4 Noh seekks citizen iinuolve-nm — . B l1 Hornets:s, Pilots Wmn —-

n faHlassified Y( C able Ja s s e s U' JU.UM1MUM STAnCJlAFT Tlujcil'le Bai\W: , ' S S c e i g o es tc0 co u r sfr; WrYiter's tritbute — C ' ‘JT . — > - ‘T y g l

Coe,tight •: 1B08 Magic Villty Inc. 35" F rid a y/ .. . AA p r i r 2 0 7 ^ 8 9 ------* - - - ' 1 - . — ------0-41F■flfryearTN iniB ------^— T w in F allsridahia h o ------—*------^ ______'/ China1 leadeers '-I.. '■ .■'■ ' . c dialogsue V -... offer ( \with situdennts l» » s s A . ngeles 'I'imcis rebuke from the elite youlh of the nu- • lion, supported by>y hundredsb of thou- B151 E IJIN G — In a d ram a tic conces- ci sa n d s nf c h e e rin g' BeijingBe: residents. ■iiitt-to'prn-dem uci'acy atudent: arc-demandintH^ ------Chil'hinese government anniiunceiced la te dom of th e press, , beibftler treatm ent of Trhursday h u lhal il is prepared inIn open intellectuals and anan iattack on corrup- ^ aI dialoguedi wilh sludent lendiidurs to tinn. diiscuss isc their ciemnnds. Although the govigovernment's ngree- ' TheTl announcement came afteler tens nu-nt to meet with.ith student leaders oif f thousands tl of student demoi:ionstra- seemed lo he a signilgnificant concession, lorsors marched through Beijining for it niniained conditnditions that'could mnore nn than 12 hours, sweepingng past prove unacceptnblejle tto the protesters. ' policlolice lines and returninglg tri- The official New Ne\ Chinn News i iini;iimphantly lo their campuses. Agency reported lhalthai the Stale Coun- ' CommunistC( Parly authoritieies had cil. China's Cabinetinel, "had entrusted wvarned an lhal they would crusush the the All-Chino andid 1: Beijing Municipal mnarch. a r Instead, China's leaderers suf- students' federationtions to for\vard the fureiured the humiliation of a slutu n n in g . S e e CHINA>IA on Page A2

m ■ ^ (C o u r t Vw ith d raa w s ■ t r a te caiise o p irn io n

' ^ TI'he he As.-^ociatcid P re ss th e case a fle r IclahcJaho Power appealed the commission'sl's 198G1 decision lo BOISKH - The Idaho Susupreme grant just a fractioction of the S66 mil- CoilCourt has withdrawn ils coni>nlrover- lion in higher rotes rot the company sial opinion overturning an statate reg-. sought. 1 M«w« pnoiot’ANDY *ncNz ulalulatoPi’ decisiiin in an Idaho0 Power Last December,oer, ih e high courl Co. rale increase case. overturned the PUCPU( ruling, granting A helicoptcrcr (drops one of thc 150»0 c o n ta in e r s c r a d lin g egaggs c from about 500 fee2ct about thc O’Leary footballfo field The high court's action, anncmounced Idaho Power a S28.>28.3 million increase , Thursday,T hi came as a result of a set- in onnuol revenuesluos. The decision re- ; tloment between the iitilitv, iheth Pub- iected the regulatoralory ruling that Ida- lie Utilitios Commission and otherol in- no Power should1 nonol huve signiiicani- -speriniilents meake saffe landiings “'1'terested parties that resolved1 theI dis- ly earned from ratratepayers a return ~ ~ E W - puteput over the amount of the th rale on its equily fromom a cool-fired plant By.IENNiFERK/\U' m u irningside first-grader hike. in N evada. Tinwa-Xuii-s irriU'r Je n n ifer ley an entire carliin of Only ( the Idaho Neighbors NetworkN'l In addition, howeowever, the court ma- . eggs to uct her method, said refused refi to support the selliLllemont, jorily included inn thoth decision several TWIX FALLS -' A ducti tape-coal- h e r C athy A shley' She fi-' claiming clai it ofTered no significnic an t im - s ta te m e n ts t h a lL commission coi olTicials ed blimp spiraludd tot the ground nally thal foam padding provement pro ovor the high court’rl’s origi- feared would severe.verely infringe on the while a purple teddyIdy bear in a rain- w orked nnai a i order. regulolors authorityority lo determine the interviewed said they The i Supreme Court got invo bow vest parachulcdlled inlo a nearby volved in _ POWEH^ERonPugeA2 fieid. had used packit:king pellets or Styro- T heir m ission? To land without fnam , p ap er tovtowels or newspapers crackinj^ their fragiligilc cargo of raw to thctheir eggs. O'Leary C n in th -g rad e r Damon Di Durham sur- , SAT ^ slan[ited agaiiinst Of 150 egg-fill:-niIed packages rounded his egg;gg with popcorn, dropped from a helicelicopter hovcnng ■P7 ^ V ^ Jeremy KendL>ndrick w en t all o ut. . above O'Learj’ Junionior High School's T he ;h E le m en tary School « i * football field Thur;lursday, only 19 sixth-grader, whose dud owns an women,V group clclaims failed. , Qudio shop, melted me slereo packag- Science Net - a districtwide in g aro u n d hisis cePB- ThThe Washington Post Rosser, conductiricting research for the group of science tcachers tei - spon- Hc said the10 projecl taught him C e n te r for W m en PolicyF Studies, said sored the “Eggceplioptional Drop-ofT about gravityy andi the science of WASHINGTON - The Sclscholastic men score bolterjr thantl women on ver- as part of Nfltionaonal Science and breakage. AptitudeAp T\:st, which has beecen criti- bai questions dealing dea! wilh science, Tbchnolog)' W eek.. T h c th ree -p h ase T he 150 finalists’ I packages cized jjj, as unfair lo minoriliescs and a sports and war, war while women • event ended Thui'hursday, leaving looked like bomKimbs a s th e y dropped poor pg, predictor of college perforformance. outscore men whewhen items deal with aboul half its origini;pnal entries intact pell-mell fromm tth e helicopter. H igh camo gai under fire again Thursdsd a y by a rela tio n sh ip s, clothing clot or appear- and ready for breakfa k fa st. ^'In d s blew mosl mo: off course, carry- women's advocacy groupip that ances. For oxamplmple, women are bet- Uo the bleachers and charged the lest is biasedi againsl ter ut correctly answeringam the analo- Jo Dodds, O’Leai:eary earth science juie egg vessels combinedd practicalityi with creatlItlvitv toucher and urganlzinlzer of the drop- , , iiwty.^ others into a farmer'sfat field. w om en. g)-, "Love is lo requitereqi as attack is to iJudlng Jim Mice's blimpp tnamed ‘The Egg Prote olT, said sho u seed d the project to t e c to r One. however■ver, a heavy duct lapo- Resoarcher Phyllis Roaserrsaid a she retaliate,"-whilo0 mmen arc more likely teach ninth-fraderjiers about space- \ivors; graduatedgr to a 90-fool dropp flistrict lined the O'Lear)ir)- football coaled ico creai■eam b ucket, w en t in to found that 21 of the 145 quest3stions on to correctly answeswer. "Dividends is lo shiplandings- from a hook h and ladder fire truckk field's fence to walch theheir crack- a nose dive' aand thudded to the the November 1987 version3n of the stock ns royaltieses isi; to writer." ounded ominously like The project starttarted with drops Wednesdesday. proof p ackages p lu m m el,5 5' 0 0 feel to Pround. Il .sour exam heavily favored men3n, while On math, womeDmen score well on al- tho beginnings'gs of un omelet. on from each school's)l's building. Sur- Thursiirsday, kids from around thee the ground. only two questions favored wo■^'omen. - S e e T E S T o n P a g e A 2 Energijy chief movesi tback staart fter 20i10 years Bountity's of trititium prooductiontl for amms Bhigh haas a betiter imaage is ing to safeafeiy. hoallh and the environ-1- repository is officially sch;cheduled lo The Associated Press en going to soa could let you in for a.'pretty m c n t...... I have said unequivocally I1 open in 2003, olthoughjh Watkins' The Associadated Press oge when — E n e r p ' Secre- will n o t, allowal! them to be started thisis planned changes could pullul thal date rough limime." WASHINGTON - iS-year-old admiral, who wonin ihell Distinguished ik in s sa id T h u rs- y ear" a s3 previouslypi planned, WnlkinsIS in doubt. LONDONON — W illiam B ligh. longJ portrayed pi as the The GS- lar)’ James D. Watkir Cross for World War II high:h seassc action, greet- lack the timeUible lold reportwrters al a meeting in his of-f- The Energy Departmenent, which villain ofth‘the mutiny on Ihe H.M.S. Bounty, Bo is regain- Service C day he has moved bact ors to a preview Thursday ofjfan ar exhibition open for resuming productiiiction of a scarce fice. builds and lesls nuclear weaponsw for ing heroicc alalurea as the 200th unniveliversary of the' re- cd visitor 1 Oct. 1 at the National Marillaritime Museum in gas needed to makeike nuclear war- ShorliyLiy afler ihe reactors were•e th e Pen tag o n , h a s been able al to con- voli led byly FletcherF Christian is observiervod today. ihrough ( -I linue warhead productiontn becau se it old ich, southeast London, lo mnrk mai the 200th an- h eads. shut, dowiown for safety reasons lasl Id view of Bligh ns a bullyy isif largely legend Green'wic IJ has a reserv e of tritiu m . ry of the mutiny Hc assured Congrfigress the delay summer,r, theI department said il could afraid lhal Holly^vood, ChoCharlos Laughton, niver^ary The size of the tritium s ony Hopkins, who reinterpreteireted Bligh as sym- ihe national de- have therhem runnmg again by lato oward, Clark Gable and MarlMarlon B rando h a v e A nthon would not weaken lh' ? classified, but the depart■rtmcn' f“St'told told How c in tho 198'} film, "T ^U ountjunty," opened the ex- fense. 1988. Aftc\fter lhal target was missed. 0 with il." said Baron Tbronce:ice Lewin, a retired pathetic i ■ Congress earlier this year h ibitioni ai n d said: "I lh in V \W ig h was wa a perfectionist Walkins said he hopedho lo resuirt the depar)artmenl lold Congress il ex- ivy admiral. ' ‘ plies would be sqeezed ifrthcsa™ I :;:. iled in human reig n s. But he was a great prDduction nt the Sa\-aa\-annah River to* pvcted startupsla by ialo this year ton a n d H ow ard p layed Blig!Jligh as a flogging who faile nah River reactors were r f" films of 1935 and characterer whose strenglh nnd vision'jn'm n ade history." aclors. near /\jken,1, S.C.,1 early in Walkint:ins also disclosed in a meel- 1 the "Mutiny on the Bounty" fi ing by the end of this year. museum show celebrates Blighligh's long career, his 1990. The three reacloictors, which havo ing wiihh reponersr lhat he planned lo . which Gable and thon Brondo Br portrayed Tho mi ° Many private groups thntth monitor chAtian n under the command of Adm.idm. Horatio Nelson, l)een plagued by safet}fety and technical announceice a "new approach" to the 1, the loader of the mutiny, as upright and vir- heroism i , the govemrnent weapons lievemenls as navigator wilh will explorer Capt. flaws, are the nation'sin's only source of Energy■ Department'sE controversial h is achic ^ have expresS'L'd do u b l lh Cook and his feat of seamarmanship after being tritium, a perishable,le, i rad io a ctiv e gas elTorl to0 build I the nation's firsl per- was abrasive but the mutinyiny was a flash-in- James C supplies are as tight as su IriR from the Bounty, of whichhich he wus captain. that boosts the explcals ' by federal officials w ho10 Foundation, a Columbia,II, S.C.-based brave comr>mmunder in battle and nI finefii se a m a n w ho Also di m sheathing from the Bounty.lly.' ' ation. Watkins said. paid too>0 Iiltle I attention to local opin-n- environmental group Ihulul wants the looked afleifler the comfort and health1 of his sailors in an and iron Hecause of the’attattention I'm giv- inn. Thele $30; billion Yucca Mountninin Savannah River reactorsi closed.c I

i . ------A-2 Timui;-No/.r., Twifi Fniln,lilV.'ici.-il'o' TtW.iy, April 2B. p B i r i e3 f l y — :— -iticism - lioportLTSir.in Cincinnati were lold thererc wouldv bc no ra China— -11— Detention1 \brings Noriega criti ge of Nortli'f .speech in DuBoisioisTowi>r. T h e ^ . J f ... prt'ss coverage • Continued from P W ASHINGTOTON lAP) — Tho Stale Depart„.rtipontcnt.. ^1nil's’,,,, 1.200 members princirincipally are @ ' ■’“«'= 'V priiOH J ' ,fmo Noncea |,™„.■vvrs a n d b u sin e ssm e n and wonw om en. g !>tudcnl.s' d e m an d s a n d spoisponsor talks 1 cized the govern;mm ent of Gen. Manuel Ant«r I Thursday for detaining anI AAt m encan re- ,l,reL. "men n and nine women on1 North's Ni jury,- ra with thc appropriate HuthorJioritii's." , of P a n a m a on Tl WOfJGOUA ^ I (ii'liberaled for the si.\tb dayly w ith o u t a n y T h a t a p p ea re d to mean mi tlial > . Pnlaco • j p o rter w ho allo;■llogodly passed a d o lla r thh a l hnd a n li- m e an w h ile , di' ra n.s on it. c thoy stand. Tliry ^enl no notenotes out of the S ool wilh gov- M usoum I I Noriega slogan.s ■ , h in t o f w h e re t proieat leadcrH could mod Spokeswomanlan Margarel 'IVitwiler said sai. Charles room and mmliide no reijuests of the, judge, e rn m e n t ofTicinls b u t ihnthnt arranf^e- \ .. Line, a Newswtiweek reporter based in E! Salvud..r,Sal wa.s ,,„ ii for fc the day shortly ;ifler •1\ p.m., p, having g iroufih th e of- ' CHIN ments must be made thrnu , S h a n g h a i J . ta k e n in to custijstody Wednesday and heldId fnr srvrral „„ i|,,,hi'ir verdict for .'il lionrs —- a toi ta l .')21 in » ficial Communist Forty-rty-controlled • - i h o u rs by th e; PanamaP Defense Forces.■ H till-six days. H tudent fiHKocialionb, w'.which , .llio • • . ... h a rm e d . demonstrators have rejectjocted in re- , le were there nny charges a ake felt in parts of 4 states: cob 1 ^ , E a r i h q u a l c c n l daya, "At no timeutwiler said, calling lhe incidi .I.K.'Il'nn, (AP)“ A moderateale earthquake■ A procession of aboutI no,000 T)C ban- | bine," Ms. Tutv)f an absence of political freediL-edom and ba- N A SH V ll.IJ fell in four stiites st; Thursday was the stronIrongest in tho ner-waving students fromom dozens of cal in stan c e ofies a in Panama." "deliberate ef- region sincece 197ri. a l',S , G e oyj^kj^^^iirvey l ^ ook part' in ______sic civil libertiesKc Panamanians staged a "de Beijing; universities look w mnlist in tho spokeswomanin said. __ She said ihclidale an rndependont joumn r injuries from . T h u rsd a y ’s m arch. Accomp;mpaniedbya ~ cfianqanBi'B m h v a rd ____ | ___ —natif\.".:il ./loptinn w hlch G Gl' en. NorieuM T h ere w erery no rejiorts of claiiKige or in roughly equal-num ber <>l-n£il-non-siucleni— , . . ii fori to inlimid; t^iichk'r-wrtlfi------— I ■ .\ ollhotho 1 I^^P^^Tiononm :he-world believe will represe•esent the free the oarthquak' supporters, they broke ihroughthn a so- II —^— I----- — ‘tf-jt-n. notion, ll was- centered in1 'N Nt ew ' Nla'd'nd, >pio would have the■ the will of tho poopio of Panta n am a , it-s do- o f gro u n d mo ries of police lines aloni;ong Beijing's . BEI.EIJING a true picture Mo., 10 miles'S ni o rth o f HIvtheville, .•\rk. L ... expression ofents lh and those able tc) giv'e a I Kentucky and main boulevard in the afte[ifternoon and ______J| _____ I M ao'S T Q m b U | H _ I t w as felt•It in A rkan.^as. .M issouri. Koi , m eslit: opponenia regime to tht; world." urvey's Nalion- swarmed pasl the i;real f’ in Panama for Tennessee, .‘^aisaid Pat .iorgenson of the survi II g a te to th e ,^2 m ilo" J ofthe Noriega:il relections are scheduled in i olden; Colo, Forbidden City thal fronVonts on th e > al Eanhquaktike Information Center in Goldc Presidential i hquake em.inatcd from thee NewN Madrid northern end of'Tianin An Men T h e e arth q e. w hich w as th e ci-nter of a1 seiseries of great S q u a re. II to drive away, -fmgitngers extended, returning the emos want Gingrich:h probe s'’’*™'' s th a l riK-ked th e a re a dijringlg thetl w inter of A l each line, the polii 'Usands of supporters of victi:ictory sign made by some u‘ i v-for- House Der;T 0N iAP) — Four House DDe em ocrat., or, ‘ wiihoul violence, and thea. orderlyo und- is ran onto tho square, crowrowd. in the WASHINGTC.lled for the appointment of an outside highly disciplined crowdrail cliimlcd, „„,j| n,, The students mainUiined invesligate al!egation.s thatut Republican - - . then had been sealed off Tl Thursday callc ling tickets p ic l^ ini n l o t t e r v "Thank you, policemen." L‘.- thhroughout ro the march, with1 p order counsel to invJingrich violated House rules03 ini his finan- 1 4 W i n n i l hy th e police.- TOW N, I'a . I AP) — Fourteen,>n w inning tick- It was shortly before' 5 p.m. i when But the three-mile-long th student niarnarshals linking hands nt thcparade Whip Newt (lin - MIDDLETC eked in the slate's record $11.");ll,") m illion lot- the crowd reached Tianian An Men, proce.ssion, rather r;i than occupying j,fif the column. The students c Alexander, D-Ark., filed a formalf( com- els were.picki he sides cial dealings, t, a computer analysis showrc;iwed T h u rsd ay , trap p in g 16 tru ck lo ad s1 of oi unarmed the square,, continued c to th e e a st j,))yilly lurned onto the three ev en tu - P ep. Bii! the Ali House ethics committeeee earlier this tery jackpot, ng 10 apparent rule violation;ions in the foe- and two winrnnors ciuickly were claimed^))d'liy n group of soldiers w ho h a d been1 circlingci the through the: mm. ain p a rt of th c city. lound lanes of a major highwa! north. plaint with llu lia family. ithful policemen, standing , operalion of a limited partnernership set up Ohio facfurv’V workers v and a Penn.svlvama f SQuare in nn attem pt to0 frightenfr the Someyouthl housands of onlookers, maray, and ""'f'"'-' ;11."),.')78.980.M', , odvnncins procession into int halting, in groups alor[long llie side of the road 198-t book co-authored by Gin:^ingrich. The big jackpotja was totaled al $11.^) hem apiilauding or cheering,m n y o f n.,>li.,n a n d op. limites iifter M workers fromim a; W indham , After some initially tensen.se m om ents, a fte r abandordoning efforts to conlrol “’‘'I to prom ote a 19Barney Frank of Massachu;•husctts, Lirry aboui 30 min ■red (in overpasses lo w atch fiiCtorv arrived to claim a shareshai of it, said 10 soldiers in- the siluation,(in, relu rn e d th e w aves irida. Pal Schrooder of Colonilorado and Al- Ohio, brick f:i \ it becnmc clear thnt tho f Bui Reps, B jr. — b'UiyoTTthr-oi -nf-mnn>“itrH4tf-wtswi.' A 11',’Itl Lriumiihimtly biick \<) tinltrtrMVHH(^Hr#-flKking-D«]P ^.rr|nrra lir rnl- .lim ScrogLHM;ins, lottery executive director, ‘ S m ith of Floric rom Wastiiiigton, -fensr^Vmdsm:------trucks. Tho crowd eventumtually made few even raiselised their hands willi two cam■ampusos. lo th.'ir , ...... •support their loiter lo tho0 ethicse panel laimed to hold winning tickets,:ets, hut did nol lep. Julian Dixon, D-Culif,, c.illing ca for an N.J.. also clai li'ag\i;'s to suj; arrive al lottctier)’ headquarters Thursdayi>'- lia's efforts f(for defense c h airm a n . Kep,sel. . . . '1 c o u ld nI 't:believe il. 1 still don't,' saidlid brickI worker Q u ayle lauluds Australi 5 outside counselter to Dixon, thc Demr>cratsUs saids such an ^1,-iver.■ers..')9. of W arren, Ohio, L to investigate the charges n MELBOUnNE, AustralIralia (Al’l — friends in thehe Pacific pick up more of AusAustralians contend hurts In the letter ving to claim a winning tickettel were\ Alverlo "pre.s-en'e the integrity of the . Vice President Dan Quay!jayle celebrat- the lab for• defensecii al a lime wlieti winivlie.'it sa les in foreign LS m, their appointment ti . o f P o rtag e; h e r son, .Jim, ,'}y, .'W, o f S u m m e r II piocess from poliiicizalionon and out.sidc 'i';,,, ; ed strong U.S.-Australiniilinn relations Washington1 is i restraining its mili- (Juii[Juayle said be discussed thimarkets, gridi uvjuld "pi UT daughter, Nancv Williams,,m s. 3-1. o f Fort ; Thursday and in particul.icular praised tary budget,,'t. Hut he p raised Aus; wkvith itl Prim e M inister Boh Hhe a\ issue consideration i Montgomor>’,y N.Y : Australia for its militaryiry d e fe n se ef* tra lia for itsis effortsc to enhancc seen- W Wei ednesday awke on pressure,' ; forts. rity, "I'B elieve me; I've h e a rd abn iberates; North giveses speech Eastern'sI's Lorenzo hangingg titough trade policy and oxp,ori eiiham • Qunylo, on his sccondid dayc in Aus- lie did mention me one dispute be- irai hi.ut oi.r Jury delibi.’.TO N lA Pi - W hile tht> jurv j u r continuod Nl'W YOH)HKiAPi — Aslhe strike griptripping Kastern two countries, over U.S, prnjprogram ... in no uncerlain ler ■ tralia. Hew here 'fromam Canberra, tween the tw incomonl „.ASI1INX1TI; fate Thursday, OJiver North.rth turned his proaches „ the end of its socondond monlh, boss' 0 wheal growers in an ex- onl}only from the prime minist ' where he told a press conconference the subsidies to w a speech to an iavitation-onlynlyaudienco.n ^ ■nzo is hanging tough, like lo see its port enhance!icement program thnt the othfothers." Quayle said. ,s r " r i 'o t 1 United States would like atlenlion to a ^ jecting buyout proposals andid p ro d u cin g liis 0 former Nalional Securily,v (Cooacil aid.. ' ' f ‘" " ' f ' Ohio, 0 sbnnk the airline, Lorenzou o .seem s to bo :in 12 e rim inal ch arg es slemnraini; m i from the "'™ pl"n u. .N'ortb. th e I vailing game wilh striking employees,einj who alTair. h a s m ade se v e ra l speccl.es spe since pl»>™S “ »» P—Tbd£lay's weaa th e r----- being tried on ly two m o n th s on tb e pickeiel linos li may bc ;'gan on .lan. :U at fees believed bel to bo ^'^ter neariy Iran-C cintra al under increa:.'asing pressure to find jobs aag;: g ain . the trial begai.OOOeacb. w iiuich North was gettingg forf( T h u rsd ay -"^lore pros:ussure was added Thursdayy whenw Eastern Apriril b reezes tto continue b low in g $2(l,lK)l)-$2.').()( a dea! to le ase l-l B oeing 727-1727-200 p la n e s to A sked bowch at the Bankers Club in CinCincinnati, club announced a fidentiai." rival Pan AnAmerican World Airways foror J36.6j million, ' Tw in Fall*, Burlourloy, Ruport, niglil's speechian Lasure .said that's confide 1 earlier, the airline outlinedd a plan for cut- Jerom o and Gooding: moiiager Briaibills of North, who has hadd ala le;ist throe Three days e ;cu-WMlh*f*tOf*c*»t (Of fl P.M.,., Prtoay.Pf April» iin g a b o u t M,(X)0 • i’lirtly cloiuly todayay ’will, a .ili«ln T h e legal the bil defi'nse table and al timesTies a s m any a s tin g a w a y 'jl.jl,8 billion in assets, including ■ chnnco of hIiowith. Miiihhi:hn in m id .'iOti. ^ l;.w,v,.rsattl„.imated al $:!«(),000 a monlh. jobs. : Wi-Bt windH from If. lo 'ii'i mph. hin- N live, ;iri‘ estini; ______I ly cloudy toniuhl and iini Saturday. /VoToi ■ ; ■ UwH ni'iir 30. liijihs Ill'll / r a Camaa Pmirio andnd Wood Rivor Radiation bblinds sateteliites I Valloy: rt------R lay willl chnnco \w (/ be collecled by someome of the biggest I’a rlly cloudy loiitiy r Cour...1 from P..|!e Al he Washington Post of »hower». Hinlm fnifrom .'>0 to r!.'!. Ml »«pace-science projectijects planned for Pnrtly cloudy a«ain KmKminht and S;ii- T V" / ^ • Contimifd.MSi'S upon w hich they WASillNCTON - Som.'' sky- lhe near future, accoiiccording to Joel R. ^ I'ai'ls Ul ra ti' eas ,a tc h iiiT ^'a te n ite.s li.iVo Devil "t: iiiv e ry iiy o f C a lifor ------midSOH. r o \ \ 2 Liuolitit-cuUi^i* secli.iiw lhi. I'L'C das much as half the timo by radi.i-r nia al Santa Cruz,iz. aa u th o r o f one of N orthom U tah andd N'Nevada; Bi'fau.'i' (if tho1 court to reconsider its ion leaking from nuclear reaeactors five papers in Scieni:ience detailing tho Utnh-Viiriiiblfclmclouds w ith »cat- #0 aski'ii th e highlegotintions c( began thal hal power Soviet satellites, a fact astronomical disastersler. tcn-d nliowi'M iind na Ifow iliundor- opinion and negt' i'ebruary sottlemenl. yJ.S. officials know for eightI years ; The threatenedd projects p include r Hliowors lodiiy thnmKli.Kl. S;....rd..y l.ui ri'suiteii in the; i'l se ttle m e n t, cfToclive lul concealed from m uch o f tinthe sci- th e J.'iOO.OOO gamima m a ray obser%'ntory > wilh HhowcrH and clouiloudn iilowly di’- j L’ndi'r lhat.ility gained rate hikes niific community, according to tc lhe and the $1 billionI HubbleHi spacc lele- ! crviibinK niul U'liifjonitLTatiironi sl.iwly W*fm SttU oniry O IWt AtPj.WMtfiW, Feb. 1. th e u tilitosl annual revenues by luthors of five reports in toda>lay's is- scope, the musl oxpcnsivc oxp piece of ircronsiiiK. Cuiiiy nand vnriabl.- ^ ^ th;it would Ikiosi,boul S'l a month more ^ eiiuipmenl ever pullul ini space and the ihundiTshowiTH. ue of tiie jinirnal Science. winds iiciir any ■■■ $‘J(> million, aboi;e residonlial customer. ‘ A s a resu ll, la rg e a m o u n ts of data first optical tele.scopicope lo see to the l/jWB in m id :tOs tonightight. Hinhx iciclny uo m d n itIt ..lowly m l Ws and .Salur- S->nio rlnudruds and sl)»wors will mn- Tho ’I polU'li 01111111 in T^viu . caso and seek no addi- lima- loafToiffocl caslorn i-.'Clions of lln- Tlmrsclay ’i-iii was In particlos p.-r i ,1^ In return.-the hem .something alwut the uniiniverso The problemis is caused by the day in llio low IK)h. 1 rate increases before inaissunce satellites Nuvada - MostlyNily sunny ihis r-taliv C.usl;isly i.oulliwo'l winds will molor |„,. ofair. ‘ drop tbe courl ca nust be weedetl oul and disca•carded, radar ocean reconnai tional general r icts to obser\-e U.S. morning then pimlyf cl ihi iroblem may threaten informalation to naval operations. ilalicin duniu: tin- pasl J-1 . The high courlhat pledge, but con­ and t;%x-ninK. Cli'arint:nt: 1lonijthi, Most. Pr. iipitm Tiio.-flay. ino-.tly sunny Sunda: ts maintain there is no ly Hunny cm Saturday.iiy. W iirm i'r with h o u r' criio-norally was oonlin.'cl lo first part uf lh Mondiiy. I’an lv clou' itiiil liO’. to inid 70‘i lional rate hikes before ^ Ihc upper (iOii and hijths liij Sjiturday rnoslly hj;hiiuhl Wllh i>nly a fi'w hun- uosday. real guarantee t! day ami Monilay and in llu' i ; frtmi Uu- lowor h Ilo Iciwc-r 70s. ;i'rniati and I’ayolli'. Kol Testucd - from Pa^e Al H huru aloft rornaim-d1 ononlri'nchod ovi'r rj)., a r IIf) in tho soiilhwosl. Tom- r''!rrp.m i'd tho coldosl al'JJ docrc nputation but poorly on j s tho intormciunlain n-t;ic-i-t;ion Thiiri.diiy. ,,or itur>-'s inii lhi- oasl dul not climh KlHowhrio m lh.' nalion■roo!'"" ’I • C o n t i n u e ilay. iho hii;ti.-sl lom poraluro v 1 problem-solving, Ross- ^ [i Tho a ir m ass associ 1 ,1.',.I,. .lOs. S.iulli»osl wiiid-i 111 ' Thurs- gobol and comp Hystom wa« cool, nio. donri'os al I’n-'idio, Tosias. 'i'll• wasir; geometry and p h\v. T hr low war. i'Xpo( i-!;t w as Midi-i;n-o:i nt 'I'nickro, the SAT is a defective- X m ihi- M npc Vnth-y i-a'^t ' ' i'll,-low. crsaid. 0.Cahf We think Jth L eslie R. Wolfe, execu- y Wj ^ ^ p i c K u pPAN ENVELOPE WITH product,' saidof I.the ('enter for Women ! ^ ■ A MYSTERY Dl!IISCOUNT WORTH S20I N a tio n a l .'S. The group called o n Vj' ! [,1 L.ill.iX'C.r, :t: tive director oft S OFF OUR ALREADYA LOW PRICE! AOuqu»ol.5 U3 1,1 ( ^ on th e te s t, whint's grades as a college W diet a -Student';■Ul women earn higher W freshman, butin high school and col- Inl ------grades both rin said. In 1988, men Inde?:x------^ iege. Rosserimon : by an average of 56 ...... A 3 - COpinion...... outscored womi B u s in e s s ...... C l Idaho.... points. 11 of the gap, the group X Arts calendar...... D3 Magic ViV alley...... B l JS ^ re s and stats...... 'jj- ;\s a resultimen i are less likely to y ...... C2-8 Movies...... D 5 SSports...... charged, womi ships, gain enlr>' lo cer- < C la s s ifie d ...... ; and be admitted to pro- « ...... 0 4 Nation...... A 5 VWest...... B4-6 win scholarshi C o m ic s ...... 33 tain colleges lentodai students. K ...... B3 Obituariirics...... B 2 VWorld...... Burton, program direc- J D e a r A b b y ...... Q grams for talen Hanging Baske^ e t s ^ Suli^cription 1 ...... N ancy W. B SAT. said difterences in | Circulation m.uc,. Ml.nil- dclivrry:rry ilu ily niu! .''unilnv. 'J'l p<-r »r.-l to r for th e male SA scorcs "renecl legit- ^ Circulation iihiinos aro niannod Ix'lwron 7 and 11)) a.m.a.i only. If J-: 00 ,«-r w.-i-W;orW; SI IK) ixT ur.-k. Mnil r.-k,.!ii.iy.»ii m ale a n d femailional differences" in the ■yiiudonni rccoivi-ytuir■tiur iiiipcr liy 7 a.m . call ihr nunuiinh.T for sour in.nn inu-.l 1,0!*• pp..uiin iidvnn.-.- na.l «rr ..vailal.lr — high .school boys a re , «lic ir nirnrrrr illirhvrrv i' nol miiiiiUiinrd, dully-iiW .i n,.. <.clucalio :$;.-rinan ji'T-'i iw-rw-r ni.iiilli.r $'.".1 J.', fur :i iiinntli-. %My .mil Sun. gTOUps — ■ ChoiC hoice of li7H-’’'j'>'’ Olrilltll-, $111 7 00()l JHT ilnily mily. $H ;i.'> |x-rH.wfiirr. ii • more likely toexample. She said the Hurloy-lUiport-l'aul-Oil.Oiikl.y 1 itiiinlhn. i.Ml 10 fur r> Tiiiialti’'. $100 '• ■ A H l v yvy C Geraniums, rintmiii, clas.'ios. for ctive e) validity, is as high Huhl-Ca.Ktlof.ird ny oiilv. S.'> U) |i-r iiuiolli. $l li -0 for :i FMbrus lh r Begonias Filcr-K(it!.TKon-H..lhM.l|.,lor ■| nii.iiiliii. fr,.| SO iirrjnir. Studm lr:Ia.'mUii. in pred icti\IS il is for men. Twin Falls and all olli,' 733-OHl-l ^io-ii.Hrin.iri' 1,n.)«rr ” for w om on ariis s I year, a federal ju d g e jiehI Siiti.ltiy O t ^ r Beddlding Plants Availabl3ble N e w s "fdiuly Karlier thisNow York slate's use of C irculation Ifyou liavclavc a ni'ws tip or ui-ih lo talk InI.l !.onic-ono in jilnll infonriulTTiudon ruled that Noaward scholarships dis- Petunias,Snap DrDragons, Marigolds,V ege etal ta b le (5^ tho i-ditonal di'parlmoim onl.call 733-(IO:tl holwo.-n 9 3' Si-w,i iT i’s i;:iio.soiin j)iiiiii-.ii.'.l iiiii the SAT to Igainst a\ girls, PlP la n ts & m o re .______-I;. ri-M iltsan.-r lli.r.I St. \V..-.•IVin IN Kiiiu, l.liitiii,s;tlill.l*y MiiK-u 5:30 p.m. wi-okdayriI ToT< roport lalo ni'ws and Hjiorl.'i iiiiiiy 111 i.'ij c rim in ates agacareful review of the evi- ■idn. tall 733-0H31.. N'-v.i.|i,il><-rn•n IIIInc .S.:r„iid,clni.-. [xmlnK.- paid I'l T H0URS:9A.M.-tP.■ P.M. N onh r>:;iO and on wo.'kondn. livTliuTiin.-.i.ri,..i.N.-v>. OfTicinlcily ..Ild c.maly iw i Judge John M. Walker, M onday • Solufdo'd=v ------Advertising u.iiin-: • • imr-'Uiinl Inn S.-i'UimSi-' lU'-IlWnf llir Idaho CikJi-r i 1 w i ' ^ u concludes thal SAT .scores CloiodSundoy .•.iKni.lrd .i.llw d.iy .'f llu-».-.-k i.n„-w»j.ti,KT v dence, sa id J Ifyou wi.Hli lo plac.-.m.^lin advcrli.M nioiil, call 7:t:i.l)‘i:il‘i:il, CIiiMsirii-d 1-. Iirn-liv il.'-ii; ■ TinirMiiiy "th is c o u rt con1 student's academic I 067Fa«f Avb.W. Monday llirouch Tndiiy froai'MM a,ni.a. until .' m.iico, will Ik- put.lii.tirii ad«. call 733-0(iJ(! Moi r, Iili-IIK.- ».-iul clinii»:.-.ifiul.lri-..^ f.iniinwiiuiiir. capture aIt no more than a studen- j s from H a.m. until iiihhi. Inn'rniii 73i"7959 p.m. and Saturdays fr< ...... S S Kwiofi.lln, ? Idiihi. s:i:ii>.i c photograph captures the play adn in availiiMrI.- w.-.-:iw only. nil 1.1 !■() iichievemenl r I's yearlxiok)f plher experiences in high full' ran g e o f l ______school." Ffid.iy. /i(xli<;i ::i3. I0B9 Tirtii.-s-Nt'.v:-,, Twinwin f Idaho A-3

P - Briel3 f l y — I d a h i L Ricks graduluates its centeiiinnTal class " — UKXBUHGiAP)^-^['hc- dcmi?c In .society off decencyd and integrity ■ ^ luis inlensiHed lhe ne^le ^ for young people to comnmmit lo lives "anchored if cid es in gospel principles,"‘s," the Relief Society Presii‘sident of the Mormon E x p e rt: Public: o p le lo nn doom *s p e s tiS Church lias told K icks'ks(.>)llege-gniduales. BLU'KFOO'iiAI’l - Anilmencan.-'' danger to tluldridri’h will) eiit i)i)I;Ui tS child.ildren in the country alee the Chemicals, he said,aid, have Uiken the ''Disappearing; sla md lack of integrity standards of decency und concern about pcsticides wil■vill result or baiiititas iretiled I witli the maxii;uimvim amounl r;iw, they mmighl place of huge amouiiounts of human surroundint; us in soci ," B a rb a n i W inder told society and in government," 1 in the demise of mnny chihemicals chem'cal has effectivelyef killed lhe >;ett sick.si lUil that's a situation that’sll laboron American1 farmfar s, Rraduales on Thursdn atcW or the times and sday. mean they musl "wate within 20 years, and high:her food proi a.t, hc toldId a Blackfoot ,-^crvice neverver i!oing lo happen,' he said.[, 'Witliiiot lhem, we'we're going lo see placcs where intej’ritx-ity is required." ■prices, Iditho s loading eriloi;omologist cliib. , S;indvolS a r s;iid aldicarb is usei-;ed on potalo f a rm s o f I^X)0 to -KIO ac r e s going l^ m e l.fjOO stu d ee n n t ts re c e iv e d a s s o c ia te di>gitrgrce.s in ceremonies • p red ic ts. In ste a d o f u.'iiising for hi-^ conipiiler lessss than t riU percenl of the nalillion s hack lo UXl acres,, andanc the fanner is ending the year-lonn ■ of the two-year college ng centennial celebration of i The disappearance;e of model the aldiidicarh residue level potati■tatoes. By the time they're cooooked, going lo ch;irge mormore por sack for owned by the Church:h 0of Jesus Christ of Lattor-da,daySiiints, orgaiiophuspliates such asj aldicarb ; legally allowalilet ile , 1ml not iu'cess;inly literaeraily no trace of the chemical■al can his crop," Idaho Gov, Cecil AndrusAn told lho graduate.^ Ikitth; tho ftducation they will nol be due lo any dantnger they present, in fresh■sh produce .it the tune he' found,foi he said. I’p to !K) percentIt ofol till' cheriiicjils have received is much mi less important tharlan how thoy use thC" mmay pose to public health, buthi to the of consumption.on, Saiulvol said, [he ■'But "lh you c an try and exphiinn it I all are used not lu increicrease production knowledj^e and experiie rie n ce , public'spi: obsessinn with healMillh. sa id E P A re s e a rc hier e r u>eil the nuixinuim. ytniIII want,v and il won I do any■ good,g h'ul to improvee thei cosmcl,ic ds,S;indvolsaid. . , Liirry L; S;indvol, superintendedent of the toleranve leve'vel of the chemical Oocelice it c a m e oul on national Trv \ the appearance of foods, er projects i;University of Idaho Resea■arch and legally allowed■ eil in ;i phini hy lhe d;im;iimage was done. Aldicarb iss di-^i "Witliout aldicarbarb, the potatoes Irrigators challengec\ powei will h av e b ro w n hole;:ioles Ihrough them rrigation dLstricls have Extension tl Center al Abordeeeen. EPA aftor applic)licaliivn. ’ i'Uhtlhe water.' he said, I30ISE (API - TTwowi southwestern Idaho irrii ii)adt^hy-Ui*^wir*‘woA‘w«>rmKr-lf-puupU; ------r wer-gttiittrat^-projeeLs------le safety of pesticides on food, f would CM tho,5o potntiOtntnps any^vay, o r ■ * on the Boise River,r, claiming( they threaten the;.'th own river water almost neurotics when il comesc lo lliat if all off t'the poliiUn'ji in the the ^ ; treated with aldicarh effor■forts should be directed at the if they’d ju.st take' thtlu e w orm o u l of n rig h ls. health."lu Siindvol said. United States tr rice they will pay for fruit.it.i and ciiniif peas and eat them anyway Attorneys for theu* Settlers'S and Pioneer irrirrigation districti also The leak of a faulty came lo the taliable at the sam e lime price e maximum amount of vegei.‘getables when the chemicalslis are instead of suing th the e c o m p a n y , w'e raised lho speclcr oreof exporting preciou-s stale resourcesres in thoir bid lo Enviroimiental E Protectionin Agency containing the n ildicarb's the chemical, andar if nil of the school outlaillaw ed. wouldn’t need to useiise the chomicals. " overturn, or get aI pieccpi of, hydro projects opoperated by five other report to the press on ah districLsmnkinBupp thelh Boise I’rojcct Boftrd ofCf Control. J At issue is the Fedi'ederal Energy Regulatory Commission'sCc approval I of the Bonrd of Contnntrol's hydro-generating plantant at Lucky Pe^k Dam OPEC " re>sponsibl(le for gass pri(^ hilke, says Ipanel nnd ils proposed faciliicilily upstream at Arrowrockick D am . P O C A T E L L O lA P ) - An A Idaho the council, saidaid il has taken months traclt•ack retail gas prices. level in three yearsurs was blamed on The Opposing distristricts contended the board'rd's 50-year contract to Petroleum p Council ofHciaial says a for the full impact in plant out of stale is not in the public interes Exporting Countries, not lhelh Exxon OPEC electeded lo pul a cap on i.astast Thursday, the benchmarkk Prict; 500,000 barrels of oil,o or about 25 hearinf’s were heldi on the power-sale plan. oi!»: spill in Alaska's Princece William production andid boosted1 prices. offa a barrelI of U.S. crude explodi)ded by „f area's:a's ■oil output. , - Sound, is prini'ai'ily respnnonsible for The Exxon Valde/.V; tanker spill, "a ;i re rei c o rd S‘2.IM a b a rre l to fini: AlMUit h a lf lh e oi! oil coi n su m ed in th e J-l.to on the New York Mercij Idaho tax pprotesters bitee the dust gasoline c prices.soaring ass much as major traged\,'dy that giii ;i lol of $2-1. ti U .S. is im p o rte d;l whilewl the rest ia press," has littiittie to do wilh the hig EiKchange.k cI LEWISTON lA Fi-M — Idaho, which once liadd mnren thin its share of 2;-) c ents a gallon*. lighest domesticallically, P ric es in e a ste rn Idaho onor re g u la r l>oosl in Id ah■)'s o 's g :is j i r i c e s . h e s a i d . Thai T l sleep jump to the hij tax protesters, no10 longerI has that distincti Holm said part; of the reason for the dramQmatic reduction in the i , n u m b e r o f i^ix p ro•oiesler-s le is the effectivijness?ss of IRS enforcement, C " o u n ty grco u p b la m e•s s Gilbert , O N CHRIS1ST IN A ■ which has heen vigonfjorous.' 2 5 ” “ ■ The c o u rts h a v e been b very tough" and moreire than M percenl of the i n V E B R A S protest leaders havevc beenI jailed, he said. fo r d e m is e> of importctant bills jSPORTS-ACTl POCATELLO lAPi -- Several Sen, ('lilhertrt Local Government Commiti ... Gift CertificatesC Commisijion Kxecilecuiive Director Olivia Craveivens Wesl said the panel Although asxicialion stai 2‘) of lAC s -11 pn>piised remained concernedled about Riblett's volatile hihistory and the severity - F o r Mviother's ' Day o f h e r c rim es. resolutionst pass, every o group's rnajiir priipusah,1 , n , >( Her next parole: hearinghe was sel for April 1991991. ^ /lay 1 4 th Riblett, serving; hcher sentence al the stJite pri^irison in Orofino. has had committi'e. ^ a history of mentalII illnil ess. ■ \Ve just couldn't gel:et enough support on the majorr issues,” Deputy Director Tony Poiroinelli said. Sen. Herb'\> Carlson leaveses hospital ]A n u m b e r o f the NI elecleiled ofHcials BOISE lA P)-StaState Sen. Herb Carl.son, R-Ei•Eagle, has been released meeling i in Pocatello this > from a Boise hospitiilitiil afler treatm ent for a heaieart attack. unless i Ms. liilbert is reminoved from -' I C a rlso n . 70. w asus irecuperating on Thursdaylay following his release lhe i committee chair, thehe counties ' "*'■ 1 from St. Alphonsusas IRegional Medical Center,•. wherew he spent six days a i g a in will su ffe r fnim a laca ck o( (unds W hite. Cinnirm inii'n, lilick, l’i'.ii.'h, Fopc. after complainingI oof f c h e s t pains on A pril 19 whilewl he was working on nexl i year. h is ranch- One important mea,--unire the IAC l~)isi-.ncrrlm li u he.ilthv.m J------Ueneckeo” coiiil.irr.it'lii l 'l e y o u r ( e l'I <.-,iii I 'c i n would have increased thehe counties . ,, BirkC'ti'tock lo.^we;ir, ^ Tree spikiring prom pts wi(widespread ire levying authority, I o c 'il iT igm .il I’ll LEWISTON (AP),P) - U.S. Son, James McCIiClure ond official.'i of the governments can raise builudgets hy ;> Aiui Ji'-ov.-over the lrc^ll new Sierra Club, Idaho10 EnvironmentalE Council andmd Idaho Wildlife Council percent ! each year, but nimine counties, look ci| |\irlM rken'riKk - >,iiulal' lie fo r tree -sp ik in g on lhe kive joined in condiindemning those responsible including Bannock, havtve bumped imd slmcM> m i-M iiinL; new Cieanvater Nalionalmal Forest, into their slatutory limit oil f"' col,.r:,.,J,j M v l e s , An Idaho Enviiivironmental Council leatjader said Wednesday operations. , $ 1 9 . 5 0 conservation groupsups can be expected to conlribributo to a reward fund to "We can't even corontinue lo » • help find the tree spisp ik e rs. maintain an operation CHRISTINA\SPORTBR/tA "i simply don'tt understandui people who arere willing to threaton the Bannock Counly Commississioner Tom ♦ ” • Regular $26.00. Re(egular fit and full-fitit spS' o rt bra life of another hum:liman boing in order to gel. theirth way on public land Katsilometes said. "WWilh the ■) = = ort. Cool co tto n / pol;polyester / management decisicisions." McClure said. "Thisllis latest incident of tree percent allowance, we we with built-in suppoi spiking just showsvs howI deranged these peoplepie are nnd how arrogant keeping up with inflalion.1. Vilhoiil' it, h r R eieatlt’ermaii-’ i spandex. ti/l-L-XL. ##6084F they are in trying’ to push their own point of vieview ." we're even further behind 136 M ainIn Ave. s .-734-4818 | ball," he added. qUESNELL ^ '' A c ti o n1 ^ ■ 1 / \1 t * L y Effective SUNINDAY, APRIL 3010,1989 ^ LOCATED FtonK-tolComiComcf on Adison Aye, Eail in Wfl Wh.,kbl^3mi1a kbl East and 1/2 mile Norfi., t h r u S S S M a y 7 S A L ETIME: ^ 1:00 P .m ! NQ LUNCH______TRACTORS F:rrtull 656 dicjtl t/acJof. twbtufbo engine, gear driw wHli TA„ powxnw slating, single rcnvjle. 540 P.T,0,. v.:-J2JionI.lil«!tw«13x6x3£I x 38 tiics and 3 point hitch. Trwtoi has33 bbeen orahaulcd ona - Farmall M lijciw lOf pails, doubleI trortront, 38' mbba - Pair oM3 x 6 x 386 srsnapon d c h • Heal Housa lor 656 - SATUURDAY. APRIL 29,), 1989 '?■ [«t2:i;i3nailc lor'M MARCH & UERIERRU AUERTSON • FARM - EQUIPWPMENT-RUPERT TRUCK Advorti&omonI; Apfil 26 l055[HCRlG0 2lonUiii.Bik. Bn 6 engine. 5 speed. 2 spood. 6255 xX I20 rubber and has a'Tradewintr 12* BBILL ESTES & ASSOCIATEDFES cambinjlion mctil atllc andnd g(rain bed m nrted' Obeco 16* slocklaAiadwHh grain bm rds-iaB Fatl 1/2- ri S A TURDAY, l APRIL 29, 1989 l:n p ic lu 5 l « icpaits. LWGIG El£CTRIC • TO aS -INVEMTORYY • FILERI Advortisomont: April 27 UVESTOCK EQUIPME/lEHT mvlASTERS; AUCTION SERVICVICE D choinrg s q u c c c cHilo oncn rubbciti; • GaKani:cd metal call crccpI IcedeiIco • Farnlom all bblo - Caale oitet 3,1989 11 todo • Brandng pot ' SATLURDAY, A PRIL 29, - 3 acck Cinks • Sfccp sdl to V;.. BOWMANAN PLUMBIKG - EQUIP - VEHICLES;-MT,HOME - W ; MACHINERY AdvortiHimont: April 24 !HC 150 Iradof manure spies;ptcadef on iiibcf. RT.O, drtvcn - IHC: 31314 3 boQom plow, trash tumcfs, trip3 UlUNITED SALES ASSOCIATET E S ’ ij team s, h y ^ u lic turn, 3 pointloint hitch -150 gallon (ibagbss spayf tintink wilh booms, hand gun, and 3 point« suiNDAY, r APRIL 3 0 ,11989 t tvxti. no pixnp - VtaJto S'6' allaltj all aowTO. 3 point h'sch • Large10 tctear end IcEd canier. 3 point h'ltch ■ 3J G E O RG E * EVEm V N OUE^ELL - FARM MACKINER'lERY-TWlNFALlS scdiK i wood harrow and drwtardriw - 2 sidion 6" metal harrow andmd drawbari • 265 gallon butane tank on1 Advortisomont; Apnl 2B n b b ci with burner wand andmd hhose • 30' grain oi hay clevalof m fubtfubbei - 2 Chattin dilidws on sleci - Cul■1 VlASTERS AUCTION SERVICVICE l,'o. 2 v ?u d o ro n ic n tia !« 5slcr lc t on rubber - Eno Flo phosphate spreadjcader-4whocl rubbci lire hoy rack-IET» FRRIDAY, MAY 5 th , 191989 X 18' single aik: llalbcd trailcaraile* on 825 x 20 rubtxj - V typo hmgoingon ditdw. 3 poirt h'tch • Olson loto- LESHESTBECK4< & OTHERS - FARM EOUIP - HOUSEHCEHOtD-MURTAUGH S 1 8 . 7 5 tcalcf - WC r mo».TU - OWoIda FamhandI loadej with manuro bockaka Advortisomont: May 3 GGLUCTIBLES( & ANTIITIQUES V/ALL A U C TIO N EER S A M E S H 0;d 5;rjlj cylincte gas engineigine • Old han blade tip hamnw Hainc!incss-OW saddlr-Spud baskets-2 tenn t - ■ SAI\TURDAY, MAY 6,1!*1989 S ES • DEETM, IIEVAOA tpl'cn miUi cars Hotso collaj;ollajs - Radiant home healing slove - TheIhe Great Majeslc No, 648 coal oi woodd y V RAFTER DIAMONDiO RANCHES • EQUIPMENT S HORSES MAY 3 . -k A , dvortisomont: APRIL 20 4 26, b. one ornate • Old slixp camp MgonI wicwitti rubber tiro njming gears, good box longe • Old iron bcdsleacfa. or S oSf^LE • CUM BERLIN AUCTIONE)NEERS :;;d bo«, no M^«, nccdsaJj a tcach Steel hay rack - Valleyley IMound 2 row hoise eorniffitot - IHC CHRISTIN/:ool and comfortableale with built , bx-ch rat.o • Hctliyotes • Oldoa-McCormickfltainbindo • SAI\TURDAY, MAY 6,1!1989 r-T v /iN FALLS ;on/polyester/spandeiciex. S-M-L-XLl SHOP-IP -SIPH O N TUBES MISCIiCELLANEOUS TOMCL/Rl«RK • PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMElil • T SPORTBR/ akmlnum siphon a*es - (100) I’ x 60r Advoftioomont: MAY 4 (200) 1-1/4* X 72* alOTinunlinum siphon lutw - (250) Tx 72 skffi V/ALL A U C TIO N EER S ra aluminum sipton lubes •■ (7<1(7<) 3/4' X 72’ siphon tubes • 75 stoolcl postsP' - 50 wood posts • Barb wire and R egular $25.00. C( woven wire • Sewrai sheetsccts used cafvsniari rooFmg - Severalal lcI c r ^ ol r pipe - CuBivator loots • SAI\TURDAY, MAY 6, *1989V In bra. Mesh cotto Cciiu5al0(s-Tiblcs-I2pcapea liften ■ 30 gallons ol Hydrota - Forgi'orgo • Bench v>» • Gr indo - Oill press • slo 737-1616 . Goodii>g. Idaho-934-M:-5350 543-5aS4 Order by phone; 73;M O p e n . 10 ■ 6 D a ily ^ A-4 Ffi<3.iy, ApApril 28, 1909 Timos-NtJws,s. TwinT\ Falls, Idaho X> piinion The Titm e s'NJews_comtinutes empohasts iorTloaal evernts We w ill not d isc rim in a te in newni s o r phoUi per our weekly SpotlightL column,co and others as V Youciinplensp some of)f thetl people some of - f l || Our first job:b i.s to gel news inlo ihetpaper .se on the basis of location. A youngy person .and to do thaHrS's efficienlly as possibRr. separale news siories;s inii the appropriate use tln’tinu", bill nol all of thele peoplep all of the Stephen frorom Han.son ought to have jjusl u s l a s m u c h lim i;. no m a tte r w hal th e■ imin' ent, News space iss ar limited commodilyon nnyny news section, ja' We'll make judgmenients un where lo publisli opfppojtunity to be recogni:edJoid jo r nn Wc luiil anoth iT u x n m ppie Ie of thal greal ■ffeJ ? Hartgen given dny andj theret i.s little way w make n' ! cun. and run them as acc.cconiplishmenl as someonec Tfn ro m Tw in lesson in Ininiiin reliilionsiHlhesepastlwo ll valid comparis(■ison from one to the next,' them as fairly as we cu id this for them" argum ent alsoals' close U) the lime theyy a re su b m itte d , sp a ce Fa^■alls. wt'i'ks in n ur luindlinK o f'articles iirl nnd stories B iZ The “you did The argument of‘y,Qu ran1 theirthe picturc, im e young p eople, b u t not o f olhiolhers? has a hidden imimplication, lhat we are in permitting, iiboul youn^f people and theirthei achievements, of somi why n o t o urs?" will be a n sw•ered e rei a s lis is what is known ns a classic;sic nti'Win som e .‘;o rt o f coi:onspimcy to slighl ihis groupmp Theconlcntofsuchi;:h items will neccisiirily wh siwciricaKi^ic youn(! nu'ii.en and women who This expecrniosl"woutd-(Iont ea’sbnaHylTs'possiblerburwlttw lth o n t"------^------____ liayc beiiiLseTMcd fut-Girlilirlii-SUitu iiml Hoys -- wHinti(Ition, HH 1-wiH retMindMl mmi-tni-tno*gcnt ly — nr thnr,-thistowo w n o rth n t7thispcn;on orthathat:— vnrjvburwe'would'oxp iness with school or civic honors,hor organizalioas ;uarantces. Since news spacece v a rie s Suito, ^ th is weweek Tielding lhe angry phonele callsc and Even ifil couould be done, th e news bu-sine; ly-to- a n d , w hen a p p ro y riaIto, tu , sports ...... iay-U>-18. Twin Basically, news decisionsi areart made ona ; at 132 W,,'ird St It’s a ' deserve that and we thinkik Ithe information IS -SonKime said we were favoring smalnailer lowns can get done eachea day wiihin the limil.s ofj f b ro u g h t W o u r ofTicc a t lay-to-day basis. With photos,o s, w^ e’ll t r y t o ' a name and phone new sw orthy fu ru lh e rs tr,o.no, in thele valley v al the expense ofTwinvin Falls. the space, peopopie and hours we have good idea lo includc a r sires which fit number ofthe personin submittings the item so P^l)ublish the opes we can, in sire B ul photos havo lonfj beebeen more dilTlcult becauslUse we had previously publisheished availablo. he space, and on the basis oof f w h e th e r th e y ’ll ographs of (’.iris Stale d(?legale.‘-ates from a Over the yenjnrs, our .so-callcd communilylily that we can gel morc'c informationii if we need the lo handle. Uneven picturere qualityq has oflen phologi •eproduceornol. , and thal has meant neighlnhiioring town. news reportinglg has changed. Today, we runrui 10, Sorry, hul we can’lln’t Lake ihem over the re[ led lo poor reprodui'lion, ar The Times-News rem ainsi a communityc unhuppy people, both thee sisubjecu of the OlheLhers said they Imd paid for tlie.he ipictures dozens of newsvs item s e a c h w eek, includingng phone, unsider photos when nclewspaper, devoted lo comprelprehensive and photos nnd their parents.i. Also,A wilh and hadha' a righl to liave them in the;he paper. calendars, sporlorts events, meetings, clubs,.s. Photos, We will cons )mpanying news stories, qu, pie and events of newKprim space nt a premi;mium, we just have Slill othersotl wanted to know why we liad achievementss iin business, weddings and1 ■ submitted wilh accomf jualily reporting of the people ; •ighltolimittheirusefor ^^i not had the room to run thethem all. plentylly tif space for all the bad news,■ws. bul . anniversaries,;s, as well as personal hul we re-serve the rigl- ,his v a lley . In a very re a l .sen.sien.se, wi; are your Dut where lo draw the■ line,lir and whon? couldn'dn’t carry every local picturee sulimilted.si accomplishmerients. spacc reasons or whenlen, in our view, they will lewspaper. As such, we welcorIcomoyour news, Clearly, we want to run aan s mi a n y a s we c an , Iti--^is a common impression lhat,it, iiin small So here it is,s , folks, th e d en n iliv e (for nowlow nol reproduce. Fullfrairramc, black and while ;omm ents and yes, photos. bul jusl as clearly, we cnn'tan't run them all. townsns like1 Twin Falls, pettiness and at leasl) policy:y nn youlh news; pictures with sliarp contrastscoi work best, How do you sei a suindardird wilhout some . favorilirilism dominate many social.1 decisions,dc New.s items,s. We will co n tin u e to publi.sh.sh We also m a y resizeze iany photo to fit is means many will run S tep /ien Hnrtgen is ifp'ng editor o f people sayinK we were bein5cing inconsistent? I^i'l thattl'' isn't the cape wilh news ileiitems of lliis short news storo ries o f young people.s' available space. Thisr d , h . _ ------Hy whal ralionnle wouldJ wewt accept pictures sort. achievements.s. Some of these will appearr irin in a luilf*column width The po?or suffi^er unfaiirly wheen we rcation mledical itreatmeent )regon und California thinkinglg avail themselves of■psychotherapy, psj TheArpericanheallh-cai•care .system, 0Officials in both Oregon andid triage comes in paipart from those in inOrei ut reforming a malpractice vitamins, cosmetic surgery,sur diet llie experts say. is goini,'’ bustbt ut a A rththur Caplan AlaiAlameda County note lhal thele poor m y line o f work — medical elhicisLs. about i tem {hat add.s teas of mil)ion.s.s ofi clinics and stress-mamla n a g e m e n t rapid rat/EfTorts lo conlan la in o u r ------' have havi always gotten (ess access‘ssto A California hioelioothics consulting .system care seminars? row ing $500 billion-plusslab la ihrough Bul, before;re you applaud the healthcare heal lhan llie rich. Thatlat is co m p an y is beinglg ppaid hy A lam eda d o llaars rs lo stilc-financed health-ca It is wrong to make,ke lhel poor and econom ic jiiRBling n n d shifjhiftslo realism, consiinsider lhat Ihose plans true. true County and Oregongon stale officials to costsus eache year? irrow only the poor bear thethe burdenI of prepaid medical plans havilave failed. would rationn accessa lo heallh care Bul B our society's failure to' meetn provide moral rati(alionalesfor Befolefore saying no to a bone m an Thedilemmn of how topLo pay for only forthe polioor. the the h ealth -care n eed s o f th e poor po d ro p p in g th e iMiortnr out of:lhe health- Iransp'isplant for a 3-year-old whosee rationing. health care is forcing some>me public The medicaically indigent of hardly han justifies a public policycy lhat care lifeboat. Thele consultantsi moihei;her is on Medicaid, couldn't Il is unethical to instituteinst rationing , omcjal.s.to think ihc unthin.hinkable. Alameda (’our(lunly and those eligible asks ask; the poor to bear the biirdt•lien of a p p e a r to be approp roaching th e ir t;i.sk c o unty n ty and suite legislators insist of necessary healthI sescr rv ic e s fo r nny Alameda County in Northethem for Medicaidd iin Oregon willbe rationing rati as a matter of law. . with gusto, th a t1 evevery licen.sed hospital and group of Americanss unlessun we have California and the stnle ofOregonof I required hyla■Inw to forgo lifesaving Who M concocted this blatami}tly “You have lo dradraw the line physic•sician bc required by Inw to made every effort toJD beb( as efficient vide a fixed percentage of care recently announced plansns loI institute mcdical care,re. One generation's war unethical une scheme'.’ Incredibly,y. the somewhere,'oneV morali.sl-for-hiren provid and as frugal us wo! cancai be in newspaper article for thosetho who cannol pay? explicit riitionini; policieses forf health nn poverty is becomingI another's inspiration ins| for both the Califorornia said ina recent ne' j[j spending our health-cai-care dollars, hook al>out A lam eda Counlv'sCoi decision to Befolefore creating laws tliat would care. war againstI thell' poor. and atul Oregon plans for pocketho ome can indulge begin ratiomngforforthe poor, “Well send(i soS( m e o f the poor to a p re m a ltu re lirovide all serviceices loa diminishing demistnise. county and sUile officialsIs their wanls-by buyinging ai face-lifl, it seg m en t of th e pop;)opu!ation, and ought;ht loI require private health seems extraordinarilyrily hard for « JU' literally we'll throvrow the rest ofthe insurejrers lo charge subscribers anm elhicists or legislatorsors to argue people overlmard.-d. W e're thinning th e a d dlitional itif premium that could bele convincingly lhat theyhey have no other soup and lenglheniening the line." he usedd loU supplement the pitifully opiion bul to condemnm n th e poor to die explained in langu:Iguage more smalla ll b1 u d g e ts of M edicaid and for w an t o f m oney, appropriate to Senkrooge lhan Jesus. publicllic hosnilals. And would it nolJl ______Im m an u el K ant,..John Jl Sluart Mill or make:ke some sense lo insist on a ; d ireclo ro f the Keinhold Niebuhr.hr. luxu u ry ry ta x . w hich could be u.sed toly is dir No hinl is given,enof the theoretical helpp meelm the crucial heallh-care•(. C e n te r fo r Biomcdicalical Ethics at the position lh a t would.uld justify ;iiniing all needsds ofi the poor, from the rich wwho UniversilyofMinnefot'csotn. rationing effortssal ai the poor, Bul it is ______------har think of aa.moralor-roligiouK r ------eth ic th a t holds th;thal when a nalion c a n n o t p a y ils dociloctor bills.il is the I © poor and only thele poor[ who should be den ied th e right.10 to see a doctor. Will,■Villi.iiti \L. How.iid _ Willljr'illljRi C, Bbke : nbcrs of llic editorial Adwn \\k inderstand how any ’uWisluT T lic m cm b Jvi-nlsing Diroctor ; ll is h a rd to undi boiird and'd w riters o( cdiloriols ethicist could becojcome involved in a jiopln’ii l l.irigen ore S tep■phcn l H artg e n and Mlclw'Iclwol Gower ; scheme so blatantliiitly unfair as lhal of vl,,ti.u}in needs to c.mrirm thei,heir ver.icily, l/ie •J U)I which ibc w riter rcfer^-, U masses of people, youngyoi and old, all sizes, a c tiv ists. unborn. A gnodi percentage of yoiir contrintrilaitors iu7/.stnve r openo to all . TwinFalls rcssive, winding along a h.iVC,ve it piiblishediunderanynami , Alaska willill recoverin lime bccause theihi irnprcs: To all tho crybabies for OUI 'll bikcpalh, with a bus;)usy highway on one side ^ r o u r Stupid • iiMivf lo use lhal particular day and. ; he on- pe„p|u of Alaila.ska care. The Snake liiver v Governor Andrus! Take care in prin•inting letters ■n know it, your i>aprr is unwillii '.r,,, andnlushforeslwitlwith yellow wild flowers on ilUnglyauhng „„t. becau.sele we te n d to look elsew h e re fo When any governor refusei'uses lo talk'to any M y comments art' thehe resulti of prople ji,,.,,,fse anonymous people in irre.spt th e other. I •sponsible pollution prolroblem s. citizen (black or white) h e'is:I'is setting the same i . who, everv once in awhilibile, have .sent I d l e r ' i.iraiter as^a.'sination. One person countilnting head? counted over a ‘ JE W E L JOHNSONJC exumple as the skinheadsiin in northern Idaho. to The Times-News andid mn a n ag e d to have jj-If ,.someone is unable to sign the thousand walkers,1, bbl u t th e re w as a n e q u a l • Ibeirreal TwinFallsIls No man (as governor) ever2ver,and 1 mean them .selected for publicalicalion; howovcr. ime, how mucii credibility caninth tl .jre_ nu m b e r o f people cheering chi fnim the .sidelines instead of submitting theirthei lelters under , ‘ , . . . _ und from their cars,rs, 'ever, refuses access to hiss officeof U) anyone issibly be in what they have loto says; It s a R i g h t s m llicir real name, they choosecho lou.se a “ r march proved inspir•inng My children neverver tired of looking at all — black, white, green, red,:d, yellowy or iher sad com mentary of the lim es in w h atev e r. pseudonym. OonstiUilioniionnlly.vvc ench have day evening our family bonrdiirdeda the different people.lie. iheir outrageous hair the right to voice our opiripininn.s on mo.st any " Inch we live tiiat cause pe.iplee suchsi as this clurtered bubus in Jerom e along wilh alwiIwull'l styles, clothes, andid readingr the varied In the good old U.S.A., everyoneeve has a .subject. The proldeni arise.sari; when a person '’ebe Mi totally lacking in any sort«'rt()f uther peoplele from th e W ood R iv er ValleyI'cy messages on the sigisigns and T-shirts. righl U) their opinion whetheither our dear governor or all you crybabie oversteps certain Ixiundaidarie-s and maligns impassion for Iheir fellowman.n- a n d ;iO folkss (from Boise to ride 12 hours.'rs.Our There was a fleet!c t oI f black-and-w hite police ibies agree or nol. Mr^. E,D. ROBINSON o lh e r pi^ople in the proce.-iL-ess, e ith e r d ircc tlv iir ilnilopefullv. Times-News, yuuI willwi review destination1 v,was the Coeur d’Alene Humaman cars, policc on horseirseback, policc in hy innuendo; and I feelT•I The Times-News .vourlur “Letters to the Editor" policylicy and revise HighLs marclrch. helicopters- We wait.•alked ana .sang and challcd Gooding 4

Fria.iy, Ap.’il :a. 19;W Tjni,T..Ni'A:;. Iwifi Fcii;i,.Fcii; Idaho A-5 '■ N a tio n Panel lihiits Wrigl earli^ personal dpiippeal D U Wh contiriiiues druig hararngue Study fitnids 1 in fivIve WASHINGTON IM ’I'I - The MIAMI (APii’l — Using the bully marktirked with U.S. corporate tugiigos — could stop shipmentsnls, he said, chairman of the Hoiisi;use 'ethics pulpit of the WliiteWli House. President areL‘ rtroutinely seized in the Jungligles of Runkel suid chenleniical companies women neceive helilip lomhiii," Bush said. have filed a slacki ofo: objectinn<0)ur " cnmmiucc said Thursday,• thalth House Rush urged panarcnts and.stockholders Colon WASHINGTON (AP) - Moiiore increasing. demand that American AltAlthough Bush referred in his inches high to the rulrules.buiihillhev Speiikur Jim Wright prob:obably will Thursday to doi lan one in five Amcricnn womeTien Overall, familiesi headedhe by ' "net responsibly' lo speeceech to illegal diversion:)ns of were expected to hehe in place bv May not be allowed to make a persona! companies^ "ai ' - . rece:iceive as(0 nations. law,w, however, federal regulatlations againsl dnigs, ' iippenr earlier had been■en s e ttle d , d e le g a te s from : Xhc bureau's study found fewiwer percent of families with producers u.se ether, aret; bbeing drafted that would re(require The associalionfli d B p h is m a d u up , __• Rep. Julian Dixon. D-Ci:li:alif, said; Cocaine pre mn one male in six, on tlic olhtLht;r householder fell ba' ydrnchloric acid, a thee ( companies to tell the Drug 1 of companies lha•liaT' m anufflcture- — "No^^ th'cr'e |Has not ■ hbeen an acctone. hyd and,, has received publblic poverty level, compared — own ns MEK and other Enfoinforcement Agency of the ullillimate indu.strial chemiiiiicals. said the s m asreomcnl reached." chemical knowi ssis tan c c. percent of those withA'ith a m a le “ refine tficir dftjg from, desti(stination and use of export ex industry supported•ed passage of last Dixon said the -discisciplinary products to ref Women struggling to railDisc Iw u s^h o ld e r.w ilh no wife n n d only ' s hilpments lp r of seven productsis thal year's anti-drug: law.hi Even before liearitig w ould be op en to0 the th public. «ca leaves. hildron without n busbarand G perccnt for marricdd ’CDuples.co .■rican."; a r e a w a re th a t coulcluld be used in making coc;icaine, the law wns passed;ed, the group said. but noted thnt committeece irules bar "I'cw Amerii resent, und the prepondi!ran(ince Tho report said G7.17.1 percentj: of liverted barrels of Runliunkel said. DEA would ha\mve 15 the industry wass already1 working television coverage of thathat stiige of illegally div f women in the oldor age gniupup.s, people living in a fema>mnlo-headed chemicals — clearly dayslys to review' the paperwork■rk and with law enforcemeinenl ofTicials. the panel's work. dangerous ch accoccount for their greater needI forf household with no husband He also said the panel1 luullu moved • cnefita, said John M. McNeilil o f p r e s e n t th r o u g h o uIt t the tl study to stand behind subpoenasas issuedi for L’ a r i p l ; to assum(le risk ?hThe bureau’s Housing arand period received antianti-poverty . participants in a gas^asdealthat ;1 wants S&&L owners lousohold Economic Statistiiitic.s b e n efits. r.TON (AP) ~ Ths Housjuse Banking debate ona aproposal to create li capitJpital reqwrement of yielded huge profits for Wright,Wr and WASillNGT )ivision. The nation’s older populationpop is noved Thursday to make saviriv in g s and loan $2.25 fo r eacach SlOO of an institution's loans.loa he threatened contempt of Congres.'; Committee mo' When marriages end in alao predominantlyly femalefi — le a rly S13 billion o f th e ir own money m at risk Both Pres•esident Bush and Treasury,■ SecretaryS< Nicholas action if the witnesses failil tot< appear, owners put nea cparation or divorce, womenI aroa with women living longerlor then uixpayers from future fiascos")s" as the price Brady wen.^re calling.mem bers Thursilrsdayi'j urge their Dixon showed annoyancince that he Pro^'^ct U\\ fthe men — and older womeromon have a , s u p p o r t for fo the toughened cupitilital re'tiilvremenl. ' nore likely to have custody of tl a n d R ep. Jo h n ,T ; M y e rssoflodiam of i. for a S«0 billion:on federal bailout, ' qhilchildren, and those families monore higher# poverty ratoato than do icmbcr panel begun actingng on a Bush according: to tc several lobbyists. the panel's senior Republicblican. were The 51-men fton fall into povorty statutusv mnlcs, McNeil added;d ; •...... tion-endorsed effort thatt wwould make "ThisIS isextraordinary." said Kei\en Gunther of lhe "stood up" when they;y went lo administratio dcNcil snid in a tolophoilono He said this mayi be bocauso the nation's 2.950 thrift institutiitutions put up 50 Independent;nl Bankers Association, whichich wilh olher bank interview the witnesses■s earlye this operators of tht ntcrview . men tend to havelave better e capital! thnn a bill approved;d byb the Senate trade organanizations want's tougher caplapltal requirements week in , Texasx as. p e rc e n t m ore c th e r e t i r e m e n t b e n e f its,3 since gi they im p o sed onin 8&I.S, their, biggest compeipetitor. "rve never In addition, he said, tl la s t w eek. lumbor of single womon raisiising more likely held payingking jo b s th a n real capital — hard cnpitJil —- thet! taxpayers seen a presi;sidentifll lobby ona bankingng bill reach into the — DiHB ___ "Wilhoul rea faamihcs m of their "own is did their~wivps in yearsa ra p a s T ^ ~ Lawmakers op»ppO S e have no protecilection." said the Hou.se Rankinking Committee committeee level I like this before." Tiinistration had praised the0 Senate'sS aclion. I judicial pay raid isc s chairman, Replep. Honry Gonzalez. D-Texas.;IS. as he opened The admi WASHINGTON lAPl ~- A bill to bar pay raises for senionior federal judges who do no judicialnl wv ork drew C tauide Brotw n ^s support Thursday from\ Democrats D I 5 u r a n c e and Republicans in Congingress who a | said voters are complaininfling. I ■ V_-.5 r o p ^ At a House courts subc'jbcommittee k Fuu rn itu rre hearing. U.S. Circuit JudJudge Frank I _ CofTin testifie’d that federderal judges 1 W ill b e clos«sed S aturdasy, A pril 29t were still suffering from fr "the ll traum a of Black Tuesda:day Feb. 7” 9 I %k/ 1 I ^ ______I n p r eip ; eratio n tor t h e i r when a proposed 51 payay raise for . 1 ^ ; them was defeated in Cong: But Rep. Howard Coblt!bk,'tN .c., I replied, "M any voters innmv n district- 1 c do not regard it as Blackick Tucsdny, I jjjj and I’m one of them." The Judicial C Cc o n fe re n c e representing all federalll juilEcsj hns _ _ , since formally requesite s te d a :I0 l y i n l percent pay raise for federderal judges. IW IwliPOMAUIOiail ■ n Coffin and two othoiher lending *253636 Kimberly Rd.,Twina FFalls, ID 83301 federal judges told the subi 10) 624-1730 it would be unfair to deprivedej non- ('(208) 734-1711-(800) working senior judges of payi rnises , a t 9 : 0 0 .A IPERI^RO ^^^ |C S t a r t s M o n d aa y , M a y 1 , by. as Coffin put it,, - s u d d e n l y CCROP - HAIL-MULTI P changing the rules aftor: a lifetime.”1

- i j ' ’: , . x . - -

______=- i f l l l l ^

‘ > / o < o f f JH?? 2 5 * Label All Wojm e n 's I Qortswe:5ar f S f ,peV,,esa2222^ Choose these n w e i n i t m ^ ^ H v l

9 SP/ 0 off jssio n s ii\5 ir^al pu” ale 7.99 te1 and W tops 9 ^Ik&SSIS 5 0 /0 ,roto=.0“'“’ I ' o f * o f f intors'sizos-, \ 1 diam onds =5tone iewelry and di3 jO /o o f f , «ls. - : 25* otyis- Sate and casual i 1 ^ t i S ' I All coa I shorts If' Iff' T •I choosoUof^ iOn of dresses ITS e l e c t 3pec'a|c2ll®S!!fJ ^ 1 S

InU '• Ihroooh *P'Mr SmartiVkiwai. V*1 CISBa.JCPtnrKjCor A-6 Timea-Nowa. Twin FnMn,nMn.ld.iho Ftid.iy, Aofil 20,. 1999IS

V / ^ ^ M m — SATURRDAY AND SISUNDAY, APRIRIL 29 AND 330, 1 9 8 9 C o m eI irin for hundreds ol valuelues IhroLiQhout t h e s to rre e Choose from top quaquality : )n hand. Please, no maillail or phone orders can-i be accepted for this ssal a l e ; ■ , j s n j ^ b r a•and n m erchandise (or yoyour family, plus accessorsories for your hom e Iterem s limiled to stock on

7 1

^1 SA¥f E 3 © % ' b-.-s « WE-2S

■ M I S S E S CCOORDINATES; S M I S S EES S LINEN-LOOKK ' E N T I R^E E STOCK HAGC3GAR’ ! Ml/IISSES SHORTST S & ;l • ’ . By Koret, AlfreJfred Dunner and more,•e ■ BBLAZERS ■ A N D KORET' PAN1M T S j: CASUAL PANTST S 'I ' [ 2 5 .0 0 - 770.00. 0 sale 17.50-49.00. A spring basicba: in navy, khaki, blacack J Your chchoice of styles, fabrics:s a2 n d [ TwillII ■walk short? in fashionn colp.rs.c ■ M isses s e ' Coordinates, o r p inik. k . M isses sizes 8-16 c o l oxs, r s Reg, 28,00-32,00, sas a l e P ann t: ts in twill a n d s h e e t i ng sstyles, • [ Nt)l ,iv.-H,ib in Squ.ix' - ■ I R e3 g, . :34,00, sale 20.40, . 1 . 0 00-24.00, - Ivlisses Separalirates, Reg, 22400-34,00, sale 18.00-0 0 - 2 5 . 5 0 Perspectives. S Perspectives,

n IV i 2®®/ ■ SAV } — a !AVE 20*1 % ; b j EGULAR PRICE P E T I T E: £SPORTSW EAR,R ■ C UJBE B SUMMER TIRE STOCK KEC E D S & : REIION ACCESSOFDRIES A fashionableble selection of sum mie er r J BFASHIONS ONVERSE CAN'N V A S I ll FASHK/, iiandbags, hosiery, sc, , sunglasses,I exercisewew e a r , SPORT SHOESE S il K orel''“, R u s s ., ViVictoria Jones, Notation ?ans, dresses. Junior sizt shorts, jean ’.P“ ’ ll b e lts:hes, , : R eg,.2,75-95.00, safes; ! StylesIS for men, wom en andd children.c ; [ and m ore ReReff. 28.00-100.00, salelie T h e C u lx ? . I w a tc h20-76.00, i Accessories.JS. R e g ,I, 19,95-33.95, sale 15.96.96-27.16, - 1 19.60-70.0(1.0 0 . Petite Sponsvirear ' 2J.".hT'J< . 2 OinlM Cri.n-li li.-Cl.iiUt Sport Shoes. .;|i

-KSVA! • J7Trr. I

i% WE i O ®1 % : I s mfE \ 4 0 % E N T I R E S T 5. P R I C E C H I L D R E N ’Ss E N TriRE H STOCK ^ C K * R E G^ . E L CLEARANCE.E . :! INTIM N ovow 1.99-19,99, sale .99-S9-9.99. I I : HEALTH-TITEX" PUWWEA I Sli Slips, panlies, foundal/lATE APPAR!Dbes, loungeA ear C hloose o Irom lops, bottomsm s a n d i ; Tops, bottomsn s for infants, new borns,I S . H ations,Ir sleepw ear rob : toddlers, girlsis 4-14.■ boys 4-20. Reg, dr(jresses m infants, newborb o r n s , \\ •rV^-l nt ChirIntim ate A pparel. • 6 . 0 0 - 2 4 .0.00, 0 sale 3.60-14.40, I to d ddiers, i and girls 4-14. Topr o p s a n d \ ; K id s w o rld , b(bottoms in boys sizes 44-i - 2 0 j S[3 E M I ^ ^ ^ T I O N S A L E K id s w o rld .

s% -• ------

Slam a n ples of the saving g our sem i-annual I igsfc you’ll find during SJW m 10% I IA¥E 20*1 % ij foundation sale! OLX G A ' SHIMMERLIL Dra, style #3007 in

R E G . PPRICE M EN’S' \white or pale blushiLIES" underw ire br;3, D, reg. 19.00, ENNTIRE STOCK** FR E G . Ij SPOIORTSWEAR Sjhim h i l nnerlilies' contoui;h, sizes 34-36 B, C,37 in w hite or pale PR=ilCE D RESS SH5 H I R T S ll ; Save cn reiregular price knit and blush, sizesur softcup bra #1007; g , 1 9 . 0 0 L e nng, t short sleeves, full ancand fitted, ! : w o v e n s h i ns, s , :sweaters, slacks, spon s 36-38 A, B, C. reg s o lidIs s and patterns. Reg. 20.C?0.00-72.00. j - MMAIDENFORM' , CH wire bra #7329 in • coats, activeivewear and outerwear 16.(5.00-57.60, (Men's Dressjss Shirts j HANTILLY' underwi;, reg, 17,00-1800, ■; Men's e r i Sportswear vjwhiteY or cham pagne, Selection varies by sstoi t o r e ! M atching string biie, sizes 34-36 B, C,1-111-1, reg, 9 ,0 0 D0(!;-. nt)l mclmcliidi! tlLT.jiinei r.|XjrU.v.v.ir •Oo*-. nc< inciuOo Eaq'i.' 3ii

ME 25®yl m E 33*1% g M SAViE 2 5 %s fe j Sfi IME 1 % B U D GSET E DEPARTMEI EG. PRICE SOLILID ENTIREE STOCK M EN’J H A N E:S' S FLEECE TOIE N T i R E)R ( TOW ELS, SHEHEETS, ENIJTIRE STOCK LIILINENS R & JOHN WEH >d, b a th a n d d in i n g r o'Om o m linens i HAGGAR & BBOTTOMS ( FOR)PS I COLOFNN C O M F O R T' E R S i icludes regular and saleale priced < SLACKSc ! I b o w E N & W O M E N ILECLOTHS, PUL A C E 1 Dined with ;i . j Polyesler/wcwool blend dress slacks■ks i m e i ■ms, fvlay not be combinc . 1300 cach, sale 9.75 ;l TABL leated. Reg. 3200-420C ATS, BLANKETSS & j o thier e coupons. Linens &. B


sA ¥ i 200 % jl f i i i % % |i -SMME W“1(S®% j s _ E N T I RIE E STOCK REG.i . e n t iIRE f STOCK REC SELECTED I GARMENT ( BAG\ G S & ;i ; P R I C E CCHINA*, SILVERR , 1 P R I C;E E HOUSEWARE;G. ELECTRONICS: s ATTACHESs ’rware, glassw ruo, flatvvar KJOLU) frofn an assortm or Entire slock business cascases and •• li C R Y S T:TAL*, ) L A M P S & I D in n e r w i E S f nont of ; Er j c o o k w aire, r e , lloor carc, small elocia rn , . f C l:-ioits, k j VCRs, storoos andnd radios gararment bags. Reg. 6000t o o -2 0 0 , 0 0 li ; I P I C T U i U R E F R A M E S I n nnd d more. Housewar(;L'. tcliic;^ ■ (ok;vir-io:lion vanos by store (rleclectronics ' salee 48.00-160.00, Lug- u g g a g e ;i . I Oir.'lri- 'i ■ S i!kK :lir

I: ______I'...... TBO, /VlMAGIC VALLEY Mf/V /t/tALS • 734-4800 STORE HOURS:MALL, TWIN FALLy i , SUN. 12-5



, L_ t

Friday, April:nl 2Q. 19Q9 Tiniou-Nows, Twinm FiFalls, Idaho . A-7-

j p - B r i e ff l y — Vietnam retijturns 21 sets olof remains . C t s d a s h w i t h r i o e In KoriLsh th e is- ing in c id en ts afTecti:;cting baby foods manufacluilured by H.J. Heinz Co. .sue ihrough the full lower h ouse on Ltd., liie British subsidiary sub of the American1 company,ci and Britain's ]F rid ay . Cow & Gate Ltd. IncIncluded w ere m o re th a n a1 dozen d( cases in Scotland, T h ai m e an s T ak esh ita a]apparently five in Northern IrelIreland, and two in the indepeependent Republic of Iro- ,will step dow n in M ay. Thc T l budget i land. aJ u to m atica lly goes into offeffecl within IsplaSh”"Wl j P W V CosmoE»nauts laneid hard; V Players;rs® Striped BcB otany® Knitl i t S h irts Suits space sistation uniimanncd- --- 10------18799 c ». OrtlH WIM.flO— X 108.8041*.------MOSCOW (AP) -— The Soi-iet Tnss calledcal the touchdown of the Union ended an eraa inii ils manned Soyuz cap;apsule soft, but Volkov, on space program Thursdirsday when three lhe evenirning nows program “Vro- Foxx® Johnrmny Carson® / ailed it “ not one of the sofl- ’//leit/ ■ A. ] cosmonauts returnedd lou Earth, leav- mya." call I Knilnit S h irts S u its (1 Ilalion empty for , 110.00 189.80 c a . H ing the Mir space slat: •e was a double touchdown, Gearp I licg. 16.0Hin 12.90 c a . Orig. 210.( llie first lime in mc tw o taralus landed, then jumped i p A y e ars. from tn eJ gground and we were lurned1 W D M n ^ i Sis B S I OS rapsule carrying over seververal times. In general, the A i!"ifii^EiB i ‘ ‘I A So>-u7. TM -7 cap: Sv* Alexander Volkov, Sergei Se Krikalev blows cou:ould bc foil. Probably the ^ Jarantzen® " RaR affinati® wi!i rem ain," Voikov said, and Valery Polyakov,0V landed about bruises wi! w im w car S u its ifDzhezkazganin Krikaieviev suffered tho most be- ■ST ■ swi ‘JO m iles n n rlh c a s t o f D Reg, 20.00DO 2 0.99 oa. Orig. inr).i18,'..oo 148.80 c a . ,Tasssaid. cause hee hith a capsule control panel, Soviel Central A sia,Ta I; 1170 BIueUkasBlvd.il.*•*TMn Falls B T p f ‘the Mir mission, the TV reporter re] said without elabo- The suspension of lh( 734-S635 the showpiece of thelhe 'Soviet spacc ration, 0pBnMoD-Fri9-8,FriB^(rt,8atfl-5 ______le day before thc There; was v no explanation what program, comes one c Haggar® Jj. ^ United Suites plans; to-launchto' its Al- wentwron•ong. LLevi’s® ( H n lantis space shuttleJ withw a crew of Volkoviv ai n d K rik ale v h a d b e en in lortSpoi Shirts SpSportcoats i jv or five months. Polyakov, a five. sp a ce for oo 18.99 ea. Reg. 110.(10.00 89.90 ca. ^ ir Mir. designed for•permanentoccu- pe doctor, had hi been aboard Mir for pancy. wil! remain1 emptyer unti! an- eight montonths. B BS Igust, Tl other rocket launchI scheduledsc in Au- InAugu cosmonauts wil! return I! gust. Officials said1 the tl respite will ^ ‘or lor a six-month stint that wil! gre® Striped Amerierican Trend® > ^'‘ ' V^DlRi^r] w save money al a timeTie when the Sovi- include overseeingov the addition of a ■ ISb HJ i I m/ icarch module and a .service jiit Shirts IBlazers ^ j et Union is stiMgglingngwilhaSlGObil- new resea 135.00 9 9 .9 8 cn. H m odule,.officials oi said. 09 • 13.99 ea. T>p. 1:15.1 lion deficit. Reg. 24.00 JQ a , AC iffiiiEiiiiB r e n Big haul of•f hashish g APlease join3in us Sunday, April 30 fi 1 2 :0 0 -5 :0 0 tor our ;ssee Trading® Farah® 1 litt VENICE. lUilyy >(AP) — Po- Lc Tigi ckcloth Slacks H B tons of pure • ^ necbustcrs Ducki licc seized. 10 to Kni.80 B.99 en. Ren. 28.C28.00 21.98 c a . H B hashish in two containers cor that Refreshments served ^ open daily from 10:00 - 5:0( llcg. IC.OO were shipped to this Italian i Pakistan, ofTi- * untii M other's dav WTOEM m port city from Pe ^ “ 5.ots of In-store Specials cinls snid Thursda;d n y . ^ I from ^ Police'discoveresred the drugs •& ------,n H eusen® CG allery® after plant fibers■ rs were found Tennesjress Shirts PietIcated Slacks slicking from a fajsefaJ bottom in 4oJWj » S Kne..B» 13.D9 c a . Bog. 30.00:I0.( 23.88 cn. i n e r s . & Reg. lO.BO r ■■ ■ o n e o f th e c o n t a i n e °° § BSm m m m — Arrow® Levi’ivi's® Traveler ^ J w :^ ’11 bet your wond[iderina w hat D ad ^ ress Shirts Wool-ol-Blend Slacks and I are goingitosetjlom t for | 5.00-25.00 18.99 e a . Reg. 35.0035.1 2 7 .8 8 e a . I ' y g : Beg. 16.B8 ^ ______M o t h e r; ' r ’s D a v ______J% \ ■ 23E1E1 BE J m ( j SIill^ O Uiifg e fs~ D re Rcg. 25.0( F r o m " Ii ^ 2 3 ! ^ HOURS: MtMon.-Fri. until 9 p.m. I / S a t. tll 7 p jn . ^ J T f K S u n . 12-5 p.m . ^ S ?i/ :.

•'1 sJSLley 734-5M5 0 3 [4»JiS t . M a l L l

M a g I i A-0 TimuG-Nowj. Twin F;i!lo•;i!lojdnho Friday. Apnl 2Q.. U1909 ______--. P '

______I /_ 5UJ-?3^a^i»CTiaHW aM I ^ z - - > ' — HI i I ^ L o n d o5 i n F o g ' ...... -S- " - ' ■ ■ 1 S . nIVC '1 0 "/o jS f 1 - V u -> ' -a; E l i l i M ■

jrA J M \ I ^ \ > - Iv !-- Rcgulaily^SO). O Q . ^ O O O ^ , f y (Street LndJI

“ J i MS BSISIB I I/C 40'N, ■ ^ S .v c A " '■■®>;5ar> - »■ * Rea -J. ^

i.i s ^ ' , 1 ^ •'■.Jl

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L a c l i e ; s ' Is'r t: S w e aa i t s h i r t s u . U l 1 '0 - JV -.C

I E n tire s to c k oof these sw^eatshirts t> ^ ^ y In cottons ana n d b le n d s. A v a rie ty o f c o lo rs a nnd d styfes. Including * i l "Famous Potf'o tato es". S, M, L r-; s.IVC' 'U)' * R e g u la r to'4 4£ 5 .0 0 (Topof-the-StsStalr) (Stmiiuvell I M ja L f- I, H >i M .' ..'•-:i-.a; I t WINNERS?S O F T H E S 1 o o) . . 0 0 G I F T CERTIIFICATES

Chat w ere awtiwarded during our "Lucky Discouount Days" Friday and I Saturday. Apnp ril 2 1 a n d 2 2 : N A N C Y H(H O L D E N ! ^ 1 M O L LIE A LEX A N D ER BARBARAA CULP JA N E T STETEEN ------MYRA-SU7JTTERFIELD ------4»

'; 1 [L ig) h t J a c i l K — S a v e; 3■ 6 . 0 0 Y'' Regularlyrly 5 5 .0 0 . Several cohDior groups in ths special selectic LPRIL Savings] s F o r N o w( IO nly 1 8J.9 9 t SATURDAY(O N I^ Y ! wn»nuMiiiiiw»>nini.wju]iiiiiimi^mnBgl! Fnd.-iy. ] Obituaries/hospitii t a l s B 2 3-Dear -Abby-B3-— 7 ^ g i ^ m ! Sports B4-6

Arouffid Goodinj ( ig Coupity sceliks judgi[ment oi>n cable2 tax h a v e to do il again iin tfss it Bv KIKK MITCHl'I.L ■ the compa:many’s a p p ra is a l from S110,00(,000 to $1 ly c a n n o l ch an gIgc e assessments Intiir than 71limn-Nrws utiIit million iss le1 g a l, sa id (’.*>unty Com mlissioner is; the first Mondayy iiin December in the same to be necessary,’' f ith e Boi) Mufflen e y . year the taxes nroirc due.i L is t Week. Ta.< C o m mlis is ionolTicials^neti GOODING - Gooding rounty Cov commis- Nelson1 :refused to comment andid would If th o c o u n ty rens.'Osse.s ren King Vidwcabte with \hc (londing Conntyit>\ commissinncr:< sioners, who question the legality !e| of dra- not say wh■vhen he intended to file the action.ac and it is Inter detcletermined that the new as- and tried lo iM'rsuade llifiii^n-m\t(> com ply w ith - ;gal, the counly would then the order. ^ V .malicaliy boo.'^ling calilf cotcompany taxes. Countyy commissioners,( who conteiilend the sessmcnl is illegal T va tt^ arc trying to prevent the slnisln ie from doin g o rd e r is ncnot legal, voted Wednesdayy loli lake have to return thehe iexccs.s lo the company. "We had differences going..'ing in and we basi- cally had the same differeierences going out," ______J'ju-st that. th e issu e;to ti c o u rt. T h e co m m issio n ers h av e.' inslnicled in: Pros- ‘We havave to do w h al wc think isI best In for Just such a situation sit occurred in UXSG■ MuiTleysaiil. ecuting Atiomey Lynn NelsurIson lo seek a 5th ihe count;nly," Muffley said. “We still■till have wlien the Union11 Pacific1 Railroad was cx- Counly cMfffilssioners-s fitiledfi lo uct on , Today itlastst filing 'District Coutt rcstrtthiing onleron to prevent some realal basic problems wilh whatIt they’re*I cessivcly taxedi forfi several years. Myers. the sUmiVurderrtvitiiin a 30-day appeal.pc- . thotl Idaho Tax Commissionin fromf changing tfyijiglod)do :* , sa id . riod, y day for schor (o f tho A rch aeo lo g ical SocSocicty. -Smail-grain plantiniting is more than TiO 'atl-ntr to throw d • Sue HAWKINSS onoi Page B2 percenl complele, exexcept in lhe north ______where seeding is justust getting under way. . Alfalfa hay fields appear ap to be in good • condition, accordingg 10K the Idaho Agricul- 1 tural Statistics Servicivice. cil graniits Baabcock te’stifles betank ; Winter wheat is ratedrat in mostly fair to Hcyburirn counc good condiiion. Snowlow mold was reported in the north and east.isl. thought^farm watus Calving andjambiinbing arc all bul com­ for vetesrinariaiin < plete, and ranchersers arc moving their permit I herds to spring andd summersi ranges. Most livestock aro rated in good condition. Ade- By DONNA SCHORZMAN'i e rty we.vere notified of the proposa!isal by mail pnroducing mushrooi oms • quate supplies of ha;hay and roughage are Tinies-jVeH'.‘;cf)rre.-;/)t)/ic/t‘nt■nt and didid not return objections, • available lo mosl operiperators, • C i t y Atlorney / Su-ve Tufb will drawdr up the By KRISTASTAN W ATKINS ability to sell its I. '• _'•! HEYBURN - The cityy vwill soon have a applicat:atio n w ilh th e conditions for fo Fulcher Dnwa-Ncw:'ews ccirrcspdtu/i'iil gourmet mush- ^ ^ Bureau of Landnd Management veterinary clinic. to signn Monday. Council membersers will .slop jment before HAILEV,EV - Idaho First Nation;mal McCabe, at- ccess roads T h e C ity Council WeWednesday voted by tho3 officeo to look al the agrcomi reopens all acc< )ccial use permil to the signgning. B ank assuissumed a mushroom farm pr()ro- lorney for V - All access roads tem- Wednesday lo issue a speci TWIN FALl^ - Al r for a clinic a t 7*)0 In oil-jlher zoning m atters. Couchh EquipmentE ject wass producingpi mushrooms in HX*-aSTi Robert Erkins, M • porarily closed thiss s]spring by the Bureau veterinarian Bill Fulcher fo no t zoned for com - Co. willill soon ask lo have a piecee ofo property and thatI ilil was able make loan repa;iay- used almost 30 , of Land Managemc?ment have been rc- 21 sl St. The location i.s not the Interstate 8-1 and old Highighway30in- ments, bban ank m a n a g e r Bill B abcock to:les- exhibits in at- : opened, the BLM anninnounced. mercial, bul the council decdecided to allow the noar lh( ange rezoned, Aston lold thele council.c tificdincoiI court Thursday, tempts to show |^ H The roads have' drdried up considerably use with certain restrictionsons. lerchan rest in using Babcockock was called lo the sland by 1: the bank knew in recent weeks, easiiasing driving condilions Fulcher is buying ihc proproperly, which has Invesestors have shown an interes Calie, allorney for one of llthe the project was ; on the newly gravele■ eled road system. Area a barn and corrals on il. amand a residence. He the laneind to build a truck stop, butut it is zoned , Ed McCal ; Manager TbdMilesniisnick said. plans to live in the house. ro sid eenlial, n Aston said tho propcrlerty has also orginatorso rs of th e farm , behind schedule ;rs wore concerned been classifiedcii as a subdivision withwit dedicat- The testiestimony conflicted with eariiii i e r in e a riy 1985 due i ; The district’s roadlad crow will grade and Some council members BILL ! • gravel roads the nextlext couple of weeks, he about possible odor and noisloise probioms. cd roaciodways, although none pro•e dev( elo p ed . te stim ony n yby Thomas Walker Jr., cCO- to a hard winter he roadways orginaloror of the project, thal he had h; and wasn’t sell- BABCOCK ‘ .said. Fulcher said ho woiild1 lake la steps lo keep The oilcity will hove to vacate’ the problems to a minimum,, including;inc beforee iit can be rezoned bccausee thot proper- sent a Idlerlet' to tho bank slating the ll ing as had been projecljecled, and yel re- • Keeping dogs or smallill aanimals inside. ly hass beon1 subdivided. fa rm w as behind schedule, not produdue- fused to change requiri|uir-'ments on the horsem ananship clinic • Immedialely removinging from tbe proper- The0 countyc m ay have lo bo involivolved in the ing mushnshrooms, and asking the bankik lo original loan p a c k a g e;c, , Ithus making re­ is moved to CSIC arena ty a n im a ls th a t die. decisioiion becau.se the property is; in the buffer delay thehe first: repayment date .ind1 re-r payment impossible, lieve lhehe obligation lhal the projetjecl Idaho Firsl Nationalnal Bank, receiilly mVIN FALLS - A/ free horsemanship • Generally having no0 nmore lhan five or zoneououtside Heyburn limits, ,")0,000 in w orking capital, iank, foreclosed on ; clinic for -1-H C lubub members, originally six large animals on the ppro ro p erty a t a tim o . In olheroil m atters: ' kcepS7.')0,l renamed West One Banl planned to be heldd ata Prescott’s arena in • Keeping herds of calveliv e s in for v a cc in a- • • Coij)unciIwoman Bessie Hurlessjss will check Mu.shroiiroom production became a crit-cr a loan to the project :in in th e fall of l!i86, Murtaugh, wiil bela al t the College of South- tions or dehorning for a fewf hours at the inlo estjsUiblishing a zoning board1 forfc the city. '^ical issueuo ini Thursday's te.slimony, Ac- A claiming the farm diddid nol keep lhe em Idaho’s arena insinstead- m osl. T h e abnbsenco of one "takes awayy onoc step of cording! toto business projections, overery- working capital, asIS r req u ire d . T hey The all-day event!nt starts at 9 a.m. Sal- Zoning Administrator Paul Pa Aston lold the appealal to citizens," said Aston,, who w recom- one invoh.’olved understood lhat loanI re-i , urday It’s sponsoredred by the American Ju- council residents within iJOO300 feet of the prop- • S e e HEYBURN on Pag«QgoB2 p a y m enls n ts would hinge on the fiirnrm’s ‘SeeTRIAL, on Page B2 nior Quarter Horse:e .Association.

Health boardd

I i P .';f'^ H iu -; Ni,".v:..Twifif/Ifl riill;;, Idaho Fnday, Apnl 20,20, 1909 Trial— :—- -Propposed 'Faiamily Fly-IIn’ has offfficiais I • Continued fromamPuKcHl plainte, \ViW alk er a n d iCrkin.s tt.slifiedI iin ^juneral,' said BabcoclDck, 'B u l I » i suud tin-r^irm in Marclirchl'W. thal Hahctbcock hnd nn nctivc part in^ wa.sn’l' aware of concern...... , in- K([ootenai CCounty railising coinicerns I iirni W alkkiT rr Jr. I'ountur- decisinaspI.S pertaining lo the venture. 1bim kl," Babcock’s testimony is expucleti I )fu'(l, claiiiiittt: llu' liahank forced lhe • Hahctiicnck de.scribed aH “overslal- Wesl Yellowstone in Montanaa arei en- gone unanswered.;d. BI u l R in e h a rt i.-iid • t/) la s t le a s t u n lil to d a yV, , an d po.ssi- COKUU D'ALKNl:! (A i’) - A pro- \\\ farm iiiUi diTaiili. Thu Tlu farm, tallud . ud" Walkuiker’s and investor Fred Sur- i i;er to ho;H it. Wednesday ,thaiIt manyr of Bruce's .- bly until Tue.sday. po'fd "Familyily F ly -Ia ' o fso m u i;ui ' I51iss V allt'y Finids,I, h shut down hut bauKh'steitestimony of the Kocial rela- I .husiast.stoCncurd'Alfiie ' ' The ' event is beinp sponso:sored by questions would1 haveha' been answered r In other trial aclivitI'ity Jud«u aviatinn cnlhu lias Hinco rc'opciu'ii. li«n!;«>■ «mc,a);ials. which wli has contributed So,000 trip s ti] till' fitrm to check on its leacue on T u e s d a y nif;ht.s and wpenlII quest. to keep-a doCumenl mail 19.‘),000 circulars cause. cai Organizers also are seeking s The county's mainmai concerns center , • propresH . . some limeme wilh iiome ns couples, liulll tain line nf questioninfj o I! pilou and familius. tu corporale coi sponsors suck .as.IS. Apple on sanilalion issuessues. fire protection M cOahd iiskfcl liimllilil if knuw th e tlia t’s i t,'' iBabcock .said. Walker andd dcnce.: town Julv 21-2;j ‘21' have been pul on C Co om puters, Bell HeIico)iU;r:era and und liability, < it is going to take farm was crnwinc nm;iiui.shrooms. Siirbau(;h,^h, one of 12 investors in thee ,, , • hold, said Haiaary Uinuhart. ori;ani7er Canon Ca in hopes of niiikin},' thihe event "1^ don'l think it "I \\a s Hill! !>y lla-iheir imdj'ut ihey project,, titestified thal they liud n !n a motion Thursday,, lilahol-ir.slIi „r „,r :)rd uinual Family Fly-In Fx- self-supporiini;. tel theril^^ that longg tot confirm ’.these w eru fjoitit; to haveive inuHhrooms." lonR-standindinK social friendship withh requeued thal a bank‘ Jocumi.nl Counly officials expect alx)U:iut 1,000 things," Commissiossioner Bob Haaken- sday. T here is u heck Ufibcock sa.d. ••! u asis relyini'nnr tlieir Babcuck.k. which included frenuetilit stamped wilh nn order to11 ((li'slriiy nf. Tf/c wouldd like 11 toj'o further,' Bine- airairp lan e s a n d 10,001) aviatioiion buffs snn said Wednesda) \lene Air of a lot of liabilitylity out there and we ^ information." dititier.s aand even lLuro),;'an vaca-1- te r re a d in g iinti a n y <|ue^lestionins of -]!"iiowuver, if lhe counly toto converge on the Coeur d'Ali L‘mu park are nol about to stickstic o u r neck.s out, " tions. such order.s be disal!allowed as doesn't wanlll 1 this event, we will ac- TeTerminal and Silverwood their )w to an- Rinehart rcfcrrutirrud to tJie economic “Till'’informationI I I tiad .said th e re evidence in thisca.se, cepi t h n r l fFwc w. dnn't have it resolved bubul said organizers were stow swer counly concerns. impact of such an event,■ pointing to w oulti i)u ntii.sliroiimns." s.' lie said lit nn- • Hiiliciibcock said hr. didn'l recall11 ■“ Yesterday W alker’s atto:torney, Dick by Mav we,e \will piick o u r te n t," sw Dave Bruce, Kootenai'opeperalions state Department■nt ofc Commerce esti- ...... iilliur — .. any conveiverjuitions wiih.Uuj.’Jivcstors■s -Grccncr._asked.butik._lui. lutin..ofrK-er ...... I f / > 'i r . d 7irAIunu is nol interested director, sa id a 22-point .Jist;t of cun- mates thnt familic.liiics spend Sl-19 per Durinn Ilabcock'ss li^imony, li sev- in springnj! 198T) concerninK m anai'e-!• Bruce Sumtner.s if iie hatlad ever du- in the celebiebratinn. Rinehart said dii r Kiilispell. .Mi.-<.‘^oula ami ceicerns senl lo the Fly-In backi:kers had day while on vacatiication. oral inconsistcnciu's!s i(iiy;ri,'edi from m en t off tthe project.. Surbauf’h andd .strnyed bank documentss or( had ac- Caldwell, or !• previouSTe.'^timony: J Donnie M(M cl'ndden, another investor,-, c ess to a p a p e r sh re d d eT, r, S u m m e rs • ihibcock ti'SlifiL'd'lu d lh a t hu did nol testifiedJ .th.tl a t B abcock wa.s in clo.see .said h e had re a d su c h d o'C c i um enls iiul m » * knnw (ioni'ral Manaf;iiafjer Kamal Hy- contacl \v.\vith them durint; this limee didn'l knnw if th e han k h;ihad u p:.pcr jV O Hfl------d e r wa.s noinj; to w rite a memo crili- period, sh red d e r, cal of llic proji'i't in May !i)HC>. In McCiibelhe al.so -liroufjht out an inter-r- Idaho P'ir.sl a tlo rn ie s said si Thurs- . Contini:in u e d f ro m P a n e B l fessiimals fu: to begin teachinRlg al the The Greaterr Twin T Fails Area earlier testimiiMy, Walker Wi saiif Hy- bank infoiformationai memo receivedd day there was only one.' such> docu. iij, ihoUf’ti „ „ lliu IF A opposes se se co n d a ry level w ithout ha>laving to Chamber of Comrrimmercc has already dor had writti'n thule imemo at Hub- by Babcoicock in 1985 rcgardinK thele ment and that it should be1»-conndra- „,„ii , “the ■ mosl productive firsl fir complete the educationn coursesi begun working towardlov more citizen cock’.s suf'f’cstion. ■'Hyder had a quality of the bank’.H loan portfolio, lial" bccause it was meaijnnl only as luuld >;el more l!i;in lazy, retiuired re for regular cerlificalalion. involvement, accoiccording to chamber nicetinK 'vilh Balicocl:ock and B abcock 'Did yoyou relate this to lhe Bliss!S client/attorney correspondindcncc, unproductiveI’e teachers."I Alternate leachinj; cert:rtificates director .1. KentI .Just,.Ju said hu lietler .startirt coverinK him- Valley venture?"vei McCabe asked, McCabe countered nnd f snid. ;aid ,,,1, deliate aboul upgrad- would w< allow a former AmalgiIgamated He said the chanham ber plan.s to form ■ . seir."W alkurte.stinud.ied. "No,"ar'answered Babcock, 'There is a theme in ihis c n su lh a l perintendenl certification S Si upnr Co. ch cm ist, for insUi;lance. to an educalion comn:immiltee next fall. • [Jai)c0ck toid jurorti ju Thursday "Weree :you aware uf concern byly th e ban k p ra c tic e s d ecep:ption. t All of lias never been resolved, teach te, secondary chemistryry whilo “It will be helpfuIpful and an oversight ------.(lint ht' had no active^ve^tinrunniiif; the banknk of Uie quality, of tJu:..loan—.n-a-SuddL‘i\,lhcy'vc_iloi_(>nii ®-S'J^'-'^!B^And-»-l»(;islaislalivt^ push-tx)-^el betU:r. .pickinj:.up.eduealiua.pL credibs in.sum-; to the school disiritstrict,*-Just said, ih it the operntion and thnthal he didn'l like- portfolio?'io?" asked McCabe barra.ssinR document thehoy want lo for f„, extracurricular acliv- m m er school, Noh said. it w on’t ju.st he be a pat-on-the-baclv Hydur coming to hihim with com- "198T)I w as a touR h y e a r for bank.n;.H keep out," ities has beenen st.a!led, And il would allow college committee.’ Annlher refreform Noh would like to insiructors. in who dn not neeced state Businesses arere interestedi in quali- see is allern;'rn;ile teachinj; certifica- c ce ertifica tio n , to move' to hi^’l'gh school ty education, le he said, s because they pObitLuaries— I tion, which1 wwouki allow outside pro- leaching. le wanl (lualityempkn p lo y e es. > h Air Fore,orce. A fler hin diiiclinrne from1 ward d e rk in th e .Sprincd„:dal.. 2nd /Vina G. H ig h ir Force, Ihey moved to Filer. Ward. TWIN KAI.USi - Nina G rinUh ' Horc- d ivorc'd in IfW . In1 Survivin« nr.' Ins wif.- ..I Hij;h. ill, (if ii(ii»i-,»i-, and form.-rly of iiry lO.'iO, he »tarti‘d lo work; IWO noiin. Handy B, Olm.n < Hey,^burn---- 'IV in Kiills, dirciI \1Wcdni'«day. April 11- iitnti- depiirlm im l of liiKh-• Buy, Wis., nnd H.innld !..,. Oh,..n( .if 20. Ill n .i..,. .uT.inK hom e of ^ whi-rc he worked for :iO yearn,, Miiple Viilley. W ash.; iwo itx nnd Miiraiarann. A ri.., l.of..r.- ubniilleti. urn. They moved to Condinn- Tbe funi-riil will 1'.- al d.do^ lunch at the park will be provid- enter. Bohon midsaid entries should be niovini: tu 'IVin FniFnllH in liir.O, Thi-y ''■•yl'om retirinir in 19K0, Ttn-ndiiy in lh.. Spnn,;d.il,. 2 lie out lo simple so the ogologo can be pul on hats I n-maincil in 'hvinin I Fnllfl until itv’s main transformer is led'( to volunteers who corne . Morgan hnd nerved nn jireMi-. Church, 20(1 S 17-'. F.. Bur;!£§: and letterheads,s, etc.et Entries mast be wlu'ii lli(-y iniivcdd I..ici B.iiii.; to Ih- m-iir ai'n. llnliby Dosiiain. head help. la .if lh e Idnho Stnle Kmployi-eHH Binhop Paul t). -Sthali r mt thc-ir I'hK'iil non,I, Mr,N Ui«h died in . submilted to lhele cci ity office fay J u iy 1. iiilion for th e Mini-Ca.Hnia.1 Burinl will be .11 :i no p.inn Tii.-silay nf thu Kll'Ctl■clrical D e p a rtm e n t, loltl 19H7, Mr». Hiijh, wiwn« a h.ispital v.il- A^ocnili • The council tabled a dececision on The winner willII bebc announced al the i-r. He then nerved nn HecnrUiryy in lhe Miirniv Cilv Cein,a,I'h rv, Mur- the ciitincil.I. The '1 cily lias been usinn iinlocr in Ariinnaa nndiii Idnho, chiipU-r, ireaH urer for lhe Wnynidee rav. C lah. Fri..i'ds may cal>all at Me- ijortahlu transformer tr for the pasl a bike path after di.scussiotiion o where Heyburn lloedowrlown on Aug, 12. The Siirviviiij; nri'. lwiwi, Hichard es Dome/itic W nter Service fromn Cullochs Fun..ral llnm.. fr,. 'in ^ it would be located, CouncilnIm an .Nile w inner will rcceivt•eivo SIOO. IUkIi of liuim-, and Uohi-rt Mitjli of ' while the permanent one «). Ik- wan nh.0 n member ofif p.m. on M.milav ami prior t Bohon lias a sk ed about a bike bi palh • Dohon saidti ChadCl VanTasscI has 'INviii KiiIIm; oiu0> iJda.iKht.-r, I-uc.lh- was overhaullulled. j \ ^ a l Hiflo Asmicinlion, andd nernlon-l\iesday. ^!l•dlyl. of FliinMi.fTlafT, A n i.;l-U n > n d - • T he courouncil accepied the hi^h alnni' “ 21st Street, which ha:las heavy been hired to bele thth e re c re a tio n direc- I pant niiiniber of the Buhl How- children: in— '"Alzhi'imiTii Af*»iK-li.onntion--C.-m.-i--Tor-"';f'^' " Flora Smilh Chiill.-rlon. S St i-M atw kin s^^ uhl; eighl Krimdchildrcn; four lU'scnrcli. -IfiJO ()\Overland Hd„ No. ated ns vah'diclan.in .,f li.iK.-rman li . » C o n tin ,'rimddauKhU-rH: and four Hlep- tinucd from Page Bl • aall parties in the bniikruptcy:y suit will nnn-liligants." •JU, Hoisi-, .'■.,.>rtoth.'Salvntion o IliKh Sch.Hil in 192.^1. She HreatKra({randchildren. He w.a» preced- ire lhan l(X) area farmers, Itry to iron out whal issues arear slill in .Meanwhile, the milling apd mar- Army. !' C,.-orne I). Th.anps.in on>n ,Iiine 'l ed in. d.denth hy hin fnlher in I97f., 1!»:I7, in Klko, N.'V. Tb<- fafam ily s.-i- se v eral bankinks, and o lh u r huan Li);«nr'''“i'rt.; panicul.'irs- will 1)1- iinnnuiKrd.-.-d hv Kryiinldt. Fo- Fricnd.iidii m ay call a l I)eninriiyn (Iimd- .John C ato,, theth court-appointed I dnui:hter alter lh.. d.-ath ofol b.T hu-- comp;in;;iny owe.s him and w hal v wnn't he, Creenwood said. ni-rnl Chai-rl. ini:<:ha]hiipel from 1-7 p.m. loday h.iiid. She I'li.l r,.sidi-.l inI lh.-1 L.^^lIl proof hu ha.sa.s o fth e tiehl. The excitement 'dependsds on-how manager at Hawiawkins. estimated he I Dale R. Morgcrgan B ta imine E. Olson Vall..y Niirsm t: C ..nler siMiK-e th:it lia^jan lia.has scheduknl a pre-trial. r much money you have at sUike,"st he has lined up buyers buy for aboul half .j C.OODINO - DaDal.- H. Mi.ruan, 70, HUlUJIU.KY - Blain.- K. Olm.n. (5-i. ofIlf lim e. She work.-d nl ,1.C. Penn..y P, Cn lieaHni; forir ' 9:;iO a .m . .May ;H) whenI s said. "They tend to be borining for the the beans. c.rOoudinn, dii'd1 TtTh.irMluy, April 21'., Hurli'V,.y. dl.'d T hursday, April 27,7, m Keiiiu-wick. lilH'l, at dll' Mai;iia,:a- Vall.-y U.-uinnal lllHlt,, nnl llb e CnsHin Momorinl Hospi-li- Mrs. Tli.imps..ii was a m.-ml..-rn of ______. M<'diiiil (•.•ot.'v tal. theU iti.m •l.'-.lh Ward LDSs C( hurch cnevron II.- w,i. l.nrn .MilMav 7, 1 .1.I. III.. llirn nlli'm lrd I.D.S mission iii: lo Toront.i Caniula in ^ 2S coll,-Ki. in I.ul.l.iiolliiiok, T.'xas, for two I'l-lti-IH.•IH. He th.-n Tiiarried Dorothy L. Th.. I\ni..ral will be .it -I B A M > y..ars. il,. niarr.-.ln.-d Lillian Tvr.iy’in l.utliyoly on Auk. 12, 191!), in llio Idaho■ll. urdny in tb.. l.oi:;.n Vail,..,1..y Nursnii: Oi-lolxT l!>in In liH2, they m.ivd Fnlls. I.D.S1. Temple. II.- worked as a.1 (\'nt.-r, 1-lHO N. -100 H. I.l I>.s Ani:.-l.-v,, CiC:ilif. ih- wnrk.-.i nl n'ech;inlanical .-ncineer. mo.n r.-c.-atlyly will Ih- m the I).-serl Uiwii = o mRTHD E K E r n t d I Nnrlli Aiiutumiin ,•'Air. riill, wh.-r.' he ;n <'ur.'d a-M.nililr lllh.. It.'jr. plani' th a l .Mr.r. Olson < was active in lb.; LDS)S hnur priori., the funeral ..1al lh.- not:.. 7 a bonus SSIZE40-OZ. ^ .liininv ll.KiIitlU'.• tlrwn na his I'ain.ais .luirch,ch, wi.rkii'i: in tin- si-i.iitini; prii-•n- mi; c en te r .•\rran(;.-in..|itsis ar.- iin.lrr Kil, * Dimin ^ J ini:>:iiv.'rTntvS'iiks.i Ii,-hilrri.nli-.l..d ,:ram.1. ;ia t.-acli.-r in viirious orf;iini7.n-n- tbe dir.-ction nf Allrn-I lallill M,.rliiar> ■ " O l / ^ r : / KUENUF IMI i J WEED-B Miui MTv.'il a-. Ill,;]Ili,;)u I iiiiin.'.T 111 t)x' li.in-.• aand m.i-^t r.-c.-tUly s..rv...l nn in l.o,;;in. 6 ®® Servi/ic e s-^ — r l \ ------LwE£[> WEEDBGCON or ^ w i n i - Th.- ,;r.iv.".ui.. .•IT- nu-m..I- ,.ri., un.h-r th.' direclion of th.-h.- lii.n of th.- I'm-.- Foil,-ralIII Cbap.-l in E | \ 1 -; )HM- - '! VK-.' n.r An.ui V ..Sirnkliiiui) llill’ik- W,H„|.1 ll.viT11 Fuii.-rai Chapel in lliii-in- C itrus H.-ij;lit.-., HOLLLSTKH • The f. = ^ “ = O r i h o ^ ?l^\KLEEHUPfREADY-TO-USE * 9 8 ■ ,T. ('O, l.r S|I.,V,;.|IIs;iiii-, W.|..h , and l.ir- l.-y 21 u: r,r:j< tonic V;£E;£EOOGON ■iiiii,i*r. 3 _ nu'tlv ol W,.n,l-ll.-•11. wlm dll'll Tu.-iliiy, IIACACFUMAN -Tl'.- in.-n'oniil ser-•r- M.iry ,lan.- Byruin, IiH. ,,f.jTioilisier \ _ _!.0F ^ ^ g a i c . c - c j M KLEEfJUP-i.i-, EACH will I... .It in ..in,iin S.iliiril:iv ..I llie vie.. Inr.,r l.la ili-l.." D.-bn... !M, .if of wbo .iied Monday, will he,e at II a.m. \ K lf Wi'iid.'ll Ci'iii' l.i-rv ty witli lt„. l{..v -I'l-.h lian.Tii,-rii.:i.', wlu. .ii.-d W.-dnesdiiy.iiy. today .It W hit.. M ortiiarlary Chap.-l. \ ^ ' Je t W e ^ ■ ! llrlru-k c-iru-tutiiiatin,” Arr,iiu;ri,i.-nl- will t„-tl,- al 10 a.m . tnday nl th.- .Miii;ic•tie C rem ation will falluw. A rn an- un.i.T tlu-:i,- ,in ,c li...... th,- \alt.-v.•y -Miin.ir ,\ Krav..:iKi.- li.Tvic-ic.. are und..r lh e dir..clion ’^^READ YTTO-USE Hillin,:rr |-iiii.t;iIralii.im , ,n.^p,.kan.'. will f..lfnll.iw at 11 a.ia. at the Miikit-,-r- M orluarv in TXvin Falls, CAIJKY Til.-h.- l.m,T,il r„r I'hilip ni:in1 VC..in. t,.iy Fri..nds may call al nl TWIN FALLS - 'I'he• I.I .... ,■„ ORTHOl o - K i m GALLONIKLEENUP m U) Shirley Mae C hrist..nsen,( AUu. .‘SlNlil, 7.-.. . C..I,•^, wh,. .ii.'d iVinar,laravs W.-nd.-ll Chai...l fr.ini !I-U) '.liS'.-'fiVm Woor&(&OutdoB I '^ Q l f I S,M.-.r.,c .,l|.. XI ^ 1 4 9 8 . l.Hlay. FnlU, wlu. who .■ nii Pays..r>H^ , . llui.iva.w f.ni.■..I... in lh,- F air Oaks Ci-ni.’tiTy.•ry. lllnh. Arraiii;emenl.s arere und.-r the g-l — — III ■•III* 16-16-16 LAV : l,„..r pnui U, lh.II.L lun.M l. Arrun^:aii^;L-iiieiiU. a rc under Un; diruc- iLreCtlOnnfWhite MortuaI'aO’ . ----- \WN S GARDEN FOC It- on?..o irr"c4ic' Oarj-:rj cc-i I . . . ^ ^ llEEreSsE OOP ^ 9 8 1 ______i?=' ORTHO-KLIjoRlMTKiiZi^ ^9B Hospi)itals— r a B i MACIC VAI.I.K.I.KY JU;C10NAt. MKDICAl...C C K N TK K M r and Mr.,. n, G, Richard Bevan of Twin i-‘altalt'i; and :;nns tn ^ No-vioihe!irrctocoai M r nnoa3ieaf ; lv,.ii .iDhliMin, K.ixann,. K.l Wisk, M r. (;. Ua-lui.luird llevan, V.,,ik,.nVinFallFallH. Gj iARDENINi uomeioo.v,|iicuin.if>r■ ORTHO WEEDB GON will .1 d.in.s nn.l .Mallh,-w l.h in .in ,, alla of -IVin : M rs !lraril Ad-in ln*n Anc C.in CC! useon.lfimrig yout e«istin(3 grass ' ; Fall:.; and Mr . Char!hari. s Ware ofBul.l. CMC/VSSIA MKMORLVL HOSI'H IP ..... • ■ ttL'cs v.iiriout h.itmuseo unotir shaae ana truit A d m ltto d : : ^ h ' K. i'aiil H.iki r, .1:111.l:m rt M. Crei.n. Unio ,' lii.uh.u s, Mr:,. Ixin- Audrey Hul.biil.biird of Burley; Pnd.-n f. B.iker llic .Ii.:.'..T and -CII,,n, ,Mr... ,Ii.|T..rv IxiU, Mr:.. Iti.ni:i>nnie Nels.m on nnd b iu ise•Hecnn7.one, He nil of Hup.-rt. — ------^— I nnd d:.ii,;ht.T aiulI ,l..hn ,lu \',i..aii:ui..ln. all nflV .nm F.ill:i;1 M in­ ;es E ffective A pril 2 cni. H ..d..w iirilai]'i.n.,,.n H .Tvdi.nihiw hnofllii^rlKton; .n FvaCrav U rlcnK cd iW' 7 ? ! ^ 128th-30th j mid Ch.'t .liak:nn,n, l..uh1 ,.f H..i..Tt; Mrn. F:it MiMillu:.in nnd Ja.^nn Chrii.l,ml. Olive Flmer, Pntncin Cut Blue Lakes IV Mr:.. Hr..|it U .'in k, i,, I. l-|l,.r;nndM rH . .!..hn,n > Niitt-ch and Heiiu.-, Mary HillHii Iiml U D aw n V.-lasco, all of snn o r J i nini.. Mall n irtliH HirtJlH I>nii):ht..rK t.. Mr..Ir. .ii.a. Mrs. D..nni» P ark er of.).■f ,), r,>m,-; .mil A Imhy to .Mr.,lr. andi Mrs. iJandy Huhbaard ofofBurl..y.

i ■! i . I . > Ftid.iy, Aprilll 2Q,2 1989 Ti(iior. Nev,r,. 7wi_n- v a ry from s ta te lo statista te ,.im t Uve lo- .his guy Til call Michael for tw \b ig a il te. They art nice people, bul h| flood-plilain desicgnation , ° a • cal Iward of heallh reqrequires lhal un-,. ■oiilly they had nevi’ r Iwcn to a < yeaiyears.'l really love him4.but hc l/an B u ren Jll,™ •vvrapped rolls nttdminufTinsmaybc''- uf ' something thal simply kills me IfV O! ssy restaurant- Woll, wi- took :hen served only once. Iffthoyarenoleat- tht iiheavj-^nrl watcher. Detu-Abby m to one. They ate lieurtily, thi it, en, they must be thn)Wimwnoul. Howcv- • blockedi by Comigress ^When were out in public, whvheUier I before we left the restaurant, nlire or, packaged foods,, su pmvaival on my face, slie said, ’Theiie re ’.4 'H ow to Write Uotters ttei for Alt Oc- . lighi a.s well (lood-prone.. bbu t th e im p a ct should look*-- lool then he lolls me it’s jea S tev e Sym m s. 'W e mif;h every day from nuirriednv women who :ioiiiinIhing wrung witli tiiking those! cas;orL-:’ pmv/cfc.s .sa;n,a m p le letters o f pack up ami leuve," not be whatIt it was in latTi-Ga," he and insecurity on my part. jjjj, are miserable bcc.H'cause their has- ihing.sngs; you're paying for them. AndAi conpnifu/af/oiis. thuwk-)Viis, in k condo- A preliminan.’ Feder?ieral Encrg>- said, I know h e’ll n e v er c h an g e . I: don't bands novLTovercereame the habit of besidesides, I undersl;ind it's againstU th e Icnce.-i. r e su m e s a nnl d businessh let- Mana['emcnl Agency sludludy has rec- Heavy snosnow und rains, frozen friends frie act the same way. I do lawiV fnrfn restuuninl.s lo serve anjlfrlhini! te rs — e ve n h o w to) wrirriJea /ove /ct- o m m ended m o st of incorporporated Ban- ground undi a rapid winter warmup oven ovc wanl to ihink aboul whatin ts o c s hp hi’.vv Michael is mistiislaken. Il does hurt „ ^occsecond lim e; once il's been onI thetl Jer/ ll iilno in c lu d e'.s s Im/iDw fo properly . cruR be piven a floods plaiplain designa- combined to;o inundatei parts of Ban- on when’ hc liangs out with lhe old, he' l» took-il hurt,.I s VOU. And don’t let uible, b e nt/c/n?s.s chrf’ymcn,1, i^c /.^ovprnniL'iJt of- lion bccause historicallyly i it has had crofl with thrthree to four feet of water For p,„ .someone who’s 31 years ol ble, if nobody caLs il, il has to bi him lava guilt tripIn] on you for feeling throw , u id o n 'sa n c fo f/i' noodinf; pniblcms. In addiiddition to oth- a quftrtcr cententur>-ago. jictacts like a high school boy. rown out." Is lhal true or not? /Tcia/s. ivii ccure. His looking > er negative impacls. Hugeiiger said lhal On anothether rural issue, Symms Abby.• I lovo him, but I can'ln't see jealous und inseci - EMB[BAR- ors. To ordor. sendl)vur >di mime nnd jel this way. Girlie k or money order would force potenlial developers de\ in told farmersrs iin nearby Soda Springs myself marrying a man who0 fs ta r e s c a u se s .vou lo feel RASSED RRUT:,TIVK Hc/dn-j's, p/u.s c/it'c/( or p o rn v id e o s, yol'.^ If 'jin!i(ln)to: the .town of aOO lo buy)uy expensive lhat he fearsirs attcfppLs will be made lit girls when we’re together• aand mngazine.s and po fo r $2.89 ($3.39 in C m ii }ign investment in Ameri- jfg g l it’s m a rria g e }-ouQU wanl. you need a d e ^let,P.O.Iiox-N7. flood in su ra n ce . lo ban forcigi makes me feel likt nothing. I DEAR EMBARRASSED: Accocord- Iture as the now Congress „ more manure marlan than Michael. ingto or of ' Afount Aforns,///, 6/ft'6/ft>J. (PostJ}fic is The dc.‘;i('nation wouldluld force the can jigricultu used. By the wny, Michael is c g to Jimmy Murphy, proprietor I ordinance re- considers fedc'ederal furm policy. DEARABBY:!{: My wife had some lown Iward to adopt an on se.ssed with girlie magazines i mmys, one of the classicst reststau- inc/uc/ed.) (juirinf; properly ownerslers lo build While hec hopesh c u rre n t policy Will i' s tru c tu re s alw vc lh e floeflood zone. If generally be extended in the 1990 m m m m m mm i m m m the ordinance wus not Tioi adopted, fnrm bill, Symms S; said he expects . iimdowners could not obta)btain fiood in- some senaloalor to propose burring . ! o m e M e e t surance. construction loaloans, federal overseas invenvestmcnt and "that could t TV P ersonality fuiancial assislancc or disasterdisi aid. be very devasvastating." I R a d i o & t y leaders were especinlljally concerncd ^Mthoughh / A m ericans m ay fea r for- lhe desifrnalion will discoiscournge com- eign investm;tment. Symms said being I Fred t Wix panics from locating orr expandingcj in bought outt byI an overseas invostor the southeastern Idaho) cco o m m u n ily could b e thle e bestI thing that ever hap- "If th e y w ould case off (on the fiood pened to a dedebt-ridden farmer, plain and flood insuranranee require* Still, highigh market prices could mcnb;. that would helpIp usi economi- shave Sl-1I billionb from farm spend- > rald Tblman, ing, he said.d, L E l cally as a town," suid Ger; ^ I Simplott Co. brcsaks off negotiatitions witi;h PGI 11 IDA H O FALLS (AP>P> -— The J.R. planting has hns jusl begun in-eastern il Simplot Co. has brokencn off contract Idaho. nei'olialions whh the PotatoPoL Growers Simplot. hashi gone out of state and _ S atu rdday, April 2 9 “' ill of Idaho, who say thele contractt the settled a contract co with growers in ■ 1 :0 00 -3 : 0 0 p.m . " 5 adhering to is Malheur County, Co Ore.. thut conics ■ ■ processing company is ad C o o k b o o ks to r autographing anc:a n d ! ; • less than farmers madelc 151 years ago, closer to whal wl Idaho farmers have i goodlet Ior saiam pling w ill be avallalU a b l e ! ; | said John Rooney, PGI‘Gl director at been rcqucs'icsting, 23 cents higher on • Blackfoot. the averagege thnn was offered to PGI, S im p lo t h a s la k en it;ils 1989 con- Rooney said,lid. i tr a c t ofTer directly tto growers. ] u c C i's5 fioo^stoio r e . seeking a S4.-10 p e r hun- •-i i K BM - Rooney on Thursday; sisaid no PGI PGI is se I l l s Avenue 734-88fI860 j I member can sign a proprocessing con- dredweighlhi contract( pricc this year, a "794 Fall Downtown IWInIn F a lls 7 334-4343 4 - i I v, tract independently, whiA'hich w ould be h a l f c c n t pper e pound increase on the a violation of the membe■nbership agree- raw produicluct. T h e 1.200-m em bcr C " I mh m sm m m sm m sm sm M m enl- groiip hass hhad no increase in its con- k is up to Simplot to:o iiin itia te a new t r a d w ith1 SimplolSi for three years, round of talks. Rooneyysaid. sa Growersrs areE looking or a price hike Rooney said Simplot'so fs 1989 potato to cover increased inc production costs, 1] ■ contract pricc of less thalh a n S4 is low er su c h a s chemicals, chf power, fuel nnd lh a n th e pricc o f) 5 year;ears ago. Spring seed.______J-A fL m fined for eme ploying HE R igby mar BRASiSS I ■ WATERBBED ■ alien not authorizedb tto w ork w , CONDIT!^ operated and agreed lo nev- PLANT SSTAND RIGBY (A P )-In thelh e firs t pe n alty T bylor coopc in Idaho under the new federal im- er employy aian illegal again, said Mnrv migration laws, a Rigl-ligby man has Mohrman,1, i also of th e IN S in Mon- $ c • been fined S2,000 forir employinge an tana. No ) o other penalties were im- i alien not authoriied to work in the posed on thethe business. ■ United States. T h e finene is the first imposed in ______2 dcr the Immigration Reform J 9 i Lyle Taylor, ow nerr o(of Taylor Pro- Idaho undci r a i l ducc Inc.. originally wasA'as fined $3,200 a n d C ontrol,roI Act of 1986. BRAS DAY BEIEDS I by the Iramigralion andanc Naturaliza- In the: finalf agreement between . lion Service for hiringng nn unautho- the INS ancand 'Hiylor, h is com puny was r (FRAME 0^ to sto p h irin g illegal work'- BAR STI rized alien and for failunilure to file the ordered to proper forms with th'th e IN S . said e rs. I t al.soso w as ch arg ed w ilh 11 vio- i i i i j k 'j : Robin Henrie. an agenc,ency attorney in Iations ofr ft failing to properly prepare Uplcna. Mont. and updateate a form which establishes u ; The amount was red'reduced because employmenlent eligibility j z BRASiSS7 = ---- 2 PI CiPIECE SET < WATERBEEV P BEDROO)0M ■ CHEVALNMIRROR LOK COMPLETE ; E CHEST w m F $ o q ' 6 3 7 7 ; Sca

/ B-4 Tfiday. ApApnl 20. T909 Tlmcis-Ni.-wj,i, TwTwin F.iKt. Idaho i S p ot r t s ( M l - i u m c[jle n n s F e r r y b o y s , D ■ e c loI g irls tto p m e8Ct [ crc appeared lo be some . striking harird in the sprints with1 JonJ e;cpected.depth, there ..'ria,k,'li. Mv;, r.' ( By LLARRY HOVEY their dilution in the girls■ diidivision among Wendell, imc.s-AV'vs w ritiT Hartway nndnd Duncnn Farris, won th( divi-sion willilh a 75-point plurnlity ovor ov Glenns Ferry nndid Kimberly and that Declo. Meanwhile, the DeiDeclo carried thc less numumorous Filer Wildcats ^ ’ * * ' juUrEreiUJ j KIMBERLY - Magic Valley'sjy 's C la ss A-T* r u n n e r -u p Dt U>i. Millik. I'Kckci■nckcr. -Sutrlii*' *'1. '■( I irst look nt girls, unveilsili'nK u high-scoring setct of into second place, tr■uck u e team s took their first iionVGlenns Ferry struck lor..--n I'l, .1 1>rcl..bak«r. Hill. n/tmoon and found little chan; d seconds in the- 200 u n d i «: with 85 for runner-up ri Filer in the anmnnual first in the 1(W a n d s :a r a g o . • •ICO. Farris won the• quhrterq i and was third in ‘ *■] On a windy day thjit hamperedred tim es and Bulldogs Invilk-iUitional. , Mr.llr; - 1. KimUrtv (Worm.l^lirr, Uil lowed thc 200 before Wehdelidell senior Dean Surplas 41, erform unces, the Glenns FeFerry boys. i While Deciiclo nnd Glenns Ferry shov, ' Good m orn in g . It'sfl FiF riday, A pril 28. nipped Hartway byly a£ tcnth-sccond fnr-the ‘i'--' 200-molcr crown. Thursday's scoresIS Along the way, Gleijlenns Ferry got u double I lU iiv'* W«nJrlU IS« n*ld KrmUU , fro m ju n io r J e s s e Ixjpez Ixi in the two longer 1.0.-.r,l..ul.l).iU.3I U..II...i».(;K%".1 K..I«. distances and.fihoshowed off some new f r.r,. 4 Surplu.,W.HV. H . n Knu-lfi. I),ft5 m m potential in freshmarnan Hodge Hamilton who Tr,|.lrjum,.-l S,m ...r.«.l;-J K„ ...... ! got up in thc finalal strides: to nip Vulley |.'“J American Leaguee J , ^ favorite Pete McDomonuld in th e 800. , 1 llrackrnlwtf).. I), liv "I th in k H odge ju.siju.st figured he could run k-h with these guys whei-hen he ruh against some i ('nlcl.rirltl. (;K. n(vl of them last week," sa ^ id Q )a ch B ill B rock. n,iII,u','i)jr.h'l.-,, 4 sI^lrn,(:K >0:iI llnrllnrr...0K,7.fi •1).MU.-1 l’rn„.r.i;K. I S I; 2. Un. Hamilton aiso nddedled relay and,field poinLs ^ :■ (-crdn. CK.'lOtf-l; <1.. National League to thc Glenns Ferry•y toU ta l. II.., Cl.iraii

on tho track and the long jump." Giiri 'vrjs—— til) 1 n.'rfy, <:>•. IJr.; •Juln l'ilnr«, NBA PLAYOh'FS> second in the triplelie jump,. won thc 8C0 a n d run legs on Declo'so's winning 800 and 1600- j*, Nr. Y |)..rni.Ktu->. I), riii; r. IV-d.b,«d. llnti. 3H; t I’rr'f,, 1‘nrtlnnUlll l^» ^l|!»lr>. W ■ "They just do the;k‘ cvenLst I ask them to - J and do them well,"11," explained Darrington jj> 1 Hcrrj. (IK. 31"; it. K. K. 3 ('ro«fi)fU, Vi. who claimed he didnidn't sit up nights thinking •.ri,< " ii,„ i,r ..K .:n n u v ri,. K.nio,,ni 0,.: Jcnwn.l) rtl> lnir1Ui>l. V, M H.. I! hl.ki-.Ifc.ll K. .vr.i. ^ ofthw e ran* combin.bination of events. t'rrri. Cf. ur,, i JlarnnK-f-n. DK. .V.i’; The other doubliib le w in n e r in th e g ir ls h. Today *0-1 il .Miller. I). IU. llrfrj. OK division was Pilott Kim K Berry who won thc ’■'v'!!dMii ’‘'h-'rv ■ rilKi'llA.SKilM.1. nd started thc winning HI) 0. Millrr. I).-J./K-Jli ll'rafO.I >rr. 1 pm ' short sprints and i medley relay,. llamnKlun. l).2r>ci..’i Dll - h O.Ir,(-,i.l. I)..lm l T h c fin e - tu n inlg g thel coaches will do to ifii. i II M,iirf.ii.>;tK4.: Sl^^l«•rv^r. V; Ur.ISi.ln>. j m '. help their team andind individual showing for y K.fi Mfi. fi 1 ^i.rnlH:tii. r. V, 1.1 K.; - l.it 1:51) pm — Chnnncl in.\X I’CAI Kolf I-.i VfE». ( will .continue nextct wv eek w hen m o sl te a m s ^ liT. lUoil, CK, 17 US will compete in the10 IDeclo Invitational, lUlar EftnU cl Cki pm. - Chonn«l H, MU id he would take his girls Darrington said I I. -: \Liir, W.',. :i tiirr.vi"; < jvtiujvri, ai. ^ (i-.ii.-k-in Ci. h — amnlirl fl. NIIA■;|1A lij.kfll...ll Kir.l inw.J ^ .1 'team lo tKo Minico;o Invitational1 &Uurday "to pU;uir>, I)TRv«r al I'hawnli. run against the dat:la s s A-1 team and maybe JrrJki.i". .Millrfl I I. 2 ' K.lr- .la li. .1 WVlHlrll i UlV, * V.M.; ■ ' I ' ^ H |H getourcomo-uppam Ild/a illTlflon !Mr',llr>-l (Mr’ir,. tVrr, clicrr,. Y.Yi.imK, I’crrj. Z«l..liii Kiml.i-fly::i:!). K.irr-: in .t : v»iir,2 ir.s 111!.-1 l)erlu iJ^iV.n.. Uf.nrJ,l, T»M>fr.T.r. MilIerM SK 2 ir- ^ ' Inll'InllTlducl KxtiU

Hettie Dcjon)ng signs ■ TnpU jumi.- 1 KiUd. l>. .tl-1; i T»ni f). ni.iw;. 4. ntokr.lrr. K. 1H H; ?.■. Dal)Arrins»nn, 11. XV2; 6 U of I letter-!r-of-intent VuuMk-.tJK.3U TW IN FA L L S - HeliHettie Dejong, a two- • Schr.fl. W, 4 D.’ ^-l.I. »S 1l:.l»ntd.,'(iK. 4-4;r, ^ " ' s s i -I'l. I XWinn.ti.iVrr, K. ..i.'. '• ^ Jrn.cn. year starter for Coll!ollego of Southern Clrm.n.. W, Idaho, has siencd a letter-of-intent1 to (IK. Kill. AMcr-in.C. 5.V»;5 lUllcii.mIcii.inr.(;i--.;ir...i M».m. play basketball forr thet University of Idaho. Shui Sch.-nk. <;K, ). 2 :Mi«jn, K, SH. J lUe) Dejong, a three-year:ar starter for Burley w .r-.’ High School, is consideiidered one of thc best 1.1.ni! jum p-l Millrr. 1). I.V9;3; 3 M.irri~.n, K. 15-S; 3 shooters to como out: of the CSI program, Tim««-Mm pholo/UKE SAiaouRYSAI ^ IMmil. K. U.T. i McKinIr,. K. l^lU;HU;S i lliUonh. IlK, m o . CSI Coach Ben Strou(roud said at least four i ;ii«. i; ll<-n>.ii«lf». V. ; . illory of Declo. left, is hchelped from the track other CSI sophomoreorea currently are _ A tired Traci M o llo talking with four-yearQr schoolss co ncerning basketball scholarshipslips. 1 Women's qualif;lifying rounds NBA J ~ D rrugs, stfreet critime set for May 277 ini Boise BOISE — Sectionallal qualifying for the Hawks takee Bucks in Gaim e 1, 100-92•2 ‘ 13th U.S. women's umamateur public links Them Associaietl Press including' twot victories ul Madison1 S q u a re ncern I(O C for 92 championship willI beb( held May 27 at G a r d e n , stayed s close the entire g LiSJ"'' Tho Associatedte d Press'* is im portant. I t is very clearlyclef linked to - Warm Springs Golf CoursoCoi in Boise. ATLANTA - A lough gamegan at a slow never trailililing bv more than seven poir the image of thc countrytry when people Is will be played June inick./trailed 92-91 after The nationnl finals w pace, exactly what the Hawkiwks didn't wanl The Kni ONA, Spain — As it pursues} come to seo us." n yon G o lf C o u rse in j,, lerscy Hawkins' layup willJ i'ih J - M ^ b a r c e l o r 2lr25 nt Indian Canyc nnd th e B ucks so u g h t. A ndd still, sl il wasn't rookie Hei 'ainst drug uso by athletes,, Street crime in Spainin vwas virtually jnly basket of the opening ega n m c of fiBht agair Spokane, Wnsh. enoughei for Milwaukee. left, his oh aonal Olympic Committee is3 nonexistent under the tl 36-year • iif-f) s e rie s . the Intemation Sectional qualifyinging will consist of IS Glenn Rivers said the Buciucks controlled the best-of- ■ another danger, bhe thatt authoritarian regime off Gen.G< Francisco ■' holes of medal playlay. Tho number of , the tempo, but Atlanta still1 foundfo a wuy to Then Ewing Ev drove inlo the lanee forf the “J inco's death and' hend for city-dweIwellers can understand —- Franco. But since Franco qualifying places availableav al Warm win, 100-92, in the opening gatigame oflhe NBA field goalill t h n t p u t th e K n ic k s a h e i the transition to dem ocracjracy more than a ' ermined by ihe USGA p ilkins, whose previous seasoi.son llich »ti«{tcnmo Springs will be deterir playoffs. good. Wilk J four doys of meetings in thes decade ago, new, freedomdoms havo been' ) Muy 10, said event )oints on Nov. I.*) at Houstonlon. then Inctangfoi after entries close M "This game truly was a struggle,sti for us wus .'W poi ir the 1992 Sum m er G am es, accompanied by new K-92 with a jum per with 2 :ffl0S le fl >'"** ‘ Chairman Karen Darriarringlon. „and them," Rivers saidd aftera joining made it K>- m t Juan Antonio Sam aranchtl problems,including drufIrug use, which nnd additional j; an exchange of baskets;ts. Ron IOC president Entry forms Dominique Wilkin's in scorin^jring seven points After a Thursday new steps in thee authorities say is responsitnsiblo for most of le o b tain ed by w ritin g j, ■n hit an outside shot to doclose the announced Th informution may be o e a c h in th e final G::M. "It wa^was n war. They Anderson , including an agreement thatt tho street crim e. >4 S, Carbine, Boise, j, r-96 w ith 1:20 lefl. drug battle, m< D a r r in g lo n a t •ir)r>4 E slowed the game to their style:yle and you can't gap to 1)7-9 million-dollar mobile lab to0 In 1988, Spain recorde>rded 250 heroin er team could score agairail, until will use a m il 83709 o r by c allin g 3(32-m - m i. ccount on them missing; ullul those frt^e Neither pc tests at both major meetss overdose deaths amongg a population of Entry npplication.srns mast be received by j ly ,” M a rk .Jac'ickson, wilh three secondsIs leftI on conduct dope I th ro w s. We {;iit kind of lucky.” e sessions worldwide, 39 million, minisculo compom pared with the , rman by May 10. ;cond clock, hit a 30-fooler for a 100- and practice 8- the qualifying chairnu T h e H aw ks took th e ir 1-00 leadle in the best- the 2'1-secc ger of drugs in sports hass rate in big cities in other»r pjp a rts of world, ntage with 1(5 seconds renum a in in g .- The dangci df-5 series by maintiiining; theirthi mastery of 96 advant recurring theme at IOCC Statistics providedd b; b y COOB, the — Atlanta heal Two freeee throws by .lohnny N Ne e w m a n become a rc Cowboys QBi SSteve Pelluer the t Bucks this season — m e e tin g s, fespecially since lastit Barcelona Olympicic Organizing - regular season combleteded thc scoring. still absent froirom mini-camp ^Milwaukee in nil six re( summet's Games, G where Canadiann C o m m ittee, show ed 25 murderjs per Hjeetings. 37 aod Zl m urders . as (AP) - Dallas ' . sprint cham{.mpion Bon Johnson testedd million residents in 1987 ai IR V IN G , T 0 X.1 S ( hit a lot of big Q o l d e i "Down the stretch wo hi en State 123, positive forr 8steroid use in the biggestit per million residents inn 196819 in a city of Cowboys quurterbackack Sieve Pelluer was shots," Atlanta coach Mikeke Frntello said. rT*_t, i 119 drug B candalal iin Olympic history, 1.7 million. Figures for other crimes conspicuously absi>risenl again Thursday "We ■ knew it was going to be ni tough series. V j • LAKE CITY (AP) - Chrisris Muilin B ut a powow matter of concern wasIS were unavailable, from the teilm's minilini-cnmp, although his iBolh teams dug in down the.he stretch.; Thai's sc o re d •U -U poinls, including 18 in th e th ird voiced By S(Samaranch when he wasis Merode said that the> 10IOC had added a agent said he wanted;ed Pelluer tliere. , the way ihe playoffs arc." as the Golden State Warrii-riors ran aeked at a news conference aboutit new section on hormoneiones to its list of ’ by hitting a free '\ Joe Courrege. thehe player's; agent, said' Rivers broke a 7&-7D tie by ;ah 12.')-119 in th e o p e n in g: g g;a m e o f security forr thetJi Barcelona Games, banned doping practicesices, even though ,i„e and rtrorce Wednesday after meeting me wilh Cowboys th ro w w ilh G:3-l re m a tn in } ayoff series Thursday nighl.I. T e rro rissm, m a shadow over thele tests to detect such measleasures were.not 1 iissisliinl coach owner .lerry Jonesies and coach Jimmy W ally R o o n e y h il B u c k s a.‘ leanis play here Saturdayy nightii in Olympics sinejince tho deaths of nine Israeli•li foolproof. A sim ilar moveove w as m ade tiist clmicul foul before Johnson thal he want•anted I’elluer to attend Frank Hamblen with a techni I of the hcsl-of-r> .series, thenen shift lo ' uthictes andnd coaches in a Palestiniantn y e a r to m a k e bloodI ddc o p in g ille g a l, ond free Ihraw. , tlie n e x t tw o d a y s (if rm ini-cam p. Rivers could shoot his sccond d, CaliJ^.^ fo r a ga m e T uesdaylay and, if attack at the 1972 Munich G am es, wasis despite the continued absenceabs of a 100- he t'echnicnl shot ‘ Reggie Theus made the ' iry, Thursday. . just parf'o;*of the matter, the IOCIC percent accurate test, hhe esaid J . his second free '"-■Pf™'': and Rivers then added hi in shot'7-for-llfrorn the fieltield in the president saicMiid. The medical commissaission chairman throw, giving the Hawks an,nK-.79lend. 8 ,, uarter, induding l-for-2 fromom :i-poinl "We knowlow there are two majoror also said that six athlethletes found with d w ith 28 p o in ts . ‘l“ ‘‘ W ilkins, who finished w ind m ade all three free throw;Qws. problems,"," iSamaranch, a Barcelonaia illegal substances in theirtieir system s a l the 9.hefore the Bucks "'"S ' ""' stretched the lead lo8.t-79,be in p u t th e W arrio rs a h ea d 106-93 105 w ith native, said.lid. "One is terrorism. Thisds Seoul G am es were oott ideideotiOcd as drug hit two baskets in a row ■tito Bet within one. j------U^ ______fl in-the-gamc.-buL-Utali.s;i.storm ed... L_£xifita_in^SpSpflin*_a9,it does in otherer users or otherwiso punishnished because the n u t’Allanui opiinc^'th'ininrdlHloITv-rni;ain-on- ! Some peopl)ple have said rhurl Hailey, who rtnisbedd w^ ith 27, countries throughoutthr the World. But weA-e use w as accidental o r coucould not enhance another basket by Wilkins;ins nnd two Free J.'' irere in addition U> s c o re d in ii the lane wiih 1 ::M loftt a n d w as are convinvinced that tho Spanishsh performance. These were Larry Kryst!istkowiak can throws by Cliff Lcvingston. by Manutc Ijol. Bailey's freefrc' throw govornmente n t w ill tak e t^ll m e a su recs s the 10 athletes, includingding Johnson, who Milwaukee never got closerdo tlwn three Itah wilhin 112-110, b u t the JazzJu could against it.” were kicked o ut of tbele SScm u I Gam es for stop me. 111 think that'sX _ poin_ts th e r e s t o f th c w ay. d re w Uta ' g e t no cclc lo ser. He pointedited.as an example to the 1982>82 dr^use. very humordrous. I don't W insloilon Garland drove thc lanele undi wa-s soccer Worforld Cup, staged ih Spairin 'mriOCTB studyingg Wlw aj^ to' pare the think there'ie's anyone on New York 102, fo u led hy h, John Stockton on the W a r rio rs ' without anytly terrorist incidents. size of the Games, wtdchhich have grown to Philadelphia 96 n e x t po!)ossession and his free ththi r o w p u t The o th»er er problem is on the streetsts, 28 sports and 10,000 athletihletes. Sam aranch this planett thatt; can stop N E W Y O R K (A P ) -- Geriild U Wilkins Goldonn Stnte abend 115-110 w wi ilh 1 :26 from the pafm pa tree-lined boulevardid s said the board agreed1 in principle to the mme. scored a season-high 'M poinls poii and Patrick remuinirling. uptown to) tl:the narrow alleys of the pic}ld. firs t ste p in lh a t c uI ttiittin g , tentatively Ewing had 26, includinging the go-ahead Richnhmond, who entered thcth e g a m e Gothic section sec near tho harborir, 'dropping rhythmic gym{ymnastics, which basket with 2:50 rem aining'ng Thursday nighl, averagiii^ing 22.7 a g a in s t th e Ja z zz, , finished Sam aranch:h ers, who won fourfou of liix 'ifnm;es leadingg scorer; nt 29.1, finished wilwilh 22. He eradicated■d cas quickly as possible. Thi;his Federation, in August,t, ScSam aranch said. between the teams in thehe regular season, was scortireless in tho first quarter. <• Fiid.iy, /A piJ:U , I'JB;) Timc:;N,IIttins Pa'if,, Idaho B-5 White► Sox out]tlast Bost;ton, 2-1,, in 16 ilinnings Cubs ( beat Doodgerstosnaj.ap streak 1 the sixth to McGwire hithit two home runs and CHICAGO (API - Gregg Maddux: . , .. BOSTON lAP) —- Ozzic Guillen ■ with the bases loaded in t 1. , D av e ' Ile'ndciderson homered und outdueled Orel Hershiser andai G:iry N atlOnal na League broke up a 5 hour marathonm. with a AllHnerican League f^vu California a 7-3 lead. Ditched 6 1-3. tripled jn the go-ahead run in the yVarsho drove in his firsl run ni of the ” triple scorin}; Slovu,’L’ Lyons I with two ■ — - . IkTl niyleven, 3-1, pit U lliis for the seventh inningling Thursday as Oakland ^season \wlh a fiflh-inniniing triple mn as the St. St. Louis Cnrdinals out in the nixtcent'hh inningir Thur.'idny Marineiners rookie Ken Griffey Jr.r. innings and ullowcd eight San Francirico Ginnts • pitched the rallied lo beateul Baltimore y-i. tThursday as the Chicago'CiCub^ belli defeated ihf; San night Hfting the Chicalicago While Sox to had Illss streaksi of eight hits in eightlit v ic to r y . B o b M c C lu rc p T h e A thilelics. le who had their jyth e lx)S A ngeles D o d g ers l-l!U) to sniip 11>-1 Thursday. a 'i-\ victory in Boston'w Bo longest straightit aa t-b a ts e n d w hen he w alked;d fin al 2 2-3. li.q f ir s l m a jo r-le a g u t* : ’ - hree runs in seven-gamee winningv streak snapped jja four-game losing streak, T e r r y h it hi.'? I came in nearly eij;ht,;hl y e ars. in th u second si inning. The walkIk The Tigers scored thr ..ou W hitaker the nichl befoefore, came back from an • M a d d u x , 1-3. allow ed five.■e hits and homo nm off ,J(ieJoe P ric e in th e .sixth, With one out in the sixteenth, extendedled Griffey's streak of the lop of the fir«t as Lo' r and Alan early 3-0 defueficit and then broke a 3-3 g,struck out six for his fifllfth c a r e e r in n in g a fte r .singliingles b y .lo.se O q u en d o ; catcher Ron Karkorkovice. who had reachingng base to 11 slraighl times,s, hit a Iwo-run homer la. lie aiso doubled and ■ pitch for his tie wilh sixn runsr on eight hits in the j,shutout. Hershiser, 3-2.:, pitched and Tony Pena. I •• struck out three con:onsecuiive limes, but thatit endedc when lie struck oui in Trammell hii lhe next pi seventh. seven innings, allowing ththree hits, singled to p;ii:eealfhhitatuick. a : beat out a bunt lo the lefl of the the fifth.lh. His 8-for-8 streak tied thehe firsl home run. T odd B urnirn s. 1-0 . allow ed o n e ^ ru n ^one run and striking oui four'Ur. .m o u n d . club reco!cord. .y2 on three hit;liis over '1 2-3 innings in Hershiser did not allow i)!) h it unlil S a n D ie g o B .PP ittiittsburgh 1 • : Lyons Torced Kark'^rkovice al second, Mikei.‘ Flanagan.V 1-1. allowed sevenen N ow Y o rk 3, K a n sa s C ity: io. (AP) — relief of CurtCu Young to get the Mark Grace singled with twotw outs in PlTTSBUUGlKGH (API — After: l)ut-Guillen followed,’ed with his fourth hits in8 8 l.;{I in n in g s a n d losl a .shuKiul,ul K A N S A S C IT Y . Mo runs in eight- victory. Ericric Plunk finished up. j sovoral ' strstrong pitching' ies al bat. u’tie- in the ninlhni when Jeffrey i.eonardrd Tommy John allowed 2 r\ the fourth. hit in eight time.s 288th career McGwire,re, playing hia sccond ••perrurnTnnrmrlhvih<‘.Sanl)iPgoPadrc^ breakins tnple in to righti center. nnd Da^)ave Valle hit consecutiveve plus innings for his 28 elli got out of. game afterr missingn M games due lo St.5 L ouis 10, S a n F ra n c is c oo 1 l th in k thi'fron'eii.'^'reii.'ieisliflck.loo. A fte r D a rro ll Bus'hislon was walked doubles.‘s with one out. Duiine Wardrd victory and Dave RigheH I the ninth as a lower-badack injury, had his firsl coti Terry Carnielo Marline/,Mar hit a grand intentionally. Dave.•e Gallagher( added gol the laslla two outs. a bases-loaded jam in I ST. LOUIS (API — Sco ees beat the niullKhomet:)cr ga'me since Sept. IS, ^ game and slam and EdJ Whitson\V allowed six' v ', an insurance runn withv a single to the New York Yankee won his third slraighl gi Thursday. l9S7.alTexa:xas. • ^ !-run hniiie hits over eightIt ininning.'i a s th e P a d r e s : m ia 10. D e tro it 3 K a n sa s C ity R oyals 3-2 Tl went 3-for-3 with a three-r ' centcr scoring Guillelillen.. Califomi . heal the puiiclunchle.'is Pittsburgh' ANAH\HE1M. Calif (AP) - Claudel!lel! Jo h n , w ho w ill b e 46i6 on May 22. ^ jlked two nnd R f> ||if| Thursday night to: 1 W ashing-ngton drove in four runs withll a a llow ed se v en h its , w ait l o m e 8-1 'I'l T o ro n to 6, S e a ttlo 1 ns run-rule ^Mountain H< complete a threeiree-gamo sweep, SEATTLE (AP)’1 —- Fred McGriff homerr anda single Thursday nighl as struck out five as th PAIN HOM E-The Twin1 Wallace\ nt the end, ;he snapped Kansai! City'f «»llw « Thc.|»«.™=me the Padres swept a: drove in four runsns with^ a three-run the Cal;:alifornia Angels beat the Falls Bruinsins exploded for 12 ru n s in1 For the game Shane Ques winning streak. leries in Pillshurgh was' • homer and a triple,)le, leading Toronto Detroit!it Tigers IM . the fourth1 inningin Thursday to break. 3-33 w ith th re e H B IS a n d n ), p a s t S e a ttle 6-1 Thursday T h night lo Washishington's hom er in the fifthah I open a tight'ht game and run-rule lhe;■ SteveS Call wus two-for-fourl )-l, O ak lan d 9, B a ltim o re 4 rs lor k id s h e lp in g k l d t I spoil Mike Dunne'?le's pitching debut inningg off Charles Hudson, 0-1, „ P , M—H 0 om e T ig e rs 15-1. • pair I of doubles and four RF B Is a n d I T h ro o ch o « r* lo igle O A K L A N D , C a lif. (A j-lrooHyo« | w ith th e M a rin e rs.s. sn ap pled ed a :i-:i tic .-H e a d d ed a single uins, riihning their record1 Johni Homer had two doublM e s in two ailed 1-0 afler the first andi plate\ appearnnce.s. two bul they took the leadI Twin Falls winds up the by :y claim trcrack victoirtfies testing'the Boise Braves in a double- Musheers, Carey, . I’l: •• .S..T iii.h for k e e p s wiwilh a pair of runs in the t third inning. 1header beginning at noonn S a tu rd a y CAREY - Thehe Cnmaa County C MrfVuim, C.>r. .•,? 1, * K.'.cm. 1).; ;’’i ul, :i Srtxii.iMn. Ilich, ■ ! I'O'iifo'*- kic)i boy.s n ip p e d C a re y AV. -: .1 i;n-,.,, i).: ^ ^ '"*>.1 1 Kirl,u...l. C..r. ;T ».3 ■ UQS girls dominatedI theirth portion of a benefit frorrom eight walks bul theyy I;::!;:;;;,.... • ;ed out five hints, including 300 four-way track< meett Thursday bfinged ^ mul olxn , ijniil , n .ril M»,icirn'.ci'.7.i: a b a s e s -cclearing lc triple by Shayn ‘ And. ----. .srr SLitiii-iA. ii.v ------T iiu biuiliui-.M.Mti.-jte r lf!ii» of L-tnw ----- and Jan Kirklnncn n d p r o v id e d fo u r iijt,;,!.. lu 'im i' •; s s h a r e g d f ttitle-— 0 ON individual first plac)laces in helping lhe iey, BuHTsl i the Tigers P a n th e rs . llali; Kitnli HURLEYSY — The Buhl and Burieyy loam. Buhl out-distanced I ; c .rr, 1 jry - J -'^in.n.c.Tv g rap p i is 174-218, V.U5 The Northsidside Conference "‘",a"’'i I..B.J »l»-l C;.rr, Mr.(Ki-l..'>. V ppled to a lie for the Cross jf'nont members along withwi Rockland will T<. iir„., w,iu„i. S late Conimenference golf championshipp T, I collide in the finainai regular season su.t■Mil.' lu ' lUrn*^!'rc. - C •:if,MW)„u-..smiiti. 1*1 B u r le yy Municipal. Golf Course meet next Thursdind a y in C a r i’ v. ‘ '"’ni’.’.!,'!' Thursday.•aflerniion. a( llghl-K»dc Wil~,n, 7^», fit.I. b!. Uoriii n n^ictiS-Tu.iiT^ c,m..c-.,ir-T-:n-.; c-,r. ^ '■•K"^i"’"' - A f t e r the lh two posted 32Ts in .1 ,l.,>ir. »l, T< “ ---- : M). I>iclnchts,Uiftinf)iir. Kl.lJK..nu n play, lhe coaches .sent ull • Wl I CC regulation f ,.,c Zt.ll.. M, Ct>«,l ...... n members down the firsl idvortlsomeni-...... Indirtdu ^ ^ I7.|u’n‘'r i.'ci.'rliMi''’'''" five te a m i f ... im -1. llTi,.n. CC. ll for a one-hole playofi' which■h ’’'cc ‘ ffiirw ay for Glri»41»lilon 11 '.»J. :l Kltkl«nd.C. 1201; Il ,1 I'rfV. C«r.f«M., 4 Culler. CT, :il ...... 110 hurdUi — I HiliiHililjvhli.iim. Car. I'T . ^ -'I'l ■ Glrli Dlrliisn Vl. lluhl w on29129 stro k e s lo 32. [ f l a f y Il,n.rU,ir, llmth. girls captured their secondid iluM -C.nullc A.lr..m « , T»r. VOD-I ll.rn,n, CC. * 1 II. 1*^^It I.ir. B u h l's gil Iirfi.idiml i;.«nU 4 team titletie in as many days bulJl ^■''!rXnr--"j'rili.rnh.m X7, !>r. > ' •' ,li..rome winkviis th e only o th e r co m p lete ■ tone ■ I F ficn n ^ ^ ►r first dreBW man to3 Yellowst b y DDoug o D older Beaver ^^^■1 S«rvl< iBrldger.uW most lamous olimI all outdoor families enjoy, Jlm B the Park By Lelty Kreh italn men, was one of the earlyirly Within a 50-mllc radk TEN PERCENT (ijKkpendent Pressess Servicc) mountai He are many legendary titrout streams: SAVINGS T er trappers in this region. He ooKioQ to savo up lo ion beaver )Out th e M adison, G allltan.n. Yellowstone, Anyono DWSTONE, Mont. - came« oiout to tell many stories about porcont onI his aulomotiilo's fuol cost WEST YELLOW ip." Henry’s Fork. Box Canyon Ci of the 3in V wilh fogulor c ar main- U was lhe beaver’sr ’s fur thal first drew the pla<)lace "where hell bubbled up." my morc rivers. sDaoer reporters al the tlrne,me, Snake, and many, manj tonanco nd ca luno-up. This Is tho white men to thelhe nx)st unusual of N e v i^ numerous lop- conclusion1 ol a spark-plug manulac- lie lo grasp the stories, ridlculeculed Inside the Park are n natural wonders} In North America in unable f irst d r a w e r tr o u t stre a m s. The1 Firehole Is turor outvoyod thousands ol today as Yellowstone Bridgetger. In 1877, It became our firs nwldo. Caro in nood ol a what Is known lod perhaps lhe most spectctacular. It runs roallzod an 11 porconl National Park. Inta 11807, Manuel Liia’s nationamal park. rser basins and lere are sttU beavers in the areairea. through several geys« Incroaso Inn luluo! oconom y onco tho Missouri Fur TrdlYdlng Company con- Then [rom there art places wberere you can stand as poriormod. tho sufvoy slructed Fort RayRaymond at the con- But more m( gold has been madfi lnMi rs and catch fish, ial moroly replacing worn hortes of tourist and flahermeimeb in borie^hlUing waters Duence of the Bighorn and the hoi H avk^^lie close by bollltiling hot water spark plugs)s scsavod dfivora Ihroo por- Yellowstone Riververs as a cenler for thanI e>ever was made from turs. Hav im from a hot In )l costs. P erhaps Iho m ost traveled m'lich orthe world,, I'rI'm rushes to the strean sianling stalisitalislic w as tho ono which trading wilh InCIndians. To attract ing tra rtneed that-l hprft b more gO«Ldridry underground vent. JJrJrftRl rovoalod lhal four out ol fivo vohl- — —dientsrtasa-sent-jifJs In his Secrcferrel kennels 'H om g of as a snake" inn Wesl\ Virginia coal dogs lee you’ve never se(ieen before." he ^allill Polaris at 1-800-328-9975975. In MN, 1-800-247-6670,0. en was callcd upon by Silver.-erSpring, Md. irough the rolling assure No 'Hype '" country, he often' ‘said as he drove-Ihro Oder good at p.irti).irtlclpatlne ATV dc.ilcr^ N o P ress his older brolherher to jump bunnies Hislis crowning achievemcnl cat ;70; "A dog lh a t er he retired six years ago, Xwh n Now. you mighl Qyi trom Iheir hldini[ling spots, providing afler was retrieves rabbits. N( i u r n e y ' s T w i n1 Falls RANDID Y H A N S E N sport (orout-of-tov•tow n gunners. Lusksk bred the beagle lhat v. Ihink I'm blowing snsmoke, and these . “ “j "For some reason re 1 could see Novelvember’s ''cover dog" in HourS a l might make a 11liar of me loday. 00131tail Engine Suzi z u k i c h e J. "I don’l know why. andd HunlingI magazine. I'JfH nalloi butlhat’swhatlhevdfd o ." R R u p ert P O L EVROLET Ihem,” he said. ' n-dog c h am p io n M ic k ey 's Gus. I L R R I S iviin nd. Maybe thal had gun-d Tvnsnd*0yairfn(3ti .•„r,.,pp I'm color blind, \flcr 50 years of fooling aroiiround He lurned off thee highway, drove n ''tuHrKcmms so m e th in g lo dolo w\ ith 11. I could look Afli lh dogs, did lhat make him proiiroud? through a lillle townvn and followed a t3-3033 inlo a Ih ick e l. and:ii see 'em silting with ( gravel driveway loI a ;i pasture dolled Ihere. I’d say tolo lhe people. ‘Can’l Youtlu b c l. "Thai hound has lhe besl fieldId per-p with woodpiles, greecenbrier thickcls, i. — you see lhat rabrabbit'.’' Then I'd kick "Tl gs a n d ru sly , ll lUtlliey'dcome.". formrmance of anv hound alive, and he slone o'ulcroppings th e bush, a n d o u t I yard." discarded farm equipilpm cnl. .r' wliom he performed wasIS bred righl in my back yar T h e folks fo r' w c the "1 love this farm,"I," said Lusk, who I H this service hadad come lo lown lo do boasilasled- Lusk, who made islake of selling .Mickey's Gusas ias a saw in lhe ovevergrown places ^ u r L i t ttie F am i s . . . business wilh LLusk’s brother, who mist; Utter recollections of lhe(le d ir t f a rm s he F o f O n ran the coal-eorcompany store. When pup.ip. bul kepi one of the ll ales, a liny, spunky, carariramel: knew as a boy. the Lusks showecwed the visilors a good mak g j g ProI Image SpringS WatcV out for lightning1 wwhile outddoors I Kids Sallie! K the weather report says s Sudden tingling, oior your hair stan- Thei\s,sociated P understorms, don’t go outI lrin a ding on end. meansms a bolt may bc .,jf . h i Get down on your • s £ laU parlicuarly one wilh a tall headed your way. G knees, fast. Bend: fforward and pul g S l e e p e r ...... d : Lightning Isis onec of the mosl frc- g°y^umlnum mast. g H l Baby SI 2 0 \« q u e n t k ille r s oDfoutdoorenthusiasts, f o jjIf you’re surprised by a slorm, slo your hands on ytyour knees. The H n m a k e s you a 1 : The Nationalm al O ceanic and Al- :ad for cover. If you see a slorm sli crouched position . i i; t If administration says an rule of smaller target andd ireduces the area mospheric Adn ;aded your way, the old rule I j H 3/4Slei;eve Jersey $ Q 9 9 a v e r a g e of 841 pepeople die cach year l{i umb lo gauge the distanceKC Is: fo r th e lig h tn in g boboll lo leave your v fl ;cn the body, meaning a lesser lc chance for ^ ihe United StaStales when they are junt off tlie scconds between I I ^ H j Reg. $14.!..99 ...... Nlow O 9 . s tr u c k b y llg hlining. tn l lightjhtnlng flash and the crackack of bums. Thai’s If you have tin:ime, remove any IlM n y Hunters, boaiwaters, fishermen and lunder and divide by five. Th g o lfers a r c p airticuariy rti susceptible, j^ele approximate distance to the metal — rings,i, w a tc h e s, belt B o a te rs a re•e thI e highest things on s toorm „ In miles. buckles. Severe bu3ums occur under a lake, and. sinsince lightning tends to su c h o b je c ts , it objocl, they are ideal , RuRumbling thunder Is dls'distant lightning vlctlrtim often survives K^id's Tee'i ' s ...... 3IE hit the tallest o ta rg e ts . _ thlUnder. u n Cracking thunder me lilt hit.and can bc: saveds with proper Hunters, flshcishermen and golfers all U’sc's clo se. help, Auerbach said,Id. K ’ carry lightninning attraclors, with One' On quarter of the deathss fromf s^art cardlopulmmonary resuscita- l i d ' s N F LL Unifornnn s $* « 1 7 4 8 Iheir metal riflrifles or shotguns, golf lightghtning occurs in open fields:lds. so tion and artificialal respiration Im- c lu b s a n d w eiIfishingrods. fis 'avolvoid slaying out In the jpen :‘n 2 mediately. teg. $34.95 ...... NOW ■•Lightning* strikess the earlh at thunlunderslorm. , "A seemingly llfeless 11 Individual If the only cover is a grovirove of pan be saved If youou breathe tor him le a s t 100 timies e s per second during an If 000 thunderstorms per tree:•ees, stand under lhe shortestest tree properly," he said. e s tim a te d 3.0(X I group, Don'l worry abc day," Dr. Paulaui Auerbach ?ald In his in1 thetl grove. If you arc in a gr bout touching the m book “Medicln(cine for the Outdoors - sprepread out. If someone Is hit,, othersot victim. Some peophpie think the struck I i P r ® 'i v f m a j A Guide to Em£mcrgency Medical Pro- willfill b c u n h u rt a n d a b le lo help. person m ay be elecijctriflcd. That’s not %(fh G 1 ccdures and FirFlrstAld.” H there Is no cover, get to0 a low The qulckeker the victim's ^ EVERYTHINGEl FOR TtTHE SPORTS FAN m j • t h e r e a r e some so: ways’to avoid bc- arc;r e a , a gully or a valley. Donm t run, friends begin resususcltallon, the bei- I I 'Indavlclim. stayta y low. ter the chance of sururvival. 11!- =

______— B O Timo5-Nnws. Twin Falla.Ills. Idaho Friday. April 26. 10DD3QD 3 sehoc► o l s ^ : l y s p r o v h o tb eith i f o r l; O ’Lcarry R elai }illcttc, Samual C h aampionship m by downing Fai’arm Coats, Gifford Gilic ByBRADBREUND^ nes 3-0. Luke Frank »nd.La^arry Knopp and prystalll McKenzicM each Times-News writer )opfcr accqunted for all offthe ■ scored for Peterson's.l's . ^ ils for Stiitc'Farm , now'-l-O) thist Thriaie Mailer/Ncw•^cws J o u rn a l is 'a ’ TWIN FALLS - Who' sayssa. there's son. half game back bchiiichind Peterson's no compctilion at u junioror \high track 'rcclrick Bean Si Grain dowiw n e d a 3-0-1 m a rk ., Thriftic T h shut out, r m ie t? -' p e r s 3-1 in th e o th e r P oicific c i Idaho Outdoor Digestjest 3-0 lo slay in ^ -The O’Leary Relays, a n a n n u a l iguc game. Jared Emcrick kidicked contention with onee weekwi remaining t track fcst hosted by O'LeaLeary Junior lair of goals for the winnerssand i inthe season, H igh School, a ttra c te d 133 schsc o o ls th is ion Miles added the other. Vai^ancc The Stockroom pickcdpick up Uta'first week, but more impmportantly, rtsch kickcd a goal for Ropers,rs- win of thc aeason3on topping: thc ^ attracted competition thatlat will moke n the Atlantic League, Peterscrson's Bookstore 2-0. this meet one of the area' on ficc Products shut out EviIvans Lacey Searle kickecckcd a goal in the ? thc junior circuit. ain 4-0 boosting Peterson's rccecord first half and R.J.. WWi a rd le k ic k e d a 'f . to~4-04-0. Four players got into0 the sccond half goalto to r o u n d o u t t h e - fi Bcoriniring column for Peterson's. Luke L scoring. I - 0 1 l i I^ O rp meal I The Kids' GGame ' I

^ The bigger schoolsB a t h e i r . junior varsity aquade, ' th c sm aller achools^ delivoi th o ir S i l entire teams. O'Leary, RobertRoi Stuart and a team from Elko alsdl1s() joined the Friday/& Saturday evonW. The besl performancenee Tuesday ■ ili28th&29tliI : i was turned in by Richfiihficld's Jim TImt-HM T h o m as in th c llO -m e tcrr huhi rd les. the 4x800 relay nn^iwood Mall Thomas, a senior whoD qualifiedqi for O'Leary's^'s Sarah Tlngey, front,, gl rtlull. j, may put him as thc bests t timt e in th e Uimnla«rrtBUloU HUO — I. Jtnme 1:57; ‘2 T»m Koll*II. I.;,774: :i a n d R ecreatio n LL< ea g u e. | Magic Valley this seasc■ason in that ■ - > TK,„rn..Ulch. Mcunlnln llum» 1:WW; 4 lli..r : Rupert Mr. Gas3as squeaked out a 4-3 ,4 H-J.O«l;«OU.r,:’W r the Sprinkler Shop ^ event. Cnmplwll. Mil,, IH ' S : i : r S . inu - I. T-in l-'.ll.4:j>ia; Z Jrmrtrom» 4 i i 3j- victory ovor thi JefT Conover ofTwinn F a lls h a d a i>>Ji»ck.J.i"«7. 3 _m,m-j.l.anc 4 HU5. 4 Mi.umom ll.imr.r4:w.ii..^ Valiey in thc Mic\Iidwest League. Thc ^ KIVo4 43 7n.fi JcntmelU W.Kl victory for Mr.Ir. Gns boosted its good outing in the pole•vault vt with a r-rX u*[uuIiBln ,. lloinr V , T»m ..halU .. Ki''“ P ^ ■T.W — 1 Mi>uM«ln llortlf II:1B73; : vauU of ]l-6. It's the hig,highest mark a iru>T,> J .SM.hunr 11:^47. 4 WJ... I. jiVi'i'T rec o rd to wwhilo l the loss for thc W..mJ Iliv.r.’OlD iTwlnK.D.ll ' l' ,1rIN;n 11.41) Sprinkler Shopip was its first this m for Conover this season)n and{ one of fluo — I. Jtronn«m.l:SS7J;iT-ir.K»ll.1 T7HI..1 KUlaa:r. KH; ;l T«ilr)>ll. MII, 14 b' .: 4 Ma^ra.."(ii ( 'u " ’ s' sc o re d a th ird gou Check out the widIde variety of excltlnting RVs, . e v en ts. nuo I. J«roi as did leammamate Ryan Searle. Thc Tiger sophomore•e placcdp first ""Tflpu’ jump - 1. Dunning, KIku.u. 31-7' .; -i Rohurl Salazar[ir and Kris Haynes camI pers, m otor holom es ana m ore dispis p ^ e d b y l"rr.f..U, J, -IM, 1 (Jin-Tt, J. 'iMI' -: 4Mir>:*’^' .scored S p r in k le.Tr! Skop goals. Siilaziir in the high jump, eccondndinthe long r«w*r.nu •iH0;5 M ij...O I..»l-.;r. l-cUr...i, .M M a g i c V alley D ealers jump and third in tho tripl - I . Ktfrura.MH.i-'J.'J n . MII, Sluil put - I .s«nclcf«. Wll, Z 'm»u Ml 1k -.. .1. had a pair of goalsgf while Haynes r ip le ju m p . M".^‘’iu"m7na3na, WM, M; * M.li... Ol., VI. .tKI: 1 Swainaiun. Sl>i. 4 AiHirnliflinch, Klk.,. Her mark of.5^ in theLhe h ig h ju m p Hanci«..,"w,'5-2;0■2;0. Un-Uiijili. 0 equals her best this year.ir. i"-"? -— 1.■ Ch»»fi. Mil, Oiic'ui - I. M