Federal Lands and Mosquito Control Entities

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Federal Lands and Mosquito Control Entities Best Management Practices and the Best Available Data for Mosquito Control Presented by the American Mosquito Control Association May 16th, 2019 EPA Office of Pesticide Programs 10 AM – 12 PM Welcome and Introductions AMCA Regions Updated as of April 25th, 2019 Mosquitoes and Mosquito-borne Disease Joseph M Conlon, MSc, MSc (Ed) Technical Advisor, AMCA Mosquitoes of the United States • Known from Cretaceous – 170 Million Years • 185 Species in the United States • Texas – 85 species • West Virginia – 29 species • Human Disease, Zoonoses, Nuisance Reproductive Capabilities 4 Generations at 16 weeks • 25% Mortality- 49,843,353,164 • 50% Mortality- 12,974,633,789 • 75% Mortality- 810,914,612 Flight Ranges 1,000 ft Aedes albopictus 1 mile Culex pipiens 2-5 miles Aedes vexans 5-20 miles Ochlerotatus sollicitans 40-70 miles Ochlerotatus taeniorhynchus 1. California Serogroup Non-Specified 2. Non-LAC Calif Serogroup 3. California Encephalitis (CE) 4. Chikungunya (CHIKV) Arboviruses of Public 5. Colorado Tick Fever (CTF) 6. Cache Valley (CV) 7. Dengue (DEN) 8. Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) Health Importance 9. Flavivirus Non Specified 10. Highlands J (HJ) 11. Heartland (HLV) Tracked Through 12. Jamestown Canyon (JC) 13. Japanese Encephalitis (JE) 14. Keystone (KS) 15. La Crosse (LAC) ArboNet 2016 16. Mayaro (MAY) 17. Murray Valley Encephalitis (MVE) 18. Powassan (POW) 19. Ross River (RR) 20. Snowshoe Hare (SH) 21. St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE) 22. Tick Borne Encephalitis (TBE) 23. Toscana (TOS) 24. Trivittatus (TRI) 25. Venezuela Equine Encephalitis (VEE) 26. Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE) 27. West Nile (WNV) 28. Yellow Fever (YF) 29. Zika (ZIK) Vector-borne Diseases US & Territories 2004–2016 • Dengue • Zika virus • West Nile virus • Malaria • Chikungunya virus • California serogroup • St. Louis encephalitis • EEE • Yellow fever virus 46,692 41,680 31,919 20,167 9,081 1,063 133 106 1 150,842 Total Factors Affecting Mosquito Distribution • Temperature minimums/maximums • Rainfall • Availability of suitable oviposition habitat • Land-use changes Travel & Disease Transmission • >1 Billion Cross Boundaries on Airplanes • Working in Other Countries • 1970 - 84 million, 2.3% of world’s population • 2015 – 244 million, 3.3% of world’s population • 54 million in US • 740 million worldwide internal migration to cities • 65.3 Million Refugees Mosquito Migrants • Aedes aegypti larvae, Aedes albopictus adults in Windsor, Ontario • Aedes albopictus eggs collected in traps in Kent, UK • Aedes aegypti adults trapped in Netherlands • Aedes aegypti larvae in traps in New Zealand • Introduced species – Aedeomyia squamipennis (Gamboa virus) – Culex panocossa (Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis) Some Vector Species In The U.S. • Aedes aegypti, Ae. albopictus, Ae. vexans, Ae. sollicitans, Ae. taeniorhynchus • Culex pipiens, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Cx. tarsalis, Cx. nigripalpus • Anopheles freeborni, An. quadrimaculatus, An. crucians • Psorophora confinnis, Ps. columbiae Enemies At The Gate • Zika • Dengue • Chikungunya • Rift Valley • Mayaro • VEE • Sindbis • Ross River • Murray Valley • Yellow Fever • USUTU • Malaria Animal Health Impacts - Yellow Fever • 2008/9 – 2,500 monkeys • 2017 – 4,575 monkey fatalities in Minas Gerais • 11 of 15 species of monkeys affected are endangered “No country can shield itself from the invasion by a pathogen incubating in an airline passenger or a mosquito hiding in a cargo hold. Infectious diseases are now spreading geographically much faster than at any time in history” Margaret Chan, MD WHO Director-General 2012-2017 New Technology in Mosquito Control Mosquito management professionals have worked with their industry partners through the years to develop innovative technologies to reduce pesticide use by making applications more targeted, efficient, and efficacious. 3 Primary Categories of Industry Innovation • Surveillance & Monitoring – Remote sensing traps deliver real-time surveillance data – Improved diagnostic techniques for rapid viral isolation • Delivery Systems – Speed-adjusted flow control – No spray/exclusion alerts, auto shutoff – GPS tracking and application modeling – Atomization efficiency • Control Methodologies & Formulations – Sterile male release – Biorational larvicide & other improved formulations Commonly Used Larvicides • BACILLUS SPHAERICUS (Bs) • BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS var. ISRAELENSIS (Bti) • METHOPRENE • PETROLEUM DISTILLATES • SPINOSAD Commonly Used Adulticides • BIFENTHRIN • PERMETHRIN • CYPERMETHRIN • PHENOTHRIN • DELTAMETHRIN • PRALLETHRIN • ETOFENPROX • PYRETHRINS • MALATHION • SUMITHRIN • NALED • PIPERONYL BUTOXIDE Mosquito Control Entities and Critical Habitat for T&E Species, th as of April 25 , 2019 Mosquito Control Programs Critical Habitat Data found at : USFWS- https://services.arcgis.com/QVENGdaPbd4LUkLV/ArcGIS/rest/services/USFWS_Critical_Habitat/FeatureServer AMCA- https://amcamapping.maps.arcgis.com/home/index.html Best Management Practices - Nationwide • Based on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices, we call them Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM) – Utilizing every tool in the tool box to reduce the amount of pesticides applied, protect/avoid non-target species, reduce exposure/resistance to mosquitoes • How do we do it? – Surveillance – Control – Education and Outreach – Resistance Management Best Management Practices - Surveillance • Eggs – Oviposition cups • Larvae/Pupae – Dip cups • Adults – Mosquito traps • Different kind for different species • Different placement based on flight range – Landing rates – Resting collection Best Management Practices - Control • Physical -Dumping, dredging, eliminating sources • Biological -Bti, Bs, Spinosads, Gambusia • Chemical -Mineral oils, monomolecular films (not currently available), pyrethroids/pyrethrins, organophosphates Best Management Practices – Education and Outreach • Stakeholders – Centers of Excellence (supported by CDC)/Universities – Local vendors educational trainings – Licensing agencies trainings – Local associations educational trainings – Local government officials by directors • Public – Insect days trainings – Health fairs – Public presentations Best Management Practices – Resistance Management • Product / Chemical class rotation • Trainings and education from CDC (bottle bioassay) • Contractors who are conducting control activities • Contracting with local universities Best Management Practices - Summary • Pest Management Measures are only implemented after relevant surveillance data has been assessed and certain action thresholds are met. • Operators use only the amount of pesticide and frequency of pesticide application necessary to control the target pest, using equipment and application procedures appropriate for this task. • At all times, pesticide application equipment is maintained in proper operating condition to prevent leaks, spills, or other unintended discharges. This includes, at minimum, the annual calibration, routine maintenance, and regular cleaning of all pesticide application equipment. Inspection of application equipment will be conducted at the time of operation and any problems will be promptly reported and repaired. • Prior to the implementation of any Pest Management Measure, Operators will assess the current weather conditions (e.g. temperature, precipitation and wind speed) in the treatment area to ensure the application is consistent with all applicable federal requirements. Short range weather forecasts for the Pest Management Area will also be monitored in order to ensure the efficacy and target specific nature of the chosen Pest Management Measure(s). AMCA - South Atlantic Region (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama) Chris Lesser South Atlantic Region, AMCA General Information • Mosquito control districts – Of the 65 Counties in Florida, 57 have State sanctioned/approved mosquito control districts. Most are County-based although there are some municipality subsets – By law, all Districts practice IPM/BMPs (none simply spray “every Friday night”). Heavy reliance on surveillance, larviciding and source reduction. State-law requires specific surveillance/population thresholds be met/documented prior to spraying – In FL there are 14 current users of malathion with about a dozen indicating they “plan to switch to malathion in the near future (to combat SP resistance). 5 (of 19) Districts in SC are currently using malathion • Length of season? Year round; Wouldn’t live in Florida (or anywhere in the southeast Atlantic) without AC and mosquito control • What method of application for malathion is used? 95% - Truck ULV (up to 0.75 oz/ac; 10-15 microns) and aerial ULV (up to 3.0 oz/ac but most applications are much lower; 30-40 microns) • How often are adult mosquito control products used in any one area? Done for nuisance and disease control; typically no more than 6-8 applications/site/year Florida Adulticiding: By The Numbers 2013-14 Active Ingredient: Aerial Acres Ground Acres Naled 84.9% 5,974,019 0 Malathion 0.4% 27,705 971,912 (5%) Sumithrin 11.2% 785,497 397,622 Permethrin 1.3% 89,644 18,893,485 (92%) Etofenprox 2.2% 153,003 274,850 Total: 100% 7,002,165 Acres 20,537,869 Acres Credit: Estep, A.S. et.al, Quantification of permethrin resistance and kdr alleles in Florida strains of Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse); October 2018 Credit: K. Hopperstad Credit: K. Hopperstad Final Thoughts: • County-based programs are already employing a science-based IPM approach for delivering a Public-Health mosquito control product. • Already spraying 25-40 million

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