Addendum number 1 to the urgent request to open a preliminary examination in Venezuela, for crimes against humanity committed against the civilian population, since February 2014 Group of Families of Venezuelan Victims May, 2016 About the authors: The authors are a group of families of Venezuelan victims who have suffered various forms of violence at the hands of the Government of Venezuela (GoV), through various State entities and officers, and, in some instances, along with pro- government armed paramilitaries and organized crime gangs. Their testimonies in this communication, as well as the context in which their experiences occurred, drafted by Juancarlos Vargas1 and Sabrina Velandia2, stem from their first-hand experience and from corroborated and reliable open source information available. Due to the fear of being targeted for further violence, as so many families of victims have already been, these family members have chosen to remain anonymous at this stage, for security reasons, but remain available to be interviewed by the Office of the Prosecutor, on request. For further information, contact Juancarlos Vargas:
[email protected] or Sabrina Velandia:
[email protected]. The authors would like to thank Juan Carlos Gutiérrez for his support. 1 Juancarlos Vargas Alvarez is a Venezuelan attorney, and a former Fulbright Scholar and International Law Professor, with publications on Public International Law, International Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law. He holds a Master degree in International Law from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and he is currently a PhD candidate. 2 Sabrina Velandia Rosales is a Venezuelan attorney, graduated with high honors from Universidad Central de Venezuela.