Pediatric Forensic Pathology: Limits and Controversies
Pediatric Forensic Pathology: Limits and Controversies Commissioned by The Inquiry into Pediatric Forensic Pathology Ontario, Canada (As amended, 15 February 2008) Authors: Stephen Cordner Jonathon Ehsani Lyndal Bugeja Joseph Ibrahim Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine November 2007 Paediatric Forensic Pathology: Limits and Controversies i Title Page This paper was written by Stephen Cordner (1), Jonathon Ehsani (2), Lyndal Bugeja (3), and Joseph Ibrahim (4) from the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine in Australia for the Inquiry into Pediatric Forensic Pathology in Ontario, Canada. The authors thank Dr Jeffrey Hubbard, Albany, New York for his comments on this paper. Any faults are ours, however. Editorial decisions and the opinions expressed are the responsibility of the first author and do not represent those of the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine or Monash University or of the Inquiry into Pediatric Forensic Pathology or the Commissioner. 1—Stephen Cordner AM MA MB BS BMedSc DipCrim DMJ FRCPA FRCPath Professor of Forensic Medicine, Monash University. Director, Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Australia. 2—Jonathon Ehsani BMedSci, MPH (International), MH.Sci (Public Health) PhD Candidate, Monash University Accident Research Centre, Victoria, Australia. Senior Research Officer, Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Victoria, Australia. 3—Lyndal Bugeja BA (Hons - Criminology) PhD Candidate, Monash University Accident Research Centre, Victoria, Australia. Senior Research Officer, Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Victoria, Australia. 4—Joseph Ibrahim MB BS Grad Cert HE PhD MRACMA FAFPHM FRACP Consultant Physician, Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Victoria, Australia. The authors acknowledge with thanks the assistance of Ms Kerry Johannes, Library Manager at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine.
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