(Mesyuarat dimulakan pada jam 9.19 pagi)

[Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat]



Tuan Speaker: Bismillahirahmanirahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera. Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I have granted leave of absence under Standing Order 81 to Yang Berhormat Tan Sri William Mawan Anak Ikom, Honourable Member for N.47 Pakan, for the whole of this session.



(1) Y.B. Ir Aidel Bin Lariwoo bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri: Apakah usaha Kerajaan untuk memperkasakan produk yang berasaskan bioteknologi di Sarawak?

Menteri Muda Penyelidikan Sains dan Bioteknologi (Y.B. Dr Haji Annuar bin Rapaee): Terima kasih, Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi . Tuan Speaker, the State Government has put in place several initiatives to drive research in various sectors such as agriculture, natural products and crops that will enhance development of biotech based products. Amongst these are:-

(a) The establishment of State research institutions such as Agriculture Research Centre, Sarawak Biodiversity Centre, CRAUN Research and Federal research agency like MARDI.

(b) The incorporation of new growth areas in Corridor of Renewable Energy in particular the Science Park, which will play a very important role in providing the infrastructure to establish biotech related research to develop products from industries such as palm oil, timber based products, sago products, food and non-food processing for the halal market, the health care and herbal natural products.

(c) The establishing of research oriented institutions of higher learning such as UNIMAS in Samarahan, UPM in , UiTM, Curtin and Swinburne universities. I would like to highlight to this august House that the Curtin University is setting up a bio valley park in , developed in partnership with the Ministry of Industrial and Entrepreneurs Development, Trade and Investment, Sarawak. The bio valley costing RM50 million will include infrastructure and facilities to facilitate generation of higher value added products through pilot scale production, products analysis, quality assurance and routine testing among others.

Y.B. Ir Aidel Bin Lariwoo: (Supplementary Question) Thank you, Tuan Speaker, thank you, the Honourable Assistant Minister. I have two supplementary questions:

(a) What are the biotech based research conducted by the research institution in Sarawak?

(b) What is the amount of funding from either Federal and State Governments allocated for research activities in Sarawak under the Eleventh Plan?


Menteri Muda Penyelidikan Sains dan Bioteknologi (Y.B. Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee): Thank you, Ahli Yang Berhormat for Sadong Jaya. Tuan Speaker, there are a number of research institutions in Sarawak that carry out biotech based research. These include the State and Federal research agencies such as universities. I will share first two examples here:

(a) The Agriculture Research Centre Sarawak. Among the biotech based research that are carried out is the development of tissue culture protocols for elite planting materials, the screening for beneficial microbes and biological control agents such actinomycetes and plant disease, bio control fungi, molecular finger printing for paddy and pineapples, molecular and cytological diagnosis for plant diseases.

(b) CRAUN Research which priority project is sago and it carries out research in high quality planting materials via tissue culture, development of new home made sago, milling and refining including developing ways to increase the yield of sago, development and establishment of sago waste treatment, development of products from sago bio mass as composting agent in bio chemical.

Whereas our Biodiversity Centre (SBC) carries out bio prospecting on various biological resources that are found in the State. And MARDI also carries out a few research including inventory indigenous pepper plants, development of products such as ikan lumek, kelulut as well as terung asam and dabai.

And therefore, there are various institutions which carried out researches to enhance the biotech products. Thank you.

Soalan nombor dua, sorry. The question number two, the funding. The State Government has allocated a total of RM44.3 million from the State’s funds for the following research institutions under the Eleventh Malaysia Plan:-

(a) The Tropical Peat Research Institute - about RM5 million

(b) The CRAUN Research – RM11.8 million

(c) The SBC - RM27.5 million

The CRAUN Research has also been allocated RM10 million from the Federal’s fund under the Eleventh Malaysia Plan.

And I would like to inform the august House here as well that the Medical Health and Research Sector, that is the Clinical Research Centre at the Sarawak General Hospital, has secured a Federal funding of RM 50 million for a dedicated clinical research facility and is amongst one of the first in the country to have a clinical research facility. Thank you very much.



(2) Y.B. Encik Jefferson Jamit Anak Unyat bertanya kepada Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan: Apakah status cadangan untuk membina Market/Pasar Hasil Tani di Kapit yang telah terlalu sesak dan tidak mampu menampung bilangan peniaga yang kian bertambah?

Menteri Muda Kerajaan Tempatan (Y.B. Datu Dr Penguang Manggil): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Bukit Goram. For the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for Bukit Goram, the council is exploring the possibility to acquire the land with the vacant building previously occupied by the Agriculture Department at the Kapit New Bazaar for the purpose of constructing a jungle produce market. Apart from this, the proposed development for the Kapit Waterfront Project under the Rancangan Malaysia Ke- 11 will also incorporate trading spaces for hawkers and traders particularly during the weekends. Thank you.

Y.B. Encik Jefferson Jamit Anak Unyat: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Terima kasih Menteri Muda Kerajaan Tempatan. I have two supplementary questions:

(a) What is the approved ceiling for the Kapit Waterfront?

(b) How many trading lots are proposed in the project?

Menteri Muda Kerajaan Tempatan (Y.B. Datu Dr Penguang Manggil): Thank you very much to Ahli Yang Berhormat for Bukit Goram. The approved ceiling under Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 is about RM5 million and in the Waterfront Project; the proposed number of trading lots included in the project is about 100 lots to accommodate the hawkers and traders during the weekend. Thank you.


(3) Y.B. Dato’ Sri Huang Tiong Sii bertanya kepada Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Ekonomi Luar Bandar:

(a) List out the assistance in the form of technical advice, subsidies and schemes toward realizing the Government aspiration to turn as “Fruit Basket of Sarawak”.

(b) Is there any plan to give fund to repair agriculture roads or supplying water and electricity to the farmers in area?

Menteri Muda Ekonomi Luar Bandar (Kawasan Pesisir dan Perikanan) dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi) (Y.B. Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi): Tuan Speaker, for the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for Repok, the State Government through the Department of Agriculture Sarawak is implementing various agro food programs in in order to increase food productions including fruit productions. Among the programs are:

(a) Fruit industry development program;

(b) Agriculture diversification program;

(c) Agro-based industry and home economic program;

(d) Livestock development program;


(e) Eco-culture development program

In regards to your question part B, pertaining to fund for repair of roads or supplying of water and electricity to the farmers in Repok area, the Government process and give due consideration to any request that have been received. As such, I would like to advise the Honourable Member for Repok to submit any outstanding requests to the relevant ministries. Thank you.

Y.B Dato’ Sri Huang Tiong Sii: (Supplementary Question) The first question is, what is the value or assistance a number of farmers getting the assistance? The second question, is there any study done on fruit baskets of Sarawak to date? Thank you.

Menteri Muda Ekonomi Luar Bandar (Kawasan Pesisir) dan Persisiran dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi)(Y.B Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi): Thank you the Honourable Member for Repok. To answer your first question, there are 459 farmers benefitting from the various programmes implemented by the Department of Agriculture with the value close to RM2.5 million. To answer your second supplementary question, I would like to inform that the Government has carried out a study to produce an integrated masterplan for the development of fruit baskets for the Sarikei, Bintangor, Betong regions up to the year of 2030.

Currently, the study is still in the final stage. The masterplan once finalized will serve as a guideline for the development of fruit baskets particularly fruits and vegetables for Sarikei, Bintangor and Betong regions that will bring more benefit to the local communities and the overall the development of the fruits and vegetable industry. Generally, the study assist the market potential fruit crops that can be cultivated in the study areas, identify ways and means in which the supply of fruit baskets can be maximized along the entire supply chain as well as develop the strategies that will help to improve the income of the farmers. Thank you.


(4) Y.B Encik Mohamad Razi Sitam bertanya kepada Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Pengangkutan: Apakah status pelaksanaan projek jalan raya serta pembinaan jambatan konkrit Sungai Sawit dari Kampung. Tanjung Assam ke Kampung Buda? Berapakah kos pembinaannya?

Menteri Muda Pengangkutan Sungai dan Keselamatan (Y.B Encik Liwan Lagang): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Saribas kerja pembinaan jabatan konkrit Sungai Sawit adalah mengikut jadual dengan pencapaian kemajuan fizikal sebanyak 50.2%. Manakala cadagan menaiktaraf jalan bun DID dari Kampung Tanjung Assam ke Kampung Buda akan dikemukakan semula dibawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke-Sebelas (RMK11) Rolling Plan 3.

Y.B Encik Mohamad Razi Sitam: (Soalan tambahan) Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan.

(a) Berapakah kos keseluruhan kontrak pembinaan jambatan RC Sungai Sawit ini?

(b) Bilakah pembinaan jambatan ini dijangka siap sepenuhnya?

Sekian, terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Pengangkutan Sungai dan Keselamatan (Y.B Encik Liwan Lagang): Terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Saribas. Untuk makluman Yang Berhormat bagi kos

4 BELUM DISUNTING 22 NOVEMBER 2016 keseluruhan kontrak pembinaan RC Bridge Sungai Sawit adalah RM9,214,802.60 dan jika kerja-kerja berjalan tanpa gangguan pembinaan jambatan tersebut dijangka siap pada bulan April 2018. Terima kasih.


(5) Y.B. Encik Abdul Yakub Bin Haji Arbi bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri: Adakah Kerajaan mempunyai perancangan untuk menambah bilangan anggota di Balai Polis Balingian dan mewujudkan Pondok Polis di beberapa kawasan dalam DUN Balinigan (seperti di Kampung Kuala Balingian dan Sau/Sesol) bagi mengawal keselamatan berikutan pertambahan pekerja asing di ladang-ladang sawit yang berdekatan?


(44) Y.B. Encik Mohd. Chee Kadir bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri:

(a) Bilakah Kerajaan akan menambah anggota di Balai Polis Kabong?

(b) Bilakah Daerah Kabong akan mempunyai Ketua Polis Daerah sendiri?


(57) Y.B. Encik Mohammad Razi Bin Sitam bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri: Bilakah cadangan membina baru Balai Polis Debak dimulakan dan berapakah kos pembinaan tersebut?

Menteri Muda Solidariti (Y.B. Puan Rosey Binti Haji Yunus): Tuan Speaker, oleh kerana terdapat persamaan dari segi soalan, maka saya akan menjawab bersekali dengan soalan 44 dan 57. 44 dari Yang Berhormat Kabong dan 57 dari Yang Berhormat Saribas. Tuan Speaker, bagi menjawab soalan Yang Berhormat Balingian. Setakat ini PDRM Sarawak belum ada perancangan untuk menambah bilangan anggota di Balai Polis Balingian dan begitu juga belum ada perancangan bagi pengwujudan pondol polis baru dalam kawasan baru DUN Balingian.

Bagi soalan daripada Ahli Yang Berhormat Kabong juga, jawapan yang sama di mana setakat ini belum ada perancangan PDRM untuk menambah keahlian di Balai Polis Kabong dan menjawab soalan kedua bila Daerah Kabong mempunyai Ketua Polis Daerah sendiri? Buat masa sekarang tiada keperluan mendesak untuk Balai Polis Kabong diterajui oleh seroang Ketua Polis Daerah kerana Kabong kerana Kabong adalah dibawah pentadbiran kawalan Ketua Polis Daerah . Dan seterusnya bagi menjawab soalan daripada Ahli Yang Berhormat Saribas. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Saraibas, pembinaan projek Balai Polis Daerah Debak telah bermula pada 10 Oktober 2016 dan projek ini menelan belanja RM16.2 juta. Terima kasih.

Y.B. Encik Abdul Yakub Bin Haji Arbi: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan. Berlakunya kekurangan anggota balai polis manakah boleh membantu andai terdapat keperluan dan soalan tambahan kedua adakah nanti anggota mencukupi untuk membantu? Sekian, terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Solidariti (Y.B. Puan Rosey Binti Haji Yunus): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker dan juga terima kasih, Ahli Yang Berhormat Balingian. Andai berlaku ataupun keperluan tambahan maka ianya bolehlah didatangkan daripada Ibu Pejabat Daerah Mukah yang mempunyai anggota seramai 132 orang dan untuk makluman Ahli Dewan juga jumlah anggota di Balai Polis Balingian adalah seramai 11 orang. Terima kasih.


Y.B. Encik Mohd. Chee Bin Kadir: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan. Soalan pertama, berapakah anggota polis yang berkhidmat di Balai Polis Saratok dan Kabong ketika ini? Soalan kedua, bilakah mungkinnya Kabong mendapat Ketua Polis Daerahnya sendiri? Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Solidariti (Y.B. Puan Rosey Binti Haji Yunus): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker dan terima kasih, Yang Berhormat bagi Kabong. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi kabong anggota bagi Ibu Pejabat Daerah Saratok adalah seramai 122 orang iaitu 13 orang pegawai kanan dan 102 orang pegawai pangkat rendah dan 7 orang kakitangan awam dan bagi Balai Polis Kabong seramai 9 orang anggota terdiri daripada seorang sarjan, seorang korporal dan 7 orang konstabel. Tentang soalan kedua bila mungkin Kabong mempunyai Ketua Polis Daerah Kabong sendiri. Baik, tentang bila mungkin peluang mendapatkan Ketua Polis Daerah Kabong sendiri adalah bergantung kepada keperluan yang mendesak serta juga kepentingan perkhidmatan berdasarkan kes-kes dan sememangnya adalah atas kelulusan nanti daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia. Terima kasih.

Y.B. Encik Mohammad Razi Bin Sitam: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan untuk soalan saya nombor 57. Yang Amat Menteri Muda saya ingin bertanya mengenai pertamanya apakah skop kerja dalam kos Balai Polis baru Debak dijangka siap? Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Solidariti (Y.B. Puan Rosey Binti Haji Yunus): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker dan terima kasih juga, kepada Ahli Yang Berhormat Saribas. Seperti dimaklumkan projek bermula pada 10 Oktober ianya dijangka siap dalam tempoh 2 tahun iaitu 2 Oktober 2018 dan dari segi skop kerja bagi Balai Polis Debak ianya merangkumi projek sebuah bangunan pentadbiran termasuk balai polis sendiri, lokap dan juga cawangan lojistik dan kantin dan kemudian kuarters Kelas E 1 unit, Kelas F 16 unit, sebuah stor barang kes, sebuah pondok pengawal, sebuah garaj kenderaan pasukan, sebuah gelanggan sukan, sebuah rumah sampah, 1 unit pencawang elektrik dan taman permainan kanak-kanak. Terima kasih Tuan Speaker.


(6) Y.B. Dato’ Sebastian Ting Chiew Yew to ask the Minister for Resource Planning and Environment: (a) What urgent policies and action plans are being worked our to prevent the annual haze problems in Miri? (b) What assurance can we give to the people of Miri that the open burning and haze will not recur in Miri?

Menteri Muda Pembangunan Tenaga Kerja dan Latihan dan Menteri Muda Alam Sekitar (Y.B. Datu Haji Len Talif Salleh): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker, terima kasih Yang Berhormat bagi . Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Piasau, masalah jerebu di Sarawak adalah disebabkan oleh jerebu rintas sempadan atau trans boundary haze, pembakaran terbuka punca tempatan (open burning) dan kebakaran tanah gambut. Kerajaan memandang serius masalah jerebu ini dan sehubungan itu agensi-agensi kerajaan yang berkaitan telah melancar pelan tindakan pengurusan sepadu dan penguatkuasaan pembakaran terbuka di Sarawak.

Bagi Bandar Miri masalah jerebu adalah berpunca daripada kebakaran tanah gambut di kawasan Kuala Baram. Pada bulan Februari sehingga Mac 2016 tahun ini kawasan seluas 1888 hektar tanah gambut telah terbakar dan menyebabkan keadaan jerebu di kawasan Miri dengan bacaan indeks pencemaran udara IPU mencecah 321 kualiti udara di tahap bahaya pada Februari 2016. Bagi mengatasi dan mengurangkan masalah jerebu ini beberapa langkah telah dan sedang dilaksanakan ini termasuklah:


(a) Membina menara tinjau (watch tower) untuk memantau kebakaran tanah gambut dan pembakaran haram.

(b) Membina beberapa check bank untuk mengawal paras air dan keep well untuk sumber air bagi operasi pemadaman.

(c) Operasi pemadaman api termasuk water bombing dan cloud seeding.

(d) Memasang lebih banyak papan tanda mengenai bahaya pembakaran di kawasan-kawasan yang sering dilanda kebakaran sebagai langkah pendidikan dan meningkatkan kesedaran awam.

(e) Menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan undang-undang bagi mengenali kes pembakaran haram.

(f) Membeku dan menghentikan sementara permit pembakaran terbuka (open burning permit) pada musim kemarau.

(g) Mendapat kerjasama daripada masyarakat tempatan termasuk JKKK dan pihak kepentingan untuk memantau dan melaporkan pembakaran terbuka secara haram kepada NREB.

(h) Mendapat kerjasama pihak Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) untuk mengadakan rondaan di kawasan yang terdedah kepada risiko kebakaran di Kuala Baram, Miri semasa jerebu.

(i) Mengisytiharkan syarat-syarat mengsyaratkan syarikat-syarikat tanah-tanah berskala besar, land bank yang belum dibangunkan untuk menyediakan Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the prevention in suppuration of peat fire bagi memastikan kebakaran tanah gambut di kawasan masing-masing tidak berulang.

Untuk makluman, satu majlis menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman Pelaksanaan SOP, Pencegahan dan Pemadam Api di antara pihak NREB dan pemilik tanah di Baram seperti NAIM Land Sdn. Bhd, Shin Yang Forestry Sdn. Bhd, Woodman Group of Companies and Pantai Bayu Indah Sdn Bhd telah pun diadakan pada 9 Ogos 2016 di Miri, Sarawak. Sejak usaha ini direalisasikan keadaan jerebu tempatan adalah terkawal dan insiden kebakaran tanah gambut telah berkurangan. Sekian, terima kasih.

Y.B. Dato’ Sebastian Ting Chiew Yew: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih. Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan. Pertama, apakah langkah jangka panjang untuk memastikan masalah jerebu tidak berulang di Sarawak? Kedua, apakah kriteria-kriteria yang terkandung dalam SOP Pencegahan dan Pemadam bersebelahan tanah gambut. Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Pembangunan Tenaga Kerja dan Latihan dan Menteri Muda Alam Sekitar (Y.B. Datuk Haji Len Talif Bin Salleh): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Terima kasih, Yang Berhormat bagi Piasau. Sebagai langkah panjang Kerajaan Negeri telah merangka beberapa strategi yang akan dilaksanakan termasuklah mempraktikkan polisi Zero Open Burning. Kedua, menerima pakai prinsip polluter pay ke atas pembakaran terbuka. Yang ketiga, memindakan semula Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance, 1993 bagi mensyaratkan aktiviti pertanian komersial secara kecilan atau mini estate dalam kawasan tanah adat NCR untuk mendapat permit pembakaran terbuka dari NREB dan keempat mencari kaedah teknikal yang efektif bagi mengurangkan kes kebakaran tanah gambut di kawasan Kuala Baram dan kawasan-kawasan lain di Sarawak.


Bagi menjawab soalan kedua, SOP ini diguna pakai oleh pemilik tanah dalam usaha mencegah dan pemadaman kebakaran tanah gambut. Pemilik tanah perlu mengadakan pemantauan sepanjang masa untuk membuat tindakan yang segera dan sentiasa dalam keadaan siap siaga jikalau tiada hujan selama lima hari berturut-turut. Kedua, bacaan indeks pencemaran udara (IPU) mencecah 50 dan fire weather index (FWI) mencecah 7. Di samping itu, pemilik tanah juga harus menyediakan peralatan pemadaman yang mencukupi dan menubuhkan pasukan pemadaman api yang dilatih oleh Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat. Pemilik tanah perlu berkomunikasi dengan semua agensi yang terlibat termasuk NREB dengan melaporkan segera jika insiden kebakaran berlaku bagi membolehkan usaha memadam dengan segera bagi mencegah merebaknya kebakaran dan mengelak kejadian jerebu.


(7) Y.B. Encik Dennis Ngau bertanya kepada Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Ekonomi Luar Bandar:

(a) Apakah masalah yang dihadapi Kerajaan membangunkan RGC Long Lama?

(b) Bolehkah syarikat swasta dipelawa untuk membantu Kerajaan memajukan komponen RGC seperti kompleks komersial, perumahan dan sebagainya?

(c) Jika dibenarkan, apakah syarat/prosedur yang dikenakan Kerajaan?

Tuan Speaker: Question number 7. Honourable Assistant Ministers, question number 7. Ok, I stand down the question for the time being.


(8) Y.B. Encik Gerald Rentap Jabu bertanya kepada Menteri Kemudahan Awam: Apakah langkah-langkah mencegah kebocoran paip dan menangani masalah Non-Revenue Water?

Menteri Muda Kemudahan Awam (Bekalan Air) (Y.B. Datuk Roland Sagah Wee Inn): Terima kasih ngagai Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Layar. Aku ndak nemu pantun. Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Layar, Kerajaan Negeri sedang dalam proses menangani masalah pembocoran paip dan non-revenue water (NRW). Secara pendekatan holistik, kerja pengurangan NRW difokuskan ke atas perkara-perkara berikut:

(a) pengurusan aset;

(b) pengurusan tekanan air;

(c) mewujudkan District Watering Areas (DMAs);

(d) pengawalan aktif kebocoran dan pembaikan paip dengan cepat dan berkualiti;

(e) penggantian meter air;

(f) latihan untuk kakitangan Jabatan Bekalan Air Luar Bandar ataupun JBAB; dan

(g) penubuhan In-House and Other Build Team

Y.B. Encik Gerald Rentap Jabu: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih, Yang Berhormat Menteri muda. Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan. Yang pertama, memandangkan

8 BELUM DISUNTING 22 NOVEMBER 2016 masalah kebocoran sentiasa berlaku, apakah kadar non-revenue water terkini di Sarawak? Yang kedua, adakah terdapat rancangan untuk menggantikan paip-paip lama bekalan air luar bandar yang sentiasa bocor? Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Kemudahan Awam (Bekalan Air) (Y.B. Datuk Roland Sagah Wee Inn): Terima kasih, Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Layar. Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Layar kadar NRW berbeza antara kawasan-kawasan bandar dan luar bandar. Secara purata kadar NRW tahun 2015 untuk semua pihak air berkuasa Negeri adalah seperti berikut: Jabatan Bekalan Air Luar Bandar (JBAB) - 53%, Lembaga Air (LAK) – 33%, Lembaga Air (LAS) – 32%, Lembaga Air Kawasan Utara (LAKU) di kawasan Bintulu, Miri dan adalah 24%.

Untuk soalan tambahan yang kedua, Kerajaan Negeri melalui Jabatan Bekalan Air Luar Bandar (JBAB) telah memperkenalkan program penghadang paip di bawah Transformasi Luar Bandar untuk mengganti lebih kurang 1,600km saluran paip lama yang merupakan punca utama kepada kebocoran paip dan gangguan bekalan air. Program ini akan dilaksanakan secara berperingkat bergantung kepada peruntukan yang ada. Terima kasih.


(9) Y.B. Encik Paulus Palu Gumbang bertanya kepada Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan: Apakah status terkini cadangan bagi pembinaan Klinik Long Napir?

Menteri Muda Kesihatan Awam (Y.B. Datuk Dr Jerip Anak Susil): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Terima kasih kepada Ahli Yang Berhormat daripada . Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Batu Danau, projek Klinik Kesihatan Long Napir telahpun diluluskan dan sekarang ini adalah penyerahan tapak bagi projek pembinaan klinik kesihatan tersebut jenis 6, bersama dengan kuarters kepada kontraktor dan ianya telah dilaksanakan pada 11hb Oktober tahun ini. Dan sekarang ini adalah pembersihan tapak sedang dilaksanakan.

Y.B. Encik Paulus Palu Gumbang: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Saya ada dua soalan tambahan. Yang pertama ialah berapakah kos keseluruhan projek tersebut? Dan yang kedua ialah apakah perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan yang dapat ataupun boleh didapati setelah selesainya siap klinik tersebut nanti. Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Kesihatan Awam (Y.B. Datuk Dr Jerip Anak Susil): Thank you for member from Batu Danau. Tuan Speaker, once the total cost of the clinic is RM4.5 million and once it is completed, it will provide essential services for health, which includes the outpatient department and that will require to be manned by one medical assistant and together with that will be the Maternity and Child Health Clinic and together with that also will be the small labor room for the alternative birth center. Thank you.


(10) Y.B. Encik Ali Anak Biju bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri: Apakah perancangan masa depan untuk pelan induk Daerah Kecil Nanga Budu?

Menteri Muda Pengangkutan Sungai dan Keselamatan (Y.B. Encik Liwan Lagang): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi , Kerajaan Negeri melalui State Transformation Agenda telah bercadang untuk menjadikan Nanga Budu sebagai salah satu new service centre di kawasan Ulu Krian ataupun Budu dan di antara komponen yang dikenalpasti ialah bangunan Pejabat Daerah kecil baru bersama rumah kediaman kakitangan Kerajaan, maka tanah seluas 50 hektar telah dikenalpasti untuk tujuan

9 BELUM DISUNTING 22 NOVEMBER 2016 tersebut. Selain itu kawasan Ulu Krian/Budu, Ulu Awek juga terangkum di dalam kawasan agropolitan Gunung Sadok di mana setakat ini tanah seluas 349 hektar iaitu sebahagian daripada keluasan keseluruhan 6499 hektar yang dikenalpasti. Di Ulu Awek sudah mula dibangunkan dengan penanaman getah oleh pihak RISDA. Di samping itu, Kerajaan juga akan memperbaiki rangkaian jalanraya sedia ada yang menghubungi Ulu Krian, Ulu Paku, Pakan supaya dapat membantu memacu pertumbuhan sosio ekonomi di kawasan berkenaan.

Y.B. Encik Ali Anak Biju: Tak ada soalan tambahan ... (Ketawa)


(11) Y.B. Dato’ Haji Idris Bin Buang bertanya kepada Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian dan Keusahawanan, Perdagangan dan Pelaburan: Adakah Kerajaan bersedia untuk menggalak dan membantu belia berniaga menggunakan food truck yang moden dan teratur sebagai satu langkah pertama menceburi dunia perniagaan dan adakah Kerajaan bersedia membantu membiayai dari segi suntikan kewangan/dana permulaan dan sebagainya?

Menteri Muda Perancangan Sumber dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Usahawan (Y.B. Datuk Haji Mohd. Naroden Bin Haji Majais): Terima kasih, Yang Berhormat Tuan Speaker dan Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Muara Tuang.

Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi kawasan Muara Tuang, Kerajaan memang bersedia untuk membantu dan menggalakkan golongan belia menceburi diri dalam bidang perniagaan. Ini termasuklah perniagaan dengan menggunakan food truck yang moden.

Di bawah strategi Lautan Biru Kebangsaan (NBOS), Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan Malaysia (KPNKK), telah dipertanggungjawabkan sebagai Kementerian yang merangka strategi bagi menggalakkan konsep perniagaan bergerak ataupun mobile business, termasuk konsep food trucks. KPNKK telah melancarkan program 1 Malaysia Mobile Hawker (1MMH) pada 24 Mac 2016 tadi. Bandar Putra Jaya telah dipilih sebagai pilot project dengan penyertaan 10 peserta.

Di Negeri Sarawak perniagaan food truck adalah tertakluk kepada kelulusan daripada Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) disamping kelulusan lain seperti lesen perniagaan, didaftar di bawah Ordinan Pendaftaran Perniagaan dan lessen-lesen lain yang diperlukan mengikut jenis perniagaan dan perusahaan.

Dari segi bantuan kewangan, Kerajaan melalui beberapa agensi memang ada menyediakan beberapa skim bantuan samada dalam bentuk geran, pinjaman, mahupun dalam bentuk peralatan untuk para perusahaan kecil dan sederhana termasuklah mereka dalam golongan cottage. Terima kasih.

Y. B. Dato’ Haji Idris Bin Buang: (Soalan Tambahan) ... (Inaudible...) dan teratur macam mana yang ada didalam perancangan Kementerian Yang Berhormat. Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Perancangan Sumber dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Usahawan (Y.B. Datuk Haji Mohd. Naroden Bin Haji Majais): Bentuk food trucks ada yang kecil, they can be pushed by hand dan ... (Laughter) ... tapi tidak ada kereta lembu di sini lah ... (Laughter)... They can be pulled by motorcycle but the food trucks that we are talking about is the bigger one where it can cost between RM70 to RM150 thousand, dimana mereka boleh menguruskan perdagangan itu melalui enterprise sahaja. Bagi yang besar, mereka perlu Sdn Bhd, perusahaan mereka memerlukan Sdn Bhd dan apa yang penting disini, ialah

10 BELUM DISUNTING 22 NOVEMBER 2016 mereka mempunyai lessen, mempunyai pengalaman dan mereka layak dengan apa-apa juga bantuan yang diberikan oleh agensi-agensi Kerajaan samada Kerajaan Pusat mahupun Kerajaan Negeri. Tetapi yang pentingnya food truck ini mereka memerlukan kelulusan daripada PBT untuk tapak dan juga JPJ, Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan. Terima kasih.

Y. B. Dato’ Haji Idris Bin Buang: (Soalan Tambahan) Adakah contoh yang terbaik daripada luar negara seperti Singapura, Australia, United Kingdom, Hong Kong dan Japan yang kita tahu ada food truck termoden yang boleh digunapakai disini dan khususnya boleh dikendalikan oleh belia-belia yang baru keluar dari Universiti ataupun kolej, yang tidak bekerja, kalau bolehlah dipertimbangkan. Adakah itu boleh dimasukkan di dalam perancangan Kementerian? Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Perancangan Sumber dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Usahawan (Y.B. Datuk Haji Mohd. Naroden Bin Haji Majais): Boleh, no problem. Jadi, kawasan-kawasan lain saya tidak tahu tapi apa yang saya pernah lihat di Negera Cina, di Jepun, mereka mempunyai food truck ditepian jalan yang strategic dimana mereka boleh menjual aiskrim, burger dan makan-makanan lain, mainly fast-food, fast-food yang tidak perlu bermasak- masakan. Jadi, malah di Sarawak, sudah ada, I mean concept ini bukan konsep baru, bahkan kita sudah ada foodtruck tetapi secara kecil-kecilan di mana mereka, food truck ini ditarik menggunakan motorcycle dan sebagainya. Tetapi yang kita guna, introduced ini sebagai pilot project adalah truck yang besar sederhana, malah untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat dari Muara Tuang dan Dewan Undangan Negeri ini, MARA sedang bekerjasama dengan DBKU untuk melancarkan projek pilot perintisnya untuk Bandar Kuching. Jikalau ada permintaan oleh para belia kita di kawasan-kawasan lain, MARA dan DBKU akan mengembangkan perusahaan ini kepada tempat-tempat yang lain. Terima kasih.


(12) Y.B. Encik Abdullah Bin Haji Saidol bertanya kepada Menteri Muda Pengangkutan Darat dan Udara dan Keselamatan dan Menteri Muda Pelancongan: Berapakah peruntukan setahun yang disediakan oleh Kerajaan di bawah Sistem Maklumat Rekod-Rekod Jalan Raya Malaysia (MARRIS) untuk kerja penyelenggaraan Jalan Ladang Sungai Nai di Pulai Bruit?

Menteri Muda Pengangkutan Darat dan Udara dan Keselamatan dan Menteri Muda Pelancongan (Y.B. Datuk Lee Kim Shim): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi , jalan ladang Sg. Nai sepanjang 11.2 kilometer telah didaftarkan sebagai jalan Sg. Nai, Penyuai di bawah MARRIS iaitu Malaysian Road Record Information System dan bagi tahun 2016 sejumlah 2.2 juta telah diperuntukkan untuk kerja- kerja penyelenggaraan rutin jalan tersebut.

Y.B. Encik Abdullah Bin Haji Saidol: (Soalan Tambahan) Saya ada dua soalan tambahan. Terima kasih, Menteri Muda.

(a) Apakah syarat-syarat untuk jalan itu didaftarkan di bawah MARRIS?

(b) Berapakah pembelanjaan ataupun peruntukkan yang telah dikeluarkan untuk tujuan penyelenggaraan jalan terutama sekali di kawasan saya di bawah MARRIS ini?

Terima kasih.


Menteri Muda Pengangkutan Darat dan Udara dan Keselamatan dan Menteri Muda Pelancongan (Y.B. Datuk Lee Kim Shim): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker dan terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Semop. Untuk menjawab soalan pertama tadi, berhubung dengan syarat-syarat di bawah MARRIS sebenarnya ada tiga syarat.

(a) Pada umumnya mana-mana jalan awam Negeri;

(b) Lebar jalan handaklah tidak kurang daripada 2.44 meter; dan

(c) Pendaftaran dibuat secara online oleh pihak berkuasa jalan.

Dan prosedur permohonan dana projek dibawah MARRIS adalah:-

(a) Mengenal pasti jalan yang didaftar dibawah MARRIS yang di dalam keadaan daif dan memerlukan pembaikan;

(b) Mengenalpasti lokasi dan skop kerja serta anggaran kos; dan

(c) Mengemukakan senarai permohonan kepada Setiausaha Kewangan Negeri untuk kelulusan yakni akan dibuat oleh Jabatan Kerja Raya.

Berhubung dengan soalan tambahan yang kedua, jumlah peruntukkan MARRIS yang telah dikeluarkan untuk penyelenggaraan jalan yang disebutkan oleh Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Semop tadi, saya ada angkanya bagi tahun 2013 sehingga tahun 2016 iaitu:-

Bagi tahun 2013 iaitu bagi routine maintenance iaitu penyelenggaraan jalan ialah RM2.9 juta, tahun 2014, RM1.15 juta, tahun 2015, RM6.9 dan tahun 2016, RM2.2.

Sekian, terima kasih.


(13) Y.B. Encik Fazzruddin Bin Haji Abdul Rahman bertanya kepada Menteri Perumahan dan Urbanisasi: Adakah Kerajaan bercadang untuk menukar polisi berkenaan flat sewa kepada sewa beli agar dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah pemilikan rumah bagi golongan berpendapatan rendah?

Menteri Muda Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Menteri Muda Urbanisasi (Y.B. Datuk Haji Talib Bin Zulpilip): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker, terima kasih Y.B. Ahli Yang Berhormat Tupong. Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Tupong, Perbadan Pembangunan Perumahan (HDC) mempunyai dua skim flat iaitu; untuk disewa dan untuk dijual. Untuk flat sewa setakat ini kerajaan negeri masih mengekalkan status flat sewa yang sedia ada sebagai rumah transit untuk disewa. Ini adalah memandangkan masih terdapat banyak permintaan daripada golongan berpendapatan rendah di mana mereka masih belum mampu untuk membeli rumah dan juga sukar untuk mendapat pinjaman membeli rumah. So its really, we looking at affordability and the people who are renting. Bagaimanapun Perbadanan Pembangunan Perumahan juga mempunyai flat khusus untuk dijual di lokasi seperti berikut:

Taman Sri Makmur, Matang, Batu 6 ada – 5

Taman Sri Harmoni, Matang, Batu 8 – 15

Taman Sri Jaya, Matang, Batu 9 – 9


Taman Malihah 2 – 76

Taman Sri Cahaya – 10

Taman Sri Muhibah, Batu 13 – 1

Jadi memang ada untuk dijual. Pihak HDC telah membuat tawaran untuk membeli unit kepada penyewa tersebut apabila tamat tempoh penyewaan mereka. So, the scheme is already on. Walau bagaimanapun kebanyakan daripada penyewa menolak tawaran tersebut disebabkan sukar untuk mendapat pinjaman dan ada di antara mereka lebih berminat untuk membeli rumah atas tanah daripada rumah flat. Penyewa-penyewa ini juga lebih suka menyewa disebabkan sewa yang rendah iaitu RM150 sebulan dan juga lokasi flat-flat sewa tersebut berdekatan dengan sekolah dan tempat bekerja.

Y.B. Encik Fazzruddin Bin Haji Abdul Rahman: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih, Yang Berhormat terutama Tuan Speaker, terima kasih, Yang Berhormat di atas jawapan. Jadi, boleh kah kita kongsikan bersama stok yang sedia ada bagi flat yang boleh dibeli dan flat yang boleh disewa dan sekali lagi mungkin Kementerian Perumahan boleh menimbangkan lagi sebab mungkin selepas ini saya boleh bincang dengan lebih lanjut dengan Kementerian Perumahan tentang the demand for the flat yang hendak dibeli ini terutama sekali di kawasan saya.

Menteri Muda Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Menteri Muda Urbanisasi (Y.B. Datuk Haji Talib Bin Zulpilip): Terima kasih. Memang elok cadangan itu, soalan tambahan. Dan secara terperinci, yang ada perincian kekosongan (116) dan yang untuk disewa (74), yang terprinci nya RPR Sri Wangi untuk disewa (4), Taman Dahlia (11), (2), Rantau Panjang, RPR Seduan, Sibu (48), Taman Sepakat Jaya (3), RPR (5), ini terprinci. Jadi cadangan tadi untuk membolehkan penyewa membeli adalah cadangan yang baik. Ini akan dipertimbangkan setelah di buat satu kajiian yang terperinci. Terima kasih atas cadangan.

Tuan Speaker: Yang Berhormat. (Interruption) ... No ... he asked two, two questions. He asked two questions. Two. He asked two questions.


(14) Y.B. Encik Martin Ben bertanya kepada Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Ekonomi Luar Bandar: Nyatakan pengeluaran buah tandan segar (BTS) dari tahun ke tahun dalam tempoh 5 tahun bagi kawasan kelapa sawit di Kompleks Kelapa Sawit SALCRA Wilayah Serian?

Menteri Muda Ekonomi Luar Bandar (Kawasan Pedalaman) dan Perladangan (Y.B. Datuk Francis Harden Hollis): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker, terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi . Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Kedup, sejak tahun 1991 hingga kini seluas 12,211 hektar kawasan di Wilayah Serian telah di tanam dengan kelapa sawit yang merangkumi 5 buah estet iaitu Kedup 1, Kedup 2, Mongkos, Taee dan Melikin. Dalam tempoh 5 tahun lepas jumlah pengeluaran buah tandan segar ‘fresh fruit bunch’ dari lading-ladang tersebut adalah seperti berikut:

(a) Tahun 2011, 170,261 metrik tan;

(b) Tahun 2012, 162,263 metrik tan;

(c) Tahun 2013, 150,719 metrik tan;


(d) Tahun 2014, 160,018 metrik tan; dan

(e) Tahun 2015, 170,201 metrik tan.

Y.B. Encik Martin Ben: (Soalan Tambahan) Saya ada dua soalan tambahan. Terima kasih Yang Berhormat Menteri. Memandangkan ada kawasan-kawasan kelapa sawit yang disebutkan akan matang dalam ataupun mungkin sudah matang sekarang di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11. Berapa luaskah kawasan untuk penanaman baharu akan dilaksanakan di komplek kelapa sawit Wilayah Serian?

Kedua, berapa ramaikah peserta yang terlibat? Sekian, terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Ekonomi Luar Bandar (Kawasan Pedalaman) dan Perladangan (Y.B. Datuk Francis Harden Hollis): Terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Kedup. Untuk menjawab soalan tambahan yang pertama, Serian region will start it replanting a program beginning year 2017 with a total area of 770 hectare with oil palm. The total area comprises of 305 hectare in phase 1 of Kedup 1 oil palm estate and 465 hectare in phase 1 and phase 2 of Kedup 2 oil palm estate.

Jadi untuk menjawab persoalan yang kedua, a total of 154 land owners in phase 1 of Kedup 1 of oil palm estate and 147 land owners in phase 2, phase 1 and phase 2 blocks A of Kedup 2 oil palm estate has given the consent to SALCRA to replant the land for the second cycle.

So this involves the land owner from eight (8) kampung namely Kampung Bridan, Kampung Bugguk and Kampung Daing in Kedup 1 oil palm estate and Kampung Mentong, Marau and Kampung Mentong Beriuk Beriawan and Kampung Mentong Mubok and Kampung Mentong Baing and Kampung Paduan Rimu in Kedup 2 of oil palm estate. Terima kasih.

Tuan Speaker: Yang Berhormat Encik Wilson Nyabong Anak Ijang, .


(15) Y.B. Encik Wilson Nyabong Anak Ijang bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri: Apakah langkah yang akan diambil oleh Kerajaan dalam menyusun semula adat masyarakat peribumi yang dianggap tidak relevan ataupun tidak sesuai dengan peredaran masa serta gaya hidup masa kini?

Menteri Muda Undang-undang dan Adat dan Menteri Muda Kesenian dan Kebudayaan (Y.B. Datuk John Sikie Anak Tayai): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker dan Ahli Yang Berhormat Pelangus. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Pelagus, tujuh (7) undang-undang adat atau native customary laws telah pun di codification kan untuk kegunaan di dalam Mahkamah Bumiputera. Majlis Adat Istidat Sarawak melalui bengkel dan seminar yang telah dianjur khas untuk Kaum Ketua-Ketua Masyarakat, Ketua-Ketua Kaum dan Pengamal-Pengamal Adat sedang mengumpul feedback yang berbentuk pandangan dan cadangan daripada tentang dari peserta tentang seksyen-seksyen yang perlu dipinda supaya sesuai dengan cara hidup dan masa kini atau dimansuhkan oleh kerana tidak releven lagi.

Setelah dicompile cadangan berkenaan akan dikemukakan kepada Kerajaan untuk dipinda untuk pindaan. Bagi adat Iban ianya telah dikemukakan kepada Kerajaan di mana sebanyak 26 seksyen dicadangkan untuk dipinda.


Y.B. Encik Wilson Nyabong Anak Ijang: (Soalan tambahan) Terima kasih Yang Berhormat Menteri Muda, saya ada satu soalan tambahan. Bilakah ianya dapat dipinda dan dipertimbangkan?

Menteri Muda Undang-undang dan Adat Bumiputera dan Menteri Muda Kesenian dan Kebudayaan (Y.B. Datuk John Sikie Anak Tayai): Cadangan untuk meminda 26 seksyen dalam Adat Iban 1993 telah dikemukan kepada Kerajaan pada tahun 2014 iaitu dua (2) tahun yang lepas dan belum lagi dipertimbangkan pada masa ini dan masih di kategorikan dalam dokumen rahsia. Terima kasih.

Tuan Speaker: Yang Berhormat Puan Irene Mary Chang Oi Ling, .


(16) Y.B. Puan Irene Mary Chang Oi Ling asked the Minister for Local Government: On littering/illegal dumpings in Sibu, please state:

(a) the measures taken by authorities to alleviate the problem;

(b) funds allocated and expended for implementation for measures in the past three (3) years; and

(c) number of summons issued in the past three (3) years as an enforcement measure.

Menteri Muda Kerajaan Tempatan (Y.B. Datu Dr Penguang Manggil): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker, terima kasih, Ahli Yang Berhormat Bukit Assek. Tuan Speaker, littering and illegal dumping occurs everywhere in Sarawak and Sibu is no exception because of human greed, selfishness as well as human attitude and third world mentality.

For the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat Bukit Assek, SMC has conducted civic education as well as awareness programs regularly as well as meet the people session and clinic campaign involving NGO’s, schools, JKK’s, NRT’s and the communities at large. Apart from this, SMC has also taken the following reactive and preventive measures particularly to tackle illegal dumping such as from clearance of the illegal dumping areas by council level and contractors, construction of metal barricade allocation known to have frequent occurrence of illegal dumping and waiver of dumpsite entrance fees at Jalan Sing Ling to encourage the public to dump their bulky waste particularly construction waste.

Question B, SMC has spent about RM205,000 during the last three (3) years to address illegal dumping or littering. As to your question C, SMC has issued 6,498 compounds during the last three (3) years. Thank you.

Y.B. Puan Irene Mary Chang Oi Ling: (Supplementary Question) Thank you. My first supplementary question is this. Now with all this enforcement measures in place and yet the littering and illegal dumpings including in the drains due persist in Sibu especially in Bukit Assek and this in turn gave rise to many dengue cases of which Bukit Assek seems to have emerged as the winner every year. Now, why has the State Government not consider putting up sign board at strategic places in Sibu to remind the people of anti littering law and its penalty and also sign boards to encourage no littering?

Menteri Muda Kerajaan Tempatan (Y.B. Datu Dr Penguang Manggil): Thank you very much, Yang Berhormat for Bukit Assek. I think we as people’s representative, it is our roles

15 BELUM DISUNTING 22 NOVEMBER 2016 to play and you are at the right place, at the right time and you also take initiative to do the same and inform SMC to do likewise.

Tuan Speaker: Proceed.

Y.B. Puan Irene Mary Chang Oi Ling: Tuan Speaker.

Tuan Speaker: Proceed to your second supplementary. Don’t argue with the Minister. You move to your second supplementary.

Y.B. Puan Irene Mary Chang Oi Ling: But I would like the local ministry at the ministry under your ministry, the authority under your ministry to consider this. We love the people as well, we love the country as well, we love the nation as well and people litter because they do not love the environment. Now we have to encourage the people to love the environment and this is one of the thing which we can do as well...(interruption)

Tuan Speaker: What is your question?

Y.B. Puan Irene Mary Chang Oi Ling: And this is under your ministry.

Tuan Speaker: Yang Berhormat, you state your question.

Y.B. Puan Irene Mary Chang Oi Ling: Alright, thank you, Tuan Speaker.

Tuan Speaker: You state your question.

Y.B. Puan Irene Mary Chang Oi Ling: I have state my question. You mean the first question or second question?

Tuan Speaker: Second question.

Y.B. Puan Irene Mary Chang Oi Ling: Second question, alright. Number second question. Your countless rubbish field alleyways in between the road flesh of Amoy Road, Chengal Road and Kapor Road. This has become the permanent landscape in the vicinity despite so many complaints, now don’t say we do not complaint, we do complaint as elected rep. Why has the local authority not taken any enforcement measures against the irrelevant parties? Why has the local authorities not enforce the law?

Menteri Muda Kerajaan Tempatan (Y.B. Datu Dr Penguang Manggil): Thank you very much. Correction, we have issued 6,498 compounds thus far. Now there is also provision in the law under Section 21, Local Authorities Cleanliness By-Law 1999 that provides council to take the necessary action if need be. But I think we as the government, BN government, we are rakyat oriented and I think we do not choose to take that certain action to bring people to court, even we can do, we can do that if we want to. Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat, now I turn to question number 7. Yang Berhormat Dennis Ngau, .

(7) Y.B. Encik Dennis Ngau bertanya kepada Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Ekonomi Luar Bandar:

(a) Apakah masalah yang dihadapi Kerajaan membangunkan RGC Long Lama?

(b) Bolehkah syarikat swasta dipelawa untuk membantu Kerajaan memajukan komponen RGC seperti kompleks komersial, perumahan dan sebagainya?


(c) Jika dibenarkan, apakah syarat/prosedur yang dikenakan Kerajaan?

Menteri Muda Pertanian (Y.B. Encik Malcom Mussen Anak Lamoh): I would like to apologize for the technical glitch because too many questions on RGC from other Y.B but I am glad to answer it for on behalf of my ministry. For the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for Telang Usan, at this moment the main focus of the government is to generate active economic activities to support comprehensive, inclusive and sustainable development in this RGC areas. It certainly takes a long time and require significant financial resources. The success of this rural growth centre also depend on the response and acceptance of the local communities as well as it socio-economic activities in the region. For Long Lama in particular the main problem is connectivity and accessibility to the area where the cost of building materials and the support service of building business is really problematic. But in due case we look into what we can do about Telang Usan RGC.

On the second part of this question, for the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for Telang Usan, public sector which are well-experienced and competent are encourage to actively be involved in the development of RGC particularly for housing component, large scale farming and commercial centres in compliance with the terms, condition and procurement of the current financial procedures set up by the government. Thank you.

Y.B. Encik Dennis Ngau: (Soalan Tambahan) Thank you, Menteri Muda. My supplementary question related to modernization of agriculture. Known to all, agriculture and agriculture activities are the most important source of living for human being and this is especially true to our rural and very rural community. And I suppose it will continue to remain important in time to come. Therefore, we applaud the smart move and effort of our State government for setting up out posts for agriculture service centre at the upper rivers settlement to cater the needs and provide agriculture assistance to our rural population including one at Long Lama. With the upgrading of Telang Usan into full district and Long Lama become its...(interruption)

Tuan Speaker: What is your question, Yang Berhormat?

Y.B. Encik Dennis Ngau: Ya, there is, ya. In view of this initiative introduce in modernization of introduction under your charge therefore I would like to know if there is any plan to upgrade the office and its function of agriculture department in Long Lama for what is the new service that could be made available? Thank you, Tuan Speaker.

Menteri Muda Pertanian (Y.B. Encik Malcom Mussen Anak Lamoh): Thank you for the statement. Anyway, just to get the preview of what RGC was. The implementation of RGC was initially spearheaded by the Ministry of Rural Development. Formally, the Ministry of Rural Land Development. However, in 2003 it was decided that PELITA would take over overall implementation of all RGC. To date, we have developed around ten (10) RGC in the state and some are still under implementation. To answer his question, at the moment our ministry just took over this implementation of RGC since October 2016 and we are still coming up with a comprehensive plan to develop a specific RGC, based on the potential and the socio economic parameters within the area. A study on rural growth centre and small isolated rural community like in Long Lama is ongoing and it will involve social profile, economic profile, characteristic of the area, critical mass, strategic positioning and the potential economic growth within the area whereby we may look into the possible project of business model that can fit in to encourage the rural community to engage in rural economic activity to improve their income. So, definitely we will look into the need of the people in Long Lama. I believe we can do so in due time. Thank you very much.


Tuan Speaker: Yang Berhormat, you don’t need to crane your neck to look at Telang Usan. I know his better looking than me but you still address the chair. Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, we have a short break. Sitting resume at 11.00am.

(Mesyuarat ditangguhkan pada jam 10.32 pagi)

(Mesyuarat dimulakan pada jam 11.22 pagi)

[Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat]


Tuan Speaker: Sila

Y.B. Encik See Chee How: Thank you, Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker, before the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister made his statement, I have noticed that on the tables of all the Members we don’t have a copy of the statement that is going to be given by the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister. I refer to Standing Order No.11, because Order 11 is silent over there. If I may refer, Tuan Speaker, to Erskine May Parliamentary Practice, on the sound practice of this, at Page 371, Paragraph 2, Line 9. This is what it said about the Ministerial Statement. “the copies of the statement should be made available to Members” and at Line 13 to 16. "Advance copies are often made available to Opposition spokesperson as a matter of courtesy”, footnote 226 and “a statement has been postponed by the Speaker on the grounds that the Opposition had had too little time to study it in advance of its being made” footnote 227.

If we refer to the footnote 227, the Statement was postponed for one a half hour, for the Members to get the copy of the statement. Thank you, Tuan Speaker.

Tuan Speaker: I believe the copies had been distributed. Ahli Ahli Yang Berhormat, I have received a letter dated 21st November 2016, from the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister and Member for Baleh that he would like to make a statement which touches on the Government. In compliance with Standing Order 11(1)(i), he had already submitted his statement to me and I have granted the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister leave under Standing Order 11(1)(i) to be read together with Standing Order 22 to make his statement. It is together with Standing Order 22. I shall call upon the Deputy Chief Minister.

Timbalan Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Pengangkutan (Y.B. Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Jemut Anak Masing): Tuan Speaker, I rise to make a Statement in my capacity as Deputy Chief Minister and Member for N. 64 Baleh. I have submitted this Statement to Datuk Amar’s Speaker in accordance with S.O.22, and leave to make this Statement has been obtained.

Tuan Speaker, Sarawak joined the Federation of Malaysia after the Cobbold Commission reported that a majority of the people would agree for Sarawak to be part of the Federation only if there were safeguards for the special interests of the State. As a result, an Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC) was established, comprising of representatives of the British Government, Malayan Government, and from Sarawak and then North Borneo to make recommendations for the constitutional safeguards necessary to protect the special rights and interests of Sabah and Sarawak. For the record, the Malayan Government representatives in the IGC were led by the then Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein.


The IGC recommended that, before the formation of Malaysia, various safeguards and measures must be in place, to protect the interests of Sarawak and Sabah, including the passing of the Malaysia Act, 1963, amendments to the Federal Constitution and the Immigration Act, 1959 so that these safeguards are firmly entrenched in the Constitution and relevant legislations. The IGC Report formed part of the Malaysia Agreement as an appendix thereto. Article VIII thereof obligated the Government of the Federation and those of Sarawak and Sarawak to take executive, legislative, administrative and other actions to implement the recommendations of the IGC. The Malaysia Agreement itself is in the nature of a Treaty and was ratified by Federal Parliament. There is no provision for its amendment or modification.

Tuan Speaker, over time, the peoples of Sarawak have become very concerned over the erosion of the constitutional safeguards and in some areas, non-compliance with those Constitutional provisions which accord greater executive, legislative and financial autonomy to the State. Legislations by Parliament and policy decisions made and actions were taken were deemed not consistent with the letter and spirit of Malaysia Agreement.

Consequently, about 2 years ago, our Chief Minister and the Prime Minister agreed to commence a process, generally, described as, “Devolution of Powers” so that the constitutional safeguards, autonomy and powers accorded to Sarawak under the Malaysia Agreement and entrenched in the Federal Constitution would be rigorously adhered to. Further, in the spirit in which the Federation was formed as a “partnership” of Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah and Singapore (who had left the Federation), certain powers would be devolved or entrusted to the State to strengthen Government administration, to ensure more efficient management, co-ordination and execution of Federal initiated development projects so as to accelerate the pace of Development in the State, as well as to provide more job opportunities for Sarawakians in Federal departments, agencies or statutory bodies and to lead in these Federal organisations. This process would have to be undertaken in 2 phases.

Tuan Speaker, The first phase has already yielded positive results, including for example:-

(a) recruitment of more locals into Federal departments and schools and to Petronas’ operations in the State;

(b) empowerment of State Legal officers by the Federal Attorney General to prosecute offences against State laws;

(c) undertaking rural development projects like rural electrification, by State agencies like Sarawak Energy Berhad; and

(d) implementation and management of funds allocated by the Federal Government for the Pan Borneo Highway project.

The second phase, which covers issues relating to special grants and other revenues assigned by the Tenth Schedule in the Federal Constitution to the State, oil and gas, legislations, education and training, subsidiary labour legislations to meet the peculiar labour markets and conditions in Sarawak etc., is ongoing and under active deliberation by a Technical Committee chaired by the Federal Attorney-General with representatives from the Sarawak and Sabah Governments amongst its members.

Tuan Speaker, substantial progress has been made in all these areas under deliberation. The tabling of the Distribution of Gas Bill, 2016 in the current sitting of this august House is a clear manifestation of the progress that has been achieved. We should now await the report of this Technical Committee on the priority subjects relating to Financial and Oil and Gas issues.


The Prime Minister has publicly said in Kota Kinabalu on 12th November, 2016 that he is ready to discuss the Malaysia Agreement and any wrong misinterpretation of constitutional provisions. He had said he would not take away the rights of the States of Sabah and Sarawak but would defend these rights. He has also agreed to the Distribution of Gas Bill, 2016 being tabled in this august House. This Bill also is an affirmation of the Chief Minister’s statement made on Malaysia Day this year in Bintulu that “we cannot be satisfied by being just spectators. We want to participate actively and meaningfully in the oil and gas industry in our state.” This new law, when passed, will enable the State Government to regulate the gas distribution industry and network in the State so that more Sarawakians and Sarawak companies can have the opportunities to participate in all segments of the gas distribution business including supply of gas to our industries, hospitals, commercial establishments and households. We are entitled to do so because, as recommended by the IGC, the powers to legislate, and hence, to regulate the distribution of gas in Sarawak, belong to this august House. The Borneo States Legislative Power Order was made by the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong on 4th December, 1963 under Article 95C of the Federal Constitution, has enlarged the legislative authorities of the State to include “Electricity and Distribution of Gas”.

Parliament has acknowledged that it is the State that has the legislative power over supply of gas in Sarawak. In June this year, Parliament, after representation from the State, in amending the Federal Gas Supply Act, 1993 inserted a new provision therein stating that the Act will not be extended to Sarawak without the consent of the Yang Di-Pertua Negeri.

Tuan Speaker, the people of Sarawak has given a clear and strong mandate to the State Government to safeguard our State’s autonomy and the constitutional protection of the State’s special rights and interests. The State Government assures the people that their trust will not be misplaced.

With the Prime Minister’s assurance that his “door” remains open for discussion on our concerns over the “erosion” of our State’s rights due to misinterpretation of the Malaysia Agreement, the State Government will continue to actively and constructively engage with the Federal authorities in this process in order to achieve an outcome which will strengthen national unity through respect and adherence to the fundamental principles upon which this Nation is founded. This is a process which the Chief Minister have already reminded Sarawakians, would be long and tedious. We should be mindful of the saying that “Rome was not built in a day”.

But, I must categorically assure this august House and the people of this State whose support brought us here, that the Government’s commitment to “reclaim” the rights of the State remains firm and resolute. The Government will report back to this august House from time to time of the progress made and to seek Honourable Members’ support in passing or amending legislations that would be needed to implement and advance what has been achieved in discussions with the Federal authorities.

The State Government will do our utmost to satisfy the aspirations of the people that Sarawak shall enjoy the autonomy guaranteed by the Federal Constitution and have its rightful status in the Federation of Malaysia.

Tuan Speaker, on behalf of this august House, may I place on record, our deep appreciation to the Prime Minister for his willingness to discuss issues relating to the Malaysia Agreement and the Federal Constitution with us and for his assurance that he will defend our constitutional rights. It is due to his support and understanding that the current discussions have made good progress.

To achieve the fundamental aims of the Devolution of Powers process, our peoples from all communal and religious background and holding differing beliefs, must remain united.


The process should not be over politicized and extensively canvassed in the media. This is a process that must be conducted constructively, in the spirit of goodwill, with diplomacy and mutual respect between State and Federal representatives and leaders.

I note the public statements from the Honourable Member for Ba’kelalan that the Opposition be included in talks with the Federal Government. The talks or discussions with the Federal authorities are conducted pursuant to a resolution passed unanimously by this august House on a Motion introduced by me on 8 December, 2015. The Honourable Member was present on that day and he supported the Motion to mandate the State Government to carry out the talks with the Federal Government. That Motion did not mandate any person not in the State Government to participate in the deliberations with the Federal Government. He should not, therefore, ask for the Opposition to be included in the talks at this point in time.

Tuan Speaker, finally, several motions on State Autonomy issues, have been submitted by Opposition members of this august House. They raise issues which have already been dealt with comprehensively in my Motion passed unanimously by this august House on 8th December 2015. The State Government has taken the measures mandated by that Motion and talks with the Federal Government are progressing. The State Government in its wisdom has decided after the latest assurance given by the Prime Minister that he would defend State rights and he remains open to continuing discussions therefore, there is no need to introduce another Motion in this august House. Likewise, before completing this ministerial statement, I would strongly advise the Opposition not to proceed with their Motions. Thank you, Tuan Speaker.


Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, this is under Standing Order 22 no debate arises out of the matter. Let me make my ruling.

Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, the statement made by the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister and Member for Baleh under Standing Order 11(1)(i) read together with Standing Order 22 raised and touched on subject-matters and issues that are IN PARI MATERIA with the subject-matters and issues raised, contained in the motions of Honourable Member for Batu Lintang, the motion of Honourable Member for and the motion of Honourable Member for Ba’Kelalan.

The subject-matters and issues are IN PARI MATERIA which in Latin means “In the same matter.” On the same issues, relating to the same matter. The subject-matters and issues are IN PARI MATERIA.

On this ground I shall not proceed with the motion dated 9th November by Honourable Member for Batu Lintang, 1 motion dated 10th November 2016 by Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa and the motion dated 10th November by Honourable Member for Ba’Kelalan.

The subject-matters and issues raised in these motions had been dealt with by the Deputy Chief Minister and Member for Baleh in his statement.

Further the motion dated 8th December 2015 by the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister for Land Development and Member for Baleh as reported in the Hansard dated 8th December 2015 page 16 reads as follows:

WHEREFORE this Dewan mandates the State Government to take all measures and actions under Article VIII of the Malaysia Agreement, with the Federal Government, to ensure the complete implementation of all the recommendations in the IGC Report for the advancement

21 BELUM DISUNTING 22 NOVEMBER 2016 and safeguard of the special interests of the State and the peoples of Sarawak, and in particular and without prejudice to the above, the following steps and measures:

(a) To realign Federal policies on Education, Health and official language so that they are consistent with the constitutional safeguards and the terms of the IGC Report;

(b) A review of the grants and other revenues assigned to the State shall be initiated and the discharge of financial burdens by the Federal Government on subject matters in the Concurrent List and additional sources of revenues be made available to the State Government to carry out its constitutional functions and responsibilities to the people;

(c) Delegation of Federal functions and powers to the State to ensure the efficient and effective monitoring or supervision, and timely implementation, of Federal works and infrastructural projects in the State or projects designed to improve the welfare of the rural communities;

(d) A review of all legislations that affect the State’s rights to its natural resources or the exercise powers and functions in relation thereto, under the Federal Constitution, within its boundaries and upon such review, to amend or repeal such legislation; and

(e) A review of those Federal Government’s decisions or policies which are found to be inconsistent with the aspirations of the people of the State as noted in the Cobbold Commission Report and the IGC Report at the time of the formation of Malaysia.”

This had been mandated by this Dewan, unanimously agreed by all the members to the State Government. This was unanimously approved by the whole august House including Members of the opposition.

With the mandate unanimously given to the State Government without any time frame, the State Government would proceed to negotiate with the BN Government at National level on all matters raised.

The State Government will make “continues effort to pursue” as stated in a motion tabled by Honourable Member for Semop on 6th May 2014 as reported on page 30 of the May 2014 Official Hansard.

The 3 motions shall not proceed. To allow the motions to proceed would contravene Standing Order 22 which does not allow any debate on the matters explained.

Erskine May Parliamentary Practice Twenty-fourth Edition page 370. Minister makes statement in the House on Government policy; stating the advice they have tendered to the Sovereign regarding the retention of office, all those.

Erskine May page 504, statement by a Minister on a matter of national importance may be made by leave of the House without notice. Such comment are commonly synchronised in the two Houses. Erskine May page 376 and 377 the statement is made in the Order indicated before the commencement of public business and they should be no debate or any other comment on it.

Standing Order 22 with the leave of the Speaker and Member may make a personal explanation at the time appointed under Standing Order 11 although there is no such

22 BELUM DISUNTING 22 NOVEMBER 2016 question before the Dewan but no controversial matter maybe brought forward. No maybe debate arising upon that explanation. The terms of the purpose statement shall be submitted in full, at least two hours before the commencement of the sitting to the Speaker when his leave is sought. So, Honourable Members, that is my Ruling.

Y.B. Encik See Chee How: Tuan Speaker, let me just make one point clear ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: Now, I shall proceed ... (Interruption)

Y.B. Encik See Chee How: Tuan Speaker, it’s about ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: Hang on, I shall proceed to the forth motion although the Member is not here touching on the same subject. Let me finish with this first.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, as regards to the issues raised by the Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa in his second motion dated 10th November 2016 on the 450 million standard cubic feet of subsides natural gas, my ruling is as follows :-

The Motion is premised on the fact that the 450 Million standard cubic feet per day of subsidised natural gas supplied is subsidized. To ascertain the veracity of this statement, reference would have to be made to the Agreement between the State Government and Petronas signed on 4th April 2016 as stated by the Minister for Public Utilities when tabling the Distribution of Gas Bill, 2016.

The Agreement has a strict confidential clause prohibiting disclosure to the public unless with consent of both Parties.

This has been decided by the Federal Court in the case Malaysian Trade Union Congress & Ors v. Menteri Tenaga, Air dan Komunikasi & Anor [2014] 2 CLJ 525.

There is no evidence given to show that Petronas being the other Party has consented to the disclosure of information of whether the price of natural gas was subsidized as alleged in the motion.

The motion seeks to make available subsidized LPG which means seeking a grant or charge out of public revenue. There is no proof that the Minister of Finance has signified in writing his consent for the motion to precede. Accordingly the motion for the above reason ought to be rejected on the ground of non-compliance with SO.23(5).

Further this violates Standing Order 20(2)(f) which reads;

“every question shall not seek information about any matter which is of its nature secret, or which cannot be disclosed by reasons of the provisions of the Official Secret Act.”

Yesterday, that in, 21st November 2016 the august House passed and approved the Distribution of Gas Bill 2016.

The question that this House came to a conclusion includes, inter alia,

(1) a principal Agreement between the State and Petronas for the supply of 450 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) of natural gas for the power and non-power sectors in the State;


(2) a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to conduct a joint study for the Sarawak Petrochemical Master Plan; and

(3) a new 20-year Gas Sales Agreement (GSA) between Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) and Petronas for the supply of 100 mmscfd of natural gas for the proposed new Kidurong Combined Cycle Power Plant.

To allow a motion to debate on this same-subject matter which passed and approved by this august House yesterday tantamounts to re-opening and rescinding the bill passed and violates Standing Order 32(3) which reads:-

“It shall be out of order to attempt to reconsider any specific question upon which the Dewan has come to a conclusion during the current session except upon a substantive motion for rescission.”

Further the Minister’s statement made by Honourable Member for Baleh under Standing Order 11(1)(i) and Standing Order 22 directly touch on the same subject matter and therefore are IN PARI MATERIA. To allow a debate would therefore, transgress Standing Order 22. Motion is therefore, dismissed.

Y.B. Encik See Chee How: Tuan Speaker, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I want to touch on the ruling just now that was made. I am not raising the debate, I know that its part of the Standing Order 22 and the Parliamentary practice those pages that were refers to by Tuan Speaker, there’s one page that was miss out. That’s page 371. If I may refer to page 371, paragraph 3, line 1 to 3 which states on the question of the statement by the Minister. It says that the debate on the statement is strictly speaking irregular; but question arising from the statement are normally raised and replied given by the Minister; and I referred to the footnote 230 ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member, we are just not talking about statement made by the Minister, also Standing Order 22 ... (Interruption)

Y.B. Encik See Chee How: That’s correct ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: No debate is allowed ... (Interruption)

Y.B. Encik See Chee How: Ya, it defers ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: No comments can be made ... (Interruption)

Y.B. Encik See Chee How: Erskine May refer to book ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: So you are making comments ... (Interruption)

Y.B. Encik See Chee How: I'm not making comment, Im talking about ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: So what are you talking? ... (Interruption)

Y.B. Encik See Chee How: I am talking about ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: What are you talking? ... (Interruption)

Y.B. Encik See Chee How: I am talking about the availability... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: What are you talking? ... (Interruption)


Y.B. Encik See Chee How: Availability to raise question with regards to the statement that was made by the Minister ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: You have to read Standing Order 22 ... (Interruption)

Y.B. Encik See Chee How: Yes, yes ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: It's read together ... (Interruption)

Y.B. Encik See Chee How: Its read together ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: So, I proceed to the next one, sorry.

Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, I had received a motion dated 8th November 2016 from the Honourable Member for . I shall now call upon the Honourable Member for Pujut to read out his motion.

Y.B. Dr Ting Tiong Choon: Thank you, Tuan Speaker. My motion is a Private Member’s motion.

Tuan Speaker: You read your motion.


Y.B. Dr Ting Tiong Choon: WHEREAS Section 25(3) of the Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996 provides;

“the minute of all proceedings of the local authority shall be kept at the office of the local authority and shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of the Minister or the Permanent Secretary or any Councillor or rate-payer of the local authority area and of any officer of the Government, any of whom may at all reasonable times make a copy of any part thereof without fee:

Provided that the minutes of proceedings of any committee shall not be open to Inspection by a rate-payer unless the Minister otherwise directs.”

AND WHEREAS in the reply letter from City Secretary of Miri City Council to Member for Pujut dated 7th October 2016, a request to obtain copies of the minutes of Council’s proceedings was refused without providing any reason;

AND WHEREAS it is pertinent that local councils shall practice high level of transparency in its proceedings and decision making process to ensure highest level of integrity and clean governance;

IN ORDER to show that the Sarawak Government is genuinely concerned with clean governances and high level of integrity and trustworthy to the people,


Local councils do provide all minutes of proceedings to rate-payer of the local authority area and that the Minister concerned shall not unreasonably direct otherwise unless such proceedings related to national security issues.”

Thank you.


Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, this is my ruling.

Section 25(3) of the Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996 reads as follows:

“The minutes of all proceedings of the local authority shall be kept at the office of the local authority and shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of the Minister or the Permanent Secretary or any Councillor or rate payer of the local authority area and of any officer of the Government, any of whom may at all reasonable times make a copy of any part thereof without fee.”

Now to this section, there is a proviso to Section 25(3). The proviso reads as follows:

“Provided that the minutes of the proceedings of any committee shall not be open to any inspection by a rate payer unless the Minister otherwise directs.”

The minutes of the proceedings of Local Authorities must be emphatically distinguished from the minutes of the proceedings of the Committee. The minutes of the proceedings of the Committee is not open for inspection by the rate payers unless the Minister otherwise directs.

Under Section 2 of the Local Authorities Ordinance, “Minister” is defined as “the Minister in the State Government charged with the responsibility for Local Government”.

Under Section 21(6) of the Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996 reads as follows:

“All meetings of the local authorities shall be open to the public and to representatives of the press unless the local authority by resolution at its meetings otherwise decides:

Provided that the subsection shall not apply to any committee of the local authority unless such committee by resolution otherwise decides.”

The motion the Honourable Member for Pujut had not obtained any direction or consent from the Minister concerned to satisfy the proviso expressly stated under Section 25(3). Hence, the council refused the application.

Motion is dismissed.

Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I had received a motion under Standing Order 23 from the Honorable Member for dated 3rd November 2016. I shall now call upon the Honourable Member for Pelawan to read his motion.


Y.B. Encik David Wong Kee Woan: Thank you Tuan Speaker.

WHEREAS there is a serious lack of connectivity between the major cities and townships in Sarawak,

AND WHEREAS connectivity promotes social interaction and economic developments,

AND WHEREAS Sarawak is far behind our West Malaysia counterparts in terms of developments and connectivity,


AND WHEREAS the rail project has been proposed in 2008 and 2000 but still no signs of development by the government until present,

AND WHEREAS the federal government recently signed an agreement with China to build and finance a 620 kilometre East Cost Rail Link,

AND WHEREAS the Honourable Chief Minister has repeatedly said “whatever West Malaysia have, we want to have.”


The State Government of Sarawak to demand from the Federal Government for the funding to start the Sarawak Railway Line connecting the major cities and towns in Sarawak immediately.”

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, Communications and Transport including Road, Bridges and Railway are in the Federal List under the 9th Schedule of the Federal Constitution (Article 74, 77), List I, 10. The State Government on its part had undertaken a study on Railway Development linking Industrial Park, north of Bintulu linking Mukah and Tanjung Manis. The study was completed in 2011.

The strategy is to link the growth modes in the SCORE zone to trigger economic growth with spill over effects throughout the State. The State Government has given the highest priority to link the major towns of Sarawak by road thereby embarking on the Pan Borneo Highway which include a colossal sum RM16.4 billion. This is federally fended. To compel and impel the State Government to demand another astronomical costs for railway network would require the State Government’s and the State Minister of Finance’s consent and sanction. This has not been obtained.

Under Standing Order 23(5) which reads:-

“A motion which, directly or indirectly, involves any such grant, charge, expenditure, release, remission or compensation as is mentioned in paragraph (4)(a) to (d) shall be treated as seeking grant, charge, expenditure, release, remission or compensation, unless the said Minister signifies in writing that it does not go beyond what is incidental only and not of a substantial nature having regard to the purpose of the motion.”

Motion is dismissed.

Y.B. Encik Wong King Wei: Tuan Speaker, I am not touching on the substance of your judgement Tuan Speaker.

Tuan Speaker: Sorry sorry.

Y.B. Encik Wong King Wei: But yes I am not touching on the substance of the judgement but the mode that, whether this to be approved or not to be approved should be undergoing this, the debate of the Dewan. So the motion should be allowed. Let the Members of this House to be debated and then we make a resolution. It is not the correct way for Tuan Speaker straight away to shut up the motion with all the reasoning.

Tuan Speaker: Much as I would like to have it debated any motion that transgresses the Standing Orders, I have to point out and the Standing Orders applies.


Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I had received a motion under Standing Order 23 from the Honourable Member for Bukit Assek dated 9th November 2016. I shall now call upon the Honourable Member for Bukit Assek to read the first motion that is about the speech of the Deputy of Prime Minister.


Y.B. Puan Irene Mary Chang Oi Ling: Thank you, Tuan Speaker.


(a) On 1st November 2016 in the ministerial reply in the Parliament, the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister who is also the Home Minister, informed the Dewan Rakyat that the Home Minister had issued the order to limit the operating hours of Lanang police station in Sibu to no later than 8 pm.

(b) The Honourable Deputy Prime Minister also said the instructions were issued as a precautionary measure following constantthreats received by the police personnel and it was to prevent terrorist attack, including from the Islamic State group.

(c) The ministerial reply shows the police personnel in the State is not equipped to defend themselves from threats, including terrorist attacks and is therefore certainly not in the position to defend the people when our security is threatened.

(d) The ministerial reply further indicates the presence of threats in the nature of terrorist attacks in Sibu.

(e) Following the ministerial reply in Parliament, the State government owes the people an update on the state of security in Sarawak, especially in Sibu, in order that fear and insecurity would not settle into their lives.


"That the State government demands the Federal Government to give an update on the state of security in Sarawak and to ensure and assure the people of Sarawak, that at the very least, all police stations in the State should be operating round the clock and that the police personnel should be well-trained and well equipped to provide the necessary security to the people of Sarawak at all times.”

Thank you Tuan Speaker.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, The Parliamentary Reply by the Rt. Honourable Deputy Prince Minister in the National Parliament House was not made on 1st November 2016. It was recorded in the Hansard dated 2nd November 2016.

This motion is misconceived.

What the Right Honourable Deputy Prime Minister said is this:

“Saya ingin menyebutkan bahawa di dalam balai-balai polis berkenaan, berek- berek berkenaan ada stock penyimpanan senjata. Jika kita buka, maka kita amat khuatir sebab terdapat dua peristiwa yang berlaku di mana pengganas ini telah mencuri senjata sebagaimana kita ingat peristiwa di Jenalik, Perak dan di Lahad Datu, Semporna yang ketika itu adalah antara kawasan yang juga terancam di Kampung Simunul di Semporna.


Rakan saya ini sama-sama dengan saya dan Menteri Dalam Negeri ketika itu komited untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini.

Itu sebabnya ada rasional kenapa apa yang disebutkan oleh Yang Berhormat Lanang itu diatasi dan jangan ada prasangka terhadap apa yang kita lakukan.

Saya ingin menyebutkan juga balai Sibu yang disentuh oleh Yang Berhormat Lanang.

Kita harap beberapa tindakan untuk pelantikan perjawatan dapat kita lakukan kerana setiap tahun untuk makluman Dewan yang mulia ini terdapat kira-kira antara 3,000 pegawai hingga 5,000 pegawai dan anggota polis yang tamat perkhidmatannya bersara. Penggantian mestilah dilakukan.

Oleh sebab itu latihan-latihan dilakukan bukan hanya di pusat-pusat latihan polis (PULAPOL) di beberapa tempat tetapi dengan kerjasama di bawah National Blue Ocean Strategy, dengan izin kita adakan kerjasama dengan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia di PULADA umpamanya, latihan bersama yang kita lakukan.

Dalam hal ini kita meneruskan tugas untuk melakukan penggantian kepada perjawatan ini pada setiap tahun.”

The reply to the matter raised by the Member for Parliament for Lanang is self- explanatory. This matter on Security is a Federal matter contained in the Federal List, under 9th Schedule (Article 74,77) 3(a):-

“3. Internal security, including – (a) Police, criminal investigation; registration of criminals; public order;

As the reply by the Right Honourable Deputy Prime Minister was made in National Parliament House in response to the question raised by the Member of Parliament for Lanang with regard to the Police Station in Lanang it is appropriate and more pertinent for the Member of Parliament to follow up and asked for further clarification than having it raised in this august House. The Honourable Member for Bukit Assek should advise her colleague the Member for Lanang Parliament and bring it up in Parliament. Motion is dismissed.

The last motion. Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I had received a motion under Standing Order 23 from the Honourable Member of Bukit Assek dated 9th November 2016. I shall call upon the Hon. Member of Bukit Assek to read the motion.


Y.B. Puan Irene Mary Chang Oi Ling: Thank you Tuan Speaker.


(a) All elected representatives are charged with the moral responsibility to meet the constituency needs of the electorate and to improve their standard of living in their constituencies.

(b) Given so, elected representatives from the opposition also get their fair share of requests for necessary small works of the capital nature/local infrastructure projects but without available funding from the Government. These small


works are relevant to the constituents and affect their daily lives in terms of safety and comfort.

(c) To increase efficiency of all elected representatives by allowing them to response directly to concrete demands from their constituencies, and also in line with the concept of democracy, the State Government should recognise and respect the wishes of the people that each elected representatives, be it from the Government of Opposition to be clothed with the authority to allocate funds up to a certain limit, for the implementation of such small works of the capital nature/local infrastructure projects in their respective constituency as in accordance to their constituency needs.

(d) The elected representatives of a particular constituency, whether government or opposition, been on the ground to receive requests and complaints from his/her electorate, should therefore know his/her area better than the next person and should logically, be the best person to decide on the choice of which local infrastructure should be delivered in his/her constituency.


In the interest of ensuring that all constituencies are accorded a fair and equal opportunity to benefit from local infrastructure projects and to ensure faster delivery of such and to enable the participation of the electorate, through their elected representatives, in the choice of which local infrastructure should be delivered, an annual allocation of funds to be made to all elected representatives with authority to implement such small works of the capital nature/local infrastructure projects as in accordance to his/her constituency needs”.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat. This motion ought to be rejected on the ground that it is out of Order as it infringes Standing Order 23(4)(a), which reads:-

“A motion –

(a) seeking a grant, charge or expenditure of public money; or shall not be proceeded with, unless the recommendation of the Government thereto is signified in writing by the Minister charged with the responsibility for finance”

That has not been done. This motion does not comply to Standing Order 23 (5) as this motion relates to directly or indirectly to seeking a grant and shall be treated as seeking grant unless the Minister in charge of Finance signify in writing that it does not go beyond what is incidental only and not of a substantive nature. Having regard to the purpose of the Motion which in this case has not been obtained. This Motion cannot proceed because it is too lengthy from the word. Whereas on words, this Motion contained 320 words. Well in excess of the 250 word limit allowed. This has been the ruling in this House and also Erskine May 24th edition page 390 where only 250 words are allowed. Since this Motion exceeds the 250 limit and by its Standing Order 23 (4) (a) and Standing Order 23 (5) this Motion is therefore dismissed.

Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, sitting is adjourned and we shall resume sitting at 9.00 am tomorrow.

(Mesyuarat ditangguhkan pada jam 12:16 tengahari)