The Umeå Region | Sweden | Summerguide 2013 1 Your Next Adventure! Make an unforgettable trip with your family, your friends, colleagues or your class. From 750 SEK / person. Book your adventure today!
[email protected] Blåkullev 4 922 95 Granö +46933-410 00 Bird Nest A Tree House and a Hotel Enjoy the view of The Ume River from the tree tops together with the one you love. From 1445 SEK / person. Book your experience today!
[email protected] Blåkullev 4 THE UMEÅ REGION/DER REGION UMEÅ POPULATION/EINWOHNER: 147 000 922 95 Granö AREA/FLÄCHE: 9 415 km² 0933-41000 HIGHEST POINT/HÖCHSTER PUNKT: Sexberget (Bjurholm) 499 m above sea level/über dem Meeresspiegel COAST/KÜSTE: 800 km NUMBER OF MAJOR RIVERS/ANZAHL GROSSEN FLÜSSE: 6 2 Welcome! Umeå is northern Sweden’s largest city. It is a dynamic metropolis offering a rich cultural life, trendy shopping, first-class restaurants, bars, pubs, clubs and everything from design hotels to genuinely different accommodation. Just around the corner from the busy city, those who seek outdoor adventure or peace have massive forests, high mountains and roaring rivers for fishing, kayaking, canoeing and white-water rafting. Willkommen! Our countryside also offers farm shops, Umeå ist die größte Stadt in Nord- sights and attractions for all tastes – all schweden – eine dynamische Metropole mit within one hour by car! einem reichhaltigen Kulturleben, trendge- We warmly welcome you to the Umeå rechten Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, erstklassigen region this summer. We are sure that you Restaurants, Bars, Kneipen, Clubs und vielen will have a good time – no matter what anderen Einrichtungen – vom Designhotel bis you are seeking! hin zu Unterkünften mit Lokalkolorit.