i . . - ’ — — ; ! ! . . j ! , ! ! DAILY LOUISVILLE DEMOCRAT.


INSURANCE. MISCELLANEOUS. groceries, &c. miscellaneous. ^oj^MTr^ERSHip^ I TUB DULY DKM0 CR.it, York Advertisements. | rUVTBP A«D PUBL»HBD BT | DiSBOlUtlOQ.DiaaolutlOQ. Wholesale Paper Waiehouse, SPRlSa SUPPL Y OP | Fanners’ and Mechanics’ FROM Cash Advances here- 88 WALL STREET. Watebesy JewelrF* Silver an4 Plate4 EAEITET.* HUGHES & CO., iX**® ALBERT O. RICHARDSON’S ade on consignments to ' toforc «xuUd( bMwe*D the unK8. RINTING PAPER. L500 REAMS additions of latest r T 1 RMS. LooiaviUe, Ky., May 6. IKd—aiy8 dbltwl the styles ulteote Hon.Tbos. B Florence, Edward R. Helinbold, P Printing and Book Paper on consignment and enry davenport, manu- 558 MAIN STREET, Mr. J Tte every week. tpef yeBt.yyrtlequMtwIy « by L jBf Pe^ecm for sale JAMB8 CKtiMET, fa-turerand Iieaterln CK)ODY EAR’S In adJitioo to a lart* stech ef OoM Thomas Manderlleld,Manderfleld, Isaac Lseeb.Leech, Jrjr , H PATENT AGENTS FOR L do, lo advance myt s8 Wallatreet. NEW YORK De P. 8HEPARD HEREBY IN- METALIC RUBBER Qt^DS. has removed bis busi- aud Stiver Watebes, of the moot ap- Ten Cant* pet week, payable to the Carrier. B.E. Middleton, George II. Armstrong, proved makes and styles of easias, I ' w w B fonaa hU frienda and the public (enerally, Penn ness to No. 837 Broadway, New York, where he wid ifdUy Democrat, eeunW edHion, per year • , § M that he will conUaue the bniineB ei Coach and Car- George Ilelmbold, F. Cacrol Brewster, RAPPING PAPER, &C. have increased tacilitie* for making and selling every Steam Sugar-Refining Comp’y TERMS or ADVEKTISillO. i variety of goods in his line. special order, all of which are warraotet lu giru sutis- I riaac Balu<.e iu ah ite vancUea, at the old atatid, on 6U00 bdls Wrapping Paper, asaorted sixes; Buyeis will find it their my9 Janies K. Neall, Charles Dingee. luctioa, are offered on reasonable t-raa I James W interest to give a before and .#! Main aueet, betweeu Fira: and deooud. lie haa on 100 gross Bonnet Hoards: him can purchasing elsewhere. ne etedre •< le tinea, «ae iaaeiticB W epSS mkekw ' in B. FLUBENOE, President. Uver-hoes. Boots, Vnlcanixed and cheap Rubber Do aach adJttional inaeitioa . • • 0 flt hand a good atuck of carritgre, he., made the beat THAMAB 1V> rms blue Chandler’s Paper; Cloth- i^HOULDERS. 15 CASKS PRIME ' tng. Artii lea. Toys, Month, wilhoat • . ( M atyle iahiaI factory, and AniahedAniehed iain the beat manner. lOO rms Tea do: Fancy A c. m>9dA w3in Da ana aWeraUen Eowrxan R. Hslmbolo, Secretary. Bacon BhouMrrs 1st received and f«r sale tow by • • • Tnanktul ter lavora, attare J St.'verwura. two laOBth^ do do ; M I paat be aolicua aiair of pub- lUU bdls Ham do; Do PHILADELPHIA. my9 DUMEBNIL, BELL fr CU ,658 Main st. Monthit, • • . 10 M lia caaiuB. REFERENCES IN lUO bdls Cloth do; M throe do da , MY STOCK OF SILVER IS ' European Land and General ala Moutha, withant atteratioi • - U M Uia long ezperrenea of eighteen ycariin the buiiaeat Chandler, Hon. John Bobbins, Jr., consignment and for saleby Oae a« Hon. Joseph R. On I hare • • ia thia city juaudea that Uia worn ' SUGARS. now very large. n-aily every arti Is lu twelve BObtha, do do fO M I hia ia aayiug la net myl JAMK9 OROMET. Do Hon. William U Witte. -e-r-te, • . go anrpaaaed by any, either Baiter West. Agency, MCIOC the Silver 1 ne that cun be d nr that is new additional aqaarc for aix Bontha 7 j ^ bbb NeNew York D. R. crushed Bugsr; MMh la use, as Castors, F^t -here, Gnkets, • 19 iu Kcpairuig dobc at the aboneat noU .e and in the best liki do do f such Tam- dc twelve monthe do Caane pulv’d Sugar; Da blurs, t’npu, Vsseo; Fisu, . : bi> 8 334 BROADWAY’, spoon pw, and Caa* Aniree; . ae aqaarc ala aooehn, renewable onoe a week gg go Banner. dhwlB STATEMENT OF BUsl.NESS. SEW YORK,(cp btaibs.) U'O do do do pulveriM do; M Dodd’s Patent.—60 of the above in store and for every variety m Spoons, forks, A e. vne aqaarc tvalve Bontba, renewable twice For tale low by From the first day of August to the thirty-first day of s ulc by [myll J AMM8 CROMgT. I hsve also always *n baa 1 a Moek ef Jas. Kodgers yhe subscribers hwing my9 DUMEBNIL. BELL A CO., 368 Main st. Dtaaolation. December, 1866: k Sou’s ivory - handle Table C utlrrv - - procured, at a very great expense, Ohc*aquar« twelve Bonttta, renewable •aa a T complete lists I VTM. R PRICK. 71 Third stieut. 700L!\V00L!! THE HIGHEST of all Unclaimed Dividenaa of the aptemkefcw BN $0 $0 Hank of EnglaDd, I week HE NOMINAL PARTNERSHIP Amount received in Marine premiumi $68,243 31 v ffYAR BacI, additional aqaare for twalva Boatha low cash price paidfor Wool,waahed and unwash- Bast India and couth Sea Compvn ’s htucks, and also exiatiag batweeo the underaigned, under the Da Firs do 39,l«8 83 A. loot100 bbU Wilmington, large bbis; ed, by (myl] J aMKS CRUMKT. a list of all the Ileir-at-Law and Kext-of-rtin Adver- ! ! 5U d > do medium bbta; Boofing Itoofing tisements that have appeared in the Europca • of papers do do d$«»olTe4 on ihe Janaary. Miih^ Total premiums for five Months $IU8,I6I 13 during the last century, they M small do; have pecuUir facihiies 56 do Canital DOu.vUO uu for pri'secutloR Cla-ms to Koropean prop- do bosin; he undersig.ned is pre- rty : and, as For sale FRLlX WOOD, tow to close eonsisDmeot by io new and old t aqaarc for the Rrst. and iu aenu tor every sabaeqmant it is the iniention of une of ihe firm to visit Europe my9 T puw’i cover Baildisgs, at skse LoaigTiUe, March $0, 18C6. W M. t. WOOD. annually, oftei.er. if DUMEBNIL. BELL A CO-, AgenU- Doticu and in a superior ryle, with laai-rtioa. IMVBSTBD AS FOLLOWS: or required, the expense of man- tM^The privilege of yearly advertiaeraleatrirtly coa- aging tbe buaineas there would be but trifing to the U H WEST’S GALVAJIIC CEMENT. their iBBodiata and regular bnalncaa, and I county, Pittaborg, and claimanla. compared to sending a sp cial messenger R K ISLAND SALT. led tc awn New Paper EUrngings Store. Bonds of Allegheny Old Shingle, Tin, Iron, Canvas* sad ether luolh is not conaidarad aa for that purpoae. Search fur any one name in m sackstacks for sale bybv e baainaaa of an advertiatng drB 6's $7S 731 66 the ' Philadelphia a ben uot too steep, ran be made p-^ect'y ( ght rad above Uiu cao be made personaljV or letter, I ij .^iag that of its Individaal membcia. aarM. V. WOOD, PAPER HANGER by cn re- DUMEBNIL. BILL A CO. 33,-:00 00 CONSUMMATION CEKTAIN! free from leaks. w,th thia preparubuo, whteU U aluo Railroad Bondi, cost ceipt of one Dollar, and copies of advettiiemcnte can \ t:^No Gratnitona AdrertiaiBR. w V and dealer in French and American Paper fireproof. All work donu^ me sriU 44 warranted te bu fii<,i>30 CO be had fur a reasonable compenMtion- Uangtngs, Third aueet. near Main, opposite Cooner Loans on first mortgage of real estate iORN. 2,000 SACKS IN STORE as durable as any metal rK^f. J- A KNIGHT CO. I apkdif 00 XO H U M B FCJ! A ^ end for sule isht to use thie Cement, in the rarioos rauaties Office. Do stocks, Collateral 80,384 ty Also, Agents for the Mosher Kstate. myttJAwIm t by Tbe will be sokl on fva trrme. 1I,00J 24 my9 DUMB8NIL. BtLL k CO. of Kentucky, ouaUe Cash in Bank and on hand i BUSINESS NOTICES. Copartaerahip Notice. I (MBcern Sjuthsideof Green sueek. between Thifd notyet due 97,700 00 Broiltt V9. Fries I Capital subscribed, payment 90^012 10DF1SH. 10 DRUMS FOR SALE [ rad FoorU). -kpply to ' RICHARD SIMONS. Piwyriefer. eg Baker, Premiu'n nctas, not matured AS, 3-7 31 TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN GIFTS 1 C low by E. iTr"® apXdVwipsIm J. If. CAMPBBLtn Agent. 18,853 61 my9 DUMBSNTL, ft CO. I ATTOHBEV AT EA», Due from agents (secured by bonds) larThe DrEwing to come off pobitivilt at Mo- Robinson’s Patent Gridiron BBLL ; coaunissions 11,662 33 ninoiy days, or if all K Di Af'tr f itlTTfl who wiU eonunuc the Merc ant Tailor buiiuesa at heir Expenses and xart Hall in booner, the MARKET STREET STORE. AGAINST I FLOUR la U. O vrUL n. I r JL,Av.>Ej, sjUD 119* stand, Ao. 44S Ma n street, one door east of the THE FRYING PAN I Qc arc sold. $408,151 13 TickeU Aa vUU,Ky.villa, Ky. feM dtf : Mortbem Bank of Kentucky, at the stand beret jfare T IS A WELL-KNOWN BBLS SUPERFINE FLOUR; SK^cupiCd by A. O. Runyan, where »e design keeping a Total amount of losses incurred, but FRENTZ begs to ASSURE FACT large and superior assortment of Cloths, Cass, meres, I that meat broiled is ranch more palatable, tender, 40 bagt(engI urnish>ng Goods,uooas, A and heal than wh-n fried. Ail sliced mrau ought and anuduu $1,666 66 disiribnlion be pjstpouud beyond the above-mentiuned to and respecUuIlyaoHcit our >neudstoc energy anu the co-operation of his fee Between Sixth Cure of ContuiuptioM ! £mri^^] JOHN MAUNaibd. Marine 3,000 oo Frying Pan, and much more ecouumical. Mating a and Seventh. Lonla- I to biiug the enierprUo to a cuuciusiou at an ' B Watergtraat. batwaea First and Bacond, patrons, oowuward draught. It takes all the auioke and gas up earlier period, lu wuirb case due noUoe wiU b« given, AMD 0RBT1PIRD TO ST the cbimne> , cooks the meat through in its own juires ! 4,666 66 CopBTtnerBliip Notice. $ ry- 1,646 uckeis to be so.d. Tickets only aa. -Arx REMIUM L50 Only without burning it, save* all tne Iai,ieaucea meat TOBACCO. BX3 Tildas uam»Aii.! insurance on houses per- bills PHYSIOIANS OP CI.sniSSATt OP THE C.MCU*^^ ITThia Company.-effect hundred and sixteen GIFTS. full 36 per cent., and can be used over a wuod or coal P U''Uand’s Preminm Impress Tohecei in storu j^j5 UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS three I also, meichandisa, fire. and for sale by NOCK, WICKS k CO-, UiaUEST STASUIKQ ^ llarmaB, manently , or fur a limited time; on **'"***i^ I with T. undersigned dees not wish to speculate on the ^ J|[ associated him, in business JUIIN The Frice for the round- 10 inches diameter $3 03 my9 til Main stieeC furniture, mills, manufactories, and vessels in port, public, but wishes oii y to adopt this plan to cluse up W ho caa doubt such TeMtiraoky! COLLECTING AND Do du square, 9 by 11 ini-bes 3 35 , business, his health is failing, and ne wants to re against LOeS BY FIRE. bis Do do oolong, 7 by 16 incOcS 3 IW iirefrum business The public arc invUed to call and ^UPER CARB. SODA. «E8SRS. BAKER & CO—DEAR Do do do, 8 by 19 inebe* 3 60 As Agent of the above Solvent Company, I am pre- goods, at -Ar- Frenit’s Jeaelry otore. 100 casks snper Carb Soda; XT.I public generally at the old stand, Mo. IV Third afreet, betweeu Main and examine the No. do, 9 31 Sirs: The are fully aware ot Do do by ibcbes 3 Uu ih’O boxes favcrable terms on 4UB -Market struct, one duor auore lifth. Mr. F. re- do do, in 1-k papers ; the thouvuuds of remedies for Di veused Lungp, under W ater streets. I. BLAMCAGNlKL. pared to issue ]6olicies upon most We will send by express, prepaid, one or more ol A. RANDALL,, 10, 18g6. who are not acquainted with him to the clii J nst received and for sale by the titles of Sarauporilla*. Pil s, Plaatrrs. Linimenit, Loruvinnc, March course of trantmissicn to or from any point lers all these sises to suy part of the CuiieJ states, east uf the cargoes in Louisville. He nas been living in Louisville »ny 9 NOCK. WICRS k CO. kc., that are daily brouabt to rheir uoiiee throegh tbm sens of Misvivaippi (or not far west of it), on receipt of the of Europe or America, bulls of steamboats navigating past twelve > ears, aud leels no ncsiiancy in re- newspapora, by way of odvartisrmeou. My ob.ect In Sign Painter and Brand Cutter, i T. ansJiCAaiiiKL. sons t. mooxx. o.j. hiuulat. the price to the ciuschs wuo he has known during that writing this note f<>r pabiication, is to irduce 1 h- peh- the Western waitrs, and all descriptions of property terriug money may be sent by mail, “registered” at our risk. OE FEE. (AT JOHMSTOB’fl PAlFTBR’a DEPOT). RLANCAGNIKL, MOORK B MURRAY, and paiuciuariy to those who have had dealings ISO He, or ak least thoee who are affiieted (if they wUi eae loss damage by fire, in town time, tSK Agents wanted in every county, town, and city C bags Rio Coffee; and bu-ldings against or him- put nt medicioea), to nae one that conteins arlicica ef N». 5« Third Mrpwt, WHOL.KSSAL.E UKOCKRS, with intnet'uion. Circulars witn fu.l description sent on 100 bags Laguayra do; in store and for sale by rtu Pulmonary Diaeaora- I and eouLfry. The following are the articles to be dUfributed: application. Address my9 NOCK, WICKS u CO. BsaL in am eoueeiona dtf LOUlgTILLB, K T. COlUliaelUB AMD FoaWAKDlhtf MgaCBAhTB, 18-caral Uold xlunling Watches, each that, in so doing, I am acting moat uapr feaaioually, JaM ry All losses wlU be adjusted and promptly settled 3 Uenu’ “ 4MKKICXM XHO fOXXlOH PxTS.VT ASSkCT CO ,” $160 $450 00 and derogatory to tha laiereata of medleu) seieuee aad a-hacmk.a. HxracK. ht., bet. ap39dA»llm 79 Duane street. New York. ea.a.rtLCNggqrM.g. nncNgg. wa. No. tB Third Mala aud Water, by me. 4 Gents’ uold Watches, lb-carats, one at $80, TffOLASSES. the regumr ptaczitioners of wedieine xl.m.-*-» W. TS7Y The patronage of the public is rtspectfully solicited. one a; $71, and one at $6U 890 00 barrels PlantationPlant MoUssei; The medicine to which I refer la “DR - HALL’S BAL- le-oarat .old liuuUng Watches, two JCKSIUp &L CllildM, 60 do do do; S.AM fur TDR lungs ” 1 have preeenbvd it in 4i4c llAlit^ER, room 0. 1. 4 Ladies’ M u fILlHEKPILl'HEll HAliSER, Office, Main street, south side, front over 460.. Jnst received and for of cases, j|6o and two at 850 00 sale by I large nnmbcr aad akwars unu •cccss*. at 148 SJTKEEr, penes. A A. V. Dupont’s, betwten fourth and Fifth, entrance Uold Viatches, one at $60. one at 440. NO. WATER NEW Y'ORK, my.' NOC K. WICKS Ome (Oee in pertteulmr, to which I now iwfer, was e,v ag Ladies’ k CO. I t t o r n e « at Is a w. i 3 AAttorney > y same as to liarris A Co.’s Daguerr an Gallery. and one at $j7 148 00 Importers and Manufacturers of rp BV SBvaaxL nuanixM who had been eai'rd In euu* FFICE—SOUTHEAST CORNER Copartaorahip. 6 Gents’ Silver Lever Watches, four at $18, one CRUSHED AND POWDERED SU- tnltaiien with myself. The patient had eti lAs vpasp* my2 U. H. TIMB kK LAKF, Agent. ' Ohrunom-ter Balance at 4o5 187 00 Zinc Paiuts, Whitu Lead, Oils and (> OARS.— tesu ef eenfirmed Cenenmph em, Such as eol-l N gbt of SixthPixth and Jefferson streets,sfreeta, Louisville, Ey. THE U N D E R S I G N E D, R«x, 4r<5, two silver Uoblets, one at Sweats, Hectic Fever, tteraesingUonga. w theontinaed O 1 Music Colors, I 50 bbls eoarte ap8apg d?B formed a Crashed 8a«ar; in the koaa us vne Li'bw, auaiMted with here this day Ct'paruerthip, under Tea Put, 414 128 00 I pain Kmht ww Franklin Insurance Company, 4ao aud one aiiJbioue 43 br>la do Powdeted do: and style of MlbcKnMAh a the t;as4.urs, u..e at S3U aud one at severe D'arrbai* ! He commenced ime ediately to get DTwrnxa rtvj »rtx the tnn cU.Jor a Silver-plixcd FFER FOR SALE A FULL AS- 60 Ibis Loaf do; PBTBBrCTiKhA BMITB,DiMAAAq purpose Of ourr> Ui# oo kau oou«k h Uooerai Xobftcco OF LOUISVILLE, KY. Cake Stand, 41s 60 00 to-tter, by tbe use of the aaove-eam-d medi tue, rad 4 16; one O sortmunt of French and American Window Glasv, Bec^ived and for sale by Manufacturing Business. We hope from oa, long ex- Rraceiets, one at 43a, two at til, wemteou reetoredte kteneunl kemitU I hav' ais-i 'onud WI...O ..a rVk««iooiAt. IHwrrkBwL 9 16-carai. Guid Colored Paints (ooih dry and ui oill. Putty, Buil.-d _my9 NOCK. Pioarrioar aaaaad ConiaisaioiiVCOIIIMliaalOII nercaaBt,Merckaat, ManufatUirers U, FFICECURNER OF MAIN AND ' WICKS k CO. the uovr VatvapiA Bxpucvouxjrr p,nenc« as Tobacco r«ce.ve from the oneai4i0, twoai4l8 auotbrecattli 166 00 Liuieed on, aad haw Zme Paint, Freuen Dr. Hall’s Balsam streets, second story N ewcomb's Buildings and Ameri- JSecomd and Third, puidicasi^ of ih«r ptOronage. O Bullitt , 7 seu Rar-bobs anu srca»tp.bs,bue at 44a, two lor breaking up diafreamag Cou«hs rad Culda that 1 groun-i ns in Bteachr-d JFa. 554 Mmi* continues to make Insurance against can, by Refined Linseel On, ^HOT Bijre.ho.Jls Third street. iKloetn and the nver, This Company at 415 1x6 00 AND LEAD. have ever used. W . D. WRIGHT, M. 0. „ Mam at 4ib, aud luur and 14 bite Lead, all of the best quauly, and fur sale to see our fneiids the penis ot navigation on shtos, steamboats, and theii 35 krg s N THE HOUSE LATELY OCCU- abere ae will be pleaMd and custo- J5 pairs Eai - urups, nve ad $16, four at $8, two at on favorab.e terms. ap3

HP* The Md ceBdltloB ef the C»ew-lfothlBg T««-0«Bt Jlmaer. BUdoo THr II III I llUIMIIi’R IV C^lhe OcaventloB for (hie jhdUihl HTThe IbUoWiag hy yeitorday's Mall U ^ At'ttirrp It 1«la r*tk*rrether ^ ! BUPdrioH, I 11 Li liJIllil UIl^uLUAl^ pBrty,perty, U inexpedteotinexpedient to deny, buibut the «r-er- ThUThia la th»the title given to the Hon. Jxmea Bot dlitriot, will be In aeeaion in thia eity. perneal ^ to«dxy werthy the uf cor Damoorails frieads The Oeorgetowa Qaaetto gels eff the feUewiag! ^«P^a aae aathotcaw »e aaaeaae* ranu.

gna here iii. reedrrexdy with the < rminn AMB rrsusUB BT uoelnanxl cx om.oae. The ehawui,ebaann, by the mub orgxn of tbia city. It ii n There are » good many of the **lighU'' In the city, gaaerally: auggestiona to hk «ib«.lber., i. hi. imue ef ,«-i DemoeraOeOrmoeiwtic pwty, it Ali^ei,ali^ei, i*i. *lioalao divided on the pretty feirfair epe^imenepw;imea «rf what paaeee for wit and we anderatand that AugnpulFcti—. r«3l;|4Avt# cvxiABwvv XTTT/I ypo Jk /JO very great excitement ha. Watch Them. terdA^: 1 a 1 aUUAAO « W., , q„.ao., »• .port i. to he expected .oonr^ grouodliuga. grown up amongst them. Tbxktow, ToddloDD Co.,CO., Kt.,At., All peraons indebted ' ”— — — May 5, 1850. to thuthia office are requacted THIBO HT UtKT, at the Cioeiunaii Convention. Tae Freeaoilera, ^ ®P* ®P» » Messrs. Editous: The Know-Nothings in this, V** “P* “J i %> 1 etree the mrit was rumored very briakly on the street settle Kaat ctda. hatwaaa Market and Jeffereon editor, are holding themaelve. in readi- Prentice and Cmclnnatt aud'Little and I presumo in other counties, are endeavoring *® *** immadiatoly, if not soon- * [ RvKsk Mlate Company. yesterday, that the Hindoo Convention to-day, to persuade the Demoerata not to make the prepared to furnish our paper to ? 4® hoU, if a pto^verj candidate eha4.be ec- elec- WAJfTBD l edre,^ want it. n e would prefer nfKCtiL aDVB^lTi8I ^o NuTlCK.-a The editor of the Juitraal hall it neooeiarj to will likely let aside all the present aspirants for lion of the judges, clerk*, and sheriffs, a politioal bank nous, geld ot MiP Mceuaga, Meaeaie Uad PeUuee’,ypmavwM , leetad theb>UP fire-eating UlMUQIUDieV^diattnionistK twfmy tleetotna raohe , ; aai SoxtbernO^HVUPIU UrVVAUOf , quAriAri in exebAo^, bat in tb# journki.m ••a***!... qaMiloOy At thA sAme tiiad thsj bATo held | Bt.y ceaw per e • for 1,700,000 acres anytime if they did not like. Ot course they circus tickets, or any Ifo. Mt "‘""'’3' *» I*om^.oa t BAak N»lt Detector | >» Matu eem ' bm s««o If yon wkh to commnnd a fair share of our holding themselves "•®ev article usually found in ^ were issued during the month of April. were not pleased with their associates, nor with n coumuy retuiJ odvertito. A nice htUe fix for an editor to ba ini The | readers eMtna^ now is the Ume to L, bolt, if a pro-sUvery candidate their ydot/orsM, consequently they withdrew, aad BOARD WANTED be , , Walk up, hut don’t all la looking »“ y«*‘wday’s Journal was rery neces- Mozart Hau.. beautiful with them many others who never before voted oome at oooe. Spring U upon as, too, and everybody The editor of the organ should, for — he panorama^ of E70R A GENTLEMAN AND with the party, but who are now seal where they oaa boy to the best •“7*^“* hardly satisfactory. He went to New the Lakes, St. Lawrence river, Ac is now ex- Demotic - fomiiy. sitoeito somewH.' around to dad ad- credit with his readers, invent one , on Extubmult Lccxt -It will b. I ** ** remembered Z onsly engaged lu the cause of liemocracy. In- >the centre of bssiDe« IW ons «* tw# fiiu. Dea*t nxpoet them to go from ono street York and saw John Thompson on the subject; hibition at Moxart Hall. There is not a more Pien, natage. Zander and persevere in it. He writes, however deed it is cheering to see those who, a few months had aeouple of goU WAtchn* iTSSi.JJ •!•?!**’ • pv*ee wiii be eaas. Please a ’ *******• oiSon, '** *** koneH with John Thompson ^d some oth» jewelry stolen from him lest fall. ®*®*» tto.a*slat, ax Leditplocdity aad seratsnii to nnnihnr. Hundreds have not time, and they party and, perhaps, hii stories, and delightful and instructive amusement than this ago, belonged to tbe secret order, repudiAting their - **my?'*tfnf’ ^ fanny to j w«g ; 5~®>* k*>J* i® the Preebyteriab —— — — ' Thompson wu very honest with Mirror. principles and platform*, and uniting with tbe new read toe ndvertiaemeuu in the Damncrat und go gait them, m-it naedi stultify each other. « pbe him, and same Movirg Let all of the lovers of the for the of th«« buried some six inches lU the A 1U \T told Oemooratic party purpose patting down (fiO\T,, PANT,P ANT, ANDA N D VESV ES F H klkaN direeUy be buy. If your advertisement is not in ** Thompson him the concern was not rioh, grand and benutifnl in nature, avail them- has UPaahiLgton Union,” suys the editor, has sug- the hordes of Abolitionists North and the Pro- He rnioverec} the whole of the aria- ^-^'waatedwanted at »»VS Xeia street. Afp;?App^r ImssediaVimssediat 1 the Demounai,yoa may Inee many chauoes to sell plattorm selves of the opportunity of witnessing the Mov- *eriptiouittt South. Watch them, and they can •etseii)g,ex>ept a smidl breast-pin which bar y* A. mlA Ma^.stiabllA ^.H»tab , gestod mat no of principles be adopted,

Jet bron fooDU. P- ‘ ' Thomp- do no harm; their will very liberally re Hundreds rend our pi^ier nvery day. Onreiren- and the UubviUe Demoernt says that the country ing Mirror. exit be as sudden as their WAHTBD.WAHTE2D orixinwas. * * * warded the two boys who found the artieles. city very rapidly, o®—y«*. Prentice eats with John Thompson Insson in toe is increaiinf aad ’ jj getting to have a ooutempt lor platforms.” i - Lebtuton i ive Company, which is one of — Pott. J^IVE HUNDREDhundrei> Uh andsA N DS Now,- - what a mulUtuds of quesUons will natu- ^ in toe eunnuy nt an nnpneedentad rate. - — ' F make ail klods oACIotbins—ClotWns-Ooat*. . Coats. Paa^ The Waabington Union has made no such eng , xrfuuiuwt;1 Would TIliue. . Paam v..... «• ^ii be xaia«« „_ _ ; 3. —:rr-~* *ri“ »® *“ «“1“‘ring mind, on reading Pren- TocCHUio a Tukdab Spot.-A lew days since Lg, maj to rotod n,ep The Demoent has the largest oiranlntion west g^tion, and the Louisville Democrat has g*id beautiful poem seems the expresiion of ^ • | tnethe whilewnile under obligationsobliiratlon, for ^^rTfoompapers from all _ ,v., ... ^ . .. : . - . , . ... - —I T> k— , ki.r^;..! j f i th* Springfield ir.n* k. meiM^ ovRviM.avnvi'u au'aar.r. uf the mountains among Detnooratie papers, and* • D was but a short time ago when that true love which is the crown and happiness of Argus asked what was to be done : ®*P®“ ' nothin* of the sort. Some time ago the editor of seotioDi of the Union in advance of the mail. The woiaanho*“. Ite. -to u,., «Kl ° his whole being: as retaU, cheap roroeeh. transaction of any businessb»to.« entrusted to10 tom.tbem> .nv .. T ^ . wk OCec aovtheaet «.L.-d The Boeton Telegraph, a BspubiMsm priat, rs- tresB end MtoHmitoW. ^ urm. to mod«.u I wouldbethinel Campiiel.strfeta. - toir «,-olu i. pUlform toki.,, tol, " to „o .po.upon whatever.h.t.T.r portion of theto ci.ilitocivilised glob.,globe, hasb„ “V Ab! not to learn the angush plied that it was none of tbe Argus’s btuinsss, aa^ to-m-n. to«,to.o-..»..-«»k»-^ „.,,4„n-mp. f«tkoir»hi..«..nuinthM • ~tm. of . m..t,ng of to .lookhoMor. of hi. ANTED. WE ARE PV ,„„.g Uf being first a deity unshiined, the Argus rejoin: W I. mtoto hi. MUto. M .to M »* «*> ”’“<*"'• <* *'*“ | V the ssarUeterlsefor LeelevUle : mU k„toU, .tmmpto to «. U, u If I. Thenleu whe .1 the fever fit is which,hioh no .Imtosimilar in.Ut.Uoninstitution hath>. ever.r.r rttjoj.d.enjoyed. when u p^el,paMol, to lan^ishlanguish «i, ,k.» * . j <^odRailroad Btockaod8toc k aod 8^p. * * *( wouId soem thut WU *»•*«“ "o®® Taompeon s office, «s mm.-k . i.to im-i- touched u tender poiat j aad the beet way to accomplish that ead, u to ad ‘ vore a eentiment of the Deakoeratie party. We co«np*“y)*» totran- Stnp^ of mtch grace that fancy round me HUTCBINOB destinadiToTS. veruseveruae la toe(he Democrat, which is univenallyuniversally eertainbnsinessfortbiihonestcompany.en- Kentuckiaus fur Nicaragua. twined, ! ; ^nn’t see what good rach paltry perversions will Kansas fond. Tbe Black-Republican such papers evl- ANTED. NORTH AND >*i dorsed by its koeest friend, Prentice. learn that there are from Not the lot I crave. read ia toneitythe etty aadeouatry. : editor. Tney oau last but a few weeks TheD,abont We many Kentuokians denUy don’t Like to tell. Are we right in sappo- ww and Bouih*''aroHna, Teansssti, Qeof> iUtneto Beck Jlotes ‘*** **“*» ***“ honest company this locality who are about to emigrate to Nicara- that none this money eolUeowd as ‘Kau'U 1 aow at meet, and he foresees bis account will I would be thine! ^ i » tr » .u . i. j i ^ ,' froiu Catholicism. ®*® ’**“ 8® *® Kaosas? that u to be used esa vast Daagera from P«fi^ed most extravagantly in that honest paper, gua, and among them our old friend Col. John Wnt in brinkr ...fk.. I : be falsified. He knows that there will be no dU- ’ eombinatiooeombinatiosi lately formed to degrsde Gath-Cath- TVifcxas, which article ^A iu^uy itm.«pnere to breathe, [gathsg, I The platform at CinciniiatL Tbe State the New \ork in that hon- Allen,of Shelby. He desires any who may wish P I Pommoy and Fire DqiaTUnent But fear and tremble when the .tori clond. j ollcu belowhuiow the rest of mankind,munkind, is oertainiy nothing I ost paper contained a large number of falsehoods JC! ®*»®f the Democratic party. , to emigrate with him to be ready to join him by E-®®«®* P®tnoto pocket iiT” n<,ny*ntions of North and And shrinkhriuk lue’ilite’i nnreientingunreienting frown beneath- to tbethe essditeivdit ef PreteetautPreteetant churches. The sUtis-statis- Prentice quoted, or referred to, for the truth the 18th inst., in Louisville. Letters to his ad- THE BOARD OF Tl ; uniformly passed resolutions em- Failing when needed most. ^ RBruiLlCAM, I.ndxxd.-A correepon- teee of the fire DeyarfsBt (old ora- ties show IS how small a mino.ity Gatholi s are them all I Now, how came Prentice to act with dress through the city post office tiee) are hrrery DoUAed | wlU reach te an«a' (bs issues at present before the eonntry ; him tie ®^ ***• HuwRl Courier, writing from Urcen *r (sad prohebly last) mrstiaa. Tltit this eoant and Pt tostants, of eonrse, main - 7 Did he not transact I wonld be thine! ia y ; sentlmsnt and spirit. If J®^® Thompson coal bosi- promptly. The expenses of those who go will be arday> BVBSIB!tl»0,atTH e’eiMk. Byerdre. Demo- all selfish Livingston To lose feeling Oak, county, Mich., tolls os something tttU B. tsda that they have the truth, whilst Gathoiies are I ®®** ®* “ •*®*® on that ooouion paid from New Orleans to the Republic. eRBKNB.dwsma ^ thoasaad miles apart write out and pass 7 new In thetbe sole thought t>f thetbe far dtoxerdearer one-on< ^01 methe aetions of01 an individual whoWho presidedpreeidea fortortilethe la error. The former have tbe truth und over- ®’‘ *»®®'“* '*®®’*» ®^ Pittoburgh coal company study every look thy revealing, BIRUP. ,^ntions of the same character, what probability To wU! ^ t . ^^OLDEN PACKAGE 1 Eighth Judicial Diatrict Convention. greater part of the time duringdaring the lemioae of the ruling Providenee on th. ir side, aad one would o®l«brity, the eommeroiAl editor of the Tribune To make thy voice’s ever varyinxvarying tone Rjr BaUiar re OoPeu Wrep, m tok, kait-kMe, e „ that U difference wiU start up when they J- (» Meeastde j We learn from our attentive friend Col. C. C. The music of my heart. Uto Republican Convention, which met in this a feel Apprehensionsapprehensions of f*il-fail- uupBoeeeeppoee they would no 7 and oroney of John Thompson, dine with them 7 1 ^^,*1 to^aiker r v it « i k k Greene, of the U. S. mail service, that the Demo- city. The Repubiioans will oertainiycertainly secure the!the mr** AXURBW BPCBAB AB B CO. ure bat it is u fact, that the mam of the Protes- ; *““** craUo Convention wh^'aTem'M^* It OwentoTon vote of the colored popolAtiun.population. Here isia the ae- !!!!» ir* ’h^^*it**T*taithtaitk in‘***!Li^ ' n EEINED SUG.\K. 4 0 B B L h tast elergy have lootiest m* them.*elves—them.*elves —lost company was aasignel to Snow 7 Honest John When lickn^doth opJi^MS thee, , Dimocraiic Convention will differ, as bu Thursday last, nominated for the office of Judge With love’s unwearied vigilance to watch; count°®®®* ®^of the proceedingsprooeedings at Green Oak: RK Ba-tiaiere Crushed and fewdered 8u«ar reeesv osid irath. They are eager i honest Prentice, faith to Ood to add to things in Thompson, and hones s Snow, ^giomeraUon of did Philadelphia. He Circut Elijah F. Nnttall, Waking, to aoothe, to oomlort, to caress thee— day, was Esq , of Henry "Town-mseuag“Town-mseuag bunueasburiueas suspended in AXOaBW BLCtiABAh CO. 1 B the sword of the spirit other weapons, net only of i together Pretty uio I Coal ! eare not to let bis readers see the Sla^lSlate I Sleeping, to list in dreed, each souod county, and for Commonwealth’s Attorney P. U. to catch, a measure. Directly behind the town hoard, up dlfferen^ but of an opposite eUm. Editors! Financiers! Hmrtty 1 Ha 1 1I a They have y,, He could ha Thy slombera that might break. popped a woolly be^ from Miasoari aod amds a xtra eamily elour. a sup- Major, Esq , of Franklin county. The nomina- **®‘*°'‘ colored speech. hen he got throngb, Generai white Wteat *k>ur ia store I wnuon, preached, and prayed, and exhorted, and ^ i Jouryour W E dy of extra aa tow niielead them, if they real with their own eyes made by acclamation, 1 MJSSV Aaraeiss and the utmost would be thinel Kingsley d. Bingham came on tbe ttood and suio i UlBBiTT « SOA.tfS . are sapporUd hy ahoat ton or twengr to one ot explanation. vyM d »oo,to ..dI.ittl.R«kR»Ur(«d, in.bisk to «litor of singing a iay» A oeive no one long. It1 , hasto no ..p-JTi.support in any frseft* . .I Most in thy in earnest. Let them show tbe Hindoo clique BO distress. I comic sonr. 8ueh were tbe prcceedings of th. are few ia numbers, CathoUcism is gai.ting npon the Journal out some figure. We thought his .State, as evenu every day transpiring demonstrate. ntgro-worshipping part of the oommaxuly.” ime. 25 bbl-s in s»ore;a that if they must have party races for judicial thun. They ory dond for hdp; not upon God. but part in it needed some explanation, but as he kept would L OvrsalebT [’yW J Hi. BnlTT ^ I be thine 1 offices, they shall have party races indeed. [From the Cincinnati th.worU.iA.fi.ti»,aodth.D.rU.Th.ci.»gyofth.,,^^^ silent, we pa«-d it without notice. Gently and unreplying, [worn, Knquirur.} apprehensions ard. 10 bblm and 20 k To bear with thee when chafed and spirit Clat Munckxbt.— omebody who is traveling Protestant Church have bean, in numorons instan- L prime Lard in stere and for sale hr imposed longer. Siili, can’t be on much the editor SPThs64” The alaimalai uf fire about 0 o’clock last night. Philadelphia Election. The hasty word, the quick reproach denying; through Kentucky is jotting down the ineidsnV' ay le aiBMTT fo BO. ces, feremoet ia proclaiming ths weeAnecs of their is persevere Bat by tbe soft submission which is born of bu travel for the amusement, entertaiament, or of the Journal paid to ; and, we pre- wu a false one, The Pecniylvanian of the 7ih inst., gives the caaae, and betraying it into polluted hands. It is Of steadfast love alone. uuGuotion of the readers of the CleveUad PUin AEULLA8riUR*MENT snme, when his comical tuket comes np without result of tbe late of finest qaaiity and lateetia. election as follows: Dealer. In a recent letter he dtps Into Frankfort, Ome Hals, 'be n UMTUfying spectacle to eee a Protestant minister tST' Two'^’*® frame honses were destroyed by fire A ion. for to-day’s sales »t fuoa poi.i.A*e. an electoral vote in the Union, he wiU assure his Vaux,(Dem.) Majorities, fi,503 I would be thinel which he says is "located far down on the bank ot JaS. n WO^ D «>i Mar>ei sSrset, •teuiing away, under cover of night, into some in Newport, on Wednesday night. \ *>ondeon were elected, My world in thee to center, [thought; (h* Kentucky river, with just hiU enough myi® Three deers from fonrtb,.ouib so Moore, (K.N.) do 1,983 1 on e, and there surrounded by crafty poli- i hidiur pU With ell its hopes, cares, fears, and lovicg eithereitner side to keepaeep away thetne freetree airAir of heavenbeuven from l' r d DiTMixiL'ttai UaTm oaormou fraud, are IW Wo indebted to the cfficon of the No wGh beyond the home where thou should’st ii. inbabitants.’Inbtotot./ HeH. -ink.thinks i»>i.more favorably of tieiaas, infidels, hlaeu-legs, and vagabonds of all Democratic majority, 4,580 ft.otoJ, ol !»{ ” . “ 7.J? _ . | T steamer Jamee Montgomery enter, Lexiagton, but most disparegingly of the present pledges against for late New Orleans to•erts,to, -to.exchanging"B **• mutaal 1" • the PopeI" , Sdaot Council—Democrat, 15 Know-Noth- failed of aare-clectire-clccti utolUet.u to lUe C. &b renste,eensU:, from lUinuis,lUiDuis, I ; Ever anew to find thy presence brought proprietor of Ashlaad; and, having picked up two iHjlO JAX- ^ WOO 1^*'^nanersnaoers * | leftlefitnatthat Strt.te.snd.te« and momofftomore i off to Jliuuesots.Sliiiuesota. or »everaiiteverai I aad hu religion. ings, 9. My life’s best joy. pebbles while taking an observation of the place, t | - inoijtlu we mi«#c s.btuftne gFliait auldier, but he ^ .w D . * » 1 on finding the farm had been posted (ae U 8 T RECEIVED. ANOlMEh Charming oonservatofi of the Kroteotant roll- hasappesred (.! ina ver. novel chu-acter. In a 64 It may not be generally ibaf Common Council—Democrats, 70; Know-Noth- wa. very |y known that there j ds every dcarv^ptioB. for letter turn, rec ived at *'ash u,tou kily J supply of Straw O'* ef . irom a few d ivi . _ „ .k_* J.— Pto.Fto,.-,. . .. I would be thine 1 natural) to prevent depredations, "had half a *"••• ®*y*- ^^*'***®^y'-.ertetety **'®*****®**vrotesianu i* ings, 16. B«a. boy , Sti^ave. ebildreo. u4 m ael*, at ptiece B»®®i ago,l^!Jrimd*ujIieu’rs^and oaieU tajb uh.'^iBnV'ui'xerri'tVrjVt^uit. uinne otiXerritorj , the hero K more steamboatSteamboat stockStock owners in Newport, Ky., j Not passion’s wild emotion mind to go and putbaok the articles for fear.” We »u:ch e^aot fail lo please. I | at their . •*> mast feel ftatteredired whea they look around *^ '**“ *“ Know-Know-Nothioglsm is utterly routed from the 8lik and Beaver Hats made to erder. tSi' ts‘li«d‘''S^iu‘ir«d‘''Si’i "he^X'''he“X‘ ®'*T *‘=’**K To show thee, fitful ss the changing wind, make an exuaoi of what he says of the prepoeed I | dAd. a. t»i>vi). 4Si MarksSsmest means empWye wora.’’-AuraAags. ^ with a still, deep, fervent life monumeut: champions, aad contemplate the city of Philadelphia, where it had taken as But —devotion, j e . j deep |' wyM Three dorrs abeve enit" seatb side. 64“ Fourteen slaves, belongingbalongtng ihoee I'm. G.iner»i Shields is one of the bloody furri- to John N To be te tho« the nelp meet God designed— "An association has been organised here for the la their behalf. How mueh they resemble | root as in any city of the Union. This is the spot Reynolds, ®fof NatchN*»ehcs,os, amvedarrived at CincinnatiCinciunati on For tais would 1 be thinel porpoee ereeting a saiwbie monnmeat over th« ! of Pe eel Uto what ners, an.l, in facm# ono of the worst class. Ueh- Flectro-Cliemical Baths esublirthed by the Prince | where politioal Nativism first took its rise, and grave of Henry Cuy. Heveral plans have been Erin. Thursday, for the purpose of being emanc ipated. j •difyingoompanyihtescler.y thrust Uemselves a eo® of He wssBafora/iWatCcrroGrfdo, here it has iti submitted, but none adopted; yet the 1 found grave. Good News from Dine Ruck Coal Mines, onesubmit- DOR EXTRACTING MERCU j »‘t*» bail tiis L Leaii. ledlee. ot >*tker meta lhe *000100 pulpits turned into political bmUngs, ® Spanish tbrungh lungs, whilst ht - - ^ U^ilton, of Cmoianati, is thouaht, Proteetant Logansport, Fort VFayne, Oovtngton, and It is proper to state that the majorities stated Ourvur readers willwu. rememberrcmcuiiwr thatumt aboutaoout twoiwo wrensweeks i ^“® niMin^uon^ wm be «• e®® a®o»dea j be ha.1 at l>r. B. Ca-PTi s U. aad suimp orators belching forth PrjteetAntiiun, was leading bravely the American eulnmn. llli- in fact, every other town in Indiana have gone above are not q^ctof. ago there was a tall of earth and rook in the Blue Bet*blithBMr,l,ee Secuad itre«t, btnsemi j Rock Coal Mines, by which four men were buried “P®® * '•“* e®** Chestnut «'«<«• ta* ef nois, that pairietie S'ate that sends to !? • j rum, aod profanity, in ab.«ut equal propjrtioiu. Congrest Oemoctaiio. »® Ballou s Ptefori^ and is alive, or more properly speaking, closed up in the P®«®d a ^ificut eecrei cooe.avee, made upot such men as Douglas, Richardson, Ae sent Goner Theatre— Benefit of Mrs. Gladstane. arohilectiire; it is twelve-sided, and Le A iate one of thoee , mine. Groat ezoitemcnt has existed in the region 1^*®® U eitice, and the fa-Vias ®^Uonade^ foria, front bitodt^aefA., »l Shields to the Senate. There he voted ^^T®® river was at a stand last evening, with The comedy of "The Ladies Battle,” is one of gangs of Ma oa tto u a fuU-nsad i^ag^hed, Uiaty bjr a^^i«aUoa, i rerpeetabiUttrs and nnn sters and in- for the roand aboat, oed Uborars have bsoii at j '®®' ®^ (l>«,'*age with a® Ro^n to« ®^«over hm“ comproituses of and the f®®‘ steamboat water ou the falls and seven the neatest liltle French pieces we have seen, and work day and nigntnigttt in the hope of reecuingrtNwning the I filels, the pareon and the black-leg. aU oonspiring 1850, Nebraska biU ot •^TLTL^-Cbvmical BathX* sire . j *“®®“^»^ ^ p™ feet «?®'. The Zanesville Aurora of Monday said :- ffeieot in the treatm.nt .f Fm.lyti.. ^ Tkn Abdiiionisu got iin nocidentnl majori- in the eanal. was weUwell playedulaved last night.niirht. Mrs. GladstaneQlmlstan. asa. “i® brook down Popnrjnnd bniid np Protnitnatum »(r®ct®re G eetimaud to ooet about $2W,000, of | ObeiflhM nau.Bate cauaeouacat*ae«aa Bruption* ii j " It is supposed at least fitmen hundr^ people u-m.m. timiisr UUriees ' ot^tim.iiw^her superseded Hbieiis . . !7~ the Countess, p-rformed otcellently, and still bet- *‘»«‘ ®»®:f®“rth partis the Protestant religiou must have run tu *7. by one of their own ! ongregaONlihere yesterday. It,is useless wkt- "I**®** Tru'y 64^ Farmer* would do well to read the notice j I'erMos who me >® the wonussrorid’s estimauon,estimation, thetne inIri hmau,nmau, soldier.soldier, ‘J>e‘F P®*'G welH A »hall need a reformation :0 pro ; icg a fine oommanding view of a wide region, it i bekelf. We morning.Prolog e iieeu discovered that that the meu are still alive. j TURfLE SOUP AT ‘ hauling rails, or the negro worshipi To-night is Mrs. Gladat&no’s last appearance, portion the ‘City Uet against inch Protestantism. P®*not, g Sen- Besides, we have received the following private « »» of of the D^’ 64S^WeWe met with our old Iriend, K.E. D. set apart as her benefit. ®“ of a b^ if^ raviM, looking that supereeded him? Ostran- and Her many friendr ! Bet a more disreputabU speotaole it tbe teal lispatch from Mr. Parker of Adams’ ^press St. Charles Re»tauraBt * ' ‘^’’® ®P®® (G terraces and winding-walks in sol* der, yesterdy morning, who u fresh fromfr®“*a »c®(l»erDsouthern and admirers, will, w# feel confident, crowd to her Company affeeud by vid pAiiioal hacks against Popory— |dgr Why isn t the editor of the mob organ " tour, ^and lookingoo log a*mn biigktblight as >a May mormorning.ning, benefit testify their Z.™raijl, M., 8tk. froik ngninnt papiiU, and appreciation of her as an oolaauu of nod not from . stopped f He keeps on oommeDding L>uUvilie; There is good news from tbe Blue Book Coal Dreadlul of Puteoning ! TTTT ! ! TT" ,, totross. She presents a good bill, and one which mea whose whule lives are marksd by mean vices, : and will be the deaih oi her, if he does n’t quit it. t^w“vr~, S^'W. L. McG^yMcG*ry has associatedassooiatod himself with Mines. The men were conversed with to day and -carcely fail to a Wo uhlAtaad that the family of Mr. Buford o T, .... . » . . - . draw crowded house; the comedy U8T RECEIVED, THE I aad who have shown, by their praotiee, a eon- Nobody will thick any gjod of this city while he R. B. Twymao,T Wyman, as editor and pro^etorprofinotor were all alive. No doubu on the subject are en- of the v v u i Muason, in^w Market, in thU county, were all Turtle Fish of the seaeee. w j J aod Me4 . , „ "Time Tries All” in which she will appear as Laura tampt for ail religioo. Saab men have become pi aises her. If L .auville ever expects to regain u . lertained ®®^*here. poisoned, with the exception of served in Ke.uureat %od rold se tiMitiei ; Paducah Democrat. one young lady , . , „ . ... Jf , . . , ... | ' Lecson, with Hanley as Matthew Bates, a cvmic It wu saidsaia whenwnen thetne awiaentaccident OMnrrMocenrredoccurred thattnai wethe ..hn resides with«ith them,th.n, onr.n viwterduT mominj^. ih« a?ie o c. KCKrBK.e**r o< eir_ teetantism fit — resides with them, on yeeterday morning, the : the ehamptons ef Pre , and aa to be her credit, his laudations of her must be sus- r^~~ iuen had, when buried, a basket of provuions with ^ 64" Wee learn from our excaauges that daring song by Dougherty, to eonclude with ‘ Black Eyeu The poison, from all accounta, must have! the of sin. i eoosidered cxierminaters of man The pended. She followed his counsel once, and (hem, by moans ot which it must be prunmed taken In toe coffee which they drank at 1 heavy rains have fallen through- Susan” Mrs. Gladstane, as Susan, and Ilauley^as mn»tv..> (K Mtijk* are still worse. The anti Catho — whey e managed to keep alive.— fbV Oom. 9tk. fruiu of all thu plunged into infamy. The organ atten-p'icd to lie hav breakfut. How it came here, there u not the — j ®®^ Southern oonutry. William. Turn out and give her a crowded j lie party have trampled law under foot, committed her through, and thereby added a still deeper slightest oonjrotura. Mr. M., his wife, two sons, New Sopplj of NoTukB. What’s in a Name! [ j house. murder and arcoa, broken ballot-boxes, killed aad shade to her guilt. ' , t^Thc maoioipat election in the city of Wil- Tboso acquainted with the Western stage some j andentaod, and in a dangw^ sUoatior.”’ The roaaied men aad women in their own hooaes. He says Louisville u highly prosperous; but lut mington,iDgu>n, Delaware,ueiaware, theloe otherotner day,aay, resultedresaitea in tbetne phe Ijebanon Branch of the liouisvllle (he Linci null Enquirer, a slender, dark-eyed, 8ach are the resulU of these new efforts to brsak summer, according to the same authority, foreign- mooesaooess of the DemocratsDemooratio ticket i principally trom thG cause that they! Lailtte, ih* Fiiau el me tiu* ; by J. B. in*raaam. { by a handsome and Nashville Railroad. r-rj— judge me poisonous matesr to nave been ; ‘ r .r"“' | eontaln- duwn Catholicism. ers were raving here like uvage beasts; muititudes majority.ority. . u Uto Coquete.^4 Alex.* 1.-. iw »J bnttnttt, and, although exhibiting talent, Da* At an early hour yesterday evening, the Presi- lucentU ^ed in that beverage.—beverage.- Ac&oaoaA.6aaoa Pott, 7G.Ttk. uST ^ We eay every genuine Protestant ought to shun were gathering in here to light and to vote and ^ aiandingoD the sUge like the tree that was so ; T- Monsarrat, The Kn«w..Nothln* Almana* for iSId. Pries Ue. »“The6dF"The Old Line Whigs of Mason oounty, are and A. L 1 it in this the movement, aad spun it, as a burning re- wa are assured now, that but fer the patriotic straight leaped backward. He played Gip«xs.-AGiruxs. gang oiof gipsGsgipsirs has been infesting Shotwell, Esq., of the Board of Aldermen, aocom —A sCrt ^ “**®^ Maysville, on Monday, to appoint dele- - ®®*^ Lottuvillo two er three years, aod m^- • P thu town and neighborho^neighborhood for a week past, their proaob to his cause. The very aasumpti n that 1 slaughtar of scores of foreigners, we should have . M tODBX, lei Third sWees. C Vn^into. n^w H.im FKd A clover and quite A pretty youoggirly who »'* C«tonti.., to b. h..d ‘r O eDCAmpmcat beiog in the woods a mil# oast of »v5 thr*« Sca. -to i. to.- (- b, to prt^toTrf Cto. ^ . 8.. ItoU-olto..’- i.y. Atto . tto. to J“‘" been mred from chi Idh^ upon the sUge. are, course, relieving ^ *l...c.. PtotobtcdPresident offtheto. ktortll,LooGville Mdand NubvilletobrtU. RailroaoRtoftto They of some persons ruquv Rl*av ,..lh.4 b.r..toJ.I,. iiK THK* 111 Ti-M R B' » dtototobto to PtoZtoto.. Tb. to- d .J.. LO.U..U., p,.to. rbu wu Frank Fremont. We never heard any- to—. : dto— bi—U loose are silly Oompany; Ben. Spalding, Esq., President of the their change, who enough fo pay •,hmg discreditable to him, and certainly thought J^ Protestant clergy and people must have been ex- thereby her citisens slaughtered, men and wtmtL young mao ihem for "fortane-teUing.” This gang numWs ,2. HTA named Bramble, wu aoci- Lebanon branch, and other gentlemen went ovet hi*ni* profession,proieseion, althoughaikuougn itre j himaim promising in10 wouldwoum forty or fifty, old aad young.yoon^. The are IdaIda’ WWiffer’eWWiffer’s aeceuddeeead Jeuraey RuaodRound thetbs rid. remiss cnlpable, if the honses, men Wr eredingly and apprehended roasted in their own and informed the dentally shot on lut Sundty by a require timetinae and arduous study to correct hi»hie companion with tbetiic UbanonLebanon Road, and wo learn that they were ,treat,^reat horse-dealers, and, no doubt, eharper^t *7 le®'*”***l»®'*ree*o necessary ttovnuuuttovnusaato'*”*** ot danger has any existence. They must have liitie world that theu deed^ were rendered by »hom he wu out hunting, ust above »>t«n>e of him wo had forgotten^ undereUnd they wintered | j Eut Mays- uospitably enterUined, aad expres ed themielves We iT^ I fSS^-*Siib ifsre’vl^ although hu peculiar featuree and stage appear- truth, or of truth, to credit a terrible neoeuity, be had better retire. Tbe ‘ ileeoishileeoieh iu Belat faith in the God the { rillo. — -*-i .:..j .l. , _ lambiana oouaty.—Aari Democrat, Th* AiteHea. aad iU BH-t highly gratified with the bright proapeots for a auce more than once flitted across our memory t» the tiistorv n( fflawry aaa te tketbe ; Ouveroaea.Ouveraaea. story of penG that vile demag -gau have gotten . world hu pused judgment on his stories and bit r Cotoeies;CoJoeies; Arthur Heise- 2 vole.vole, *psedy The following extract from an exchange that I completion of a cunneotion uith the ..w-rioh retomik*rwto,n,t».to *.... 1 ... i 64" Rev. Dr. E. W Sehon will preach in Third [Prom the Ciscinnati loquirer-J AeecnjrGs UtsraUy ‘^--—d-Uaryr’.traaslaMd—Uaryer's new *..s.eiase nn. Grant, if yon tiieese, that the Pope G a very exploits, and would preier to have no more ot reached—.ktoi nsn. ywterd.y,yeeterday, develope.1 — thetkto mysterymyster?.....to., of/.r hi*k;. i WkWkii-7 .. — i ilhrarv. M. E. Church, ^ ‘ Lixb a Briiwe. While ®^*— to-morrow. Sabbath, at 11 reveals . ®® dangerous individual, and that hu followers owe 1 them. He even now doclaru that the present po- ‘‘being heard of no more,” and the feet Utory^s Story Books, vol. 4-Joba Tree, SUied. dl'Mod tho sutiro ties «“* «« «« "»«>ess «®® ®f tfce j I..-. - routc, tbs are dutributed r»®® ...... -to 1 o’clock A “•M The(®e puoiionublie aremm invited.invitiul Seats that we had often heard suggested at tbe time we him the allogianoe pretended, what poeeible harm I liuoal oonteet u between Americans and foreign . ' structure which G to spm the Ohio at thu plaro. ^ free along the road to New Haven, where a oonneoiion to.mew him, .tothat beh. was bffto.,brother to theto. goto. .tor-v.to#. ...last, wilb not lees than one thousand feet betweea the as ere and we know, from the sixth of August • r to...... »k.» toitotoA. .to.to.. . ..to.. eaa a feu millions of them do in saoh a country ; Lieutenant that was already winning a name: .. M*rr *d But Mated . by Alee Carey. ^ NarhviUe turnpike. The cnl- < u . . 1 ^ ^ ^ ® **' Tefrmhing to turn a»ide what to expect from such contesu. Poreous who M.u Anne I ruier, of Pendleton county, lUFriBKNT DXSTIN1X3 OK TWO BBOTHXBS, J. C. AlCD j**?’ " The Great Auci^mAoterieau Bat^;Battle; by CwftB.CasTnll. I ST 7 Brown lowlow'ss GreotGreat ironIron WWheotbaet BBxasUued.sriu j^^ck work are finuhrei, and all that u vB.vr vuewow.1 and glanoo at a piciure of what has been eoeom v ed ••" not born in thu country, wiU be very apt to Ky., burned to death a The Old Comer Cnyboar l. ! agi, Bet Gn’t freedom as dear to a Catholic u to a wu few days by her ‘ plishod by old fogy mnnagomont in another diree- j, _ „ V." k- . e .V ! xni t i ire The Montgomery ilail traces— the of the 1 prefer a looality where there G no such conUst. olothu aocidenUUy catching fire. I O ^ huto^ — MGQ. aA rroentrrgMO* writer,WriV«Tp»Uan eye-witness, painUUhiUbM the Protesmnt? and G not the world’s history fuU of She wu about V i i Confeu ; future ^as well ^as past^ favorsfavors. be finished by Tuesday or Wednesday next, and engines across it. The train passing ovsr it i* out TioHas and para Muita vk. wil lion fitted him Iotlor subatquent success stribgs (slueial ey a dmuagelH. ready 7 of Loauville, her ap-ilogiit and eulogut, they ] uen whichWhich suocw and to ouaieu the prospect of their failure ~ | itnmn bv a. Lilliputian engine, and the pasMn-pasaan- ihe oar* are now regularly mnning to within a ^ IGtinction.Itttinction. HaHe was the protegt of thathe Ladim’Ladiae’ very naturally eonclude Chat she is oA, the pGcc FoaimaaterPoaiiniietcr • g«r8,asa„ ; niattersoatter of safety, araare advGadad vGed to foot it vioLn eretiiuea, Mast they oall fur help upon demsgogaes, and ra- Appointed.Appointed.. -i » .k . . . 1 . .v , ingT t^r^^ptrior aMbeeare ®^ point, we congratuUte the people ! CQATlOStpVlIi D II r. k 11 f k 0 UoOATOlAOt SoOlOtj of SoDUO mOQlborS prOCAUtion.'* dom foAA4 inthJs »AfkCt» «AB ^ fArAIAl$4d trusted yet. If her cbaracier, habiu, and R H. Cockerell, E*q has been appointed ACrOtS”—A wHa sjTt to tbe ballot-box to pat duwn Gathoiies, who to be ' £*q , post- , . .,7 . , nry%n t.na Anatm/lu j o/t fmw mh .k jf whioh found tha faiailT Id grcAt neod, Acd Aid- _ - - iA CM j w.. Loaitville upon the prospects ahead, far as the , ^ r vr^ m ***~‘**‘ master at Midway (Ky.), • _ eabbot he otherwise put duwn7 Has Protestantism practices suit such an organ, they don’t suit in- in place of Mr. Kane, . 7 ».k • . • j ed them. Young J. G. Fremont was discovered *jL*j*“ { »:»• tn* nirtAminvinn R>nk Rionminvtnn , development of their entsTprise is ooooeroed. tty eouse thii T with aiae- dustiioos, enterprising, aod peaceable people. resigned. The appo.ntmentappointment uais a most exoellen ..U.. AccordaooBAocjidaon. madaod PlaJaua at Coat is thu eoan to That | Pladau M C« ^ u„U«Lk U h’. . »c«il .1 tenths ef the pjpalatioa aad influence, it We assert, then, that the very best that could ®°®*o®®- politioal G ] 64" Our opponents always said that a! i-.vrok AsauKT.e»'NT principles ™ A ^ except alarmsd at i .s peril* from the une>toath, and re- now be dme tor Loauville, would be to get the FokFor New Oui.EANE.-ThaOuleane. The rplendidsplendid pessengerMi^^^'fpassenger there with disUootion, having shown, as we always J . ^ ® coons, log-oabiDS, and hard“““f cider. ’ Now they say Fund and . V neard, decided matheiAaticaUalent. HuUcquent- soru to worthy base against 1 laob organ to abuse her soundly. He has been 5 «- ua and eombiaations steamerstoamcr James Montgomery will leave this after- »...Not. Detwitor says that itsit. —’ »»®b. ..*•- J!i! (hat they "always bad great respect for the prin- Bwk*«k D««u, “7 ly. through the influence alre^iy mention^, Mr. i ®®^ i its antagonist. provoked a good deal of late that he eould not get at : qooonoon 4 o’clock for the ciplea of *‘7 sunnysuDoy south. tha old W’big party.” Of course they Poinsett was induced to get him an appointment ^ OOOOK8. I |t^ . ger, - ‘®ean t^t they respect 4 A I ' destroy us; and still more provoked always had great for coons, VIVV Ouincey’s Bemeriels other ; to IMDe new Book aed op a mob Passengers and shippersshipper* should be ready, asaa the as a teacher of mathematics on board a Rational I B o' i®* . . log-cabiuB,loc-cabiuB. harti cider . Pavers;seers; DvTbv*. De G^i&cn. 2 vote.; ynee *1 k A. . .k ..Ik and hani cider —LouitviUe Journal,Journal. 6^*lt will be remembered that the terrible Know- - that no small number of the best citiaens of Lcuu- boat willWill be sure to go at the appointed hour. vessel; thenoe he was transferred to the corps of " When the Po*m« tw Ckarlea aUiEiin, suthar ef Awyas. old Whig party were fighting against Topographical Engineers, not very long afterward Police CoarU ” 7 ' "LciER “Urvatia,” he. Pri*« *e. Notaing laob, srbieb ravaged this city on "Moody ville should have given us a magnifisent testimv T ^ . married a daughter of Hon. Thomas H. Benton, The Hwoes, or Greek Pairv Teles fer mw ChUdres . . . Know-Suthiagism.-AKnow -NutuiNoTHibaisM.—AGISM.—A Catholic church in ElG- w , , .T *„ . , \ , Moaiay, were also embodied eu tbe day follow - atal of tbeir approbation. Thu last event almost avowed in broad daylight, we thought they were HON. e. w. JOHNSTON, JVBGB. by Rrv. U. KinEAey. Kricelie. _ku„ k . , J . end began hi* brilliant and rapid rise. Every ona worth.worth, Me.,He., was burned last Sunday night. CoDeotioaa •( UriUsh Aulhure—TanehweS’* e dil iea . J .k k .k . . . . As wrong in this as well a* in point of administrative ing, howliagkill.like ao many demoaa through the finding out, de knows bis subsequent history. aomaace of S.udeat Life akread; by Buaaai.. 1 . brought him to curaing. He u by . - /• .k tbe people were returning from ... P®!Gy, and struggled to defeat them; but their lvrl.;«e * P*®pe the ****'•oooflsgraticn,**** "Col. Fremont had a brother, Frank, a year or FaiDAT, May 9. aireeta, tareaiening destruction to the CathMk greet, that the mass of property -holders, and law ; etaraotenied by a dignified Zoadee—a Romance. PHcc Wo, an unoecupied dwelling*!T**°^*®8 house,OMe, belongingk"i onging to an two younger, who went on tbe stage very early Sophronia Eubank and Mary Hurley, druak and making iead-like desaonttxations ^ ’"f *i***7* Old Oi.mmlea, hy James PriccMe. Cathedral, aad kbiding people in Ljuitville, think just as we do, , . , ^ and mADlf beAnag comparad with that of the ** j He was a bluff-looking, hearty fellow, seeming disorderly eoadnot. —ok in $200 for three Li tie. Brown h Co owitlea of the Britlmk Poets, Iruhnun, was set on fire and consumrd. Bail J present deipadeddetnaded aod ignoble party which you Knick-Hwrther aad Putnam for Hay. against piruoas ef the eity inhabiied by our for* and when the c nviouon of thu fact overwhelm* very much more like a man destined to military months. Work-honse. I j AH Just received and for sale oy S. A. ORCHT. sustain. big* have their coons, i 'The'Tbe did their leadership his brother. For some little ciga hora eiuaaas. Through all the appalling him, he will either peruh outright, and the eity Sale of Real Estate made than time Frank Simms, drunk and disordarly oondoet. myS M ffoertn *treet. near Haeket, 64 by Mr. Samuel log-cabins, cider, | and tbeir bard but the Know- got Frank made a sensation, and to be called, the i Bail in $100 for one month. oeaes of murder and araon perpetrated on Mon- will get rid ef him that way, or he will pour out Hyman, anotioneer, yesterday afternoon : Nothings have had their bra.ss knacks, their fire- 1 'Charleston Roscius’ but gradually came to NEW BOOKSl -NEW BOi — be Mary Kelly, who escaped from the work-boose, I curses and blasphemies upon her that are 1 Lot on north side Broadway, between 9 er®®*!** ®®^ tbeG foul and oold blooded murdars day, ao oppomtien whatever was mads to the I all the and considered merely a tolerable stock actor. After was rearrest^ and taken back, At Bloggold’k. Miyteille Exprttt. cEeeutiea ef their hetlish purpoeet. Nor, laid in Pasdemoniam; which would be etUi 10thth streets,streets. 90 byb* 175 feet of ground,wround. at B59 permt he had been on the stage some years, he mar- Com’th vs. Patrick Gibbon, breach ol ordinaace. until I np $59 |y»TOHY ried in York, as well as we reeoUect. Gibbon bis POPULAR eity foot, — New ran dray without a number. Mr. Jean* credit of tbe j iai* ia the foraaoea sf Tuesday, did we bear of i better. Nothing would help the $3,540, equal to easb. iilllik MMSilBr i l By Hr Democrat says * ~ The editor of the that Somewhere about 1838-39, while playing an en said those wishing numbers had only to call oe Ie, er it e-vc je© of exeerations in th* nay remoaMraaoeremoaeu-aaoe oveaeven against their barbarous «o mueh,much, asae whole eolumas 771 Z ir *® •®™® ®f t**® Louisville to ^gement in Buffalo, N. Y., he got into an Aboli Mr. Crawford, who free ef C*~nst*aBity and IKlMsai Mem j T7~- Mnnnt P®®P‘® would fnnush them proeeediags. Then it was mnderetood that Jadee mob organ. It wonld show the rest of mankind bo killed on the sixth of Augnsl. He is try lion riot of some kind, and, while fighting gallant charge. Many draymen took out their license. 1 j .a, , b r , w 1. 1 **’r^nrT u-ir * * Sterling last week for stokiiog a horse, and It wa* Oruk PaiveTetef » . k J k k- k J 4 -.k . .k mginrtocausetherest«> cause me rest to bostarv^oosiarvea. ly (A Southern prinoiplee, received a heavy blow but neglected to give the required boad. TbeCosut oi . ! sy R«v. Ch^.V^RfoBsley-*''' B«Joek,aad one or twe ether Know- Nothing er- that lU reign was done, and with it the reign -* • - *"aj a , i .v . v v 4 . j T* ^ , afterwards discovered that he had appropriated LouttvtUe Journal. on bu head which affect^ hu braia. From this raid a license withoat the bond was subject to Luiud FtaisstWanada, and Cuba; hy

atore, addraesed them ta the ^ the aeoareed feuds of race and re- Ua M Muriay. had Court-house law, and • • mob i_i - * ui. I. -j *ri. • i- v *1. n j injury finally ' several others belongiag to huv neighbors, besides The manner la wbieh the Democrat alludas to he never recovered—the settled fine. ^ I yard, with litticlittle er no eCeet.effeet. ligion.ligion. upon lungs, and he died of consumption. SameSamo vs. wooaJohn Fitsgerald, umamaooordinance warrant.wnimat. n»gvmu, , hu ! ^a row Sharps- ®»l»^fortano8 of Loauville, u “more in sorrow IbM^NTereifomi^nooupae Keconeeuens, a VMytodTW*vssyeidsGilw ^ " believe, few ie*n Ufo by WaiUr Marce. thesethose facto to introdcoe preenme everyovary man nndentands this; hahe than in anger.” Her people all know that every Ue oontinued to play, we up to a Dumissod. We refer to aeiRum-a ouvum- WaWe ^ j whi<*. w. think, ocrar^ »cetement with regarj to its sinking oonditiim ie Jan before hi^®®th, i . eteaeeotoaoe whmhwhich wewo havehavo jestjast leeraed,lonraod, heviaghaving a moatmost must be very dull if he does not. Thon let the — . \ bitter m Colambotp O^orgiAp id 13S9u AtADjrAte UtD lAd of M^*oriAl* ahU other ?AD4r»i bAThA** , . .. but loo frwr, aad while they feel the effect* ^ Fovumsd Kuktb.— hAl gtnU#- kk i k . . k, j thetho subjoer.subjoor. It WoiftAen. TjOo of ] important baariagbonring on show*shows be-bo- ;! mob organ bebo silentsilont about Loauville.Louisvilla. HG state- 64" The MusGsippi river is encroach iog rap- vrrltorof this foaod him thor#—with Rome little . . *» j* ToUa» a MgAerm 60 of tbeir own work, they cannot bear that the werld -n®® would remain th. curs, of# a duagrm- playing under an asmimmi andn yond doubt tho oempticity of tho pablG aa-* montimoots are not boliovod, and bishis praisespiaisre are idly its east should know to what an end they are coming. irquble, a. he was ;! ono bank, opposite St. LouG. During ^•*^*®* . name having been charged with a messa« to *We breath, when, by using the "Balm of • of Horws; thnritios - — by ^Beausher. tho atrooitias I ®“^ ef Leuuviile in oimmit- , slandors. Where G the oommittee7oommittoe7 the stormst of Saturday last, a house on the shore |®^*^** •?** fortune I him by his mother, who, it may be remarked, was TKonoand Flomert" as a doatifrieo would not only kjk , A At.,.,.,.-, with the proeperity and good of that oity, £,V«**** ^ M *>a«*b tod hy the meh, or ia tho eharitablo as- 1 moot 77 r ^ ^ had undermined that it fell into a quiet, melancholy woman, greatly devoted to ' ^ but hu convictions, like those of every other free- it but, leave tho tooth whito as ala- - The editor of tbethe mob organ seems to think render swoot | TTZ , .. _ . ki or poet of Uo ease, the most eaipahle indifforoaoe ^*i® ri „ ,k rw * 1 • When bailtp in 1849, it wai upwArd of idad ia tbe StAte, are that abe can never proeper j *SD";ilitl. striking that there two brotbora tbe< Uis rttjcity approva It, hut birth and religious belief, both »ui never mention it. Poor a singto drop of tho re*JbI5j!!^bTre*5r^ “*not mtiy tha>*• Dtmxracy‘><”“'“1 “ tTTho9"TbeU Cleveland Leader, of Thuieday,Thursday, says: I ®>C® •o iadindaalil4in4U oomposliic tha was persoa^y. The ono is knocked on . moh arn^ Maytville Kxprett, Abolitiooisn, „ four tooth *®®®. ®hat we say. and sMmR a caU f» balonged to tha train of sixlaen nassanwer and kaavawe cars 1 on tooth-brash aad wash the bnedrads who naver Damo- A of sixtoen passenger and baggage oars fanatioicm, while the ^ bethbeta eifasanscifa sens andaad Krumrastraaiwra Wa BOW enitrsleail that ia tha eoarre of Tueo- the head and ‘done for by ®»^ Bsorniag. fifty eont botUe will loot a myi CHAB.Ib.CHaB.c H aB. B.a. rirr,RIBR,I MeeemMoemt BuDdUr*BaildUr* ***•“ *“ «n*ttor. They want out yeetorday on tha Toledo road. There other a name infamous, whwh had else been oic*^ A _»yj[ dav after the mUd exnadiant mkoem ^ Hurrah for Harney I giving influenoa to tho mis ^ ***’ ***** ***** ** ** *** **®“^™** Monmjns along, all the way traiy famoos, by bG ' I AY Fashions. fr\nk lf. deliTerad hy ona Truth crash’d to earth shall rise again, , onboly I 're^M who wage an w ®^® tbe^G- in all its daUrmity. So tu from injuriag from EnglsAd, and bound for tha promuad land o^ ^ BBAUnm. CoMKLBXroN may easily be ac- ifR. He's Oaseue of ysahioniyaohioas fer Bay jaat *eeetv» thair nratiiie f.ti I po*®d The eternal years of Qud ara hers; seotion, aad of a people who ay twe ot hsi a# tatioDs of own ' I hG . ^ . v *v m o » e n j and forr satesafe sT^at ‘ But error woouded, writhes in pain. lowliness and placed him on l®»r®d ®7 using tne Uotm of m Tkontaoa . towskraa. aad whila th. moh were raised him from hG f.r. MABBRNV,MABI>RNB,K1K1 TWHTM Hreet. attori^ the ! And dies among her worshipers. , s»v* ttoe.I area toorstr^daore frere feet omre. will ; the high road to fame and bonndlem wealth. T Plotoert.’* It will remove l«e, pimpltt, and ! . 7^ southing of crime aod its ooniequenoet, do aet faiioM Ihreata,*!>* a aotorisM hally,„ I by tha O® WadnewUy tho DemocraUc Con- the following artiole which ha ever thinks of hG origin, he must saa the deptii j ^ ^ HR" From we take (tom /rrehlM, from the skin, leaviog it of a soft aad I^EW BOORS. Willi. WAtAOA, WM 4 b, i.i. noMtar .f ih."U,Urti1. of an lagratitnde almoet labliae. MM e mtmu ..Oliow f.t th. Mi UMwerhUe DUUiot mmUM . TlmM, It will b. kne. Wet i w Meatcrtals ‘ "IT“* lying that Tlueould bah. empluyad. It roeeaU a towel, poiu oa two er three aad ether Fapere; Kirhpatriofc,aadaammittad toprieoa. ThG .U- : s®®* that Mr. Harney, of the Demoora^ aotwith- J„d*a and and merning. ** *• **' standing the onmanly and contemptible proenlp- nigM ^ . .^. The Indmna iSbsia Btntimet maxes the fol- wla arrem «aased th* I HR" moh to dilMn® and thatr Commonweallh Attorney. We^ mneeraly hope ^ of of merohants, is Shavimw et * I tion a number Hindoo stUl res- lowingjaoknowledgmenti to the foreign-born citi- Madb Eabt.— year shavlag- . . tinet in Louisville; hat If mob UwG powerful Pby»oh>aT id OeB*ii»a*»tee,fo*Behe earaar ef ertore wes eieeed. This Watcen, like will ba a large tern out, aad that harmony peotad and belo^ by all tha tnre and loyal men tens of that plaoa, who, daspita all the rejolery 0# brash ia either warm er ooM wator, Uattonee B. B>e^ ^ d.ierm.oai oppon^U,«nnnna-ta. who.ho wUlwill aain ih.th.' pour oa twe asoet ef the moh, was act a aitiaea af Loui^ We are tineerely gratifi-d to learn " o“»"otenMohanut.ris# ittits ddalibara.loara- " 1 ^ ‘ ^^ « or three drop,drape of Balm of a Thousand Flower.,-Flowers,’* JKSI!: ^ **** ^ tastimoaial on the part of the people “*t“" of th#tha Democracy areara ‘is?due to th.th' riiia aad was aad .to hare far tha >.* The thanks i,. . . the AndeleshMAndelestas ef BaaG;BpaG; by theIhc aSffior tions. . ’ eoeeadraliem aad hratolity canaot pam anohal- towards Mr. Harney, and hope they will eominne ^ whseh B . pere to ha was aagefd. Bat we stoU toJ^urage him in the nool. effort to ^ Th. fore is it in destroy mob Gw ^get^weak T . u iaat to ahaw, aa it ealetoly deee, todt it * CBLBaasTiOM.—M' hit Sunday will h® oelebra- evrey veatige of ntoboeracy in that ill -fated ehm , 1. < oity. * •••»»“ argaa oat aa re t u ; 'Wmei aad Conriar also have was ta tha pawer ef tha pulme to have arreetod ^ to-aaotrew on a very enlarged scale by the 1“® Gbired man- w ®” *•* •®h®n. folly in to® ®*«»® ®f ®I^U ®®d religious J. . « A „ w .. , .VI 1 . .111 w freedom. the^ eftoeatohataayttme,audtheir^ CathoUre of thG city. W.m preiume thare will ha prqi^ whiTtlbS CaUure to have doaa aa tovelvee (ham to the {^T Tho Huu. Ltoa Boyd amved to Waahiag- aa Immanra ooncourre of panoas at tha Oathadiai ^111 reap a good reward for thair good work. Indiana. to witaem the impoeiag oeremoniet. MaytvUU Mxprott. wa haartily ngoica at tha glorioiu rewlt.' Aihuay, apMeodAweewly MOATOM R «] i P - ' — ; —— — ' ^ 9 > : O

U '7' HOTEL A1UIXVAL8. voncsi* AimiSFsMFsNTS ^ I 1 1 IX l'M€Ui4ll A»*W J. artMLIIAIi JOB rKlNTlKG LoDuviixa, May, 6- Baix or Kxai. KsT6Ta.«-Mr. C- O. Speneer sells this BT 8. O. BIXNRT A CO. K:STABL18HMBN7 aftornoon, at 4 o’clo k, on premiaeii, Frame Cot- LOUISVILLE THEATER. RAINB A CO. the a JVI UN»elm 9&ii Al C'o., or TBX GALT HOUSE—JOHN tage and Lot, on Oak atreet. oppoal'e the Toll Gate, on A large and exceHent aaeor* taeat of Parlor, Dialag- the Unkland Plank Koad- Also, at o’ lock, on the B C Glatt ft 1, Ky W M Doone, Tenn S>6 aeonosMBLLUS MaosAer. ruom. Chamber, and K> ebea Furbiiare, premises, a Building Lot on Qieen street, retweeu TOBACCO MANUFACTUREEIS, DAILY DL,7IOCRAT. J T Kennedy, do W M Doan*, do D.A. SAazBOAS...... StaaeMoaouss. at a Pnvatw Kecidanee, J It*, m T«nu) ttruKT, uTwitu Maiii am Watsb. Dr H Scot', kio A W’estferk, V* OFFIOK ON THIUD STllKKT, J Elliott, do J W Emis, Pa BENEFIT OF MRS. OLAU.8TANE. AT ACCTIOB. 4 ^E WILL AT ALL TIMES (BBTWBBP ifaMBT appiirriBaoii,) Mr* Bebt), HI J B Bnntwright, 8 0 Miss be, R»al Kitate buyers for N WEDNESDAY YI O K I ker^korp OB bM>4band bBfollf all aatlappljf of oar otra aaaa-itBoa- Be do J Cklrtwell.d', ty* tbat with to purobase N N O U their nr N THIS EVENING,S\TURD.YY, buy CBctoro4 ortiote. troa MiUi Kentackft aod Teo- M J BUir, Cin F G Strahan, Ky own use on aiwculaUon, now ia ihe time to CONGUE8SIUNA L. O next. May I4tii, at |0 o’clock, w* w.H sell, a* the BOOJ^AND JOB PRINTIKO. M Bell, Ind J H Hendrick. Tenn cheap anrt improved prop, rty, commanding respecta- O May 10th, srill be acted the excelleat CosMdy *n- residence of Mr. T. T»yler oa isxajrsoii stitst, teath mttwf* 1/Oaf, to trlucB wo call ib« auoauoo of m«r ble tenants at paying prices, invest in; tiUed •baoU. Oar lerma will bo liberal l« prompt aea. D Tbori.ton, do J McKeage.do is tbe sort to Wa8HIKOTON, May 9. side, one d> or be ow reventh eircet. a geasrol voikty apM dlainaho TbePropriotora of the Democrat rrart^ivilt eolic J P Fentress, N Y K Bryson, do just such prop-rty if to be said by Mr- Sam’l Hyman at TIME TRIES ALL. of detiroble aad well-iMpt Meascaoks san.bare aid Auction, on the premise*, this afternoon at Benatr. 8andr/ private bills were taken up thooe of tbeirfellow.ciUBenBi MerchanU, aad Steam J C MorxaD, Ky T S Delaupes, do (Satnrday) Laura Leeson Mrs Olsdstone. BouSekreiiog Aitlcirs. In the lot will Fefowad— Ri< h LOST. A 0 Smith- do A W Monrow, city 3 o’llock, weat aide of Fifth, between Green and Wal- and passed. Mathew Bates Mr. Ha ley. Tasetry, lagroiD, ar.d Mn*« L'orysu; Looiask wii - boatowoertwhoareiB wantofanpkindof A Roits, city A Bnrle, N J nut atreets, neerly opp tile tbe Cathedral. The Lot is Mr Leefin Mr. Lortou. dow t'nrtain* sad ehatfos; Msh"#*' > Di.sm; Far’or Dfeetfioct, ana ezieudstbroahh The House Bill, giviug a million and a half of JOB D T Corter, Tenn W K Smith, Chi to Centre street, and Turn Tact Mr Bensun. and Rnrkiag Cnaire M h gsoy dnabeara, 4 ent, r PRINTING, B Thomas, Ky W h Grady, Ky there is an exeedent two atory Brick House thereon, acres of land in Iowa for RailroiMls, was read. Hon. Augnttut OoUsnder Yawn -M' Asi'mer. and Dirica Talles; fine Mah '.any Bed loads: Toilet OleBdaW. OB her apward trip, ia Deoeoiber loot, w -r TalbtiU, f a J C bewers, do cuDtaiiiiiig six rooms. To those of am ill famiii a, oeallaadloarethairordertattheaboTeoatabliahmenL Jones, of Iowa, asked that it be put on its pae- Fanny Fact Mr*. Stwiedoa. a l>ltY GKiODp box. abvat or 3 foot o' A. i«tiU, I'uca, lad- It was wrapped C H liairison. Ill* 8 E UeUover. do a home, ibis sale offers a rare chance. lax*- Mr. Foote moved ita reference to the Com- vanety uf otbcr Dixine room, chamber, and Kitcbcn Tar Has wao ohippeO frooi Nalchei After whieh. witb craotoaae. maaaor , and apoa the BoatroaMn ablt terma. J T Kind, Ky W Woudworih, Ind mittee on Public J-mndi. After a debate the bill F urpiinr- aecesaary for bouawkeewing- «ia tbc oaid MeaaMr, aad bat aot beoa itoard of aineo. A A Benton, 'do M K HaxweU.N Y Comic Song .Mr. Dougherty. 7* Tre tpeeial atteniKn ot the ladies israMed f* forward to Utica, ludiaoa, and all was passed.— Yeas, Adams, Allen, Btll, of Ten- I* foaad, peaoc IV Balrtron ft 1, Tenn J 8 Pimpaon, Pa BOATS LEAVING TO DAY. thia Sale of soud and >*weirai>ie .arB iwre. Taw s-dw «raot wiubc paid, or anr iafunaation will be tbank- nessee Bigler, Bright, Lrown, Crittenden, Dodge, M Cartrr, Ky J J Doahn, Mis* ; To eoneinde with wiL be positive, a* Mr. T. t- awoat .sa-vlng to Mia- Orpaidbr iB»kdb*j klAkV A. LKKTZ. To the Public J W PhlUipe, Md Donglaos, Darkee, Fish, Fitipatrick, Foster, Gejer, aoari The entire lot will be eloasd niu aukouiriMerv*. Clickham, Tenn BLACK-EYED 8C8AN. J Boruugh, do K B CINCINNATI Teletraph, No. 3. Hale, Terms caen- n.G.UhNktY a CU.. K Orr, Tenn Harlan, James, Johnson, Jones, of Iowa; m*ek-eycd Hotlce J S Dupuli, Ark W FLUKKNOK John Tompkins. Busan Mrs. Oladstaae. myK Aaet iunewrs . C P Dolton, Mo Jooee of Tennessee Mallorj), Pratt, Seward, Sli- William OF THE UNITEH STATES! S Warper, Ky NASHVILLE Swallow. ; Mr. Hanley. 8T LOUIS St dell, Stuart, Weller, Capioin Croettree Mr. Ashmtr. 8 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Ab adTertiaement Clair. Sumner, Trumbull, Wilson, BT SaM’L EIYMASI. of Mr. UDOLPHO WOLFE, laUly FRA.NKKOBT Blue tiing, Dogyras* Mr. Lortoa. mccCiaB for electt oa of Oirectora of Umt OWEN’S HOTEL—w. r. owan. Y'aiee. 1 aauual P^Wiahod.aa I Go'itbraiu Mr Bersoo. YainableOil Fointiims, Rwfnqeratura Md iMUianl e Tetecrapb Cob- auppoae.fortbe protocUon of hia Schle- NASHVILLE Eclipse. aad SfteweT •^iS^arCimioiI^ G A Morris, fin ST. LOUIS Fathion. Nays—Bigg', Broadbead, Hunter, Mason, Ham- Admiral Mr. Donnelly. viii be b^ at ibe National Tel<-wra^ UfBce, la dam Sebaappa acaioat eonnterfeitera, baa come noder Balhi, new and aceond-haml Faraunre, R II Fioid, Ky T L Owens, Ky NEW ORLEANS.., Peter Tellon. lin, Pugh, Ueid, Ihompeon, of Kj., Quid Mr. Conner Cr eitpof Loaiarita, Mr«, OB MONDAY, the 8d day #i ajr Toomb, Wade. Liquors, Tubaaoo, Cigars, otioorTattoa i and, beinff eagaded in themiinnfac- Rtrickman, do WJSMPHl-S Dolly Mayflower Mrs. Miller. Ae , a. B. U Wm Uarvm. 'Ane nezt, at It o’clock Pry r, do Mr. James, from the Committee on Patenta, tare of Schiedam bchna,>pai were 1 to let it paaa witheut H W NKW ORLEANS.. J C Swun. AT AUCTION. ^yado JOdUnA HANNA, Secratarr. » ser’t, O H Graham do NEW ORLEANS.. Jas. Montgomery. reported a bill amendatory of the patent laws, hie kj^ First notice, I midbt ba conaidored omonf thoae he denomi- Durseno, Ind Monday— night of the rnsogement of tho B V object being to protect tbe public against the op- favorite Actress, MiaaMARY PRioVUBT. X MONDAY, MAY IJTH, AT 10 Batea *‘Ptraus Vtndrrg J U K'.diuan ft r, Ky TbArn CJl , aad gf Ptiggm." Bat the H A lluuter, Pa • im- preative use of invalid patents, and the really O o’clock. wUi re aold, at Aueiiwu Ucoma. Mma Mis* K 0 Murray, do street, opposite Nstionai Uoiel, ta eirgiiat Lan P C W Symon, do PORT OF LOUISVILLE. meiitorious inventor the piraoisa PBlCEBOr ADMISSION. tc-aa from of dishon- Fainiinss, Id oil colore; Toilet 4*l->asrs. ch eBCIoMrta: J K Graham, do DressOireleand Parqaette76eeots; Second Tier 3g aet infringers. K* fr.a> raior.; Ecoa tisot ; ehower Baths; Belstead*; T Kistir, La LoruTn.aa,May 9 eents;Children under twelve years of age, Dress to Cir- and a vaneiy of et .cr FumitBre. W eebaatiu, do D J Wood, Ky Adjourned till Monday. ole, 60 cents: Gallery 36 cents; Colored Geliery 36 cents: MI LE, of brown color, anppoord to be Ua Biedicinal virtaea, precladea the poaaibilitr W ARRIVALS. Alao, OM Uourbon Wi.Uay an) Cherry uaer, la ••male of the Patt. do Mitt L McCann, do Colored Boxes 60 cento: Private Boxes 66. K M G HorsB. A message was received from tbe Sen- bbl.; floe Chau, psgne brmn'y; Uinree du. ^ Idea that I am Inoinded amon« thoae he deaignatoim- Mis k oi chum, do Jacob StraAer, MoefortiAliiicinnati. Door* at o’clock. Lb ny uo; br open 71e Curtain will rise liidb: avprataed at $40. Belle, a( Sehicilam nchxawi-a a:,d Tumato Catchep, in buiUeo. oa Saw'-ff J West, do £ U Hancock, do Buckeye McCalllm, Vevay. ate asking a third committee of conference rela- quarter before H o clock precisely. Oiv^uudCTtiivea under my c^d,nacd, thii i'-tn day of April, IW. pa^n. No doubt he feela adgriered at the deprecialioc Rainbow, llolcroft, Henderson. pat up in good style. “ ^ ' " * “ I n j fi G M Horne, Kr A M Hancock, do tive to tbe amendments to th* deficiency bill, up- 14^ Box office open doi^ (rum lOo’eloek A. M. aotil mylidr J HAKKlNQrON,J.P.,J.C. ' uf the aale of hla Schnappa, which ia manifeat to all, Fashion, Reed, Bt. Louis. Alsu, V irginia T-bace«, superior Cigars, aad many i Capt W Penny, do G D Young, Tenn 1 o’clock P. M., And from 3 o’clock p. u. antU 6 o’clock Silver Wave, St. Louis. on which the two houses disagreed. otier articles loo Dumcrous to wreatiou. ainoe min t haa been bronght into competition witb hia. J 0 Smith, do R G S:iLp4‘jn. Pitt* P.M..wheTe*eatsmay heseenred Wm Bagiev, I’itUburg. Mr. Phelpt rose to defend tbe tSr The aitrn'ion of the trace and country tser- Examination. J Givens ft 1, do Jas Lavet, Tenn people of Mii- dligh School Not only hare 1 aaocooded in competing with him Memphis, Mhuii, Ci -cinnati. chan's IS espeeiahy eoited tu ibiii saio. Ever, ^ K L Johnson, N D L Morey, Mass souri, be said Mr. artiote StHtenmaii, Malin, whom Giddings yesterday , oBered will be pu. tiveiy auld, a* 1 Save auaiityibat the conatant and increaaing demand for IV A Orathney, do F L Grimes, Ky Cincinnati. GRAND C 01nCERT!~ otoers ta ekute HERE W ILL BE AN EXAMINA- Seventy-Siv, Barclay, Cincinnati. charged as traitors, and said they deserved to be several cuungameau r> g \rd e « of pnee. arUeJe wUl aoon aatiafy him that hia caatiou to the Mrs Lamas, do S Reice, do AT UAU,, all appUcanU who wiahto enter oitber the "V Tennessee Belle, Wood, Cincinnati. MOZART mjM S.aaC KL UYAulN, AiicCtenecr. , uon of Mist Adoison. do B 11 Obsriet, do hanged. Depanmeai or Fesaie High School, on dtiacna of the "Sontbem and Weatem htatea” will SeiuicAl F Stephens, do A Thompson, M Y DEPARTURES. Mr. Giddinga intermptiog, explained his state- Oil IVIoiiday Eve’s, ^ay 1 *2 P. S. Just received ^roiu BalUmcre, a rav sigamrat Dr "W J \V asasiine, , of 38 otsea of Eonnets, spring wym.— now open I' r in- “ concerned. The F Stratton, Ind Ky Jacob Strader. Menfort, Cincinnati. ment, saying: “It was that people frem Missouri, J Saiithey, do W W Uwcu, du spoctiou—Which UI.I be soid »l aaotKia ia a tew o’clock a. character of my Schie lam Schnappa ia too well eatab- Aunt Letty, St. Louis. to be given bt the days ^atioa to at « by the collection of an armed body fur the por{>o4e or as B'.)on as the r- stdue ul iaveice W Gorrknoc, do B S Holmes, Ind Uhiu Btlle, Cincinnati. comes to aaad, or liahedin thoee Statea tobe injured by any auchinTidi- wh ch due notice w il be pivrU. . Saracen, St. LoUU. of usurping tbe government of Kanssa, who had A7 d< AAgoatgoat of Fabllc ScfaoScfaooiaola of LoaiaTiUeLoaiariUe. , _^ publlcatioa. The of moUee hU adTertiaement ta Moses McLelion, Mather. New Orleans. committed treason, and under the laws and con- ORPHEUS SOCIETY, EXCHANGE HOTEL—a db long A son. Alvin .titauis. Lamb, St. Louis. UY SAJILFL IIY.HAN. NotiOA.Notice. obviouato erery one, and feeling well aatiificd that all stituUon were guilty of the charge. FOB THE BENEFIT OF C Sandare, 111 0 Wood, do Silver Wave, ClLCinnali. aucbmiaaiicatbrownatmeby himwlll faUharmlcasat T Desizahl* Brick Dwelling Uoaao aad Lot—Tiflft N ELECTION W ILL BE HELD W MCler, V* F Evans, do Wm. Baglw, New Orleans. Mr. Phelps denied tbe charge, saying such an foet, 1 wiU here, for the aaUafaction of the Baird, Memphis, Hai.li, Memphis. St. Joseph’s Orphan Asylnm, Street Froperj, at Aociiimu I'J the city of LounnlU, oa my pubUc, J N ft L RK U S foffrey,Uin idea exu>ted only in the distempered imagination A*at t ie Qalt tloaie. Maiin. of IW, t» otect oereu J T Smith, Slio'.well J B Denny, Ind 8tate.'>man, St. Louis. ^ a.SUAr, ine lath day Mat, pnbUah my Copy Klght, entered in the Southern DU- of ita author. Tbe M's^ourians who went to Kan- Under the Direition of I^ATURDAY ArrERNOUN, - Tennevaee Belle, Wood. St. Mi aiotf &ad G B Rho es, do Tho* Uur.luch. Cin Lcuia. MAY for (he Mentucay York, on the aSth of December, ISM sas in Kth. at will 0. d putCsrioiot^ rict of New C F Popping, A lam* P H LaC0B'rt* (COPT BIGHT.) L A Loprey, La J W Banner, tty taining the laws, aud that the soenee of bloodshed Professors Zoller and Weiss. .foe of Fifth J O Toy lor. Pa Q A AUen, do street, between Green and Walnut Mit* s, a twe-sterw L A WtjiTdLY, ) BorTHBBji Dutbict OP Ntw Toax, aa. that ensued, a ere properly attributable to the S K Hall, Ohio £ K Hart, do REVIEW OF £H£ MARKET. bncs Dwelling House aad Lot; lae Lot la 1« leei (root Be it remembenxl, That on the twenty-eighth day of friends 17« feet, C J Hall, do J Reed, Ind *f Mr. Giddings. by extending I hruug . to Ceutr mveet, aad D.*cember, Anno Domini 1664, Parnard L. Simpaon,of P U O G K A .V .V £ €a«h! Caeli!! Cash!!! T Simtii, 111 C £ Hay**, Dover The Honse fronting on botii streeta- Tis« Hcoe.- coaiaina -* — owea- l-iatrict, hath deporitpd in thia ottoe the title of Omck or Daily Lociivilli Dimockat,) further debated th* proposition to 'be aaid S Rainwaltet. H Floyd, Oolconda PART I. fonalMc rooms and sU etkrr ouavei.nwi.a. do W kXIDaV, M.y tf. 1866 appoint a third HAVING SECOND- a print or label, the title of wtdeb it in the word# fol'ow- J Alaoteiwon. { Committee of Conference on the ISr No property can be more eratroily tiinaiwi 4>ER80N8 W Pttrtle, W Ga I. Chom*—Song rf the Wanderers J. Ottn. tbM Faraiutre ef anydo- ing, to-wil: “Biwaard L. Simpaon’a Aromatic Schiedam TOBACCO—Salei at warehouses of 87 hhda, deficiency bill. this. It adjouis the rertdenc* of Dr. nudloy A UardU'iMoh^ildorkivobec D W bitesvillc, Ky Q L P)iUer' 18 at 66 0U^> 45, 14 at 6 5l(»6 7s, 8 at 6 80(»6 OU, tt at 6 U6 (e<-tiy coni su uste tudneas; aeorly appoeiu the J W Raver, P* MO Gould, Va Tbe proposition was adopted. 3. Tenor Solo—Mute of Poftici Bellini. Ca- (Sd$ to, t) ,.t 6 5ast> Srt, IU oi 7 06^7 60, 10 at 7 70(gt8 36, 14 S Wool, Ua R C Stevens, Texas 4. Qjartette— Fair ore tbe R^aea f. and 6 at 60 After a long .iisenssion, undetermined on the Abt. neighberho, d. S Kausman. Pa R B Gentiugk, Ind at 8 30^* 8*, 6. buprsDo Solo— Ah, don’t Mingle, of 7u (from wiU “ J 0 Vk ade, Ky 8 Vloi-tt, Mo CuFFKL—Sales bog* Rio do at H)a(iH13e. resolution allowing th* partiea to the New Mexico K^ T hU be a rare ehaac* for a perooa ot moder- riAhia.*’ H. La Bonnam’'nla) Bellini. — — - r«iip©ctiii4 copy 0Ku« MOKToNi SUGAR—Sales of87bbdsN. O. >-o at ate sised )ami y to ootaiu a b,.me as TGomamrr, Pa H W Rryler, Ky 8>tc;3idodO contested election to be heard before the House in 6. Chorus—The Chapel Rteutxer. eomfog SPRINO TRADE. Clerk of Um Southern Diatrict of New York. Wade, atH)a:»8^c;Si> bbls ciushed do at ll>aC. either tbeir o« n use or U. Visimcnt. W Mc4 ueary, Pulaaki W R do person or by 7. Tenor Solo—Nora MeShane E.Cook. word Schiedam Sebaappa la derived from a town Miss Si'epsrds, MiiLAnaRU-Saicai'f plant otiou da »t 43@l4c for bbl* counsel to support their respective 1bbj|)S— ne bolt i.ash,of sn spgsoved jo'ntBetoat _._.taii dap n6®$c. PART II. mydda ftAN, aatfoneer. Beweat drrigua of American, French, and Cngliah liatiUeriet of(he above article, which haa been known at J Christman, do R U Buuen, Md FLOUR—Sales of lOu bbia superfine do at 66 10; 180 Wasdinoton, May 9. 1. Chorus—Comic Song C Oeger. t u*A, DeC'irounna, r aa- bbls do in loU at 66 36. Banaiacurera. via; Bjrder ^ , , r H Gsy, Ky W Steel, do 3. Piano .•»olo Stiakosch. BT C. C. bPlsNCZa. -Bchnappe’* for centuriea. 300 This afternoon the Secretary of the aria, irri.;d^., S at.iorr. Ac.. icgAher with every J T Houghton, Mo S B RjShorJsnn, do V4 UKAT—Saie* of bu do at90;^e of Spring Becker. Ajtignee’g Sel« Eiegaat New ForLUnr* ak I URN Mr AL—Bales o( ISO -u corn iue-*l at “*ke a wrong and untrue impreaaion 40^43c. steamer Minnesota to witness the operation of her 5. Tenoreolc—When will thou meet mel.. A. Lee. Auction oa FvStt Mobtas' Crcait. ?“* “!• bJ?? n* ^ ot Sales r-f 6 tons shorts at 613 CV!l2d?Q Wel^* ItrVhM ^ 8 HURTS- ton. « Sopran • Solo— Rot>*rt le tiiabie Meyrrbeer. tr will be public by aaaoiting that the 40 from store machinery. Tney were received by ('apt. F. in the sal ctiaa o' the above, aod o wioea the name “Schiedam HAY— ba.es da al 6i3 60. For- 7. Duet—Justus at Paiina Immhiolette. N WEDNESDAY MURN ING. foaad iw compare i\u 1 icjfc;i5>. llAUP— Sales ot 6 tons dew ro led do at 6130. rest, Commandant; Engineer-in-Chief Martin; 8. Chora*- Prayer of Earth Setnappe” bolonga ezcloaively to hia article,artiole, and that Trcellner. O May 14, at 10 o’ckes, a« assigriew of Naih.a M *KT0N M AN C FACi'U KE d TjBACCva—60 boxes Ky. man- all oibera are coanterfeiU and impoeitionaf C-mstructur Cook, and other officers. After the Wn.te, I eUl.rlLathi* sum. lure W «r«f ouaa, >8 Ml Mr. ‘a -tre,i, bK SrcTudand riT.r’d. ufactured do at 17c, CkS.„ Nv. mv6 Concert to eommenee at 8 o’clock. Fourin street, bsiwteb Main as d Jea-aei. DR JOHN BULL’S Sal- a of 3a bbls No. I lard at 8tKS85. steam was let on, tbe propellur made thirty-three TicketakO a serg-isad ][“ C. W. haa no monopoly, and no more right for the UlL— do cenis ea to be .'elcctel stock of 11 A V li* -b ; nod at Fet<.rs, Crogg U Co ’* masie well c:egab. N-w Fura.t iw, in port VVE have PROVlSluNa—Solesof 6U casks bacon c-ear sidei at revolutions with a pressure of only fire pounds. AKGE MIRRGR'’^. aolo importation of SchiodaB Sohnappa than anybody COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF store . Olid at the door. isylodi as foU'iws: Mabosau) anu cherry logh-pisas ^ 9}dc, p, gt ektr*; clear sides firmer, an t-ganeraily held Reoste^s; conata.-tly taanafacturj^, Every part of her machinery worked Eisots’ Foti Dt Bedateodai hsu-se i Caair.; m.i on hand, and »re atiuaod that I thall be the last t< Willi siuiUl sales at tui* price- admirably wi.ano, ^ a i'fi , 30 boss pi inie lard aud beyond anu Sofas; Lod'Cs’ btagrre 8«eist.ncs: i.andso.,.eiy robmlt U> hia unj aeUOable prrteaaiont. SAKII^APAKILIaA at 3>»c; retsil sales of keg do at He; 136 nbls aud -IH ha f the expectations of tbe Eugineer. w!?Am*iI(e'l’lo'the‘ pl«ne« lirdjtART carved ScLreiams ana nou* cose, "xTarTI lool: ^aoora ely* HALl7 Si,.rsu-raa: ba r- do at rc, sDw kSu kegs country lard at luc, to a Uea er, Tbe boilers are our lAC^iitiei are of the aoA oompioM- great and increaaing for COMBINKS all the medicinal vlrtu*s of Burdock, Yel on a new principle, invented by .cot Rockem; Ladies’ Wwrb on.i FobCr footed Mir or The demand my Oeaninr too cas->8 ribbed side, at b>ic, far Cuariesto'i, S. C. rt«j.>.s; the Eagineer-in-Chief, and gave satisfac- pusiu A ga end Isw-puet Eedstoous; T.ims in LouiavlUe, and lotcoock, Dondelion, aud pure H.ndunu SorsaparUla, Sales uf 3,00-) n>> Sinyiua figs at 13)*.^ 16c; much and piaia Schiedam Bchnappe throughout Kea- IRUIT- .Haiiiiiiuth .Ho%'iii{^,flirror. dureaiu; Warrrv>oca; cane-a,as Din.ng-r 'IriliiVl Vetmf lem -us a. tion, requiring only tbe estimated am, Ck«m- tbe m->at p-otent BLO-JD PURIFiER n tbe 40 b-.-xes oranges ana 63 s0,ai64 , 36 do At. R. amount of U.at to Hi; uioM a h - may fa>or aa aim tbeir tacky, haa induced me to appoint Meaara Clazx A and is ber, and usll Cboirs; iiot aoeoa, mr.e Luoeius-g '4&4UUI raiaiuB at 63 76-S-44; aycr at 4 lO^adt 3o. aateiy prom aa aai.af^i n. Ih^ id SCROruLa, (weuty-bve tons of coal per day. sb; Papier Ma>-he ctuesa, Uu Fa.nt.nsa, axi-n.i jera we oaa joHiBoa, Wholeaale DruggUU, No.M* Main atreet, aa known world- For tbe cure of Rhenma- CANDLES—Sales oi 160 ouxes star do at 33c; lOu rfiHIS u la- to call and examine oar aa- is BEAUTIhUL mTrROR D«s; Erosktast and Dinner iaiteai untner want are eapeoiai y inv.tcl , . • The Minnesota expected to leave for Norfolk anu .-Mia tisiii. Gout, Dropsy, and all Chronic Disease*, it nai do bar I sienrine do at 13>sc. judge lor tneaijclv«^.^^lueinaclvea. aay agenUfor aupplyinf the trade at my regular pnaea, will be exhib.tel EVERY EVENING at Mosart Etoaeres auu rrand.e Beua' coda, sit aa sndlcai B^u^nt•ortaieDt and SUAP—Sales ot 16u bxs oar do at 61 80. in about six weeks to he coppered aud to receive va- AtA-trS A^ MUBTON. eqaal. Hall Admittance only 35 oeuts riety Of o ber articles usuoLy oept in Fur..itiira mvb and they will al way a be fumiahed with a fuUatork of no WtilSKY—Saks of L6 Dbia raw do at li^c, which estaa- her armament, but not to leave that port until Afternoon e.hi)>itiua at o’clock, for Schoola, dsi ra Its. botliflifsrtaMfd P»«>fAl,lagood thippin* Price one dollar per quart bottle. is Me advance; 10 bbls old Bourbon at 61 76;-v ools near every part is auffloieotly test«»d. on W -dnesday and BUurdey. A )Bsi**l n esz Duaa. LaT Tu dealer* and oUk rs wan: ia» aew uad dvurabie N'^IlT WiJRK OF EVERY DE- copper du at 43c. The engineers myiO dtf Furniture, Lua sale prese lasn « ppuroiaco«i KaaEa.t n. w, ingredient*. This paiticalar, for the kind hberaUty with And other valuable preparation is days’ (tiodit; over hJhj 4 an-nuts’ cn-di ,juuit aota. or WM^aocb in^alit>- a^and pnee- which they hav< LiTBRroOL, April 33. Pbovidinci, R. I., May 9. With appro . *d soounty aote in harm. ^"^^TSLt ABTS aA MUBTON. the ortncentratel essence of tbe far-famed Wild Chbrrt Entertainiueiit , pay myf patroniaed me from my commencement of thia enter Cotton—The accounts from Manchester represent ,Hiit»icale! G. o. Sra.scKss, Aactianocr, to tbe essential rties Lowell, May 9. iwiae, I aaanre 1 Baxx, added wuich are prop of tra-ic quiet, and buyers demanding a reducU u the Bty7 di and Assignew of ho-ban and them that ahall eontinne to pro The brick block known as tbe Wyiuan’s Wa-.o. Nouoe.Notice Ba:k* never before nsel or br kers’ circular report the stock oi American cotton in Ex- vide them alwaya with a genuine and auperior artieb «ome Roots and known in rrii^mri .“u. -v- a ar iiDitu'D r X U L' lYlUK'r'' poit, exclusive ot Uiat on sbip-oord. oi 36d,U atoCAnoider*atoCAnoidar* witi n»(not be eoUt'e '• dAwtJell traders. Miaaicai Am >oia(ioa,014(100, 7-l6d, up a ds lair eXd; uo mi .d ing 6)4a S des JOSEPH T, bURlON, ALGilO>EKR, 'rt> safe aad certain cure for | prii'ilogea of (t lejic-r Fa r Oroand.otOreaad.ot the Azn-bition be the moat Coutumption to tiM for the Week rb,0uu bales; s-sies to rpecuiaturs 39,uou ea iiaout if u< ti.«ir lour.h inatalnent.inatal-oent. No. SV Fourth sueai, bwtaeea Main ana In1b «M «y nCAt, p CaatiOO tO Wcctem MerCtiantB I ever known in ihia or any other conntiy. bales, aa es to esporters 7,n0j bales; sates on Fiiday ot [bt the hocsi umiom line Mar keC, preparejprepAroa to ativn• hen oaU^oalt-d on. ] Tn-vTb'V Will pmaae be pay ^ ^ „ dollar per quart bottle. iU,iUU bole* Market ciusiug uncuauged and quiet. American Comet Band, filDeI'llDS Vk BRgNT,ItitgNT, T rerm ^ Cy Pr'.ce one LOLlSblLLft, Kk., mr-MdiaioirJl 4401 WOLFE 8 Breadittatl's— Prices are a .bade higher. Corn has ad- Gaiko, May 9. hig. er. Fiour Cousi.stiBg of 1.3 Taientpd Schiedain Aromatic Schnapps. vanced 1*. YYncaiutriUe stiuer aud a Weather .Hosiciaas aving lp,a»pd, fur a tkr.m . . DR. JOHN BOLL’S KING OF PAIN dear and pleasant Ohio rose eleven DR.Dh(.. JJ. AA. BfcCLEloLAND,bSsCLELIaAND, triU-s higher; Mtsieru can-tl fl-'Ui at i»s &-33s, go d ohiu AiiaiSTBD f years, the old suet on st sod rrceaUy celebrated medioinal beverage auipicy re, urt sales ui dou.heru inches last nignt. Mississippi rising fast. BT TUB TOGALI9T8, H a. eupied Thu la manufacturer* If the GUANO Master of lU acute Psias, in whatever 6)1 Brown 6t Glen- w j, I by o. C. -pc.scer, au.liuu.er, i..vuia t> lu«a.eu in tb* ^ Hour uu riday at 4.s'Sfsfe uf Use c>t>, tor ibe irou. action „l a liebsrai ahite wheat lbs 3 .^tus 6d, red 9s 3de prevalenoe of tbat awlul scourge, auction brokers quote flour a trifle hiahir, aud bU/ • and ro RE.81DENCERE>81I)ENCE AND OF irr AMD HIS ACC >llPLiaHBD DACUBTER, Cons gnmeulsvl dry Guviia. liori. arcduciion. Ceiv Wars. iSwot aud AaMjij^L|Sb|jAfloeot.floeot, JeCcrabcJeCcraoc atreot, aoathtooth aide, be atanafacturer of the article; and no preparation bear t'e ASIATIC CHOLERA, and wai never known to ers demand The cotton mill Pawtucket, owned by Thayei biwcB, Uau and Caps, (iruve.iea a,.d .>1 1 II Liquors, new ai d ween Fourth and Fifth itrccta.Luuia Provisions—Morse Arm at previous rales. Pork firm S S £ K T 11 \ C O I, L I E R E, U^^^^^M.ween ny the name of “Schnappa," that ia not procnroii fail used iu time. and Muie.', fire second-bond turnuu. e, ri.Mi.aiil st.Los auu an other 1 in caring when W estiru mess sus. Mcttenry was distroyed by last night. It was I I viUe, By. an-l marset ba. e quote., Will give A dctcriphun* ul iner^na .dtse aud ^«»«rirom nia eaiaciiaumcnA®itafcU»hEicat Inin Ncwnew Yorkilorz, oriromorfrois speculative GRAND CONCERT, at the above HoU. oa ata..uiaciursd a Ucms IM I m.hi> 63 cents per battle—60 t-eef uuse:tled, with a small uemonu. Ba- u-cd as a printing cloth mauutactury. Insnrance AlioperauonrAUAwr&LMitie iH rtaimngtotheDentalArlparform.drtJLiniuNtothv Dent&IArtoArfnme^ I Price cents Urge bottles. usually offered at pi it ale o oucuun sate. c,/U buoyant, wiidi active demand; middles odstakis 6d. TUBS bA Y E YEXISG, ilA ‘il, Athcm'iat carefnlaud Uioroagh manner. agentaln other citieA >• genuine and reliable. $19,000. Y 183«. 1 win o-s • ailena iu Ibe *a e at { oucUuu of heal Es'aM ""jrioeatboaeofeaate-Boittea.aiid all war Lard advanced 6d; sales of good on sp.t at 6>s. cheese uses made from barley of the fineat quality, aeleotec DR. JOHN BULL’S VEGETABLE TONIC ap35 dtd and tl' and Uuuoeboid Furui.ure at private reoi- wanted. N. uenecs or at my sawe ruuia. irith cate the produota PILLS, transaction* small at 49*. Lambertvii.lx, j.. May 9. . — great from of the moat Toll -w—Weak, and celebra 1 wilt da«oto my personal attention to privau Groceries-'tea si -ady. Congou 9sta-9* 6-J. Sugar ac- aad '.ed grain-growing diatricta;ia flavored with The Railroad office was entered last night and ~ sactiuu sales oi ab eunsignmeata, and tboeaaenci certain cure for FEVER and all dis- otien . ~ k AND AGUE, prices advanced butgrts. Molasses a shaue pttimpuy tive aud riTUA AlHuA lS. t# nuoiness intrusted to my <.aie on asouerata ’V. of the aromatie Juniper Berry of Italy, and iareotifler* eases arising from a torpid state of the Liver—prevent- Coflee firm. robbed of five thousand doUarA in tens, fives, and and *at- ^ biflier- isfaetory ieru.s * hy a peculiar prooeea, which expala from Otl— Linseed oil declined; sale* at 33®33s. smaller notes, of Huateui'cn Countyjiinx. the apiri: ing Bilious Fever*, Remittent Fevers, Dumb Ague, Ac. For New Orlrana. Ace UiiU uf sale* wi 1 be promptly rendered and set ' Consols are quoted at --"****^ Money Alaraet—Eaaier. tied wiihuui delay* i ^ every acrid paitielo. ly Price one dollar per box. (^93. PiTTSBCKO, May 9. splendid Consianmenis respcclfuliy *• w - vtP** a. The Pwoengep Steamwr kited. n * Opening preventing and correcting the dita- The above valnaole Pieparations are sold by Dmg- Logfion, April 33. JuB t. MLiX.UN, Now . Tl]* River 10 feet Weather cold. J^&g*£SKKCLIPSF, E. T. STuxaBon, Master, aa>-uoocer. GfcNUi'* A HciYS’ ' ereeobleand often dangerooa effecta produced npot in Groeeriei— Sugar firm, with a large business at 6d ad- No. ») PoU’Ui surset, I rist* an d Merchants every town and village in the will leave a. MbuV. on the following days, l LouisviBe, via aaraamacas Ky.' tbeatomachandbowcUbyachangeof vance. CoUee unchanged in price. With a moderate St Locib, May 9. Ween siiay. May Itib, at 6 o clock p. . ; water—aviaita United States. Principal Ufiice—Fifth street, Loais- .; ^ ,, , 1 1 . ousiness. Tea dnit John Bvrbee, U u.tt. ittroitoa, ^»**|a«*aii iifi ina^ Stinriay, May 31*1, do do; ^(iU .. «! ion to which travelers new aeUiera, and all nnaccli- viUe, Ky. mylOdfcwlm Unchanged. Fiour 33.(j^36s. The Kanrits cerrespondent of the R-tpuhboan T. U. Ciaw urd, u. £Jj^± l) Brradstuh,- White Monday > June Ih h. do do; J rta-dne*d.y, July 3d. do do. D Fone.Pope, On— Liosr eJ oil 3u«t3)30s. Pasieneers and shippers can AkX. LUVod. Marsh llII tioibert,tlaj ! are peculiarly liable—the Sebiedaa Aromatic Sebnappt is tsr rely upon this Boat -f^'* covery doubttnl. ) *^T!****'~ mi. ISLACKWELI.^8 iron—Market firm. leaving punctaolly as odvertined. J. C l)iaui *gnicl, Ww . u1, •a atalB,,ataia, abaolntely infallible iH found ; while, in caaca of .Money M -ricrt—Easier Consol* for money closed at Washington, May 9. S. Sca,ly a nadiey, JamesJaanr* noliin I D. BENEDICT ft SON, and Loliin* lropay,gravel, ohatrucUon of t^ARIiAPARlLiLA 931%(g,93. Ainrricau stocks uucfisnged, with a muder- dtf U. J. U. aebrauer, Pui.ari,Puiiari, FrosnerFros thekidneya,diteaaeao' ap<4 UAdUAW, Asent*. ft Smith, I According to the eviden'e at the investigation st busiues*. M>-xican dol ars6, Ibd, eagles 7is so. 1 he Ora.*bf,a.otroLOo., J. M M.iun -T' bladder, dyapepaia, and geaeral deblUty, It it r» a a BB I and versicola, bullion in the ltai.k of England has decieosed -£360,UUU. of the thuouug affray, Mr. Herbert came into th* ap36dt/ Joliii II. Howe,Ilowe, commended moat emphatically by the moat diatin- For Ciuclnnatl. ; Forthe cure of Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheo •lining room at half-past 11 o’clock, acoumpanied ' I 1 .N auiabedmeaberaof the medical profeation. Philadelphia Iruu .>iarket* ' A C T O NOTICE. 'cG\.HOU8E AND F.YNCY PAINPAIN. .aaU*m,and Blood Impurities generally. by a triend and called fur breakfast, but was in- • . wir * ^ U. S. Mail Morning Line steamer i* *“ bottlea, in oaaea of ont rv, Imit ttoritor «-frf aUall kindekinda of Wood and Marble. ®F MinDLSTOWg, Jtrraasox Co., Ky., Ang.l3, 1866. formed by a servant that he oouid not have a meal tifidSMBCTBLEGRAPUNa 8,3am Hildreth mas- m^^AXTED. WURIH OF Philadslpuia, May 9. ter, will leave 04 above this B J^ied Pa-nu, Glaaa. Patty, Ac - . for tale. docea, with tbe name of the underaigned on the bottlt on day, ta last., at 18 w w M.rcbaodise, Fnrniture, Dr. YausHaa— Dear Sir: In the summer of 1863 1 Without an order irom the office. Mr. Herbert di- ft-., uai * mmi.si<>ii, '.n. ua^u^Auit caetotnera,both at to ratea and The transactions in pig daring the week have not o’clock, M. andcork,andafac-aimlleof hiaaignature on thelabel spioke for aeekiy soles duriLg Ihia aroM.n, at i. GKnL MsN'S lad a young black boy, abonttwoyeara old, severely been large. The aggregate being l,b76 tons, buutuna rected several servants who to him on the Forfreigbt or passsgeappiy onnoard or to Auction Rooms, No. »o4 Jaarkst streci. hef-rence i r atreot, firat eaat of FouTtb. Foraale by all reapectable draggiata and country mer the Ikii so:d at equal to 436 to retire, harsh names. ayl W. S. HABPER. F tHwee door with an eruptive diaease of some kind. 3o. 8, On Sehuy , here.— subject calling them Tbe seeuiiiy giveD,and,if wanted, casn ad'V.aeed at linatf iffiioted HU Offie. on United States iLineW hart Eb- -«viH« feiO gynt,. UDOLPHO WOLFS, Other descriptions of iron unchanged. Demand steady, deceased made a reply, when M'. Herbert struck Mai Boat Joot*< sral 1*1 m* vboU body, and more especially his head, arms, and i Thirdstreef 90 tong Cnauip:aiuore Ijoms got I at 6>0. Rvery consigner wiUfind great advaniaes •PvAMia for Boa. 18, fO, and M Beaver atreet,New York. him with his list or a napkin. Tae deceased pick- ard satio- Tree*. PUnU,Plantw *nd..Plowersand .PlowAra for Sale. egs, were one aaa of running matter. 1 bad lost twr fa.tioii, and even all purr hosers will enjv>y KUchnene- ed up a plate or a tray, making a m vemenl as if H.\8 CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. ;hildrecaboatthe same age, and of the same parents For Salul Loui». ai in atCen'iing tbe Sniea, as every ihii-g la sum in a E. WILSON , FLORIST, TELEGRAPH MARKETS. to throw it, when Mr. Herbert threw a chair at retail way. to the Jaactien of the F,a' -rith the same kind of empUona, and I feltanre thia on* The fine steamer FASHION, Seed. AUu, vut-loor tales of Real ^^Preaioved hia Garden Since tbe tntrodaction of my Schiedam Schnappf deceased. Tbe latter returned the as.'ault witb Isute, fte , will be atreet plank road, abouton. die; but, luckily,! to a*«; •dWBMMiMBwmAster, will leave as above on Saturday promptly atieaded t'j at the lowett rates, ^^^UaAand Proaton . . .w j a. . vouldalso was recommended Nxnr Toax. May 9— p. m. tie respee- mte the United Statea, a nnmber of hqncr-mlxera It a plate. Duriog the melee, a brother of the de- lUi 1 iiisc.* i4i ii o*clock» M. .^P^B’le from the city, whore he kevpa for tab ; uve aoiea will be advertised thlLUa'i '.bii' pater. your “Dr. Blackwell’s Sarsaparilla and Versicola,’' Flour—There is demand for both for export and trt;L|{htGr Treea and Sfardha, Oroetthoaae PlonU, Fiowar Seeda ’ New York, Boaton, and Philadelpbia,have commenced ceased entered, nearing of tbe proceedings. Her- Vor Apply on board or to mrl d3m 1. GR.ai .kAN. Aucuoaeer. the poa« vhich I am happy to inform you, from tbe use of soict home u-e, and market firmer Sales of iu.uuu tibl* at n»3 9 C. BA aad Kou meta, aa uaaol. All ordaia through ...a .h,, .n/i i< SHAM. P««4«UI «P Eilxed and poiaon gin. and calling il 66 36(ak00 for common to good Slab>;S6 Ij<»6 76 for oert seized him, and tne two brothers cloeed ou afBnewl-f.-after.rt;.-; to ia4 w4Adifir-t I bottles, entirely BT C. C. SPLHCIIR. flveor six cured him. low to good medium extra Western, and 67i^iur>rtx. was thrown they were Schnappa. That name bclongaezpreaaly to my article: Herbert, who down, and Fur St. Louis Jk Reipeotfully yours, ALLEN 3IIN0R. tra Geoesee and St. Louis. Market closing firm wiih Keokuk. "• coanterfelU and impoaiuoni on the striking him, when he fired a single-barreled pu- Peremptory sale of a Meburbata Coctagu aad Lot, Lorisvii.LK,KT., fairdemaLd. splendid steamer ST. Marble ManllesfirSaleat Anclion March 31,DA6. tul. C!LAIR. ** *' Rye Flour—Only in moderate request. Sale* of 300 AT AUCTION. UMMEftiBBaenaxt'' , ma>ter. will leave as above on ADd OB Ia»bs Credit^ I — Dr. VaroHaH—Dear Sir: I have used “Dr. Bl.ock- bbls at 63 o6,iu ll luM., at 10 o’clock 4. . N SATURDAY Steaoy . Bales at 63qp3 for Jersey. -AFTERNOON, CAUTION «ell Sarsaparilla and Versicola’’ for a chronic diteas* Corn Men— t6)i United States Marshal to await further investiga- Forfreighiur passage apply on board orto fNYHE 8IJH.SCRIBER OFFERS FOR Wheat-Uricbangea .6 In oHer to cloae out that br^ch of hia IwainvM. The amerouaeomplainla are madeof persona who keei white St. Johns, N. B., May 9. no A Quiet and rathtr unsettles. Sales at For Now Urleauh. fe-t front by Ui8 deep, to an alky. T’-e Cotiag. mock comiCiae. a variety of rafema of Italian, Bgyt* ^ w ake great pleaaure In recommending it aaa superior Rye— 76®8'c is Pie-nna. aad Br Varo es. anJ to he sold hart on steamboaU and in hotela, who (111 my emptj for comuxin to prune. The boiler of the steamboat J. D. Pierce explod- new, and Contains thro- rooms and k:t> h n. wnb a tian, cteUe U .. ’^*1® 1®’' steamer dterative and blood purlfler. It acts as a gentle ca Quiet. Prime shipping parcels scarce . wir**** EMPIRE, guon stvb e and eom-house on It- not This irop-rty for what it will twins. U not di.puaei of by the latlot u( i Coro— and ed yesterday near Frederickton. Four piersons bottlea with common gin, and sell it to the nnauapect abfeftwamMwU'derwoed, master, will bartic,andi* pleasant to the taste. commanu full p-icrs. Saks of 3,1X3) bu at 67(^tiUtor leave aa above IS situa.rd one squsre south of Reutucky stre, t, and were iostantly killed, and another has since died ou iu s ay, i.i hin-t., at 4 o’clock r. m. ingfor my 6CHIBDAMSCHIBDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS. 1 GABRIEL REED. inferiir, and 6I(»73 for common to prime mix -d yellow contignru. to the N.oshvitie ra ir- a', .nd mnst s> oa I For freight or passage app>y on board orto 4oS Jeflerson at-eel, would all the a* Souteeru. Old mixed lA^estein ia h.ldat ikxi)63c,new uf injuries. Soverai other persons were badly eeome iinintn*eiy vaiati>le 'th. taie will oe pusuive, KUUAB NKBDUaM, therefore advise who drink Schnapps Dr. B VAUGHAN, No. 84 Third street, LouiavUlt my * a Hotel. white Sobthern atePipMc. CARTE R JO UETT. god 'or wLatevvribe pro per y wui br mg- f'Pfneite Owen such places, to aaZK thb arrzazaacz or THZ BOTTbt scaldod. Proprietor. Oats— Aimndai.t aud dull at 3S®40o for State, and 41 KTTetms very liberal, an,i mad-.- known at the aal*. May 9 and if the outside wrapper or label ahould be defaced toe Wtstern. Lancaster, The splendid new passenger steamer B>< 0. U. RFR.'vcaR. aawi'.neer. -mm |> HfJY'S’ For sale by every Druggist in the city. Also, by (^44c \NT) YOUTHS' of »• opened- A hiskey— Sales 200 bbls Ohio and Prison at 39,$ tbe Democratic WMBtatisaHL PETEK TELLUN. Box, master, wUl ifl Straw new and fceantiful styles, Portor Turner, Ky.; J. Mills, Frank The committee appointed by leiive r4nat^ HaU. A Eminence, M. 39)sc, and new held at 3 'c. os .il'ove sol >rday, 10 h inst., at 4 o’clock. . BT C. C SPBlfCBR ezr-eea .hi- mor-nine 4>y mrU dAwSa interview yesterday with Mr. raoeived per UDOLPHO WOLFC art; J. Morton, Ky.; L. Merriwether, Provisions— Poik is a shade firmer, with rather more convention had an Fur freight or passage apply on boonl or to SMITH, B. Lexington, W. | POLLARD, PBATUKB A doing Soles at 617 87^s for mess, elusing witn no sel Buchanan, when tbe latter formally accepted the m> B C ART E R ft JOUETT. GREEN STREET BUILDING LOT myt 466 Main atreot. leffersonvllle, Ind.; L. HogUnd and W. J. Colbow, Ajer’B CathaTtlc PUla. lers D>'low 618, 616 36$U37^ for prime- Reef not a numinatiun for tbe Presidency, and gave his hear- AT AUCTION. | ihspherdsville, Ky.; Soyas A Hargrave, Oannelton, great deal doing Bnl's at *7 su (or e . untry prime; 6>$ The splendid new steamer J. C ty approval of the resolutions adopted by the ^OFT HATS. WE ARE THIS PILLS THAT ARE PILLS. tnd.; and W. P. Haywood A Co.,Lewlsport,Ky. 9 5U for do mesa. SlOdklS for repacked Western, beef liiiBBMdfi^LsWUN, 1 H. Jones, master, will leave N S A T r Rl) \ V A FTERNOOy, selling at »ll$l7. Prime mess beef is nomi- as ,ii>"Te on Bornina in receipt, per expresa. of aome extra fine nama are State convention. aaturday, loth inst., at 4 o’clock, p. a. May lOth, at ))k u’elork, will )-e Prof. UATB8, State Chemist, of MaaaachuaeUa.aayt J O wM, oa the prem- <^ritoan be tent ai directed to any person lathe 9. imp'-rtaut B«

' rfacon scarce and advancing. Sales o( miudies I POLLARD. PBATUBB A bMlTH, who certify that Dr. Hayes knows, vis: lung In conseq’ience of the extensive breakage along -eenth. Tbe L- t ia iu (eat iront ry 76 deep. The sol* ja34 dinseodAweow ribbed at myfl 4k6 Main atreet. 94sc. its navigation is entirely ’^*1" will be perempt ry. H. J. Gardner, Governor of Massaebusetta. the Champlain canal j ». ®°® »teamer JAS. MONT- i.aru- llisher. Sales at lO(S-lC’«c. Txaiia—i>ne-half each, balance in 4 suspended for the purpose of repairs. iSfiSnilii3BL.GOMKRY', Jas Montgomery, master, and 13 months, .N. DR.\B BEARER, Emory Was’ibom, ex-Oovernor of Massaebnaetta. Batter—Seding at 13(flsl7c lor onto, and 16$19 for witn interest lisn. mfOLESKl will leave a. above ou tbis day, Kth inst., 4 and good A Human Life !§aVed! Stue. Chicago, May 9. at p. M. and Cassimere Hau, spriog styles.-A Simeon Brown, Lieut. Governor of Masaachusetts. For freight or passage apply ou board or to my 3 0. C. 8PSNCKR, Aactiocoor. •apply ou hand, of oar own inanafaeture, and for sale DOWAOIAC, Mich., March 11, 1866. 0 fieese—Sales at b<$10e. m »6 B. M. Wright, SeereUry of State of Haasaebuaetta. Oils—Tbe market for oils is without any important The consolidation of tho Fort Wayne and Chi- CaMKR ft JOUETT. very for for coah h» _ J. A. Rhodk*, Rsq.—Dear Sir: As I took your medi- TUO». POWFLI., POLLABD.PRATUERA SMITH. I tJohn B. Fitapatriek, Catholic Blahop of Boston. change. cago, Ohio and Indiana, and Ohio and Pennsylva- cine to aell on oonaigsment, “ no cure no pay," I take G'oeeries—Unchanged. r - a, The splendid passenger ftesmer myS 466 Main street. Prof. John Torrey, of the College of fhyilcians and nia ^ilroads, has been effected, and new arrange- pleasure in stating iU effect* as reported to me by three Btooks—L jwer. Cleveland and Toledo 764|; Erie 66^; itiAadBOwROBT. J. WARD, Miller, master, wUl uction and commission Surgroea. New York city. Michigan Ceolial 9t>/4, New York CenUal 93, Readidg ments will go into operation at once. leave as oouve SatOTilay, 17th inst, st4 o’clock, p. it. Merchant. No MS Market stre«t, betweea First I | A HILHRKN’.ri GOODS,OF irothera who live in this place, and tbeir teatimoBy is a STRAW 8PK- 1 or freight or postage apply ou board or to aod Brook, aouth sido. Caah advanemi on cobsisb- deacriptloa, style, quality, jeU re Dr. C.T. Jackson, OcoUGeolofiat of the FubUcLandiof C ev"vy and |j fair specimen of ail I hav* received: Philadelphia, May 9. m>3 CARTER ft JOUETT. or manta Vog CiNciNHATi, 9-P. H. May j •ei'.md aad for sole cheap by the Called Statca- DUMKSNIL. BELL 4x CO. W. S. Conklin told me—“1 had taken nine bottles of of Baltimore arrived here i POLLA A, PRATHER A SMITH, MEN THAT ARl MEN ! ! 1 Flour—Unchanged. Bales of 340 bUa at 65 35; 380 bbls The new steamer City Bvfl 466 Main street. ChrisUe'a Ague Balsam, and continually run down 6l'$6 bv fur extra. ' Among tbe dlseaoes thia PUl haa cured with astoniah- at 65 yesterday with 21S paetjengers, and an immensely Cash Advances Whisky Gr-oi demand and prices higher. Bales of For Jlemplii!i. while using it, until my lung* and liver were congested — valuable cargo. is 374 feet long. Ingrapidity we may mention Cost! veneas, Bilious Com- 69U bbls 3Ui»3U>«c. She Sundries. al j M that degree that blood dUeharged from my month - Theflnesteamer mf ADE ON CONSIGNMENTS TO ISO plaints, Rbenmatiam, Dropay, Hrartburn, Headacbt Provisions—The market for provision* is wUhontlm- r WILLIAM GARVIN ^ packagei Tea; Charleston, Mays. -V.M. Dumesnil, Mardvek fttin.,43 Water street. portant chonge- ui^HriiflHBwSullivan, master, will leave as above New cons fresh Peaches; arising from afoul Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, mor- and bowels, so that all thought it impottibU for mo I* on !, CL!, day Up loth inst., at 4 o’clock, p. a. York. DU.MKSN1L. BkCl. a cO.. 76/NO Cigars, varions Lard—There is a fairdemand. Sales of No. Idoat brings dates brands; through uuathor chili! The doctors, too, did all The Amensunk, from Aspinwall, i bid inaction otthc Bowels and pains rrising tharefrom, ivo for W el em. Forfreightor pastageappiy on •oarn orto my9 66<) Rain slreet. iv dosen Co-e Oysters; 9>iC could for me, but thought 1 miwt dio. Nothing Sugar; sales of 63 fair from that place to the 24th ult. The sloop-of-war I tax in Kki gross Bucking; Flatulency, Loss of Appetit-, all Clceroua and Outs- they Orocerieg— hhds low and prime C. B ASHAM. DL'.H£«NlLv dr Fxvxr at8$83wo. Muiasses; limited in demand; sates of 70 Marys was at Panama, and her commander hav- i BELL CU., IdC boxes T bacoo; noons Diaeaaea which require an evacnant medicine- lid me any good until 1 got Rhodbs’ aNO Aoct St bbls at 43 ' For .Meuiphis nuti Vk liite Kiver. 66 da Soap; '.Ivax, which at once relieved me of the distres* and ing instituted an inquiry into tbe causs of the ioS main arwftftr, 76 do Cau.ilea; Sorufulaor Bing’s Evil. They also, by purifying tin Grain—Unchanged. stomach and pain in my head and bow- late outrage, a warm correspondence had taken i w Th« fine steamer SAM 60 do Starch; Mood and sUmalating the syaum, cure ma-.y com oansea at my Baltimoxb, May 9—a. HALE AGENTS FOR NEW YORK 1. D. 66 do Papered permanent cure in a short time.” i’aoe between him and the Governor of Panama. I Adams, master, will leave a* above Saleratos; plaints which it would not be anppoeed ooahi el*, and produced a ' they Tbe steamer’s news had no effect on our market* for M.>n«lay, IJin inst., at 10 o’clock, a. a. 6b pkga Soda; Ft is now believed tbat the riot did not originate U. M. Conflin aaya: “1 had been taking medicine of breadslutts, and prices are unchanged, wi:h a moderate ; For f^ght or Steam Sugar-BefiningComp’y. Nl" dooen Brooms: reach—such at Deafneet, partial BUndneaa, Nenralglt passage apply on board or to ia our county, buiinesg. in a desire for plunder. mvs C.iv BASBAatVAW my9 60 boxes ground Pepper; good a doctor as we have and taken | HAM. and Nervoni Irritability, Derangements of tbe Livei u CiKcisNaTi, May 9—is. Hi do de Spice aod Cinnamon: of quinine and apeciflos without any complaints, tny quantity I.*) 76 do fancy Soap; and Kidneys, Gout, and other kindred Flour—The demand for flour if moderate and quiet Fur Na-shvilie. ^HOLLDf rs. Ca.*ttlc of loin iii.t., at iu o’clock, s. M. 60 neefa do; yoa need use nothing doing Green and Oanphellatreets. anl3<1tf I ^UGA RS. fected a permanent core by using two-thirda of a bot- WhisSy-eteady at 19?40 Fur freigbi or passage apply on board orto 6u dooen Waohbourda for sal* low by once to know It. 9 )6( bMs New York D. R. srwahed Sug.r: Groceries—'The market for groceries ia wlthont I. 8. t* Tnr«TlN A ELY Prepared by Lowell, le." impor- — MOORnKAD. Ifo do do do Caone pulv’a Sngar; Dr. J. C. ATBB, Mam., andook tant change. iHEPiSE. 50CASES PINEAPPLE I not here,bnt both tbe other brother* K’g do do d* puivcrlaod du; byJ.O. Ayer Co., Cincinnati, all the Drugglstsin 8. M. Conklin was PHiLADikPHi*, 9 ^ Cheese in store and for sale by The fine steaiuer A May -k. C , „ 1 e.a riW ALLOW. For tale .ow by lay his ease was the same as U. M-’s. I told the medi- my9 FONDA A MORRI8. mimhdithddaHi rrssier, master, LouiaviUe, Peribaer A Devol, New -Albany, and al Flour— Foreign advices have no effect upon the will leave as atrove on my (kr WESNIL. BELL ft (N}..iiflMaiBtk. th‘^ sdoy. iutu tine to both tbe tame day, and the cure waa as apeedy markets otUer than tolwpart a greater degra-> ot firm mat. at 10 o clock. a.>. Doalersin Modlolr* everywbare- mrlSdAwSm or freight flour is dull, with &c. F or passage apply on Uiard orto small quantity, and I might ao ness to cot on. )>nt Hue inquiry, lmonds, rffi^AR from the-same specify tpy»' and the only sale reported Is a lot uf 6,000 bbls superflDe 60 hogs Tiragona Almonds; 1. S. MOORHEAD 8 AN1> NKUICINES. A M. lOO bbls Wilmiaglon. large bWa: F BU M DRVG Tour* with respect, A. HUNTINGTON. there is a limited demand tor at $0 bol, the supply of 60 bag* Brio and Harseill * do; 6d di do mnliumaMs: Bell, Talbott Sc Co., city tra-le at *b(^8 60, os to quality. 36 b*»s Braxil Nats: The above speaks for itself. Good proof aa it ia, It i* P'orP'q Fnatpurt, ruacumbia, 'U roMDA a. asuKRIS. and Corraapaadiog ftficr, >|0 Braodwog, my9 r JliiPi The new and splendid steamer JOHN fnr tale mw to clove eonsisnmeot by Looioville. already published, and the still Brandywine. , eoaf *«dr , 6r L *, ft oo , Agent*. beot-'fhe demand for wheat is limited, m-ist of the that iaeontinnally pouring In to me. W as ai>uve i,u..day- lotb mat., at lu o’etock. a. a. a large and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, amount of a poor qua ity small sales 61 rooms. off>-rings being ; at 36$ For freight or pasaag e apply on board or to MRH EDITION OF DR. BEU- more. Last year I hod U R h S I.-SLAND SJALT. 1,U00 and Pharmoceadical Preparations, which One thing occasion to Can- 1 60 (or poor to prime red and 61 dfi^l bo fur white. 5 1 Shaker; m;«n>(0 fxrd’a Clinical Lectures Ohemioois, B doteo O. BASHAM. oa tbc Diaeaaea of Wo- steady; soles of SAUU biubsets at - -- R sack* aal* in these word* : Rye—Market Penn, 60 do oom non; In store and for sale by for by aodjphildrea ie jam pohiubed by S. they guarantee of the purest qaaIiU*a,and offerto phy- noH THX rcauc S.kW- 73$73c. m}8 ruNDA It MORKIB. myF DCMEaNIL.BFLLftCO. --m#,flW tivoodwwy. Price 46. dealers the moat liberal terma. “/ oetiea ouojlrm who huvo takou out of aiy For F rnuikiuri, \6 ut>4llur4i, auil siciana and on Patron* gonorul dr- Coro—In fair request and firm; sale* of 7-i00 bushels I UrcRui treasury of krowledae for the _ student and the oubotituUd tho weaM thoir at 66c ofluai; some lota in siore at 6.)c; damaged medirine, Aay with eaaftdencerely upon tbe prompt and faith- rnimro, of oestraai for mg yel'ow tpUndid '10RN. 2,(HO 8ACK» IN S4TORE rfWi-.ioner of while the mother, anxiont for 370M6C. INEGAR. 50 BBLS cider VIN. e-W^^A^The steamer BLUB WING h«aRh ard thod uf her their orders, sent by oudieiuo, uud thou, with kruuu impudouet, oud thoir MMmabdHBftsNo. 3, flaodort, master, own <*a«f ht- r>, will find it ful execution of mail or otherwise Uncbitnged. rgar in ktore and for tale by will leave a* ( •Bdfortafohy Uat>— V aiM.ve on Ita s day. 'fth inti., jndictoas nouneel-''— at 8 Ml ke w th C'ern Adretitarr. ui hlot with tho oxeUmutiou, ‘Lot tho propriotor o’clock, p. a. myf DUMBSNIL, BILL ft CO. mrlC dim oa p of aag Bark-Scarce; small sates of quercitron at 636 for No. my9 FONDA ft MORRIS. For freight Contains graptaic de- eripliene el t-aa diaeae*s of ” or passage apply on board ur to othor modteimo sag 04 mack if ho duroo,' 1, and waul d. B-a nod e'liklre- , with ju Lc oaunlrioc aa t» I . S. MOORHKAD. 74 treot- Notice. Provisions—The market for provisions is firm and CODFISH. 10 DRUM Fur S.hLE M*d. mu Ae-g. Jaarwol Now 1 take pleasure in saying that tbe cauTioM re. , ^ARDINES. 12 CASES, IN HaLF unchitniied. . ( low by WiU be a weocoe e artd.Uan •• p'Oieeainnal Utarariet wishing to go to Bhapbsrdsville, by th* “ and quarter boxetp in store and for tale by Persons ferred t« the a une Dr. Christie’s Ague Balsam” that is Gr.)ceries unchanged. iHOi:OLATE, &C. rnyu DCMEfiNIL. BELL ft CO. m,Grcwt Britain aa wail aa Amenoo."-Brti.aodPbr. i Nashville Railroad, will please lesvt Whisky— Firmer; small sales of bbls at Flc in bbls, ioj9 FuN 1>A ^ MORKI9. CktT Aewww. (gualsville and mentioned In the above oertifleate. t^ Bnker’s Premium ChocoUte; f mhA hhi* at c. MAlt&llT caTRXBX lour STcRB. -Prof. Bodfurd a bouk M Ugavd one."—AT. J. JtedtemI »elr ardors stOWEN’B HOTEL. oeUSdtf »>»(A96 « . „ „ Baker’s d > Cocoa; There are several other in lustrious people who are Haw Toax. May 9—a. Aeyarirr. my> d«i*.wl Salmon, just ri-ceived, a Raker’s Vanilla Chocolate; J BBLS SUPERFINE FLOUR; T^JosTthisk of it, at Baotrg’sOaLLXBTyoama} applying to their polsonoa* trash all that I pnbliah Flour—Market steady with a limited cemand; sales Baker’s Moss. do; No. I a?ti-le of Sslmon and Mackerel, in klDa, •-F w" 40 b**t(eqnal to lialf bbta): •btoia aflnaDaguerruitype ofyonrsslifarthetriflin* Fever Ague Cure, or Antidote of b,600 bbls. for aale by (ap9] A. FO.v DA, Fourth tticet- Baker’s Premium Broma; . JOHN BROUGIIAM’SNEWBOOK about my and to Malaria, fte.; fnsireeelvod and for aale by W heat—Quiet: 8,000 bushels sold. Received per Bay Uity an t for male by mP Mow seody— tom of DiUar.iuelassd turto, JAMBS RENneDT, MarketKrsei. J-.' Oao ia a neat ease. Nov fzcayt tho eort^otoo of and theeertifloate of the Ourn— Firm, lAnO tin suld. apl 3 W. ft H.KURKHARPT,4n MarkH *t^ fo* Hmweoa )*i»h aad Seventh. THE HUN8BT PA PER 8, dontlelay avy loafer, bat take yoar famlUesdowi sdebraied ehemlat, Dr. James R. Chilton, of New York, Provisions—Mess pork is firm, with IJlOO bMs sold. UPERIOR VIRGINIA tobacco Beef firm; 300 bbls sold. Lard firai; 360 but* sold. 96 boxes Boston Brand, extra fine; aadhavstbeirolatarestakea,and yoa will no rsgrr la favor of its perfeetly HaanLxss cm axauna, which S ^tar candles. wk~arf 0* Ikim Echoes. Grocer,** unchinged. 76 do Mroan Dick, HEMIU.M TOBACC44 . l-So BXS *• Bam la baad to beat bottle. These will of ^ prepwodfo fnmioh deaiera with Star Candles of jylT is attached to every always Whisky- Market for whisky improving, with sales JeOui Bmogham -uatA of ** A Backet of I serve to 90 do Brown’s, P H llnnd’s Premium Bmpreta Tehaee' la store By w Chipt"— superior quality on favorable terms. from imitationa. leobbl* *t»*>sc. 86 do Usre'i, and for tale by >04. K. Wii K^ ft f a. with dooigna hg McLeaan. Oa« noot 14mo. Prieo Al. l=stinguish my medicine _ fo3l , HWITH. RUSSELL ft CO. , vw owaxapBixa says: blocks du l_4)snton 487^; Cleveland 6t Toledo 7576: for by w>y9 til Main S'>eot. “Lady, yoa are the emeloai Froprietor, In store and aale cwwTgwra : J AS. A. RHODES, Providence, R. I. Erie 67; Galena and Ctnooso 111)1*: Michigan Central she alive. If yoa willlead thooe graoeo to tho aar* mv8 BRADY ft DAVIES. Doe’s Wish and 16 hat i The Memiog Dream. grave Ch’cago Island 93)g: llli. ;^L.M Boa Agent for St. Loais, Mo., Henry Blakaley. V7M; Milwaukee — : and Rock HALL SUGAR. 56 TIERCES oat of K. The F vtuae Tellur. leave the world no eopy Cumberland Micliigan Si-uthem UPER CaRB. soda. Com- and had Bhakspeare U ved it not* Centrsl |vl ; ^3>bi 1A extra and fine landing from steamer Pet, " for Chieago, 111., Barclay Brothers. 4HKKSE. r Telioi> Moru-X iKowe. I T*« Fairy Circle. A«anU AgenU 9*3)4; Pennsylvania Coal Co. S )06 eaabs super Csrb Soda: BBe LoaUvillcattbe pre ieat time, he weald have addod 93S: N, York Central — tor tab- by rapI7j A. RA W SON ft CO. The Gaepul Charm. O’Brieu’s Lack. Clsbk A Jomssoh, Virginia b’s 96; Missonil b’ 63; Cleve- C 10 boxes fresh Pineapple; 816 boxen do de. la I-K pepera; | ‘’madeby for Loaiaville, Ky., Bdwin Mob- Reading 8Ku Bioo*. HAREIB.” Dagaerreotype Gallery ,477 Mail 10 RngUsh Dairy i for ffceTomof I The Tipperary Yeaus. land A PiU^rg b6; Cleveland, Columbus, and Ciu- do tale by Jestreecived nod fersaieby B. iLDKB Co. Henry Blakaley is xtra iso _ __ uHRHT a JACEA'‘M, Pab1sSera,Nrw York. strastibatwean Fooitb and Fifth. xu, J. W A wheletole Delaware and Hudson Canal 13tB4- apS9 WALLAH B P' PE ft (X). flour, bbls co- wyh NOCK. WlCBt ft CO. Ja0 cinoati lOl; lumbu* - Aw*.Vag6e Ay Booaaalkraaverywkcrt. aqrAgAwwl agent for St. Loais. mrfIdeodAwSm ateiiing exchange cal) at9X- E and franklin Mills extra whi|i* Wheat RUE8BEKG*8 Flour in *t«ie and for aale by . H. PBROnSOEftBON. KEOULAK Shouldevs on consignment imd for Parlor Grand and Square Piano Fortes. 7 anleby styl Oomev Fifth and Wsrhetstroet*. Mammoth Oaguerrean O-sdlary Q. Co GraMty, ap39 WALLACE PuPE ft CO. - Parcel Sale IsoB Maiastraot,Bs.6Al,betwoan Boeond and Third A COMPLETE ASSORT- LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, SHUT AbD LIlAD. of tbe abive ingtrumentg OUNTRY HAMS. lOOCOUNTRY eliaraUisbaat Oagaerrvotypescaaalwavibahad feD H^P^PVment now on 36 kr gtwt Patent Shot, aasorted;aasort UL.ASSES. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN I hand aad for sale at low prices by at l\w C Hams for sale by 7 H ttorney and IV keaa Buck eo; Anoka, aa Ac held by HANtiS. BROTHER I W I * C. J. K*vf,Mo.67Thlrt*t. 7k harrslB Plaatatioa ftolames: A OU. for Missittipifi, Tennessee, WALLACE POPE ft CO 16n6 In store M Commissioner Ala- K, Bar Lead ; and for tale by Trade talc |t^< Ne 1 1 Paik mow. Hew Ywrk, Pianos Uken in A *6 M do d* da; B. Second hand exchange ~"N0 r IC E. WE w 1 LL~ N. for bama, and Virginia, will aitrni promptly to bntiness my9 NOCR.WICKd ft CO. j^*waamag a* TUBADdX, flUA M*y, DM, and ooa- ^ aew. apl4 1.IHH1 ieetreesived aad for aale by J J to hie e re, and enforee collection of «dai»«« ANDLES. BOXES 9 thohlghestoaahprleofor NBOROEB.atoar Nr intrusted HARD mk.> NOCK. WTCES ft CO. adjifining otatee. ' sole fL fro Depot, on First street, between Market aa> In this and C Stoarino Candles for sale!sale by RANGES. I(H> BOXES SICILY TBm wid oaaAraceoasAracs the mogtmost oxtenaiTCoxtensive variety o’o* Fine Violin*, Gnitara, Ac. Marble U^l Building, Fiflh street, 8MIf-H. years, Jb* JsMarsoa. We also koep Necrose for talc UmcB— between foal RUSSELL ft 0O.,8eeondst. dMHll«b B >aks ->M«i*d mniiasiy as well os tergr Jeffersen. O Oranges received per Shotwcll and fee tale by iki SHED AND POWDERED SU- f. Market and mrll dtf ~AAAribatM«s from he AmMteao fabliau ka ARTRRBURN, 9 rONDA ft MOKJklh. Th SfAgdlaotf J. tSfm JU8T RECEIVED FROM t/ GABS.- otsoa is all troda ARTEKWrRN wow aad DfsA, and tAs and poUii foSHNthe Baet, a large lot of Violine, of eaprrior UM)Rlj!:S. chee»e,macaro> to hbie ooars* Crashed Sturar: me* Aod A mail waaMv of tbiaar aiSaaSloa. toae and Anlih: Gnitara, Flutes, Flutlnos, Aeeordt- uckets. ni, VeimxceDi, Oboenlate, Ooeoa, Yeast Powders, igs and plu.ms gg bela ^e Pewdssad dei I^TAe OsMuAigao wlBAsrsasr 1st *f Mgy,HHd wUJ ODFISH. 5 DRUMS CODFISH S ODS, fluings, new Music, and Musical Mcrehondiae, B 100 dosaa fancyfa Baoki Pardi es, Pieklos, OsAehnp, Sane**, Sweet tU, Mug- FL goo drums Smyrna figs; MtbftLoaf ddl Aot sag apo* sagasst. yargi sddfs C roMivadbor Bay Oftj »ad for sdM by may be foand at Um Marne Stor* o> M do brasg-booBd tl tasat Dried nams; la store aad for sal* by Reosiwed and for gala by ^ UT AfU nfTdt . BUAKUARDT. 4 MaikstsA. Ml« 0. J.UNT.fTThiidit. “Si*’-, “foswtr k »». yt ffONBA ft MOKBIsT yS RMK. WI«B$ ft 00.

0 . ,'; , . I | 1 C . I 1 — . W . 1 ' ^•. ,

j;^OR^ALE & RENT. MANUFACTURES. DRY GOODS. JEWELRY. MEDICAL. TRANSPORTATION. TRANSPORTATION. g. g. MiLU tiLAS DKtrtrr. 1856. , For B«le ChMp. j Removed on iVfain street !! HispeiiMary on Third l§t. OKEAT Hawkins’ Omnibus Line Hewitt ^ .Ylilen, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Northam, Eaatam, and Westam ACX>B H iW8 WILL BK H^PPY I | URBAN ' LARQF~TmrK OF jf^R. RESPECTFULLY MIDDLE »»*t mar om»o*« viohinc to parchooe LARUE STOUR OF LEAVES to woH o« FIRST-PREMIUM SADDLE, HARNESS, AND I InTite*ioTites bUbit (riends and the pabtic,onhi.e. who m.. beaa in* IRAILROAD ROUTE, « ^ or TRUNK MANUFAUIUKEKS, SCrtTyelockTund urrirsa rt toufurllto rt > kor 'j oonirtiod hy fire. > on the west tide o( Third ttre> t, between Mnt«>rlnlH I Main and the -y* betateen Oorner Fourth and Market efreete, ^ Laurs* Louisrflto rt 4 •'etoab, and aerlrasat Mtddl .Vo. bil Mttio Sfrttt, Second and Third, \ river. He will constantly aeep on hand a supply of * (or towu rtto’etoak r. u. . medicinis tbe accommodation o( those tie I (MBakeaLT Hocas aan MaacMaHrs’ axcHanoa), ave in 'tHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING whom Fusaenger* will be caltod for laawu tbair ba*** Hotel for Lease. store the best as- presenbes for at his office. who n, ,«atf_ Wbips’tstabto, Third puskuM Boriment o( Fancy and Staple Dry Good* to be 1 instreceired a yeryrery larre stock of watCUES.waTCUES. I on suwatioppoatoatb* ^ ON H VI uw m...^ \i.*h'pr«Li vr A*riii .a f a di’ lJNI>FRSIGNFn HAV-i IB. HAVE H.\NU.u:a foutid in this or Buy other weitern iLariiet. The utten* JKWELHV, CLOCKS, nod WATCH UATKtClALS, or rt Mirk’s suhto, om Fifth street, naar Main. m T H E | R. 8 . RINGC;OLD, lloiol. In tbe Band are constantly making etery tiou of ladies is invited to tbe following diieci (rum the manufactories, would inform their cut- JefRrsonville Fare from LoutoviUeteth* Fair OtoandalOeutolB # c Mp'etofi the St. Chorles ! goods, which Railroad. B iMi*« le pertaining to the busine**, tomers and the public at large that they Oilman’s IdcaLta; to Middtolowa It eauto. tSsr.i' otfer the great- I leva o( PorUaod, adj -n ttoe DRUGGIST, AND Comfort, ehsapucs*. spaad, and safety urawhuto Ifaae to good *ad re*|>oD*ibte tcoaat (or a term of f • srticle*.articles. All they wish is to givee Fancy Good*, under tod Bhortefit, Qoickast, and offeroifar’par^cniafTyparticularly, and too pahttomuy baaaaurad tbal Clain black Bilks; fancy Dress do, at bOc. per yard; them a callandcall and e^ex- Moat Direct 1j WaUobAi Hotel. 67 tourth street near their , Main. a p3U I ponui commodion* (tractara.ron- ^ rich Bilk Kobes; rich Bilx do, for eecnmai ri;h Cliena amine goods and prices befjreifire^urehiuin^^^purchasing else- to#to* L&«Liu« wUlbowUlbaponuuasnt. _ _ ^?M* Haul U • large and ! 1 ROUte lO CARRIAGEJS CARRIAGES I ! | where. tobNOEL to BrKlNAU, j.a.a w.T. HAWKiar •truoUd upda the moot modern and imiirared plan*, i do, for eveui'igiiwut d Bilk and Grenadine Kobes; Ba- ^ rege and urgandie do; children’s do; Marseilles, for,for . Cp stair* at Oowdy, Terry to Co.’s sPire,»t9 ALM\LiJl OFUf A THOUSANDTHOUSAND Chicago, Datroit, 0*l*n», ly wiik mysmyo Mainkuin street, bet Fifth u’-”’u FLOW- parages rtth* and of and anywhar* along tbaNna, at »aMa,i;Ha** alyle No paint hate been spared in WW rior aMortment of Watches, In gjld and R® *p30 BINGGULD’S, 6*7 FonFonrth afreet. j 1 Louis, Ac. taiil iirg, ntither a* regards orcbitert oral . ctwoing be i Baltimore, Philadeipkiae and pr<>vi»ion ( r etery raceaa ry ogeet, ocnteoience. j riHIE ^ would JEFFERSONVILLE RAIL- want(orb'>Ulkeepc 4dJ 4aing the h usearebeaip KEspECT-ggl^!£^'u;rn'„vs^^^ sttih GERMAN COLOGNE AT iefurm bU curt met* andimely idU oatuufwith*toab.kry,. FoFourth street. ! (iffeiing the above F * ruralratreatretreat the puia c generally that hu sPx.k fur th spr u« Ira'.e We are good, at nnuiualiy low l*.rticnlai at and la well stocked with superior Locomotives and Sfn««Airw<>t tbrniiwk T Cmr afiu d .na a i^aaantrUeaaaat rural _ . . *°**®"*®‘ laroaKB LlMCiww lor lae E.mm.Saat. (“>0 »» now compleie, compiUiug the finest aasoitmeiit of pricer, and respect ully iny U persons in uarch of reguUt.ngregulating ChiAnronomeiu’. uupiex, vars,Cars, anaand nathss every laciriyfactl tyiormakicglormaxicg quick timeti ana ap- Lever. , Tk. adraVtacee of a llotrt in Portland *i» 1 and Ltpine xiaiiiiItaln. Of a ThoaMaod s;» and experiencedexperienci workmen. and from blide ^ ^ j .m-m-w• on Fonrthronrtn street, hss Justjust received ISTille lo in. Coaches, beat Bn^es, ) — FLKTCllEK ft R, _ a supply the East. fina aeoommodation, aould stop BBNNBTT, tbem.ooald they of this article. sale by Eockaways’ fcluiting Top. do 8 463 Main street, bet. Fourth - For the single bottle or by toe Two Trains daily (Sunday* sxcaptad) ta Indiana- tbi trrnsacuan of baaioest snd o«i>-r| 8g.. g.B. MaKKMark G.F.G. F. DOWNS. mymyS and Fifth. P^aS ^ No T FoJi*- to well known a* tlie 'anding Brougt amt, do I _ coarenieoosa. Por.Uud ; m « r P' AUK' IV HK’f'PlPT IIP A i. i Coup**, York juons, M /;EE AREAKCi INliN RECEIPTKciLrllilrl OFUr A OneTrrtn daily (Sundays excertad) to Cincinnati. < all ih* New Orteaiis, St liouis.Uen- « % J RAILROAD! p'.ace nd port fr „ . , ^'lULD^OLD PENS. WE HAVE THIS ..T. a. JOMitoTOU. trading with Louis- A. 1 reside in the Eart, I Am euaoied lo gire my p»p- good assortment rf Men's and Boys’ Wtar, riKBT TRA derson.aud other Bouihera epackeU Uww BjTV aaydayh.v recereceivedrec a large assortment of Gold Pens, of tonal inspection, and supenn eooenoe to the mauulac- such a — C WORK OF INTER- I various sizes and tup iior finish. As our Pena are come well rec-mmended-who ture of thea-«.e, and to procure the new stylesimme- French Bilk-Warp CashmerettesjCashmerettes; Clark & Johnston, (TO milaa.frcm Whaaltog.M Toalandlofd wbocan | to order, bear our own name, our customers l.nalWirpvemant **, haa now baoa faily uu ; river in January, and to eTa-bsh a j , Fife’s Ohio K» We have also a large assortment of Patent Ob BmlroadRailroad forfoi Terre ; DAgg***** “* Imre some of the ttnesterer ^ught here (Bucceiaorsto J. R. Montgomery ft Oo.), Haute, et. Louis, ftc.; with toe In- be leuud cn the must accommoUa- . Linen DtillingsDrillings nnd Ducks; appro vod, both aa a freight aad asaen the l*t Cha.ie* ouJ li<)ueli.iue Gold PensPe and Ktpp’s Patent Bcieniific Niche disnapoUvdianapoU* anda Bellefontaioe the iSniTnm b^tcd %o* p gw Cusiomer.lrom s dislAUCe may always rely on a large .viarseiUe* VestiiVettii . , B . .. and looiana Central t^s bilk and gs; i.*ut Pens AllA] Pens ttMd o> us are wairauied. route. This remd ia located U a roiaatie oiuntrj;^ ‘*^*®'* Gold Pens. ^ Railroad*”f^d W^^lin. Pitt!^^^ i ' •“** I nolesale to - Cloth*Cloths and uaUs ..luieres:-siuieres: Dr ussists. Urros, toe . B »caack W eonatructed, fally enuippad, and eafwWly App t for particulMW. m»HJ FLKTCHICKto oENNETT. o 7 ingion, •oI*‘UF . J IV , PhtPhdLelnWrtPhiiadelphia, Ueveiand, Buffalo, M«w York, ’*^"**KVLTl‘LffEa?PAL L VILLIEB, Portland,Portland. Ky. upSl otowiot Liueui-iueu audau» MAKK to DOWNDOWNB,8 , 471 Main ^ and ami Black Teaa, I’erfumery, Spices making a di- near Whscltng,I, add* greatly to th* importancem of thlg I theLue rectreos eonnecUODcunaevuuD evcDingevcniDg I bpooDsaiid Forks; same wunwith thetao Lafayetteimiayeite ogaricg,offsricr. it (tore*,utrea,1 tbeto(e RaUioai f|>H>HISIS ELEGANT ROLLINGROIXINGMI^MILL, M..., ’ roatc.roBtc, . as moat thorough R manlfactceerb of fe«tert, Fi>n,FinIi, andana Pie Knives;KniTet; Domeetic Haute and Richmond Railroad for the West, and the I rirer.river. K^THE ONLY THROUGH TICKITfi BBTWftU y*toKSdtocaied on 'liiilia eart bS^fbank of LickingL.ck?£5r 1 Indianapolis bSoriu.beMfia. y Vn ^ CARFECARPEriNGTING AND FURNISHING GOODS. Aa larselarresrse wdVe’and general aiscrtmentatsertment on hand and 'or sale by Ciaars, Ac., A0..A0 .. and Bellefontaine and Indiana Central LIO IIXN G ItOOl^a ' U^IBVILLB AND THI NATIONAL MffTROPOLII t wide, naatwe The miU bvute is 8 4i feet long by Uufe jaymy 8 FLETCHEKFLETCHER to BENNETT. Railroad (or the Kast angiiioo one of lu-inch cyliDcrr and tu-inch stroke, AND LATttST BTYUt, — 609 Maim bt., adjoinino Bane or LomsviLLB, Time from Loaisville via JeffersenTiU# Raikoadto- OF THE BkST tJCAUTT UltCRite Ismail, | A It J b feet stroke, with pamp, & p^ing through lalti^i^ SriSaud the other to inch and ^ IndiauapoLs, 4)* hours; 1 in complete or-'er. Also, a ANOTHERanother LARGElarge louisville.ky. alao ‘h*tba ®*lJonly Una by which baggag* eaa ^b* chaakag > doctor, wel, huileas, toe., No. 409 Main ttreet, between Third and Fourth, Olncinhrti,liacinnati, 5R&R hours; I acre* of Wholesale and Retail. ^ supply of PEBBLE SPECTACLK9 to WaahingtonSj*® from theK**“i£^i**R*lWsat. ^t Baitimor**!f th* re* roil turuiug lathe, sis furnocet, with f\ LNVITE Lafaystte, 1 hours: sultaUages.fsuit all ages, from 3i. to 100 yaais r>ld. Price with case THE AT- make* a direct eonnaetkiB with th* Raihraadt* Phi! ground,ground. ^be1 he mill I*is within ten day* of bongbeing ready to to II-WEAVE.we justJUSTJU.ST RECEIVEDreceived sev-8 EV- W? Terre Haute. 8 hours; L*^0 BRASS FOUNDERS AND $9t0. JOHN KllTB, Main Btreti. (Mphia aad New York, fte. maiiufactarr iron. eral new and beautiful sett of— Imyb] Chicago, 15 hours; will hebe public i FLisher-, and ma^ufsciorer,. of all kind, of H Paaaengeis golag Bast from LouiavtUa, may ye a eat Mildaold rt — The noose dascribad prnpe-.yprope-ty A al VriTt t Carpeting; Balm Louia, 17 hours; .Wain Koi them that we are ottering great indneementa premise*, on WEDNEBDAV.Juueaih, btau Wo.k— No. 61 Flt^TU BlUEKT, beiwcea to buyers 14 ! by steauiMat to Cnrelauatt,Cnreianatt, aad there takathaltakathalalhrot OB tfw ; Crossley to bun’s auperi.r Tapestry Carpeting; WT \*TF[1L*C Cleveland, hours; short time. > previously duposed ol by pri- and Market, Louisvi'le, Ky. apfrapt!* dsiwsmdtow3m N>AXAA»-t) forcash or on We havs also toe sole agency Buffalo, il3a to oonaoet with thialiao, or may loavalmaiawUfoby IL liii.'rt'lO A. ii.,'*nle** j glish BrutteU ” hours; Ki do; ^ BCHlEDAto JafferspBville Railroad»d direct.direct- Imt-erial »-ply; iLpl'es, all qualities; JUNIPER New York, 36)^ hours; . I «*t .... aCUNAPPS.soumverselly approved throu. hont toe I Tbe Mail BtaamersSteamers leav* I^uUvlQcI^uUvlQa daily for ClasteClasda Terms l-heral, to be made known on the day sale. : w Carpets. X X saaau FailCVtiiOOllN.m. eaaavj awsrarsaa. Boston, g)>h h'-urs; M^ || 1 1 i S' fI II I fi . ! Hail and Suit India Mauing, all widths; Jewelrvand^ •* K *-\w * A.Wlllllll^% II 111 II fir WlllUjtaOllid.€ y aa a pare medicinal liquor, bearing with it as I arti, wher*where thoythey arrivearri vo *« as to oeaaoct with th* ears#ear** Addr-*« POWEI L. pUi-EH ft lO, Newport, Ky ^ 7 Cuitaiu Materials at d Tr.mmtngs; Pittsburg, I9>s hours; Gazeltj, nod Louisville , ltdues toe commendations of the leading medical an- the LRU* Miami Railroad rt a. . (or 5 r. a. J for Ca Uasette, Wheeling i Philadelphia, (Pi'ioburg ; HgnafaciurerManufacturer and WholesaleWbutesale sndand Retail Dtalerln ce and Musitu Cuitains. hours; L tb-.ritiesthrouaboutthe countiy- Alsu, sole age uu for lumboo, ooBBactlag thoro with Central Ohio Railroad. ^° Trsnspareni ftiisde* aud Trimmings; WbecliBg, I5)i hoars; “’".77Su V ALL KINDSKI.VD9 U,UF J. R. ESTERLE, WINCH ESTER’S KEN'ICCKY LINIMENT, by far Baltimore^Baltimore, hoc^’- through Newark and Zaoaavill* to BeUeairioa th* Ohk * * I L‘‘*’* Lancaster B|.reads; NO. 87 FOURTH STliBET. Y^Mni^nWashingtoa,34)sSton,34>sS4to^^hoM.hours. lf^MTISlINC RODS. felJdJm CLARK to JOHNSTON. w w thisptec* th# oonaaotloa with th* B. and (7 . Raihoad IB I * iutK>;it mrekiogt ADd T«irfc) 4 n jvv LIGHTNINGL RODS,f t 4 ul«n Buckia Mill Csr Cals W Bagrage checked through from JeffersonviUa U lu- made axprea* of this route, th* Flouring Mill for Sale. w« are Uuw H.AVING TAKEN THIS direct. By Uaiu Um QUALITY.. The in'^ttctmenu odenng W» our cuftnm- UA* sufehioraUi^EHlOH quality ' (Yom CinelDUBtl to Baitimor* i# less thaa 3tt haaea, told ever . —..V V. w ^ » rs are greau r toau have be«m oflered in this mar- well-known establishment, I hope to merit «ir« . I arecent JK||B Dr.Ifr. Oeo.0 W. Phiilipk’ FRfilOUTB.-By arranseoentwKhtheM.ft toI Waahington lea#lea* thauthan heura.heura- WITH CA-j v U.v tiS.'siL'u IK u a *r L" TC -r want ut »M FI.OURI.NG MILL, * LSO"l)E.ADEALERLr.K LN PATENTF A 1 t. Nl I Iiet: an j those m goods m our line wlU find it the patronage of its former friend* aud cus- I. R. R. Co., the Jeffersonville run their 4 lsO— Company now THunrnti TTruuTa ... 00 foUawo- ftr mrti nae ty to make about fifty barrelr flour p« day. ihetrinieiesl to cailand examine our tomers. My as*<>nmeiito( Jerelry, Watches, 4 k IT / J. LI THROrOB TICKBTB are said aa fallow*: |W waM ftiGUTB.rights. Older* left rtat UH M SMITH’S Light- to own Locomotives. Car*, and Conductors, through to oa, is ottered L>r A xl 1 » Ob o3iAldLs Ariii l**, has been well V./ sJ Vff XX earners to Claclbnstl.flrom Lou'svUle *0 W aahtnrt siiuatad IB a fine wheat Leighborhood, PMi.ury, J.ttersonslrett.belos Th.rd.or.cm AaiD strootf Fancy and Toilet *e- Indianapolis, over the M. ft l.R. R.from Edinburs, door* east of , 1.. *18;18; to BalCmoreBalL-more bl7:blT: to*0 rhiladatphla.Fhiladatphla, Sis;blS; aad I*la NsWN#e • or torms, toe., inquire of the Pus. Ottice, wiU meet with pr mpt rtten apto• » Nat ion aUlotel. ecteu, and made of the best n ateriala. i TP thfL ugh ; ~ ” FOR THE CURE OF ork.StaiM. Tobehadof f. CABTua.TlekrtAg^aS r to Wall St. I ! largest best se- STEM ART ft SON, aplbduwom ii 1 have also on hand the and _ . r« fj /, Uon. ' Loutivil*. Kick New UicuK Gouda Keceiviug by MrtrtrtJL Cl Uon of Exiracta, Luhiu’s Cologne, too., a* vouglu,Coughs, Ldida,Colds, Croup,Lroi Huarsaaaaa, Bleadi uCte satettonof «f Third uad Wrtar stissla, sure to sab for tlabato by th* BaElitoaa aad Pof 8ftl0 Exprtbbi^xprtNN «1at .c a air BiHshes, Combs, toe- Lunffs,Lungs, Asthma, Brouchitis, Inflnonxa, tmte . PumpB. and Repairing in all Us branches at- Watch-makibg tipeakars’Mnaabaru’ SoreOor-<4,>n Throat, For through tickeu and information in regard t« x>o. 112 FocbthFoceth Dpwer* (jonsoap- ®THunratf TTr?u'uTam.-v«iooto.b*drtth#*ffiaa#d HOUSE AND , B. F. TURNEK’.S No. Street. ten-fed to personally by myself. freighU, app r at the office. Sie Main street, Louiartlle, A DESIRABLE „ M A F a f ’ T IT R F A VD MI mrWdtf J. R. RSTERLE. Uon, and ail Disoasaa of Ky., E. O. NORTON, Ticket Agent; or, rt the Depot ta j ^ Le rti^y* on hatd. iron Force 'and^m MUROHASESURGHASES FOR MAY, MADE th« Throat, Lungs, Jeffersonrillo A.P. oaMiK.NB.tt&s’t. * 55*!”^ 4 K ' kinds, b th fiw astern* Warehouse* This eoruer i* csutral, und it* locauoo Pumps, of liie uo-t approved ; ^ io tne last ten days in the NewMew York market. and Chaatv. B. M. LBMONT, Master of Transportation. tte wairant our Pumps to Notice. Well adsp cd (or a wholemle or retail business of any and »ell* of any dei4.u_ , „ importations. st it will be sold low perform well, and wiU refund the money if tney taU to reduced in rn-h Dress BiUi; Barege and Tissue king a'ter, | Pri.ts r|A kind. It it worth la- | DISPOSED OF STOCK H E PROPRIETOR OFFERS 6-4 Gr nauineuadinc siouncedtiuunced Kouw;R-Jbe*; Jaco-Javo- HAVE MY LoiiiMFille and Franklort, ! Yik.w. and on easy tera s—:h* owner desiri g to goJ^«« • ifiYe s^sfacUon. 8fl uu ed Robes.Rubes. a. thisvaluable Medicins to the pubUe with j of Watches, Jewelry, Goods to J. R. confl- 1 BABBABOl.naRR*itm-TX fta SNOWDEN.uNowriRN urgaudic Rube.; rtl colors ilain liateges. I and Fancy 1 __ _ i.i.ii..iLjT.ai m. gvQ . .j, At WHlWHBBLING or Banwaod the paaeaugar takrt tha s oitUme.' inqui e on the premiMT*. app-dtowif Dulvdaw uet au use will a swTv T to V I Ri rx'prNiig jR rm ASffffrg'fYTS'l* R-*terie, aho Will continue the bus ness rt my old deuce that all who may U not fail lo receive the Qr X\JM a m H A o>» « Rii'lrnAdy which Icat# all I 0&7 raMrtof cat* Qt D* ko 4 0 U7L,.7.h kr'iriiautVi and Ci.iuixs colors- Eu.ilr. L | j o7 !Uarke most beneficial and nappy resuiu from U. Wherever SiVise »t*n 6 , fio. Fourth rtreet, between Mrtn and , arm h V* Aftd 11*'4S F* l.*fof SltltiBOrOy denesw.^Tnin Jacouvtja -ouLt and!aa SeVm FiouncinmFlounctost; Lace, Swisa, A a w aa a I cast iron kailing. I and i take thi* opportai’ity of recommending my it has been tned, it has proved superior to any other sets I iafiuap(pr bj ci»— eooaecciea*flmTiM $ipriiig:«. i Jaconet, aud uiuea CoiUrs, lo»-priveo in Sleeves Parouiiet fo.mer friends ana customers to him as every way Medicine of the kind now in use. •toppH#««. m thrre In li Of n bottmincladiaf HA\ K A LARGL ASSOR worthy of their confidence and suptort. The thousands who have used it testt'v to iU excel- **nd f«n«rn fYFFFK FOR I FaSF FOR A Ippod* rMnlnh.y», benotp^auiy ofui theU.C eounU7 OFFER of very handsome Railing Patterns, I miki* S. «F. WARRINBR. lent virtues by the continuance of i. ase. To those meal > oonrfort« thi* road is second to noneuoae laIn 'he'bo Cmion«Caioa. li.iM.iaL I U years, the well-known and used it, we would say, TRY' I teem of a(4^toryar.it, ceiuetenes, aud balcouies,to wliicl who have not IT, and they itb toeUrgesi sqaipmaatof ary Ra the LouUviUe ana NatoviUe Railro^, it is aii It ia ARRAxVGEilENT 1866. BFR1N08 on jj,* mtonuon ol those in want ot Railing tor at IffapH -AB Will find that represented to be, and tort It 8UMMEH FOR Statce. the eompaoy ia sra|ai^ south of tbe former city. The 'erm* »ilJ be ,v^ to avocuicw. auh megt€-l\k* eil'ect all diseases IS mile* above nam>*d purposes. R e are prepared p on of the PASSKNOBR do M imstonsebuainaaaintheWansportatwBrtfreighl lavoraWe to the lei^e. Two-Uiud* of the rent most reaaoosbie te 3 DAILY TRAINS— SCNDATS UCirTKD. made ^ ^pat short notice aud on the rt rate# improvemenu of .ub- . rt...... rt.. which are earned with care and dtspaleh. aad sriii he allowed annually for a ^,_lcr* from a distance, with satisfactory referei nighlyrespactablecertiflcatesmay b* ' Las'us u>s cclU. rt , !«* »• *!»«•* »f auy •*)“* fire* cism ua*. atantial chararttv npioa the grounds. These Bpnng* attention. Ma..der m m^ jsyed Needles.—Just received, a iresn supply OI seen rt the Agents. N AND AFTER MONDAY APRIL ^ ye prompte i' • I make*imme«ilrt# ooEn'ctlon rt th# wharvrt BB# IB U A hemisu have my B R- U RN ER’S, Fourth street. 7th 1956 trains will rnn as followB- have been analysed, an-'physH-iant and 1 ft BNOWDBN, John Knslisu’s Patent Needles, the best in use, and j)u. g. W. Puiu.irs, Sol* Proprietor, south-easteor- bakEARUUX . O .. ; Baikrnad FhOadelp' Strveto of Baltimore with tha to pronounced their remedial virtue* to be of toe hishert Uydraniic Founury, warranted by J. it. KsTKULE, aer of Eighth and M alnut streets, Uin'innati, Ohio. vrdrr. No watering place In the western country oflert Bol.-dftw Comer Washiogtonand Floydstreet*. NEW QOOUSl NEW OOOUSll my7 H7 Fourth street. Forsalcby BELL, TALBOT ft CO, as great rt-ractioDS to aa enterpeising proprietor a* tbe JOHN SARGENT, Agent, Far.muet Springs. FIXE AND MEDIUM QUALITY Oorneiot Seventh and Marketais. . Bobinson, Max tin & Co., For (artocr partioaisrs. apply to me. rt LouisTine, Falls City Planing Mill and during the month of May, or before that time to Mr. ! 96 STREET. (*pFafcw6 wj J. D. COLMESN IL. FOURTH Pastengvr* by thi* train connect rt Bmlnenea with LevlTyler. xM AN L FACTORY, Dr. Price’s Chronic Specific. JOHN B. DON a. AGRICL’LTLKAL GOLD & SILIER U ATCIIES. a for New Castle, Drennon Spnogs, and Shell y- rE ARE NOW IN KECHPT OF stages Master of Tranvpertattoa. Batoinna* Bmlft, GAULT & CO., DO '^“hfort Withuagwror Ver*^*.U^^ Fftnn for y JOSEPH a most beaudiul assortm-jnt of 8ie» acres, lit) cleared, b*l estitoouce.nouce. 6*ve * Complete assorimcut of the AJmu, 1 aim*, in siaodiug and widely known, such as lion, . „rt .. „.. w. avx ,r lae.... , Ij logjj j, oiies Esked for an men high covinxi^.and Maysvifie. Lumber Yard on High wdand TwellUTwelfth isiiieo st> les.oi ever* price sua quaiiiy. cumfortab,e, excellent and | gc*rf, and Brecsiuridge, ance in Umber and grass.house* CiyFactoryCsTFackory 1 jofeilor snicle. J. R Underwood, Bov. Wm. L. Judge TRAl^— Leaves Loui*TiUert3:30o’elock rt ™. - .1 . . SECOND choice LouisvUjc, Ky . leitodatwjia aud short cuik Juitw, euurejy hew lot, ol beau.. springs. coil kiodand genial, ayoangorrhardof suvwts, Lung niyl JOHN KITTS, Main street. A*tAgi er Urah;^,Graham, judgeJudge Wm. V. Loving, Dr. Haggard, r. a., stopping rt Smith’s station, Lagraoge, and all Little ifliaini Railraa* — | fruit. There are four or five n-auufnl building sites lifui uecigus. strtio'n* east ol Lagrange, and arriva# at Lexiaglon at French, and Bcot.h Ginghams, . .V. w . I andthespri gs aad cleared and timbered lanu may be BCTffrt yfo Ffo Msucbcster, Just 8 CHRONIC SPXCIFIO Is the bestAi- P. a Itetarning,etnrning, leave* Lexington ati;liat i;li VIA COLUMBl'S. EM i-.gOo’clook | Farming utensiis, com, fte. I Colors wanauied. -ivr * divided to suu them. DBItta r kWWl#a opeued. rp fl U O lerauve, Tunio,ano Blood PunUer ever compounded, o’elocs a. u., stopping SU minute* for breakfast at EXCLUSITELT A5 EASTERN ROCN suit . srill aeU in wSole or ia part to purchaaers Good MOURN l.NG GOODS. ff ll J!l tJ) U is adapted to cure Scrofula, W bite owelUng, Incipi- r„nkfon, and rt rtf stabons east *f Lagrange and rt t/i.-Mi'riAN OAsADlAyRI. IMIY WATCHES,A 1 L i city fwoperty will be taken in part way menu Apply tc Vft*BIA*AA,« Consuinption, female Diseases, Dyspepsia, Gen- ent ConsuinpUun. gmito’sgnito’s station onlyonly,, west of Lagrange, arnving rtat SliorteaG toto4 5loat l>i th* Land.orto Heady.of the tra Bombazioer, De Lamer, Cballies, Canton Cloths, BgsuB.'gslu*v Asaal fo j I as as ww- i*g* necoudary QnickesG WM. J. UKlDT.ou • , ^tttt yw aW sUtt * errt Danihty . ^eumausm, Sypnihs, Bore rt IfJO o’cjock a. u., in close canneetjon I ii'twwi’ it a Cin kl II’IHI Barege*Bareges Luster, and Aipscss,Aip»cs8 Jewelry*Bs7awU:lff^y andalBU Hiilverware.yy v LanUviU* by s.- . w -v vs n v plain and erapenrape , UienaUiena- A\rli MAikVR Eyes, and *U Cutaneous Duetses.toc. line of steambosu for all point# on iheOhlo, daily maU ! V EXPRl Vv Crganoics anu Law 1s,, Lhii-tsaChii-tsa ir IGHTNING AiyI' SHOWOXXv/ lAl^EvAOjg ilAKLKAixAJgiX amrs, Uresuoics »ndsnd Prints—in A \1 irrt T I P \fflfo \f Al\ AMES 1. LEMON,» MAINi't.'kl^ oi.,ST., Mississippi, and Mi-souri rivers ;a.*o, by Jeffersonville ev.ry thing sppcr.ainmssppcr.ainuis tolo a lutliujl outfit tor a1 thre-ugb t* Columbus, Crestline, am) Cl*' .. rt.. . . . a word, with Indianapolis, tow between Second sndand '1 bird (sign of toe Gold n R. Underwood. and New Albany raiUoad# Chicago, other rout* For Stole. auSl dJiw G4 Tbirft street. tuiifull mourning cnaugc.ensugc. J From Hon. J. at changeehanae of enm.earn. By any i Terrelerre Haute.nauie, V’incennee,, meennev, »l-gs. Louis.ouuis. Keokuk.iscvsum, jnina-Burilng- i -_.i .K.Wrt. »..« — assert ..ent.‘ent U staple andsnd Fancy Good* is nownos ttuSe), ha* Uteiy re eived Seme ricu and very beauti- . rt .. . . ;2«^Sd iSigM* ehtJfe Our a patient* afflictad ' also, lot of and I have seen many of Dr. Frlce p,n, itock island, Galena, Dubuque, and all the pnn- xw, te . to gK ey veiy cornycomtleU>ai.ulets, aou punhaserspur.hasers are inv Uutco to call.call- ml styles ot ^JEWELRY ; a GOLD The only„„|Vro^roaie witHTnreewith Three Dailyi*aiiy Train*TT*ir# w CIrviw hree BEAUTIFUL SITES FOR mns with the ScrofuU, both before and alter they were cipil towns In toe northwest. WtotofftoffWitottWtofcW#nARRIACEfi ttuBi.NhoN, MARUN to LU., alLYEK WATCUKb. Dunkirk, and Buffalo, by the auili rm gaag* as residence*. ^^AKRIACKOs aealed. It is certain that Ulcers of the most in veterstc Train (Aecommodatioz 'tosves Louie- T building country Two ofthe sites n 6 66 Fourth st., tel. JBarset slid JeUersun. Tbuse de.ixing arucles in the above line are particu- oat ferre# y to yield teauGy to his Ohrunic Bpe- u. _ invited lsII befoie purchaviug, as these are cnaraoter seemed vilie at 4;M o’cloca r. regular sta- eonnacticn to Fit' HADDUX,HADUOX. OARKIAUECARRIAGE DEAL- ~ ’. 7' larly to The ably route with reliable I « Choier goods. jAMES I. LEMuN, Third street, between Market and Jetferson, J S, OCC, lot fr 'nt* the Bardstown tnrnp'ke, and contains about VJ • er. ' ape Msin street, opposite Baux uf Kentucky. ' twelve acres All the laad of the above mentioned lots - bar now on hsnu, of hts own manatacture, a lull aau 3> cases new style fancy Prints; , is in toe highest state of cultiTrtion,ud cannot be snr Siuect SMorttuent of Uoukaways, Bulkies, Phasioos, i S uo do do Lawns; pasoed io eligibility ofl>catijD. For terms, toe., in- Men Buggies, Sbiiuug-top Buggies, SUde-scai Buggies, 1 do do uo hruUantes; “*• subject VOti^T Al KL.Ii\K, From Rey. W m. L. Breckmndge. > tlon* are eertsin Faaseiiacra are uat u warranted ot the iMgit and must duraole I at 4Ji cloak *. to., daily, qaire througn the Louisville post office, or to the sub- 1 eil 01 whicn arc 3 uo Dt page; and Lexington ^ a Sundays g,,, foU time for meal*, which is a great rmrldtfj GKO. E. woritmanship,w^trkmanship, combined with sty lo*lasu:,leslasu:, andandetegauce.etegauce. I Just received and lor sale cheap by seryant girl in my family was afflicted with Sorofa- exeaptad. senbtf. UKIN80UM. MANUFACTURING JFWFJLFKS A i ta ladies and ehiMreu. CrosSiDB th* Little Mlam irieuds toe puouc. tt lr . D vUe* the aUenuon Ol his auu £. 01 bLETIN ft CAIN. louiborsEycs. Notwithstanding she hadmedicaicrert Fgre by first and second tnins. About 4 eenU par sM of rinrtnaati.eeaB dtowil J. UADDOX. AND DSALKB8 IN iaent,upuu tne whole she grew wurse.anbl 1 feared mUe; a discount of nearly g5 per esuL isrtlowedfoc For Stole oett Columbes. CrertUne.andriayelaiid. withTraia I that she would become lotaUy Wtod. She was placed Uekets. j iUTlONADES, Liu»# Miami, yi* Calumba# &U. . places...... 1 eastern Th# Fine under Dr. Fnce’s treatment, snd to all appearances a Pare on aeeommodaUon tram, about I renU par mil*, enables aaniform aud safe t lO case* assortel Coitonades; Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry, FARM, CONSISTING OF radical cure was performed, for several monUis past and nearkiH percent, is allowed for tickets. I n_ l?"alls Cily Terra Colla Worb. g do heavy fwiLs: other mate from Cineinnrti kdkaser*Us aorca, lying near Hobbs’s Depot, ou the Louis j No. 7k rbl^st.,naur Market, Loaiaville, Ky. seemed to me, as she does now, to b* perfectly any farther informauon, piausa eull at th* A b p.,wer-luom she has I^For ; and compelled to overcom* diaUua* bale* C'rii>es; illeund frankfort Railroad. For partioulartapplyD . gv s Lv from any defect or soreness of toe eycs, and to be Depot, eomsr of Brook snd Jefferson straets, Lonia- 6 do Uvavy Usnsburgs; u L* a 'ri GAKIL|y 'raWL'NIlAKlLN IISI IC free makegaonnectlona unesetain. I to rt or to IRLAI otherwise. NOCK , W C E b CO ,n perlecl health vllle. 8 AMUKL GILL, i P . B A M O N Received and tor sale ctieap by 3Vas», seffP C M UECKWlTH.ontbenremiss* ti setting Dismondsin all descriptions of Jewelry, LoniavUle.Ky. WM. L. BRBCKINRIDOB. nu-19 Bupt. Lou. to Prank. Railroad. By 6 O'doeh A. Jf. 'I. to R. my 6 8 LKVIN ft CAIN. with dispnlcb. STREET, HE t. GREEN ANDWALuNUT vnd dune Wheeling passengers dine rt Xaneavilla. Plttaburs Tor Bale. FIFTH rarwatchesand Jewelry repslredin a superior man- From Judge Aahar Orsham, Orrics Larmyit-Lx sen Nasmtilub R. R- Co.,) : sengere din* at Crestliae; Dunkirk and BwCalo pasr 1 LiiuiHViliey Ky.y 1 INGHAMS. r. delJ dtow Loalsviile,Ky.,Feb. 5.18M. and dine the foUowfog PROPETsTY. g (Formerly g member ot toe Bench of the Court of Ap- } gere dine rt Cleveland, ^ VALUABLE I toX g cates neat style Frerch GlPgham; peglg), ) New York, Philadalphia, or Washington ORy. i ANUFACTUREKOFC.YPITALS g d-i tcuicu do, dj , 88 at Baltimore. i fast THE DOUBLE TUO-STORY 41 66 Price’s patients. Bases, for Columns ; Trussrlt, Brackets, g uo Lancasier do; 1 have seen some of Dr. Theyap* M { IvK and ASSORTMENT OF kito. Brick Building on the southeast corner of Mar - Enricbmenufur Ccruue-, Gothic Drna- J est received and lui salech.apby SPLENDID pearedtohavebeen very muchdiseased, almost beyond TIME TI’ * A LITTLEi.n i .MIAXI RO» Mi.ao* cap-, m-riCTII^ ^ N'll M I' l-l B' U ivCflVOTlf'K OCMIlT't***'1 ketand fitteenth sireets it offered fur sale for t-loaer Vases, sie. mj 6 T. to rv. SLEVIN ft CAIN. sU hopes of recovery . They now seem to te pertecUy B I | menu. Ciiimney Tups, Fou, A* FromProm ClaollCtnoinntoti to one-quartrrlartrr cash, and the balance on 6, Ig, and D al toe tt -ess..es*. 1 Watches and Jewelry, reUeved. ASHER ORAMAM. ^ one Train daily wUl be run on the LouisrlUe and j sertment*i,ruiie’Lt to te seen :i T’tsuT'a i. var*,n«^^ Nashville Railroad. The Train wiU leave the Depot rt OOLUMBU 8 In 3Mbow. very cheap. I month.' credit, and Tbit Building hss . . p, -isi . an a tt K \ 1 V Bowling Green, Ky AU.«,H.AI.VPLAI.>PLAI.N ANDA,DOESAMC.MALPLAORNAMENTALORNAMliNnuv PLASTER.8IliR. KCK th M Y tX^ THIS ’ it, ia ALbO.ALbO, |> At New Tork Prices, Louiivule at o’clock r. tt., and returning laavc aeveo room* in one of which a commodious ; ^ toToicc of Clctbs, CassUnereSf and DUNKIRK in I^I4fo ^ure,hoars;i?™-’ atore-room, saumbtesuitsbie for grocene*§roc^nc* or dry foods.goods. The AU411 ordersorder* forfur PlastentgPlastering or diuccoStucco f^rfur interior deco- V T 4 IT vr I - 8 hepherdsyille rt4R r.tt. Thirdstreat,between Main snd Market. JudgeJ udge Y.. Loving, buffalo in M* hours- FFromrom Wm. V . 1 At No. 66 An umnibusUne will connect srlththeTrrtnson Buildinglif IP cooTvicoovei ienuy srrftifedarranged forf<« one or two f&mi-fami- ’ nunura'ion proBipromntl>4i> Atuiideaattendeo toto. gy 5.*w**^*'’ nlack trenchivirrii Cloths,ruti.. best\mmt quality,nn^iirNy ALB^ALBANY» in M lias— haslas an rxreUentextmgs, ft ncyanublack, figured plain, I him he was diseased from head FITTS BU EG in U hours: fmrl.dtfj ATCHISON ft BMITB. Silk and new ^^<-1 fp,jn the test manufacturers uf Ueneva (Swiuer- ume saw pfomptly called for rt any houae in the city Koe. enlarged and RIVK I’lANO I\ «>*«•• C.U aud tear e your measure lor a nice-fl.ung i^nd) aud France, a lot of splendid VV atclies and Jew- left fid* of hi# face and neck was greaUj 'f,gjtf J. P-GAMBLB.Bup’t- PHILADELPHIA ia 3^ has THIRTYIHUill FORTES OWDUSOLD in of hi* breast, and in 10 gut ^itgjjsaiu street. elry of the lateslsiyies, and which hei* enabled to sell swollen. AU of toe left side neck, WHBBLING hoars; OnL MUnltll mjmy 6 A. D. MANSFIELD. .r him the nght shoulder were a massmast of filthy dis'iasMdiseases and runrun_ BALTIMuKXia Ji>< hott ^ice»nrices that wul secureior paUuuage of the ViSlTKVIl I E’ ANIlk lAffAtoiASksI E'VIMG’TAIMvis, 1 sores. As he would work tus arras, toe air would LOUISVILLEAiULlSv ILGe, ANDAaSU LEXINGTON,i WASHINGTON in » be liUT K BAJ^E ^. Mwivsvrttfs to O ouulicuuuiic at large. nmgning beautlfulUold Watches, escapefrom deep ulcer* underhiscoUartenes.caireing BTBCBBNVILLB la 1 i garnlesde •***? PE I ERSe wRACaCa & wOe Iq^ANCYMa^ANCY PRINTPRINTS.8 . 250 CASES Ladies’rich and CovingtonCovinfftOH andRlld LCXingtOnLexington diflerenisixes snd prices. filthy matter and blood to bubble out. The use of toe BaggaffC ehaeked fross Clarinnati to Wheel M’ new and handsome st* lei in store and for sale bv diamauis, sna of HotFl. ilAVETHE PLEaAa*5UKE, ^ '*‘ASu“i*finet*m^eCt*o\‘Gufd*^^^Alsu, a line assortment ol Gold sou Bilver Fob, Vest, probe ha^Vrovedhad proved ths^metost some of tte^there ulcere extended timore, ntter-arg. CleveUnd. Duakirk. and Btt: _r^_ „ JA/uaaJ A »7aa j^.ttM^tt^aa on.,iT? .i* mkii.Wrtin l.* ^ otol Mr.lhckereonMr. Dickerson put hlmMlfhimself ia tha Bgatam 9-.. announce to*,tha. ibejthey ate now turning ^ audaudNeckChsms,Neck Chains, Watch Keys, Lockets, DiamondDiimond mtointo thitoe hollow thetke body. The Little Miasni DapoL s IT HAS BEEN REPORTED administaredadministered his W T M rinnf av »'Sge ulut seren Ptono FinsPint aud Rings, together with ga large variety of fine under Dr. Prfo#Price’s• treatmenL ^howho rtrt rt W rjout an rt'kge ForUsFortss i mmll h'AI’GL’ikh'Af’WIb’ii nulllYHIl 1^I 111 mag Foar Daily Traiaa. that this well and fayorstily knvwo Hotel is cl«s- J H |»LEACHEDLUiALfriCgii DKlLLiS.JJKlLaLiOa 10lU C-ASlLSLfAoCjO jewelry of every dJacnplion.d*«cription. ChronicCbroDtcBpecific»»nd|»tt»niet«telJ>apcrmADnkful fur the very lioefa’ patron- ^ D*'.awa»e;ClrcleTills. Laneaeter, and ZaneaVTUt gniii.y of Lou:SvUle to compete with any oth- rcily io leached cottons. lOU IZ From Dr. D.D.R.R. Haggard, a.e heretofore exiendel. *c hop^by sUuX sUeotion. ' to iske a wa,k ihrough Chester and ^utortheChillicothe. niaiiUfscturc., wvuld do wdl bleached brands, in store OD AMAVAUi:;!, are very reasonable. to toe wants uf our guests, to o eril a oontinuanre of B ca*e*cate*” Cottons, assorted of thetbe of Internal Improvement). Throagh to Oolumbus, Oraatlina, and Clw isality will (President Board i E*ery be given lO our tsrtury buJdit g.. . infoninformationktion In regard to saase, pieaa* ta , , ' Foror any thessme. [sblbdKwJ W.R.UWKNftCO. and tukincss men t j examine our upers- ““j ^ WMOLgssi.* sjin a*Tsiiiiaai.*ESia sriihoat ehai ge of car*. i our mer-:hsats **my3dft^' JAMES LOW to OO.,OO.. 416418 Main St.st. Within my own knowledge,knowledge,!)!.Dr. Price, who nowreside*nowresides ca.1 rt Depot, SAM’L gill, Liuns. Every Piano made by us is Bare anted equal to Sanerinten.lSDt L. to F. R. R. SsconnTxaiN.—Bxprass Mail laavas Cineiana ; — Louisville, ha*hat been signallysign aUy snccesafultuecessful ia curing jaiF- UFo freL aa TawalrTr Atf» afr* in e’cloch, a. M., for ail the restcra aitie*. ALCllOo, sIVWOlAV, ObG., VbV., SomeSume of the worst caseecases that have occurred Cave, Kentucky. fl^lCKING,(YK'KINf-k W Bciofnla. TMianTxaiH.-AecoB modatiea. leave* Clartnc Mammoth in Kentucky havebare been cured by the use Ofof hithis Chrun- I , T-’c- kkkik/ *it'r at WrtiBiimi ese* ' L. F. tt. R. Aad all laforaiaHoa, can b* obtaiaad rt the New KM IMPOKTEttIttrOKTBtt ABU UBALKBDBALICB IK retail, York prices. be found rtJ.at J. 8 . 1*15 Superintondant and U||fol*r In Geneva, wholesale and 1, at New Dr Price’s CbronieChronic Specifle can | from L ui vllle, and about tbethe same distance from Iwle I ficaa. No. t Burnet House Building, W. L. O’Bas flUIV ! J 1 •. 1 •. i • rv 1 repalrlcg done with neatnessgnd Morris to Son’s, Main street, between Fourto and Fifth 0 ^ J ( lirL'ktin n 1 Watch claanlng and Tirket Agcnt;N*. 177 FrontOffiee, Gibson Boas* Bu street, i I and at our establUhment.onestablishment, on west aide of SixthSiathslrest, street, next door to iiaeriesttVVniieboods dispatch.ispatch. . xliE ADAJIN EXPUESH CO.VIPANY. iVi* sVec ca'ifbe 1 Office, \\ llltC M*s^-'**lV*^^ ^etsgre^c'n oj’^arer No. bl Third Demt^rat |^Wlil!>i$ ijlUbrOldCFlCS & GOOUS TLlato^tyls#andprttemsofJewelry.fto..receiTed to Tbottiat to “Bell’s,’' 7 niile* 'rou< the Cave, wberc LOUISVILLE, KY. “J re5l^eo?^l?‘l^;5w\y con v< ysnee* will at *11 Use* he in reauinass tu convoy .YlHiu . ac XIX VIXTV .ITULCT SpencerSeaneer Hna*e;orMth*BaateraHnuaelorrtthsBMlemfLittla)(Little MIkmOP No. 464 Sireety Weinrltetheladiestoeallandexamineforthem a liberal discount will te made to Druggists. A box of OFFICE 545 MAIN 8TREET. Tisiior* 10 the Ca*e. last Front aireet. M. HUNT HAS A| good*. AUour goods wm- Chronic PiUs willbeaddedtosveryboxof Chronic »pa- Cave is *iin«t«4 rt healthy and romantic spot NORTH SIDE, BETttEKN FOURTH AND FIFTH, aelves. Notronbletoshow 4)4 a. tt. until 4)4 a, tt. The a large and floe asiortment of aide free of charge. I^OffiMhoitrafrom [ SOLID tbe lotoks of Greco ri*er, snd has been explored in a ranted or no sale. r. W. STRADBR.GaumalAff* an iSOLK-LEjlTHEK Ladies’ IN- direct route over 8 mile*, aod througb THL'AMS, OULD RESPECTFULLY Frankfort and Lexington Uie Various fUrrSk and Traveling Trunks, Bonnet THR OMNIRUB LIMB aveou-w mure than liu loiles. Tite the attention of Dry Goods merchants to 'm^s. Carpet Bigs, toe., he is pre- whUb ! his entire new aud well assorted Hock of Spring and s rt all tha principal Hat a l a, for a It woalll>eiB|.os*ibte to describe tbe grandeor and |gk|.a|k.jW AURANT8, &C. EXPRESS. Okllsfor pasaenger* •*'“ KE81 beauty of tba Cave. T e pcvpiletor* foS just fled in *“^* Summer Goods, consistiog In partof genuine owis# em J^l vj XV O . and every train. By laaving diraetaona rt either of merchams *>ill hnd it to be to t’eir interest . bruidered Collars, Sleeves, Cbemiselles, M’indow Cur- above on eaa, will arti ter paaaenaan In all parts *f ^ingtoatit is not eqaaied^asa grai.d repi^u^ve I . * mU* netore Biaking their puri-hares #f nature by any ototr c -rioaity io toe word, they ^ tains, dotted andaud nguredwutefigured white and culor^cujoreuBwisaJttiu- » a Oocls. P A- «ty. without fau. *nd j FiiauFaai). 8 elkcwhore. apiUdly 8 8 Botlknovie Charles KeMtaiirant, he ADAM EXPRESS COM r bus. Edgings and Tnaertiona.BwissInsertions, wim Gingham*,Ginghams, &o.,ftc., all RUGGLBS. Condttct are well ssu-fied toa’ a visit 1 1 the Same will wtilrepay ("*tt/VewVora.)"Yora.) (Oinc(OincinnaU.) beg to inform to* pubUe that on and after ! ny “ ' are ol the very latest and testteat stylestty lea and pat- ' . T r; of which _ » MAIN. - tb>re who travel (or pleasure O' in acarcb of the won- ! TT; n CORNER FIFTH AND ; Monday, Ifob inat.,they will diapatch Ttt'O BKPRB88 derful. L. J. PRGCTvJH ft CO.. tsriii. nOVlC Ob (j0«* Frankfortand Lex- NEW .VLBANY A 8 ALE.M R.VlLHD Great Western Trunk Manufactory, most of these direct o ’ KS DAILY (Sundaysexceptedl.to .yt! dim Pr prietors. j As I am importing goods from ington, by 6 a. II. and i r 11 . Trains. WHOLESALE A.ND RETAIL, tbe maoufactorers in Switzerland, lam enabled to oiler 1UPORTER3 OF F1ESCH BRANDIES AND Merchandise. Packages, Money, and Trtaabl**j

lowest prices. ' them at the very ! w 1 v D u forwarded in charge of Special Mesaeogen. PurchreerswaiPurchreers wai find uIt to theixinteresttheir interest to examine my *vi.>e.s, The I\ational Hotel, tsr N otes, Bills, or Accounts collected. CHANGE or RUNNING TIMS. BY D. O’HARE, i stock lu-lnrelirnirc haying elsewhere. mrk dft wkn JVo.ATe. 4 CoMmsreial strsH. BmuUdBended Warthouss,Warehouse. promptly attended to. SITUATED AT THE CORNER OF 4 fffi >HE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS K^Orden 486 Market at., one door trom I'bird, Loauville, Ky. I (^gdhm 8 . A. JONBB.Agent. N AND AFTER WEDNESl Fourth and Main street*, is now opes far the ac- The only 0<»e priced House in the City ia OFof ALCOHOL,alcohol. CO- opened the above eitabliahment, an4 pre- j MAISTILLERSistillers ‘ next, )3tn Instant, Train* will nsttOtt Uu eommodatioD of the public. I Siioer Cup awarded to Hare the public. Uiaex- O D. O' by South- JLF logne,logne> and Neutral Spirits, and all kind*kioda of Do- lenta it (or the accommodation of the The Building ia enUrely new. Furniture, DURKLE. HEATH & CO.’S D V. Albany and Salem kaiiroad as follows: Bedding, Bourten,Bourbon, Rye, perienceand well knownqaalificrtiontfortoe buainess ADAMS EXPKi->8 UO.MPA N I wer'era Agricultural and Mechanxcul Asoo- uiett’cuitit'c Liquors.Liquor*. AUo, desler*dealer* in Old of the latest 1 Express Trains will leave New Albany daily, ftc., style. Monong»i.ci*tthi*kie*. _No#.56, 67, and «a sec- (and yean rttcat it) induce h.m to otfer bis services to I csetsoB and | day * excepted), rt 9. a. tt., eoBUftting at Green Theantranccto the Hotel ia on Fourth street, near Jor the beet specimen of Trunke. 7E ARE IN RECEIPT OF AN- public. OFFICE 545 MAIN STREET. the tt' est for Terre V tacer nes, Main. their with Trains BauU, aa | Hein vites his friends to favor him with patron- U | Louis, aad arriving rt Michigan City rt 4'U, a. tt. WesoKcittoc patronage ^’hare has of the pubUe, and hope by age, and aasures them that tieir ordett shall receive bU 1 CVSttS VERl Chicago rt 7Jk, a. a . makiag eftse eoaaectien eur exerfloB to merit it. stantly on hand a large auortmentof pcs superb quality 01 plain and black Silks, thrt |-tL.*RET. 50 OF faitbful rtteiitiuD.itiillton. IGHTNING LINE TO j ’“irwKea”«I3VA7pl.l,..dU^K ... I f Train*' hence for Milwaakie, Rock Island, and G oof . ft solid 8 vl received and for srU at JUUN80 MARTEN CO..Proprieior*. ^^^RMlttGent-emen’t ol« Leather Truuke, 1 wiWI Iteauldtium1I tebe Aoldsold tiumttuiil •!*1 to st id;Jo; Une Claret Just C^TUi* day he presents a Lunch such aa may be ex- I ; RJ MEMPHIS, TSNN., es’ Third st.*fc^iideF and rt Michigan CiUr with Trains East, oft N ^^^KAAA^Lad Trunks, B niiCt BuXet, k al ces, si>le«*i>*iy lea aileolurs;ail1 Is, CO.’btb^ KUhKuii Dress 8Silks,Uks, colon: LANUAM I herealter. imrl7atfj CUAS. U- KUttrER. pected CAIRO, Central Road, for De roit, Niagara Falls, aw Corner PostOmoe alley. • Ca-pet Bag*, Packing Irunki.ftc-, which kre of the KiegauiElegant ureDadinesureuadineaureuadinet and Buregeheretftf Robes;iLobei: mvl I 8 T. LOUIS. 11 A N D 8. I BosGin, fte. CHANGED ' best quality made by experienced workmen, and c n Uiga die and Jaconet FFlounced do; NORTHEAST vRYSTALPALACE, I Express Train* South win leave Michigan i be bought lower than in any uthtr bouse in thi* rity. ' Printed • rgandieargsLihes and JacJ .nelt; MINE. i w OLDHAM HOUSE, iL.\RET AND WHITE FUtostreeta. Fortbavery, 11:16, r. a., and arr ve rt New Albany scat day a Country mercbaiit* wul fin-i itio te to their liitereatM kvery variety of Lace GoodsG a .d Embroideries; t comerof Jefferaonand Market street, between brook and ; 10 bhit” Haute Sauieon;” patronage hitherto extended to them, thepropn p. a., in time to put passenger* Ittto LoaiaviUe No. 605 Floyd, give thia house a call before purchaaing eUewhere. Ladie.’ and uenU’ LinenLinei Handkerchiefs; iberal 1 p’.,i ,a j e bb-is do; to toe public, and ' afternoon. mril7 dtf UaLd*UaLdt ime styletstyles of ladladies’ Mourning Gouds; store renew their acknowledgments Vokk’ LOUISVILLE, EY. 20 cask* Claret, “Bonnet,” 1818; Freight Train* will leave New Albany aa na«al Alps, anl k large varieiy of new 4U*1 Cupper do, do; /s8 M.GARtoKTT, j do ^^The^^iardrRooma.undeTthesuperlntendeneeof oar KIRKPATRICK &ic SONS, 21Ai 111.*. Flags, Window Shadts, Curtain Goods, and sty les in rich Lace ci-r.iiiDt. *4 do #.year-oM Bourbon; KK 1aOU1»>1LLE tu CltlCJkGU %1 accommodating “Uncle George, ”are fv- Cheatsut Farniahii g Materials. pURKkE, UEAru ft CO., 107 Fonrth st., In store and fur tale by (ap*) J. MONKS. amiable and : b South Third rt., between Marketand oished withanperior tables, andeveryimaginableeon- atreata, Philadelpkia. have fortale Spanish Uides,dryWdSfd^‘ rWYRAlNS LEAVE NEW ALBANY tte wariant our work at represented, and offer it at dkiw between Market ano Jetferson. I | m>'5 i Tanners’ OU,, Tannm’ P. CURTIS Mould GIVE no- lowprioe# patronage soUclUd. (mrlVdiyl D. m S venience- and g reen aalted Patna Kips, Tanners’ R daily (Sandays excepted) rtS:Mx. « ,jttnni THE GREATEST ASSORTMENT apeatha directly througn to Chirago.aoancotingtkaro J•W • tice that hebe baahas resumed hi* ( pledges Baltimore Oyster Depot! 4^ hj^ *** a.,orimcnt of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods to be muoRs. K U KIN AT UK^a. mav bp had at th* efleapf the LoaisvUlaand Pet' oaft that Ui-^*« who ta^vor Brandy; BANKING OFFICE. 8)***.^** him *i’h the u patronage 1 pipe Dalepale OtardDupuyi Cognac atreat. & this city • cunslstiug in MS Mala EXCHANGE foanain th..rttyVcr.liinV^^^partof— L ) Railroad Company, . i a* shallbesausfied. He isdeiermined to work lorreouia . >*-pipe Jamaica Rum; Paoeeugeistoy loavta* 'boir a i maathmo wlDbaae .oa MtticMttiidU.;. av,it., batvoonbetweenkoatvMn ThirdI nira aadanoand Fourth,rFourthoartn, Bleached and brosn Cottons; } 489 njone, . H* has a good lo. of No. I oystersljdlys^ Chair Factory, ^ ^ j Heavy Cotton UriUiogs; 1 S-pipe Holland Gin; Louisville for in aay part of th* city withoat extra charge Brick oa baou for those wishing tu coiame-ice building „ ..i. dmIU xmrlLLriLLr II I DEALIilTAl INIK BILLSHI1.1.S OF EX*PX. Couunadea; pi id Cottons, ftc. Pure articles lor m^iunrt /*?[ uanw 68 THIRD STREET, JOHN B. ASDlRSO.N.Papertntand# early, and shall keep on hand an aaaorunent of Brick at AUo, the moat beauUiul aokortment of— euat mcr* by JoHn M. Aal^K gw. No. JAMES CROMEY, AGENT. N. p-mvpoe. General Tlcbet AgoaU change. Land Warrant#, Lneurrent Money, i times net inferiur to any in the market. Ue hopes. No W Third rt. U Plaid and rtriped Silki; ap*U OPPOSITE APOLLO ROOMS. Silver, an* transact a general ttunniyt hurt- au-ict attention to businedk aud a faithful regard lo Gold, sad 1 Beautiful French CuUars, Sleevei, fte.; CHAIRS OF EVERY DE- mrV dtf njtcgrit) ,tu be literally - a,.,.,, , ,v,r.iv a it d c u 1 < k » naas. h<.neaty and paUoniaed Ilia Thread Lace of every variety ftc ftc. SUPEKlOlV n.E,C,EilVE C E I V llYCrI kind in Mncnl asa will be kept « E Cl E OT M € , N G P A , K^RANDY. IFIPE jm. s'-\ R aaariftioa and ! yard I* tbe eoruer of Broadway atrerta, ^ on and Shelby Call aud tec, u the northeaai corner of Seventh and bottle or gallon by Ixpress, daily, best IcontUkOtljr on han't and for eate to thetradoky rt rtl be tound. Ji> French Brandw (or sale by the XiSM LMr per tbe J r. BBU,. where be can umea Market rtretU. a ^ POP* A 0*»- JAMBS CROMBY. AgeoL LanlsTlllp, New Albany, Lnfttyaatft 4 ttd Chw Jg kN t. Norwood. pUo3ai >pz^ OYBTER8 ever sent to thia \ Bgutk.aK a.4 Exchaare Office of HrlS w3aftd No. 38 WaU street. ! DAI1.V BZPRiaS. Hugrhes & Hutchison, k^uUHBun mhisky. 2.5 bbls, aofodtfls 8. QUINT* RO, Agent. ZTryg; a vn r rty » ^HAIRS’ CHAIRS!! CHAIRS!!!. iUilli (Buocaason to NewUnd, Uagbes ft Co.), -LIVE AND LET LIVE. 199 Main at.,uoa door ttboTaThird,LoauviUa,K7. i^^cioto Kollingr “‘VaLLAcVp^fK ft^C*®'^ WO dosen on hand and for sale by A M E R I C A N Wm/HOLESALE DEALERS IN — mnSwJmftd JA8.CRO »lBT.Ag.nt.gW*ll,t. uy AND SELL EXCHANGE ON _ . . 100 BASKETS L. T. SEDGWICK, ww Fancy and Staple Dry Goods and Varietie*, ^^HAMPAGNE. ^ all points of the United State* and Canada. AUljrJSjAttO, A^EZlt, B F. ^ No. 4g3 Uaibstrcet.souUi.i'le, beiwcenFifthand Sixth. for sale by THIRD AND MARKET STS. . . C0>lPAi>Y,- (Charles Heidiiek brand) CORNER M F C R A N E , EXPRE^ and sell Aaarleaa and Foretgn Gold and Silver. W ay Having pnrehased the entire iutereatof J. W. New. apW WALLA^ P»fPB ft C()._ •***•**’ » 6<>»them. and north- ~ i COLUMBI.\ STREET, land in the late firm, we aill eootinue tbe buslnea* RECEIVING DAILY FINE DXSiawiR and makcfactubm or — 64 at r~ . Vi ^e.7 'oTk'V CG V L' IJ V VID l.T, ATfObOOt tbeukl aland and reapectfully aoiicRacall from v Eilk 1 CASH CAPITAL P **BaUoeu*Bsm^*M all pointo la thaUnltod States their fl'LARET,L A R E T . 50 a^iMCitt*Pittrittnatl.it, vOhio,i friends and porebatersof goods visiting this market. ^ Canada, aad ramittanoasaandc an th* day of psy- choice, for sale by New Y*^k^,^’^^s*Vt‘oo*'i *Llgbtnii!g First Claes Cabinet-Ware, aad fe33 HUGHES ft HUTCHISON. POPR ft CO. Proprietor*: #D» WALLACB Bxpreai lam also prepared tofarBiab _ ^ .... ^ A LL SIZES OF— families with any aoiount of Can Oysters, of supof lor CogBCr of ISlxth ona Court rioce, . WELLS, BUTTERFIELD k CO., New T ~ Iron ; Boiler Plates; .croataas jm. c.iULTon .Zs. Plat Bar WaMAICA rum. 2 PUNCHEONS quality, with Yenison, Qttkils, snd avsry Tkriety of mt'tetrntK ET.rr Bounl and Squart Iron; BiUer Heads; Wild Gassainsaaaok.#Ameint«Moa. LOUISVILLE,LOVlsruA.M,,nM. LIVINGSTON. FARGO A CO..BaAkta. Glassware & Looking-Glasses. j. Tire, Sbaet Iron; . .8 B WIO K . Proprtcior. Handy ft MURBAY. L T PO orders thankfully tod Bankinc Horse BhueBh^’(scrap);(scrap); Fire Bed;Ifo aplb'^'kt AN^AoVlifL^MOORB ll Eichanee Uoise •( ! JU 8 peompUy attended to. II* aonft Saddle-Tree; N aai.Demand B(MBr*r*al*iB*«ma*frattapeud A FoNDA, FAMILY GRulER, #^LEAN8 AND DYES GENTS’ apl8 PON DA ft IWO RRlW. yUie.viUe. ThaThe snbaenNsubsenforr aim*aims to extaadextend and incraaaefcicraaae thrt BtTwtEx sAia ASD XAREST. <>«r long axparfoacaaad wall kaawa **ai ->npow- Btraw Uau; » reputation—rt rtlall avanta,events, be still “kesp brylbg.”brrii,g.” H* a.e Wao. ha# jnatracelvad a fresh supply *f 0 ,a, « — s—^—— makanffiSmtfnaeuafooUakal baataasa ta All Nortftsttt. Baassrm.Bowtb— — (uad* *r ,* aaduttd WarnWaa- i, Weans and toe# Ladia# Straw Bonneta; will add Uirt h* la still aaairtad by th* jadigmant and ^ 4«r,der, iaitt haihal re*,v*a.chasU,chast i, and f and a-R boxea;boxes; ImperiU, ^ ASSORTMENT AL- -^;fef.5SSaSSL«SL'* p^Bttttk arte parehkaadrt law rate*. Make* ftame# and Crowns for Bonnets; RIO cof'- ezinarieDce of his father, and that evary effort shall bs * LARGE - Taaitf Hssen.ooioug, aadOraague Jriaeo Teas: Mo- g-«oFKEE. iso's AGS | ^^^^gaftba—thelOBhaat marlratprlsiaffrtd ale Ouffeos- A. FGN UA, And keeps a choice selection of Ladle*’ Su aw and faa- mndetod88«T*t«Mi*fhT*r. “* ski I Java, aad ' a2r*’“KS“t’iHr2£a ^ ' ^ laanhuraat, hat. Maihat aad Jeffetaca, «y BooneU, franeh flowar*, Rihboni, ftc. apl m^ . WM. t. WOOD.