RESOURCE CONSENT CRC170019 Pursuant to Section 104 of the Resource Management Act 1991

The Canterbury Regional Council (known as Environment Canterbury)

GRANTS TO: Council

A WATER PERMIT: To take and use groundwater


EXPIRY DATE: 29 Jul 2051

LOCATION: 50 Dromore Station Road, Dromore


1 Water may be taken only from bore L37/1558, 150 millimetres diameter and 102.3 metres deep, at map reference NZTopo50 BY21:07123-44513, as shown on attached plan CRC170019A.

2 Water may be taken from bore L37/1558 at a rate not exceeding 3.8 litres per second, with a volume not exceeding 240 cubic metres per day and 57,000 cubic metres between 1 July and the following 30 June.

3 Water shall only be used for community water supply.

4 Prior to the first exercise of this resource consent, water permits CRC062768 and CRC063822 shall be surrendered.

5 The consent holder shall, before the first exercise of this consent, install an easily accessible straight pipe(s), with no fittings or obstructions that may create turbulent flow conditions, of a length at least 15 times the diameter of the pipe, as part of the pump outlet plumbing or within the mainline distribution system.

6 The consent holder shall before the first exercise of this consent:


i. install a water meter(s) that has an international accreditation or equivalent calibration endorsement, and has pulse output, suitable for use with an electronic recording device, which will measure the rate and the volume of water taken to within an accuracy of plus or minus five percent as part of the pump outlet plumbing, or within the mainline distribution system, at a location(s) that will ensure the total take of water is measured; and

Page 2 CRC170019

ii. install a tamper-proof electronic recording device such as a data logger(s) that shall time stamp a pulse from the flow meter at least once every 60 minutes for all others, and have the capacity to hold at least one season’s data of water taken as specified in clauses (b)(i) and (b)(ii), or which is telemetered, as specified in clause (b)(iii).

b. The recording device(s) shall:

i. be set to wrap the data from the measuring device(s) such that the oldest data will be automatically overwritten by the newest data (i.e. cyclic recording); and

ii. store the entire season’s data in each 12 month period from 1 July to 30 June in the following year, which the consent holder shall then download and store in a commonly used format and provide to the Canterbury Regional Council upon request in a form and to a standard specified in writing by the Canterbury Regional Council; or

iii. shall be connected to a telemetry system which collects and stores all of the data continuously with an independent network provider who will make that data available in a commonly used format at all times to the Canterbury Regional Council and the consent holder. No data in the recording device(s) shall be deliberately changed or deleted.

c. The water meter and recording device(s) shall be accessible to the Canterbury Regional Council at all times for inspection and/or data retrieval.

d. The water meter and recording device(s) shall be installed and maintained throughout the duration of the consent in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

e. All practicable measures shall be taken to ensure that the water meter and recording device(s) are fully functional at all times.

7 Within one month of the installation of the measuring or recording device(s), or any subsequent replacement measuring or recording device(s), and at five-yearly intervals thereafter, and at any time when requested by the Canterbury Regional Council, the consent holder shall provide a certificate to the Canterbury Regional Council, Attention Regional Leader - Monitoring and Compliance, signed by a suitably qualified person certifying, and demonstrating by means of a clear diagram, that:

a. The measuring and recording device(s) has been installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications; and

b. Data from the recording device(s) can be readily accessed and/or retrieved in accordance with clauses (b) and (c) of condition (6).

8 Until 30 June 2021, for the purpose of determining reasonable water use, the consent holder shall:

Page 3 CRC170019

a. Record the daily and seasonal use of water within the reticulated network; and

b. Provide a copy of the records kept in accordance with clause (a) of this condition to the Canterbury Regional Council, Attention: Regional Leader - Monitoring and Compliance upon request.

9 Within five years from the granting of this resource consent, the consent holder shall:

a. Conduct a review of the maximum daily and seasonal volumes, recorded in accordance with condition 8(a) of this consent; and

b. Provide a copy of the review in accordance with clause (a) of this condition to the Canterbury Regional Council, Attention: Regional Leader - Monitoring and Compliance, on or before 31 December 2022; and

c. Amend condition (2) of this consent to reflect the outcomes of the review undertaken in accordance with clause (b) of this condition, taking into account the projected population growth.

10 Water Supply Asset Management Strategy:

a. The consent holder shall manage water demand in accordance with the Water Supply Strategy which forms part of this consent;

b. The Water Supply Strategy shall include measures to manage water demand and conserve water; and

c. The consent holder shall provide a copy of any amendments of their Water Supply Strategy to the Canterbury Regional Council, Attention Regional Leader - Monitoring and Compliance, within seven days of the amendments occurring.

11 The community protection zone established for bore L37/1558 shall not exceed the area shown on attached Plan CRC170019B which forms part of this consent.

12 If the water supply system is used to distribute added contaminants the consent holder shall ensure:

a. An effective backflow prevention device is installed and operated within the pump outlet plumbing or within the mainline to prevent the backflow of contaminants into the water source; and

b. The backflow prevention device is tested at the time of installation and annually thereafter by a suitably qualified or certified person in accordance with Canterbury Regional Council approved test methods for the device used; and

c. The test report is provided to the Canterbury Regional Council Attention Regional Leader - Monitoring and Compliance, within two weeks of each inspection.

13 The Canterbury Regional Council, Attention Regional Leader - Monitoring and Compliance, shall be informed within five days of first exercise of this consent by the consent holder.

Page 4 CRC170019

14 The Canterbury Regional Council may, once per year, on any of the last five working days of May or November, serve notice of its intention to review the conditions of this consent for the purposes of dealing with any adverse effect on the environment which may arise from the exercise of the consent.

15 If this consent is not exercised before 30 September 2019 then it shall lapse in accordance with section 125 of the Resource Management Act.

Issued at Christchurch on 29 July 2016

Canterbury Regional Council

Plan CRC170019 A

Information has been derived from various sources, including Environment Canterbury Regional Council’s databases. Boundary information is derived under licence from LINZ Digital Cadastral Database (Crown Copyright Reserved). 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Environment Canterbury Regional Council does not give and expressly disclaim any warranty as to the accuracy or Kilometres completeness of the information or its fitness for any purpose. Scale: 1:3,500 @A4 Information from this web site may not be used for the purposes of any legal disputes. The user should independently verify the accuracy of any information before taking any action in reliance upon it. ´ Map Created by Environment Canterbury on 20/07/2016 10:42:41 a.m.


Bore L37/1558

Environment Canterbury Land Information New Zealand, LINZ, Environment Plan CRC170019 B

Information has been derived from various sources, including Environment Canterbury Regional Council’s databases. Boundary information is derived under licence from LINZ Digital Cadastral Database (Crown Copyright Reserved). 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Environment Canterbury Regional Council does not give and expressly disclaim any warranty as to the accuracy or Kilometres completeness of the information or its fitness for any purpose. Scale: 1:3,500 @A4 Information from this web site may not be used for the purposes of any legal disputes. The user should independently verify the accuracy of any information before taking any action in reliance upon it. ´ Map Created by Environment Canterbury on 20/07/2016 10:39:19 a.m.


Hatched area indicates protection zone: Circle with 100 metre radius centred on bore L37/1558

Environment Canterbury Land Information New Zealand, LINZ, Environment Dromore Rural Community Water Supply Strategy

Dromore Rural Community Water Supply Strategy ± June 2016

1 Overview

This Water Supply Strategy was prepared to accompany the $VKEXUWRQ 'LVWULFW &RXQFLO¶V $'& application for resource consent to take and use water for a community water supply of the Dromore community. This strategy details the nature and extent of the Dromore community supply scheme and any effects of that activity on the environment.

2 Description of the Dromore Rural Community Supply Scheme

1. Water for the Dromore rural community supply scheme is currently sourced from groundwater bore L37/1558, located at 50 Dromore Station Road, Dromore, at or about map reference NZTopo50 BY21:0712-4451 (NZMS 260 L37:1710-0612).

2. A submersible pump installed in the well delivers water to two ground-based reservoirs located immediately adjacent to the bore. From the reservoirs, an independent pump and pressure cylinder provides water to Dromore via a reticulated pressure system that radiates into three branches.

3. The geographical extent of the Dromore rural community supply scheme is shown in Appendix One of this Water Supply Strategy. Currently the scheme provides 23.1 km of reticulation.

4. The main distribution line includes approximately 4.4 km of 50 mm diameter trunk main, approximately 3.6 km of 40 mm diameter pipe, approximately 6.3 km of 32 mm diameter pipe, approximately 5.8 km of 25 mm diameter pipe and approximately 3.1 km of 19 mm diameter pipe. The main distribution does not include pipework within private properties.

5. The scheme predominately relies on storage and pump/gravity supply with only a handful of connections being on demand supply.

6. Currently there are 38 connections to the scheme. However, Council records indicate that the actual number of dwellings connected to the scheme is 58 due to some of the properties having more than one dwelling on their land. It is also considered that there may be an additional small number of dwellings connected to the rural supply scheme that ADC is not aware of, and ADC is currently in the process of identifying how many dwellings are connected to the scheme in total. The population of Dromore is currently approximately 90 people.

7. The Dromore community supply scheme only authorises domestic drinking water. Water is not used for commercial or industrial use, or for the purpose of supply for medical facilities, marae, schools or other communal sports buildings or facilities (e.g. parks, fields, etc.). Further, there is a permanent hosing ban in place for all customers.


Dromore Rural Community Water Supply Strategy

8. However, it is assumed that some of the properties use water for amenity irrigation (although QRWSHUPLWWHGXQGHU$'&¶V:DWHU5HVWULFWLRQV3ROLF\± refer to Appendix Two) and, to a small degree, for stockwater supply purposes.

9. The average demand for a rural within the scheme dwelling is estimated to be in the order of 3 m3/d. For a minimum of 58 connected dwellings this equates to an average daily demand of at least 175 m 3/d. The peak daily demand in summer 2015/16 was approximately 235 m 3/d.

10. Water use records show that the historical daily peak demand was approximately 285 m 3/d, which is also the current capacity of the water treatment plant. However, this high figure was attributed to a large leak within the public network that was fixed in April 2015.

11. Water treatment is in the form of disinfection using Sodium Hypochlorite (i.e. chlorination).

3 Assessment of Existing and Future Demand

1. The Local Government Act 2002 (LGA), with respect to public water supply, provides for a range of obligations, restrictions and powers, including requiring local authorities to assess their communities' reasonable needs for water. The LGA places an obligation on local authorities to continue to provide water services and to maintain their capacity to provide those services. Given the increased demand within the Dromore rural water supply scheme as a result of an increased number of connections, ADC has a responsibility to provide for this demand.

2. The high existing demand of the Dromore rural supply scheme (up to 235 m 3/d) is likely due to unauthorised overuse of the resource. The overuse may be attributable to a number of causes, including users disregarding the household use and hosing ban restrictions, and to some degree, the leakage in both private and public networks.

3. ADC has completed a number of actions to address leakage and excessive use and will further implement measures to provide for an ongoing reduction in water demand. No staged increase in allocation is sought in the consent application, but rather a consent condition that ensures reasonable use following the implementation of improvements further detailed below.

4. Due to the current uncertainties (i.e. a potential number of additional dwellings that may be connected to the scheme, inappropriate non-domestic water use, and leakage in both public and private networks), ADC is currently working on determining the reasonable demand of the scheme. However, ADC will monitor the water use within the scheme and carry out a review of the daily and seasonal volumes within five years from the granting of the new water permit to reflect reasonable water use.

4 Water Conservation Measures and Network Efficiency

1. ADC is committed to reduce the relatively high water demand within the Dromore rural water supply scheme.

2. ADC will implement the following measures to minimise water loss from the water reticulation network:


Dromore Rural Community Water Supply Strategy

(a) ADC is committed to carry out ongoing repair and maintenance works to ensure an efficient public supply network.

(b) Council will continue to encourage property owners/occupiers to adequately maintain their private networks. ADC appeals to property owners periodically to advise Council of water leaks found within the scheme area on both private and public land.

(c) ADC network maintenance contractor carries out periodical leak detections. The detections may be visual inspections, of the pipe alignments in order to identify leaks, employment of specialist leak detection contractors,

(d) ADC will identify properties that have the potential to be taking larger volumes of water.

3. ADC will implement the above measures through the following means:

(a) Pressure logging equipment has been installed throughout the network to help identify usage patterns and any leakage. Further, a letter will be sent to ratepayers appealing for their assistance to identify leaks and report them to Council.

(b) ADC is currently in the process of reviewing their Water Supply Bylaw, and, if found necessary, additional control may be provided with regards to water restrictions and the management of high usage properties. This review has identified the requirement for a new c ODXVHWREHLQFOXGHGWKDWVWDWHVWKDW³ Where deemed necessary, the Water Supply Authority reserves the right to fit a restrictor for demand management purposes ´.

(c) ADC will take a firmer stance on properties identified to be using higher than average volumes of water. Any properties identified of excessive water consumption will be advised. Depending on the outcome, some properties may be required to convert to restricted supplies. If property owners/occupiers DUH LQ EUHDFK ZLWK $'&¶V Water Restriction Policy (i.e. any non-essential water use or amenity irrigation) infringement fines in accordance with the Ashburton District Council Bylaw may be issued.

(d) If required, ADC will install water metering equipment on properties identified as having the potential to be taking larger volumes of water. If the water meter shows that larger volumes of water are being taken, then that property will be put on restriction.

(e) ADC will continue to inform and educate customers about water conservation measures that help to reduce the overall demand within the Dromore rural supply scheme. As detailed above, ADC will continue to encourage water users to adopt efficient water use products, such as installing water saving fixtures and the use of water conserving appliances.

4. ADC will measure the effectiveness of the methods implemented on an ongoing basis. The effectiveness of the above measures will be measured against reductions of water use in both the overall network and at the property level.

5. ADC will review the implemented methods annually and amend them if required.


Dromore Rural Community Water Supply Strategy

5 Alternative Available Water Sources

1. The installation of private domestic bores on properties currently connected to the Dromore community supply is not considered financially viable, given the depth of the reliable aquifer in this area exceeding 100 m bgl.

2. Connecting Dromore to the existing Ashburton town reticulation scheme is considered impractical due to the distance to Ashburton and the associated construction costs compared to the relatively small scale rural scheme.

3. There are no reliable surface water sources in the area that could practicably be used for a water supply. Further, groundwater is considered a more reliable and secure source for human drinking water, as it provides high quality water with low potential for contamination, less susceptibility to short term water level fluctuations and minimal to no impact on adjacent surface water resources in an already over-allocated catchment.

4. In summary, the continuation of the deep groundwater take from bore L37/1558 in the immediate vicinity of Dromore is considered the most practical and cost effective solution.

6 Drought Management Plan

1. Methods to reduce consumption during water shortage conditions and particularly consumption by non-essential agricultural, residential, industrial or trade processes DUHDGGUHVVHGLQ$'&¶V Water Restriction Policy, included in Appendix Two of this Water Supply Strategy.

2. Property owners/occupiers are notified of restrictions to manage the demand on the various schemes to acceptable levels, which includes a permanent ban of watering lawns and gardens on all connected properties within the scheme.

3. Should the restriction Level 5 be advertised, no non-essential water use is permitted at any time for the duration of the Level 5 restriction being in place. For Dromore, Level 5 restrictions only permit essential domestic use.

4. If required, the supply of the community will be supplemented by water tankers if prolonged restrictions are in place.

5. Property owners/occupiers identified as being in breach of the Water Restriction Policy will be advised of the requirement to comply with the policy. If the breach is considered serious, Property owners/occupiers will be issued with an infringement fine in accordance with the Ashburton District Council Bylaw. Property owners/occupiers identified as repeat offenders of the policy may be issued with an infringement fine or prosecuted in accordance with the Ashburton District Council Bylaw.

6. General water conservation methods, and methods to reduce water use during droughts in SDUWLFXODUDUHSURYLGHGRQ$'&¶VZHEVLWHXQGHU


Appendix One Extent of Dromore Community Water Supply Scheme

Dromore Community Water Supply Scheme

Appendix Two ADC Water Restriction Policy

Water Restrictions Policy

Introduction The water supplies in the Ashburton District have historically come under pressure during the summer months and some schemes were never designed to accommodate watering of lawns and gardens (irrigation). To manage these issues, water (hosing) restrictions in some form or other have been implemented during the summer months or during emergencies to manage the demand on the various schemes to acceptable levels. These restrictions have in the past been implemented in an ad-hoc fashion and have never been formalised in Council policy. This policy sets to address concerns relating to demand management by ensuring that the time periods when watering is permitted (Levels 2 & 3), is moved away from the generally expected peak demand for normal domestic use. It is also intended to give consumers an indication of permissible practices which are allowed during each level of restriction, thereby making compliance and enforcement easier. And finally, it is intended to give a clear definition of how breaches of the restrictions will be dealt with (enforcement).

Policy Statements 1. Hosing is not permitted at any time on the Dromore and Winchmore water supplies and the Methven Springfield & Montalto piped stockwater schemes. 2. On the Ashburton, Methven, , Hakatere, Hinds, 1, Mayfield, Mount Somers, Chertsey and Fairton 2 water supplies, water restrictions may be implemented when environmental, operational and/or emergency conditions require, at the discretion of the Operations Manager. 3. Restrictions shall comprise 5 levels as follows:

Level 1 – Alternate Days Hosing Schemes Restriction Permitted Activities Ashburton • Even numbered properties may hose on • Any activity requiring water Lake Hood even dates from a hose connected to the Methven • Odd numbered properties may hose on scheme supply. Rakaia odd dates • Operation of micro-spray Hakatere irrigation systems. • • Operation of automatic Hinds Properties located on the southeast side of irrigation systems. the SIMT Railway may hose on even dates • Properties located on the northwest side of the SIMT Railway may hose on odd dates . Mayfield • Properties located on the southeast side of Arundel Rakaia Gorge Road may hose on even dates • Properties located on the northwest side of Arundel Rakaia Gorge Road may hose on odd dates

1 Lake Hood – included by Council resolution 17/12/09 2 Fairton – included by Council resolution 15/12/11 ______Ashburton District Council Policy Register 2001

Mount Somers • Properties which have frontage to Pattons Road may hose on even dates • Properties which do not have frontage to Pattons Road may hose on odd dates Chertsey • Properties located on the southeast side of Maldon Street may hose on even dates • Properties located on the northwest side of Maldon Street may hose on odd dates Fairton • Properties which have frontage to Waymouth Street or Deans Street may hose on even dates. • Properties which do not have frontage to Waymouth Street or Deans Street may hose on odd dates.

Level 2 – Time Restricted Alternate Days Hosing Schemes Restriction Permitted Activities Ashburton • Same restrictions as per Level 1, and • All activities requiring water Methven • Hosing is only permitted between the hours from a hose connected to the Rakaia of 6.00pm and midnight. [amended 18/11/04] scheme supply. Hinds • Operation of micro-spray Lake Hood irrigation systems. Hakatere • Operation of automatic Mayfield irrigation systems. Mount Somers Chertsey Fairton

Level 3 – Hand Held Hosing Schemes Restriction Permitted Activities Ashburton • Same restrictions as per Level 2, and • Garden watering from a hose Methven • Hosing may only be carried out by hand connected to the scheme Rakaia supply. Hinds • Washing vehicles and building Lake Hood exteriors using buckets only. Hakatere Note-: The following activities are not Mayfield permitted during Level 3 restrictions. Mount Somers • Irrigation using micro-spray and Chertsey automatic systems. Fairton • Washing vehicles, building exteriors & paved areas using hoses.

Level 4 – Hosing Ban Schemes Restriction Permitted Activities Ashburton • No hosing is permitted at any time during • Watering essential to keep Methven this restriction. plants alive may be applied Rakaia via bucket / watering can. Hinds Lake Hood

______Ashburton District Council Policy Register 2001 Hakatere Mayfield Mount Somers Chertsey Fairton

Level 5 – Water Conservation Notice (Emergency Management) Schemes Restriction Permitted Activities All schemes. • No non-essential water use is permitted at • Essential domestic, any time during this restriction. commercial and industrial use only.

4. When imposed, water restrictions shall apply to all residential, commercial and industrial properties connected to water supplies managed by the Ashburton District Council.

5. The restriction level shall be advertised within the local media (newspapers & radio) and shall be effective from the date of the first advertisement.

7. Property owners/occupiers identified as in breach of this policy will be sent a standard letter advising them of the requirement to comply, or if the breach is considered serious, be issued with an infringement fine in accordance with the Ashburton District Council Bylaw .3

8. Property owners/occupiers identified as repeat offenders of this policy may be issued with an infringement fine or prosecuted in accordance with the Ashburton District Council Bylaw.

9. Authority to prosecute repeat offenders is delegated to the Operations Manager or the Chief Executive Officer.

15 November 2001 (Updated 15/12/11)

3 Application of infringement fines – by Council resolution 17/12/09 ______Ashburton District Council Policy Register 2001

R E S O U R C E C O N S E N T S UPDATED 12 July 2013



If you need help in filling out this form please contact our Customer Services staff on (03) 353-9007 or toll free 0800 EC INFO (0800 324 636).

TO: Environment Canterbury P O Box 345 CHRISTCHURCH 8140

Fax: (03) 365 3194

I/We , Consent holder

Surname: All first names (in full) : Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss Surname: All first names (in full) : Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss Company name: Current postal address: Daytime Telephone number: Fax number: Email:

Wish to surrender all of resource consent number CRC authorising the following activity

because (state why you wish to surrender this consent):

I request that the Council accept surrender of the Resource Consent under Section 138(4) of the Resource Management Act 1991. I understand that the authorised activity must cease with immediate effect (not applicable if activity is now permitted); if I wish to restart this activity I will need to submit a new application (not applicable if activity is now permitted) . I confirm there are no reasons known to me why I am not in a lawful position to surrender this consent. i.e. Liquidation Receivership Property sale If you have sold your property, you may wish to apply for a transfer of consent. CON 540 forms are available from Customer Services or on our website – .

Date: / / Signature/s of all consent holders (note: if a Company with more than 1 Director at least 2 Directors must sign).

Print Name/s


VERSION NOV 2009 FOR OFFICE USE ON LY Flowmeter, Datalogger Installation and Commissioning

TO: Environment Canterbury Ph: 03 353 9007 C/o Water Metering Team Email: [email protected] 200 Tuam Street PO Box 345 Christchurch 8140

Consent Holder: Consent number: CRC Well/SWAP number(s): Installation date:

Flowmeter details: Make: Meter size: (mm diameter) Model: Pulse output: Yes/ No Serial number: Volume per Pulse m³/puls (Start) Meter Reading Volume: m³ (state units if different )

Datalogger details: Installed Yes/ No Make: Model: Serial number: Telemetry installed for compliance: Yes/ No Data hosted by:

Installation details: Pipe internal/external diameter: mm Pipe Wall Thickness mm

Pipe material: Ductile Iron, Mild Steel, PVC, Polyethelene, Aluminium, other : Distance of straight, unobstructed pipe upstream of flowmeter (distance (a) in Figure 1): mm Distance of straight, unobstructed pipe downstream of flowmeter (distance (b) in Figure 1): mm Is there a straight unobstructed accessible pipe in the system of at least 15 diameters length to verify the flow with a clamp-on flow meter? Yes/ No Location in system:

Figure 1: Installation diagram - Please mark any disturbances upstream of the flowmeter e.g. pipe size reduction, gate valves, pipe bends. Refer to Figure 2 for an example of a good installation.


Insertion meters only : Insertion depth: K-factor:

Ultrasonic meters only : Transducer size: Transducer spacing: Transducer mounting: V or Z (Please circle, V = Reflect, Z = Direct)

Accuracy details: Do you have a WET calibration certificate? Yes/ No (If yes, then please submit the certificate .) Has the meter been checked against a portable flowmeter? Yes/ No (If yes please fill in water meter verification form) Certification: I/we certify that the above flowmeter and datalogger have been installed in accordance with Environment Canterbury’s requirements. That a wet calibration certificate from the manufacturer is attached to this form

That a water meter verification form is attached to this form.

That a picture of the installation is attached to this form.

Installed by: Signed: (by installer)

Company: Date:

Figure 2: An example of an Ideal installation of a flowmeter, including obstructions in pipework.


VERSION NOV 2009 FOR OFFICE USE ON LY Flowmeter /Water Measuring Device Verification Form

TO: Environment Canterbury Ph: 03 353 9007 C/o Water Metering Team Email: [email protected] 200 Tuam Street PO Box 345 Christchurch 8140

Well/SWAP number(s): Consent Holder: Verification date:

Flowmeter/Water Measuring Device details: (if not already provided on installation and commissioning form) Make: Meter size: (mm diameter) Model: Pulse output: Yes No Serial number: Volume per Pulse m³/puls Meter Reading Volume: m³ (state units if different )

Insertion meters only : Encountered K-factor in the flow meter : Correct Yes No

Ultrasonic meters only : Transducer size encountered: Transducer spacing: Transducer mounting: V or Z (Please circle, V = Reflect, Z = Direct) Correct Yes No

Verification details: Is a clamp-on water meter used for verification: Yes No (if no describe the method used) e.g. reservoir/time calculation, volumetric etc) Verification flow meter brand and type:

Verification flow meter serial number:

Last calibration date of the flow meter used for verification:

(Calibration certificates needs to be send in (once) after every (yearly) calibration to ECan )

Verification parameters:

Used parameters for verification: Pipe diameter: mm Pipe Wall Thickness mm

Pipe material: Ductile Iron, Mild Steel, PVC, Polyethelene, Aluminium , other :

Location in system where the clamp-on was attached:


Measured flows: Undertake three separate observations and record and average the results in the table below.

Verification flows should be taken at or around the consented flow rate and/or the flow rate the well is usually pumped at.

If flows don’t verify within 5% a second clamp-on location can/should be attempted.

Location 1 Location 1 Location 1 Location 2 Location 2 Location 2 Average Observation Observation Observation Observation Observation Observation 1 2 3 1 2 3 installed meter

flow: L/s verification flow

meter: L/s

% Difference


I/we certify that the above flowmeter/water measuring device has been verified and the measured flow is within 5% of the verification meter.

OR (circle one)

I/we have found that the installed flowmeter/water measuring device deviates more then 5% above/below the verified flow.

Recommend remedial action:


Verified by: Signed: (by verifyer)

Verifiers Certificate No *:

Company: Date:

* Each verifier will be registered by the manufacturer/supplier on having attended a verifier course for their equipment. ECan will keep a list of the approved verifiers and certificate numbers.

Consent No: CRC170019

Exercising of resource consent

It is important that you notify Environment Canterbury when you first start using your consent.

GRANTED TO: Ashburton District Council A WATER PERMIT: To take and use groundwater LOCATION: 50 Dromore Station Road, Dromore

Even if the consent is replacing a previous consent for the same activity, you need to complete and return this page.

Providing this information will:

• Validate your consent through to its expiry date • Minimise compliance monitoring charges • Help provide an accurate picture of the state of the environment.

If consent CRC170019 is not used before 30 Sep 2019 this consent will lapse and no longer be valid.

Declaration :

I have started using this resource consent.

Action taken: (e.g. pasture irrigated, discharge from septic tank/boiler/spray booth etc).


Approximate start date (Note: this may be different to the date the consent was granted) :: ______

Signed: ______Date: ______

Full name of person signing ( please print ): ______

Please return to:

Environmental Protection - Administration Environment Canterbury PO Box 345 Christchurch 8140