Archaeological Investigations Project 2003 Post-Determination & Non-Planning Related Projects South East BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Aylebury Vale 3/763 (E.11.M019) SP 73732250 MK18 3LA CLAYDON ROAD, HOGSHAW Watching Brief and Salvage Recording: Claydon Road, Hogshaw, Buckinghamshire Fell, D Milton Keynes : Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd., 2003, 39pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd A number of archaeological remains were observed, notably a group of medieval buildings adjacent to Claydon Road, which may have been buildings associated with the Knights Hospitallers were also observed in the northern part of the site. A number of finds, including an assemblage of medieval pottery were also recorded. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM 3/764 (E.11.Q003) SP 79303080 MK17 0PE 25 WOOD END, LITTLE HORWOOD Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief at Stables, 25 Wood End, Little Horwood, Buckinghamshire Lisboa, IMilton Keynes : Archaeologica, 2003, 27pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeologica A watching brief identified four ditches and two pits of unknown date. Roman pottery was present with roof and floor tiles which could have suggested the location of a Roman building in the vicinity of the site. A flint knife, dating to the Neolithic/Early Bronze Age, was also present on the site. [AIP] SMR primary record number:BC20675, CAS Archaeological periods represented: PR, RO, UD 3/765 (E.11.M017) SP 79303070 MK17 0PE 3 WOOD END, LITTLE HORWOOD Watching Brief: 3 Wood End, Little Horwood, Buckinghamshire Hunn, J Milton Keynes : Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd., 2003, 18pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd The site had been truncated in the past and the ground partly filled in with modern building rubble.
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