BEFORE THE CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME COMMISSION A Petition to List All Populations of the Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog (Rana muscosa and Rana sierrae) as Endangered under the California Endangered Species Act Photo © Todd Vogel CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY, PETITIONER January 25, 2010 Petition to California Fish & Game Commission to List the Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog as Endangered Center for Biological Diversity January 25, 2010 Notice of Petition For action pursuant to Section 670.1, Title 14, California Code of Regulations (CCR) and Sections 2072 and 2073 of the Fish and Game Code relating to listing and delisting endangered and threatened species of plants and animals. I. SPECIES BEING PETITIONED: Common Name: mountain yellow-legged frog (southern mountain yellow-legged frog and Sierra Nevada mountain yellow-legged frog) Scientific Name: Rana muscosa and Rana sierrae II. RECOMMENDED ACTION: List as Endangered The Center for Biological Diversity submits this petition to list all populations of the mountain yellow-legged frog in California the as endangered throughout their range in California, under the California Endangered Species Act (California Fish and Game Code §§ 2050 et seq., “CESA”). This petition demonstrates that the both the southern mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) and the Sierra Nevada mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana sierrae) clearly warrant listing under CESA based on the factors specified in the statute. III. AUTHOR OF PETITION: Name: Lisa Belenky, Senior Attorney, Center For Biological Diversity (with the assistance of Ellen Howard, B.A. EPO Biology, University of Colorado) Address: 351 California Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94104 Phone: 415-436-9682 x 307 Fax: 415-436-9683 Email:
[email protected] I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all statements made in this petition are true and complete.