The official publication of the Midland Veterans' Athletic Club President : Norman Carter tit"ffihippt

Secretary: Edgar Nicholls, Rainbow Cottage, 15 Meadow Lane, Alvechurch 848 7LN Editor/Treasurer: Colin Simpson, 87 Willow Road, Solihull 891 1UF i x Typing & Layout: Margaret Simpson Chairman: fohn Topliss, 136 Hillhook Road, Sutton Coldfield 874 4XA

E.C.M 21 April 1996

The meeting agreed, unanimously, to amend the financial year to: 1 lanuary to 31 December, and the requirement for the A.C.M to be met within four months of the end of the financial year. This now clears the way for further A.C.M's to be held in April, hopefully after the relays, which have been held in Tamworth for some years and which we hope will continue at that venue.

Certainly, the attendance of 59 members was higher than anything experienced at Rugby in October and your committee look forward to a similar attendance in 1997.

o= o=o- o=o=o= o=o=o= o


18 .IANUARY 1997

Tamworth will again be the venue for our annual Social and Buffet. CAPTAIN SWINC will be repeating last year's successful Barn Dance.

Further details will, of course, follow...... MEANWHILE : BOOK THIS DATE!!!

BVAF CC CHAMPIONSHIPS : PRINCETHORPE feremy Hemming has many excellent photographs taken at this race and can supply a list if application is made with an s.a.e. His address is:

4O Balvernie Crove, London SW18 sRU - tel. 0181-874-1645 Fax. 877-1173

MVAC High quality embroidered cloth badges are available f rom: Peggy Taylor, 17 Poplar Farm Close, Milton-urder- BADCES Wychwood, Chipping Norton, OX7 5LX. Price: f2.O0 (including postage and packing) Cash with order Ctreques ard postal payable to MVAC please.



1 B Ariss t7 .7 I C Turner 2t.29.8 I R Chrimes 1 .70 2=J Cains 17.9 2 S Bull 2t.32.6 2 C Green l.6l 2=M Garvey t7 .9 3 D Withers 2t.34.3 3 J Quantrell 1.50 4 G Felton 18.1 4 W Rawlins 2t.39.9 4 M Garvey 1.50 5 R Cawson tE.2 5 S Haynes 2t.4t.2 5 P Garvey 1.45 6=J Bartlett I E.4 6 D Fall 21.42.1 6 B Abdy 1.45 6=O Codrington 18.4 6OOm 8Om l0OOm I M Smith 1.2E.6 I C Fairey 9.2 I M Perry 3.48.9 2 R Phipps I .30.0 2=A lovett 9.3 2 K Wood 3.49.9 3AOrr I .30. 3 2=B Maurice 9.3 3 J Hill 4.03.9 - 4 M Perry- t.32.7 4 B Ariss 9.1 4 D Fall 4.04.6 5 T Howarthg 1.33.E 5 R Cawson 9.5 5 C Turner 4.05..6 6 J Hill 1.34.6 6=M Levington 9.7 6=J Cains 9. Tscr Shot 3OOm Discus I C Fairey I 5.3E l=S McDonald 37 .3 I C Faire5r 41.30 2 T Clowry 14.04 l=J Cains 37.3 2 R Chrimes 37.6E 3 R Chrimes 13.54 3 R Cawson 31.9 3 C Dawson 34.7 8 4 J Bartlett 12.7 t 4 G Felton 3E. I 4 C Gammon 32.78 5 C Dawson 12.50 5 W Lewis 3E-7 5 C Smith 32.72 6 C Davey 12.2E 6 B Ariss 39.0 6 J Wakeman 32.68 [.ong Jump Prize Winners I C Green 6.10 Colin Fairey lE pts. 2 O Codrington 6.03 Rosemary Chrimes l5 pts 3 V Kirkland 5. EE Colin Green ll pts 4=J Bartlett 5.7E Joe Caines lol4 pts 4=B Taylor 5.78 Brian Ariss lO pts 6 M Garvey 5.7 7 Mike Garvey 9 pts Malcolm Perry 9 pts


This race, which, as usual will include the MVAC lO mile road race, is being staged by Nuneaton Harriers -in-thir-new-vaG-whieh-ItrofEir-sEeh-a-Tumes"s-rtrrrear. --Prize-irr-tfre--rraditiomaHiquitrorm-wifl be awarded by MVAC in all the usual categories subject to entries, including team race (3 to count) and open age Sroups. All entrants MUST use the form below if they wish to be considered for club awards. The entry fee includes entry into the open race with its usual geoerous prize list.

Collect numbers on the day. CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES : 2 September 1996




TEL. NO m/t

Please enter me for the MVAC and Nuneaton Harriers lO mile road race. I enclose I4.OO entry fee (9x4" sae for travel details if required) Cheques/p.o payable to MVAC please. MVA 151 pase 3


Renee Scott collapsed whilst taking part in an open race walk at Chesterfield on Saturday, 13 April 1956. She later died from a massive brain haemorrhage. She was aged 67 years- I was privileged to enioy Renee's friendship and competitive rivalry for more than forty years. I shall miss her heavy breathing coming up behind me, but in our younger days we were much more evenly mathced! Renee was a first class administrator and organiser across a wide spectrum of athletics at local, regional and national level She also coached. At the tirne of her death, and for as long, as I can remember, she was Secretary of (;reater Manchester AA. She was a past-president of her club, Bolton Harriers, and indeed was its current Chairperson. She was a past-president of ttre Womens Cross Country Association and apst president of the Northern Area Race Walkin6 Association. During her presi- dential year in 'l 991 she was responsible for the main organisation of that area's Diamond Jubilee.celebtrations. Her death leaves many gaps. Renee had remained an athlete all her life, but with the growth of Veterans athletics she enioyed a resurgance of her race walking. She was able to travel the world enjoying the wonderful cameraderie of the Vets movement and was a frequent medal winner on ttre world stage within her age category' I think her greatest athletic achievement was to become a (lenturion' at the age of 52, the oldest woman ever to do so I don,t know how she did it and am still full of admiration for her commitment and determination. Renee had no immediate family. only cousins, but she was a very special lady to a Sreat many people- Bolton Harriers and Creater Manchester AA are to set up Trust Funds in her name to help young athletes. Donations are welcome. I know Renee would wholeheartedly approve. Renee,s most precious legacy was to donate all her organs including the cornea thus enabling several people the prospect of a brighter future. What better testimony could one have? Renee enioyed a rich, full life and we should be grateful that she died doing what she loved most - race walkint!

' Centurions Club is for athletes who have walked an Pam Horwill approved 100 miles within 24 hours or less' Dudley & Stourbridge Harriers

READERS WRITE .... o TERRY PRESTON, well known Nuneaton Harrier, has been seriously ill, but writes to say I am feeling much better after Hospital treatment and chemotherapy and my cancer is in remission. So I am back in training, and despite being over weight and cracking Pavements as I try to run instead of iog I hope to get back to racing again soon. I need regul; checkups io I have to gear my training around this. But with luck I hope to race later in tie summer or autumn and ag;in get some xc races in. All being well I hope to see all my old Midland Vets during 1996. Rob Suddens from my ;lub had better watch out because I will be after him come the xc season HA HA. STEVE MASON, RSC writes.. I could not resist the challenge laid down by loe Day to say how many different canntries Midtand Vets have run in. 5o here's my personal contribution, trying to work from North to South: Norway & Sweden - but don't go out on a windy day in winter! Canada - lonely, Cermany best place, Denmark and Holland, boring, Belgium, Luxembou.rg, France, Switzerland, 'ltaty,probabty the iugoslavia icoutd now count as at least two bit one at the time), that matches Joe's twelve- The rest-are all hot or very hot - Creece, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, , Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia (where a fat burning run became speed work when I was chased by a pack of wild doSt - only recommended if you tiought you couldn't prduce adrenaline any longer) , Malaya and Singapore - that's twenty three. Oh! I forgat Finland andSpain - 25. For the-most company go to South Africa (Durban) or Singapore; most traffic and stares, Cairo. But for the most inconiiderate motorists and dog owners England easily tops the league table. Best regards and many thanks MVA 151 Page 4 READERS WRITE (cont).

MARY WIXEY has also responded to foe Day's article and writes as follows: Reminiscing - With regard to ioe Day's interesting list of the countries he has run in, l'll challenge him: '85 ltaly (Rome) (Verona '86 & 88) '86 Sweden (Malmo) '87 Yugoslavia (Split) Australia (Melbourne) Sardinia (Cagliari) '88 Holland (Niimegen) '89 USA (San Diego) (Eugene, Oregon &'94) ('95 Michigan, Buffalo) '90 Hungary (Budapest) also '91 & '93 '91 Finland (Turku) '92 Norway (Kristiansand) '93 Japan (Miyazaki) '94 Canada () '94 Creece (Athens)

Thanks, foe, for reminding me of the very happy times I've had in company with the Veteran Athletes, with a special mention for MVAC. Mary


GEORGE CHAPLIN (of all people) was left out of the list of world age besrs ar rhe Indoor T&F. George, M65, walked 15.39.6 for 3000m thus continuing his wonderful tradition of top class performances from the age af 17 onwards.

DAVE BLOCKLEY, M45 Huncote H. was left out of the list of MV members performances in the BVAF CC Championships. Dave finished 18th in 38.46. His club mate JOHN HEYWOOD M50 finished 19th in 39.58. DAVE BENDY M50 Sw Road Runners and Leamington AC was 54th in 44.36...... Sorry lads!


Norman Jordan, M70, has recently completed the Boston Marathon and has sent this excellent report:

In three words 'What a day!' 38,000 runners including 'Bandits' the officials were very concerned as they were expecting 100,000 people at the start, but after telling spectators to keep away the start area was manageable. They fully thought that up to 7,000 unofficial runners would infiltrate but the Military weeded out the majority and in the event some 2,000 bandits did run but mostly at the rear.

We were bussed to the start and I got up at 5.00 am with my very good room mate Ron Blastland and we managed to get on the l5th or l6th bus and on entering the start area were issued with a wrist band letter A. These went up to the letter G so we secured the first corral and went over the start line in about 18 minutes. The whole of the huge field were over in 29 minutes and as the start line was not much more than 35 ft across, this was a stupendous achievement. The start line had antennae under a tartan strip - we had a chip tied to our shoe and so the actual start time and finish times were recorded.

The city was bright, not a cloud in the sky. With a strong sun behind us our necks and shoulders became quite scorched but at 16 miles the cold biting wind hit us and I was soon looking round for a discarded t-shirt and was fortunate to get a space blanket to wrap round me at the 18 mile mark, otherwise I am quite sure I would have suffered very badly with hypothermia. As it was I managed, with the help of an enormous crowd of lt/z million to reach the end in 5.21..00 or thereabouts. All in all a most memorable day.

The American people I found to be wonderful and friendly. The food was out of this world and I really had a most wonderful four days in the good company of Ron and a MVA 151 page 5

Boston Marathon (cont).

certain Dave Dowdell from Glos. who no doubt you all know as a very good Ultra runner. With a good supply of souvenir t-shirts etc and the rest of the usual goodies I returned very tired but very happy. and I think that the event will remain in my memory for a long time to come. I wish I could do it again but 3.50.00 for 0/70 is a bit much. I secured my place two years ago as one of the un-qualifiers for this special event. This was my 5lst full Marathon and perhaps my last but I'm sure I have a few more left in the old legs and there are at least two or three I would like to run. I intend to keep running up to 80 and I have been at the sport since I began in the Middle East aged 22 and am now in the 51st year of active Athletics. No problem of any sort to worry about, everything is as sound as a bell, resting pulse 46. Speed, of course, has dropped a lot since I was able to do 13.08.00 at 60 but with lots of Vzm and shorter distances to take part in I can look forward to many more years of good sport.


Thanks to the usual stirling work put in by lrene Nicholls, assisted by Margaret Simpson, the results were available far quicker than had hitherto been the case, for this race.

Tamworth AC supplied the organisation and Colin Simpson wenr totally 'ape' with the prizes a bit OTT according to a certain Mike Wrenn who shall remain anonymous! Your editor came home with a NATIONAL ZOO t-shirt which was not his property and which he will be happy to return upon application.

Results: LEG ONE LEG TWO 1 D Jones W Brom M40 14.57 1 P Yeomans Omega M40 14.34 2 T Bishop Omega M40 15.02 2 R Rubery Tipton M40 15.06 3 B Young Tipton M40 15.14 3 G Patton Massey F M50 I 5.39 4 P Keary RSC M40 15.26 4IRedford " M40 15.45 5 K Brailsford Derby & C M40 15.44 5 B Wareing Sparkhill M40 15.45 6 A Edwards Sparkhill M40 15.48 6 C Brown B&R M40 15.47 7 T Meechan Massey F M40 15.50 7 M Smedley Derby &C M40 15.50 8 R Wills Nuneaton M50 15.52 8 M Robinson Derby &C M40 16.29 9 M Ellerd-Elliott Nuneaton M40 16.00 9 D Bouldstridge B'field M50 16.40 l0 I Miller Omega M40 16.18 l0 S Canavan RSC M40 16.49 11 I Kiltie Derby &C M40 16.38 11 T Howarth Massey F M40 16.54 12 P Croxford Massey F M40 t6.41 12 B Cox Mixed teamM50 17.24 13 M O'Neill Massey F M50 16.42 13 C Turner Nuneaton M50 17.25 14 J Wright Tipton M50 16.51 14 R Clayton Derby &C M50 17.26 15 P Coventry Mixed Team M40 16.54 15 B Moran Tamworth M40 17.27 16 T Young Derby &C M50 16.56 16 R Yeomans Omega M40 17.30 17 T Simpson Derby &C M50 17 .ll 17 D Hindley Stoke AC M50 17.47 18 B Worthingron B'field M40 17.18 18 D Smith Massey F M40 17.48 19 M McCabe W Brom M50 17.35 19 J Matthews B'field M40 17.51 20 M Brown RSC M40 17.52 20 M Stroud Nuneaton M40 17.59 2l M Sharland B'field M40 17.54 21 J Stott W Brom M40 18.05 22 J Jackson Derby Ladies W35 17.58 22 M Smith W Brom M50 18.19 23 T Faulkner Tamworth M40 18.03 23 M Sadler RSC M40 18.29 24 C Rollason B'field W35 18.04 24 B Cull Derby &C M40 18.42 25 G Latham Stoke M50 18.09 25 K Scarff Sol&SH L W35 19.03 26 J Cox Mixed Team M50 18.29 26 J Mullis Tipton M50 19.13 27 L White Sol&SH L W35 18.3s 27 P Gorman RSC Ladies W35 19.14 28 C Smith B&R M40 18.48 28 M Knight Derby &C M50 19.1s 29 A Ogtesby Massey F M50 18.50 29 R Spears Derby LadiesW35 19.37 MVA151 page 6 MVAC relay championships (cont).

30 D Fownes Tipton M50 19.14 30 A Hewitson Mixed teamM50 19.5 t 31 A Roberts RSC Ladies W35 19.23 31 G Smith Tipton M50 19.s2 32 R Froggatt s&sH M60 20.17 32 D Batsford Birch. W35 t9.s2 33 T Ducker Derby &C M40 20.40 33 P Ronan RSC M60 20.33 34 H Lyons RSC Ladies W35 20.43 34 R Argyle Derby &C M60 20.35 35 M Heffernan Derby &C M60 20.55 35 M Perry RSC LadiesW35 20.52 36 D Weston Derby &C M60 21.06 36 C Simpson S&SH M60 21.o3 37 W Rawlins B&R M60 21.1s 37 M Harris RSC M60 21.17 38 T Wyer RSC M60 22.18 38 D Ashton Derby &C M60 21.30 39 N Slide West Brom M50 22.35 39 E Nicholls B&R M60 21.47 40 L Foulger RSC Ladies W35 23.10 40 G Clough West BromW40 22.54 4l R Baker RSC M60 23.28 41 B Chapman RSC Ladies W35 28.26 LEG 3 I P Buckley Omega M40 15.34 20 K Hemmings RSC LadiesW35 19.01 2 P Smith West Brom M40 15.57 21 C O'Dell RSC M40 19.02 3 J Millward Derby &C M40 16.02 22 L Bates S&SH LadiesW35 19.15 4 J Simmons Derby &C M50 16.02 23 D Burns Massey F M40 19.38 5 J Peavoy Massey F M40 16.12 24 C Smith B&R M40 t9.33 6 P Hahn Omega M40 16.18 25 L Willmott S&SH M60 t9.44 7 M Wrenn Tipton M50 16. t8 26 J Farrow Derby &C M40 19.51 8 P Bowen Sparkhill M40 16.29 27 R Farndon Nuneaton M50 20.12 I J Taylor Tipton M40 16.40 28 J Raw Derby &C M60 20.13 10 D Hyde RSC M4O 16.41 29 T Frain B'field M40 20.32 11 M Smith Massey F M40 16.56 30 C Brennan Mixed teamM50 20.34 12 A Price Birchfield M40 16.58 31 S Hawes West BromM5O 20.42 13 S Tattersall Derby &C M40 17.06 32 M Robertson Tamworth M40 20.42 14 B Owen RSC M40 17.36 33 N Deam B&R M50 t5 T Jukes Stoke Mso t7.41 34 G Travers Derby &C M60 21.28 16 M Butterley Derby&C M50 18.05 35 G Chapman RSC M60 21.33 17 Y Crawley Derby Ladies W35 18.20 36 L Green RSC LadiesW35 21.35 18 R Ladbury Massey F M50 18.32 37 K Westley West BromM60 2s.36 19 L Horton Nuneaton M40 18.42 TEAM PLACINGS : Distance 4.65 x 3 I Omega M40 A 45.10 1 Derby M50 A 50'24 2 Tipton M40 A 47.00 2 Massey F M50 A 50.34 3 Derby M40 A 47.36 3 Tipton M50 A 53'01 4 Massly F M40 A 47.41 4 Nuneaton M50 A 53'29 5 Spark[ill M4o A 48.02 5 Stoke M50 A 53.37 6 RsC M40 A 48.56 6 Derby M50 B s4-31 7 West Brom M40 A 48.59 7 Mixed M50 58.54 8 Omega M40 B 50.06 8 B&R M50 A 64.17 9 Derby M40 B 50.13 9 W Brom Mixed 71.05 10 Massey F M40 B 50.31 11 Birchfield M40 A 50.56 I S &SH M60 A 61.04 12 Nuneaton M40 A 52.41 2 Derby M60 A 62.49 13 RSC M40 B 53.57 3 DerbY M60 B 62.58 14 B&R M40 A s4.08 4 RSC M60 A 64.24 15 West Brom M40 B 54.36 16 Massey F M40 C 56.06 Fastest Man : P Yeomans Omega 14.34 17 Tamworth M40 A 56.12 Fastest Woman : Jackie Jackson 18 Birchfield M40 B 56.17 Derby Ladies 17.58 19 Derby M40 C 59.13 Many thanks to Tamworth AC who have once I Derby L W35 A 55.55 again hosted a well organised, popular event 2 S &SH W35 A 56.53 aild to all who supported the race. 3 RSC W35 A 57 .38 4 RSC W35 B 63' 10 MVA 151 PACE 7

*?? 3 Z 8 * ig EDEID (,, - +EH66C a x o tl Jtrl ,-L ?= =S l- 1! ZcIF Ho =2.96.3> Ea >B a G) o az o Zii-sI-daiiE tiE I: $sEE J jElrf. =hc, il n d r E *si:et I! $E tu o E o. t.: E ! H.E s.E EE rn l, ltl t) t]DDE gEtL o L.lL t! 9gs) iiiig=e f. (n i( t4 lrl 'J. r! =oa 6- ';otJI&E::.? tl- a J Ed 2 > t-a F q? g E 2 q EgE !:*EEE 2 F E.I CJ -. lal - 6?iD1zR,'. U t!z YAi-*, ?0r.9 fr ?iE ?, ?, -24 E;E; gE;? ar, o gl > btt,3= 6j5' F E '=-> H E s g l& E c::? r H r! zsz IrI 5 B o 3 El E "a*.= o !l q; 3iF E ul =v--a E?;'EEtsEO tr I! J uir, -3 5 q ==-o E g UL, r' J 5 - L-o E: E FE *i d !:= a U) l-F'riaa7 E = 5 (D I trl EE E,,. 2 EI a=E=E ; +-s5g,:Ff? F L] o lrl J F z U Ezr:c:rrr, 9. EE E ru x> <: aE o z trl= G., E:g:EEiE i I lrl z1 t =oEGE LrJ I-- 0. A. (r) E--=- d 4 s- :E EI o ZF .g f S J.c ol, = A kt t! *,

The attention of readers is drawn to the register of members form on page 3 of the winter edition of Veteran Athletics. lf you have not already done so, please do complete and return the form. Just in case your V.A has now been recycled it is reproduced above.

CEORCI PHIPPS, one of our founding fathers, was given a surprise 70th birthday party by his fellow t.eamington AC members on 9 April. Many MVAC members were present, including your editor, and the following extract from the l.eamington Courier says it all. 'Reminiscences, recollection, reunion, anecdotes, memories, banter and beer,made for a birthday bonanza which spoke volurnes for the life-long esteem in which the celebrant had been held by athletics allies and opponents alike. Notable amongst those paying tribute were four members of Cambridge & Coleridge A(l for whom Ceorge ran from 1945 until 1964 when he came to Warwic.kshire as a lecturer at Mid-Warks College and settled in Warwick. former l-eamington C&AO runners also travelled from pastures new to swell the 'field' and they were also able to meet up again with one of the club's founders and lifetime stalwarts, Ted C-lifford, who called in to congratulate (ieorge. A Welshman by birth, Ceorge Phipps was orginally a track athlete in summer and cross country runner in winter - good enough to compete for Wales. ]{e has since specialised in long distance and marathon events, and has progressively been one of the top age group veterans in the country. l-ast SePtember, he established a new British (and probably world) one-hour track record for 59 year olds when he MVA 1s1 Page I

CEORCE PHIPPS (cont). completed 14,588 , at Edmondscote. The birtMay bash was organised by his fellow 'Edge Hill Striders' Dave Bendy and Peter Cuppy. 'lle's such a Sreat chap, not iust as an athlete, that we felt something special had to be arranged for his TOth birthday' said Peter. 'We started making contacts three months ago and it iust snowballed. The hardest part was keeping it secret from Ceorge - judging from the look .on his face when we finally got to Newbold (l took him 'round the houses' to Sive everyone a chance to get there before him) for the race, we succeeded! The party could not have gone better'

(lhanks to Dave Bendy for the newspaper cutting),


MVAC 18 AUCUST Pentathlon Championships (inc. MVAC/BVA[); MVAC 10K track Solihull running championship. Open 1OOm; 20Om; 'l mile; BVA} 1OK Walk (details page 10)

25 ATJCUSI lnter-area T&F (lf you wish to be considered, please contact Phil Owen Watford (O1a27-7175521 or lohn Topliss (O121-353-1782)

8 SEPTT-MBER Throws meeting (BVAF Pentathlon) plus Open 100m; 20Om; 300m Solihull

1 mile and 5K Walk (details page 1O )

15 SEPTF-MIIER 1O Mile Championship Nuneaton

(details page 2 I

OCTOBER Half marathon t.b. a

15 DECEMBER Christmas handicap Sparkhill (arranBements still pending) 12 ,ANUARY '97CC Championship (promoted by Nuneaton H) Eurbage Common (details to follow) BVAF 1Oll'lAt,lCtlST T&f Championships Exeter (details from: Ken Ballam, 152 Spring Rd. Bournemouth BH'l 4PX enc, s.a.e)

18 AUCUST 1OK Walk, Pentathlon Solihull 'l (details page 0 )

I SEPTF-MBER Throws Pentathlon Solihull

(details page 1O )

15 SEPTEMBER 10K Road Walk Leicester (details from: Denis Withers, 33 Barker Road, Sutton Coldfield 874 ZNZI

6 OCIOBER 10K Road Kingshurst (details from: John Walker, 'l 11 Cooks Lane, Kingshurst, tlirmingham 8377 6Nt.l enc.s.a.e)

20 OCTOBER CC Relays Sutton Park (details to followl I DECIMBER CC lnternational Scotland (details to follow)

ln connection with the lnternational CC, Peter Ronan will be pleased to hear from any potential England representative who would like to be considered for selection: Peter Ronan, 12 Pennswood Drive, Walmley, Sutton Coldfield 876 AH7. (O121-351-1098) MVA 151 paSe 9 CHAMPION CHIPS ON THT- TRACK

When the 'Champion Chip' first becarne available for road races, I felt rcure as a Technical Official in that it would not affect Track & Field meetings. But with a little more thought, doubt began to grow in my mind. Was Track & Field safe from the inevitable advances of electronic wizardry? Will I still- be able to wear my bright red iacket and fire guns at athletic meetings? Or will the micro chip alleviate the age-old problem of the shortage o{ officals? A p."p into the new millenium could produce a scenario something like this,-,.

Veteran athlete (reg. No, 1537) decides one sumfirer morning that he would like to take part in an athletics meeting. British entries for the World Championships are being held at the Whitchurch stadium. Athletic meetings in the year 2011 are no longer like they were in his youth. The micro-chip embedded beneath the skin'on his chest carries all tlrc information reguired. The National Health Service provides free fitting of the micro-chip, in order to encourage more people to take exercise. So a quick journey to the nearby track is all that is necessary. Provided he completes his race within the time period allowed, the micro-chip does everything else,

At the stadium, warm-up has to be done on the extra track provided for that purpose. Once the new electronics on the main track is switched on, then it can only be used for racing. Within the predetermined time slot, athletes then go to the main track to make their big effort. There are very few officials in the arena. These new micro-chips have done away with the need for Starters, Timekeepers and lrack officials. A small number of non technical officials simply act as policemen. Taking care not to get too close to the activating line, our athlete prepares to start. No practice starts here, this has to be the real thing. No starter barking out orders, no tenseness caused by the anxiety of anticipating the delay time and no need to worry about beating others to the start, False starts are a thing of the past and firearms are no longer required. With the micro-chip doing all the work, he now starts when ready. Accelerating over the activation line, his start is recorded. together with all his personal details. Even wind speed and direction details are logged in. His race titne is automatically recorded on passin6 the finish line and all the relevant details listed on the stadium computer.

I or this meeting, each competing countryrs track throughout the World is linked via the 'lnternet'. So as soon as the time allowance for that race is completed. a central computer immediately prints the results. Obviously, the fastest being the winner and so on.

With a system such as this, more than one track in each country can be used. This speeds things up and reduces the amount of travelling by competitors. Meetings are now much easier and quicker to organise by a 'small team, Of course, the tracks themselves are much nrore expensive than they were in the 1990's. But the many millions of pounds available from the National Lottery has provided each county with at least one stadium to lnternational Standard. So even the Leagues matches can be conducted in the same manner.

With a little more imagination and expense the use of the micro-chip will soon be available for Field Events. Nowadays the BVAF has a very large membership. lnstead of ageing athletes becoming Technical Officials, tlrey are staying fit and living longer by continuing to compete.

Because these matches have lost a lot of spectator support due to the lack of direct competition, Television Companies now rely heavily on sponsorship by the major drug companies and politicians, ls this really the future for athletics? lt isn't impossible.

Athletes were opposed to a ReBistratibn Scheme but the 'Champion Chip' is well on its way to doing iust that! o RAY (;OOl)tNC 14.4.95. Tou can lwn one of ,try tnntblcs Onndad tftumiltu EaaS you.'oe last ytou.ris'

Acknowledgements to the 'Oldie' )

MVA lst Page 10

SOLIHULL CHAMPIONSHIPS : Norman Green Stadium, Sunday 18 August 1996

BVAF & MVAC Pentathlon Champs. E6 BVAF lOK Track Walk t4 MVAC 10,0O0m Champs 12. 50 Open 10Om; 2OOm; lmile fl per event


Entry Form:


TEL: NO. Please enter me for the following events:

I enclose entry fee of f .... payable to MVAC and 9x4" sae. Entries to: J Quantrell 5 Highfield Road, Evesham, Worcs WRll 6PU. CLOSING DATE:. 3 August 1996 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


Norman Green Stadium, Solihull, Sunday 8 September 1996

PLUS: Open 100m; 20Om; 300m; 60Om; lmile and 5K Walk FIRST EVENT: 11.00 am

Entry form:





MVAC No. .. Please enter me for the following events:

I enclose entry fee* of f ...... payable to MVAC and 9x4" s.a.e

*Throws Pentathlon f5. Running events L2.50 for any number. Walk f 1.50

Entries to: J Quantrell, 5 Highfield Road, Evesham, Worcs. WRl l 6PU

CLOSING DATE: 24 August 1996