p: (08) 6278 2788 f: (08) 6278 2988 e:
[email protected] mob: 0417 976 009 postal: PO Box 389 GUILDFORD WA 6935 The Piccadilly 700-704 Hay Street Mall, Perth WA 6000. Application for a Special Facility Licence (Reception or Function Centre/ Theatre or Cinema) Section 38 Submissions Public Interest Assessment February 2020 COPYRIGHT © Canford Hospitality Consultants Pty Ltd 2020 Copyright in this document is the property of Canford Hospitality Consultants Pty Ltd. This document may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the specific prior written consent of Canford Hospitality Consultants Pty Ltd. Canford Hospitality Consultants Pty Ltd may seek both injunctive relief restraining the unauthorised use of this document (or any part thereof) and an accounting for profits action against any person or entity who so copies or reproduces this document (or any part thereof) without said prior written consent. The Piccadilly │Public Interest Assessment Contents 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3 2. The Locality ................................................................................................................... 7 3. Demographics of the Locality ...................................................................................... 10 4. Outlet Density Information .......................................................................................... 16 5. History of the site .......................................................................................................