of the Associated Press The AaorbM Frees I* nelnlnlr refilled to the m tor republication of all new difpttrtiw credited to It ar not otkmrin credited la litis paper and alia the local arws published hereia. All rights of pnbilcatloa af aprclal dispatches hereta are alsa reserred.

> No. 709. No. 27,214. WASHINGTON, D. C., SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 27, 1918* FIVE CENTa BRITISH,FRENCHAND YANKEES lU FAREDUE, STILL RAIN BLOWS ON FOE, SCORING FURTHER PROGRESS Abdication of Kaiser Openly increase More Than Enough HtKb ARt (jLUKIUUS Discussed by People as to Meet New Expenses, -DEEDS OF YANKEES FallofLe French Way to Peace. Utilities Board Holds. IN PRESENT BATTLE QuesnoyNear; By the Associated Press. Shake on Serre THINK DEMOCRATIC MOVE I INTERLINE TRANSFERS WITH THE AMERICAN Enemy ARMY NORTHWEST OF VER¬ MAY SATISFY PRESIDENT TO BE DECIDED LATER DUN. October 2tt..Since the Americani* began the present Drive. battle they have inflicted more by Sharp Plea of Granted in Ad¬ than 70.U00 casualties on the Anxiety Over Solvency of Empire Companies enemy, treed forty villages and Acnte.Prussian House Votes vance of Valuation of Trac¬ 4S7 square kilometers of French territory and have captured Bills. tion the ITALIAN ARMIES GAINING ;Electoral Properties. 20,000 prisoners, besides German wounded who fell Into their hands. Sj the Associated Press. | Washington and practically the en¬ IN MONTE GRAPPA REGION COPENHAGEN", October 26.The tire District of Columbia went on a "Berlin Lokal that a new Anzeigcr says straight five-cent street car fare today. By the Associated Press. * note will be sent by Germany to Pres¬ In the was reality, five-cent fare made soldiers are no rest as ident Wilson aa soon as possible. A effective -when Germany's hard-pressed being given yesterday afternoon, the forces continue with success crown council under the presidency of conductors on the various lines of the British, French and American the emperor, lasting several hours, two street railway systems ceased sell¬ their drives on important sectors from north of to reached this decision Friday. ing tickets at the rate of six for a east of the Meuse. Meanwhile the Italians are pushing ahead in The note, it is asserted, will point quarter. the region of Monte Grappa. out the changes which have taken place Announcement of the action taken On the northern end of the front in Francc the British main¬ in the German constitution. yesterday by the Public Utilities Com¬ mission in in Amsterdam Hint tain their progress in encircling Valenciennes. In the center the Germans Discuss Abdication. ordering a straight five-cent Reports French have shaken the German defenses the LONDON". October 26..German fare on the lines of the Capitol Trac¬ seriously along That General Staff May Serre and eastward toward the Aisne at Chateau Prcien. The newspapers are discussing openly tion Company and the Washington GALEHURLSCRAFT "NIGHTAIRRAID" INFLUENZADEATHS whether the abdication of William Railway and Electric Company came Lose Power. American troops east and west of the Meuse not only hold their Hohenzollern. the German ruler, is as a surprise to the public. The change gains against strong enemy reactions, but have further strength¬ necessary to obtain peac^ for Ger¬ had been but it many. A Copenhagen dispatch to the generally anticipated, ened their north of Grand Pre. was believed DIE MADEON BY1W0 position it would CAPITAL not made 343 DECREASE be OVERREEF; Exchange Telegraph Company says TALK OF NEW SOVEREIGN South of Valenciennes Field Marshal is across the the view held in Germany is that effective for at least several days after llaig President Wilson does not demand the was Valenciennes-Le Ouesnov railroad, and the fall of Le the order issued. All on Board Canada Liner in Flier From Field 29 Fatalities for 24- Quesnoy, ruler's abdication, but will rest sat¬ However, the Public Utilities Com¬ Boiling Drops Only BY REKE FE1BELMAX. which is vital to the defense of Mons and the Maubcuge, would isfied with democratic of convinced that development mission, evidently the Cablegram to The Sunday Star and to be near at hand. The 011 this sector continues political institutions. exigencies of the case demanded imme¬ Blizzard Lost.Shore Near, Colored Lights.Search¬ Hour Period Ended Chicago Dally Newa. Copyright, 1918. appear fighting The Frankfort Zeitung says the diate action, made the order effective AMSTERDAM, October 22 (delayed). bitter, with the British striving to outflank the Mormal forest. monarch is confronted with the great¬ at once. Rescuers Baffled. lights Follow. Last Night. .Even the socialist papers of Ger¬ On the northwest of the forest the British have advanced some¬ est difficulties in making the personal cannot any whether To Unused Tickets. many sjiy Germany go what and and a hill. decision Germany shall sur¬ Accept farther in concessions until the allies captured nearby render or negotiate. It expresses the Tickets in Washington was given its first sight the possession of indi- CHURCHES NOT TO have annihilated her. There is much Large Readjustment Possible. to which the enemy has clung tena¬ hope that he will make "a speedy and viduals, according to the commission's WORST PACIFIC DISASTER of night airplane work last night, OPEN session ciously. and tends to outflank tlifl when Lieut. Z. P. Lee flew over the excitement regarding today's the northern edge of the clever decision." order, arc to be accepted for fares un- is that what Along German line eastward along tli» til December 1. in an illumi¬ of the reichstag. It hoped north of Valcn- Aisne to Vouzicrs. After that date un¬ city for nearly ari\ hour to forest, Pears for Empire's Solvency. used tickets are to be redeemed at the By the Associated Tress. nated plane, dropping colored lights There were twenty-nine deaths is said in the debate will contribute ciennes, the British have approached full value by the companies that issued from influenza for the Mr. Wilson and the whole world Yankees Repulse Germans. AMSTERDAM, Friday. October 25.. VANCOUVER, B. C., October 26.. on the river and being played upon twenty-four- give nearer the canalized portion of the them. hour period from 9 in what the note says about to Public anxiety over the solvency of The order, affecting The 268 passengers and crew of T5 the while by searchlights from the -o'clock Friday confidence Scheldt river. In this region they The Germans continue fight des* practically night to the same hour perately to check the advance of th« the empire apparently is becoming every one in the District, became at men were lost when the steamship War College. last night, Germany's democratization. have captured the villages of Odomez once the cause of almost universal f or the same of that the arbitrary American troops along the vital front acute in Germany. The hoarding of Princess Sophia foundered last night, Observers in all of the city period twenty-four It is asserted and . If the British can cross east and west of the Meuse. Their comment, the general tenor of expres¬ parts hours ending at 9 kaiser has been de¬ money has bccome so rampant as to sion being that more time should the Canadian Pacific railway an- sighted the plane shortly after S o'clock Friday night power of the the Scheldt in force in this region counter attacks at various points on there were thirty-one the of re¬ both sides of the river have been re¬ cause great inconvenience. There have been allowed before the order nounced today. Not a soul survived, o'clock, as it rose from Boiling Field deaths, show¬ stroyed beyond possibility and continue their progress south of became effective, and that the ques¬ ing a decrease of two Is that the pulsed, but the enemy continues to has been a general run on banks. to a Juneau wireless mes¬ and came over Anacostia to ihe city. deaths. pair. It also maintained Valenciennes, it would seem the bombard the American line heavily. tion of intercompany or universal according For the period of in the constitution will deal transfers should have been decided iit sage which said the ship apparently The plane bore three lights, one on twenty-four hours changes Germans soon would retire from that On the extreme western end tlx Prussian Vote on Electoral Bills. ending at noon there were the emperor's Americans have reinforced their hold th^.same time. The fact that the or- was the hurled the end of each wing and one at the yesterday with the suppression'of important point and probably read¬ der' that are VUH.W "H& l>y gale, thirty-four on the hills in the southern portion AMSTERDAM October 26..The specified hearings to be sent to the tail of the deaths from influensa, -«s absolute right to declare war, though just their lines north and south on a held at future dates on the question across Vanderbilt reef and plane. compared with It is said of the Bourgogne wood, north of Prussian upper house has passed en of transfers between Wie lines of the bottom in the deep waters on the other Ten rflknutes later the searchlights twenty-two in a like in the government proposal large scale. Grand Pre. period the day before. can declare war sin¬ In the last week the allied bloc the three electoral bills as two companies, and that the first of side. at the War College threw their rays that "the kaiser troops these hearings, regarding the Navy No report was made of new cases case Germany Is at- French. Take Rapid Strides. in and Belgium have freed amended by special committee, ac- Tard is on Lieut. Lee and his bright craft, and gle handed in 400 of section, not to be held until after the official list was square miles territory from tha cording to a. Berlin dispatch. The re- November 7, was ground for wide¬ Ail Believed to Be AlasKans. after that ho was literally in the given out ticked*" Between the Oise and the Aisne the grasp of the enemy. at noon yesterday, when The democratic parties want the French are strides to¬ actionaries did not vote. spread comment. SEATTLE, Wash., October 26..Near¬ "spotlight" all the time, with the ex¬ the record making rapid Only one company operating in the showed 402, a decrease of right to declare war taken away ward the important points of Marie Italians Maintain Gains. District. the ly all those aboard the Princess ception of moments when he dropped eighty- from the kaiser in all cases, because and Montcornel. Along the railway Berlin advices early in October said Washington-Virginia two cases from the previous twenty- is open to that the Prussian house line, operating cars between this city, Sophia, it is believed here, were Alas¬ colored lights. the term "is attacked" southwest of Marie they have cap¬ In the continuation of their attack upper had Mount four-hour period. manifold interpretations. In 1914 the tured the village of Mortiers and between the Piave and the Brent;* rejected the motion to introduce suf¬ Alexandria. Vernon, Arling- kans, who boarded the steamer at These moments seemed to be sig¬ declared that Ger¬ based on and ton and other Virginia points, is emperor himself maintained their pressure elsewhere the Italians have captured more than frage vocations, had after coming up the Yukon naled to the War by a rapid attacked or at any the east a passed an direct meas¬ omitted in the order abolishing the Skagway College Health Officers Not many was being along Serre. Farther Dig 2.000 prisoners in the last twenty-four equal sufirage of the northern Surprised. threatened by Russia and hole has been torn in the German Italian war oflice ure in accordance with the govern¬ six-for-a-quarter tickets and substi- river from the interior winking of the two wing lights. Then The rate being hours, the reports. ment bill, with the addition of an ex¬ luting therefor a straight five-cent fare. territory. They left the river at White the searchlight rays would be with¬ health officers handling the in¬ France. defenses, begun in 1917. There was heavy fighting ail day tra vote for persons over fifty years Horse and'went by train to Skagway. drawn and Lieut. Lee would drop his fluenza situation express no surprise Between Banogne and Herpy the Friday northwest of Monte Grappa, at 3 o'clock now a now a Differences of French have driven forward toward but the Italians maintained their of age. Some Transfers Indicated. The Sophia struck "bombs," green light, at the slight rises and falls of Opinion. The house thus modified article 3 of Thursday morning. It was at first red, now a white one. the want Montcornet, a distance of about two gains of Thursday and extended tliem In its order abolishing the si^-for- that liie would float on the record on the chart, saying that such The majority in the reichstag miles on a front of between four and somewhat. The strongly fortified the electoral reform bill, which thought the that further declara¬ caused the rejection of the measure a-quarter tickets and establishing a high tide Thusday afternoon. Ef- Plane Gleams in Light. conditions are naturally to be ex¬ requirement sanctioned it five miles. A continued advance here height of Monte Pertica to the north, the lower house. This straight five-cent fare the public direction failed tions of war must be by menaces the German hold on Rethel, west was carried by the Italians. by article pro¬ forts in that evidently pected for a number of cases. The and vided for one vote for each man in utilities commission said in to remained fast. The nocturnal aviator attained a days, when in all pan-Germans regard and the vessel the record will be insist on the reserva¬ Prussia and did away with plural the inter-company transfers, pro¬ The government lighthouse tenders height of about a mile and a half at stabilized for a day conservatives as a correlative or and tion concerning aggression. This, if voting. posed feature of the and a number of small craft stood by his the short two, then it is certain, unless re¬ increase in fare: highest altitude, making unlooked-for put through, will kill the whole HAIG IN , French Praise "The question of free 'universal the Sophia. flight of his "bombs" before they dis¬ developments should form. It is suggested that the con¬ Deputies Note. arise, that the record of both deaths stitution must be amended so that transfers,' so called, or, more properly Vessel Master's Report. .. appeared seem puny indeed. While shall be to DRIVING ON PARIS. October 25, Friday (Ha¬ free trans¬ and ner cases will show a the chancellor responsible AND AVELGHEM; speaking, 'intercompany in the air.and in the searchlight steady but that a ras)..The logic and firmness of Pres¬ fers," was discussed at length in the Yesterday Capt. Locke, master of the fall from to until the kaiser as at present » ident Wilson's answer to beams.Lieut. Lee performed some of day day the city in the reichstag can cause Germany hearings. The president of the peti¬ steamer, notified the Canadian Pa¬ is back to its normal majority was praised oil a!l sides in the lob¬ tioning company llail- the simpler air tricks, which made health condi¬ the fall of the chancellor by a simple By Iho Associated Prpy. WITH THE BRITISH ARMY IV bies of the chamber of (Washington cific's Vancouver office that the wind his bright plane gleam silver in the tion and practically free from danger so the emperor will no deputies to- was and Electric Company >, as well of contagion. vote, that LOXDOX, October 26. British FRAXCE AND BELGIUM, October day. Many deputies declared that the as the vice of the made it impossible to transfer any one rays. The planes of the airplane longer be able to impose upon the now president Capital stood in bold relief were The fact that the troops have occupied the villages of 26 (by the Associated Tress)..Th* question is essentially a military- Traction Company, admitted that at stranded to the boats and plainly District Commis¬ country a chancellor of his own one, and that only Marshal Foch and from the ship visible to observers. sioners refused yesterday to raise the choice. Artres and Famars. south of Valen¬ Germans were fighting desperately certain points of intersection of their no tear for ban on the churches as the other allied military leaders are lines free transfers standing by. He expressed Hundreds of persons went to Poto¬ asked for by Until the two measures.taking ciennes, and have made progress today on the new line along the qualified to express the demands and respective might their safety, however. mac Park and the Monument grounds a delegation of ministers who called from the kaiser the right to de¬ the Scheldt toward the out¬ Scheldt canal and the Rhonelle river, be interchanged which would be of of the on Health away along guarantees to be made by the allied The vepsel was in the path to witness the flight, and at the lat¬ Officer Fowler and asked clare war and the right to keep in skirts of that town. Field Marshal in the region of Valenciennes, to governments. great benefit to the public, although which often sweeps down the ter with anti-aircraft him to recommend to the Commis¬ not to wind, place soldiers office his own chancellor.are passed Haig reports tonight. which they had been forced by the perhaps tending increase the Lynn canal with hurricane force, guns went through mimic evolutions. sioners that the churches be opened and adhered to there will be The British have made further British encircling movement north revenues of the companies. a fresh does not loyally Japanese Approval. Thursday afternoon northerly Spectators thronged the roofs of the today, mean, the health offi¬ no democracy and no parliamentary progress toward the Scheldt and have and south of Valenciennes. "Both these officials stated that they breeze up. causing the ship to higher of the down town cials say, that they are not well as¬ the of In the the Britisti TOKIO, October 25 the would no sprang to buildings government in Germany. captured village Avelghem, fighting Friday Friday, (by interpose legal objection to pound badlv, making it impossible and stood on the streets to see the sured from the records in hand that Two other measures are under con¬ southeast of Courtrai. This announce¬ made deep dents in the German de¬ Associated Press)..Unqualified ad¬ an order of this commission requiring the lifeboats or transfer the first ever to over the the major danger of the is intended to kill is made in a of¬ fenses north and south of Valen¬ miration of President such transfers at launch airplane fly contagion sideration. They are ment supplementary Wilson's atti¬ points where, in the passengers* to the several steamers I National Capital at night. The bright passed, but the position taken by the influence of the general staff and ficial statement issued by the war ciennes, despite the determined re¬ tude toward Germany is expressed in opinion of the commission, the public hurried to the scene in was visible Dr. Fowler, who declined to cabinet. of the official circles. The interests demand which had plane plainly from the give in¬ the kaiser's secret military office shortly before midnight. sistance enemy. reply is praised it, ^nd where- it answer to the Sophia's "S. O. S.' call. surrounding suburbs. dorsement to the views expressed by Until now both have been supreme highly as deserving the most pro¬ would not tend to increase the con- the clertey, was taken as a matter authorities in military matters, stand¬ found attention of all the belligerent gestion on the lines. It was the Pacific's Worst Flares Dropped on Field. of publio safety. ing above the nominal heads of the nations lighting a common enemy, opinion of the witnesses, however, Disaster^ government and parliament. Under FRENCH IN EXTENDED ADVANCE, who is a deliberate transgressor of that no extensive system of inter¬ Shipping men tonight said the loss Two "flares" of about 26,000 candle- To Lift Ban as Soon as new constitution the cause of Possible. the proposed the peace, justice and hu-1 company transfers should be estab¬ the Princess Sophia with all aboard power were dropped on Boiling Field, general staff will be controlled by a manity. lished without a careful and complete :of but were scarcely Visible from the It is the intention of the author¬ chancellor and Abinet or OCCUPYING NUMEROUS TOWNS was the worst marine disaster tn the ities responsible President Wilson's note is considered investigation by the experts of the city proper. Owing to the fresh wind of the District health depart¬ by a minister of war responsible to to be fully comprehensive. His re¬ companies and the commission." history of the Pacific coast. it was not deemed advisable to drop ment and the United States public the chancellor. These reforms may be fusal to treat with the Prussian The vessel, 2,320 tons gross, had the "flares" on the city, as it had health service, handling the situa¬ accomplished facts In a few days. By the Associated Prppg. fantry engagement toolc place, and rulers of Germany, according to Better Service Forecasted. been hoped the aviator . might do. tion, to recommend to the Commis¬ October 26..The French Fremont wood to the east slope ot been plying In western Canadian and sioners the PARIS, opinion here, is so explicitly and un¬ Alaskan waters since she The flares floated with parachutes, and raising of the ban just Kaiser Deeply Worried. between the Oise and Hill 115. which is only about tw« mistakably expressed as to arouse ad¬ After giving consideration to evi- southeastern burned about three minutes. as soon as they are satisfied that all troops fighting miles west of the river Peron, on a miration worthy of the cham¬ dence adduced in the case the commis- was built in 1912. .Lieut. Lee headed his for danger from influenza has been re¬ Now the people of Germany are the Serre have made an extended ad¬ line east of Ribemont. leading sion states: The passenger list and devils or the plane' kaiser's pion of international justice, at the available tonight. Boiling Field shortly before 9 o'clock, moved and that it .is safe to do so asking what the position vance eastward, occupying numer¬ Mortiers, occupied by Gen. Mangiii, same time inspiring the confidence .That war times are causing an ab- wreck were not and landed, still iiy the rays of the Surgeon Mustard of the United will be after the whirlwind of re¬ was one of the strong supporting normal situation, in the Wednesday the heavily loaded Sophia over the country. ous villages, according to the war of not only of the allies, but of all who particularly for Vancouver and Vic¬ I searchlights, without mishap. A States public health service, direct¬ form hais passed points the Hunding positions stand for right and justice. The National Capital, with its present left Skagway second lighted plane was sent ing, the activities of that It is said that the emperor is deep¬ office annquncement tonight. Twen¬ north of the Serre. The French reply crowded condition. While it is true toria. Not many hours out, she ran up in service, of be¬ is considered to be worth treasuring that first snowstorms of the about 8:25 o'clock, but was forced conjunction with the District ly worried over the prospect ty-three hundred prisoners have been troops all along the battle front liava a operating expenses and costs of mate- into one of the health said as he says, a mere "chan¬ had to face as most valuable addition to official rial have Thursday, in the dark to land after being in the air about department, last night coming, captured in the operations between newly-strengthened po¬ war time greatly advanced, it is like- year. Early a minute. A second also came that the work under his cery employe." Nobody in Germany and Chateau Porcien. sitions, from behind which Uprnun correspondence. wise true that a much of and storm, she ran hard aground on the trial direction thinks about Sissonne larger source calls were to speedy end, owing to engine trou¬ was being carried out with the best cares what the kaiser artillery and machine guns are keep¬ revenue to the street railway companies Vanderbilt roof. Distress that the Ho- a j has been boats and the ble, and the plane abandoned the at¬ results, all- calls for physicians and it. It is not supposed Actions Gain in Violence. ing up heavy Are. provided by this abnormal in¬ sent out and government The were nurses met. henzollern dynasty can remain in Gen. Guillamat's forces encountered crease in population. This crowded small craft went to her assistance, tempt. landings made safe¬ being promptly He says the . powers IX no camp it was found the ly the calls for service are falling off power long after royal WITH THE FRENCH ARMY less than five successive lines of condition has occasioned many incon¬ When daylight and been curtailed. There is even 2:30 p.m. (by wire, behind which were the sani« veniences and was easy and the weather Lieut Lee is of Toledo, Ohio, and materially most of the cases re¬ have FRANCE, October "6, BUDAPEST distractions in the street boat resting is one of the in the few much discussion as to the next sov¬ the Press).The operations number of lines of forti¬ VAST CROWD three Associated trenches, car service which are beinc borne calm, and it was decided not to remove young officers ported past days show is by was sent to who flew to from that the is of a less severe ereign. One thing sure.the began Thursday between the Oise fied with concrete, and deep armor¬ the public while the street car com- the passengers. Word Washington Texas disease, master of Ger¬ ed are and the wrecking steamer Jast week. The other two officers t£pe than it has been. He is in need kaiser is no longer and the I'eron rivers by Gen. Deb- shelters characteristic of the Ger¬ panies receiving- the benefit of the Vancouver Parliament, if It remains on the man field works. greatly increased number of fares. Tees and the Canadian Pacific railway are Lieut. C. N. Cone of Delaware, of additional volunteers with auto¬ many. eney"8 army and Friday by Un¬ Alice were sent to Ohio, and Lieut. W. D. mobiles to handle the and united, will sooner or later place be¬ 5th Army northwest of Sissonne have DEMANDSFREENATION der these conditions it is only right steamer Princess Bancker, Jr., physicians the new him the choice: Accept and and proper that the utility must bear the Princess Sophia's aid. These ships of Indianapolis. The men are ex¬ nurses sent' out to the homes of the fore gained considerably in violence Germans React Fiercely. Ij scene tomorrow. in sick. Volunteers order of things or go. are taking on the propor¬ its share of the war's burdens, as will arrive at the perienced night flying. may-be enrolled at gradually The as well as resented in rcp- any time of day or night by calling tions of a great battle. enemy's Infantry, his improved service and such the' of Guillaumat's forces, artillery, reacts violently wherever Many Officers in Demonstration other benefits to the public as the com¬ . Pounded Against Bocks. headquarters the service in Gen. attacking mission may hereafter the Webster School building at 10th ENGINE GOES IN RIVER, from the right pocket north of Sis¬ French troops make inroads into th« determine, just The storm sprang up yesterday and ORDER ALMOST RESTORED and H streets northwest. sonne. of which the Mortiers-Marle German lines. Last evening the Which Upholds as every person and institution must down Hungary's bear its share. the winds whipped the long, The Red Cross activities are being MEN DROWN line is the axis, has continued its enemy counter attacked with great '"That it appreciates the patient narrow Lynn canal with hurricane AFTER REVOLT AT FIUME continued with vigor, that organisa¬ FOUR RAIL advance, overcoming a series of ob¬ energy In the neighborhood of th« Independence. manner in which the force. The Sophia, In the path of the tion rendering a splendid service stacles _AS strong as any here¬ village of Petit Caumont, endeavoring public.has ac¬ quiet to cepted the street car service as now gale, was pounded against the rocks. night and day. In addition to look¬ tofore encountered. In the center unsuccessfully drive Mangin's given them in the District of Colum¬ On account of the danger of strand¬ ing after the sick It is supplying Locomotive Backs Off Cantilever the village of Mortiers was captured troops beyond the Souchez. The lot It (be * ¦Tilted is the nearby shtps did not dare go BERN, October 26..Order has now food and other needs. forces, attacking Army maintained its positions and took By Tltm. bia. which conceded by the com¬ ing. been almost nurses, and Gen. Debeney's COPENHAGEN. October 26..A great panies and the public and is known near her. Lifeboats were impossible, completely restored at The charitable organizations and Bridge Into Thirty Feet from the left, reached a point two prisoners and supplies. to the the shore was not many Dr. Mustard are of The German counter attack In that demonstration In favor of an commission to be much below although Finme, where the Croatian soldiers of churches. says, in miles east Lucy. inde¬ the standard which should be main¬ vards away. Last flight the gale In- the 79th Regiment the fight against the influenza with of Water. region was preceded by artillery pendent Hungary occurred In Buda¬ tained. In view of the in fury and lifted the steamer revolted, according a and vim that is preparation at the moment when the assertions creased an official snap telling. Every Violent Infantry Fight. Thousands of made by the companies as shown up. dragged her across the reef and to dispatch received here. one of the hundreds of volunteers is French troops were advancing to tha pest Friday. people as¬ by first this took attack. Mortiers constituted an im¬ sembled outside the the record in this case that the qual¬ sent her to the bottom. The three battalions of a Hungarian working long hours' without com¬ NORFOLK, October 26..The The army morning parliament build¬ ity of service depends in large meas¬ The- only definite word from the regiment which marched against and plaint. Va., 800 prisoners, and fighting continued portant bridgehead north of th« ings and demonstrated in favor of ure upon the of the reve¬ north the wreck came to¬ occupied the Honved The emergency hospital for infln- engineer, fireman and two yard brake- intensely on the line of Hill 120, Hill Serre. the possession of which will sufficiency regarding barracks dis¬ the of facilitate further peace and a Karolyi cabinet. Two nue received by them, and the com¬ day, when the Canadian wireless serv¬ armed the mutlneerlng Croats. enu. patients at 18th and -Virginia men were drowned toalght when a 100, Ecery farm, village operations against mission being of the the follow¬ is a Pleine-Selve, in which a violent in- the German positions in that region. hundred officers took part in this opinion that the ice at Victoria picked up avenue northwest strong factor Norfolk and Western locomotive manifestation. increased revenue, as sought by the ing message from the United States in caring for the sick and is doing companies in their petitions, is more wireless station at Juneau: HUGHES SUBMITS a wonderful service, taking care of backed off the cantilever bridge span¬ than sufficient to meet EEP0BT. There Is no official information here the recent "Princess Sophia driven across reef all cases offered. There is room ning the Eastern branch of the Elisa¬ large increases in the wages of its last night No survivors. Seventy- there for all who may need hospital river more than feet TROOPS TAKE to confirm any of the various Interest¬ employes made necessary sxtreme Declines to Reveal in beth into thirty SERB KRALIEVO; rumors out of by five in crew; 268 passengers. Every¬ Findings In¬ attention. , ing coming European war conditions as well as the con- was done. Terrible of water. neutral countries regarding develop¬ stantly increasing of thing possible of Aero The ments in i prices materials, weather prevailed." quiry Alleged Graft. freight train, of forty-four ITALIANS ON BULGAR BORDER Austria-Hungary and Tur¬ I the commission will expect the cora- F. L. Locke was tn of NEW YORK, October loaded inbound from the key. ! panies to bring the service to the Capt. charge 26..Arriving FIRST SNOW OF SEASON heavily cars, An offer of surrender from the vessel. here tonight from west was two en¬ Con¬ proper standard of efficiency. Washington, being pulled by Pre»*. of the stantinople bas been expected momen¬ "That in view of tbe action of the Charles Evans Hughes, designated TEXAS gines. By the Aiscclated fifty miles southwest Sofia, by HITS PANHANDLE . for but no notice of a new in Lighthouse Tender's Attempt. October 2S. Krallevo, Bulgarian to re* tarily days, commission granting this increase President Wilson to co-operate with In backing to reach a siding on en¬ LONDON, capital, according proposal had reached the State De¬ In fare in advance of a finding by it VICTORIA, B. C. October 26..The miles east-northeast of Nlsh, ports reaching here today. last of the fair value of the the Department of Justice in an in¬ tering the yard, one of the engines sixty partment night. property of United States lighthouse tender Cedar Tex., October has been occupied by the Serbian ROME, October 26..Albania: Ital¬ Ukewise the Department heard only the company on which it should be made an unsuccessful to vestigation of alleged graft and waste DALLAS, 26..The first plunged into the open draw. It is be¬ attempt get season a Serbian official state¬ ian advance are in contact through press dispatches of reports allowed to earn a reasonable return to the side of the Sophia after she In airplane production plants, said snow of the was falling in the lieved the engineer overlooked the troops, says guards that Vienna newspapers were pub- and as a condition of such increase started to sink, according to a wire- Texas Panhandle today, with ment Issued Friday. In the same re¬ with the enemy on the lower Mali. i of fares, there shall be a determina¬ tfc'at he had completed his report and general warning red light found burning 1,000 >taking announcements of preparation less message from the Cedar received rains in other parts of the state. Freez¬ the Serbians have crossed the Albanian bands have hoisted our Sag for Austrian demobilisation and of tion at an early date by the commis¬ here tonight. The body of one woman submitted it today to Attorney Gen¬ feet from the structure. gion i usia that Charles was sion of the question of transfers be- and four were the eral for presentation to ing weather is forecast for the ex¬ Tsrnltsa river. and taken up arms for Italy against Emperor twean the lines of the sad upturned boats Gregory th« The dead are Engineer J. W. Wright, leavteg the country preparatory to petitioners only signs of the Sophia left at day- President. treme northern portion of east Texas Fireman S. R. Bur* and two negro Italian cavalry has reached th«r Bul¬ the retreating Austrian* and are in¬ *bdic*tlon. (Continued on Second Page.) 1 He declined to reveal its contents. for eastern 4 light today. I and snow Oklahoma. brakeijen. garian border near Egri Falanka. flicting considerable losses on LbMfc