.I 899;,812//9/99 The NE STATE KIsrORICAL SOC 1SOO R Sf LINCOLN Nt 68508 ~'. ·····,;'·:,De~·'~;' -:"'P:~', ~~ ··w···.····" ':': .,\--..•.....•..•.''::". ,,,.....•...........•.•..........•',' ',' .;".'.·o·.··.·.·.·.··_' '," ··y·':"', '-, n'·'. "::",". '" ····8··... ,' - '-'..:.0;,- " ,',';;'.:,:::::"' .' ····.···.r'·····,.:' -.'.··.·····8·' ',,' -. ··"::..1·.······d····." /.. ' ,','. ,', -: ',' '; ':, -', " ".,,", -' ',':'," ~~~~, 2'--.~~~'~~1IIIio;~..-~-.~"_---.:... -~-~'----'---- .. _.~ .... c._~.....~- . '. ., ~........ , MARCH 28, 1996' , WAYNE, NE68787 120T1:fYEAR-.NO. 26 " ',' ,System"is CityCQUllcil· . readyfor okays···\VayNET operation By ClarllOslen L<ibraryamlone all'rovic.lMcc Mec.l­ Qfthe Herald ieal Cenler: By Merlin Wright For the Hef'Jld After. considera;ble discu~~fon, THE COUNCIL. hQarc.l from the Wayne City Council. voted 10 Phil Lorenzen on the financing Wayne area residents anxious to !Ipprov.e the Interloeal agreeol(lill proposal fQr the. Logan. :Slreet "surf the Net", and discover what with.. WaYl)e f;:ommlin)ty Schools widening project Current interest limitless sources of infoanation arc regarding WayNBT: rates for shotlterm borrowi~g arc al av"ilable on the "information A,numbcrQfpe()plej;poke in fa· 4.1 :percent. The city would issoe superhighway",will soon have th"t vor of goingahca~ with .the agree· notes for $430,000 Wilh a t",oaml opportunily as part of a study men! but Coun~i1persi).n Janc a half yC'!r maturity; .. " .couTsejoiillly conceived by the O'Lcary felt .the issue was Council votcd·5·0·lOauthorize· City of Wayne and the Way~e "educabOnalandshould be- le(1.lo ,these. bo.l\d anticipation notes: Public School District. the s.chools,.1.•d<:1O'tlhhikthe. city' However, due 10 a.lack of enough Dr. Dennis Jensen, school s!touldbeinvolve<L" . ~.. ' .' council membcrspresent, they were superin.lendent. said "It looks like , "'ViUis Wiseman, rcpres¢nting not able 10 waive the lh.ree TC'!dings, 'Back to School' days for bOlh . WaY!lell1dllstries said"the system CPlIneil.members Doug Stufl.n and sludents and parents if f"milies wke has been designed, is op.erati()n"I RaIph Barclay were absent ;md "dvantage of what "ppcars to be the and fC1ldy.Thespf!war" is up and . Patty Wei.l.and left..a(ter the first of its kind electronic study running. I believewe'shotiJd get on -WayNET vote; . cc>Urse how -underway." withthings-," . The ~ouncilllpprpvedtl1erequest Using a hom'e computer "nd by the Wll)inc Arc';! Chilmber or modem, resi~ents subscrihing to the DA~REL liF.:II1'~,at"a~hcr Commerce for $5,OOOinprom(). Wayne telephoJ1!O e~change wtll be at Wayne High,s"id 'he[cltthc lionalfunds. The ChamberJias re­ able to eOnwct euch othQ'; or olle of ag,eemC1!lWa& ImpOrtan.i (rom. an. quested these' funds .in the past and millions of.co~LCrs worldwide,. education<l1standp~lll; "Usinglhe' 'the :monl;¥.had bcenb\l.dgeted in ,~a.$ parI of 'if.l!::studYiprpgram, ·Int"rNet ..has giveQ S!pdenls ni'ofc t,hisyear's budget:, . ' .. School personnel will provide th" intCrestindoing.reseateh~ I feel this in-class and on-line instruction, IS awin,win·sitIJ.ationt.·.. , ~9N 'A '5~b~ote thc' council Jensen said. .. .' . Nan,cY l!.rpllejl, Cily treasllrer, voted to al\thorizc soliciting bids on The new no.n-commercial said she was a leSt member on•. the one, or alllhrcc of the Power Plam cl.ectronic classroom wiU let users InterNet commillCC and h(K1 usedii engines. Gene Hansen, ·Superinten· exchange electronic m3il,known 'IS sevcnll ti[lles in the past week for dent of Electri<; Produc\inn, suid "e·m"il" •. with anyone locally or In. research Jorthe city. "ausincsses that boc"use of the long delay in at­ the world having an e·mail address. can't lise the system fur· business, qu1rit:lg the thrce Entcrprisc gcncra· 'Users of the systcm will also be bUlthey epn lise it for reseiu'~h. I tors from. New.York.and Ihe exlra "ble to s(ffi1y inrormatlon slored'on strongly .urge you lq. support thiS cost 0'£ pulling-in. Lhe third genera· innumerable univerSIty, business, -issue:" '~ lor; the council shoutd ,'on,ider ~ ,,"'" JipJ:lf)I;Wl govcrnment cbmput~rs. .,,'., . Thd counCil approved'lhc 'lgrCC­ seeking bids on onc or all thrce or ( " ......" ". <.,-;- "WIriJ.C' testing ~,th.e :>y~lcm' iri '''~'. ·.mCJlIllll a 5-1.;"l;)IC·'I'~th ,€otincil .'lJie'gcnCl1ltbrs:'''''' ',' "." '. ·,e ., ',-' '.:', , _, , ..,' . .,.,.',. ."'. ,., i.'195: thc-WUj'l1C Schoofo.lSu:iCI'S Pe~t>n O'LeafY, voting 'allairlsl'the The: cily, has-- 'il,bid rtdln~hc.·· A;~a ~es;denls diggin~ ,agrecinCiIl. •. '. , "ere /ilusy' oul after .Sunday· nigbl's snoWSlor!l1_ The area're; . on;line database was ,,-((c)sell C~(\rpiller Corporation .Jor t "9 ~eived,fiveinehes of snc\v but hIgh winds cre;;tled d,rifts-. of up to the feel in p,laces.. 11,lJOO l1m~s by comput.;r u""rs m With theag[¢'emcnl, the city other geneflnors. .' . Power outages·aqd closed roa,ls":<tfl:.cOml1Joo.'o.n 'Sunll:JY and Mooda)', , .,~ .' 45coUfllfles. 1 hIS Includes 22 . will lI"ve,"cCess to three of the, .16 . '~Thc Caterpilicr gC:l1cra~l(}rs . :,;"", ~'-. ." _' '". ~,.... ', "; ", _. ' nl,dllary qucflcs. lines. One of t.helincs will be at City Hall, one allhe Wal'n,: Pliblic See 'COUNC,IL, :PlIge 3A '. ig'ding out. of'sp'ring. blizzard ele~t~Z::.:~e,n~;:9~ OI~)prl,~,~tul~'I~;~. D ~... ._ . ,". Wayne Mayo[ Sh.;ryl LlIltlausa"j , \.' ,.' , ' ,~ : - . "Wo want ({) help the .l.:.umr-trunll} .$pnng hus ol1J<':lally arn..-ctl: but . Power W,eot out· Ju~t '!lfi~r II 'pu~('r wa" h~J(k on by' 11 3.0 <.lJTL bc(.;omc aware of the HnpOtlan(c of_ Sunday's \lO.riri IlH..·.. mt, wimer p.lli·. SumnlY u~tcr n ~uh-trl.l.Il~SIllI"'· ~hj'nday. ", .' rhe emerging IllfOrOl\llion !\how~d the •.IJYiJ-11 \'\'''l:''l~'l qUill' rl..:ady SaH} line which feeds. IhL' ~JlJL','" oj SIIOW rrllloval '\\:,'" ..11,,0 ~lOWi.."d Lc·chnology jlld'lc~rn huw It (an tq leavc. w,"yne,.Wakeridti. :md 'U"')lIlld",~ Ix'('a","-' (II Ihe' '~c:Jlhn The snow Ix'ndit their IJ\'s" Al.:corlling·,lQ W:I~IlS VV~;'Hhcr sub-st.Stions W~{lt <.!l)\l"n Ttll"; gut:-.o had Sunday- IIl~hll.'k.clfJC:11 LJI-loau wurked dosdy WIth thl.: Ohscrvcr Pat Gro,~. tllL'- an.:a rl..'- meant. the ~own h~!d PO\Vljf prob I..:rl.'\\'s from Wa)IH..' ClJUllty Puhh\,: 1(X.'u'j l("chnology comnlll{CC whu.:h Thill issue: 2 sections,,is pages - Single CoPY ?5cents ! ceivc.d i!' tinal pI" (IVI..' il,l<,:hl.:."i ,ut Icms unti'! ~lpproxlnW(l'ly X d III f'ol,l,'~r h:Jd lo turn ~H\lUlld and cOllie JOlfted:'in dcvclopmg the ..,luOy Thoughtfor t)te day: \ snow, 'wtm:h briny'" lhL' ~l·~I.sonJI M'ond~lY b.;j(,:k IlItlllo',',I'I, program us un outgro\\lh of J q~e Taxpayers the. casu?lt;es of the War Oil Poverty, lotal l() 20 1Ol:~11.:~ 1'1 I An:a fc-.lliL'nh kl\ l,,' tX:I..'ll dl~gtllg Chambef of C~.)film~ri,..'C In1I.:fl,,'\t In ~ D,U('.l()lh~,J;,.lf~¢Jmou.rlloJ ~nV\\ ll,': power W,IS ;j so oul til 'J out 1m ,nl'r.. d \1;1\ .... ,111\.1 ',\,idl tlil' new l~chnology slrJtl..'!::I('\ lor Ihl: . d It" t "Ii 1 tlu '1 !IulIlhl:rof surwundlllg ar;:;rL l.llll' ... Meetingplanned for 8th gradeparents an H;y c~mi.. I Ion... , \-\' Itl I.ro 'n.:\. both southwesl and .... uulhl..'a"l uJ hcl:[; ot ahov~-trL'C/ln~u..·I1lIx.~r~Hurl''', lOIlHIlUnlty. a~"white·out." (lI\.lny bU~Ul(!S.scS ,.md I thot: "iIlOW t1!'IX'4lf"> to tx' dl';.aPfll·~vl.lg WAYNE - All parent~ ofei,ghth g,rnde middle school students arc in· \lllc('l~'l1 ~i schools in the an.:a Wl,:rc doscd \-Vayne \VefC J"; Viol' I,<'1'0. HUII,- ral)f,II)' .. ,See SYSTEM, 1'3ge .1,\ vited to attend a short meet: .- -, Mond'JY. sm:J1J arC'1 north or R:Jmloll'h.-\1I " - . ing .to discuss the ExpIQr·· , TAl A A ~::....iIli \\ J~..._ ,j',) , (\. '_J r::~r-; a. lLJ' ing Career Puths program. ~:\ Ninth grade class registra­ !\t\~ :'iR-L---'1@\61 / I ::~ 110 'j)'" ~r April has been d,eclared , tion will also be discussed. p\}~ It( Times are M"rch 28 from \ Sexual AvvaTeness month .. ,q 1to 1:45 p_m. at the Mitl· >1-1 B dIe School Library' or \lut.;y ", In COOpcfillion ~~ llh HJ.VL'H support for agr'Klcs suth i.l" Hi.l\,,:n March 29 from 8,15 to 9 bE \Va)'n~ M~IYOf S.h\.'f)'~ 1~HJ pCOVI,LtC s~\ui.ll house, LiIM.. house Which a" ...,;,\ult a.m, at the. Middle School "nd Wayn~ Slal'; C\llk~,' P'rc'",klll Crisis services," Dr. Mas.h ~ald Counseling Center. ~d· t \~iI ,\hr,? I '( I ~ fl Donald Ma.!olh slglIl:d a pn..x:k.llUalHHl Sexual "SS.;.lUIlIS iJ l"rillll' lhi.l( Tu~sday .rc81g.nr/lllg April ~:..; Sl..·.\· feel..; cvcrynn~~. S~HisllcS shuw Ih,lt lzaak Waltons Weather ual Assault r\\\Uh·"II.· .... ,:O :\lomh lor DOC in lhrcc women wJlI l1,,' a... · AsbJ,e, Frevert, 7, Winside the ~lly of Wa~m' sauILcd dutlng thc" lifculllt: :J",llltat WAYNE - The Wayne FORECAST SUMMARY; We're nghl "This IS a StK"(I~1l tLIlH...... of ltll..' one in four gi'r1s ami onl..' In '('\'l,,'rl Izaak Walton League will on edg.e of colder weaLher 10 QUI year in whtlh LO fOClIS L"[torh un beys will bc :t;,allIL~d hv I"t: ",:,' "I meet on Monday, April I rtQnq.
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