Councillors participating: P. Taylor (Mayor and Chair of Council), P. Phillips, J. Wilkinson, R. Young, S. Hynes, M. Kaczmarczyk, K. Fuller, J. Fuller, J. Goss, R. Windass.

Town Clerk present: J Nichols. Deputy Clerk Present: Liz Leatherbarrow.

Members of the public present: None.

Meeting opened: 18:40

1. Apologies for absence: G. Haldenby

2. Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda: K. Fuller, Agenda Item 8.2

3. Approval of the following previous meeting minutes:

3.1 Full Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday 13th October 2020. Approved. All in favour.

3.2 Planning Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday 13th October 2020. Approved. All in favour.

4. Public questions/statements received prior to the meeting None received.

5. External Stakeholder and Working Group Reports.

5.1 County and District Councillor’s monthly report. The procedures continue to be dominated by matters relating to the proposed Devolution and Unitary Authority strategy. Reference was made to the documents received by Councillors regarding proposed schemes. Voting has taken place about changes and there now exists a deadline date of 9th December for alterations of finalised proposals to be submitted. February 2020 is the end date when the Secretary of State will make the final decision from all proposals submitted. Currently there are several proposals being mooted, each with different organisational structures and rationales. Following the decision made by the Secretary of State there will be a period of consultation as changes are implemented. It appears that in any new systems of organisation Parish Councils may have a possible opportunity for an increased voice in decision making processes. The second wave of COVID- 19 is a major emphasis of work for the Local Authority currently; lessons have been learnt from the first period and as a result, efficiencies are being made. Springfield Garth is now in use for patients treated in the area, with places currently occupied. Councillors shared reports from residents about difficulties experienced in the process of purchasing properties in the area, due to slow response times following applications submitted to the Planning


Department. The comments were noted, and an explanation was offered that the staffing levels in the Planning Department are currently low, there is a freeze on recruitment in preparation for the forthcoming Devolution changes. An example of the direct impact the proposed restructuring process is already having.

5.2 Boroughbridge Forward monthly report on any pertinent issues. Councillor Phillips shared information about good progress made regarding the plans for the potential Community Facility. The Consultation processes with the public are being developed. Architect plans and drawings are awaited. A means of reaching as many people as possible within the locality to share information and to elicit feedback, has been boosted by a positive link with Radio York. MP Andrew Jones has asked to be kept informed about progress with the project. Progress is being made and it is all positive. ACTION - Deputy Clerk to support with information sharing via BTC website when this stage of the process is reached.

5.3 Brighter Boroughbridge update on any pertinent issues. Sadly, there have been 3 cases of Covid 19 confirmed within the team of volunteers; the Councillors sent their good wishes to those affected. Notwithstanding illness, over 500 Spring bulbs have now been planted around the town of Boroughbridge. A significant achievement that should pay dividends in the future.

5.4 Police Report – Mike Spittlehouse, Beat Manager. The news regarding the limitations of imposing an “Alcohol Exclusion Zone” in Boroughbridge were discussed. The enforcement involves more resources than it is possible for Boroughbridge to allocate which is frustrating and disappointing. The Exclusion Zone subsequently appears unfeasible.

6. Asset Improvement projects and initiatives

6.1 Review the bridge Lighting Project- LBC application now submitted to HBC. The Listed Building Planning Application has been submitted and is now in the system. Timescales in which any decision will be made are not known yet. ACTION – Town Clerk to continue to update future FCMs.

6.2 Installation of VAS signs at a) both entrances to Minskip Village and b) The southern entrance to Boroughbridge. PCC partial grant funding has been won. Suitable sites for the VAS signs were described and discussed. There are different types of power configurations that can be used which determine how they can be sited. Costs for the installation of the signs has been calculated, including PFCC grants recently won. Two signs are proposed for Minskip Village as traffic enters and exits the village. Following discussion about the impact on the volume of traffic from the new housing developments around Boroughbridge it was agreed that 2 rather than a single VAS sign would be desirable. One as originally planned on Wetherby Road near Boroughbridge High School (coming into Town) and one near the Wetherby Road/Roecliffe Lane Junction. All sites will need agreeing by NYCC. ACTION – Town Clerk is meeting with Darren Griffiths from NYCC on Friday 4th December 11:00am to visit the proposed sites for the 4 VAS signs required. Cllr Goss and the Town Clerk will then move the project forward with the aim to have all 4 units installed by the end of January.


6.3 Ratification of the replacement of the Buttermarket flagpole that was damaged by an unknown vehicle. Approved. All in favour.

6.4 Restoration of the Bridge Plaque- led by Cllr Wilkinson and Cllr Phillips. In conjunction with Langthorpe PC, it is again agreed that restoration of the Plaque is desirable if it is approved by HBC Planning as part of the concurrent Bridge Lighting LBC Application. ACTION – Town Clerk to liaise with our Heritage Consultant (CMF Planning and Design) about the restoration. Options will need to be discussed with Langthorpe PC who may, of course, have their own plans.

6.5 Review of the restoration of the Buttermarket cobbles. The restoration work on the Buttermarket cobbles has been completed by the contractors appointed. The Councillors were pleased at the improvements made following the works. It was noted that the lime mortar seems “soft” but it was explained that this is intentional to allow for some flexibility initially and that it will gradually harden. Proposal – in future budgets commencing 2021/22, funding is allocated to ensure ongoing regular maintenance of the cobbles. All in Favour

6.6 Update from Cllr Kaczmarczyk regarding the test cleaning treatment of the Buttermarket Cobbles offered. Weather conditions and other factors have hampered the planned test cleaning. It remains on-going as it will now have to be postponed until Spring.

6.7 Ratification of the installation of posts/chains along the Hall Square wall bordering the Buttermarket. RD has approved the quotation by Beacon. BTC will pay Beacon’s invoice and RD will re-imburse BTC. The Council proposed and agreed that the works should proceed as described. The work will start on Monday December 14th and finish by Wednesday 16th December. Approved. All in Favour.

6.8 Potential replacement of metal posts/chains to mark the border between 1 Hall Square and 2 Hall Square. Will match the chains/posts, installed along the Hall Square wall. It was proposed and agreed by the Council to leave the front of the property without posts/chains. All in Favour.

6.9 Ratify the replacement of one glazed panel to the Council Office which suffered a cracked pane. Approved. All in favour.

6.10 Discuss a potential fresh application to HBC to allow the shaping and trimming of the 4 Lime trees at St James’ Square. Cllr Windass will support the Town Clerk to submit a new application to HBC for permission to trim the 4 Lime Trees. ACTION – Town Clerk to liaise with Cllr Windass to pursue the process again.


7. “T 2020” (Transformation 2020) and priorities for 2021.

7.1 Review of the Business Scorecard for 2020 and identify priorities for 2021. A very successful and productive year with a wide range of deliverables including many longstanding legacy projects that have frustrated the Council for many years. Priorities for the 2021/22 budget and initiatives for the forthcoming year were requested. Councillors will consider further and liaise with the Town Clerk. It was noted that repairs are needed for the Aldborough Cemetery entrance building. Agreement was given to allocate £5,000 in the budget to allow for the required repairs and maintenance.

7.2 Potential improvements as to how we communicate achievements to our residents. Much has been achieved in 2020 – but a lot of the achievements are not known about by our residents. Potential ideas for improving systems to outward communicate were discussed. It was agreed that a Town Council Facebook page would be set up for a trial period of 6 months. The page will be information only to publicise the actions being taken by the Council and to cascade community facing successes and developments completed. It will be maintained by the Town Clerk in partnership with the Mayor. Proposal – Set up a Boroughbridge Town Council Facebook page for a trial 6 months. All in Favour ACTION- The Town Clerk and Mayor will set up the BTC Facebook page and monitor the impact. The action will be reviewed at the end of a six-month trial period.

8. Other issues

8.1 The Minskip Play Area- ways to get it re-opened, led by Cllr Phillips. Cllr Phillips and Cllr Kaczmarczyk shared information about the playground closure and the different parties who have expressed concerns and support in trying to re-open the playground. An issue has been identified regarding insurance stipulations. Cllr Windass has approached HBC with regards management of the playground and is awaiting a reply. The matter remains on-going. ACTION – Cllr Windass to continue to liaise with HBC.

8.2 RBL Donations- ratify donations re: Metal Soldier exhibit £125, BTC Remembrance Day Poppy £50 and a retrospective VE Day Poppy Donation of £50. All discussed and agreed with the Mayor and Chair of Council on 28th October prior to payment. Approved. All in favour

8.3 Placing of Sustrans “The Ways of the Roses” long distance cycle route Milepost at the edge of the St James’ cobbles. Proposal by the UCI Cycle event Legacy Team. The proposed siting of the Milepost and the design were discussed. The Council noted that both appear not to be consistent with the St James’ Square cobbled area and Conservation Area setting. It was also agreed that the installation of such a sign will need to follow any appropriate regulations relating to a Conservation Area. It was felt that the photograph was insufficient information to determine how the Milepost may impact on the area and further research will be needed before installation can be supported or not. ACTION – The Town Clerk will identify the nearest similar Sustrans Milepost so that a Council delegation can view this before discussing further. Town Clerk to additionally maintain close contact with the UCI Legacy Team on the matter.


8.4 Barclays ATM for Boroughbridge - technical site specifications received from Barclays. Potential sites needed. Barclays are supportive in return for our permission to site their monthly Mobile Banking Unit on the Buttermarket Cobbles. A location for the ATM is needed. Possible site ideas were suggested and discussed, including at the Library and in the old Barclays Branch development site. There are technical implications to be addressed when choosing the site. ACTION - The Town Clerk will continue to work in partnership with Barclays to research if the suggested sites for the ATM are possible and report back to Council at a future FCM.

8.5 Provision of Legal Services to Boroughbridge Town Council. Council reviewed progress in the appointment of a new firm of solicitors to act for the Council. Efforts regarding the originally selected Firm have not been productive. The rationale for doing this remains watertight considering the forthcoming projects and plans that are being developed by BTC. ACTION – The Town Clerk will arrange an introductory meeting between potential alternative new Legal Services Providers for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to attend.

9. Finance issues

9.1 Ratify the Bank Reconciliation and Finance Statement covering October- November 18th 2020. The Finance Statement and bank Reconciliation were discussed and explained. Approved. All in Favour.

10. Correspondence received since the last Full Council Meeting.

10.1 Letter and attachments received from Cllr Carl Les, leader of NYCC concerning devolution. The Councillors have read the letter and noted the information shared.

10.2 E-mail from C Millns received 2nd November concerning the provision of road crossing facilities on Fishergate in the vicinity of the Fishergate junction. The concerns in the letter were noted. It was explained that the site has previously been identified as a danger area for pedestrians crossing the road. Unfortunately, past attempts to problem solve solutions to the dangers have been unsuccessful due to land ownership issues and the layout of the road. Acknowledging that the volume of traffic continues to increase through the Town, especially as housing increases, Councillors proposed renewing discussions with NYCC Highways Department to see if any new solutions could be identified. ACTIONS 1. Town Clerk will discuss the concerns raised with Darren Griffiths from NYCC at the time of the VAS signs site visit on Friday 4th December. Town Clerk then to report back to next FCM. 2. Town Clerk to reply to the correspondent.

10.3 E-mail received from M Wrightson 2nd November concerning vehicle parking around the Morrisons site. The issues identified in the letter were discussed and noted by the Councillors. ACTION – The Town Clerk to reply to the correspondent.


11. Open forum for the Councillors to share pertinent issues with the Council.

Cllr Wilkinson Confirmed the date and time of the Finance Committee meeting on 15th December at 6pm to discuss the 2020/21 budget.

Cllr Phillips 1. Cllr Phillips has requested information about the outcomes of Youth Provision work that was started in the town for the Council and is awaiting a reply. 2. Locality information sharing is recently improved due to a designated slot at 2.40pm on Radio York given over to Boroughbridge news.

Cllr Goss The appearance of several of the formerly sponsored roundabouts is currently poor. The way forward regarding the roundabout sponsorship are currently under review by Cllr Wilkinson and Cllr K Fuller. It was agreed sponsors will be approached when the review has been completed.

Cllr K Fuller 1. An excellent photograph of the illuminations of the St James’ Fountain has been posted on Boroughbridge Chatter. It was agreed this, and similar images should be included on the forthcoming BTC Facebook pilot and potentially on the BTC website. Cllr Wilkinson has a bank of material which he will sent to the Town Clerk. 2. Cllr K Fuller agreed to research suppliers and prices of new planters to replace the 4 rusting iron planters along the top side of Aldborough Road opposite St James’ Square in time for next season.

Cllr J Fuller A report made to the Area 6 Highways maintenance team regarding longstanding potholes along Roecliffe Lane has now passed the 90-day deadline without any resolution. Cllr Fuller will follow this up.

Cllr Windass 1. Information regarding the Minskip Playground will be shared with the Town Clerk to further any actions taken by BTC. 2. Potential action needed to trim back tree growth along the River Tutt running alongside the Boroughbridge Social Club which is currently impeding the satellite reception of the Social Club. It would appear the land on which the overgrowth is on is owned by The Drainage Board, not BTC.

Cllr Kaczmarczyk 1. Cllr Kacmarczyk narrated prior planned initiatives to calm traffic speeds coming in and out of Minskip. It is important that any future plans of this nature are understood before proceeding with the implementation of the 2 sets of VAS signs in Minskip. Cllr Kacmarczyk will send the information to the Town Clerk for review (received Wednesday 25th November) 2. Cllr Kacmarczyk reminded Councillors about the Christmas display events in Minskip on Sunday 20th December. The Mayor will be in attendance as part of the panel of judges

11. Confirm the time and date of the next Full Council Meeting - 6:30pm, Tuesday 5th January 2021.

Meeting finished at 20:55


Following the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, the right to record, film and to broadcast meetings of the Council, Committees and Sub Committees is established, but anyone wishing to do so, should advise the Clerk or Chair of the Council, to ensure compliance with BTC's adopted policy to effectively and lawfully manage this activity.

Signed______Dated______Chair of the Council