Wayne County, Nebraska Newspaper Archive
.I 899;,812//9/99 The NE STATE KIsrORICAL SOC 1SOO R Sf LINCOLN Nt 68508 ~'. ·····,;'·:,De~·'~;' -:"'P:~', ~~ ··w···.····" ':': .,\--..•.....•..•.''::". ,,,.....•...........•.•..........•',' ',' .;".'.·o·.··.·.·.·.··_' '," ··y·':"', '-, n'·'. "::",". '" ····8··... ,' - '-'..:.0;,- " ,',';;'.:,:::::"' .' ····.···.r'·····,.:' -.'.··.·····8·' ',,' -. ··"::..1·.······d····." /.. ' ,','. ,', -: ',' '; ':, -', " ".,,", -' ',':'," ~~~~, 2'--.~~~'~~1IIIio;~..-~-.~"_---.:... -~-~'----'---- .. _.~ .... c._~.....~- . '. ., ~........ , MARCH 28, 1996' , WAYNE, NE68787 120T1:fYEAR-.NO. 26 " ',' ,System"is CityCQUllcil· . readyfor okays···\VayNET operation By ClarllOslen L<ibraryamlone all'rovic.lMcc Mec.l Qfthe Herald ieal Cenler: By Merlin Wright For the Hef'Jld After. considera;ble discu~~fon, THE COUNCIL. hQarc.l from the Wayne City Council. voted 10 Phil Lorenzen on the financing Wayne area residents anxious to !Ipprov.e the Interloeal agreeol(lill proposal fQr the. Logan. :Slreet "surf the Net", and discover what with.. WaYl)e f;:ommlin)ty Schools widening project Current interest limitless sources of infoanation arc regarding WayNBT: rates for shotlterm borrowi~g arc al av"ilable on the "information A,numbcrQfpe()plej;poke in fa· 4.1 :percent. The city would issoe superhighway",will soon have th"t vor of goingahca~ with .the agree· notes for $430,000 Wilh a t",oaml opportunily as part of a study men! but Coun~i1persi).n Janc a half yC'!r maturity; .. " .couTsejoiillly conceived by the O'Lcary felt .the issue was Council votcd·5·0·lOauthorize· City of Wayne and the Way~e "educabOnalandshould be- le(1.lo ,these. bo.l\d anticipation notes: Public School District. the s.chools,.1.•d<:1O'tlhhikthe. city' However, due 10 a.lack of enough Dr. Dennis Jensen, school s!touldbeinvolve<L" . ~.. ' .' council membcrspresent, they were superin.lendent. said "It looks like , "'ViUis Wiseman, rcpres¢nting not able 10 waive the lh.ree TC'!dings, 'Back to School' days for bOlh .
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