Circular economy strategies for Lao PDR A metabolic approach to redefine resource efficient and low-carbon development Circular economy strategies for Lao PDR A metabolic approach to redefine resource efficient and low-carbon development Colophon Contact information Acknowledgements Seumkham Thoummavongsa This study beneftted from valuable assistance with data collection, in- Deputy Director General sightful stakeholder views and expert opinions, including from: Seumkham Institute of Renewable Energy Promotion Thoummavongsa, Xaysavanh Latthachack, Phouttavanh Phommachanh, Ministry of Energy and Mines Lao PDR Somephet Philadeng (Institute for Renewable Energy Promotion), Bounthee
[email protected] Saythongvanh, Heuan Chanphana, Vilaivanh Liengsitham (Ministry of Tel. (856-21) 413-012/413-013 Natural Resources and Environment), Phonepaseth Krodouangdy (Ministry of Planning and Investment), Phongphackdy Sivilay, Sonethavy Bounvilai Alexandra Soezer (Ministry of Industry and Commerce), Phoudone Meksavanh (Vientiane
[email protected] Urban Development and Administration Authority), Margaret Jones Williams, Balasubramaniam Murali, Chitlatda Keomuongchanh, Somlith Technical Oversight and Guidance Khounpaseuth, Jonas Aechtner (United Nations Development Programme), Janet Salem, Henrik Jakobsen (United Nations Environment), Jaeseung Lee Alexandra Soezer, Climate Change Technical Advisor, Low Emission (Global Green Growth Institute), Thongphet Phonsavath (Cleaner Production Capacity Building Programme Centre Lao PDR), Sisavanh Phanouvong,