fuNE 1996 No. 3. THE MIDLAND VETERAN ATHLETE NO. 151 The official publication of the Midland Veterans' Athletic Club President : Norman Carter tit"ffihippt Secretary: Edgar Nicholls, Rainbow Cottage, 15 Meadow Lane, Alvechurch 848 7LN Editor/Treasurer: Colin Simpson, 87 Willow Road, Solihull 891 1UF i x Typing & Layout: Margaret Simpson Chairman: fohn Topliss, 136 Hillhook Road, Sutton Coldfield 874 4XA E.C.M 21 April 1996 The meeting agreed, unanimously, to amend the financial year to: 1 lanuary to 31 December, and the requirement for the A.C.M to be met within four months of the end of the financial year. This now clears the way for further A.C.M's to be held in April, hopefully after the relays, which have been held in Tamworth for some years and which we hope will continue at that venue. Certainly, the attendance of 59 members was higher than anything experienced at Rugby in October and your committee look forward to a similar attendance in 1997. o= o=o- o=o=o= o=o=o= o CLUB CHRISTMAS SOCIAL 18 .IANUARY 1997 Tamworth will again be the venue for our annual Social and Buffet. CAPTAIN SWINC will be repeating last year's successful Barn Dance. Further details will, of course, follow..........MEANWHILE : BOOK THIS DATE!!! BVAF CC CHAMPIONSHIPS : PRINCETHORPE feremy Hemming has many excellent photographs taken at this race and can supply a list if application is made with an s.a.e. His address is: 4O Balvernie Crove, London SW18 sRU - tel. 0181-874-1645 Fax. 877-1173 MVAC High quality embroidered cloth badges are available f rom: Peggy Taylor, 17 Poplar Farm Close, Milton-urder- BADCES Wychwood, Chipping Norton, OX7 5LX. Price: f2.O0 (including postage and packing) Cash with order Ctreques ard postal payable to MVAC please. THE M.V.A IS PRINTED BY IMPACT PR]NT SERVICES LTD. UNIT 4, PERCY BUSINESS PARK, ROUNDS CREEN, OI.DBURY, WARLEY 859 2RD (0121-544-4513) WHO ARE VERY COMPETITIVE AND wlLL BE PLEASED TO QUOTE FOR CLUB REQUIREMENTS MVA 151 9age TAMWORTH WARM UP MEETING : SUNDAY 14 APRIL 1996 ALL TIMES AND DISTANCES ARE NETT OF HANDICAPS l5Om 2 mile walk High Jump 1 B Ariss t7 .7 I C Turner 2t.29.8 I R Chrimes 1 .70 2=J Cains 17.9 2 S Bull 2t.32.6 2 C Green l.6l 2=M Garvey t7 .9 3 D Withers 2t.34.3 3 J Quantrell 1.50 4 G Felton 18.1 4 W Rawlins 2t.39.9 4 M Garvey 1.50 5 R Cawson tE.2 5 S Haynes 2t.4t.2 5 P Garvey 1.45 6=J Bartlett I E.4 6 D Fall 21.42.1 6 B Abdy 1.45 6=O Codrington 18.4 6OOm 8Om l0OOm I M Smith 1.2E.6 I C Fairey 9.2 I M Perry 3.48.9 2 R Phipps I .30.0 2=A lovett 9.3 2 K Wood 3.49.9 3AOrr I .30. 3 2=B Maurice 9.3 3 J Hill 4.03.9 - 4 M Perry- t.32.7 4 B Ariss 9.1 4 D Fall 4.04.6 5 T Howarthg 1.33.E 5 R Cawson 9.5 5 C Turner 4.05..6 6 J Hill 1.34.6 6=M Levington 9.7 6=J Cains 9. Tscr Shot 3OOm Discus I C Fairey I 5.3E l=S McDonald 37 .3 I C Faire5r 41.30 2 T Clowry 14.04 l=J Cains 37.3 2 R Chrimes 37.6E 3 R Chrimes 13.54 3 R Cawson 31.9 3 C Dawson 34.7 8 4 J Bartlett 12.7 t 4 G Felton 3E. I 4 C Gammon 32.78 5 C Dawson 12.50 5 W Lewis 3E-7 5 C Smith 32.72 6 C Davey 12.2E 6 B Ariss 39.0 6 J Wakeman 32.68 [.ong Jump Prize Winners I C Green 6.10 Colin Fairey lE pts. 2 O Codrington 6.03 Rosemary Chrimes l5 pts 3 V Kirkland 5. EE Colin Green ll pts 4=J Bartlett 5.7E Joe Caines lol4 pts 4=B Taylor 5.78 Brian Ariss lO pts 6 M Garvey 5.7 7 Mike Garvey 9 pts Malcolm Perry 9 pts NUNEATON'IO' BRAMCOTE BARRACKS SUNDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 1996 LUTTERWORTH ROAD (B 4II4) NUNEATON ll.O0 am start This race, which, as usual will include the MVAC lO mile road race, is being staged by Nuneaton Harriers -in-thir-new-vaG-whieh-ItrofEir-sEeh-a-Tumes"s-rtrrrear. --Prize-irr-tfre--rraditiomaHiquitrorm-wifl be awarded by MVAC in all the usual categories subject to entries, including team race (3 to count) and open age Sroups. All entrants MUST use the form below if they wish to be considered for club awards. The entry fee includes entry into the open race with its usual geoerous prize list. Collect numbers on the day. CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES : 2 September 1996 TO: NUNEATON'10'RACE lll COOKS LANE, KINCSHURT, BIRMINGHAM B37 6NU SURNAME MVAC NO ..... DATE OF BIRTH .... FIRST NAME AGE GROUP ADDRESS TEL. NO m/t Please enter me for the MVAC and Nuneaton Harriers lO mile road race. I enclose I4.OO entry fee (9x4" sae for travel details if required) Cheques/p.o payable to MVAC please. MVA 151 pase 3 RENEE SCOTT Renee Scott collapsed whilst taking part in an open race walk at Chesterfield on Saturday, 13 April 1956. She later died from a massive brain haemorrhage. She was aged 67 years- I was privileged to enioy Renee's friendship and competitive rivalry for more than forty years. I shall miss her heavy breathing coming up behind me, but in our younger days we were much more evenly mathced! Renee was a first class administrator and organiser across a wide spectrum of athletics at local, regional and national level She also coached. At the tirne of her death, and for as long, as I can remember, she was Secretary of (;reater Manchester AA. She was a past-president of her club, Bolton Harriers, and indeed was its current Chairperson. She was a past-president of ttre Womens Cross Country Association and apst president of the Northern Area Race Walkin6 Association. During her presi- dential year in 'l 991 she was responsible for the main organisation of that area's Diamond Jubilee.celebtrations. Her death leaves many gaps. Renee had remained an athlete all her life, but with the growth of Veterans athletics she enioyed a resurgance of her race walking. She was able to travel the world enjoying the wonderful cameraderie of the Vets movement and was a frequent medal winner on ttre world stage within her age category' I think her greatest athletic achievement was to become a (lenturion' at the age of 52, the oldest woman ever to do so I don,t know how she did it and am still full of admiration for her commitment and determination. Renee had no immediate family. only cousins, but she was a very special lady to a Sreat many people- Bolton Harriers and Creater Manchester AA are to set up Trust Funds in her name to help young athletes. Donations are welcome. I know Renee would wholeheartedly approve. Renee,s most precious legacy was to donate all her organs including the cornea thus enabling several people the prospect of a brighter future. What better testimony could one have? Renee enioyed a rich, full life and we should be grateful that she died doing what she loved most - race walkint! ' Centurions Club is for athletes who have walked an Pam Horwill approved 100 miles within 24 hours or less' Dudley & Stourbridge Harriers READERS WRITE .... o TERRY PRESTON, well known Nuneaton Harrier, has been seriously ill, but writes to say I am feeling much better after Hospital treatment and chemotherapy and my cancer is in remission. So I am back in training, and despite being over weight and cracking Pavements as I try to run instead of iog I hope to get back to racing again soon. I need regul; checkups io I have to gear my training around this. But with luck I hope to race later in tie summer or autumn and ag;in get some xc races in. All being well I hope to see all my old Midland Vets during 1996. Rob Suddens from my ;lub had better watch out because I will be after him come the xc season HA HA. STEVE MASON, RSC writes.. I could not resist the challenge laid down by loe Day to say how many different canntries Midtand Vets have run in. 5o here's my personal contribution, trying to work from North to South: Norway & Sweden - but don't go out on a windy day in winter! Canada - lonely, Cermany best place, Denmark and Holland, boring, Belgium, Luxembou.rg, France, Switzerland, 'ltaty,probabty the iugoslavia icoutd now count as at least two bit one at the time), that matches Joe's twelve- The rest-are all hot or very hot - Creece, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia (where a fat burning run became speed work when I was chased by a pack of wild doSt - only recommended if you tiought you couldn't prduce adrenaline any longer) South Africa, Malaya and Singapore - that's twenty three. Oh! I forgat Finland andSpain - 25. For the-most company go to South Africa (Durban) or Singapore; most traffic and stares, Cairo. But for the most inconiiderate motorists and dog owners England easily tops the league table.
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