'d Hl';m lhv,pllJ] C.llh:L'F Cl'H[l'f:'" ,[,l!h:d h\ [\\\1 OUdH.!·\,'l'rtilil,.'d ri.H.llalll)J\ l)!\\;llh\~l"'l." ,UlJ.\ \:omph.'k' ~l.J111l1 prull..... 'HH\.d~ "'rt.'':i~IIl~ If,ulll'd III l,"~j[h:l'r l;~tr<;,'

, , "{'mill Ihr len l)e~{lIIl[lIg n/'l'Iho,/I' 1""l1lnllo h,,\'(' (/ J!(,l'Ilmd illlo'<'\l 11/,;11/' 1111 '1.111'1 l'ho/ll, /I II iii !rid\' Ihere, .. SACRED IL. Cancer \a\,.'ll'd I-h.\lrl HO"'PLI .. d prpk,,~uJlJI ,';~f-i.: ~\ Itt'! ,I pl'r"'Pllal tuul.'!) HEARr"\:+ Center

"hili ,'WI 'r SI/\ il'l//I IWHe!: If \1/111'/\ d('l(llh", 1115 w. 9th Sf. • Yankton, SO 57078 II;,~\(' /"'01,1" I,erlnlil: (605) 668·9044