i . - ’ — — ; ! ! . j ! , ! ! DAILY LOUISVILLE DEMOCRAT. VOLUME XII. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. SATURDAY.- MAY 10, 1856. NUMBER 253. INSURANCE. MISCELLANEOUS. groceries, &c. miscellaneous. ^oj^MTr^ERSHip^ I TUB DULY DKM0 CR.it, York Advertisements. | rUVTBP A«D PUBL»HBD BT | DiSBOlUtlOQ.DiaaolutlOQ. Wholesale Paper Waiehouse, SPRlSa SUPPL Y OP | Fanners’ and Mechanics’ FROM Cash Advances here- 88 WALL STREET. Watebesy JewelrF* Silver an4 Plate4 EAEITET.* HUGHES & CO., iX**® ALBERT O. RICHARDSON’S ade on consignments to ' toforc «xuUd( bMwe*D the un<lcrticD«<], under Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Ware*, at lTJH Damcsnll, Murdock AOo-, 43 Water street. New dmic ud et teufw. p. diiKPAKO* suN.uos-.h AMES CROMEV, AGENT FOR Adrtrtisint and Corrttptnding Qffict, 360 Breodwdy, 09c 6 oc ^ilrd Btrest. b«twean MarkM ^ York. DUMEBNIL. BULL m CO., WM. KENDRICK-’S, 71 Tbiro Makera, it tbia day diasolved by mutual canaent. M'. J the sale of Printing and Wrapping Paper and fast tide, below Frmeklim, elrett, Xew York. and /Bflaraoa, Bastild«, or Philadelphia. mv9 6n0 Main stroot. P. dbepard only ia aathuiiaod to aauie tUa aceuunta of Bonret Boards. myl jwa -MY STOCK LS NOW the late hrm. W. F. MlhPAKD, CAPITAL $300,000 J.lf. BIIKPARD. REMOVAL. DL'MESNIL, BELL A CO., A v*vy eomptete, to which I am making D1EECT‘>K8. RINTING PAPER. L500 REAMS additions of latest r T 1 RMS. LooiaviUe, Ky., May 6. IKd—aiy8 dbltwl the styles ulteote Hon.Tbos. B Florence, Edward R. Helinbold, P Printing and Book Paper on consignment and enry davenport, manu- 558 MAIN STREET, Mr. J Tte every week. tpef yeBt.yyrtlequMtwIy « by L jBf Pe^ecm for sale JAMB8 CKtiMET, fa-turerand Iieaterln CK)ODY EAR’S In adJitioo to a lart* stech ef OoM Thomas Manderlleld,Manderfleld, Isaac Lseeb.Leech, Jrjr , H PATENT AGENTS FOR L do, lo advance myt s8 Wallatreet. NEW YORK De P. 8HEPARD HEREBY IN- METALIC RUBBER Qt^DS. has removed bis busi- aud Stiver Watebes, of the moot ap- Ten Cant* pet week, payable to the Carrier. B.E. Middleton, George II. Armstrong, proved makes and styles of easias, I ' w w B fonaa hU frienda and the public (enerally, Penn ness to No. 837 Broadway, New York, where he wid ifdUy Democrat, eeunW edHion, per year • , § M that he will conUaue the bniineB ei Coach and Car- George Ilelmbold, F. Cacrol Brewster, RAPPING PAPER, &C. have increased tacilitie* for making and selling every Steam Sugar-Refining Comp’y TERMS or ADVEKTISillO. i variety of goods in his line. special order, all of which are warraotet lu giru sutis- I riaac Balu<.e iu ah ite vancUea, at the old atatid, on 6U00 bdls Wrapping Paper, asaorted sixes; Buyeis will find it their my9 Janies K. Neall, Charles Dingee. luctioa, are offered on reasonable t-raa I James W interest to give a before and .#! Main aueet, betweeu Fira: and deooud. lie haa on 100 gross Bonnet Hoards: him can purchasing elsewhere. ne etedre •< le tinea, «ae iaaeiticB W epSS mkekw ' in B. FLUBENOE, President. Uver-hoes. Boots, Vnlcanixed and cheap Rubber Do aach adJttional inaeitioa . • • 0 flt hand a good atuck of carritgre, he., made the beat THAMAB 1V> rms blue Chandler’s Paper; Cloth- i^HOULDERS. 15 CASKS PRIME ' tng. Artii lea. Toys, Month, wilhoat • . ( M atyle iahiaI factory, and AniahedAniehed iain the beat manner. lOO rms Tea do: Fancy A c. m>9dA w3in Da ana aWeraUen Eowrxan R. Hslmbolo, Secretary. Bacon BhouMrrs 1st received and f«r sale tow by • • • Tnanktul ter lavora, attare J St.'verwura. two laOBth^ do do ; M I paat be aolicua aiair of pub- lUU bdls Ham do; Do PHILADELPHIA. my9 DUMEBNIL, BELL fr CU ,658 Main st. Monthit, • • . 10 M lia caaiuB. REFERENCES IN lUO bdls Cloth do; M throe do da , MY STOCK OF SILVER IS ' European Land and General ala Moutha, withant atteratioi • - U M Uia long ezperrenea of eighteen ycariin the buiiaeat Chandler, Hon. John Bobbins, Jr., consignment and for saleby Oae a<iBa>« Hon. Joseph R. On I hare • • ia thia city juaudea that Uia worn ' SUGARS. now very large. n-aily every arti Is lu twelve BObtha, do do fO M I hia ia aayiug la net myl JAMK9 OROMET. Do Hon. William U Witte. -e-r-te, • . go anrpaaaed by any, either Baiter West. Agency, MCIOC the Silver 1 ne that cun be d nr that is new additional aqaarc for aix Bontha 7 j ^ bbb NeNew York D. R. crushed Bugsr; MMh la use, as Castors, F^t -here, Gnkets, • 19 iu Kcpairuig dobc at the aboneat noU .e and in the best liki do do f such Tam- dc twelve monthe do Caane pulv’d Sugar; Da blurs, t’npu, Vsseo; Fisu, . : bi> 8 334 BROADWAY’, spoon pw, and Caa* Aniree; . ae aqaarc ala aooehn, renewable onoe a week gg go Banner. dhwlB STATEMENT OF BUsl.NESS. SEW YORK,(cp btaibs.) U'O do do do pulveriM do; M Dodd’s Patent.—60 of the above in store and for every variety m Spoons, forks, A e. vne aqaarc tvalve Bontba, renewable twice For tale low by From the first day of August to the thirty-first day of s ulc by [myll J AMM8 CROMgT. I hsve also always *n baa 1 a Moek ef Jas. Kodgers yhe subscribers hwing my9 DUMEBNIL. BELL A CO., 368 Main st. Dtaaolation. December, 1866: k Sou’s ivory - handle Table C utlrrv - - procured, at a very great expense, Ohc*aquar« twelve Bonttta, renewable •aa a T complete lists I VTM. R PRICK. 71 Third stieut. 700L!\V00L!! THE HIGHEST of all Unclaimed Dividenaa of the aptemkefcw BN $0 $0 Hank of EnglaDd, I week HE NOMINAL PARTNERSHIP Amount received in Marine premiumi $68,243 31 v ffYAR BacI, additional aqaare for twalva Boatha low cash price paidfor Wool,waahed and unwash- Bast India and couth Sea Compvn ’s htucks, and also exiatiag batweeo the underaigned, under the Da Firs do 39,l«8 83 A. loot100 bbU Wilmington, large bbis; ed, by (myl] J aMKS CRUMKT. a list of all the Ileir-at-Law and Kext-of-rtin Adver- ! ! 5U d > do medium bbta; Boofing Itoofing tisements that have appeared in the Europca • of papers do do d$«»olTe4 on ihe Janaary. Miih^ Total premiums for five Months $IU8,I6I 13 during the last century, they M small do; have pecuUir facihiies 56 do Canital DOu.vUO uu for pri'secutloR Cla-ms to Koropean prop- do bosin; he undersig.ned is pre- rty : and, as For sale FRLlX WOOD, tow to close eonsisDmeot by io new and old t aqaarc for the Rrst. and iu aenu tor every sabaeqmant it is the iniention of une of ihe firm to visit Europe my9 T puw’i cover Baildisgs, at skse LoaigTiUe, March $0, 18C6. W M. t. WOOD. annually, oftei.er. if DUMEBNIL. BELL A CO-, AgenU- Doticu and in a superior ryle, with laai-rtioa. IMVBSTBD AS FOLLOWS: or required, the expense of man- tM^The privilege of yearly advertiaeraleatrirtly coa- aging tbe buaineas there would be but trifing to the U H WEST’S GALVAJIIC CEMENT. their iBBodiata and regular bnalncaa, and I county, Pittaborg, and claimanla. compared to sending a sp cial messenger R K ISLAND SALT. led tc awn New Paper EUrngings Store. Bonds of Allegheny Old Shingle, Tin, Iron, Canvas* sad ether luolh is not conaidarad aa for that purpoae. Search fur any one name in m sackstacks for sale bybv e baainaaa of an advertiatng drB 6's $7S 731 66 the ' Philadelphia a ben uot too steep, ran be made p-^ect'y ( ght rad above Uiu cao be made personaljV or letter, I ij .^iag that of its Individaal membcia. aarM. V. WOOD, PAPER HANGER by cn re- DUMEBNIL. BILL A CO. 33,-:00 00 CONSUMMATION CEKTAIN! free from leaks. w,th thia preparubuo, whteU U aluo Railroad Bondi, cost ceipt of one Dollar, and copies of advettiiemcnte can \ t:^No Gratnitona AdrertiaiBR. w V and dealer in French and American Paper fireproof. All work donu^ me sriU 44 warranted te bu fii<,i>30 CO be had fur a reasonable compenMtion- Uangtngs, Third aueet. near Main, opposite Cooner Loans on first mortgage of real estate iORN. 2,000 SACKS IN STORE as durable as any metal rK^f. J- A KNIGHT CO. I apkdif 00 XO H U M B FCJ! A ^ end for sule isht to use thie Cement, in the rarioos rauaties Office. Do stocks, Collateral 80,384 ty Also, Agents for the Mosher Kstate. myttJAwIm t by Tbe will be sokl on fva trrme. 1I,00J 24 my9 DUMB8NIL. BtLL k CO. of Kentucky, ouaUe Cash in Bank and on hand i BUSINESS NOTICES. Copartaerahip Notice. I (MBcern Sjuthsideof Green sueek. between Thifd notyet due 97,700 00 Broiltt V9. Fries I Capital subscribed, payment 90^012 10DF1SH. 10 DRUMS FOR SALE [ rad FoorU). -kpply to ' RICHARD SIMONS. Piwyriefer. eg Baker, Premiu'n nctas, not matured AS, 3-7 31 TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN GIFTS 1 C low by E. iTr"® apXdVwipsIm J. If. CAMPBBLtn Agent. 18,853 61 my9 DUMBSNTL, ft CO. I ATTOHBEV AT EA», Due from agents (secured by bonds) larThe DrEwing to come off pobitivilt at Mo- Robinson’s Patent Gridiron BBLL ; coaunissions 11,662 33 ninoiy days, or if all K Di Af'tr f itlTTfl who wiU eonunuc the Merc ant Tailor buiiuesa at heir Expenses and xart Hall in booner, the MARKET STREET STORE. AGAINST I FLOUR la U. O vrUL n. I r JL,Av.>Ej, sjUD 119* stand, Ao.
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